Sex Toy Story

By moc.oohay@nemarycipsfopuc

Published on Jan 6, 2014



The following story is fictional. Any likeness to real persons or places is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if it is illegal to read this in your region then please leave now.

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I'm not sure how many have read this, but thanks to those who sent me emails. I got convinced to send the next chapters earlier than I had planned.

If you like my story or any story from nifty, remember that Nifty runs because of donations. Happy reading! _____________________________________________________________

This was certainly getting out of hand. I was in a panic holding the multiple photographs of me sucking dick and eating cum.

What is in this box? Should I open it? I wasn't sure what would happen if I opened it ahead of the given time. Would this guy pass this around?

"I could burn these photos" I thought to myself. "but that wouldn't do. I'm sure he has copies of this. Can I buy it off him? Yes. That might work. I'll pay him off."

These words comforted me enough to at least get back my composure and return to my room and think. Whatever was in this box needed to be a secret.

I hid the box on my cabinet in the dressing area and locked it in. No way am I going to let anybody see these photos.

It was around 1 p.m. and I was really hungry. I went down to the cafeteria and noticed that there were only a few people there. I then remembered it was the weekend.

Some of them probably went out or went home. I would've done the same had it not been pointless. My parents were rich, I had a lot of money to spend and so did they.

They seldom stayed at home. They always traveled around the country and even had impromptu out of the country trips.

They haven't even called me to go home the past three weeks which probably means they aren't home. I grabbed a bunch of food I don't even know the names of.

"How're you doing Will?" Manuel, the lunchboy greeted me. He was preferably over his aunt behind the counter.

His aunt wouldn't smile and would just rush everyone out of the line. Manuel was friendly. He would even share a joke or two whenever it wasn't busy.

"Staying in again?" He added, as I always did stay in the dorm during the weekends. The only reason I went out during the weekends was to get money from my ATM or to

take a jog when I got bored of seeing the people in the dorm gym.

"Yeah. What about you? Working on weekends?" I replied in a calm manner. I tried to respond to him the way I always did so as not to show that I'm in a lot of trouble.

"Yeah. Auntie's not feeling well and someone has to manage things here. Enjoy!" he said as he handed the change for my meal.

"Thanks." and I turned around and sat in the corner booth. I had never paid much attention to this, but as I was eating, I noticed that Manuel had a terrific body.

"He's cute" I whispered to myself, and then added "what the fuck did I just say?".

After eating, I started reading my textbook. I didn't notice that someone had walked in the cafeteria. He was already sitting in front of me when I finally saw him.

"James!" I said in surprise. All of a sudden all my panic and other things I put at the back of my head came back to me. I had this guys dick in my mouth last night.

He watched me guzzle his cum off his dick and off the floor. He fucked his way to my throat - and here he was smiling at me like nothing happened.

I wanted to tell him about the photographs, but I'm not sure how we would react and that it might make the situation worse. I kept it to myself.

I was about to speak when he said "Sit beside me". I didn't know what to do so I stood up and sat beside him. He looked worried so I asked "Why? Is something wrong?"

He put his arm around me and leaned forward to whisper.

"Your mouth felt so good." he whispered as he grabbed my hand and put it on his half erect cock, which he somehow put out probably when I was switching to his side.

"What are you doing?" I said in a panic but he put his hand around mine and forced me to jack him off with his hand.

"I want to fuck your mouth again. I need it..." his voice was soft and his breath felt warm on my ear. I was turned on by this.

"No. You can't" I said. "I don't want it." I told him.

He motioned me to look down at his cock and there I saw something I wasn't even aware of - he already let go of my hand. I was jacking him on my own.

I took my hand off his cock and as I did so, he grabbed mine with his hand.

"You don't want to huh?" He said, giving out warm breaths of air as he spoke directly to my ear. I couldn't deny it. I was getting aroused by this guy.

Heck I was masturbating his cock for him without even knowing it.

"Come on. There's hardly people on our floor. Lets go."

I wasn't sure what was going on in my mind by then. I went out of the booth and so did he. He led the way out of the cafeteria and I followed him.

"See you soon!" Manuel said with a smile. I just smiled back and went on with James. He almost dragged me back to our dorm room.

When we were there, he wasted no time. He removed his pants and his briefs and there was his half erect cock. He told me to start sucking on it right away.

"This will be the last time." I said sternly.

"Alright. I promise. This will be the last day." He said and I grabbed his half erect cock with my hand.

I was about to put my mouth around it when I remembered that we got spied on last night.

"Go on!" He said and he grabbed my head and almost shoved his dick in my mouth but I resisted him.

I told him if he wanted relieve his cum, we would have to do it in the dressing area where there were no windows.

He didn't look puzzled by my condition. It was a logical one and I didn't need to explain why - which worked both ways.

I locked the photographs inside my cabinet so there was no way he could see them.

Once we were inside, he grabbed both my hands with his and put it against the wall. We were face to face and then he pushed me downward.

I opened my mouth and before I could even breathe, he was already all the way in. His cock was still soft but it was already reaching my throat.

He was thrusting forcefully despite his half erection. I was sucking him back and using my tongue.

I was making drool to lubricate his dick. I figured the reason was so it wouldn't hurt my mouth but I knew I was just making excuses. I wanted him to feel great.

Making his cock more slippery while I was sucking on it would make him feel great - that was the real reason of my actions. I just didn't want to admit it to myself.

He was moaning loudly and he let go of my hands. He grabbed my head and he was thrusting faster and faster.

I was busy sucking on his cock while trying to catch my breath as well. After a few seconds he got even faster and I felt his cock become even larger.

He was finally at his full erection and I was taking all of his cock inside my mouth. He continued fucking my mouth fast and hard and then he let out a loud moan.

"Urghkqk" I muffled, as loads of cum came squirting in my mouth. It was a lot of cum. I found it surprising since I just emptied his balls this morning and yet again

right now he is almost choking me with the amount of cum he released in my mouth. I felt some of it leak from the side of my mouth.

"Swallow it" I heard him say "with my dick in your mouth" he added. So I tried to swallow what he released inside my mouth while he was slowly fucking my mouth with

his dick that was already losing its stiffness. He grabbed his dick and emptied it of cum directly into my mouth. He pulled out and there was a small popping sound,

as I was still sucking at it. He laughed and said "use your tongue to clean the cumspills from your mouth." Which I did. There was the distinct smell of cum filling

the room. I was not full from the lunch I had but this mouthful of cum really made me fill full.

He sat down and leaned against the wall, his cock still wet with my saliva. I got up and said "I'm going to read" and he grabbed my hand and pulled me back down.

"We're not yet done" he said.

"YOU SAID IT WAS THE LAST TIME" I yelled at him.

"I said it was the last day!" he replied with a laugh. But then he got rid of the smile from his face. "But if you don't want to, then I guess that was the last time."

He was reaching for his underwear when I said,

"Wait... Alright." and I got back down.

"Stay here." He said and he went to his desk and grabbed a book and a highlighter. He then removed his shirt and went into the dressing area. He locked it.

"Remove your clothes." His voice was commanding.

"Why?" I replied defiantly.

"It's our last day anyway. I want you fully naked when you suck me." The way he said it convinced me.

What was up with this guy and why was I strangely eager to please him? I removed all my clothes and put it in the corner. He looked at me from head to toe.

He got closer to me and he leaned forward to his dresser. He told me to close my eyes which I did. I heard him get something from his dresser drawer and after a while

felt him put something like a band around my waist and under my buttcrack. He told me to put my hands on my back and I heard a click.

"Don't open your eyes yet" he said. I was getting excited by this point. I'm not sure why. I then felt a cold ring like object on my dick and balls.

I didn't mind, but then he put my dick in a cold and tight metallic tube, which hurt because of my erection. I opened my eyes and I heard clicking sounds yet again.

I saw my dick, tightly fit around a cage. He had locked it and waved the key in front of me. "I'll unlock it later, if you let me write something on your forehead"

I was in too deep. I wasn't sure if he would unlock it, but it was really starting to hurt. I was getting aroused even more which made it even tighter around my dick.

This was getting out of hand, but I was really enjoying every minute of it. I didn't let him know it though. My hands were also bound.

"alright then" I finally replied. There was nothing I could do right now. He then wrote something on my forehead with his highlighter.

He sat back down again and opened his textbook. This time though, he leaned against the wall adjacent to our full body mirror.

"Suck my dick while I read for a while. Make sure your eyes are on the mirror all the time."

I got down and put his soft dick in my mouth. Even though it was soft, it was still huge.

Without any stiffness, it was still thicker and larger than the full length of my cock.

I stared at the mirror as he said, and I read the word "SLUT" written on my forehead, with a drawing of a pussy from my nose to my mouth. He laughed and started reading.

"Make sure you keep on watching yourself as you're sucking my cock. Think of it as free porno." He said while reading his book.

This was really humiliating, but instead of getting angry, I was getting more aroused by the second. This made me feel more pain in my dick as it was getting tighter.

I tried hard not to think about the pain. I was concentrating on the monstrous cock which I had my mouth around on.

Sucking and licking it while moving my head up and down was somewhat a challenge. My hands were bound which made it even more difficult for me to maneuver around.

He would say faster and slower every once in a while, and I did so.

After about a half hour, he said that I should make him cum or else I'd get an extension within the day.

I did try to make him cum, but not because of the extension. It was because I wanted him to feel good, and moreover, it was because I wanted the taste of his cum,

I wanted his cum to fill my mouth almost to the point of choking me. I tried hard, sucking and moving my head up and down to motion his dick up and down my mouth.

I went faster and faster but try as I might, it was really difficult to keep on bobbing for cum. His huge mushroom head of a dick occupied my mouth to almost completely

block my airway which made me pause every once in a while. It was about 15 minutes like that when he finally said,

"Time's up. I need to attend a group meeting in about 2 hours." He said. I thought it was over and I let his cock out of my mouth.

I didn't know what was going on my mind, but I knelt before him. He grinned at me and told me to open my mouth.

I did, without even asking why as he said he had a meeting and I assumed he needed to get ready. He got down and put something on my it.

It was cold and it definitely kept me from closing my mouth afterwards there was a tight band around my head.

"I need to take a shower. There's no one around the floor, or at least, only a few people. Keep my dick in your mouth from now until I get back here from the shower."

I wanted to reply "NO" this was way too much, and yet I felt the cage get tighter around my dick.

He just laughed and said "What what? I can't understand you with a dick in your mouth" which was when he shoved his dick inside my mouth.

This time I did try to fight back, even though I was extremely aroused. It was no use though, as my arms were bound behind my back and my dick as caged.

Not to mention my mouth had a contraption that kept me from doing anything to prevent his monstrous cock to fuck it. He then showed me the key to my cage.

"I'll let it go only if you do this. You don't want to stay like that and let somebody else find you right?" He said in a painfully joking manner.

How could I let this happen? Yesterday this guy was just a random guy I met at a party who turned out to be my roommate. Now he had his cock inside my mouth and he

was giving me non-optional options. I was really nervous. What would happen if others saw us? The shower area was about 3 rooms away. That wouldn't take long.

I was still thinking when he said "This is the last day. I promise. Nothing more after this. No more games." he said. This cleared my head a little.

I couldn't reply with his cock in my mouth. "If you say yes, just move your tongue around my cock." I did that exactly. "That feels good. Come then.

He started walking out of the dressing area and grabbed his towel. I was on my knees trying to keep up with him, making sure his cock was on my mouth the entire time.

He opened the door and got out. He started walking towards the bathroom sideways, so I could also keep up with my lips still around his cock.

I was drooling over the place but I didn't care. I just wanted to get this over with. Finally, he was near the sliding doors of our shower area.

I was feeling a little relieved. Unfortunately, he stopped, let out a laugh and said "Oops. I forgot my soap." and let out a loud laughter.

"MMHPMPMPPP"I said but he just thrusted his dick deeper into my mouth and I kept quieted down. He walked sideways back into our room and got his bathing stuff.

We went on towards the shower area and he finally stepped inside. His cock was in my mouth the entire time.

He positioned me with my back against the shower. He left the sliding doors opened. Should anyone try to use the shower area, I would forever be known as the fag

who sucks dick in the shower area. He started with his shower. He would sometimes give me commands similar to what he did earlier.

There was nothing I could hear but the sound of water falling on the ceramic tiles and his voice saying tongue, suck, slower, faster, deeper.

His shower took about 15 minutes. He dried up and he also dried me, possibly to increase the time and make me even more nervous.

My dick was painful as I had an erection all the while, and his cage was tight around it.

We walked out of the shower area, his cock still in my mouth, it was getting softer and softer so I had to put it deeper in my mouth to make sure it didn't slide off.

I was drooling which made it slipper and the gag he placed made it difficult to keep his cock in my mouth with my lips. I tried wrapping my tongue around his entire

girth but his dick was just to thick. He stared walking sideways again but he stopped on the 3rd door from our room. I was getting nervous again.

I started to panic when he knocked on the door. He waited for about a minute and said "Guess no one's here." He laughed and proceeded to the next door.

He knocked and waited again. I was agitated and was making sounds, this made him let out an evil grin and he held my head with one hand started to fuck my mouth right

in front of the 2nd door.

"If you don't shut up, I'll stay here longer" was what he said, so I stopped struggling and concentrated on keeping his cock on my mouth.

"Keep sucking and use your tongue a little more" he added as he was now on the room next to ours.

He knocked, called out "Francis! You there?" and he dropped his towel and bath products and started fucking my mouth right there on the spot.

There was no answer from the door and he kept calling out, louder and louder each time. "Francis! YO! FRANCIS! YOU THERE BRO?" He called out, all the while his hands

were around my head, using my mouth as a sex toy for his enormous cock. He then started moaning out loud, and his thrusts became faster and more forceful.

He was fully erect this time. He wanted to cum inside my mouth - right here in the corridor. I just thought to myself that the sooner we get this done the better so

I started to work on it. I couldn't suck him with the usual way so I used my tongue more. I was definitely drooling over the floor but I didn't care.

After a few seconds, he leaned over the door and finally released his load on my mouth. I felt 3 squirts, it wasn't as much as before but it was still a big load.

He directed me to look up at him and I saw him laugh at me as he saw his cum in my mouth. He told me to gargle and swallow, which I did.

He pushed his now softening cock deeper and he finally opened the door of our room and got inside.

He took off his cock, removed my gag and told me to clean his cock better, which I did. He was now unlocking the cock cage and releasing my hands from his bounds.

I got up, took a look in the mirror and the SLUT in highlighter was almost gone, it just needed a little more work.

He told me to get dressed which I did, as he also dressed himself casually for their group meeting. It was probably a study group as he was bringing his textbooks.

Before he left, he then reminded me, "This is the last time, I promise. Hahaha. Unless of course, you want more of it."

"Why would I want it?" I replied as I was putting my underwear.

"I have a question and it's your choice if you want to answer or not." James said.

"Shoot." I replied, wondering what it could be.

"Are you gay?" he asked as he was grabbing his textbooks.

"You know what?" as I finished putting my shirt on "I think I am."

"That's cool." He said, and he got out of the dorm room.

I didn't know why, but I felt relieved.

That was when I looked at my desk table and saw the brown paper from this morning. I then remembered the note written on the back of the photo.

"Not to worry. This will be our secret.

I want to play with you little puppet.

Open the other box tonight at 8

And I warn you, don't be late. :)"

To be continued ~~~

Next: Chapter 4

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