Sex Chaos Love

By Alex Ryder

Published on Aug 7, 2023


This story is a fantasy. It is intended for you to suspend your disbelief and just enjoy the ride. There are all sorts of things happening from very realistic to completely imaginary. It's a wild ride and I think it's fun, but it is not for everyone. There's plenty of sex, but I also like to set the story up and describe situations, people, background, anything that I think helps the story. Stick with it; I think you'll enjoy the journey.

If you don't like or are offended by taboo subjects like kink, bdsm, incest, underage sex, violence, rape, or any other weirdness - move on. This story is completely fictional. Any resemblance by name or description to anyone dead or alive is totally coincidental. If you are not of legal age or if this content is not legal in your area, please do not read this.

I hope you enjoy the story and I welcome constructive advice and criticism. I also love a good compliment too. :) If you have comments, please email me at

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Sex, Chaos, Love

Chapter 8 -- Not Very Lucky

Life hasn't always been good to Isaac. Isaac's parents were killed in a car crash on an Indiana interstate when he was 3. With no other family to take him in, he ended up in foster care. To his knowledge, he was an only child. He ended up with a great family for most of his life. They didn't have any other kids and gave him all of the love and attention a boy could need. He lived an incredibly happy childhood -- until he turned 13. That was when the family he was with would also end up dead. They were murdered by a crazed man in the process of a robbery at a roadside gas station. Isaac saw much of it happen. He ended up back in foster care.

The next family Isaac would go to were not good people at all. They collected foster kids for the money. They treated the kids poorly and barely gave them enough food to live on. They frequently beat their kids and made them do hard labor around their farm. Two kids had died in their possession and yet the authorities still placed Isaac there. They said it was too tough to place a 13 year old.

As Isaac grew older, he started to realize he was different from the other kids he knew. He was very attracted to boys and men. He had to hide these feelings, but his appearance made him a target for bullying. He was so slight and appeared to be even younger than he was. He wasn't very strong or aggressive and was only able to defend himself by running away. He also felt that being a boy wasn't enough for him. He had these feelings that he could be a girl too. He really had no idea what they meant, what to do with them and certainly had no one to talk to about them.

The foster family life was wearing on him. He was not strong enough to handle the labor he was being forced to do. He was frequently beaten, not only by his foster parents, but also his siblings. Of the nine kids that were a part of this strange family, three of the boys decided they were going to target Isaac for a particularly vicious attack.

Ricky, Ben and Stanley were the foster brothers that had been at the farm the longest. They were nearing their time to leave as Ricky and Ben were 17 and Stanley was 16. They were mean boys and they were very mean to the rest of the foster kids. Sexually abusing their siblings was like a hobby to them, a form of entertainment. Boys or girls, it didn't matter, they abused them. The parents were well aware of this activity and did nothing about it. One of the two kids that died was an 11 year old girl that they brutally raped.

For whatever reason, Isaac managed to avoid his fate for almost a year. That ended one Sunday afternoon, the week Isaac turned 14. Isaac was unloading bags of fertilizer from the truck and carrying them into the storage shed. Stanley came out to check on him and stood by watching Isaac struggle handling the heavy bags that were beyond his strength. He soon wandered over to the door of the shed and blocked Isaac from leaving.

"You need to turn around sissy boy," growled Stanley.

"Um, I...uh, s-s-still h-have bags to unload," a very nervous Isaac replied.

"I don't give a fuck. I think I'm feelin' like it's your time, boy."

Isaac backed up into the shed and began to cower. He knew that something bad was about to happen.

Something bad definitely happened. Stanley grabbed Isaac and carried him over his shoulder to another shed. There, Ricky and Ben were waiting. Stanley threw Isaac to the ground. He was picked up and brought over to a table that they threw him over. Ben grabbed his hands and began tying them to the legs of the table. Ricky was tying his legs to the other side of the table. At this point Isaac was in tears and begging for them not to hurt him. That just made the boys even more angry and aggressive.

They started out by paddling Isaac's ass with boards. Each boy had their own board and one by one, they swung at him and hit him harder and harder. The pain was excruciating. From there they whipped Isaac with their belts. Ben came at Isaac with a scissors and violently cut off Isaac's shirt. They whipped his back with their belts, beating bloody welts into the poor boys back. Ben then cut off Isaac's pants, exposing his ass. They went on for a long time beating his bare ass with the boards and their belts. Isaac sensed that this wasn't going to be the end of this.

The boys, laughing at their conquest, were playing rock-paper-scissors to determine who would go first -- who would rape Isaac first. Ben won the round. He walked up to Isaac and stood behind him. His brothers were egging him on. Ben dropped his pants and exposed his hard cock. It was thick like a soda can. He spit on his hands and rubbed his cock, spit once on Isaac's ass and then forced himself into Isaac. He made Isaac scream, which made Stanley grab a rag from the ground and stuffed it into Isaac's mouth. It tasted like cum. Ben relentlessly raped Isaac, pounding him with all of his might, tearing his tight little ass apart. Once he came into Isaac's ass, he backed away and pointed at Stanley and told him it was his turn.

Isaac's virgin ass was bruised and bloody from the forceful rape. That didn't matter to Stanley. He exposed his average cock and took his turn. He raped the boy as hard as his brother did. He also pulled on Isaac's hair even though Isaac was tied down. He slammed Isaac's face down as he came. Isaac was now bleeding from his nose.

Ricky would now have his turn. Ricky was the only one that was remotely attractive. He also didn't just pound right away. He slowly slid his fairly massive cock into Isaac. His cock was so big, easily 11 or more inches that it felt like forever to slide in. He continued to slowly fuck Isaac, which brought Isaac the slightest amount of pleasure. Isaac's cock got hard while Ricky was fucking him. He tried to think of something to make his cock go down, but it was too late. Sicko Stanley had noticed and screamed out how the sissy boy liked it. Stanley then grabbed a hold of Isaac's cock and balls and squeezed and pulled on it. It sent sharp spikes of pain through him. Ben slapped at the boys cock and balls pulled tightly in Stanley's hands. Ricky held his cock inside Isaac while he watched his brothers torture him. Finally, the boys stopped their torture and Ricky continued fucking him. Ricky fucked Isaac harder and harder, but he also put his fingers in Isaac's ass on either side of his cock and pulled Isaac's hole open even wider. It hurt like hell. Finally, Ricky came and pulled out.

They gave Isaac no mercy. They each took a turn fucking Isaac a second time and Ricky went at him for a third time. Ricky had to be gay in addition to being sadistic; he clearly enjoyed this too much. Stanley suggested they get the cattle prod. Ricky said they needed something to do to him tomorrow. Eventually they began to lose interest and left Isaac tied to the table while they went back to the house.

Isaac was beaten bloody with welts all over his back and ass. His ass had been all but destroyed by the aggressive hate fucking he got from the boys. He felt for a moment like he'd die there. Fortunately, one of his other siblings came out. It was Amy, the girl who had been there the longest. She didn't say a word and signaled to Isaac to be quiet as she cut the ropes off of his bloody wrists and ankles. She whispered in his ear where he could find a bag of clothes that she had put aside for herself and explained to him how to escape. Isaac protested.

"It sounds like this is your escape plan!"

"Yes, it is, but you need to take it. They will kill you. You won't be able to handle whatever those sadistic bastards have planned for you. I'll be OK. I can deal with them, I always have."

She kissed Isaac on his head and wished him luck. Then she ran off.

Isaac felt like he couldn't move for the longest time. He was in such pain. It was dark and everything seemed quiet. So, he decided he needed to make his escape. He felt bad for Amy and hoped nothing bad would happen to her. He grabbed the bag she told him about and wrapped himself in the blanket that was in it. He then ran to the area of the fence she said he would be able to get out of. He ran and ran as far away as he could. He finally came to a place he felt he could stop. It was near a creek where he was able to clean himself up.

He stripped down and slowly lowered his naked, battered body into the creek. He let the water run over him and tried his best to clean up his wounds. He eventually climbed back out and dried himself off with the blanket. He reached into the bag and pulled out the clothes Amy had put there. It probably didn't occur to her that she was sending Isaac along with girls clothes. In the bag was a denim skirt, a white lacy blouse, a pair of white stockings, a lacy pair of panties and a bra. Isaac knew he really didn't have a choice, so he put it all on. It felt pretty good to him.

Isaac was exhausted. He laid there and cried himself to sleep with the thoughts of what had just happened to him, all of the loss he'd had, the crazy thoughts in his head that he didn't understand, and wondering what would happen next. He was especially sad that his first time was not the beautiful romantic experience that he'd dreamed of. This made him very sad. He feared he could never trust anyone every again.

At least he was free.

After three months, Isaac found himself in Washington DC. Isaac had walked and walked with no idea where he was going. He literally walked over 1,000 miles over all that time. Amazingly, his wounds had healed pretty quickly. Aside from the scars on his back, butt and legs, there was no evidence of the horror he had gone through. He managed to make it by standing on highway exits and street corners begging for money. He found some boys clothes in a donation bin in a town near the farm he ran from. He didn't want anyone to beat him up for being dressed like a girl. He ran when he saw cops -- there was no way he was going back to any kind of foster life. It wasn't easy and it really weighed on him, but he kept going. DC seemed like a place he could figure something out.

Being on the streets was tough. He had his things stolen from him. He got beaten up a couple of times. He could barely find food. He was already skinny enough, not eating really didn't help. The whole experience was painful to him. He took to self-harm to help cope with the pain he felt. He met a couple other boys who gave him some advice or helped him out a bit, but everyone was pretty much only willing to help themselves. He didn't make any friends and had no one to really protect him. Isaac definitely needed protection. One of the boys he met suggested that he turn tricks. He told him that older pervs liked young boys and would pay him for his time. This sounded icky to Isaac. He also was afraid to have sex since the rape he endured earlier in the year. The boy told Isaac to give it a try, that it might save him. He told him about the bar where men looked for boys for hire.

Isaac reluctantly decided he needed to try this way of making money. He went to the bar and hung out. Sure enough, an old guy came out to see him. The man looked to be in his 70's or even older. He asked Isaac to come to his apartment. Isaac was so nervous, but he went anyway. They guy was nice enough. He put $50 on the coffee table and asked Isaac to strip down and jerk off for him. Isaac did as he was asked and the man said to take his money and go. The next several instances were not as nice. Because Isaac was so thin and emo looking, men were rough on him. In one case Isaac had to run off when the guy wanted him to do something super gross. He got stiffed out of his cash on one trick. Isaac hated this. He used some of the money he earned to buy a guitar. Isaac loved music. He sat on corners and played and people threw money at him. It made less than tricking, but it felt safer and Isaac felt better about it. He would only hustle if he really needed to.

Late one night, as Isaac was packing up his guitar on DuPont Circle, some thieves came by, knocked him down, smashed his guitar and stole his money. Beaten down, Isaac wandered off to an alleyway and fell to the floor. He cried again, something he found himself doing a lot. He just couldn't understand why everything was so awful for him. He pulled out his pocketknife and did what he always did when he felt bad. He cut himself. After a few cuts he thought he pulled his sleeves down and went back to the bar. He was pretty broken down.

Maybe tonight I will finally hook up with the guy who puts me out of my misery, he thought to himself. He went inside, sat at the end of the bar and ordered a glass of water. The bartenders here were pretty nice to most of the boys, knowing exactly why they were there. The bartender delivered Isaac a beer and told him it was no charge. Isaac smiled and thanked him. It was only 10:30. The place wasn't very busy yet. After about an hour, a young man sat next to Isaac. He was a clean-cut, preppy looking guy who seemed nice enough.

"I'm Jeremy," the guy cheerfully said as he stuck out his hand.

"Isaac. I'm Isaac. Hi."

From there, Jeremy talked Isaac into coming back to his hotel room. He didn't even wait for Isaac to say an amount; he just offered $200 right away. Isaac was not about to turn down that possible windfall. Isaac nervously followed Jeremy out of the bar.

"You look scared. I promise you, I'm not like these other guys. I'm nice. I just want to have a little fun."

"Ok," Isaac said shyly as he hoped this man was telling the truth.

Thanks for reading! Please let me know what you think -

Next: Chapter 9

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