Sex Men

By michael lemley

Published on Jan 19, 2005


Disclaimer: This story has homosexual situations and relationships. If you think that this is wrong, go fuck a monkey. X-Men are a copyright of Marvel Comics Inc. This is only my fantasy (unfortunately, a fantasy is all it will ever be). Feel free to send comments to the E-mail address above.

Now, on with the story.

A "beginning", that's what they called it. I was supposed to start a new life at the Xavier Institute. Fuck this' I thought, if this is a beginning I would rather it not happen.' My parents were killed in a car accident. It happened a few weeks ago. It was hard on me. My powers showed themselves, which made my life all too unbearable.

"Don't worry, you will fit in fine. I'm telepathic and telekinetic too. I don't think that we have any empaths, but you will still fit in," a beautiful woman with shoulder length red hair said. She introduced herself as Jean Grey. Even though I was gay, I couldn't help but notice her beauty. "We are like a family there. Oh, by the way, this is a beginning."

"Stay the hell out of my head," I told her.

"Okay, but we are almost there." She said.

We made a few left turns and then she stopped out side of a HUGE building. She pressed a few buttons and the gate opened. Well,' I thought, I just might actually like it here.'

Jean pulled the car in front of the mansion. The door opened and my luggage floated out onto the steps by itself. "Telekinesis," Jean said, "The ability to move things with your mind. It comes in quite handy sometimes. I will work with you to help you learn the proper ways to control and use it."

Jean flicked her hand and the car door closed, but at the same time, the mansion door opened. "Thanks." I muttered and grabbed my stuff and walked in.

The entrance hallway was HUGE. There was a grand staircase that reminded me of the Titanic. There were a bunch of people standing there watching me. What astonished me were the different people there. There was a blue guy, an old man in a wheel chair, a woman with white hair, a boy that was completely covered in ice, and a good looking man with red shades just to name a few.

The old man began to talk. "Welcome to the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters. I am Professor Charles Xavier. Here, we can train you to use your gifts in a safe environment."

"Who told you about my curses," I said referring to the powers. I hated having the powers and I didn't want them to begin with.

"Your powers are not a curse. They are genetic. You would have gotten them anyways." Professor Xavier said. "Everyone here has a gift of some sort. Don't worry, you will fit in."

"Whatever," I replied.

"Scott, could you show Michael to his room." He said.

"Yes sir," the man with the red glasses sighed.

He came over to me and grabbed my luggage and began walking to the staircase. I followed him and had to try hard not to look at his ass as he lead me to where I was going to be staying. "Why did you call your powers a curse?" Scott asked.

"I don't know. Why do you wear those glasses inside?" I asked.

"To help control my powers," He replied, "I have optic blasts that are powerful enough to blow a hole through a mountain."

I didn't know what to say so I just nodded.

Scott pulled a peice of paper out of his back pocket and handed it to me. "This is your class schedule. You have 1st and 3rd period with me in this room," he said as he pointed to a fairly large classroom.

"What classes?" I asked. "No one told me that I had to take any classes!"

"This is not only your home, but it is your school as well." He replied, "You still need to finish school, as does most of the students that stay here."

"Oh, I never realized..." I trailed off.

"It's perfectly alright. Not many new students do." He chuckled, "Here we are. This is where you will be staying." He opened the door to the room. It had two beds. "For the time being, you're going to be staying with our fittness instructor. It will only be a few months untill we get the new wing of rooms finished. We are always getting more students, so we ran out of room."

"Thanks for helping me with my stuff, but I'll take it from here." I said. This had to be the hottest man alive. I smiled at him and then grabbed my stuff and walked in. This was obviously maid's year off. I tried organizing the area around the made bed and set my suitcase on it.

I started unpacking when the phone rang. I walked over to the night stand and Picked it up. "Hello,"

"Michael, this is Jean, supper is going to be ready in a few minutes. If you hurry, you might be able to meet your room mate."

"No offense, but I am not that hungry right now. Thanks anyways." I told her.

"Oh, don't worry. Do you want someone to talk to, I could come up and talk to you."

"Actually, I would rather be alone right now," I said. I wasn't trying to be in a jerk, but I really didn't want to be bothered.

"Okay, I'll send Scott up to check on you after a while," she said before hanging up. I set the phone down on the receiver and finished packing. I had just started going over my schedule when the door flew open.

"Who the hell are you, and what are you doing in my room?" He yelled.

"I....uh.....I'm a new student. I was assigned to this room," i stammered.

To my surpride he burst into laughter. "I knew that. I was only trying to scare the shit outta ya. It looks like it worked......

To be continued....

This is my first submission, PLEASE send comments to I will try to respond to each and every one.

Next: Chapter 2

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