Sex Game Gone Wrong

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Nov 9, 2008




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



I groaned when I went up to my room and saw the tie hanging over the doorknob. My tie, no less! I checked my watch, 4:00pm. Damn it, Gregg knew I came back from my classes at 4:00pm! I gave the knock on the door, three soft taps, one, then two, to let Gregg know I was back. Then I went down to the TV room and plopped down

Gregg and I had our agreement, if he needed the room alone, he'd put the tie on the door. That let me know I wasn't to come in. Then I would knock when I saw it, that told Gregg that I would be back in a half hour and he'd better be done by then and decent, because it was time for me to go ahead and go on in

This put me in the position of repeatedly meeting women who had just finished having sex with Gregg. They would be sitting, usually on my bed, with hair awry and their bodies sweaty and trying to pretend they had just been sitting and talking. I guess they didn't know that, the minute they left, Gregg would regale me with details about every sexual position they had been using. "See that wet spot?" he'd point to a spot on my bedsheet for example. "That's where she came the second time. God, what a hot one she was, my nuts still hurt!"

I couldn't fault Gregg for his kid-in-a-candy-store attitude about sex. He was big, good-looking stud with his dark hair, classically long, square cheeks, eyes that burned a bright blue and when he smiled, you felt like the angels were singing in a choir around you, hallelujah, hallelujah!

While I sat and watched Gregg sitting on his bed after a sexual tryst, wearing only a pair of baggy shorts, and trying not to stare at his beautiful, Renaissance-sculptured body, as I was forced to imagine him atop some girl, his lithe form shining as he arced in climax above her, I could just see him like that, his head thrown back, his mouth wide open, eyes squinched shut, his back the shape of a bow with his hard cock the arrow flying into the woman's cunt, I could imagine him groaning out, "Ahhhhhhhhhuhhhhh!" as he did it...

I shook my head. Damn it, think about something else. The girl, that ought to make the old frankfurter in my pants go down. Who was it this time. Oh, yeah, Melanie again

Funny that Melanie would agree to go with him. He'd dated her pretty steadily for a month, and then had the balls to drop her in favor of her roommate, Maria. Maria had been a sexual dynamo according to Gregg, and one of the few women who had dumped Gregg instead of being dumped. Gregg had rebounded by approaching Melanie again. I figured she'd cold-cock him with a quick right hook. Instead, he'd set up a date for this afternoon, which had, apparently, turned into a tryst with Gregg in the room he and I shared

So I was sitting in the common room at 4:15pm, waiting another fifteen minutes so I could go in and drop off my books. A dumb sitcom was on, not even one of the good ones, but a couple of the other guys in the room were apparently into it, so I ended up watching it. Didn't change my opinion about the show one whit, horrible crap

But it ended, and I spent the two minutes until 4:30pm getting my stuff together and heading back to my room. Looked at my watch and it was exactly 4:30pm. The tie was still on the door, so I had to face Melanie and all I wanted to say to her was, "What the fuck is wrong with you women? Don't you know he's just going to dump you again the minute he finds someone else?" Actually, not say it, shout it!

I got the door open with my books in front of me like a girl (just levering them into the room like that, I hadn't carried them that way) and when I got into the room, they just rolled down my body like so many dented croquet balls, hitting my foot which hurt but I didn't say a word. I was too busy gaping!

Gregg was spread-eagled on his bed, stark naked, tied by his hands and his feet, and had a dirty, filthy sweatsock stuffed into his mouth!

"Gregg, what the hell?" I asked

"Mm-mph!" is what he said

I got the door shut and locked (guys would walk in on you in a dorm if you didn't; if you didn't want company you locked your door and if it was unlocked, you were available for company, that was the routine, and I didn't think Gregg wanted company just now) and went over

Got the sweatsock out of the mouth and said again, "Gregg, what happened?"

"That bitch!" Gregg sputtered, spitting out sock lint off his tongue. "That freakazoid, skanky, stinking cunt!"

"What happened?"

"We talk at the student union over a coke and she's all sweet and forgiving." Gregg said. "I said I was an idiot for going after Maria and she's nodding like she's agreeing with me a hundred percent. So I figure, we got some history and I said I could sure use a bit of special comforting just now."

"So you asked her back to the room."

"She knew what I meant." Gregg said. "Can you untie me while I tell you this? Anyway, we get back and she says that she's going to show me a hotter time than Maria ever thought about and pulls this rope out of her purse. Said she's going to tie me to the bed and ride me like I've never been ridden before. And I'm thinking, all right!"

I was looking at the ties on one hand as he spoke, and sneaked a look down his body. God, that cock he had on him. I'd seen it a time or two, but this time, he'd had an erection until some time ago, and it was still all fat and distended, not wrinkled up and puckered up inside his body

"So she gets me naked and she's mostly naked, just bra and panties, kissed on me, and sucked my cock a bit, then said, 'Now get on the bed and I'll tie you down.' Didn't you hear her, that was when you knocked before." He turned his head, trying to look up into my face

"No, I didn't." I said as I quickly turned my attention back to the knot. Geez, Melanie must have gotten a merit badge in knots! I couldn't even find the ends on this one! A real Gordian knot or something!

"Anyway, I'm all tied down and she gets off me, bends down and picks up the sweatsock I'd just taken off." Gregg said. She balled it up and came up to the bed, right where you are now, and she said, 'This is for dumping me for Maria!' and she shoved that thing right into my mouth! And then she gets dressed and said, 'And this is for lying your ass off in the student union just so you could get me back in bed with you!' And then the bitch just walks out the door! And so here I am, lying in bed naked and feeling relief that at least you're going to be the one who finds me tied up here. Hey, can you get me untied already? I got to hurry, I can still call up Doris and see if she's free for tonight. I got a load in my balls that I got to get out or it's a whack-off in the john for me!"

I felt something snap in me at that. Gregg had just been given one hell of a lesson about toying with women's emotions. Doris was one of those sweet types, kind of an innocent and a bit stupid. Gregg could talk her into anything and he'd played with her emotions for over a year now. She was so pathetically glad to have his attention that, by Gregg's own admission, he'd talked her into all kinds of things, like fucking her ass instead of her cunt, and then sticking it in her mouth with his dick all shitty with her ass. He loved degrading her, I think. Not because she deserved it, but because he could

I got up from my position with one hand on the bed, straightening up and I said, "I don't think so."

"Huh?" Gregg was surprised. "Hey, Edwin, come on, get me loose. My balls are boiling, I tell you. That bitch got me all worked up and then left me hanging! Jesus, I'm so horny, I can't stand it, now get me untied and I'll find a cunt to fuck."

He saw my face and my jaw set and he said said, "Okay, I promise I won't call Doris, then, if you're sweet on her. I'll call Sheena or Amy, then. They're both easy pieces."

Easy pieces. You'd say anything, do anything, just to get off, wouldn't you?" I said to Gregg

"Hey, they like it." Gregg said. "Now come on, untie me."

"Yeah, you don't care how you get off, do you?" I said, putting a knee up on the bed. "As long as you get off, you're happy."

"Hey, Edwin, you're freaking me out here." Gregg said. "Untie me now, please."

"Oh, now it's please." I said. "You're ready to beg me, are you?"

I took hold of his cock just like I'd always wanted to. Gregg gasped and muttered, "God damned! Edwin, you want to play with my dick, untie me and I'll let you, damn!"

"Yeah, you would." I said as I pumped on him. His cock firmed out and I saw it hard for the first time. Jesus, this stud had about nine inches on him, and it was fat, too! No wonder the girls all lined up and tolerated his antics and begged for more! Well, this cock was now mine! "I'm going to play with it." I said. "Anyway I fucking feel like."

"Ooh, ah, gah!" Gregg murmured

"Until I feel like letting you go, Gregg." I said. "You belong to me."

"Ooh, ahh, yeah!" Gregg groaned

"The only question here is, what do I want to do with this dick." I said. "Do I want to just whack you off, maybe?" And I sped up my hand on him

"Ohhh, Go-o-o-o-d!" Gregg moaned. "Shit, yeah, beat my meat, beat it."

"Or maybe I don't want to do that." I said, letting go of him. Just left him with his cock waving slowly back and forth, as a long, lazy string of clear fluid ran down the shaft

"Don't stop!" Gregg gasped. "Man, please, I gotta get off now, I gotta! If you're going to stop, untie me, and I'll whack it on off."

"What makes you think I'm stopping?" I said to him

Gregg just let out a long, low moan

I leaned over his cock and just let my breath exhale upon it. "You got a nice prod on you, Gregg." I said to him. "Very nice."

"Oh, God, Edwin, do something with it, please, man, please!" Gregg begged me

My answer was to give a quick lick of it with my tongue. I didn't intend it, but the fluid on his glans touched my tongue and stuck to it like so much glue. When I lifted away, the string of precome came away with me, clinging to my tongue-tip like a crystal bond

"Ohhhh, God!" Gregg gasped again. "Shit, Edwin, please suck me, Edwin, please suck me, God, I need you to suck me, please!"

"Maybe I will, and maybe I won't." I teased him

Gregg moaned, but before he could beg further, I took his cockhead in my mouth and ran my tongue over the glans. Mostly I was wiping away the precome, or taking it in, rather, but when I let go again, Gregg was babbling, "Oh, shit, God, Edwin, please, man, I'll do anything, suck me, Edwin, suck me and I'll do anything for you, I'll suck you, I'll let you fuck me, anything, just please suck me off, please, man, please, I'll do anything for you...."

"Anything?" I cut him off

"Yeah, anything." Gregg guttered. "Please, man, anything, just suck me off and I'll do whatever you want, whatever, I promise, man, I promise."

"I know what your promises are worth." I said. Then I sucked on him a little, enough to have him moaning madly and his cock was so hot, I half-expected him to cream right then. "Damn, you are hot, aren't you?"

"Yeah, please, I need to get off, I need to."

"Then quit telling lies to girls to get them in bed with you." I said. "You promise that, and I'll suck you on off."

"I promise, never again, I promise." Gregg prattled. "I swear it, man, I swear to God, just suck me off and I'll never lie to a girl again, ever!"

I smiled. "That's a good little tied-up stud." I said. "Now you're a good boy, and good boys get their reward."

And Gregg moaned as I took his cock down and began to suck him in earnest. "Oh, God, thank you, Edwin, thank you, thank you!" he nattered. "God, man, suck me, suck me good, oh, God, I need to come, I need to come, God, God, God!"

And Gregg dopplered off into groans and moans and he sprayed his hot jizz into my mouth. God, there was a lot of it, and I mean a lot! Gregg was practically drowning me in his spunk, he really was turned on by this, I mean really and he was spurting into my mouth and throat like a firehose, and I drank it down blissfully, God, such hot jism from this hot stud, and it was mine, all mine, and I was drinking it all down, all of it, shit, I loved Gregg's body and I loved his cock and I loved his come!

It ended, though, after a while, and I sucked until Gregg was weakly panting and his cock drooped and became soft and even wimpy-feeling. All its virility was gone, I had drunk it all out of him

"Oh, man, that was so fucking hot, so hot!" Gregg whispered. "So damned good."

"Yeah, that was good." I agreed

"You've been wanting to suck my cock a long time, haven't you?" Gregg asked

"I guess I have." I admitted

Gregg smiled. "Why don't you untie me and I'll show you a good time." Gregg said

"You promise?" I smiled and went to work on the knots. Got him untied, then lay down on the bed. Still dressed, but figuring on seeing what happened next. Gregg got up, got dressed and said, "So come on."

"Go where?" I was puzzled

"I figured I owe you for that blowjob, so I'm offering to take you out to dinner and then a movie." Gregg said and his grin wasn't a nice one

"You bastard." I said and got up anyway. Gregg wasn't going to reciprocate, but hell, a meal and a movie wasn't such a bad payback from a straight guy, was it?

Gregg didn't reciprocate and he seemed to have forgotten his promise. He had a new girl back in his room the next day and seemed to be out to cut a swath through the female population on campus

I considered this and then gave a girlfriend of mine back home a call. She was enough of a friend to hear me out and agree

Gregg came in with my friend on his arm a bit later the day she came to campus. "Hey, Edwin." he said

"Hey, Gregg." I said, acting as if I didn't know his girl at all

"This is Monica." he said to me, indicating my friend Diane

"Nice to meet you, Monica." I said to Diane

"Uh, you mind giving us this room for, like, an hour?" Gregg leered at Diane as he said this. "Or maybe two, even?"

"One ought to do it." Diane said as she smiled coyly at Gregg

"Sure." I said, getting to my feet. "No problem."

"Thanks." Gregg said as he nearly pushed me out the door. He put the tie on the doorknob for good measure and pulled it shut, and I hear the lock turning. Me, I just smiled at that tie and checked the time. 6:15pm on a Friday night

Diane was carrying a pair of handcuffs in her handbag. She would arrange to put Gregg back on the bed and leave him, just like Melanie had. Another sex game gone wrong

I would go back to "rescue him" in an hour. I could keep him all weekend this time if I wanted to

Meanwhile, I had an hour to decide just what I wanted to do with him this time!

Welsh on his promise to me, would he?


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



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