Sex Toy Story

By moc.oohay@nemarycipsfopuc

Published on Jan 5, 2014



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The first 2 weeks of college went by with nothing really spectacular happening.

I got humiliated by professors, got invited by certain fraternities and finally memorized the names of my classmates.

Of course, there was always Kavian who made it a point in his daily routine to make sure he joins me in the shower "by chance"

and accidentally drops his towel everytime he's drying himself completely in our room.

To be honest, it was bothering seeing his enormous dick daily.

I got pissed off with his mind games that I wanted to change my room.

Building 4 had a lot of unoccupied beds since it was the most expensive dorm available.

So I really thought it was possible to just get a transfer slip and change my room. That way, my issues will end.

On the 3rd week, there was a private party hosted by one of the biggest frats in the university. I was invited since this frat wanted me to join them.

I was rather excited to finally see a college party. I've heard so many stories of crazy antics happening during parties, especially those attended by frats.

Turns out I was right. The moment I entered, I saw so many boobs, pussies, and dicks flying around the room. Turns out it had a theme - underwear or nothing.

There were people in there underwear as well, but I guess they were outnumbered by either the courageous or the drunk.

I didn't want to be a spoilsport so I took off my clothes and gave it to one of the fratboys in charge of storing clothes.

I was having fun socializing with people. There were seniors and even alumni present. You can just imagine my euphoria of being fresh out of highschool

and right now I was talking with naked women. All of a sudden, I heard a familiar voice call my name.

"Will!" It was Kavian, fully naked with 2 naked women in both his arms. Clearly, they'd just taken jello shots from his body.

"Sorry ladies, but I'm kidnapping him for the rest of the night." He grabbed me by the arm and introduced me to some other people.

Turns out he was a member of this frat and he was one of the people who recommended they get me in. He introduced me to Bill, Danny, and James.

It turns out that James is my other roommate, and he was an intern that's why I barely saw him in the dorm room.

"Well, isn't it awkward meeting you in my underwear" I said.

"This guy is alright!" he said in a high voice and laughed as he was buck naked.

I can't help but take a slight look at his dick. It was shorter than Kavian's but it's still huge, thick and it had a wide head.

I saw Kavian let out a slight smile and I immediately looked at him.

"I was having fun with those girls" I said.

"Have fun with us instead" and he and the boys took me near the billiard table to play pool.

It was a game within a game, as the person who couldn't pocket had to take a shot of tequila and a glass of beer.

Each of us failed and after a while, I knew I was drunk.

It was about 2 a.m. when James decided to call it a night and went back to the dorm room.

He was drunk as hell but I was having fun so I didn't offer to accompany him back.

The party was getting really crazy as there were people already making out in all places.

I entered a room and saw about 4 pairs of people having sex in it.

I'm not even sure they were aware that other people were fucking right next to them.

It was about 3:30 a.m. when I decided to go home. I was barely walking straight.

I got into my room and noticed James wasn't asleep as I thought he would be. I removed my shirt and pants and I was just on my boxers.

That's when I noticed James was inside the dressing area.

I thought I heard him crying and so I went inside to see if he was alright.

He was clearly drunk. He was wearing underwear but but legholes were in one leg. I didn't even think he noticed.

His dick was there. Perhaps it was because I was closer to him right now, but his dick appeared to be a lot bigger than before.

I also noticed the prominence of his vein in it. I didn't know whether to go closer or tell him to put on some shorts.

"Sorry" He said. He was definitely crying.

"Something wrong bro?" I asked. Still hesitating to go near him. However, I can't really deny that I was looking at his dick.

For some reason, I felt an erection. "Crap" I said to myself. "WTF is wrong with me. I was with a million boobs and nothing happened.

Now I see a dick and I'm aroused? You've got to be kidding me." Those thoughts were repeated in my head.

I didn't even notice that I already had my arm around his shoulder.

"what's wrong James?" I asked again.

"Sorry." He said again. "Didn't think you'd go home. I thought you and Kavian stayed in the frat house."

"I wanted to be alone. My girl just dumped me."

I'm not sure whether it happened or it was just the booze, but I felt his hand grab my dick, and then squeeze my ass.

"I'm fine." He said casually. He then left the dressing room and went to bed.

I did the same. I had a headache but I was certain he just grabbed my dick. I was in my bed trying to sleep. My headache was slowly going away.

It was probably around 4:30 a.m. already. I was about to fall asleep when I heard James call me. I opened my eyes and saw him standing next to my bed.

"What's up?" I said.

James just stared at me. I still had a slight buzz but I was aware of what was happening.

"I have a problem, a big one" and he stared straight to my eyes. " And I think you can help. You look able"

He then started rubbing his dick while it was inside his underwear. He then took his hand inside his tight briefs and he put his dick out.

It was half erect, and it was already a lot bigger than it was before. It was leaking precum and it smelled from a mixture of sweat, beer, and cum.

I didn't know what to do nor what to say. I just got to a sitting position on the edge of my bed away from him.

My buzz was definitely gone. This is fucked up.

"I just broke up with my girl, and someone needs to suck this dick." and all of a sudden his sweet charming voice transformed into a deep and commanding one.

"And that's you Will." He then continued stroking his dick. It was getting stiffer and stiffer by the second. It was huge.

It was probably 9 inches by now, and thick. It wasn't even fully erect. "What do you say?" He added.

I hardly managed to voice out a reply. I was a deer caught in the headlights - a very long, thick, and alluring headlight.

He stepped closer to me, his dick almost touching my face. I could smell his precum, and I know I had an erection. It was showing through my boxers.

"You want to right?" His voice becoming sweet and charming yet again. As if he was trying to convince me. I was still dumbfounded.

I tried to say "no", to even shout "HELL NO" but I couldn't.

I looked at his dick, and it was as if his dick was sufficient enough to leave me bruised if ever it was used as a beating stick on me.

"I was just asking." he said with a soft voice. "I noticed you had an erection earlier, just like now. You may like women, but I think it's okay to try just this once."

He said. He kept playing with his dick right in front of me. He was now really masturbating in front of me.

"I guess not then" he said in a disappointed voice and he stopped jacking and started to put his dick back in his briefs, though I doubt it would fit there now.

"Don't", I heard a voice say. Turns out it came from me. It was an impulse. I didn't even think of it.

"What?" He said, turning back around to me, his dick fully visible despite being inside his briefs.

"Do you want to?" he added.

I couldn't speak yet again. "You don't have to say yes." Just open your mouth. He was really convincing. It was as if he was a salesman, a subtle one.

I could definitely feel my erection, my own dick was throbbing with just the sight of his. Without even thinking, I opened my mouth.

He let out it his huge dick again. It was fully stiff and erect. It was probably about 12 inches, the same as a ruler and it was really thick.

He put both his hands on my head and was about to fuck my mouth when I stopped him and said,

"Just this once", I looked at him.

"Just this once. He replied with a smile on his face.

I dropped my hands and he started fucking me. I had no idea how turned on I was until I realized that I was drooling all the while.

He easily slipped half of his dick inside me, and it hit my throat. I started to choke a little and he pulled out.

"Hold your breath" he said and all of a sudden he forcefully fucked his dick through to my throat. I almost vomitted. It was so thick it almost filled my mouth.

He started thrusting and I don't know how long it was but I needed to breathe, I had to push him to stop him. He wouldn't let go of my head.

He just let his dick out of my mouth and started laughing. It was as if he owned me. I could see his dick all slimy with my saliva.

I started coughing and my drool just fell out of my mouth. He forcefully opened my mouth with his hand and started fucking me again.

This time he only put about half of his dick inside my mouth, so I could breathe easily. However, I could feel my saliva flooding my mouth, some of it oozing out

at the sides. I didn't care if it was a sloppy blowjob, I didn't even care how it felt for him, because I found myself enjoying his thickness inside my mouth.

I didn't care that I could taste his precum on my mouth. I was enjoying this. I liked doing this.

It was as though I had a long awaited epiphany - and it happened while I had somebody's dick fucking my mouth. I looked at him and he was smiling. He even patted my

head like I was his pet dog. He had a smile on his face and he said "That's a goodboy" and that's when I found out that my assumption that he thought I was his dog -

a pet he could command and order around at any whim.

Instead of being offended, I was even more turned on. I actually tried to please him. Before he was just fucking my mouth, but not I was sucking his dick as he was

fucking my mouth. I was also using my tongue now. I heard him moaning. I noticed our wall clock beside him and saw that it was almost 6 a.m. already.

I was sucking his dick for the past hour. I thought that was really long. Perhaps it was also the booze that made it longer.

He then placed both his hand on my head again. He started fucking my mouth faster and faster. He was relentless. Not even my trying to push him away worked.

He then let out a loud moan and I felt a spray of cum inside my mouth. He then pulled out and about 3 more sprays of cum covered my face. Even I never had this much

cum in one go. "Swallow it" he said with a stern voice. I looked at him and met his eyes. His eyes were piercing that I immediately did swallow what was in my mouth.

He then used his hand to spread the cum on my face. He placed his hand near my mouth and commanded "Lick it clean." I did lick it clean.

For some reason, I wanted to do what he said. For some reason, I was aroused by this. For some reason, I didn't want to waste a drop of his cum.

I used my own hands to gather what was left on my face and eat it. I saw a few drops on the floor and decided to go down and lick it clean.

I then looked at him and he was just standing there with his dick out, with a trace of cum still flowing. I went near it and almost grabbed his dick when I felt a slap

on my face. "Ouch!" I yelled.

He moved fast and grabbed my chin. His eyes were blazing. "DO NOT TOUCH ME UNLESS I SAY SO. UNDERSTOOD?" he said in a deep and loud manner. I was taken by surprise and

just said "y-y-yesss... S-sorry.. I'm s-sorry.".

"Good. Now put your hands behind your head." He replied. I wasn't even thinking but I did it anyway. "Use your tongue to lick my dick clean."

I stuck my tongue out and started licking the head of his dick, through his entire shaft and all the way to his balls. "Good. Now, use your mouth to make out with my dick."

I immediately opened my mouth again and started to kiss his huge fuckstick, which was now getting softer. "Suck on it" I heard him say, which I did.

"Stand up", and I stood up. He could see my erection. He removed my boxers and asked me what I wanted to do. I said I wanted to jack off. I wanted release my load so bad.

"Really?" he said and then I felt a pain as he slapped my dick and punched my stomach. "That dick is so tiny it's no wonder you hid it during the party." I was ashamed of course.

He was right on the money. It was the reason why I always showered with my boxers on and why I kept it on during the party.

With a full erection, I was probably at 5.5 inches length and probably 2 inches thick.

"Put your boxers back on and go to sleep. I just wanted to see what I would be playing with" he said. His works left a mark on me.

"Playing with?" this thought lingered. Luckily, I was too tired and didn't even bother to think too hard on it. I woke up around 12 noon. Good thing it was Saturday.

I saw that I was alone in my dorm room. I put on pants and a shirt and decided to head to the dorm cafeteria.

As I was about to walk out the door, I noticed a parcel wrapped in brown paper.

I opened it and it had 2 boxes. One said "Open first" and the other was wrapped in newspaper. I opened the box saying "Open first" and noticed it was a bunch of pictures.

I flipped over them and saw that it was me sucking James' dick. It all came screaming back to me. What happened after the party - where James used my mouth like I was

some sort of slut. That he made me eat his cum, that I even licked cum off the floor. That he made me take my clothes off. It was all captured on the photographs.

The last photo was of James' multiple cumshots on my face, with lettering of "HI! :D" and a smiley face on it.

I analyzed the direction of the photos and saw that it must have come from the building right next to ours.

It was supposed to be abandoned though, as there were rumors of tearing it down to build an annex of this dorm.

On the back of the photo was a note.

"Not to worry. This will be our secret.

I want to play with you little puppet.

Open the other box tonight at 8

And I warn you, don't be late. :)"

And I just thought to myself, "SHIT."

Next: Chapter 3

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