Sex Store Seduction


Published on Aug 10, 2020


One tends to think of the West Coast as the land of sunsets. However, parts of the California shoreline face south. This provides both sunrise and sunset light to the beaches. We were going to such an area.

As we drove north out of the city in the early morning darkness, the urban area gave way to suburbs and eventually to something I might almost consider rural countryside. Almost, but not quite. Most of the time, there was still a line of expensive houses and condos along the shore. As dawn began to break, we turned west and arrived at a series of state and county parks. Jalen turned into one of these and parked.

On the beach, the early morning temperature in the mid-sixties was comfortable for the identical white shorts which Jalen handed to Trevon and me. He put our other clothing in the backpack he carried.

"What I'd like you to do is wander slowly down the beach, looking at the ocean and the scenery. Walk hand in hand, smiling at each other frequently. Spontaneous hugs and kisses are welcome. From time to time, sit down on a log or a rock and gaze out into the ocean. Ignore me. Just be natural. Only look at the camera if I tell you to."

Trevon and I did as instructed. Early morning walkers and runners occasionally passed, often giving us friendly waves. Acting naturally, we waved back. Perhaps they thought we were movie stars. Trevon took it all in stride, but it was yet another new experience for me.

As we walked along, Jalen took pictures of us, together and alone. From time to time, he would turn and take a landscape picture. As we approached a fairly secluded area, he pulled a towel from his backpack and tossed it to us.

"Lie down and make out for a while. Kissing, hugging, perhaps a little groping. Just be two kids having a good time at the beach."

That was easy, and we happily obliged. After a while we took off our shorts. A little more hugging and kissing followed, and then Trevon moved on top of me. We were both hard as a rock.

As Jalen continued to take pictures, Trevon made a suggestion.

"What do you think? Should we go all the way?"

I gave him a dirty look. "I'm sore from last night, and probably the night before that. You're not getting into my ass today."

He laughed. "No problem. Do you wanna top?"

I grinned. "That would work."

He rolled us over. "Toss us some lube, Jalen."

Jalen thought otherwise. "Skip the sex for now, guys. After breakfast, we'll spend some time relaxing at an unofficial gay beach nearby. It's also unofficially a nude beach. No one would bat an eye if you screwed there. For now, simulate it."

After a few minutes, Jalen looked around. "The good morning light is gone. Let's get some breakfast."

Breakfast was at a nearby greasy-spoon cafe, edible but not memorable. When we finished, Jalen drove up the coast a ways further, stopping at another state park.

As we got out, Jalen gave us each a handful of small, flat, plastic-wrapped packets which looked like condoms but weren't.

"What are these?"

"Single-use lube packets. Easy to carry in your pocket, easy to open, easy to quickly apply."


"Grab your towels, and let's go. We can spend the morning here relaxing. When do you need to get home, TJ?"

I grinned at him. "I think these days your home is my home. But the grandparents would like to see me before the day is over."

Jalen checked his watch. "Okay, we'll leave about noon and have lunch at home." He grinned at me. "Your home and ours. I'm glad you feel that way."

As we walked along the beach away from the parking lot, naked sunbathers began to appear, all male. Other naked guys were strolling around chatting with them. I was getting my introduction to gay cruising.

Well into the nude gay area, we spread our towels and stripped. We got a lot of lustful glances, but no contact.

"We're jailbait, TJ. Including me, since I don't really look like I'm eighteen. So we can relax here without interruption."

I smiled at him. "Is that good or bad?"

Trevon responded. "It depends on how much you're into older guys."

"So, do other young guys come here?"

Jalen replied. "Yeah, there's usually a few. Right now, there's a couple of teenagers making out by that driftwood to your left, and there's a cute redhead kid closer to us who's dividing his time between watching them and looking at you. I think he's got the hots for you, Country Boy."

"Why me? Why not you? We're all here in one place."

"Because he looks away every time you turn your head in his direction."

I glanced in the direction Jalen had indicated. The red-haired kid had been watching us and quickly looked away.

Jalen laughed quietly. "See what I mean? He wants a little action with you, TJ."

"Should I go talk with him?"

"If you feel like it."

"Should I fuck him? I mean, we are on a public beach."

"The question is, do you wanna fuck him?"

"Well... yeah, I do."

"Then do it."

I looked at Trevon for approval. He grinned at me.

"What he said. Five bucks says you don't get into him."

I grinned. "I'll take that bet."

Jalen handed me my shorts. "Take them along. You'll need the lube, and it'll make it clear you plan to stay a while."

Shorts in hand, I wandered casually over to the redhead. A backpack and a bicycle nearby suggested his mode of transportation. He was leaning up on his elbows, watching the boys by the driftwood.

I tossed my shorts onto the sand. "Hey, dude. You look lonely. Mind if I join you?"

He seemed a little nervous, but moved over to share his towel. I dropped down on my back beside him. Leaning up on one elbow, I held out the other hand.

"I'm TJ. Do you come down here often?"

He shook my hand. "I'm Erik. No, this is my first time here. My buddy said it was a good place to see stuff..." He paused for a few moments. "... and do it too." He glanced momentarily towards the driftwood. "He was right."

I smiled encouragingly. "It's my first time here, too. I'm visiting my grandparents, and I came with some friends."

I checked Erik out a little more. He had a sparse growth of red pubic hair. Thirteen maybe? Had I been ready at that age?

"How old are you, Erik?"

"Thirteen. I'll be fourteen in August."

About one year younger than me. Probably old enough, then.

Now that I was closer to the driftwood, I could see more detail. The two boys appeared to be my age, give or take a year, and they'd progressed beyond making out. As we watched, the top slid his pole into his buddy and began to fuck him. He looked our way and grinned, pleased to have an audience.

I needed to establish commonality. "Three days ago, I was doing that for the first time."

He looked at me with surprise. "You'd never done it before? How old are you?"


"Who'd you do it with?"

"One of my friends over there."

Erik glanced at Trevon and Jalen, who were pretending to ignore us. Then he looked at me momentarily, and then back at the action by the driftwood.

"Do you know them?"

"Yeah. We go to school together."

He looked back at me, checking out my pole.

"Did it hurt?"

"A little at first, but then it felt good."

He looked back at the boys by the driftwood, briefly stroking his boner.

"It looks like fun."

The top kid was screwing his buddy harder and faster now. With a grunt of pleasure we could hear from forty feet away, he drove in hard and unloaded. Finished, he pulled out and got up on his knees, grinning at us again, stroking his still-hard pole for our benefit.

Erik was watching closely. His pole twitched involuntarily. "He wasn't using a condom, was he?"


"Did your friend use one when he fucked you?"


For a couple of minutes, he silently looked out at the ocean, then up at the sky. Then he looked back at me and smiled slightly, like someone who'd made a decision he was satisfied with.

Rolling onto his side, he propped himself up on one elbow and reached out with the other hand, gently touching my abs.

"I like your muscles. You look like an athlete."

"I play basketball. And I live on a ranch in Idaho, so I get a lot of exercise working."

He smiled. "I play basketball, too. I was on the eighth grade team last year. We did fairly well."

"So, are you gonna play in high school next year?"

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to that."

I rolled onto my side facing him and ran my fingers lightly over his chest and stomach. Our eyes met, and we grinned at each other. We were buddies now.

"I like your muscles, too. You've got a hard body."

"I lift weights and work out a lot. I turn out for track, too."

"It shows. You're a hot kid, Erik."

My hand found his rigid pole and stroked it gently. A quick intake of breath told me he liked it. He made no move to stop me. Leaning towards him, I gave him a gentle kiss. Surprised at first, he responded quickly. He gently ran his fingers through my hair and caressed my face. We grinned at each other again.

"I like this, TJ."

"Me too."

Erik watched as I pulled a packet of lube out of my shorts pocket and greased my pole, deliberately testing his resolve. Now was the time to change his mind. His dark brown eyes looked into mine, reviewing the rapport we'd established in a few short minutes, gathering together enough fragments of trust to proceed. He looked at the boys by the driftwood. They were sitting cross-legged on their towel, watching us, grinning expectantly.

Erik slowly rolled onto his back. He grinned back at our spectators, pleased to have an audience. Raising his knees and spreading his legs apart, he silently surrendered his body to me.

Moving closer to him, I kissed him again. My hand moved between his legs, searching for the entry point. Finding it, I carefully slipped a finger inside. He squirmed with pleasure, never breaking off the kiss, comfortable with what I was doing and why I was doing it.

I moved between his legs and leaned over him, watching his trusting eyes as I slowly slid my pole deep inside. Knowing that mine was the first pole to enter him sent a shiver up my spine. I grinned down at him.

"You okay, buddy?"

He smiled and ran his fingers through my hair again.

"Yeah, I'm okay."

As I began to slowly move inside him, he closed his eyes in bliss.

"I've wanted this since the first time I got jizz on my hand."

"Are you happy now that it's happening?"

He opened his eyes and smiled. "Awesomely happy."

Ten minutes in paradise, maybe more. There was no hurry, no anxiety, no confusion this time. Trevon had broken me in well. There was time to think about what I was doing, to watch his reactions, to try to please him as well as myself. Time to slowly bring him to a climax and smile at his excitement as he shot a load as far as his red hair. Time to enjoy his satisfied grin as I slowly pushed myself over the edge and flooded him with boy juice.

Finished, I leaned over him, breathing hard. We both looked over at his friends by the driftwood and grinned at them. They both gave us a thumbs up. We looked back at each other, still grinning.

"That was so cool, TJ. It was what I wanted and more."

I got up on my knees. "It was a great experience for me too, buddy. I'm happy for both of us."

We looked back over at the boys by the driftwood. The top was sliding his pole into his buddy again.

Erik looked up at me. "How soon could you do it to me again?"

"It takes me a little longer than that. Do you wanna do it again?"

He grinned at me. "Yeah, I do."

I dropped down beside him. "My friend Trevon would do it with you if you want him to."

"What's it like having sex with a black guy?"

"A black guy is no different than a white guy, but Trevon is different from me. His cock is bigger and he's rougher. Are you sure you wanna try it?"

He hesitated for a moment. "Yeah."

I turned towards Trevon. "Hey, Trev, come over here... Trev, this is Erik. He and I want you to take a turn now."

I got up and Trevon took my place beside Erik. He grinned and gave Erik a fist bump.

"So, I guess TJ didn't do it right and you need the expert now?"

Erik grinned back. "I had an awesome time with TJ. But he says I gotta try a bigger one."

That wasn't exactly what I'd said, but it massaged Trevon's ego and got them off to a good start. And Erik had the right idea - I wanted him to have a second experience that was different.

Trevon laughed as he quickly lubed himself. "That I can help you with."

Trevon quickly moved between Erik's legs and leaned down to kiss him. Erik grabbed his head and pulled it down, returning the kiss enthusiastically.

Trevon looked up at me with a grin. "Whoa! Did you teach him that?"

I grabbed my shorts and smiled at them. "Nope, it comes naturally for him."

When I dropped down onto my own towel, Jalen pretended to be pissed.

"How come you didn't offer me that opportunity?"

I smiled sweetly. "He doesn't need to be poked with a fencepost on day one."

He chuckled. "Not to mention that being eighteen makes it unwise to screw a minor who's a total stranger."

"That didn't stop you from screwing me."

"That's different. You weren't a total stranger by then. Besides, you did your best to seduce me."

"I admit that. But I doubt if seduction was necessary."

A sharp cry of pain told us Erik had been penetrated. Softer cries followed as Trevon quickly pushed all the way in.

Trevon's hard deep thrusts began immediately. Erik's hands gripped his towel tightly as he struggled to adjust to Trevon's larger pole and rougher approach.

Trevon worked Erik over for a lot longer than I had, varying his thrusts constantly to keep Erik on edge, stopping occasionally to give him another passionate kiss. Having had his fun, Trevon quickly brought himself to the finish line. With a final deep thrust, he flooded Erik with his sperm.

Trevon kissed Erik again, and then stood up and helped him to his feet. Erik put on his shorts and folded his towel, stowing it in his backpack. Jalen and I walked over to join them.

I introduced Jalen, and then asked, "So, what do you think of your first time?"

Erik grinned at Trevon and me. "It was all good. Thanks for the experience." He looked at Jalen's porn-star-size cock. "Maybe I'll try that monster next time."

We all laughed, and Erik hugged each of us.

"Thanks, guys. This has been the best day of my life."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. Maybe we'll meet again."

"I sure hope so."

Erik walked slowly away, pushing his bicycle through the soft sand, looking back occasionally as though he were reluctant to leave.

Trevon dropped down on his towel. "Okay, I owe you twice for that bet."

I smiled. "You can pay me off with sex if you want."

He grinned at me. "I think that makes me a whore. Or maybe it makes you a whore. I'm not sure which."

I gave him a kiss. "I don't mind either way. I'm just happy you helped me give Erik a positive first-time experience."

Trevon stretched out in the back seat and slept on the way home. I sat up front with Jalen and watched the transition back to the urban area.

"Have you ever been to a gay pride festival, TJ?"

"They have one in Boise, but I've never gone."

"There's one near our neighborhood next weekend. Do you wanna go?"

I smiled. "I'd love to. I'd better run that one past the grandparents, though. They give me a lot of slack, but that might be too much."

"You oughta wear those PE shorts you gave Trevon."

Trevon was awake and listening. "I second that motion."

I looked back at him and grinned. "So you'll loan them back to me for the event?"


"I'll see what the grandparents have to say. What are you gonna wear, Trev?"

"I'm waiting for a suggestion from you."

"Let me think about it."

Jalen pulled up and parked in front of the store. We all got out and carried the equipment around to the back and put it away. It was nearly two o'clock, and we were hungry.

Trevon got out the makings for grilled ham and cheese sandwiches. I helped him with the preparation. It had been a long time since breakfast. Between us, we consumed a loaf of bread and probably a pound of sliced ham and a pound of cheese.

I yawned. "I gotta take a nap and then visit with the grandparents today. They've been great about turning me loose on my own, but I gotta spend some time with them, too. And tomorrow, they plan to take me to San Diego. I'll talk with them about the gay pride festival and check in with you when we get back."

Trevon grabbed my arm. "Promise you'll spend tomorrow night with us or I won't let you go."

I laughed. "I'll be here, bro."

"How was your day?"

It was the usual open-ended question from Grams at dinner. I was free to tell them what I wanted to and withhold the rest.

"Jalen took Trevon and me to a beach up north for a photoshoot. He's developing a portfolio for one of his fall classes. It was an interesting new experience. Without Trevon, I think it would have been boring. I wouldn't wanna be a movie star."

Gramps laughed. "I wouldn't either. They don't get any privacy. Anything else to tell us?"

"Well, after breakfast we went further up the coast to a nude beach and spent the rest of the morning laying in the sun and enjoying the scenery." I smiled. "Both the human scenery and the nature around us. Another new experience. I seem to be having a lot of those this year."

At home, I wouldn't have said any of that for fear of being grilled about whether we were naked too and what those other naked people were doing. The comment about new experiences would have led to insistence on a complete listing followed by a critique about which were acceptable. Grandparents are great.

It was time to tread into more dangerous waters.

"There's a gay pride festival coming up this weekend. Jalen and Trevon would like me to go with them. Hunter is going, too."

It was out there now. That word I never dared mention at home. The one that said I might be different.

Grams responded. "I was talking with Terrell and Molly this morning. They extended that same invitation for you to go with the boys. You should go with your friends if you want to."

Gramps had a question. "Will you be dressing for the occasion like a lot of the young people do?"

"Yeah, I plan to wear my old PE shorts."

"Anything else?"

My response was timid, and sounded more like a question. "No?"

Gramps laughed. "Travis, you should express your own personality. Wear whatever you want, so long as it meets the festival standards. The PE shorts would be perfect by themselves, but as much as you dislike footwear, you'll need it for this event." He picked up a shopping bag which had been sitting by his chair. "Terrell suggested these. He bought a pair for Trevon, too."

In the bag I found a pair of simple black flip-flops with rainbow-striped straps. The grin on my face lit up the room.


Grams smiled. "Be sure to thank Terrell. He seems to be taking an interest in making sure you enjoy your visit."

"Trevon and Jalen are, too. You wouldn't believe some of the things they've done for me." Then I got serious and spilled out something which had been bothering me. "I'm sorry I'm spending so much time with them when I came to visit you."

Grams put her hand on mine. "We're very glad you met them, and we want you to spend as much time with them as you can. We've enjoyed you for many years, and this year our enjoyment is in seeing you spread your wings a little. Like your grandfather said, you should express your own personality, whatever that might be. And we'll support you all the way."

Tears came to my eyes. I wiped them away quickly. The elephant in the room had been acknowledged. I knew we'd talk more about it later.

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Next: Chapter 5

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