Sex n' School

By Joey A

Published on Nov 16, 2001



I can't help it? what's with me? I can't get this guy out of my head

So - I'm gonna write a story about him. I'm gonna lose a lot of you now when I say that this isn't going to be all sex. Just mostly sex :) Apparently I don't have to have a disclaimer unless it has celebrities in - which it might evil grin - but not for a while - so anyway - if you're too young to be reading this - good for you - I'm possibly too young to be writing it - but that you will just have to find out.

Its all fiction obviously - I'm not really a 17 year old horny sexy guy - I'm an overweight old person with a thing for young boys who writes these stories to get off on all those people wanking over them... or not. You decide.

Some names have been changed -> others not - guess my name is Joey A - and that much is true :) - my email is so email and tell me how much you want to have my babies (or edit my stories?:) Some of this is true - some is not - the main guy part isn't true - but look out for stuff that really happened :)

I am, in case you didn't realise, Welsh - that's the small country attached to England - if you don't understand my language then email me and I'll put it into American for you?

Sex n' School

I'm seventeen. I'm gay? got a problem with that? I hope so :)

Around school I don't have many friends - I'm the first to admit that. Many acquaintances, and nobody is my enemy, which is nice. That's not to say I don't have lots of friends out of school - perhaps its just cos my school is pretty closed-minded? Nevertheless People notice me, and have been noticing for a while. I like to stand out in a crowd.

Ever since I joined the school - two years later than everybody else did - I didn't want to do what others did. Firstly I work, not teachers pet style, but I get good marks, I'm not gonna let my lazy arse give me a crap future career. Secondly I'm a musician - not the rock band thing or anything - classical music - "gay" maybe - but I'm determined to make something of it. The next problem is I sing - in choirs and all that, even founded my own choir in my town, in fact I just got a scholarship to a university to sing in the choir there - I won't tell you where - but the clue is that the place is famous for its choir and the whole world hears them once a year :) The thing is I sing counter tenor. Know what that is? what if I called it alto? the point is I sing high - higher than males probably should and sometimes I can sing higher than a lot of females :)

It's cool, it makes me famous in my own school and town. I even get paid to sing now! woohoooooo! It also means I get asked questions about music - everyone comes to me with their musical dilemmas. I know a lot of pop music as well as RnB and some rock - I enjoy that as well - eclectic is the word.

This story is not about me - well. It is. obviously - but not just about me. It's about lurrrrv.

Lets start in my favourite place to be. Not a concert hall oooooo no. A club. Lets call it Club X in a city lets call Cardiff. It's a good night so far, lots of drink, absolutely no drugs, and I've managed not to smoke a fag yet ;) (if you don't get that then you'll just have to mail me:) My friend and I are idly chatting and have been all night, he's a fantastic mate and I love him, but his thing for gingers scares me? personally mine have to be blond, although that night that was just about the only thing I didn't get...

So he's busy eyeing up this guy who has been giving me the eyes for the whole evening :) And who can blame him?!? (modest I am:) I'm wearing my favourite baby blue number, showing off my tall and attractively slim body. I seemed to have one or two prospects that evening, if I chose to leave with anyone who wasn't my mate :) Not that I'm a slut or anything, I just see sex for what it is, "fun for one, but the more the merrier" just about sums up my view. Steps Chain Reaction comes on and I wince, can I face dancing with David (my friend). I think not, despite my best efforts he can't dance - of that there is no doubt. But, my luck is in, he's talking with his Ginger friend.

"same again?" I whispered into his ear, "sure, sure." He brushed me off. You're in there David :) - although he's happily married so maybe I should intervene.....ummmmm.....nah - its not like my middle name is faithful or anything.

So I push my way on to the dance floor, few drag queens there, but mostly just guys dancing with guys, that's what I love. Even the Lesbian rate was down that evening (although I'm sure I saw one of the female peripatetic music teachers in there earlier!) The guys there ranged from slightly chubby to sex gods. I steered towards sex gods :) - I may not be one, but I had the young and innocent act down.

I dance, the song changes and I still dance. The odd guy passes and I feel a wandering hand. I turn my head and smile, he smiles back and stops.

"What's your name?" "Joe," I reply refreshing my lips with my tongue. "Aren't you a bit young to be here?" "Now that would be telling." I grin. "Your eyes....."

My eyes. Now there's something. They were blue, and were the antithesis of my whole body. I loved them, and so did everybody else. They aren't really bright blue like some peoples are, they are perfect baby blue, but with a pattern. People always talk about my eyes. I don't see them that often though...

he stared into my eyes for almost too long. "Where do you live?" "Too far." "Shame." "What about you?" "Got a flat in Cardiff, just down the road." "Excellent. Good for going out. Can get drunk and not worry about getting home..." "Also good for taking people home with me..." "I wouldn't know what you mean." I smiled at him

He smiled back moving closer to me.

"I think you do."

I just shrugged my shoulders. Kylie (gay icon in our part of world in case you didn't know:) came on - Can't Get You Out Of My Head. I start dancing again, gyrating my hips slightly whilst putting my hands on his hips. He looked older, but as I was easily the youngest there that wasn't all too surprising. His bare chest told of his six-pack though and my hands slowly moved upwards, over each ripple. My hips carried on getting closer to his as my wandering fingers caressed his nipples. He just smiled at me and moved in towards pressing his sweaty chest again mine letting my hands go over his shoulders to feel his strong muscles.

He reached his head forward to kiss me. I broke all contact suddenly before he reached my lips and danced, turning away from his face. He laughed and moved in again, pressing his groin on my arse. I felt his straining cock through my skintight jeans, and I liked. I ground myself into him backwards and he groaned slightly. I spun back around, looked straight into his eyes and said, "so where's this house of yours?"

Now my friend saw me leaving. I was desperately hoping he wasn't going to complain at me. He sometimes gets stropy if I go off with guys I have no idea who they are. Fortunately he was engrossed in Ginger guy so I he just smiled and made the universal "have a good night" sign. I grabbed my coat and we made our way to his house.

We arrived at his flat... Nice! Wide screen TV, DVD and hifi to rock the world. He had to be making big bucks, alright for some I guess.

Fuck. What is his name? This had happened before, but not often, I usually remember. Maybe I didn't even ask it this time? I'm getting worse. Random fucks. There's only one guy I want, but I'll never get him....

"So you haven't told me your name..." I ask confidently and with what I hoped was a sexy lilt. "Was wondering when you were going to ask," he smiled as he placed a hand on my butt. I smiled and replied the only way I knew how. "Not that it's important or anything..." that wasn't the reply I meant :) My answer was my hand undoing his jeans and being placed onto his boxers. His pleasure wasn't hidden and a small spot of wet gave away his lust.

I launched myself onto his nipple, hard from the cold walk back. mmmmmm, he groaned as I began to enjoy flicking the end of my tongue over his protruding love tit. My left hand held the firm pectoral muscle whilst my right struggled with taking his trousers off. Fortunately he helped me with the latter pushing them down and falling down backwards onto the bed which had somehow materialised behind him.

I fell on top of him, still attached to his nipple. I quickly kicked off my shoes (thank god for slip-ons :) and moved on top of him, letting my arse happen to rest on his rock hard cock. I started to kiss him, very deeply, but not wet. I loved that kind of kiss, aggressive but controlled. This guy had a long tongue! All the better for...You'll find out. My cock was enjoying the attention my arse was getting as I rubbed him with it.

"I could tell you were a bottom from the other side of the club :)" the guy spoke. I could have argued but he was right - bottom through and through - well, not really, I've just been labelled that way, once the right guy comes along it could all change :) - But for now, I like to be used.

I got off him a second, pulling his shoes, socks and trousers off, no way was I gonna stand on ceremony, and it wasn't like he was arguing. He moved up the bed making himself more comfortable. I stripped off my top and jeans plus socks, I needed to be ready as well :)

Ever since that small piece of precum on his Calvins I needed to eat his cock and so in I went. I started in the middle, sucking in his cock and boxers right on the spot. Shit I love this, hot cock filling my mouth, giving me sweet juices. I encouraged him to lift himself and within seconds his underwear was gone replaced by my eager mouth.

"FUCK!" he cried. I'm not sure what he was expecting, perhaps for me not to be so outright? Bugger foreplay :) - I wanted him, I sucked like a vacuum, my lips firmly around his protruding head. I love cut cocks, they were meant to be blown, and I went for it. My tongue dug deep into his piss slit gathering as much of his seed as I could, then spreading it over the flaring head and sensitive undercock.

I moved from the head down, trailing my tongue along the underside of his member, letting it push against his navel making a mess on his abs with my saliva. My hands had been busy up till now, feeling their way around his body, now they moved to his lubed cock and began to move up and down together, masturbating his over stimulated cock. My mouth took his huge balls in, rolling them from side to side, tugging on them whilst his groans got louder. I released his nuts to his relief and let my hands again take over.

He almost screamed as I put my mouth back over his head. "Where the fuck did you learn to suck like this, uuuuuuuuhhh!" So can't a guy practice? The truth is not only do I sing, but I play a brass instrument - my lips and cheeks have been trained :) I sucked harder with this encouragement letting my tongue dig, lick and flick his whole dick. After only two or three minutes, "SHIIIIIIIIIIIII" he cried out and I got my reward.

It was slow in coming, but I kept pumping and sucking and as he tensed I felt his nuts pull up and release. The cum was sweet, I tend to swallow, I like the taste :)

"I'm spent! and you aren't even nearly got off," He sighed as he fell back onto the bed from his tensed position, having deposited at least 7 big loads in my mouth.

I just smiled "don't worry too much about me."

An hour later, having slept together in his bed, a cock woke me up.

"I feel bad for not getting you off," He started. I turned towards him, moving my legs up, exposing my arsehole to his cock.

"I know a reeeeeally good way to get off..."

He smiled and soon I had moved to just above him on the bed. "I like it rough and hard :) think you can manage that?" I said In a swift, and seemingly easy move he switched positions flipping both me and him over and said "I'm sure I can accommodate that."

He rolled on a condom and lubed himself up for entry. I hate this ritual but hey, saves life's so I'm told :) I felt an 8-inch wonder at my hole and bared down. He sensed my tension and instead of pushing ahead, stopped to massage my aching and unused cock. His hand flew up and down my substantial pole whilst I sighed submissively.

"FUCK ME!" I shouted suddenly and almost involuntarily. He didn't say anything, he just plowed me. Fuck it hurt, but that gave way to pleasure almost immediately, I knew what this felt like, I'd done it before. Half his cock was in before I could take my next breath, and it was out again soon enough.

That was new, he pushed all the way in the next time, holding his cock against my insides, letting his bush rub my cheeks, while his head rubbed my prostrate gland. Next thing it was all the way out. This was too much. I groaned very loudly. This was completely different. Each re-entry was a new experience and found a new part of my love shute. He went relentlessly, never forgetting I wanted it rough. All the way in, then pulling out, in and out, never stopping for a breath. He was amazing, he had cum once already, but still, it felt like hours. And long ones at that. My prostrate ached with pleasure, he caressed it in a thousand ways, he knew what he was doing. At times it felt he was squeezing my insides and by the end I was so close to cumming I thought I'd explode.

He gave in first though. He didn't take it all the way out this time with the head staying just beyond my sphincter, he sped up, fucking me onto the bed, making grunting noises with each pound of my young tender arse. He grabbed my cock which finished me off. I tensed in soundless ecstasy and my arse clamped down so hard he lost his orgasm to me. As my first spurt landed on his chest I felt him explode deep inside me. A minute of mind numbing orgasm ensued, what was I thinking of? the only thing in my mind was that it was Dan who had just fucked me - I was living a fantasy with the hottest guy, but still I thought of Dan - fuck. Literally

His cock fell out of my arse onto the bed, we were both exhausted, but still I licked him down, tasting my own cum from his hard stomach.

"Mmmmmmmm, that was such a good tight fuck. Thanks kid,"

Definitely a good fuck. Not that I ever knew his name...

Enjoy it? more to come for sure - sorry about shortness of this chapter - luring you in :) and had to get it out of me :p - I'll introduce you to my crush, Dan, and his brown eyes next time. Plus true story of me proving that more was definitely the merrier :)... Mail me!

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