Sex Chaos Love

By Alex Ryder

Published on Aug 7, 2023


This story is a fantasy. It is intended for you to suspend your disbelief and just enjoy the ride. There are all sorts of things happening from very realistic to completely imaginary. It's a wild ride and I think it's fun, but it is not for everyone. There's plenty of sex, but I also like to set the story up and describe situations, people, background, anything that I think helps the story. Stick with it; I think you'll enjoy the journey.

If you don't like or are offended by taboo subjects like kink, bdsm, incest, underage sex, violence, rape, or any other weirdness - move on. This story is completely fictional. Any resemblance by name or description to anyone dead or alive is totally coincidental. If you are not of legal age or if this content is not legal in your area, please do not read this.

I hope you enjoy the story and I welcome constructive advice and criticism. I also love a good compliment too. :) If you have comments, please email me at

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Sex, Chaos, Love

Chapter 9 -- Friends Forever

Bando grew up well in the suburbs of Washington DC. His father was a diplomat from France who was an avid collector of historic guns -- which is where Bando got his name. Bando is slang for a type of rifle used during the late 19th century. His mother was a socialite who hosted parties and shopped and did other meaningless things. He went to an all-boys boarding school in Northern Virginia. He basically was your typical withdrawn teenager who was mildly aggressive at times. Bando had a strong personality, but chose to only exert it occasionally. Otherwise, he was just quiet and reserved and kept to himself. He had a few friends, including one somewhat special one. He ultimately preferred to be alone.

Bando's striking good looks come from his beautiful parents. He was quite handsome with medium brown, thick, mildly wavy hair that he kept somewhat short, and green eyes. He was about 5'6" tall and nicely built and toned. His looks also drew everyone to him, boys, girls, adults; everyone loved to be around him even if he didn't want to be around them. He really preferred to be alone. He learned early how to use his looks as currency to get what he needed or wanted. Bando learned how to become very independent since his parents were pretty much absent all the time. He basically took care of himself. His mother, while socially active, also had a bit of a drug habit. Well, a lot of a drug habit. It became more and more of an issue as Bando grew up. By the time Bando was 11, his father left and went back to France, basically relieving himself of his duties as a husband or father. He told Bando as he left that he never really wanted a child anyway.

In school, despite his sullenness, Bando was popular. His few moderately close friends all had better lives than him, at least as far as he could tell. He knew he was gay when he was very young, maybe around 10, he learned of his bisexuality a year or so later. He enjoyed sex and was sexually active at a very young age. He tried as best as someone his age could to find it. He found that some of the older boys at his school were gay, or at least horny. He also found that the girls at their peer school were always looking for a little action. His good looks, once again, came in handy in helping him satisfy his sexual appetite.

This continual chasing of sex landed him with a cute young boy names Claes. They met when Bando was 12 and Claes was 16. Claes was an artist and wanted to be one professionally. He was from Sweden and was living here with his family who owned a multi-national business that was expanding into the states. Claes was thin with a slightly dark complexion, around 5'9" with very dark wavy almost jet black hair. He had piercing amber eyes, a rare color that made Claes seem exotic. His features were very unusual for a boy from Sweden, so much so that Claes always would joke that he was adopted. Bando was completely infatuated with this boy. Likewise, Claes was very sweet on Bando.

Bando and Claes had cute, romantic little get togethers, staring into each other's eyes and holding hands, kissing and cuddling with one another. They also had amazing sex. Claes was amazed at how sexually mature Bando was for such a young boy. When Bando was with Claes, he gave of himself when he slept with him. Unlike the other boys and girls that he just went through the motions with, he felt emotion, passion, a beautiful sexual energy with Claes. He tended to dominate Claes, although not in an aggressive manner. He would use his strength to move his boy around, to hold him down or to lift him up. They would find ways to hook up at school in hallways, restrooms, and closets. Claes couldn't get enough of sucking his boy's cock or eating his ass. Claes loved the feeling of this boy four years his junior fucking him and mildly dominating him.

Bando was so attached to Claes that he pretty much gave up chasing other boys and girls. He felt like he could go for the rest of his school years with Claes and never need anyone else. It felt so good to be inside of Claes, it was like no other feeling he'd ever had. He thought he might be in love. Being with Claes also gave Bando a way to avoid the turmoil at home. Bando was happy, very happy.

Life at home was a disaster. Bando's mother was falling apart. Once his father left, his mother hit the drugs and alcohol even harder. She was loud and abusive. She let the house go. She was a mess. At first, Bando tried to help her, but it didn't take long for him to figure out that he could do nothing. He spent much of his time away from home. If not at Claes' house, he stayed with friends and even, on occasion, slept in the school or in the park. He hated to be around her.

It was all within a month that everything came undone for Bando and his life changed drastically. Claes's parents informed him that they were returning to Sweden. The family business had done all they could in the states and it was time to go back.

"I'm so sorry to tell you this, but I'm leaving," a sad Claes told Bando.

"What? Where are you going? Leaving ME? Or just leaving?" Bando said as tears welled in his eyes.

"No, no, I love you. I would never leave YOU. It's my family. We're going back to Sweden. I don't have a choice."

"NO! You can't leave me! You're the only thing I have! You're the boy I love! You're everything to me!"

The boys hugged and cried and talked through this heartbreak. There really wasn't anything either of them could do. Its not like Sweden was around the corner and there was no way a minor was being allowed to stay alone in the states. Maybe if Bando's home life was more normal, a case could be made for Claes to at least stay through school. Claes even tried to make the case to his parents that Bando should come with them, but they weren't having any of it. They insisted he could come visit sometime. Both boys were devastated, but Bando was especially distraught.

Bando and Claes spent as much time as they could together over the next week. They were inseparable. They fucked constantly. Bando figured he should be inside his love as much as he could since he'd never see him again. It all came to an end. The boys finally said good-bye for the last time.

Bando spent the next two weeks avoiding everyone. He pretty much alienated his few friends due to his constant anger at everything. His mood never really moved much between sad and angry. He really had nowhere to go that he could just be alone, so he wandered around the campus of the school, went to the park, and hid in his house when his mother wasn't around. He was miserable -- and it was only going to get worse.

He showed up at home one afternoon to find workers there, removing pretty much everything from the house. Furniture, electronics, clothing -- pretty much everything was being taken and loaded onto trucks. His mother was sitting on the floor in the living room with a bottle of liquor in one hand and a cigarette in the other. There was already an empty bottle next to her. The workers just went around her rather than interact with her.

"What the fuck is going on here?" an angry Bando barked at his mother.

"I didn't pay the bills. We lost the house and our stuff. Your father won't help. We're done. I'm sorry."

"AAARGGGHH!! Fuck you! You addict trash! You always had money to get fucked up! Fuck you for running MY life. MY FUCKING LIFE! Fuck with your own, but why fuck up mine?!"

"I'm sorry. We'll figure something out. My friend will let us stay there..."

"Seriously?" Bando cut her off. "You're `friend'? You mean your fucking dealer. You want to take your son to a drug den. You are fucked up. I'M JUST A BOY! Fuck you. Fuck you so much." Bando screamed with tears streaming down his face.

Bando stormed up the stairs to his room. Most of his stuff was gone. He managed to pull together some clothes into a laundry bag. He looked around and began to cry. All of his possessions were strewn about the room carelessly. It didn't matter. Most of it was stuff from this life that he wanted to get away from. He dug through a pile in one corner and found the one thing he wanted to save. It was a tiny plastic moose wearing a blue and yellow sweater -- the colors of Sweden on the national animal of Sweden -- that Claes had given him. It was a silly, worthless thing, but at this point it was the most valuable thing he had. It meant the world to him. He stormed downstairs and stopped by the entryway to the living room.

"Goodbye Mom. I hope we never see each other again. I hate you." Bando was very calm as he said those words. He wanted her to know he meant them.

His mother just looked over at him indifferently and took a drink from her bottle.

Bando took off, for where, he didn't know. He just had to get away from there. He thought of contacting one of his other friends, but really wasn't in the mood for pity, plus he'd pushed most of them away already. He was angry, fiercely angry. He wandered until after dark and eventually found himself, whether consciously or not, in front of Claes' house.

It was dark. No one had been there since the family left weeks ago. Bando walked closer to the house. No one was around; no one seemed to notice that he was there. He went to the back yard and looked into the windows. All of the furniture was still there. He thought about breaking in but feared that an alarm would go off. He decided to risk it anyway since being arrested wasn't going to be the worst thing that has happened to him in the last few weeks. He then remembered a key that Claes kept near the door. He looked and sure enough it was still there. He unlocked the door. Silence.

The house had either a silent alarm or the alarm had been turned off. It really didn't matter to Bando. He was shocked to see the house still so in tact. They must not have bothered to take anything with them other than some personal items. He went up to Claes' room. His bed was still there and was still made up. Bando dropped his bag on the floor and jumped into Claes' bed -- a bed that he and Claes had made love in many times. The pillow and the sheets smelled like Claes. Bando just curled up in them and cried himself to sleep. He didn't leave that bed for days.

A couple of years on the streets made Bando even more sullen and dark than he was when he was when things were supposedly better. He had some rough experiences, but he learned his way around the streets of DC being a hustler and managed to find some other homeless folks that he could connect with. He made a home for himself in a tent in a homeless encampment in a park not too far from the Capitol. He was surviving. He kept himself in good shape so he could keep up his business. He had become so indifferent to sex. He was almost mechanical as he did it. He was a handsome, 16 year old boy who was in demand. He could have all the sex he had to to get by.

He did have one friend for a while, Garrett, the guy who rescued him from a trick gone bad about a year ago. He enjoyed hanging out with Garrett and the sex with him was fun. It was probably the only time he'd ever enjoyed bottoming. They also partied together, usually on ecstasy or GHB. Garrett was a drug dealer, mainly in the gay clubs. The irony of this situation was not lost on Bando considering what he ran away from. Of course, like most people in Bando's life, Garrett would end up leaving too. He was arrested and sent off to jail.

Bando survived his life on the streets and even became pretty street smart. It wasn't the perfect life, but he was making it work. Despite his depression and anger with all that had happened to him, he sort of felt content with this life. He felt like he had more control than he ever did before. He didn't have to rely on anyone but himself. He was finally as he often wished he could be. Alone.

His heart still hurt over Claes. He found him on the internet at a coffee shop one day. Claes was busy making art in Sweden and making a name for himself. There were a few pictures of Claes that Bando printed out and carried with him. His boyfriend with the mysterious dark features had grown even more handsome. It was so clear that Claes wasn't Swedish. Bando just hoped he'd see him again someday. It's the only time Bando felt any emotion, and the only time he ever cried anymore.

On a night was no different than any other night, Bando went over to the hustler bar and earlier than usual, about 7 pm. He thought he might catch a trick early and then treat himself to a hotel room. He would get to do that once in a while, although rarely. He liked staying in a hotel, sleeping in a bed, taking a long shower and ordering room service. He used his charms to befriend a front desk attendant at one of the decent hotels in town so he could get a room with cash and no ID.

As he sat there at the bar, drinking a beer, an attractive young man sat next to him. He figured this guy was another hustler given how young he was. Most guys that were shopping were much older. (This bar had no regard for being very legal. It was owned by cops and they didn't seem to care who was there and what they were doing as long as they made money.)

"Hey there handsome! I'm Jeremy," this very chipper guy said as he turned to Bando and offered his hand.

"Hey dude. I'm Bando. Are you working or shopping?"

"I guess shopping is the answer. Do I look like I should be working?"

"You're too young to be shopping."

"I am. Trust me. If you like, I can explain it all over drinks in my hotel room. I have $200 for you, if that's enough."

"I usually ask for more, but you seem nice, so I'll give you a discount."

Bando was lying. Two hundred dollars was about twice what he usually got from the guys here. Sometimes even less. Bando happily jumped off of his stool and followed Jeremy out of the bar.

Jeremy was staying at the Helix Hotel, one of those trendy, funky boutique hotels popping up all over DC. He had a pretty nice room. Once in the room, Jeremy reached into the mini-bar and offered Bando anything he liked. Bando asked for one of the beers. Jeremy motioned for Bando to sit on the bed near the window. Before he sat down, he asked to see his payment and asked Jeremy to place it on the dresser. Bando was smart enough at this point to know he had to ask for payment up front and that it had to be in view at all times -- and easy to grab if he had to run out.

"I see you're a professional," Jeremy commented, "that's good."

"Yeah, sorry dude, no offense, but as you can imagine, I've been burned."

"No worries. I'm not so bad. I'm not like the old weirdoes. I just like a certain kind of guy, well, boy. DC seems to be the only place I can find boys like you. Especially ones that are cute."

"I get it. It's not so easy to fuck underage boys. So, what do you want to do? I'm not like the other hustlers either. I'm in no hurry.

Jeremy was a little taken aback by the underage boy statement, but figured it went with the territory. "Great, then we're going to get along fine."

Jeremy sat down next to Bando and started to run his hands over his torso. He sighed contentedly as he explored Bando's chest and hair. Bando being homeless, he wasn't exactly clean and fresh. It didn't seem to bother Jeremy for the moment. He seemed used to it. He offered up a shower. Bando accepted and the two of them went into the bathroom.

The shower was a large stall shower with glass walls and no door. It was big enough for at least six people. Bando removed his clothes and tossed them into a corner. He figured Jeremy was probably a little submissive, so he walked over and started taking Jeremy's clothes off. Jeremy walked into the shower and turned the water on and Bando followed. Bando got under the water and Jeremy stood there admiring him. He then grabbed the shampoo and started to lather up Bando's hair. Bando didn't mind this at all. He turned his back to Jeremy and put his hands up over his head. This position gave Jeremy goose bumps; it was such a hot stance showing off Bando's muscles and body so well. Jeremy proceeded to lather up a washcloth and wash Bando all over, slowly and deliberately. He enjoyed Bando's body with every move. Once he had Bando all clean, he quickly rinsed himself off and they stepped out of the shower. Jeremy carefully dried Bando off and then himself and then escorted him back to the room to one of the beds.

This guy was handsome and young - two unusual things to find in the same trick. He was also nice. He had a decent body and an average cock of about 6". Jeremy was quite pleased with Bando's eight thick inches. The two young men started making out, then Jeremy gently pushed Bando onto the bed. Jeremy took his time worshipping Bando's body by licking and caressing and kissing and biting him all over. He spent a bit of time on his feet and then worked his way back up to work on his cock. Jeremy wasn't as skilled as he probably wanted to be with such a big cock, but he did his best to take it as deep as he could. He instead preferred to lick it and stroke it and just suck on the head.

Bando was enjoying the attention and the fact that this was an actually pleasant experience instead of the usual quick and dirty scenes he was always in. Jeremy climbed up onto Bando and reached over to the nightstand where he pulled out a condom and lube. Bando was surprised to see the condom; so many of the guys he tricked with had no interest in those. He slid the condom onto Bando's cock and lubed it and his ass up, then slid right down as if he had done this a few times before. Jeremy rode Bando hard and fast. Jeremy finally shot his load all over Bando and Bando reciprocated into the condom while still in Jeremy's ass. Jeremy leaned down and licked the cum off of Bando and slid next to him and cuddled him.

They lay there for a short while before getting into things again, this time with Bando fucking Jeremy on his back and blasting his cum all over him. They hit the shower once again, where Bando fucked Jeremy once again, and then hung out for a bit in the room. Jeremy definitely got his money's worth.

That's when Jeremy sprung a surprise on Bando.

"I'd love to find us a third."

"Seriously? You want someone to join us?"

"Yeah, why, is that an issue?"

"Um, it's your money dude. You only get me alone for that price. A third is going to be a little extra."

"Bando. That is not something you need to worry about. I'll pay you for your time. I'm going to get dressed and head over to the bar. It's a little late --"

"- or early depending on what you're looking for."

"Yes, well, I'm sure there's another cute young boy like you that we can play with tonight."

"Have at it, buddy. Am I waiting here?"

"Yes, I trust you. Order room service. Chill out. Watch a movie."

Bando wasn't about to turn down free food and a comfy place to hang. His earlier plans had him paying for this on his own. He was also going to get some more cash. This would give him the chance to take a break and just chill for a few days. Jeremy left the room and Bando got comfy under the covers in the other, unused bed. He ordered the kind of food that a sixteen year old orders when they're alone -- nachos and cheese fries and a two-liter of Dr. Pepper. He found a Teen Titans marathon on the TV. He settled in and awaited whatever else the night would bring him.

A little more than an hour later, in walked Jeremy with this tall, skinny boy. This kid looked way younger than Bando expected. He was certainly not anyone Bando was familiar with from hustling at the bar. The boy had a sad look on his face. He looked like he didn't want to be here at all. He was a bit of a mess. Bando was kind of surprised Jeremy brought this kid back, unless he felt bad for him or something.

"Hey Bando! This is Isaac!" a much too excited Jeremy cheered out. Jeremy was frequently too excited.

"Hey kid," replied Bando as he smiled at the boy trying to make him feel more comfortable.

"Hi," a very shy, quiet Isaac responded.

Isaac was tall and skinny, about 6'2", with dark floppy hair, dark eyes and pale skin. He was so slight; he looked frail, like you could break him. He was wearing the filthiest of clothes and looked like he'd been sleeping in mud. He carried himself as if he wanted to crawl in a hole.

Jeremy offered Isaac a beverage. Isaac refused. He motioned to Isaac to sit on the bed -- the one that Jeremy and Bando had just fucked in. Isaac sat at the very edge looking very cautious and unsure. Bando really began to feel bad for this kid. He debated saying something, but also knew that the nicest trick could turn into a monster if he thinks he's no longer in control. Jeremy sat down in the chair across from Isaac and just looked at him.

"Stand up and come closer," Jeremy asked Isaac.

Isaac got up and walked over, now with his back to Bando. He stood in in front of Jeremy and just looked down on the ground.

"It's ok Isaac. I just want to look at you. Please relax. Take your clothes off, slowly."

Jeremy had a reassuring tone in his voice. Hopefully, Isaac was responding to it. Isaac looked unsure. He turned and looked toward Bando, who nodded affirmation at him. Isaac slowly took of his clothes. The poor thing was nervous as hell. He was shaking. Once Isaac removed his shirt, Bando was shocked to see the scars on his back. When Isaac dropped his pants, Bando saw more scars on his ass and legs. This kid had been through something awful. Bando wanted to stop this, but didn't want to make anything worse. He just carefully monitored the situation. Jeremy seemed nice enough, hopefully he was genuinely good. Jeremy suggested they take a shower.

As Jeremy walked Isaac to the bathroom, Isaac looked over at Bando. Bando just smiled and nodded as if to say it would be ok.

"Isaac. I know you're nervous. I promise you. I just want to have some fun with you and maybe with you and Bando. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm not a creep. You can leave if you want. I'll still pay you. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable." Jeremy seemed genuine. Isaac just stood there a moment, bewildered by the way he was being treated.

Isaac looked at Bando for guidance, even though he had no idea who he was or even if he was in on the game.

"Kid, it's ok. He's cool. He'll pay you. He's really nice. You don't have to do anything you don't want."

Bando didn't know if that was a step over the line, but he felt he needed to say it. Isaac, standing there vulnerable and naked, looked around the room, then back at Bando, then over to Jeremy.

"I'm ok. I'll stay. I'm ok," he said, barely audible, as if only to reassure himself. They walked into the bathroom.

Once in the bathroom, it was very similar to what Bando and Jeremy had done. Jeremy took his clothes off and escorted Isaac into the shower. He washed his hair. He actually washed it twice. Isaac was a real mess. He probably hadn't had a shower in weeks. Bando went and stood near the door. He could see their figures through the steamy shower walls. He could hear them, sort of. Jeremy was being exceedingly nice and gentle. He washed the boy down more slowly and carefully than he did Bando. Bando went back to the bed. He felt comfortable with what was going on.

Isaac started to feel much better. No one had ever given him this kind of attention. No one had ever been this nice to him, at least not in a very long time. He relaxed and when Jeremy was done washing him, Isaac leaned into him and kissed him on the lips. Jeremy smiled at this sign of acceptance and retuned the kiss. They got dried off and went back to the room.

Jeremy led Isaac to the other bed. They started to make out and Jeremy did much like he did with Bando and gently eased Isaac onto the bed. Then Jeremy turned and looked over at Bando.

"I want to watch you fuck this beautiful boy," Jeremy whispered to Bando, "but first I want to enjoy him for myself."

"It's your show dude." Bando responded dryly while looking at Isaac.

"Oh and stop hiding under those covers. I want us both to see your beautiful body too." Bando did as Jeremy asked. He looked over at both of them and motioned for them to continue much like he would if he were directing a scene.

Isaac looked over at Bando and thought he was hot. He even thought having sex with him would be kind of fun, though he was a bit afraid of Bando's big cock.

Jeremy proceeded to worship Isaac's body as he did Bando's. He seemed to take extra care to be gentle. Isaac decided he could enjoy this and relaxed enough to let Jeremy have his way. Jeremy kissed and caressed the boy all over, passing over the scars with extra care and attention. Jeremy must have really liked Isaac's feet, spending even more time with them than he did with Bando's. Finally, Jeremy climbed on top of Isaac and attempted to ride him.

Isaac being so thin and kind of frail wasn't really able to handle the much bigger Jeremy on top of him, so they switched places and Isaac fucked Jeremy on his back. It was the first time Isaac had ever topped. Like a jackrabbit, Isaac fucked Jeremy as hard as he could. Isaac looked over and saw Bando watching them and gently stroking his hard cock. This made Isaac want to cum, so he announced his intention. Jeremy demanded he cum all over him, so Isaac pulled out, threw off the condom and shot his load all over Jeremy, who shot all over himself. Jeremy cuddled Isaac and they laid there for a while just quietly cuddling.

By now, it was almost 2 am.

"God damn it. I had no idea it was so late." Jeremy was clearly annoyed at this development. "My flight is at six fucking fifteen."

"Like in four hours?" asked Bando.

"Yes. Well, as much as I want to watch you two play, I should probably put an end to this fun."

Isaac suddenly looked very disappointed. Bando knew this was the usual sign that it was time to go. He started to get out of bed and find his clothes.

"Oh, wait! You don't have to go. I have a late check out. This room is yours until 2 tomorrow. Please, stay. Sleep. Shower. Order room service. Whatever you want."

"Really?" Isaac asked hopefully.

"Yes, really. It doesn't make sense for me to sleep now. I'm going to shower, get dressed and go. You boys have been amazing. I hope I can track you down again."

"You'll find us," Bando responded, "we'll keep an eye out for you."

Jeremy got himself together, handed each boy $300 each and took off. Isaac was laying in his bed, Bando in his. Isaac looked sad again.

"Do you want to come over here?" Bando asked.

"Can I?"

"Sure. No strings. Just to cuddle. For now." Bando smiled a devilish smile that made Isaac melt a little.

"I don't think I'd mind strings with you." Isaac smiled back and went over and climbed under the covers with Bando.

Bando wrapped his arms around Isaac who sighed contentedly. Isaac just wanted to stay just like this forever. Bando felt like this boy needed some comfort and was in no hurry to do anything else with him.

"This is the best I've ever felt. Ever," said Isaac as he let some tears fall from his eyes.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" a concerned Bando asked.

"It's ok. This is so nice. You're nice. I don't know how tonight happened. You both are so nice. Nobody is ever nice to me. I've been out here for months fighting to just stay alive. It sucks. I just want to die. I'm never going to make it as a homeless kid."

"Dude. Whoa. Look at me. Nobody is dying here. No fucking way. Especially not you. Look. At. Me." Bando took Isaac's head and turned it toward him, "I don't know anything about you, but I do know that you can't be alone. I don't like that. You can't be alone out here. I'm not going to let you be alone. Of course I'm being nice to you, you're a cute, sweet boy. You deserve that. I'm pretty sure, without knowing you or anything about you, that you deserve someone to be fucking nice to you."

Isaac burst into tears and hugged Bando tightly. For the first time since his good foster parents, he felt like someone gave a shit about him. He felt like he met someone special, someone he might be able to actually trust. Bando also felt some things too. For the first time since Claes, he felt emotion, like his heart was beating again. He felt like he had a new purpose, to take care of this boy and keep him safe on the streets.

"Don't worry little buddy. I got you. I'm not letting you out of my sight. I will protect you. No one better fuck with you. No one."

Isaac looked back at Bando, wiping his face, and said, "Friends forever?" He had no idea where that came from; it kind of surprised him to be so forward.

Bando shrugged. There really was only one acceptable answer in this moment. "Friends for fucking ever!"

The boys cuddled with Bando as the big spoon and Isaac as the little one. They fell asleep with both of them knowing that finding each other was the best thing for both of them right now and not knowing how much more was ahead of them.

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