Sex In College

By Joey A

Published on Jul 21, 2002



Hi! Just a little story I thought I'd share with you, dunno whether to make it a series or just a one off fuck... maybe you could email me and tell me what you think? :) If you liked this story then make sure you do email to let me know ;) constructive criticisms most likely ignored :)

Don't forget, if you're too young to be reading this, then slap yourself on the wrist and carry on, what do you take me for? Your mother?

Fun reading! ;) Phoenix x

Sex in College

"I'm so looking forward to tomorrow,"

"Huh?" I mouthed, the school hotties had just walked into the cafeteria and I was lost in dirty thought

"Star Wars, duh" said my friend in a camp whimper. He's not even gay but loves playing up his feminine side. It was a slow Friday lunchtime and he needed something to do anyway.

"Sure, that's the one with Hayden Christensen right?" My mind moved on to its next fantasy involving young Jedi and lightsaber handles... I wasn't even particularly fussed on him, but being 18 anything with a cock got me going. And what a cock he must have. I could just imagine feeling that fuckstick pushing into me, sliding in, taking long hard strokes rubbing over my... Whoops, carried away there, and I was getting hard whilst wearing loose boxers and loose suit trousers, not good.

Back to reality I looked up just in time to catch the eye of Sam, rowing stud, on the other side of the room. I'm not sure what, if anything he had seen, but he gave me a big grin anyway. In many ways, if you saw Sam, you wouldn't think he was anything special, but then you haven't seen him wearing a lycra "all in one" rowing kit. From the outside he had short brown hair with matching eyes and a cute face. Standing at about 6 foot he filled his jacket out very nicely and definitely fitted a jock image. When he first arrived in the sixth form I put him in the "cute but what a wanker" category, homophobia included. This year though he had mellowed more than enough and I had talked to him quite a lot, especially as he had become good friends with one of my friends. I admit I hadn't seen him even half naked in the changing rooms. I hear you all saying "poor effort" and whatever but the homophobic image, which I later found out to be false, included not letting me see even the smallest bit of naked skin.

As you might have guessed I'm out. Have been since I was 15, soon I get the sticker. Not many people took much notice, although it wasn't like I got up and shouted it. I'm the gay guy the girls love (give me a break), and more importantly, the guys come to talk to for...advice. Well that or they haven't had any in a while. The other day I was called promiscuous. I had to reply "jealous?" to the guy in question, but to be honest I'm no slut. I just know what I want... I'm not so bad looking myself. Dark hair frames quite a strong face, with piercing blue eyes. At 6.1 I'm pretty tall but with the working out I'm doing I'm filling in my frame nicely with some showing of a six-pack, woohoo.

So Sam was now in my mind. The smile lingered for a while and I swear he winked. I held his gaze, probably going a little bit red, not liking being caught in such a compromising position. Eventually he was pulled away by a friend asking him something and I sighed wistfully tuning back into my conversation. Only a couple of minutes after that I decided to head home, saying my goodbyes to my friends and grabbing my stuff to go out to the car. A few seconds out of the door I heard my name being called. Recognising that deep sexy voice I turned to see Sam running after me,

"Uh... Phoenix" He started nervously, very unlike his usual cocky manner.

"Yes..." I smiled back sweetly.

"My parents are out this weekend and I was kinda wondering... maybe... if you could... take me home. I mean I could take the bus, but then I wouldn't be able to stay and go rowing training or whatever and so I was just sort of thinking if its not too far out of your way that perhaps if you're not busy, and don't mind you could..."

"Sure" I cut off his babbling before he embarrassed himself anymore. I had absolutely no idea why I accepted. Maybe it was just the stress he'd put on his parents being out. The thing was, I'd never driven Sam anywhere, I wasn't even particularly good friends with him, I just fancied the pants off him. More importantly than that, is that he knew and I knew that my house was twenty minutes in one direction, and his house was twenty minutes in the opposite direction, and I would have to wait another two hours while he went and rowed.

"Cool" was his reply, breathing that sigh of relief and smiling that amazing smile. I was falling more in love with him with every passing second. It would pass I was sure. "See you at five thirty then I guess..."

"At the rowing club?"

"Yeah" - he turned and walked away and I was sure I could see his smile from the back of his head it was so radiant

As his ass bobbed away I let out a low whistle and continued towards my car. A red MG Midget convertible! Fun fun fun. I jumped in turned up the radio and headed towards the river. I had nothing better to do, it was a nice day, and I figured I'd get a good seat to watch the rowing, or more importantly, the rowers! And maybe do some work in the meantime... Exams coming up after all. I settled down on the bank in front of my car with a good text book (yeah right). About 10 minutes later the 'crew' turn up at the boathouse wearing these skimpy lycra things. Wow. It had been almost a year since I had actually watched this sport and god knows why. They had all matured a lot since I'd seen them last and eight built guys were soon carrying a boat out, muscles bulging with the strain. There were three other things bulging on that river at that moment. My eyes were about to come out of their sockets for a start, but more importantly my crotch was uncomfortably showing, and I had to bunch my knees up to my chest to hide it. Thoughts of Group Orgies ran through my head. These eight studs taking turns with my mouth and ass. Pummelling me from different directions with their muscles rubbing against me and sweat dripping from their torsos, their cum feeding me and smothering my body...

Any hope of de-hornying myself was lost when the captain walked out from the boathouse. My jaw probably dropped a foot. Sam glistened in the sunlight; muscles bulging through a lycra thing which I swear was at least two sizes too small. He spotted me and smiled. He winked and tweaked one of his rock hard nipples which was just covered by the vest type shape over the top of his body. Not covered however was the third bulge. As my eyes moved down his body a huge mound protruded from his very short shorts. He must have seen my eyes roam, as no way was the tiny grope he gave himself as he walked down the steps towards the boat accidental. He was the last to strap his feet into the boat and soon it left the landing stage. Now this was our first eight - the crème de la rowers. They moved swiftly and glided through the water moving together. Their rhythmic up and down the slide further reminded me of sex (so I'm dirty) and as I concentrated on each member of the boat I thought of them using that pelvic movement to nail my ass.

After a couple of passes I noticed something about Sam. They were all working hard and sweat had soaked through their lycra and their strong shoulders glistened with sweat. It was now that Sam decided to take the shoulder straps off and strip down to just the shorts part of his kit. Wow. Small groan from me. His body was amazing. V shaped. Defined. You imagine the nicest chest you've seen. Make it more curved, harder, and a thousand times more mouth watering and you're close. It was also completely smooth, no hair, not even a treasure trail. I could have swallowed this guy whole. Again he looked at me and smiled, this time licking his lips... I really hoped I was reading him wrong.

Sure enough when 5:30 had come around they got off the water, had a pep talk and hit the changing room. How I wanted to go in there, but probably best not! Sam came straight back out with his stuff.

"You don't mind if I just leave this stuff on do you?" he asked innocently, "it's just I'm hot and sweaty but want to wait till I get home to change and stuff"

"Not. At. All." I said not believing any one of my senses. He had since pulled his lycra back up, but he still glistened, and his nipples still poked through. He jumped into my tiny car and I followed in a daze. Even though it's a convertible and the top was down I still caught a whiff of that aroma. I nearly died, sweat, power and masculinity in one.

I really don't know how I made it to his house without a serious accident. He directed me and we made small talk about work and stuff. We arrived at quite a large house in a rural area and he jumped out and opened the door. I followed grabbing his bag from the back and walking behind him, watch that ass! Reaching the door he took the bag off me. I didn't follow him in at first.

"I guess this is it, I'll be seeing you then." I said, probably sounding as disappointed as possible

"Wait! You're gonna stay for a bit aren't you?"

"If you want me to yeah, I guess..." I tried to sound nonchalant, but failed. Thank fuck!

I walked in shutting the door behind me and he dumped the bag. We went into a sitting room and fell down onto the same couch. The conversation continued much as it had before until he started asking about gay stuff. It started with the usual, when did you figure out you were gay blah blah blah.

"So do gay people get more sex?" "Maybe a bit more... we've already broken one sexual taboo, so doing more isn't such a big deal" I replied "Have you ever had sex with a straight man?" Bingo! Let me at him! "More than one", I smiled. "Straight men, because girls are so up themselves and don't put out, need somewhere to go sometimes, and I just help those men out..." I'm pretty sure he bought this as he nodded sagely. There was a lull in the conversation now and I was just about to speak and excuse myself because it was getting awkward.

"Would you...uhhhh..." "would you help me out?" He quickly mumbled.

He'd said it. I had permission. I ripped his knees apart and what a fucking site! What I thought had been a bulge earlier was now a monster. As my mouth moved closer the masculine smell became overpowering and I gasped for air. A tiny spot of precum had soaked through his lycra shorts and I dove for it. My tongue touched it and the low groan that came deep from Sam's Chest spurred me on.

As I touched I felt that familiar sweet taste invade my mouth as well as the feeling of a hard cock through the material. I closed my mouth around the top of his mushroom head, letting my saliva soak through whilst sucking hard through the fabric. My lips hooked around the rim of his head and my tongue lapped and licked over his sensitive glands.

"fuuuuuck" he shouted loudly, pulling my head from his crotch. "One more second of that vacuum and I'd blow, and I'm not even fully hard yet." He smiled that sexy cute smile as I glanced down to the sticky wet patch. No way was that a semi... must have been 7.5" and the outline looked pretty hard to me.

"You're cut?" I asked, almost panting from excitement

"Yeah" there was that smile again. "You like?"

Being an uncut guy, cut cocks get me going. I just moaned at his question and let my head fall back into his crotch. Once again he grabbed my head, this time more forcefully, and pulled me away.

"I wasn't joking! If I come this soon you'll give me a complex. I want my first time to last...."

A virgin. No way was this God a virgin. I looked at his crotch and the precum flowing into his tight shorts. I suppose anything is possible. I licked my lips as my mind ran through all the possibilities. Sam picked up on my raw lust and still holding my face jerked me off the sofa onto the floor. Fuck me. Bit of a shock. He manoeuvred himself and faced me putting his hands behind his head.

"Worship me" he said laughing. He was such a kind and gentle guy. He knew he hadn't hurt me. In fact he probably knew I'd get off on that stuff. I jumped to my feet and had to stop myself pouncing onto him. If he wanted to tease me I figured I could give as good as I got.

I moved towards his right armpit and let my tongue run through the sparse hair tasting his sweet juice. He still hadn't washed since the rowing and a days build up of raw man scent lay there for me to suck. After running up and down a couple of times I let my whole mouth take over his armpit sucking for all I was worth. He groaned again and just the look on his face told me he was enjoying it. I let my tongue wander back over the top of his arm running over the top of his shoulders, over the strap of his lycra top and down the crevice between his pecs. I brought both my hands to the straps of his top, and pulled them down over his broad shoulders to his waist. He lifted his ass off the couch smiling at me, but I just smiled and left him waiting frustrated.

I moved my head towards his nipple suddenly biting into it causing a high-pitched yelp. Sam then groaned as I ministered my bite with lapping and sucking. I circled each nipple with my tongue, making them rock hard and sticky with my saliva. As I moved between them I left a trail of wetness going down into the cleft between his rock hard pectoral muscles. With my hands I traced this trail and dragged it down onto his stomach. I let my hand touch his lightly defined six-pack. His abs were rock hard and so smooth that I moaned in anticipation. Sure enough my tongue let off his tiny pink nipples down over his stomach.

The smell of sex was seeping up from Sam's crotch and he was getting worked up moaning, probably imagining my digging into his outie was his cock. He couldn't take the suspense any longer grabbing the rest of his all in one and pulling it off past his strong muscular legs.

I nearly passed out. The most beautiful cock I had ever seen was bobbing in front of me. I had been about right, it was 7" long at least and in perfect proportion to it's girth. Without even thinking my hands moved to wrap around his dick. Soon they were exploring every crack and vein, squeezing his head through my circled fingers, struggling to reach around this monster. A large drop of precum appeared at the slit. My gay reflex immediately kicked in and my head moved straight onto his cock, latching over the head. My tongue snaked out digging deep into the piss slit, digging out that sweet pre cum.

Sam went into overdrive thrashing about on the sofa, complete with guttural moan. This really was his first time. I lost control too and let loose on his cock. Although I was afraid he would come quickly it didn't stop me moving up and down his cock. First my tongue licked the head like a lollipop, then it moved to going up and down the whole cock. I moved down to his balls and taking each one into my mouth separately sucked them till they ached. I moved back to his cock putting my lips around the head and started moving up and down on his cock. I started slowly at first letting my tongue smother the cock as I went down. Sam was going absolutely wild above me, an amazing sheen of sweat covering his chest.

"Fucking hell, you're making me hard" That confirmed it. What I thought I had been imagining was happening, the cock in my mouth was filling out more and getting harder. I soon had an 8-inch cock in my mouth, harder than I've ever felt a cock. I started to move up and down faster with Sam going wild above me, resting his hands on the back of my head. Soon he was grabbing the back of my head and forcing me onto his dick. With each thrust it pushed further into my throat, and my muscles contracted around the head of his cock. He increased the speed he was fucking my face with and soon it was easily sliding into my tight throat. As his moaning got louder I knew he was close and I squeezed his balls and played with his sack.


He pulled completely out of my mouth and immediately shot his first volley into my face. I'm surprised I didn't bruise with the force of his spurts and my face was covered before the third volley which I covered with my mouth and swallowed. Eight whole shots were unloaded in me or on me.

Sam lay on the sofa panting and recovering. "That was the best orgasm I've ever had. Ever." His cock was no longer its maximum 8 inches - but it hadn't gone down past 7, and still pointed slightly upwards.

After a few minutes he let out a long breath. "Take off your clothes and lay on the floor". It wasn't so much of a command as a need that I had to satisfy. Soon I was naked on the floor.

He kneeled down between my legs, placing his hands either side of my shoulders. His mouth found mine and we began to kiss. Enveloped in his lips I began to explore his mouth mixing his seed between us. We both groaned in appreciation of the other, as my hard cock grinded against his sensitive semi hard dick.

"Your mouth is so fucking intense". He lifted my legs. "but now I need your ass, and I warn you, the second time, I last forever" He smiled and winked.

I looked down and I could see his huge dick expanding again, to what seemed more than before, just as his huge head began to force my unlubed ass to ecstasy...

I let out a long groan as the pressure against my anal ring increased. Sam let out a frustrated sigh as he pushed, whilst my ass didn't yield. He let off slightly and his juice from his earlier orgasm, as well as fresh precum mixed to form lube which he spread around my bud. Again his engorged cock pressed against me, starting to spear into me. As he leaned forward kissing me I felt the head of his huge penis slid into me. A short involuntary gasp came from my lungs as I felt the outer rim of his head latch onto the inside of my sphincter.

A low guttural moan came from Sam's chest and I licked my lips as his defined pecs heaved and six-pack rippled. A drop of sweat formed in the cleft between his pink nipples and began its descent down over his hard stomach into his pubic bush.

After kissing me again, Sam smiled a big smile and began to push again. Feeling resistance he nibbled on my earlobe and whispered seductively, "I hope you like it rough"

With that he reared up and plunged hard into my hole. Another inch was in me and I winced in pain.

"because you're so..."

he thrusted in another two inches




His final thrust buried his cock and we both screamed in pleasure. My tight ass held his cock while his head rubbed my walnut sized prostrate.

I asked him to ease off a second and he lay down on top of me panting. The sweat on his chest rubbed with the sweat on mine smelling both divine and masculine. My ass adjusted slowly to his size and my breathing slowed.

Sam started to rock and I groaned again as I felt the slow massage of my insides. He retreated slowly from my chute and soon a feeling of emptiness crept through me as only his head remained. A violent thrust followed, filling me up immediately sliding into my abused hole. Sam groaned again but instead of stopping once he was in he immediately pulled out again this time all the way.

The feeling of re-entry wracked my body as he pushed past my sphincter straight through to my prostrate. I'd never felt this full before and he had certainly never felt the heat we were sharing. He pulled out again, but now in a more regular rhythm. His slow in and out was amazing, and his pleasure heightened by my pulsing ass, grabbing his cock and trying to pull it back into me.

As he slid in and out his shoulders were quite still, whilst his sweating bulging abs did the work and his rock hard ass bobbed in time to our fucking. I was writhing underneath him and as he moved, my seven-inch dick was worked between us lubricated by our sweat and my precum.

Sam's pace increased and my hands moved up to caress his stomach. He kissed me again and took up the speed another gear. With more speed came more power and I felt all his muscles work to pummel my ass. I wanted to be fucked raw and Sam was already there. His speed went up even more and his cock was soon a blur ravaging my ass. I could feel his need coursing into me and the boiling heat and friction between us made our sweat trickle down our hard bodies.

Those short gasps leapt from his lungs and he was on the final stretch towards orgasm, his gigantic balls began to bunch next to the base of his cock preventing them from banging against my arse. My hands were firmly clamped on his sensitive nipples, and his hands jumped to my cock, pulling and teasing it in these last few seconds.

A deafening groan came out of Sam's lungs as he dove home for the final time, all eight inches firmly lodged within me. As the first spurt hit my prostrate, bathing it in warmth and Sam's rough hands grappled with my cock, my ass clamped down firmly onto the huge fuckstick penetrating me, and I came matching Sam's noise.

Our orgasms hit a high both spurting wave upon wave together, him coating my insides, me lubricating the space between us. Six, seven, eight, nine spurts came out of us groaning all the way.

Spent we flopped down together in a pool of sweat and semen.

We both sighed and reflected the best sex either of us had had.

Soon however I realised there was still a rock hard pulsating cock in my ass and as he ground into me, something told me this wasn't over...

Comments welcomed! Should this be a series? or just a one off fuck? :) Phoenix x -

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