Sex in School and Out

By Joseph Farrin

Published on Jan 22, 2005


The beginning of classes was still two weeks away, so I went to a supermarket and stacked up on groceries and other stuff I knew I'd need even though I hadn't really thought out how many meals I'd be eating in the apartment. The stuff I seemed to need was endless; I'd go to a store, see and get things that I hadn't even put on my lists.

So, shopping went, seemingly, on forever. One morning when I got to the bottom of the exterior stairs I saw a little dog under my car (I hadn't put it in the garage). The little thing started barking at me right away. She was longhaired, had an adorable face, was dirty and looked hungry. I felt so sorry for her. I picked her up; she was shaking with fright. I took her upstairs and fed her some human food - the only kind I had. It was a case of love at first sight. I bathed her in the bathtub, dried her, bought a leash at a pet store and took her around to all the veterinarians in town to see if a dog of her description was missing. No one knew of one. But through the veterinarians I leaned she was a Lhasa apso, three or four years old, with a puppy cut instead of the long, flowing hair natural to the breed. With that information I placed an advertisement in the local news. It was in the paper for two weeks. No response. So, I named her Sonny, after my sister, and kept her. The landlady and her husband liked her too and they willingly cared for and spoiled her during the day when classes started.

It turned out to be a good thing that I'd found Sonny because I was sort of a lost soul in college and she was a lot of company. Sucking cocks through glory holes and having sex with a straight guy hadn't prepared me for locating gay bars (not that I could have gotten in anyway) or porno arcades in bookstores or the need for gardar. I tried several parks and gas stations but couldn't even find a glory hole. So, I decided to just try and behave myself and do without knowing college would be a lot tougher than high school anyway.

But you know how doing without works.

It doesn't.

One weekend, after I'd been in college for a month or so, Pete and Sonny drove up to spend Saturday and part of Sunday with me. After a few hours of having them sitting around my digs, catching me up on the news at home, I got so restless I had to go to the bathroom and put on a jockstrap. There was no possibility that Pete and I were going to get to do anything but the thought of it was driving me crazy. As a consolation prize, Pete, without Sonny's knowledge, had a good-sized load of beer and an assortment of liquor in his car trunk, which we transferred into my storage area in the garage. Pete said it was for when I did some entertaining. Knowing Pete I knew he meant for when I needed some help with getting into some guy's pants. Sonny seemed flattered rather than angry that I'd named a dog after her; she wanted to take her home with her, but I nixed that idea.

One Friday evening in late October, at the Student Union, a guy in one of my classes asked me to play pool. The pool tables were much in demand and two friends had asked him to find a fourth. An hour or so later, the game broke up. The guy who'd asked me to play needed to split and one of the others players left with him. The one remaining guy, who I'd been introduced to and whose name was Gene Morris asked if I wanted to play longer. Did I ever! I'd seen him a couple of times on campus. Funny, isn't it, there were 30,000 students and you see them without really looking at them unless they interested you.

Gene interested me.

I'd noticed him several times. He was that good looking - a skinny guy, probably about 5'- 9" tall with dark, semi-curly hair, high forehead, dreamy, blue eyes and lips that made you want to stick your tongue between them. He also had a dimple in his chin.

I said, "Sure, you rack."

Neither of us were pool sharks. I was on the verge of inviting him up to the apartment (thinking of the beer and liquor that Pete had brought) when a guy, older than us, probably a senior or a post graduate, handed Gene a Xeroxed sheet - an invitation to a party.

We read it together and Gene asked if I wanted to go. I answered his question with another question - do you?


"Let's go then."

Gene said he didn't have a car. I said I did.

By the time we'd walked to my car we were frozen. While we'd been in the Student Union, the temperature had taken a real drop and the air was moist like a late rain or early snow was eminent.

While getting settled in the apartment I'd also cruised the town to kind of acquaint myself with it and recognized the party address as being in one of the new, upper class subdivisions at the northeast edge of town. It turned out to be a huge house and cars were parked both up and down the street.

We parked a block from the house. I reached into the back seat and tossed a windbreaker jacket to Gene to wear and slipped on a wool sweater over my shirt. The place was packed. The guy who answered the door and let us in directed us to a help yourself bar in the kitchen. I nursed on a beer since I was driving. Gene got right into hard liquor and it was evident that he either had a low tolerance for it or hadn't eaten dinner. Within a couple of hours his speech was a little slurred when pronouncing some words. I noticed he was mixing himself Martinis on the rocks. Pete had given me Martinis several times when he said I needed loosening up. I was tempted but decided to limit myself to two beers.

I had to take a leak, went upstairs and saw that someone had taped a label on one of the doors in the hall that said "Men". I opened the door, a hot looking, black dude was pissing in the john. He was tall, dark and handsome and hung 9 cut with a big, beautiful, pink cockhead. I said, "I'm sorry."

He replied, "No prob. Join me."

Guess he saw me checking him out. When he finished pissing, he said, "Well."

I didn't know exactly what he meant - well, do you want it, or well do you want banged against the wall if you don't stop staring. So, I zipped up and turned toward the door.

He said, "Lock it,"

I did, turned around and he'd put the lid down. I sat on it and sucked my first dick since I'd been in college and my first, ever black one.

After I'd sucked him a few minutes, he put a hand on each side of my head and started fucking my mouth. He had a wild orgasm in my mouth. While he was climaxing, I had an orgasm, too - in my pants - damn it. I cleaned myself up as best I could and went downstairs to look for Gene.

When I found him, some cunt was not only talking to him but was standing so damn close she might as well have been stepping on his shoes. I decided it was time to secure my base or retreat.

He saw me and asked if I was ready to leave. In the car I asked him if he lived on campus and he said that he lived in a rented room across town. I told him I didn't want to be helping him into some strange house; he could crash with me.

He replied, "You're unbelievable."

"Unbelievable like good or like bad?"

"Oh I mean like good, believe me. You weren't eager to go to that party but you did and you drove your car, it was cold and you loaned me your jacket and now you're taking me home go sober up."

"I hope you don't feel I'm being forward taking you home. I make friends easily but I don't get thick with all of them. I relate better on a one to one basis with people I like."

"So, you're selective?"

"Yea, I guess I am."

"Me, too. Did you select me?"


"Don't be too sure. I may have selected you first"

"When did you select me?"

"When you walked into the pool room."

"Technically you beat me, but I'd seen you several times before on campus and decided you were someone I'd like to know better."

"That's flattering."

Once in the apartment, Gene said he had to piss. I turned on the light in the bathroom, went to the kitchen and got a bottle of gin and one of dry vermouth out of the cupboard. Gene came in as I was getting out some clean glasses, asked what I was doing and I responded, teasingly and smiling, saying. 'My turn for a Martini, I'm home now."

"Mix me one, too."

Still teasing him, I raised the bottle over my head and said, "No, I've got to catch up with you".

He reached for the bottle, and in the process, his body pushed against mine. My cock immediately jumped into erection mode and his did too. Neither of us said anything but the way he looked at me, open mouth and wide eyed was indescribable.

I put the bottle back on the counter; he bent me backwards over the counter and kissed me - a long lasting, open-mouthed kiss. It was the first time I'd ever been kissed except by my mother. I yielded to him. It was all I could do. I felt as though I would fall to the floor if he hadn't had his arm around my waist. When he stopped, he kept looking into my eyes and started unzipping my pants. I took the clue and attached his zipper.

With one of his hands holding my erection and our pants around our ankles we waddled over to the couch and fell on it, side by side.

We both had hot pants even if our pants were around our ankles.

I had never been so sexually aroused. He kept kissing me as if he couldn't get enough. I loved it. Finally, he slid down and took my cock into his mouth. Even though he had me totally aroused, I had just shot a load while sucking the black dude at the party and Gene had to suck me for longer than it usually took before I ejaculated.

The minute I did climax he lay back, seemingly exhausted, and it was my turn. His cock was smallish, smooth, free of veins - about 5 inches total length, thin but capped with a cockhead way oversized for his shaft. His little knockers were already snuggled up to his body. I loved it but guessed he wouldn't last long and he didn't. I had barely started sucking him when he grunted, jerked and his little knockers started their cum flowing down his urethra tube along the bottom of his shaft. I could feel it coming with my lips. His orgasm was wild. Even Pete had never unloaded his big balls in such huge quantity. Now I was exhausted.

Instead of making the couch into a bed, I grabbed a blanket from the closet and spread it over him.

Do you want a Martini, now?

"Yes, please."

He seemed to have sobered up a bit. I sure hoped he wouldn't decide to leave.

I mixed two Martinis on the rocks, grabbed my cigarettes and lighter, put them on the coffee table and turned off the lights, except for the night light in the bathroom. Sonny had gone back to sleep after I'd come home and she'd checked out the situation and decided I was in no danger and we didn't bring any food home with us.

We were silent for a while, sitting, knees pulled up and feet on the couch, snuggled together in the blanket. It was Gene who broke the silence.

"Do you think what we did was wrong?"

"No way. Please don't tell me you do."

"I don't know."

"Well you cock seemed to have no doubts. Jesus I've never known anyone to shoot such a big load."

"Please don't get me wrong. It was my first time with anyone, boy or girl. It was better than I ever imagined it would be. But we had a minister when I was in my early teens and he addressed a boy's youth group once, talking about sex - masturbation - waiting until we were married to do it - you know, the whole religious bit."

He finished with, "It turned out to be my ticket for a guilt trip."

"Oh, God, Gene, I'm so sorry. I've heard the same stuff, but I don't believe it. God made us all in his image. We are supposedly created equal and we are supposed to love each other. I know that's not the reality of the matter. But, men have been having sex with men since forever, some say it's wrong, but what is natural for one is not natural for the other. You and I made love because we wanted each other, we needed each other and, most importantly, we satisfied each other. I like you a lot, I hope you like me. I hope liking each other will grow into something stronger. I know I'm not going to change you because of what I've said, but I wanted you to know my feelings and hope you'd see that there are two sides to the issue."

"I feel you are the best thing that's ever happened to me here at school, Mike. You'll have to be a little patient with me. I need to do some exploring with you. I don't know beans about sex."

"With you, I'll have all the patience in the world. I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek."

We got up, put the cushions aside, pulled out the bottom of the couch and made it into a bed with the 4-inch thick foam pad on top.

We tumbled in totally naked, it was the first time in my life I'd ever slept overnight with anyone. I spooned up to his back stretching my arm out along his leg. He took my hand and put it on his penis,

already erect. He wanted to do it again and he was not alone.

I turned him over on his back, gave him a second orgasm, threw a leg over his thighs and we went to sleep. Sonny sensed we had gone to bed late and let me sleep until eight o'clock before jumping

up on the bed, barking at me - telling me it was time to find my bathrobe and take her out to the alley. It had rained during the night. Now the sky was clear but the air was still cold. Gene was still asleep and didn't n wake up while I made coffee. When he did, he got out of bed with a morning, piss hard-on and dashed for the bathroom. I was dressed and l handed him my bathrobe to use, told him to shower and I'd make breakfast.

About ten, he asked me to take him home saying he'd better get to his homework. I gave him my apartment phone number and my cell phone's too. He didn't have a phone but said he'd call me.

After taking him home, I realized it was Saturday, so Sonny and I detoured via the supermarket, went home and put stuff away, put my laundry in a pillow case and went to a coin laundry. When I returned home, I folded stuff and put it away, scrubbed the bathroom floor as well as the strip of vinyl flooring along the front of the kitchen cabinets, fridge and range. I dusted, ran the vacuum, generally tidied up and made a second pot of coffee. Now, with nothing to occupy my mind I felt lonely and hoped Gene would call. I missed him already and hoped he wouldn't get back to feeling guilty about what happened.

I was tired. The partying, drinking, staying up late had gotten to me. I took a nap on the sofa with Sonny at my feet; it was four in the afternoon when I woke up to the phone ringing. It was Gene. He said he was calling from a Seven- Eleven mart, two blocks from where he lived and wanted to know if I'd pick him up. He sounded as though he was on the verge of tears. I told him to get a cup of coffee and hang out for a while. I'd be there in a few minutes.

I pulled up to the convenience store and honked the horn. Gene came out with two cups of coffee and I drove over to the campus. On Saturdays parking spaces were abundant. We got outside and took Sonny on a sniffing tour. I asked him why he was about to cry on the phone.

"Oh, Mike, I really don't know. You were so great to me last night and this morning, too. Despite the overcast, that glass gable in your apartment made the whole place so light and airy. Mine is so dark and closed in. I just got depressed and I don't get that way very often. I guess I just needed to talk to you. I felt so lonely." He began to cry again but managed to say, "I don't want to scare you off, but I think I love you."

"Jesus, I wish we could chance a kiss, but outside here, I don't think so. I love you, too, Gene, I really do. Let's go back to your place and pack up your stuff. I want you to move in with me. I came prepared with plastic, garbage bags to put your stuff into. We can sort it out later."

Back at my digs, we put his stuff in the middle of the floor to deal with it later, fed Sonny, and went to a restaurant.

On the way, I'd told him that I'd been in a funk mood all day, I'd missed him, too, and guessed we'd both turned from liking to loving about the same time. Things had happened almost too fast to cope with but I was sure we'd work everything out. (As the old saying goes - love will find a way.)

It did.

We stowed Gene's stuff, had a couple of Martinis and finally went to bed.

Holy shit, he kinda scared me - He'd remarked that I'd have to be patient with him because he didn't know beans about sex

Either what he needed to know came to him like a flash of lightening or his dick knew more about sex than he did. He began open mouth kissing me, pinching my nipples and at the same time rubbing a hand around my crotch and in the crack between my buns. I could feel his hardness pressing against me and he soon had me so fucking hot I was about to go crazy. He was making love to me as though I was a girl.

The only thought I could muster up was that he was going to fuck me and I was going to let him.

He did - without lube. I yielded to him.

It hurt like hell.

Pete was right. You could feel a guy emptying his load in your ass.

He ejaculated, breathed on my neck a while, rolled off of me, went down on me and sucked me dry. Made me wonder just what it was that he didn't know about sex.

I had a really sore ass in the morning, but thinking of who had made it sore and how it got that way made it feel a little better. In the shower, I even managed a smile thinking of it.

So, what began at a late October party, jammed with students and hosted by someone who remained nameless, continued until Gene and I graduated four years later. Despite Summer School it took us four years because some required courses were not offered in Summer School. Gene's parents had both died when he was in high school and grandparents in the southwestern corner of the state raised him. In Colorado we call the area the Western Slope. He felt obligated to them as they paid for his college education. He helped by working part time at the bookstore in the Student Union. As a matter of fact I did, too. We were both part-time cashiers.

I helped him out somewhat too, against his initial objections, by not charging him rent or other shared living expenses, like food. After all, the landlady didn't raise the lease fees and I couldn't cook, so Gene's ability to cook was to me, a significant contribution.

For both of us, it was an extremely happy and gratifying four years. Looking back, I think we fell in love the moment he pressed his body against mine when he was reaching up to grab the bottle of gin I was holding above my head. We still had hot pants for each other and in so many ways. There are so many things - little things that I remember - for one example: I usually woke before him because of Sonny needing to be taken for her morning walk. When I'd come back, I'd get back into bed and just look at him, what ever was uncovered - it didn't matter if it was his face, the back of his head or his cock erected with the need to take a morning piss. I loved everything about him. I never tired of just looking at him and when he'd wake, knowing what I'd been doing, he'd always smile and hug me, go to the bathroom, get back into bed and get another erection for me to suck on.

We did go to mixed parties, gay parties and porno bookstores/arcades - but always together.

There was one exception to our being a couple. He was so fucking neat and the three of us became such close friends. His name is Allen Jefferson. He was a senior when we were juniors and we met him in the winter of our junior year, so we knew him for about six months before finishing college. He was the most beautiful, young, black man that I'd ever met and probably ever will.

Gene and I both knew him. We had seen him numerous times in the bookstore. We had both checked him through the cashiers line on occasion. Once seen, he was someone you'd never forget; his caramel colored skin, shaved head, deep black eyes under arched eyebrows, even features, teeth worthy of a toothpaste commercial, small in stature and a smile that warmed up the coldest day. He was just one of 30,000 students but one we'd both noticed, liked but never had the opportunity to become friends with.

That is until one cold as hell winter night in Denver. The bookstore manager, who Gene and I speculated was gay, despite being married to a nice looking woman and the father of three kids, had given us tickets to the Denver Symphony, because he and his wife couldn't attend.

After the concert, we met Allen in the Lobby, we recognized each other, introductions were made and we walked to the parking garage that we'd both used. When we got to the garage Allen asked what floor we were on and I told him the fourth. He said that was good because he had a favor to ask. The favor was to not leave until he was sure his car would start because he'd been having battery problems but no time to attend to it. The battery didn't start. Extreme cold and heat did that to batteries. We all realized he'd waste a couple of hours waiting around in the cold for one to be delivered if he'd called an emergency service, so we gave him a ride home - my offering to drive him back to Denver in the morning because I didn't have classes until 2 o'clock in the afternoon on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Normally it was about an hour and a half drive home, but we weren't even out of Denver when it started to snow. The further we went the worse the wind became and it was obvious we were in for a blizzard. Allen lived on the extreme, opposite edge of town and was as edgy as hell about the weather. Gene asked him if he wanted to come to the apartment; he had a crock-pot of stew that would be ready to eat and if the weather got too bad he could spend the night. I think Allen was just glad to have company and he agreed. I was glad when we were home and the car was in the garage.

We had a few drinks, Allen wanted scotch and so we all had the same. We then had the stew, French bread and some sliced tomatoes. Allen was a bit like Gene, he couldn't hold his liquor, but that didn't deter us from having a couple of more after dinner as we talked about college, the symphony, the blizzard and, finally, sex. That led to my saying that Gene and I thought the manager of the bookstore was gay. Allen said he knew he was; he'd given Allen a blowjob, or at least tried. He wasn't any good at it.

Gene remarked, "What's so difficult about a blowjob."

Allen responded that he had a difficult cock to suck. We asked why and he said he had a dick that curved 90 degrees to his left.

Curious, we enticed him to show it to us. He said it had to be erect before it curved.

He jacked it up for us.

His jacking it made Gene's and mine hard too. It was just too sexually arousing watching him jacking himself not to get hard.

We made the couch into a bed and undressed, never taking our eyes off the prize, eight inches of bent cock that protruded from between Allen's legs and cured left, as he'd explained.

Being avid cock suckers and suddenly desperate for Allen's, we devised a way to get at it. I asked Allen to lie on his left side on the edge of the bed. The end of his cock pointed down, but it had some flexibility in the way it could be moved. Taking it into my hand, I pulled it up, put it in my mouth and went around the bend. Gene asked him to raise his leg. He did. Gene stuck his face in and sucked on his balls as I sucked his cock. Allen was like Pete in that he didn't shoot easily. Gene and I changed positions. Allen about fell off the bed when as he ejaculated. Gene and I had again changed positions and he ejaculated into my mouth.

I did, too, and ejaculated while his cock juice was pouring into my mouth.

Not in my pants this time. If I'd learned anything in college it was to not suck cock while mine was in my pants.

He liked it. He came back for more - at least twice a week.

We became good friend.

In May, before Gene and I were to be swamped with studying for final exams, we went home. He lived so far away he'd spent Thanksgiving and other holidays, except Christmas, at home with me for four years. My parents loved him. My dad had a surprise for me - a graduation present - a new, silver colored Pontiac 2- door Grand Am.

My dad always bought GM cars. Maybe he owned some GM stock or didn't believe in world trade. I really never questioned the why or which of the matter.

I asked him if I should leave the Geo with him so he could sell it. He said, "Hell no. I don't want to fool around with it. Give it to Gene. He probably could use it. Gene was delighted. I'd taken very good care of the car and it had a little less than 30,000 miles on it.

That was the good pre-graduation news. The bad news was that Sonny and Pete, who had lived in Sierra City, Arizona for two years, parted ways. They weren't divorced. Pete had gotten a new job with TRW in the Los Angeles area and Sonny didn't want to go. She was nursing at a local hospital. That was Sonny's version, anyway. I figured there might be more to it than she was admitting to.

I hated that - for both their sakes and mine as well. I hadn't sucked on Pete's big dick for years, but I liked having him as a brother-in- law.


Next: Chapter 3

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