Sex in School and Out

By Joseph Farrin

Published on Jan 25, 2005



After in Arizona

Neither Gene nor I could take off immediately after graduation. We had stuff to move and the apartment to clean. I hated leaving the apartment; it had been the scene of many good times and I had great memories of living here. I asked the landlady if I could leave some dishes, cleaning equipment and supplies - that sort of stuff. She said that was fine with her. She was about in tears anyway saying she'd miss me. It made me feel even worse about leaving. Then, maybe it was Sonny she was going to miss.

Gene helped me load my car and we took my stuff home. When we came back, I helped him load his car and we took off the same day. I was going to see my sister, Sunny, and Gene was going to spend the summer with his grandparents. Their house needed some repairs and some painting and he wanted to do it for them.

We left in mid afternoon, followed each other to Denver, got a hotel that was freeway close and decided to celebrate our last night together by going to a steam bath in the evening.

Neither of us had ever been to one.

It turned out to be a wild night. Partitions with glory holes, booths with porno TVs playing and glory holes between the booths, gang-bang rooms where you could watch guys getting fucked or sucked off in slings or other places. We had fun everywhere but I think the most fun was when we were in one of the booths with a porno TV and saw an elderly guy looking at us through the hole while he jacked off. We slung our small towels over our shoulders, kissed and took turns going down on each other until we realized we were driving the poor guy crazy.

So we gave him some.

First Gene let him suck on his cock and then we switched cocks on him. He jacked out a load, and said, through the hole, "Thanks, that was soooo good."

We never did see what was on the video.

The next morning I continued south on I-25 and Gene took off across the mountains on I-70. I had checked my atlas and decided to stay on I-25 through both Colorado and New Mexico and then take I-10 west into Arizona until I could drop on down to Sierra City. The route made Albuquerque the only town of any size I'd go through. I tried, half-heartedly, to find a gay bar but couldn't so I gave it up. The long drive and the Denver escapade had done me in, anyway. Sunny, the canine Sunny, was a real traveler.

I used the word 'canine' because Sonny didn't like to be called a dog. She never met a dog she liked. She obviously regarded herself as a human.

She loved the long ride in the Grand Am. The front, passenger seat had more room for her to nap than the old Geo. When I ate, I saved her some breakfast, bought lunch at a drive-through to share, went out for dinner and saved some of that to bring back to the room. As long as I left my luggage open in the room and something I'd been wearing on the bed, like a T-shirt, she was perfectly content.

It was late the second day when I arrived in Sierra City and I was tired, so Sonny and I sort of spent what remained of the evening catching up on each other's news.

The next night we went to a bar out on the edge of town at the south end of the principal, east-west street in town. It had a wood, old-western type front - someone's romance with the Wild West days or lack of appreciation of good architecture.

I managed not to puke when I saw it.

The inside was no better but was filled with bodies. There was only one vacant bar stool, I told Sonny to take it, as she and a guy at the adjacent stool seemed to know each other. He was a hot looker.

I wished I known him.

There was space at the end of the bar where it curved to the wall. Sonny said there were no stools there, but I told her I didn't mind.

I thought the bartender would ID Sonny - she still looked like a teenager.

He didn't. He kissed her.

I went to the end of the bar and stood next to a guy standing, leaning against the wall - a brown haired guy with a tinge of red to his hair and small, trimmed mustache - he had on a black T-shirt and tight blue jeans that revealed an interesting package. Like Sonny, he looked like a teen-ager and was waiting to be served.

Again, I thought the bartender would ID him.

The bartender didn't; the guy ordered a bourbon and water.

He didn't speak. I thought he might be gay, but maybe he'd seen my coming into the bar with Sonny and that put him off.

The bartender had no sooner brought my Scotch and soda and the other guys drink when the lights dimmed, the pianist started playing and three girls started a strip tease on a small stage, under bright lights, at the opposite side of the room.

Fuck, it was a damn pussy joint and a strip tease no less.

I managed not to puke but did get the bartender's attention and told him to bring me a double and another double for the guy leaning against the wall (I didn't say it in those exact words but nodded my head toward the guy).

The guy thanked me and when I turned to look at him I saw he was exposing himself; his, flaccid, seven inches of cut meat was out of his fly and hanging straight down.

I reached down and wrapped my fingers around his cock; he unzipped my pants and took mine out. We had almost identical equipment.

He spoke first, asking: "You with the girl you came in with, or can we leave together?"

"She's my sister. I think she's hooking up with the guy sitting to her right, so we can leave together. Do you want to go now?"

"Let's finish our drinks first. Thanks by the way. In the meantime, look at guys sitting at the tables. Someone is usually jacking off while the cunts are taking their clothes off."

I did. He was right. Caught two dudes with their hands under the table jacking off. Now my dick was really hard.

I put it back in.

On the way out I told Sonny I was leaving with someone, gave her my car keys and told her to take it home whatever else happened.

"What about the dog, Mike?"

"Put her on the bed I slept in last night and let her out in your backyard (which was fenced) by seven in the morning."

Once in his car, I learned his name was Lance. He stopped at a liquor store in a small shopping center near the intersection of the two main streets in town. I went in with him but he wouldn't let me pay for the bottle of Johnny Walker Scotch and Jim Beam Bourbon he'd ordered.

Lance lived on the second floor of a building in a complex of two story apartments, accessed by an exterior balcony in, roughly, the northwestern part of town.

We left a trail of clothing from the front door to the kitchen and on into his bedroom. It was both obvious and inevitable that we both needed and would achieve quick, sexual relief.

We 69nd.

It was also obvious that he hadn't taken me home for a few seconds of intense sex. I didn't know what would transpire but I knew it would be a long and pleasurable experience and I sensed Lance knew more about sex between men than I did.

I was right.

He was one hot, horny motherfucker and after a few more drinks he had me hotter than I'd been in a long time. By two in the morning we'd both sucked and fucked each other. He had hair on his chest, lower arms and lower legs, all clipped to about a quarter- inch long. Besides having me horny he had my skin tingling with an electrifying sort of pain whenever he rubbed against me. He took me back to Sonny's on his way to work and in the car told me there was more day time sex to be had in Sierra City than there was in the evenings. He said he had varying hours but he'd look for me in the strip joint whenever he could get there. He was a civilian employee at the military fort at the edge of town.

It was obvious that Sonny had brought her friend home. In fact there was a used condom in the toilet bowl. They must have done the dirty this morning just before I arrived. After breakfast, she got a bit bitchy with me for some reason. Maybe she had a hangover.

"Have you ever told mom and dad that you're gay?"


"Why not. Chicken?"

"Nope. They've never asked."

"You're going to wait until they ask?"


"When they ask, you'll tell them?"

"Maybe. I'll decide when they ask. I don't know what it would solve if I did. Nothing as far as I'm concerned."

"So you're comfortable with it?"

"Yep. Why all the questions. Does it bother you?"

"No I have no prejudices against gays. You know that."

I don't know why but she'd brought up the subject and I just thought I'd elaborate on it for a while. Meanness I guess.

"That's good to hear. How about bisexuals?"

"No. Of course I've never known any."

"Yes you have."



"How would you know about Pete?"

"I'd been having sex with him for about eighteen months before you were married."

"You bastard."

"Did something just happen to your open mindedness?"

"No. You're just trying to destroy it and hurt me at the same time."

"No I'm not, neither one."

"Then why did you bring up the subject, asshole."

"You brought the subject up. I just expanded it a little. I don't want to hurt you. I was hoping to help you."

She started to cry, we went into the Living Room and sat on the couch. Sunny jumped up and joined us. It upset her when people cried. After sis had calmed down a little, I asked her if I could tell her more and give her my ideas on the subject from Pete's point of view.

She agreed - half heartedly, I might add.

"Sonny, I know you love Pete. As a matter of fact, I love him too. It's neither ordained nor formulated who people are going to fall in love with. It just happens, like a car wreck almost. It's an accident. I know you're not happy being separated. I think you should forget going through divorce proceedings, ask him back and try again. I'd like to see the two of you together again, have children, and be happy. I think the both of you still love and need each other."

"You're right, so far, but I can't see it working again."

"I can and I'll tell you how. You might find it strange, even weird, but with a really open mind you'd succeed and even begin to enjoy it. Gays and bisexuals are far more open-minded, far more expansive in their likes and fantasies than straights. I know nothing about your sex life with Pete and I don't want to. But I'll tell you, from personal experience, some of the things he likes. Before sex he likes to look at both male and female porno magazines and web sites. He likes to be tied up sometimes, other times he likes to tie his partner up; sometimes he likes blindfolds, he also likes vibrators and oral sex. Then, as strange as you might think the idea is, I'd suggest you buy a strap on dildo and fuck him in his ass sometimes. He'd love it, believe me. He also uses poppers occasionally. He is very inventive, even to the point of being unpredictable. You just have to go with the flow - I think that is the right analogy. He likes you to react to his exposing himself. One time that I'll never forget - he asked me to undress him. Under his jock strap he had seven layers of skimpy jockey shorts = the top one was black and the colors got wilder with each layer - the last being bright yellow."

I closed the conversation by saying, "Since you haven't slapped my face or walked out of the room, I'll quit my oration with one more thing. I think Pete is the most handsome, most sexually attractive man I've ever met and having sex with him, taking into account his male equipment, justifies just about any sacrifice you could make. Damn, Sonny, he even smells good."

"Mike, I've got to get in gear, my shift at the hospital starts at noon and I've got to shower and get ready. I'll think about what you said. By the way, I put seventy dollars on the kitchen counter along with a shopping list. Go to a supermarket for me, will you? There are three in town. You're bound to find one or the other."

I took Sunny with me to the supermarket, came back and unloaded the items that needed to go into the fridge and then I took off by myself to investigate the daytime sex locations Lance had given me.

The first one was a huge area of undeveloped land adjacent to the north area of the city - not developable because it was owned by the State with warning signs posted at the entry against dumping trash on the property. It turned out to be a lot of twisting, turning, tracks leading around the desert among groves of desert trees and bushes. I ventured far enough that I started to get more concerned with finding my way out than with finding whatever kind of sexual encounters supposedly existed. Then I saw, standing under some trees and behind a dead end area of tire tracks, a young guy dressed in white polo shirt and a pair of white shorts. I parked, lit a cigarette and just watched for a while.

He didn't move, didn't give me a clue one way or the other.

My dick hardened up, so I walked the fifty feet or so that separated us - across an area littered with cigarette packages, beer cans, any and everything else you could imagine.

I asked him, "Did you walk all the way into the area?" Mine was the only car in sight.

He pointed behind him and explained that he had a bicycle tied to a tree just across the dry creek bed and added, "I've never seen you out here before."

"It's my first time. I'm just visiting here."

"My name is Paul." I knew he was Spanish. Mexico was about ten miles south of Sierra City and Sonny had mentioned that there were a lot of Hispanics in town - legal and illegal. But, he was light skinned, dark haired and very slender. He was a small version of Pete.

"Mike, glad to meet you."

I had no clue on how to pick up a dude out here, but Paul was not too communicative, so I knew if the conversation was going to keep going it would be up to me, so I said, "A guy told me there was a lot of sex going on out here."

"I guess. I come out here now and then looking for pussy."

That I didn't get. It wasn't what I'd heard about the area. He was a lot smaller than me. He smelled as though he'd just smoked a joint or two, so, I said, "I don't think you're looking in the right area. Is that all you're interested in.

"Mostly. A lot of girls around here like Mexican cock."

"You're a cute guy, I can image they do."

"What are you looking for?"

"A young guy like you to suck or fuck."

"You like boys?"

"Yea, I do."

"You have a cigarette?"

"I left them in the car." We walked to the car, I reached in and got my pack, we both took one and I lit them with my lighter. Standing by the car, doors open, I looked down. He had an erection.

Hot damn! I reached over and rubbed it through his pants. He didn't object.

Instead, he unzipped and showed it to me. We finished our cigarettes; he dropped his pants and sat, sideways, on the driver's seat, feet out the door and on the ground. I dropped to my knees and did what a cocksucker does when there's a hard cock in front of his eyes.

I serviced him. He went soft. No pussy for his cock now - it was spent - done for - soft and wrinkled = his cockhead had that clean, just sucked look.

I started to get up off my knees and damn near passed out with shock. Guess Paul had his eyes closed and I was so concentrated on sucking cock that I was totally surprised to see a young blond guy with a seven-inch boner just waiting to be sucked. He'd been standing there watching us and waiting. He didn't last long - he popped his nuts in a very few minutes. He said he'd parked a little ways away and walked to where he found us.

I must say I liked Sierra City. After taking a nap, I cleaned up the kitchen, loaded and ran the dishwasher and had a late supper ready when Sonny came home at 8:30 PM. We had a couple of high balls before we ate and Sonny got into discussing Pete again.

She was to the point but not resentful. She said forthright, "I've been thinking about our conversation this morning, Mike. But, when it gets right down to it, I don't think I want to try it again with Pete. You gave me an insight into him that I would never have guessed. But, when I come home from work, I want to relax a bit, talk over the day with a guy and have him start something, love me up and fuck me. I just cant see going through all kinds of kinky stuff to get a man horned up. It's just not me. I hope you understand."

I did and I told her so.

"If you want him Mike, he's yours. I'm going to file for a divorce."

"Sonny, I shit you not. I'd love him, but I wouldn't last as long with him as you did. He'd be off with another woman."

"I guess you're not willing to make any sacrifices, either." That stunned me. I was going to have to think about that.

The next day I took Sonny down to a place along the river that Lance had told me about. It turned out to be a gavel parking area, two porta-potties and a path leading down to the river (stream actually). Within a few feet it split, one path going north under a bridge and one going south up stream. I couldn't leave Sonny in the car because of the heat, so I had her leash on but carried her because of the tall grass and weeds.

I didn't know how far you were supposed to walk to make a contact, but there were three cars in the parking area when I arrived so I walked until I was about to turn around and try going down stream. The path was winding - nearer to the river at some points. It was in one of those areas, with thick bushes and tall grass that I saw a guy standing by the riverbank, looking at me. He surprised me and I damn near jumped. He'd surprised Sonny, too, and she began to bark up a storm.

He said his name was Michael - never went by Mike as a nickname.

Michael was a few years older than I was - or so I guessed - probably in his late twenties. He was a good-looking guy, prematurely gray and dressed in black denim pants, black T-shirt and black boots with his pant legs tucked in. He held his hand out for Sonny to sniff. She did and decided he intended no harm. We walked about thirty feet in the direction I was going and stopped in the shade of a grove of Cottonwood trees. It turned out that he was a tile- layer and was on his way home to Bisbee. He'd been to Tucson earlier in the day.

Well, things began to happen. He offered me his bottle of poppers. With Sonny's leash in one hand, I got on my knees and went down on him. He came fast and said he hadn't wanted to do that. I asked him why and he said he was supposed to fuck his wife when he got home. He'd promised.

How lucky can you get?

Back at the parking lot, he left, and I smoked a cigarette, took a leak in the men's porta-potty and saw a car drive up. A tall, dark and handsome guy got out, opened his trunk, and took out several bags and a tripod. He started up stream the same as I'd done when I found Michael. The sun had shifted, so I left Sonny in the car; it was parked in the shade of a tree and I left the windows cracked and her water bowl on the floor. I felt like an asshole following the guy, but I hadn't climaxed sucking Michael because he'd shot off so unexpectedly and it left me horned up.

The guy walked much beyond where I'd gone the first time, stopped at a location where there was a pebbly, beach-like area barely above the water line and where the creek widened to about 50 feet. He knew I'd been following him and said he was from Austria. This was his second trip to Arizona and he'd heard this area was good to photograph, but he was somewhat disappointed in it. I responded that I didn't live here but it was probably more spectacular in the fall when the foliage turned colors.

As with Michael, things began to happen. The conversation turned to sexual things. He couldn't figure out the women here in the sates. They were friendly but didn't seem to want to put out. I didn't believe him but decided to go along with the discussion as it could lead to other subjects.

It did. He hadn't had any sex for two weeks. He needed some. I asked him what he'd like to do and told him I was open to sucking him, fucking him, or getting fucked.

He asked me how big my cock was and said: "Will you show it to me?"

I showed it to him as I reached over and took his out. When he saw my erected, seven-inch, circumcised piece of meat, he said, "Fuck me."

His was about an inch shorter than mine and the head was covered with a loose looking foreskin which I couldn't resist pushing back, as much as anything to see if it would clear his glan.

It did.

He took his shoes and pants off and I did, too. He bent over and I eased into his love hole. Reaching around I knew his cock had gone soft as usually happens when a guy's got a dick plowing his ass. He was a good fuck and I fucked him good. It was also my turn to ejaculate first. I immediately pulled out, told him to turn around and had myself a good suck on his Austrian meat. His cum was plentiful. His cum was tasty. Arizona was amazing!

It wasn't until after we'd done the dirty that we exchanged names. His was John.

I waited for Sunny to get home before eating. I had dinner ready and we'd just finished a highball and ready to sit down at the table when the phone rang. It was Pete. Sonny talked to him, told him I was here; he wanted to talk to me.

He wanted me to continue on to California and gave me his phone number and address. I promised him I would. After dinner we went back to the strip joint. Lance didn't show. The next morning, I left, went north to I-10, turned left and headed for California.


Next: Chapter 4

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