Sex with Dick

By Sandy Smith

Published on Aug 3, 2022


Sex with Dick 1

Written by: Sandy Smith


This story may contain very graphic sex scenes and is intended for persons 18 years or over. All comments, good or bad, are welcome and will be answered. This story is the property of the author. If you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get permission from the author. This story has some basis in truth but all names have been changed to protect any real persons involved. You may contact the author at:

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Sex with Dick – 1

I had been `given' to Dick as his slut by Larry and Ted before they moved west to look after Larry's aging father. Dick was married, in his mid-fifties so he was approximately 20 years older than I was. Dick's kids were grown and had all left home, his wife was post-menopausal and he told me that there was virtually no sex in their lives other than his masturbating. I suggested that he invite me to dinner to introduce me to his wife, Joan, so that she would think of me as Dick's new co-worker friend with similar interests. He agreed and I was invited the following Saturday night to go to his house for dinner and an evening of talk with him and his wife.

I arrived, dressed in my most elegant casual clothes at 7pm as instructed and on entering their very beautiful home I was immediately introduced to Dick's wife Joan. Joan was striking, her hair was strawberry blond, she was slim, well-proportioned with what looked to be a very nice set of tits. Her shapely legs were presented under a knee-length skirt and dressed in smoky gray stockings and black patent flats. I shook her hand as I was introduced and as I looked into her beautiful face I felt a kind of tingling between our hands as we shook. Joan must have also noticed it as she made a little `Oh' motion with her lips.

"Thank you very much Joan for inviting me to come to your beautiful home for dinner with you and Dick. I don't know if Dick told you but I'm single and not much of a cook. I'm really looking forward to this meal; Dick has told me that you are a fantastic cook. I can't wait." Joan blushed at my compliments, and I'm sure at the electric touch we had just experienced.

"Welcome Sandy, I'm happy to have you in our home. I'm glad Dick has someone who enjoys the same hobbies as he does."

I was ushered into a living room that looked like it was out of Home & Garden. Dick asked me what I'd like to drink and I said a dark rum and cola if he had it, a rye and ginger if he didn't. Joan asked for her usual martini which was what Dick drank also. We were soon able to raise our glasses in a toast, I toasted to my lovely hostess and new friend as well as to their beautiful home. Both Dick and Joan beamed at my compliments and we sat back to small talk and drinking. Two rounds came and went before Joan announced that dinner was ready and invited me to sit in the dining room.

I sat on the side of a beautiful cherry dining room table between my host and hostess at either end. "This is a beautiful dining room set Joan, is it cherry?" I asked.

Joan nodded and told me it had been made by Amish workmen from Pennsylvania. It was the pride of her home she added and I could certainly see why, the workmanship was exquisite and the wood glowed in the soft light from a crystal chandelier overhead. The meal I had been invited for included an appetizer of homemade French onion soup, followed by a small green salad and a main course of roast lamb, acorn squash and whipped potatoes complete with mint sauce. Accompanying each course were glasses of different wines chosen to complement the course at hand.

The final chapter of this gourmet meal was a baked Alaskan pie that was brought in on fire by Dick. I was awestruck and couldn't seem to keep the complements from tumbling from my mouth, for the dessert as well as for the whole meal. Enjoying this last course I was suddenly aware of toes rubbing my leg, seeking to move up my pant leg to my bare skin. It wasn't Dick and that surprised me from his description of their marriage. I made no outward indication but under the table I moved my right leg sideways to give the intruders more open access to my leg.

"Sandy, did you enjoy that?" Joan asked coyly when I had finished my desert and sat completely sufficed.

Looking first at Dick and then directly at Joan I said "Yes Joan, I did truly enjoy everything about the dinner, you are a fantastic cook and hostess. Dick is very lucky to have you in his life." With a little different look on my face I said "Thank you for the attention you have paid to me Joan, it is so nice to have friends that are interested in you and who want to know you better."

Joan blushed just ever so slightly at this underhand complement (for her undertable attention) and nodded her thanks. She told Dick that he should go out and set up the telescope for the upcoming viewing and asked me if I would help her clean up the dishes. Both Dick and I agreed to our respective tasks and I set to clearing off the table and taking everything into the kitchen. As I brought dishes in Joan rinsed them and put them into the dishwasher. The crystal wine glasses were set aside for hand washing as were several of the larger serving dishes and pots.

Joan was standing at the sink preparing to wash the wine glasses when I stood slightly behind her and pressed my knee into the back of her leg. She stopped what she was doing and moved backward to spoon into me. My cock, always ready to a call of action, was stiffening in my pants and tenting the front of my brushed cotton slacks. I pushed my erection into Joan's firm bum and she moaned at the feel of it. "God Sandy, that feels so good, it's been so long since I've had any sexual relief that I had almost forgotten how erotic it can be."

I whispered into her ear that I thought she was one of the most beautiful women I had every laid eyes on and I was surprised that Dick wasn't all over her all the time. Joan blushed, I could see it from my side view of her cheek, and told me that she thought that Dick had developed an attraction to men and couldn't see any more use for her now. I decided to lay my cards on the table in plain view.

"You are right Joan, Dick is attracted to men and I am the man he is attracted to at the moment. I was given to Dick for his use by my last Master before he moved out west. But Joan I am most definitely bi-sexual and at the moment would love to have you lying in bed next to me. Does this freak you out or would you be open to allowing me to service your needs as well as Dicks?"

Joan stiffened slightly at my words, a natural result I guess of finding out her husband was gay, but she recovered quickly to press back against my very stiff cock. "Sandy, I'm not all that surprised I guess but I'm glad that Dick has you as his partner. I would like to have your attention too though. I am in terrible need of sex now, I masturbate several times a day, have a vibrator, actually my second as I wore the first one out, and I need the touch of a real man. Yes please I'd like you to become my lover too."

I had already known that Dick used an area of their large back yard that was far from the house and shielded from house lights by a high hedge to set up his 8 inch reflecting telescope. I knew that it took him nearly an hour to set it up each viewing night so he wouldn't be back to the house for another 30 minutes or so. Knowing we wouldn't be interrupted I moved my hands around to cup Joan's tits, massage them and tweak each nipple until I had her moaning for more. When she did that I reached up under her skirt to pull down her panties, asking her to step out of them. I pushed her slightly to bend over the sink and pulling out my cock I went in search of her cunt opening.

I found a very wet slit and needed no additional lubrication to slide my 8 inch cock fully into this hot horny middle-aged woman. She gasped at the length and thickness of my cock and pushed back to help me bury it fully. "God Sandy that feels so good, I feel so full. Please fuck me and cum in me. I'm going to reach to play with my clit and cum at the same time as you do."

I began to fuck her at varying speeds and with a varying depth of thrust as Joan worked her stiff little clit. She came once, quite quickly, and settled into a longer masturbation set while I worked myself toward an orgasm. "Joan, I'm going to cum very soon, you will feel my cock head flare as the first stream rushes up my penis to spray into your cunt."

Joan groaned and then moaned as she felt the flare of my mushroom head. She began to wail, softly, into another long orgasm as I sprayed jet after jet of my hot semen into her. When I had finished I slipped out and replaced my cock with my hand to capture some of the jism as it began to leak from her pussy. I put cum-laden fingers to Joan's mouth and she hungrily sucked each one clean, moaning as she did.

"I haven't had such a strong orgasm in years Sandy and your semen tastes so thick and sweet. I want more of this for sure."

"Thank you Joan, your body was what turned me on for a massive orgasm. I drink pineapple juice every day to sweeten my semen. I'm going to suggest it to Dick so don't be surprised when he asks you to buy it. Here I'll help you get dressed again, I'm sure Dick will be here shortly to tell me the telescope is ready to go."

I helped Joan step back into her panties and took the opportunity to run my fingers up and down her cum-soaked slit to taste my juice and hers combined. "Also I intend on giving Dick a blowjob Joan so I wouldn't rush out to join us too soon. Is that something you would like to watch?"

Joan said that she would very much like to watch me suck her husband off and there was a small opening in the hedge that would give her a clear view in. I told her to be very quiet when she came out so Dick wouldn't suspect she was watching.

(The stars cum out...)

Next: Chapter 2

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