Sex in School and Out

By Joseph Farrin

Published on Jan 29, 2005



After - In California

It took me 11 hours to get to Los Angeles; I'd started early and now it was about 6PM. Pete's apartment turned out to be on the south side of LAX across from the runway used by cargo planes. The apartment was in a huge building, accessed through a courtyard and the rear windows of the Living Room had an ocean view if you looked straight out the window along with a view of a sewage treatment plant if you looked downward. Pete said it didn't smell as all the tanks were covered.

Shortly after I arrived, we left for a French restaurant in Hollywood that Pete liked. We had a booth in the back of one of the dining rooms. He kept rubbing his shoe up and down the inside of my leg, looking at me with his dark eyes in a way that only he could. I was hard all the time we were there. We had a couple of Martinis before we ate. The food was terrific.

Going home, he had his meat out of his pants as soon as we pulled out of the restaurant parking area. He moved my hand over to his erection and told me to squeeze his cock really hard and pull his balls. As I'd told Sunny, he was both inventive and unpredictable.

On entering his apartment, he got right down to business. He made a beeline to his bedroom closet, pulled out a black bag, put on a cockring and handed me two long pieces of coiled rope. He wanted to play one of his warm-up games.

Tying him up was a no-win game for me. He was as good as Houdini at getting free and no matter how securely I tied him I knew he'd send me out for something and when I returned he'd be in a bathrobe, sitting on the couch watching TV. His cock would be flaccid. He'd have masturbated himself.

"Where do you want me?" At least he was giving me a chance and I desperately needed to win. I wanted so badly to suck him off tonight and not have to wait until tomorrow.

So, I opened the bathroom door, had him stand with his back to the open edge. The first knot I made was to secure the rope to the top hinge of the door, then the doorknob on his right, then each of his wrists when they were in behind him, around the doorknob on his left and back to the top and then the bottom hinge.

With the second piece of rope I tied his ankles, wrapped the rope around the bottom hinge, checked that everything was taught, then I stretched the rope across the room and wrapped it around the toilet where the tank joined the bowl.

Right on schedule he asked me to go get a six-pack. I did, after I'd put a blindfold on him and taped it with duct tape as well as all the knots. All those years in between, he hadn't changed.

In case he was unable to free himself, I sucked his cock before I left. And, I left him with a raging erection.

When I got back he was as I'd left him.

"Your knot tying has improved."

"Thank God."

I took the blindfold off but didn't untie him. I tipped the beer can to his lips several times until he emptied it. Then I untied enough that I could move him around facing the door and then retied him.

I hand spanked him until even my hand was sore. His buns were flaming red and hot to the touch.

"Jesus, that's too hard. It hurts."

"Poor boy! Don't shit me, you like it. Your cock is getting bigger and harder with every swat." His cock looked as if it was ready to explode.

I went down on it. At least for a while I did. I wanted to make it last. It was the best cock suck I'd had since I'd last sucked him off.

Finally he pleaded, "Please Mike! Quit horsing around. Make me cum."

"I'll decide when you'll cum and I'm not ready for you to cum as yet."

I fed him another beer instead and fondled his ass, reached between his legs and pulled on his balls. I'd decided when he finished the beer I was going to fuck him. My cock was in total agreement with my plan. It had never been harder. That was the effect Pete had on me.

I'd seen his bathroom scale in bathroom. It was just the right height for me to stand on. His legs were so long I couldn't have gotten it in without the scale. When he saw me carrying the scale out of the bathroom he asked what I was going to do with it.

"Stand on it and fuck your back-door pussy."

"You'll break it."

"I'll buy you another one."

The scale was old, no digital readout. It made a lot of noise with my movement as I fucked Pete's love hole. It was still tight. Maybe he hadn't been fucked since the last time I did it.

"Oh shit, you're shooting your load, I can feel it."

"I'm glad you can. I wanted you to."

I washed my dick in the washbasin, dried it and returned my attention back to his cock. It was soft. Pulling hard on his ball sack and sucking on him, I brought it first to erection and then to eruption. Eruption is the right word, too. He did erupt. It was way beyond a mere cum or climax.

His whole body seemed to melt when I pulled my lips off his fuck tool.

I untied him. I think I'd surprised him.

Then he surprised me. He threw his arms around me and gave me an open-mouthed kiss. The fist one I'd ever had from him.

It was my turn to melt.

I stayed one week to the day. He got back at me for that first night. He knew exactly how to cope with me. He could get me excited when he as much as alluded to letting me have some. He could also excite me by denying me some, just making me wait, by parading around the apartment naked or with his bathrobe open at the front.

But it was wonderful. It was the first time I'd ever slept in the same bed with him and what a totally out- of-the-world experience that was for me. I loved waking, being aware where I was, reaching over and finding his dick, holding it, feeling it erect in my hand.

Ever day I was there we had one major sexual experience and at least one smaller one, a jack off, or something similar.

He didn't want me to leave but I had to start home. I wanted to visit my parents and it was now that time in my life to find a job.

I hadn't even got as far as the freeway entrance to I- 10 before I was missing him. But, I had talked to Gene several times on the phone and he'd talked me into stopping to see him on my way home. I'd been missing him, too.

Among my other thoughts, I remembered my conversation with Sonny about Pete. Having renewed sexual experiences with him, I knew I was right. He was a little weird but he was so fucking hot he certainly was worth whatever it required to have sex with him.

Having looked at an Interstate Freeway map, I knew I'd be switching to I-15 in the San Bernardino area and onto I-70 somewhere in Utah to get to Grand Junction where I could drop south to Montrose where Gene lived.

I stayed overnight at a Motel-6 in St. George Utah (the town that sued the federal government alleging the high death rate of cancer in the town was due to exposure from radiation caused by nuclear bomb testing in the region). It was a dead town. I should have stopped in Las Vegas instead. Spent the next night in Grand Junction, called Gene who was so excited I couldn't get much sense out of him. He did tell me that his grandfather was a scotch drinker in answer to a question I asked him about what I could bring him and told me his grandmother was a flower lover. I bought the scotch in Grand Junction and decided to wait to get the flowers in Montrose; Sonny might mess them up on the way.

The minute I parked in front of his grandparent's house, Gene bombed out of the house and opened the car door. As soon as Sonny saw him she went ape over him and he went ape over Sonny. I was jealous. I just hoped Gene was going to be as glad to see me, as he was at seeing my dog.

He was. It was a difficult time for both of us until and during dinner as well as conversing with his grandparents on the front porch afterwards. They were a dear old couple, so proud and fond of Gene. They told me he'd talked about me at least 10 times every day. When the time came that we could acceptably excuse ourselves to go to bed, we hastened through brushing our teeth and taking a leak. Once in his bedroom, Gene told me to lean over the side of the bed. I did and he fucked me like he'd never fucked me during our college years together.

Guess he needed it.

I know I needed it.

In bed we faced each other with our arms around the other's waist and whispered to each other for at least an hour until I felt Gene's prick sticking in my crotch.

He did it again and then went down on me.

Annie, lying on the floor beside the bed, slept through the entire episode.

I was tired from the traveling and Gene was tired from working on the house. He went to sleep before I did and my mind wandered over my visit with Sonny, all the sex I'd had in Sierra City, Pete and now Gene, lying with his butt pushed up against my crotch. I thought how funny it was that with Pete I'd been the top and with Gene I'd been the bottom. I had no logical explanation for it other than I knew myself well enough to know I'd do anything for sex with another guy. Of course I had to be in love with the man. Or, did I? How could I love two guys at the same time? Why not? Shit, to be truthful, I'd had sex with Lance, Paul and John that I didn't love. I was too tired to figure it out and luckily I dropped off, arms around Gene, to think it out at another time.

At 3:15 AM, according to the digital clock by Gene's bed, Gene getting up and going to the bathroom awakened me. Once back in bed he snuggled up to my back. I could feel his erection, especially his big cockhead pressed against the cleavage between my buns. I was just too fucking exhausted to wake up but I was, nonetheless, aware that it was a warm happy feeling, like, you know, you're loved.

Unfortunately my visit to Gene and his grandparents was cut short by a telephone call from my parents. They'd tracked me down through Sonny and Pete.

Mom wanted to know if I could come home right away; her mother, who lived alone in a 2-story house in Clarinda, Iowa, had fallen down the stairs and broken her hip. They were leaving right away and would probably stay with her for a couple of months or longer while she recuperated. My dad, though only 50, had already retired. He didn't need to work.

I agreed. It wasn't a command but I wasn't doing anything anyway. I had hoped though to look for a job, preferably in Denver.

I stayed until about 4 PM before starting home. Gene was all worked up, as he still had some things to tell me; that is why I stayed until four o'clock. Allen Jefferson, now working for the Denver Public Schools, had called him. There were a good number of teaching positions in the Denver Public School as well as in some of the surrounding counties, especially Jefferson and Arapahoe and he was going to send Gene a list of them, which included instructions and addressed for obtaining applications. Allen had given Gene his e-mail address and asked him to have me get in touch.

Gene was worried that he didn't have a computer. I told him to check in Monte Vista and Grand Junction, if he had to, with office supply stores. Some rented computers and some offered use of them in the store for an hourly feel.

He had the mistaken idea that he could fill out applications on a computer, but I put him straight on that but concurred that a computer-generated resume would be better than a hand written one, especially if it was printed on quality paper with a matching envelope. If he wanted my in-put he knew my Hotmail address and we could do it by e-mail if he obtained a Hotmail address and was able to rent a computer.

I was home by 10 PM.


Next: Chapter 5

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