Sex Ed 101 with Bull

By Boyatt Hart

Published on Jun 22, 2011


I had a request for more of this story and I want to thank John for reminding me why I started writing it to begin with.

All the usual disclaimers apply. Please don't steal this story off of Nifty. Enjoy it if it's your cup of tea. If not, move along.

SEX-ED 101 WITH BULL (part 5)

by Boyatt Hart

I got home late that morning with all of the previous night's adventures replaying in my mind in vivid technicolor and my asshole still tingling from the gentle probing of Bull's massive dick that had started my day. I couldn't help feeling it was less the start of a new day so much as the start of a new life; a new life it seemed that I owed all to my immense, burly knight in black, shining armor. I tried to envision the heartwarming smile beaming from his round, manly, strong-jawed face but began to panic when I realized I couldn't get the picture quite right. I wanted to go running back to him immediately to fix it and let him still my fears again, but chose instead to resist my insecurity and obey his instructions.

With sadness I stepped into the shower and began to rinse away the pungent odors of our intermingled sweat, anal juice and semen, the combination of which had taken on the pleasing aroma of some exquisite and expensive aftershave to me by the time I had reached my apartment. But it was his command that we be clean when our adventure resumed that night and I thought it important to be a blank canvas upon which he could continue to apply his unique artistry.

Once cleaned I looked for routine chores to occupy my mind until a respectable departure time for the Pines arrived. However, so much had changed in my life in so few hours' time my that heart, mind and imagination were racing at land speed record pace. How can relief and anxiety co-exist within a single thought? I couldn't explain it but the experience was all too real. I was relieved that such a stunningly masculine man had entered my life to rescue me from my confusion and, yet, anxious that perhaps it had all merely been an act on his part. What if I showed up and he wasn't there?...or worse, that he would be regaling his rough hewn friends with the story of the man-sex-virgin boy he had practically had to babysit last night?

Hours passed as I flipped back and forth between these two extremes. At times I was packing my things for the proper overnight he said he expected and when not doing that I was fighting the temptation to unpack it. Morning had faded to afternoon and now afternoon was fading to early evening. I was a nervous wreck by the time I committed to following through on the promise I had made him.

I started my car and began the lengthy journey back to the middle of nowhere, hoping with all my heart it would continue as my oasis of everything I desired. One vision I couldn't get wrong was of huge, round and densely muscled Lee in his casual nakedness. My heart pounded and I sprang uncontrollably erect at the prospect that it could all play out again that night and into Sunday.

As I approached the Pines I heaved a momentary sigh of relief upon spotting Lee's truck. I pulled in next to it and sat just staring at it, screwing up the courage to go inside and find out what the night held in store for me.

When I walked in I saw the same few people I had encountered the night before and there at the bar sat Lee dressed exactly the same, except the jumpsuit was a light tan. He was looking down, lost in thought, and the fingers of both his paw-like hands rapped the sides of his beer bottle causing his thick, muscular forearms to ripple like waves.

"Hi, Lee," I tentatively proffered.

To my great relief he lit up at the sound of my voice and rose to his feet to greet me, beamimg that smile I'd had such a hard time envisioning earlier that day.

"Come! Come!" he implored, "Let's get a table and talk in private!"

Sidling up to one of the several vacant tables at that early hour he even pulled a chair out for me. As we seated ourselves I noticed the whiteness of his teeth contrasted with the darkness of his complexion as he continued to flash that totally disarming smile.

"I knew you wouldn't let me down, son!" he said in an excited half-whisper.

"I was worried all day that maybe last night had only been a dream," I confessed, "I'm so glad you're here!"

"Me too!" he sighed, heaving that vast chest so as to strain the flimsy fabric that concealed it, "I'll tell Mark to get along without me tonight and we can go straight to my house for some real fun."

My already hard dick twitched at the suggestion as I watched him saunter over to the bar exuding the confidence that I had fallen so hard for the previous night. I saw Mark pat Lee's shoulder and heard him say something to the effect that the Pines would make out just fine, that he was entitled to go have a little fun. He turned from Lee and waved me goodbye, giving me a knowing wink.

We pulled up at Lee's house and, dropping my overnight bag to the floor, quickly made our way to the couch. He pulled me onto his lap like I was a mere child and pressed my face to his, me grinding my butt against his already turgid member as he proceeded to stuff his tongue in my waiting mouth. The sensation was every bit as electrifying as it had been 24 hours before.

"You're dick is huge!" I blurted out as soon as he released me.

Lee laughed and said, "And if'n I don't let him loose from these pants I'm afraid he's liable to rip 'em open!"

I scrambled off of his corpulent bulk and eagerly helped him work it out of his fly. Once again the sight of his beefy monster triggered my childlike fascination with it as I observed the way the gaping urethra that bisected the tip of his bulky glans barely managed to peer out from his soft, ample foreskin, like a pair of twins crowning simultaneously during birth.

Hungering for his taste I quickly slid my lips over the hooded head, teasing the soft foreskin that ringed the bulbous tip of his blunt instrument. I managed to slip my tongue inside his velvety sheath and trace the voluptuous contours of his firm, bulky glans. A deep, lusty groan reverberated up from his massive chest.

"That's it, son, just..." he started.

I pulled up off of his magnificent member grinning ear to ear and said, "I know, just do what comes natural."

The giant laughed as he smiled down on me then laid a hand on the back of my head and guided me back onto the head of his dick saying, "Don't get smart."

His huge, round belly shook beneath me as he continued chuckling to himself while I labored to please him. I couldn't have been any more content in that moment and nothing could have felt more natural than the act I was lovingly performing on him. His happiness was all I could think of and I knew there were no limits to what I willing to do in order for him to achieve it.

Lee watched with pride as I sucked, licked, kissed and squeezed the unwieldy beast that towered from his open fly.

"You really love that big ol' ugly thing, don't you," he commented.

I grunted my agreement, not wanting to remove it from my mouth, and ran my free hand up over his tree trunk sized thigh to caress the massive bulge in his trouser leg that was his enormous ball sac. I gently squeezed that almost pillow-sized lump and sighed in contentment again.

He laid one of his huge sinewy paws over my hand as it squeezed his balls and the other on my head, mussing my hair as he said, "How on earth did a fat old man like me ever find a young fella like you to do this with?"

I assumed the question was rhetorical but I pulled off of his succulent cock, pressing my lips to his leaking cum spout in a reverent kiss, then looked up into his eyes as I said, "That makes two of us. I've been having the same kind of thoughts all day."

My black behemoth once again displayed his incomprehensible strength by effortlessly pulling me up onto his powerful bulk and proceeding to tongue fuck my mouth till I thought I might pass out from the intensity of his passion.

Then, seemingly in one swift and graceful motion, he stood me between his powerful legs, undid my pants, yanked them down to my knees, swallowed my entire 7 x 5 inch dick as quickly as it sprang free and set my balls dancing against his darting tongue. I was overwhelmed by ecstatic awe at his lustful vigor and commanding sexual skill.

I placed my hands on his head, noticing how tiny he made them look, and started slowly fucking his gripping throat, enjoying the feel of my balls on his chin. There was no need for me worry that he might choke from lack of air as he quickly brought me to one of the most intense orgasms I'd ever felt and had me pumping a load down his throat so copious in size that I could feel the strain of it in my balls.

My knees were so weak at the completion of his masterful display that when he removed himself from my hard-on I collapsed into his burly girth, completely spent. His firm belly shook in laughter beneath me again and he enfolded me in his powerful arms as I nuzzled my face into the manly jowls that wreathed his ruggedly handsome face.

"Teach me," I whispered in his ear.

"What?" he asked, clearly a bit confused by my request.

"I want to be as good at sex as you are. Please, teach me," I said.

He lifted me up and turned me to him with me sitting on his knee, once more feeling like a child in his manly presence. His expression was more serious than I had seen in our brief time together as he said,

"Son, whatever I am as far as man-sex goes has been years in the making. I don't expect you to be me. I'm just fine with you being you. But I'll tell you again, and I've really already told you everything I know about it. I am what I am when I'm fuckin' 'cause I ain't the least bit ashamed of what I like about being with another man. I do whatever feels natural...and right. Ain't no law that says good clean fun can't get you mighty messy. So, don't never let nobody make you ashamed of what you love. Just let your heart be your guide and it'll lead you to the man you want to be when it comes to fuckin'. And that's the whole story. Just follow your heart and your instinct."

I finally got the message he'd been trying to share with me all along. I tried to let him know it by wrapping my arms around his incredibly thick neck and pressing my lips to his in a passionate kiss, tongue fucking his mouth as forcefully as I could manage.

" that...whew!" he sighed with a knowing smile and a sparkle in his eyes as I released him.

"Now, let's go get nekkid, son!" he exclaimed.

He helped me to my feet then energetically rose to his and, taking my by the hand, led me back to the bedroom.

(AUTHOR'S NOTE: As always, if big men are your thing I promise not to disappoint. I also promise not to leave you hanging for a conclusion this time. Thanks again, John. Kindred spirits may write to me at

Next: Chapter 6

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