Sex Toy Story

By moc.oohay@nemarycipsfopuc

Published on Dec 30, 2013



The following story is fictional. Any likeness to real persons or places is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if it is illegal to read this in your region then please leave now.

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It was the first day of college. I was being herded along with thousands of other students who qualified for this university. It was really a big deal for me as I was just getting used to the big city environment. I lived with my parents in the suburbs for 18 years and all of a sudden I'm on my own in college – not even with friends from highschool as we all went to different universities.

As I was walking towards the assembly area, I noticed a few of the upper classmen probably doing their morning workout routines. It was a mix of hot girls and though I don't like to admit it, hot guys. These bodies were sculpted to perfection. I was looking at the hot girls jogging in their sports bras, their heaving breasts bouncing as they jogged around the oval track field. I guess I stared blankly while walking, and I caught the glimpse of a guy who was jogging with the rest of them. He raised his eyebrows a bit and continued jogging. I went on with the rest of my classmates in front of our college.

We were ushered into the auditorium and oriented with the policies of the college. After about 2 hours of boredom, we were finally told to form a line and go to the university theater for the university wide orientation. I thought this was going to be a drag. I didn't even think about what I was doing. I just put on my earphones and started walking again. Then, I saw him. It turns out he was going to be our usher to the theater. When I saw him up close, I was really wowed. His face was divine. He had a military cut which made him look like a real tough guy. He was buffed up and he towered at about a height of 6'2" to 6'3". Being Asian, I'm tall for the average Asian, but my 5'10" height was nothing to this guy.

He then started to talk.

"Hey everyone I'm Kavian. I'll be your block coordinator and usher for today. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask."

Kavian then led us all to the theater for the orientation. After another 2 – 3 hours of basically repeating what was said in the previous orientation, I was really bored and getting sleepy. In fact, I actually turned down the offer from some of my new classmates to have dinner with them. I was just really tired. Being new to the place, I actually got disoriented. One of my weaknesses is my sense of direction. I asked Claudia, the hot girl who was jogging earlier if she could give me directions to my dorm from the theater.

"Oh this is building 4. Wait a second." She then left. She smelled great. Plus I also slipped a peak at her breasts. She was probably a C or D cup. When she came back, she had Kavian with her and said "that's his dorm as well. Maybe he can give more accurate directions."

Kavian mentioned that he was on the way to drop off some of his things as well and offered to accompany me back. He was chatting with me and asking a whole of annoying things like why I wanted to go back and not associate with my new classmates. He had deep voice. I introduced myself before we got into deeper things.

"My name's Daniel." and then I asked him things just to avoid him asking me more questions. I got to know that his father was Iranian who married a white girl and eventually settled in the U.S. I also learned that he was taking nursing as a major, which was similar to mine. He was a sophomore and in good standing. I actually read in the bulletin boards that he was an honor student and was projected to graduate with a high GPA, something that was really hard to do with the nursing program.

When we got to building 4, I thanked him and I went to the dorm lunchroom. I got a sandwich and went upstairs to my room. The room had 2 double deck beds and could accompany 4 students. I heard that I had 2 other roommates but I haven't met any of them yet. I just ate my sandwich and started reading a book on anthropology and psychology, the first subject I had the next day. I was busy reading that I didn't even notice one of my roommates enter. I was just surprised to hear him say,

"HEY! It's you!" I looked over and it was Kavian. He was my roommate. Apparently he was the K.A. in front of the door and on the top bunk of my double deck. He gave me a few pointers on how to prepare myself for the professor and even have a few study tips. He was very charming and if I may add, he had a dominant disposition. I guess it was because of his rugged look and his buffed up tall body, which was backed by a deep voice.

After reading, I was still a little awake so I decided to hit the dorm gym. It wasn't really much of a gym though, but I did admire that this dorm had its own swimming pool and sauna room and equipment for about 10 people at a time. It was a bit more expensive than the other dorms, and it really shows. After working out, I headed for the shower. I didn't expect it to be the public shower type.

"What a way to skimp out on expenses" I thought to myself. So started showering, with my boxers on. After 5 minutes, Kavian walks in. "Great. Shower conversation" I mumbled. He must have heard it and asked me what I said, I looked at him to reply and he was buck naked. Now I got into the healthcare profession so I was expecting to see a naked man eventually, but not now, not today, and certainly not beside me in the shower. I was a little but dumbfounded. His dick was huge. It was probably about 7 inches long and it wasn't even erect. It was also about ¾ as thick as my wrist, and though I'm not muscular, my body is really toned. So I was thrown a little out of my sense.

"Nothing" I replied and I continued showering. However, the image of him standing naked was all that was running in my head throughout the shower. So when he got in the shower, I snuck a few peaks at him. I didn't even realize that I had an erection, which was obvious since I was wearing white boxers and which were fully soaked by now.

"Didn't know you were gay" Kavian said.

"What?" I replied. And he pointed his lips at my erection. I was speechless. I couldn't think of anything to say to him.

"That's alright." He added. "You can look, but touch me and we'll have a problem."

He then finished showering and started drying while facing me, I think it was to tease me a little. He even dried his dick in a jacking motion and winked before he left with only a towel wrapped around his waist. I also finished showering but I wasn't really in a hurry to get back to my room. I remembered that this guy is my roommate, and he just caught me having an erection after seeing him naked. But by then, I was tired and sleepy, so I just sucked it up and headed on back to my room.

When I got in, I smelled a familiar sent. It was the smell of cum. No doubt about it. Then there he was - wearing boxers and only boxers. I wasn't sure if it was to tease me more or he just slept that way. His big dick made it seem like it was embossed despite the looseness of the boxers. He then went to the top bunk.

I saw him climb up the mini ladder and the head of his dick was out of his boxers. I could even see a small trace of cum leaking out of his dick.

"Shit" I thought, as I felt another erection coming.

I just got to bed and slept, hoping that he would drop this subject... but I was wrong.

Next: Chapter 2

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