Sex Chaos Love

By Alex Ryder

Published on Aug 2, 2023


This story is a fantasy. It is intended for you to suspend your disbelief and just enjoy the ride. There are all sorts of things happening from very realistic to completely imaginary. It's a wild ride and I think it's fun, but it is not for everyone. There's plenty of sex, but I also like to set the story up and describe situations, people, background, anything that I think helps the story. Stick with it; I think you'll enjoy the journey.

If you don't like or are offended by taboo subjects like kink, bdsm, incest, underage sex, violence, rape, or any other weirdness - move on. This story is completely fictional. Any resemblance by name or description to anyone dead or alive is totally coincidental. If you are not of legal age or if this content is not legal in your area, please do not read this.

I hope you enjoy the story and I welcome constructive advice and criticism. I also love a good compliment too. :) If you have comments, please email me at

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Sex, Chaos, Love

Chapter 6 Ð Bonding to Graham

Graham came into the room with the bag of Chinese food and walked right past Alex to see this amazing suite. This was something that Graham had never seen before and he wanted to take it all in. Alex closed and locked the door and took the food from Graham and put it away.

"Holy fucking shit! This is a fucking HOTEL ROOM?" exclaimed Graham. "It's bigger than most people's houses!" "Indeed it is cute boy," replied Alex, "and tonight, it's all yours. It can be a few more nights too, if you want. I don't have to leave until Sunday." "Seriously? Fuck yeah, I want."

Alex just stood there staring at Graham thinking just how beautiful this boy was and feeling no longer nervous, but warm and tingly. It was like he was falling for this boy that he hadn't even known 24 hours. He knew too, that Graham might be his soul mate. This made Alex feel very happy.

Graham went all through the suite, in and out of the two bedrooms, through the whole living/dining area and into the kitchenette. The three bathrooms especially blew Graham away. "Three fucking bathrooms?" Are you serious? I could live in one of them!"

Alex just stood by letting Graham take it all in and get this initial excitement out of his system. He actually found it quite adorable and it made him smile. The hotel stocked Alex's room with a full bar as well as pretty much anything he wanted. Billionaires are well taken care of at the St. Regis. Alex grabbed two glasses and a bottle of Krug Champagne from the fridge and sat on the couch to wait for Graham to finish his room inspection. He thought for a moment about serving alcohol to a minor and then quickly realized that was pretty much the least of the law breaking he was in the process of.

Graham dashed out of one of the rooms. "Is this our room? It seems bigger and has the bathroom that God built in it." "Yes, that's the one. Want a drink?" "Ooooh, yummy. Yes I do. But I'm going to take it in the bathroom and take a shower. I'm not going to sit on the same furniture with you right now, let alone anything else."

Alex thought that was not necessary. He was enamored with this boy and it didn't matter how he smelled. Then he realized that even a strongly desired romantic or sexual encounter could be overridden by the desire for a shower when you've not had one in days or possibly weeks. Graham kissed Alex on the head, grabbed his glass and dashed away, disappearing into the bedroom and closing the door. Alex put his feet up on the coffee table and grabbed his Financial Times and busied himself reading and sipping on his champagne. The smile on his face was about as wide as it could be and he felt amazing.

Graham was completely overwhelmed. He just stood at the foot of the giant king size bed and was in awe. He couldn't believe in all the times he'd tricked in a hotel, that he'd never seen anything like this. He just wanted to cuddle up in that bed and lay there forever. First though, he desperately needed to shower. It had been about ten days since he'd not only had a shower, but since he'd been out of the clothes he was wearing.

He couldn't help himself and turned on every light in the room and the bathroom. He just wanted to be awash in brightness. He slowly stripped off his filthy clothes. Not sure what to do with them, he folded everything up nicely and looked for a place to put them. He opened the closet and there was a bag hanging with a tag that said `laundry' on it. "Perfect!" he thought to himself, "I can finally get this stuff washed!" He put everything in the bag, not even thinking about whether or not he'd need them any time soon. There were two robes and two sets of slippers in the closet. These were the big, fluffy, super comfortable robes. "Oh fuck yes. I can't wait to put this on." He brought the robe and the slippers to the bathroom and set them out for after his shower.

He had been completely unaware of the fact that his cock was rock hard. Clearly he was excited about just about everything. The shower was huge. He reached in and turned on the water, which initially flowed down like rainfall from a big showerhead up above. He found all of the soap and shampoo and walked into the shower. He just stood there and moaned as if her were having a religious experience. The water felt so good gently washing over him. With a turn of a knob, he turned on the other showerhead connected to a hand held device. He grabbed it and just waved it all over his body as if he were power washing himself. He would spend the next 30 minutes in that shower, not only cleaning himself thoroughly, but also just enjoying everything about the experience.

He finally finished, stepped out of the shower and toweled himself off. He went to go grab the robe, but saw himself in the mirror. His body was sparkling clean like it hadn't been in ages. Graham just looked at himself. He was very cute, some would say adorable. His thick, long dark blonde hair draped just over and beyond his shoulders. His slight, tall frame, smooth toned body, just glowed. His cock, abnormally big for a boy his age at over 9 inches, was just soft enough to lie nicely over his equally large golf ball sized balls that hung low. After admiring himself he grabbed the robe, put on the slippers and went into the bedroom to get his glasses. When he put them on he realized they needed a cleaning before he could go back out to Alex.

Alex was pretty absorbed in his reading as he dozed off a bit. Graham had been taking care of himself for nearly an hour and it was already close to one am. He would be quickly awoken when he heard the bedroom double doors fly open and a bright, shiny, white-robed Graham burst through them yelling " TA DA!!!"

Graham stood in the doorway with his arms up in the air and had a big grin on his face. At this moment, Alex not only woke up, but also stood up and just stared at Graham. He was completely blown away by how truly adorable Graham was standing there.

"Oh boy, we're not going to do this staring thing again, are we?" Graham said breathlessly as he dropped his hands to his sides. "Uh, IÉ.um, no?" stammered Alex. "OK, this time I can fix this like I couldn't at the pub"

With that, Graham walked over to Alex and threw his arms around him and said, "thank you so fucking much. This is the best night I've had ever. Seriously. Ever." Alex put his arms around Graham and squeezed him tightly. "I hope there will be many more best nights."

As Alex said that, he heard sniffling. "What's wrong?" Alex asked. "Nothing!" Graham barked into Alex's shoulder. "Mmmm hmmm." "Can I just be really happy for a minute?" sniffled Graham through his tears of happiness. "You can be happy as long as you want, forever even. I'm here for you."

They stood there in this embrace for a few more minutes and then pulled away and looked at each other. "Damn, you're handsome," Graham said. "And I still don't hold a candle to you my boy." Alex whispered back. Almost automatically they both leaned into one another and kissed. Gently at first on the lips. That soon gave way to a much more passionate full mouth kiss.

For a few minutes the boy and the man were lip locked and lost in each other. Alex could feel an incredible warmth flow through his body, something like he had never felt before. It was a familiar warmth, but stronger, more powerful. This was a good sign to Alex.

Graham had a slightly different feeling. He felt he was having an out-of-body experience. It was like nothing he'd ever experienced. He too felt a deep warmth overcome him, but he also felt an energy transfer from him to Alex. He also felt something all around him as if he were being wrapped in an invisible blanket. These feelings caused Graham excitement and a little concern. What did all this mean?

They pulled away from one another and sat on the couch. Alex poured more champagne and the two lovers curled up with each other, not ready to do anything more than that because it felt so amazing to finally be able to be intimate with one another. This love and energy had been building all day and had overtaken any immediate sexual energy. At least for now.

Alex and Graham had dozed off on the couch. When Alex awoke, Graham was gone. Startled, he jumped off the couch, "Graham?" he called out. "Here I am! "Graham called back. Alex walked toward the bedroom where he found Graham sitting on a chair just in side the door, still wearing his robe. Alex was still dressed in his shirt with the tie loosened, his pants and shoes.

"Are you ever going to get comfortable?" Graham asked. "Sure. What time is it?" "Around 2:15 or so." "Damn this has been a long day." Alex did look a bit exhausted.

Graham walked over to him and stood in front of him. "Let me help you out." Graham kissed Alex on the nose and smiled at him. "You're so handsome." Alex sighed contentedly. Graham then unbuttoned Alex's shirt and slid it off of him. He then slid his hands under his t-shirt and slowly slid it up over Alex's head, while simultaneously getting to run his hands up Alex's chest. They were of about equal height, and they stared into each other's eyes never breaking their gaze, until Graham moved down on his knees.

He untied Alex's shoes and lifted his left foot up to slide his shoe, then his sock off. He repeated the move on the right. Then he kneeled upright and looked up at Alex who was just taking all of this in. Alex was tired, but he was more into this attention he was getting from the incredible boy and that this boy found him attractive enough to give this attention.

Graham began to unbutton Alex's pants, and then unzipped them and then he slid them down. He ran his hands over the outline of Alex's hard cock in his underwear. Unlike some of the boys he was with, but more like the men he tricked with, Alex had a very average, even small, cock of about 5 inches. Graham rubbed harder which made Alex precum through his underwear. Graham licked the spot and then lightly bit Alex's hard cock. He ran his fingers up one side of Alex's underwear and used the other hand to begin pulling Alex's underwear off. Soon Graham had Alex's underwear down and had his man completely naked.

Graham began to lightly kiss the base of Alex's cock and slowly work his way around it and then along it. He kissed and licked as he gave all of his attention to making Alex feel good. Once he got to the head, Graham licked all around the base of the head and then to the precum oozing out. Alex was feeling faint; it felt so good to him. He thought to himself, "damn, this boy knows what he is doing!"

Graham took the head of Alex's cock into his mouth, licking and sucking, causing Alex to moan much louder. Soon, Graham had the whole of Alex's cock in his mouth. Graham worked Alex's cock up and down giving him a blowjob to remember. Alex was not one to be able to hold himself too long, but he did his best until he finally had to release. Alex grabbed Graham's head and held him as he blasted a stream of cum down Graham's throat. Graham continued to suck every bit out of Alex's cock making sure nothing was wasted. Alex stepped back and sat at the edge of the bed. "Fuck. Damn. That was unfuckingbelievable! Wow." Alex just leaned back with his hands on his head. Blown away by Graham's talents.

Graham stood over Alex as he lay back on the bed. He undid the tie on his robe and opened it up letting it slide off of him. Alex was in awe. This boy was beyond beautiful, he was perfect. Graham's slim, toned body was radiating as far as Alex could tell. And as Alex looked to Graham's crotch, he was astounded at what he saw, so much so that he instantly sat up.

"Damn Graham! You are one surprise after another! How on earth do you have something so huge on you?" "I really don't know. It's been like this my whole life. And it keeps getting bigger. It's at least an inch more than it was last year."

Alex suddenly wasn't tired anymore. He pulled Graham closer and took his cock in one hand and his, also unusually big, balls in the other. "I guess somebody's not that sleepy after all." Graham snickered. "Shush!" Alex shot back.

Alex didn't want to wait any longer, he began stroking and kissing the giant boy cock in front of him. It was like he was called to it. As he began to work the boy's cock over, he slid the head into his mouth. Alex had been waiting for this moment all day. He took more and more of Graham's huge member into his mouth. Graham was expecting what would usually happen Ð guys could only take a little of his cock. He was quite surprised that Alex was not having that problem. Alex was taking every inch of his boy cock right down to the base. Graham was incredulous. "How did he do that?" he thought to himself. Alex felt even more confident that Graham was the one.

Graham chose not to waste the opportunity to do something he loved to do, but rarely had the chance Ð throat fuck someone, especially someone he was in love with and hot for. In Alex's head, he could hear Joshua's voice, "you were made for this." He also felt something rushing through his body, much like what he felt when they kissed and very much like what he remembered from Joshua all those years ago. Graham again felt the energy flowing through him only now he felt it through his cock.

Graham took hold of Alex's head and began to slowly thrust his cock into Alex's mouth. He built up a steady rhythm and the started to go even faster. Alex was now gagging up fluids, his nose was oozing mucous, it was all dripping down his chin onto the floor. Alex's chocking did not stop Graham at all. He was seemingly possessed at this point thrusting harder and harder, with no mercy for Alex as he pounded his cock into his face causing him to cry and wheeze and gasp for air. He continued this for at least a full 15 minutes. He finally let out a growl as he shot his boy cum down Alex's throat as if he were power washing it. Cum flowed from the boy in a massive amount. His trance broke and he pulled his cock from his lover's mouth. Alex immediately fell back onto the bed, exhausted from the assault on his throat, cum dripping from his lips. Graham himself fell to the ground overwhelmed by what he had done.

"Holy fuck man! I am so sorry! I have no idea what just happened there. I really didn't know what I was doing. I didn't know I was doing that to you!" Graham cried out, feeling badly as if he'd hurt Alex. "Are you OK? Please tell me you're OK. Are you mad? Say something!" Graham continued to yell in a panicked voice.

"Graham, calm down. You're fine." Alex calmly said between a cough and clearing his throat. He wiped the mess from his face. "You were amazing. That was amazing. I loved every second of it." "Really? I think I did, but I really don't remember it all. It feels like I wasn't even here for it, but I know it happened." "There's going to be more times like this, I think. I can't explain it, but you'll see." "It sounds like there's something you know that I should." "There is stuff for us to talk about. But please, can we do it tomorrow? I'm going to get up in a few hours and cancel my day. Then I'm going to crawl back into bed. We'll have all day to be with each other. I need to sleep." "OK. I really do love you so much. I can feel it. It's like nothing I've ever felt before." "I love you too Graham. More than you could know."

They both went into the bathroom to clean up and then headed to bed. They climbed under the covers and cuddled up together. Alex loved that Graham just took Alex under his arms as his little spoon. Alex loved being Graham's little spoon.

It was close to noon on Friday. Alex and Graham were still cuddled together in bed. Graham slowly came to life and sighed contentedly at his situation. The sun shined into the windows casting warmth on the two lovers. Graham started kissing his man on the neck, each kiss becoming more and more intimate. This woke Alex up. He too sighed contentedly with this beautiful boy holding him and kissing him. Alex turned his head and they were face to face. No one seemed concerned about morning breath as they both started kissing each other deeply. As they shifted around, Graham ended up on top of Alex. His huge cock hard and dripping. He slowly started grinding on Alex knowing this was the time he was finally going to fuck his new love. Alex became calm and relaxed as his let the boy kiss and grind him. He knew what was coming next and hoped that he was right about his suspicions about Graham.

Graham pulled away from the embrace and leaned back. He lifted Alex's legs up and got himself into position. All the time while they were locked in a gaze between each other. Graham scooped up some of the precum rapidly oozing from his cock and wiped in on Alex's hole. He rubbed some down his shaft as well. He put the head of his cock right at Alex's hole and gently applied pressure on it. The thick head of his boy cock entered Alex's hole and both of them let out moans of delight. Graham held himself there just enjoying the feeling of his cock inside of Alex. Alex knew what was coming. If this was the experience he was speculating about, if this was to be like what happened to Joshua, then he knew what would happen and greatly anticipated it.

Without warning, Graham let out a loud growl and shoved his cock deep into Alex. He arched his back and gripped Alex's legs so tight, Alex thought he'd break right though them. Graham held this position as he felt this incredible energy rushing through him. It was so powerful; he felt he had no control of himself. It was the most intense feeling he'd ever had, even more than the kiss or face fucking earlier Ð like times 100.

This was what Alex thought it would be Ð Graham was taking control of him. Unlike the pain he felt when Joshua filled him, Alex felt an incredible warmth and comfort as he felt Graham's cock expand inside of him. This was something Graham had no idea what to do about. He could feel his cock expanding inside of his man. He held his own until he felt the rush lightening in him. He slowly pulled his cock back out about half way and thrust it in again. Graham was now picking up his pace as he started to power fuck the man beneath him. Alex moaned in ecstasy as he felt his boy pound him harder and harder. Graham was really going at him, sweat was pouring off of him and soaking his long hair. Alex was soaked in his own sweat. Graham was thrusting fast and furiously. This wasn't the destruction that Alex felt from Joshua; this was a connection, his becoming one with Graham. This beautiful boy was claiming Alex's soul. He was becoming Graham's property. He was no longer his own.

Graham eased up the pace a little but continued to fuck Alex. He felt a little more himself, but did not want to stop. He kept fucking this man that he had fallen in love with. With more control, he also was able to lean down and kiss Alex. After nearly 45 minutes of being inside of Alex, Graham could feel that he was going to cum. He picked up his rapid pace again and pounded harder and faster as he once again felt his self control slip away. Alex was loving the way this was going. It was a mix of the Initiation he had with Joshua and a true first time between two lovers. Graham again arched back with the last thrust let out another loud growl and blasted his boy cum inside of Alex. It was a warm powerful stream of cum that gave Alex a wonderful feeling, as he knew his body would absorb it; just as it did Joshua's and he would have Graham inside of him forever. Graham's cock began to shrink and soften and he collapsed on top of Alex.

"WHAT. THE. FUCK. I have no idea what just happened. Fuck. That was the most incredible thing I've ever done. Holy fuck." Graham whispered to Alex breathlessly. "Um, in all of my many years, that was the single best fucking I have ever had. For such a young one, you really know how to please a guy."

Graham lifted his head up and looked into Alex's eyes and then kissed him. He slowly pulled his cock out of Alex's ass and cum dripped from Alex's hole. Graham looked down at his cock all covered in cum and said, "I need to go clean up." "Wait, not yet." "Huh?" Graham was confused.

Alex leaned up and got himself into position and started to put his mouth over Graham's cock. Graham pushed him away. "Whoa! What are you doing?" Graham exclaimed. "I'm taking care of my Master." Replied Alex, "please trust me." Graham was a little freaked out by Alex going down on his cum covered cock, but he let it go. Alex took Graham's entire cock into his mouth with one deep swallow. He sucked and licked and savored the boy's tasty cock as it hardened in his mouth. Graham found himself loving this feeling of Alex's expert blowjob. Alex deep throated Graham's hard cock and sucked it completely clean. He pulled back and showed off his work to his boy Master. Graham was impressed and actually found the whole thing rather sexy. It would be something he'd happily do again.

"I need to go get cleaned up. When you hear the shower running, come join me." Alex thought for a moment. We're not quite done yet.

"I could join you now," Alex offered. "Well, just give me a few minutes, OK?" Graham said coyly. Alex thought he'd better not push it. "OK, I'll wait for the shower."

Alex waited patiently for Graham to finish whatever he was doing. Finally, he heard the shower start up. He walked slowly into the bathroom and saw his beautiful boy standing at the door to the shower.

They stepped into the shower together and felt the rainwater head wash over them. They stood there kissing. Graham then looked Alex in the eyes and said "thank you Daddy. You are so amazing" Now Alex was a little confused. Graham seemed somewhat submissive here and was even acting a little feminine. They kissed some more and Graham dropped to his knees and took Alex's cock in his mouth. He sucked Alex until he got him nice and hard. He then stood up and turned around and pushed his ass toward Alex. "Fuck me Daddy, fuck me please" Alex didn't hesitate; he took his boy into his arms and guided his cock up his ass until he found the hole. He pushed gently and eventually slid all the way in. Graham let out a breathless, girly moan. "Mmmmmm, yes Daddy, yes." Alex increased his thrusting and fucked his boy as best as he knew how with his small cock.

Graham seemed to be loving it, rubbing his hands all over his body, moaning. Alex finally hit his limits and shoved his cock deep into his boy and blasted a thick load of cum into him. Graham cooed in delight and let Alex's cock slide out of him. He looked at him and said, "That was so good Daddy." Alex then proceeded to soap up a cloth and started to wash his boy down, giving him a thorough bathing. He especially enjoyed lathering up and washing Graham's beautiful long hair.

He finished up on Graham, took care of himself and they stepped out of the shower to dry off. "I am fucking starving!" Graham exclaimed, "Though I guess you want to go back to sleep, huh old man?" Ah, there was the little smart ass he fell in love with, Alex thought. "I'm definitely hungry. I'll go order food." "Is there a menu or something?" "No, I know what you want." Alex walked off to go order lunch. Graham stood there wondering, "How does he know what I want?"

Next: Chapter 7

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