Sex Chaos Love

By Alex Ryder

Published on Aug 7, 2023


This story is a fantasy. It is intended for you to suspend your disbelief and just enjoy the ride. There are all sorts of things happening from very realistic to completely imaginary. It's a wild ride and I think it's fun, but it is not for everyone. There's plenty of sex, but I also like to set the story up and describe situations, people, background, anything that I think helps the story. Stick with it; I think you'll enjoy the journey.

If you don't like or are offended by taboo subjects like kink, bdsm, incest, underage sex, violence, rape, or any other weirdness - move on. This story is completely fictional. Any resemblance by name or description to anyone dead or alive is totally coincidental. If you are not of legal age or if this content is not legal in your area, please do not read this.

I hope you enjoy the story and I welcome constructive advice and criticism. I also love a good compliment too. :) If you have comments, please email me at

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Sex, Chaos, Love

Chapter 7 -- Helping Your Friends

After Graham and Alex cleaned up from their wild romp, they were both pretty hungry. Alex called down to room service and ordered breakfast for the two of them. Sure, it was well past noon, but breakfast was still in order for the boys.

"I think I have a little problem," Graham said as he walked out of the bedroom in his robe.

"Oh, what's that?" Alex responded.

"All I have are my ratchet clothes. I don't have anything clean to wear. I'm sure you don't want to hang out with me like that. Plus I'm all clean, why would I put on those filthy clothes?"

Alex knew he had a very good point. He also felt a little bad for him. With all of the excitement over the last few hours, he'd forgotten that Graham was still a homeless boy. At least he would be until Alex finally invited him to come live with him, but that would come later. Of course, being as ridiculously rich as Alex was, this clothing dilemma was easily solved.

"I'm going to make a call. I can get my rep from Brooks Brothers to bring over a bunch of outfits for you. You can pick what you like and he'll take the rest back," Alex cheerfully offered.

Graham smiled at the idea, but then thought, "don't they only make suits?"

"No, they have all kinds of casual clothes too. Hmm, you're going to need everything. Do you know what size you are?"

"Yeah, let me call my tailor!" Graham said sarcastically, "I have no fucking idea. I don't think I've actually ever bought something for myself. I don't think anything I have actually fits me."

Snark! I love it. So hot. "OK, Mr. Doyle will figure it out."

Alex quickly called his buddy. "Hello, Mr. Doyle, it's Alex Ryder! I need a huge favor. My nephew has surprised me and he needs some new clothes, like a bit of a wardrobe update. Yeah, my brother is kind of an asshole and they had a falling out. He knew his favorite uncle was in town, so he found me. Anyway, just like a typical teenager, he has no idea what size he is..."

Alex continued on the phone with the dude from Brooks Brothers. Graham was pretty impressed with the story that Alex made up on the fly. He was also being a little nasty boy while Alex was on the phone. He was down on his knees gently jerking Alex's cock and playing with his balls. Alex was doing his best to stay in character and not give Mr. Doyle and reason to suspect something was up. He finally was done with the call.

"For fuck's sake boy! Can't you control yourself for five minutes?" Alex exclaimed at his horny little boy. Not that he was complaining, he loved the attention from Graham.

"Oh no Daddy, I have no control around you. Even though I am supposed to control you. Hmmm, maybe I am controlling you with my lack of control," Graham snapped back in a feminine voice and a snippy tone. Alex just rolled his eyes. Graham's snarky attitude was a constant turn on.

Graham took his daddy's cock into his mouth and started giving him a nice slow, easy blowjob. Alex just leaned back onto the desk that they were near. Graham gently sucked and licked Alex's cock, just taking the whole thing nice and easy. Gently rubbing his balls while he did it.

Damn this kid is a fucking expert, Alex thought as he moaned and sighed in happy pleasure. I could do this all day. Just as Alex started to cum, there was a knock on the door. It was breakfast.

"Aw fuck!" Alex shouted in a hushed tone. "Get into the bedroom and close the door." He directed Graham. He had pulled his cock out of Graham's mouth so fast, he came all over his face. Alex closed up his robe and was about to run off to the door, but had to stop for one second to look at how hot Graham looked with his cum streaked on his face. Graham disappeared into the bedroom.

Alex opened the door and there was the room attendant, Manuel, with a cart full of food. Alex let Manuel into the room.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Ryder!"

"Hello Manuel. I hope all is well with you. You can set everything up on the coffee table there." Alex pointed over at the table in front of the couch they cuddled on.

"It's nice, you have company, Sir. Very hungry company," Manuel said as he smiled and winked at Alex. The hotel staff knew Alex well and Manuel especially knew a lot about Alex.

"Um, yeah, it was a good night," Alex said, a little uncomfortably. "I'm going to go get dressed. You can just drop everything off and I'll do the rest."

Alex grabbed the bill and signed it and then went and grabbed a $100 bill and put it in the folio. Keeping the staff happy here has always gone a long way in keeping Alex's discretion taken care of.

Alex called Graham back into the room when Manuel had left. There in front of him was a huge breakfast -- everything Graham loved -waffles, sausage, hash browns, pineapple, cranberry juice, all in huge quantities.

"How on earth did you know these are my favorite things for breakfast," Graham questioned.

"I know so much about you, pretty much everything. Don't worry, we'll get to talk about it all."

Graham plowed through his breakfast and even finished off some of Alex's. Not long after they finished, Mr. Doyle from Brooks Brothers arrived. Graham was blown away at the two carts full of clothing that were brought into the room. After a couple of hours, Graham was now outfitted with a bunch of new clothes, from casual stuff to dressy stuff. He also got lots of new underwear, socks and shoes. Graham was beaming at his new wardrobe and finally being able to wear clean clothes again. What the fuck did I do to deserve this? Graham thought as he admired himself in his new clothes.

This made Alex beyond happy. The two lovers got into a bit of a hot make out session after Mr. Doyle left. Under most circumstances that would mean they'd start removing clothes to get busy with one another. Not this particular moment.

Graham actually wanted to keep his clothes on, maybe just this once.

"So, Graham, now that you're all styled up, I'd like to treat you to a special night out. There's an incredible restaurant that is one of the best in the country and I want to take you there and just enjoy a really nice night together." Alex said as he wrapped his arms around him once again.

Graham loved the sweet offer of a romantic, expensive dinner with his new amazing man, but he couldn't help but think of his friends.

"That sounds amazing. But...I hope this doesn't offend you...but I'd like to do something else if that's ok with you." Graham hesitantly offered.

Alex responded, "sure, whatever you want. This was just an idea. We can do it anytime. What did you have in mind?"

"I would love to treat Isaac and Bando to a night in this hotel. They have never been in a place like this. They've been through as much as me, probably more, and they're my very best friends. I really want to share this with them."

Alex couldn't argue with that. In fact, he was both touched and impressed with Graham's thoughtfulness -- just one more reason why he was in love with this amazing boy. This also gave Alex some ideas for later.

Alex had a thought. "I'm going to do you one better. Not only are we going to pick the boys up, we're going to take then clothes shopping too."

Graham smiled widely and then demurred, "would I be pushing my luck if I asked for one more favor?"

"I don't think there's anything you could ask for that would be pushing your luck."

"Can we also take care of the other guys at the camp? Maybe bring some clothes and blankets and some food to them?"

"As you would say, YEPPERS!"

At this moment, once again Alex realized just how special this kid is. If it were any other trick, he'd be thinking this was all a ploy to take advantage of him. Not Graham. He was clearly remembering where he's been and that he needs to share his new bounty with others.

Alex called for a car and he and Graham headed out to the park where the camp was to meet Isaac and Bando. Once they pulled up to the park, Graham hopped out of the car.

"Sorry, you have to wait here. Cool?"

"No problem. I know the deal. Residents only."

"Hey guys!" Graham yelled out to his friends.

Soon he was embracing Isaac and Bando, who were both pretty blown away by Graham's new duds.

"Wow, dude. You look amazing. Did the rich dude buy you this stuff?" Isaac inquired.

"Yeppers! He bought me a whole new wardrobe!"

"Where the fuck are you going to put all of that shit? Is he going to buy us a bigger tent?" growled Bando, not feeling entirely trusting of the situation.

"Bando! Stop being a dick. He's a cool guy and he wants to do something nice for all of us - ALL of us," Graham announced as he gestured to the rest of the camp, "now get your asses in gear and come with me. We're going for a ride."

"I'm not sure I'm going anywhere," Bando snapped.

"Why, what's wrong? Graham's friend wants to take us out or something," Isaac asked. He was excited at the prospect.

"Dude. Really. Don't be a dick," Graham snapped at his friend.

After a little back and forth with one another, an excited Isaac and a reluctant Bando followed Graham to the car. Isaac oohed and ahhed at the big, shiny, black Escalade. Even Bando started to loosen up once he saw the car. Graham opened the door and they all climbed in.

"Hello boys!" Alex chirped, "I'm Alex."

Graham introduced his two friends, "these are my absolute very best friends in the whole world," he said proudly as if he was a Dad introducing his Nobel Prize winning sons, "this is Isaac, he's super sweet, and this is Bando, his bark is worse than his bite."

"Hello rich dude! Um, er, sorry, Alex. Uh, Sir..." Isaac was so excited he didn't realize what he was saying. Damn, I'm such an idiot. I sound like a fool. Ugh.

"Dumb ass!" Bando snapped, "Hey man, sorry about our buddy."

"It's all good. No worries."

Graham just rolled his eyes. "OK, Alex, where are you taking us?"

"We're going shopping!"

They drove out to Tyson's Corner and went to the mall there. Alex basically gave everyone carte blanche to buy whatever they wanted. The boys didn't know what to do with themselves for a while. Alex encouraged them to go for it. Graham confirmed that this was for real. Alex followed the boys around as they loaded up on clothing and shoes. He just dropped his AMEX Black card down to pay for everything and had much of it shipped to the hotel knowing that the boys really didn't have anywhere to put all of this stuff. This would be a minor issue that Alex would fix later.

Of course, the boys were also starving, so Alex treated them to a big meal at one of the restaurants in the mall. Finally, they trekked over to a Target and bought a bunch of stuff for the rest of the guys in the park. After their shopping spree, all dressed their new outfits; they headed to the camp and distributed the new stuff to their friends, the other homeless guys at the camp. Alex gave them a bunch of cash so they could all eat, or do whatever they wanted.

"Wow, this was so much fun!" a newly converted Bando squealed. Then he got a sad look on his face, "I guess its time for you to go now."

"Nopers!" Graham bellowed.

Nopers? That's a new one, thought Alex.

Graham continued, "you two are coming with us to the St. Regis! We're going to have a little party and you're going to get to sleep in a big, comfy bed and take an AMAZING SHOWER!!"

"AWESOME!!" An exuberant Isaac cheered.

"Hmm, this is the most elaborate trick ever. `A party?'" Bando sneered skeptically, suddenly feeling like he was played. I knew this was all too good to be true.

"Bando, really? Give me a break. Alex just bought you thousands of dollars worth of clothes and now he's offering you a night in a clean, warm room. It's not a trick, it's not a scam. It's just a nice guy doing something nice. For fuck's sake!" Graham was not having Bando's suspicious attitude.

"This is where I excuse myself, you boys work this out," Alex said as he went back to the car.

"Bando, please, I so want a shower. We should go. I'm sure it's fine! A party has food and drinks and fun! We never have fun. Pleeeeeease!" begged Isaac.

"Look, I know you're all about this guy and you think he's all that, but let's face it, you know how this goes. Rich dudes shower gifts and money on the homeless boys so they can fuck them, nothing more. Rich dudes just get homeless boys hopes up only to let them down. Rich dudes get bored and find themselves new boys to play with," Bando protested, "plus all of that shit we bought is great, but it's all being delivered to his hotel. He's probably not going to let us have any of it anyway. Even if he did, it will all be stolen by Monday."

Isaac went over to Graham and put his head on his shoulder and started to cry. "Please tell me he's wrong. He's wrong, right?"

"Yes he's fucking wrong!" an annoyed Graham barked, "you boys have to trust me. This is different. Really, really fucking different. There's so much more going on. Please, just trust me. I promise you everything is going to be amazing. It might be just for the weekend, but I think this is so much bigger than we know. Bando -- a shower. Hot fucking water. Soap. Dude."

At this point one of their fellow homeless friends who had been listening to the exchange walked over.

"Boys, I get being cautious. It's very smart Bando. You know the streets well. I think you should take advantage of whatever this man is offering. He's been walking by this park for years. If he were trouble, we'd know. I've asked around since he appeared yesterday. I doubt he's a murderer or a pimp or even that he just wants sex. Take what he's giving you. You don't know when you'll ever get this chance again. And Bando, don't you trick several times a week? This is a pretty nice payday for a fuck. We all got something and none of us had to fuck him!"

"Thank you," Graham said to the man they all knew as Senator, "it's a good thing, I promise it will all be ok, Senator."

"I trust you, Graham."

"Bando! We're going. NOW!" Isaac demanded as he pointed toward the car.

"Ok, I'm trusting you Graham. If you're wrong I'm going to fuck you up. And not in a way you'd probably like, you weirdo."

Graham turned to his friend, grabbed his face and kissed his cheek. "I love you man."

"Get the fuck off me, fag." Once Graham turned his back, Bando couldn't help but smile at his adorable friend.

The boys all walked to the car and hopped in. A very pleased Alex smiled and welcomed them. He opted not to talk too much. Actually no one had much to say at this point but Isaac who was yammering on about everything they drove past on the way to the hotel.

Well fuck, these two are boys are as hot as Graham, Alex thought. I don't know how I'm going to be able to control myself...

It was about four years ago, a typical night for 15 year old Bando. By this point in his life, he was well versed with the streets. As usual, he was cruising looking for a trick. He knew all of the good places to find men -- or sometimes women -- looking for a hook up. On this night he would find himself in one of the worst situations he'd ever been in, one that will influence him as long as he's on the streets.

He found his trick outside the adult shop that out of town folks frequent -- especially out of town folks looking for something more than adult toys. It wasn't in the nicest part of the city, but it was a quicker hook up than the nicer spots. The guy he found wasn't particularly attractive, but he was dressed well and seemed to have money. He was maybe in his 40's, balding with grey hair. He was kind of scrawny looking at about 6 feet tall. Bando made eye contact and it was returned. A few other casual maneuvers and the two were making plans.

"I'm Bando, what's your name?"

"That's not really very important. We're not here to become friends," the man said dryly.

Bando got that feeling in his gut, the one that usually guides him away from certain situations. However, this time he was a bit desperate. He hadn't eaten a decent meal in about a week. He also needed a new pair of shoes since the good ones he had were stolen from him and he was wearing ones that weren't even close to fitting and they hurt. Tricks had been slow for some reason. He kind of needed this gig.

"Fine. I can follow you to your hotel."

"I'm guessing from your looks that you command a premium."

"I try to. Don't worry man, we'll work it out."

"Let's go."

Bando followed the man to his hotel nearby. It wasn't one of the nicer hotels. It was older and a little dreary. It felt a bit uncomfortable for Bando. His gut was reminding him again that he probably should go. Despite that sinking feeling, he followed the man into the hotel and they continued up the stairs. Once inside, Bando saw how creepy this place really was. There was a weird smell. The walls were grey from years of neglect. As he walked to the man's room, he felt a definite unease.

"Right here," the man said as he put the key into the door and showed Bando in, "sorry, this isn't one of my usual hotels. My assistant messed up and booked me here and it was too late to get a better room somewhere else."

"Yeah, no problem."

"I'm glad I ran into you. I set up a Grindr hook up earlier and the guy never showed."

"Oh, yeah, that's good," a nervous Bando replied, trying to sound like everything was ok. "So, um, I usually get $100 for an hour or so."

"Sure thing Rambo, just relax. I'll take care of you."

Bando hated that this asshole making fun of his name. He sat on the edge of the bed. The man sat next to him. The man made some small talk asking Bando about being a hustler, did he have family, where was he from, is he gay, how long did he know. Bando was not comfortable with this line of questioning and just wanted to get this over with. He tried to lean in to kiss him to distract him from the game of 20 questions. The man pushed back and said he wasn't in a hurry. They continued to talk some more. The man got up and said he needed to go to the bathroom. Bando thought about leaving. When the man closed the bathroom door, Bando stood up and started towards the door. There was a loud creak in the floor. That's when the man burst out of the bathroom with a baseball bat in his hands.

"You sit the fuck down faggot!" the man exclaimed as he went for the door to block Bando from leaving. "You fucking faggots are always in such a hurry to leave."

"I-I-I won't go anywhere. Please don't hurt me," Bando begged, cowering a bit with his hands up in front of his face. "OH FUCK!"

The man took a swing with the bat. Fortunately Bando was quick enough to dodge the hit and the bat slammed into the dresser. The man came after him again. This time he caught Bando in the back with a pretty hard hit. Bando hit the ground in severe pain. He felt like the bat hit his spine. The man raised the bat over his head and took another swing at him. Bando rolled away and missed what could have been a fatal blow.

"STAY PUT FAGGOT SO I CAN BEAT THE FEAR OF GOD INTO YOU!" the man screamed. "I will save you from Satan's grip and send you to God to REPENT!!" he screamed even louder as he took another swing.

Oh, fuck me, a crazy religious fanatic. What the ever loving fuck? Bando thought to himself as he lunged at the man figuring it was his only way to get out of there. He brought the man to the ground and the bat flew out of his hands. The man grabbed Bando by the hair and head butted him twice. Blood was now flowing from Bando's head as the man wrestled himself on top of him. The man put his hands around Bando's throat and started to squeeze. Bando tried his hardest to fight the man off. The man had a look of rage in his face.

"I hate faggots!! I WILL KILL YOU ALL one by one!"

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. The man was distracted and loosened his grip. Good thing for Bando, as he was beginning to get lightheaded. He was with it enough to let out a scream. As Bando tried to push the man off him and get back up, the door burst open. This guy just came bursting into the room and grabbed the man. He pulled the man off of Bando and threw him to the ground. The man landed near his bat, so he grabbed it and took a swing at the guy, hitting him in his leg. Apparently he didn't hit him hard enough to take him down. The guy grabbed the bat and yanked it out of the man's hands. He took a swing with the bat and hit the man in his ribs. He swung and hit him again. The man cried out for him to stop. The guy swung at the man's ribs again. The guy took one more swing and smashed the man's shoulder. The man lay there lifeless and bleeding. He threw the bat to the ground and looked over at Bando cowering in the corner.

"Get up NOW! We're getting the fuck out of here before the police show up!" the guy yelled to Bando.

As they left the room, there were people gathering in the hallway. No one seemed very interested in getting involved.

"This way!" the guy yelled as they ran down the hall toward a fire exit. They pushed through the door. No alarm went off. They ran down the stairs, out another door and into an alley. They took off down some street and eventually found a spot to stop and catch their breath. Sirens wailed in the background.

"Holy fucking shit!" Bando cried out, "where the fuck did you come from? You saved my ass. Thanks dude!! I owe you big time."

"Oh yeah kid, you do," the guy snarled, "lucky for you I decided to follow through on that Grindr hook up. You'd be dead in about one more minute."

"Oh fuck. I knew that felt like a bad idea. Thanks again man. I'm Bando."

"Bando? What the fuck kind of name is that? Whatever. I'm Garrett. Come on, you're coming home with me. I'm going to clean you up and we're going to salvage this night with a little fun after all. You owe me, remember?"

Bando didn't feel like he was in the position to argue with Garrett. Plus, he was hot. Really hot. Just about 5'10", medium brown close cut hair, green eyes behind rimmed glasses. He seemed pretty well built and was obviously strong. Bando felt a little better about following this guy home.

Bando happened to notice that he wasn't in pain anymore and he felt almost as good as he did before he was nearly beaten to death. Now that's weird, I just felt like death. Now I'm fine? he thought.

"Yeah, right. I sure do owe you," Bando said with a flirty smile.

Next: Chapter 8

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