Sex Pot

Published on Dec 11, 2023


Sex Pot Chapter 9

The Sex Pot

(A Poker Game Story)


Randy MacAnus

© 2019-2023 All Rights Reserved By The Author

If you would like to see the story continue, you can email me with your opinions and suggestions at:

This is fantasy. I try to make my stories seem at least plausible, but none of this is taken from real events. I should be so lucky. If you have ideas about directions you might like the story to take, by all means include them. I have additional chapters outlined, but am open to modifying, if I get interesting feedback.

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Chapter 9

We retrieved a sore and exhausted Freddy late Sunday afternoon. After a three hour nap, we woke him to do his homework. He finished around midnight, then crawled into his cage and collapsed. He clearly needed more recovery time, so we didn't whore him out after his Monday classes. On Tuesday, we brought him home and sat him down for a little talk.

"We have some news for you, boy. I doubt that you'll like it, but that doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is your obedience. Do you understand?"

Freddy had a frightened look on his face, as he emitted that delightful whimper. But he nodded that he understood. He was in the house, so of course he was naked. I had him stand and assume the display position. I knew he felt really vulnerable like that. Plus I really enjoyed seeing that amazing little body displayed, submissive, and ready for use.

"What has been your biggest fear, during your enslavement? The reason you agreed to all of this?"

"That my father would find out about my gambling. Oh gosh, please don't tell me he knows?!!"

"More than that. He knows how you're paying off your debts. And don't you dare move out of the display position!"

Freddy and begun a slow crumple to the floor, but managed to bring himself back to the display position. He was trembling violently, but managed to hold it. I gave him several minutes to process what I had told him, before proceeding. It was hot watching him struggle to hold position. He was also struggling with his emotions. Perfectly understandable. I waited until his emotional struggle turned to acceptance. He was still trembling, but was now holding his position more easily.

"Did you know that your father is bisexual?"

Freddy nodded.

"And you know that both your brothers identify as gay tops?"

He nodded again. And his little dick was now trying to get hard in it's cage. He was beginning to see where this was going.

"Do you remember your first spit roasting at the frat house? I was paired up with the first alumnus."

Freddy whimpered and nodded. Speaking still seemed beyond him.

"That was your father. And he knew who he was going to be fucking before he walked into that dungeon. We were running your first porn video on the big screen. He'd watched it all before we entered."

A moan from Freddy, as his knees buckled.

"Stand up straight, slave!"

And he just barely managed to comply.

"He's very satisfied with what we've done with you. You've been disinherited, of course. But he may let you continue college, as long as you keep your grades up--and as long as we keep whoring you out."

Freddy swallowed hard and nodded.

"But certain things are going to change. Whenever you are home for the holidays, you will remain naked and ready to serve your father, your little brothers, and anyone else they order you to serve. You will be going home for Thanksgiving. Your brothers won't be there. They will be here. We will be training them to make good use of you. It turns out they've wanted to own that pretty body of yours for years. Did you know that?"

Freddy shook his head no. There was a look of fear and wonder in his eyes.

"They will also come here for the Christmas break, so they'll have had plenty of training, before they begin using you. Your father doesn't need training as I'm sure you are aware, from the way he fucked you Friday evening. He's looking forward to having you all to himself over Thanksgiving and Christmas. If you do well for him, you will be able to continue living in his home, after you are done with college. But you will spend the rest of your life as the naked family slave. I would be very careful not to piss off your father or brothers. If they decide to throw you out, they will likely send you on your way stark naked. I know I would."

He had his deer-in-the-headlights look. Not surprising. Freddy took several deep breaths, then surprised me with his first question.

"If I'm going to be their slave for the rest of my life, what would be the purpose of my finishing college?"

"Interesting question. Off the top of my head, two things. First you have your debt to pay off. Your father may not wish to do that. Second, it's always possible that you will gain a skill that would allow you to work from home. That would allow you to earn your keep. And if your father did throw you out, you might actually be able to put together a life that did not involve a minimum wage job. Of course, instead of just throwing you out, he might decide to sell you. If you had a skill beyond sex, you would be a more valuable asset. It's doubtful anyone is going to be plowing your ass often enough to justify owning you, when you're seventy."

"You're making it sound like I'd have a better life as a sex slave, than I would on my own."

"You'd have a chance at a better life. It all depends what you do with the opportunities you might be provided. I have a question for you. What would you do if you just ran off right now and started a life on your own?"

He thought for a very long time, before answering. It might have been the first time I saw him really think something through.

"Even if you took off the cage and gave me clothes, I think you're right. The best I could hope for is a job flipping burgers or something. And it's just as likely I'd be living on the street, a probably whoring myself out, until I lost my looks. I've really messed up, haven't I?"

"Yes. And no matter what you decide, you will have to accept and deal with the consequences of your actions. And just for the record, if you want to run off, I will let you. But you will leave naked and caged, if you go. You still haven't paid off your debts."

He lowered his head, nodded and said, "I deserve that. In fact, I deserve everything that's happened to me. I'll serve all of you as long as my father allows it. And I'll serve my father and brothers, for as long as they want that. I'll be asking my father for permission to finish college. Whether or not my debts are paid off, I'm willing to serve you the full four years. I'm getting the best grades I've ever had. The structure I'm given here is worth what I'm going through. I suspect, knowing my father and brothers, that the cage will never come off. I'm not thrilled with that. But I'm learning to live with it."

"What do you think you'll study? Please don't say anything like Art History. You need to pick something that will give you a career you can pursue from a cage in your father's dungeon."

"I took a computer programming class in Prep School and really liked it. Math is the one thing I've always been good at. Which is amazing, since I can't seem to keep track of cards on a poker table."

My roommates and I cracked up laughing at that. Freddy smiled sheepishly. Through all of this, Freddy had held the display position, which was getting all of us pretty horned up. I walked up behind him, and began running my hands over that incredible body. Freddy never flinched.

"You realize that you will very likely never have sex with a woman."

"Well, at least I got to go down on those Goth Girls. That was fun! I loved how they responded. Do you think they'll rent me again?"

I grinned at my roommates and said, "It's always possible. Did you like getting pegged by them more than getting fucked by men?"

"No. They have one orgasm after another, never go soft, and just keep pounding away. But it is better than putting out for the dog. That was the worst humiliation and pain I've experienced in my life!"

"Well, if we have you for any length of time, that's going to happen again. Probably with some regularity. And the public nudity will just keep getting worse. More people seeing you and more people having you in front of others."

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but that's become a major turn-on. My dick would be hard as a rock, if it weren't in it's cage. The one thing I'd wish for, but don't expect is regular orgasms."

"It's good that you don't expect that. What you can expect is continued punishment for any orgasm you manage."

"Yes, Master."

I grabbed Freddy's balls and squeezed. He gasped and leaned back into me. Mike came up and kissed him hard. Freddy seemed to melt at that. He dropped to his knees and took Mike in his mouth. I got the sense this might be the first time Freddy was really trying to please, instead just doing what he had to in order to minimize the punishments.

Before we picked up Freddy from school, Mike had set up his DSLR to record everything. And Freddy had never blinked at that. He'd seen his first porn video. It had even included the crowd cheering as Freddy was penetrated by Monster. Our contract with him allowed us to shoot video and use it any way we wanted. With what we already had, what would be the point of objecting?

And the camera loved him! With that beautiful face, and stunning muscle twink body, even straight boys wanted him! And with the exercise regimen we had him on, he was even hotter than he was when we met him. And his aura of vulnerability was so darn sexy! Had his father not wanted him, I might have considered selling him to an Eastern European porn studio.

As Freddy enthusiastically deep throated Mike's meat, I pulled the boy's legs apart, lubed Mr. Happy and plowed straight into that exquisite ass. My roommates were all shooting various close-ups with their phones. This was Freddy's first truly voluntary spit roasting. He was never ordered to do any of this. He just went for it. He might be a straight boy, but he was pure submissive. I have no doubt he would've preferred to belong to the Goth Girls. But he had come to accept the need to belong to a dominant owner. And what they had between their legs, just wasn't all that important to him anymore.

Before the afternoon was over, Freddy had served us all from both ends. It was the best he'd ever done. About ten minutes after we finished, there was a knock on the door. Standing there, rubbing their crotches I saw four of Freddy's former dorm mates, holding IOU's from Freddy with big grins on their faces.

"Normally, I would require you to make an appointment. But if you're willing to have us shoot video of you naked, and using Freddy in our back yard, we'll let you spit roast him until sunset."

I didn't think the boys would agree, but they surprised me. Could they wear hoods, or could we avoid including clear shots of their faces? I looked at Mike, our expert cameraman, and he nodded. No hoods, but we would edit out or blur faces any time they would be recognized. We cleaned Freddy out first, so the boys wouldn't have sloppy seconds--or sixths, actually. They knew our rules and had brought condoms.

We strapped Freddy into our outdoor fuck bench, to provide a little variety in positions. We also phoned a bunch our neighbors to come over and watch. When they started arriving with snacks and beer, Freddy started to whimper. But not because of the humiliation. It was because of the pain, with his little dick trying mightily to get hard in his cage. So I guess it was at least indirectly due to the humiliation.

We couldn't let all the neighbors fuck Freddy. There are limits to what a boy can take. Fortunately, not all of them wanted to. Or at least they weren't willing to pay. But they sure enjoyed the show! Naked Freddy being pounded from both ends by four naked college freshmen!

Toward the end of the festivities Monster started getting rambunctious on the other side of the fence. The professor looked over the fence. He had a questioning look on his face, and was holding up his wallet. Freddy was facing that way, and looked at me with his pleading look.

"Is this going to be a problem, slave?"

Freddy sighed and said, "No Master. Whatever you want."

I asked the Professor if he wanted to use the boy as well.

"Oh heck yeah! But I better use him before Monster, or the boy won't have any energy left!"

Professor and dog came over, as the crowd cheered.


I love hearing from readers. Those emails are a big part of my motivation to write. And I certainly don't mind constructive criticism. It's how I learn. Ideas and suggestions also welcome.

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Next: Chapter 10

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