Sex Chaos Love

By Alex Ryder

Published on Aug 2, 2023


This story is a fantasy. It is intended for you to suspend your disbelief and just enjoy the ride. There are all sorts of things happening from very realistic to completely imaginary. It's a wild ride and I think it's fun, but it is not for everyone. There's plenty of sex, but I also like to set the story up and describe situations, people, background, anything that I think helps the story. Stick with it; I think you'll enjoy the journey.

If you don't like or are offended by taboo subjects like kink, bdsm, incest, underage sex, violence, rape, or any other weirdness - move on. This story is completely fictional. Any resemblance by name or description to anyone dead or alive is totally coincidental. If you are not of legal age or if this content is not legal in your area, please do not read this.

I hope you enjoy the story and I welcome constructive advice and criticism. I also love a good compliment too. :) If you have comments, please email me at

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Sex, Chaos, Love

Chapter 5 Ð You're a Vilkas

"You're a vilkas. You're not human, you've never been. You are a completely different species. You've always been one of us, a vilkas. It took me to draw you into our society and help you realize what you are."

Joshua was saying these words for the first time the evening after their intense date. Alex was in shock, really. He had no idea what to do with this information. He had no idea what it meant to him. All he knew is that he missed his flight home so he could talk to Joshua and find out as much as he could. He struggled a bit with what had just happened, especially as he thought about it in detail.

Alex was also trying hard to understand what it meant to be Joshua's slave. To be owned by Joshua. How was this going to work if the two of them lived in two different cities? Joshua assured Alex that it would all work. Everything was going to be fine and Alex was going to do quite well.

In the days following Alex's Initiation, Joshua continued to tell Alex about who and what he was. It was a lot for Alex to take in, but it was also fascinating to him that he'd been living his life and never knowing this about himself. It explained some things as well. The fast healing when Adam beat him, his appetite for sex, his avoidance of trouble in his life.

Alex would spend the next year commuting back and forth between Milwaukee, where his home office was, and Denver where his newest major client was. During these trips, Alex would stay with Joshua, serving him as his slave. The juxtaposition of this kinky, twisted sex slave life and the life of a professional campaign manager out and about and highly visible was sometimes more than Alex could handle. Over time he would get used to it. He would also get used to being a vilkas and all that that meant.

No one is quite sure how vilkai came about. Little is known of their origin or purpose. They live in Family Groups that are part of a larger Pack. They are not human, but live, act and appear to be human in order to blend in with normal human society. They function in daily life in many ways and many vilkai are well known in their communities or are even famous. They are born of humans, though how and when they become what they are is not known. They are immune to trouble Ð even when they put themselves into risky situations. Once they know what they are, they generally maintain normal human lives, but dedicate more of themselves to their Family Group. No human is aware of their well-kept secrets.

What they are is hard to describe. They possibly have some relation to wolves; they definitely have some of the characteristics or at least follow their social structure. Any other knowledge of their origin is mostly unknown or possibly alien. Most don't even know they are one until they encounter another Ð and even then it may still be unknown to them. They are small in number worldwide, possibly as few as 700.

The earliest known existence of any member is from about 50 years ago. Some members believe there is a higher being that no one has seen. They believe that they can feel his presence.

They operate in a social structure that resembles that of wolves. They fall into four categories: Masters, Slaves, dominants and subordinates. Within those categories there are various levels of each.

Alpha Masters have the highest status within the social structure. They are the highest authorities in geographically large Packs of possibly no more than 100 vilkai across multiple cities. There are only seven Alpha Masters and it is thought that is how many Packs exist. Individual vilkas gather in smaller Family Groups usually run by a Beta Master. Family Groups are usually four to ten vilkai.

Alpha Masters have an heir to their position in the hierarchy Ð generally a Beta Master, though the heir may not be evident until he is found. When Alpha Masters retire their position, some continue to exist in a chosen Family Group as an Elder; others just quietly fade into society. It is a high honor for an Elder to choose to live with a Family Group.

There are different levels within each category and everyone falls somewhere on a hierarchy. Masters and Slaves are the most important and significant. They have special powers. Masters are the highest form and Slaves are the lowest. The hierarchy is the same for Slaves as it is for Masters, though in reverse. Being the absolute lowest level Slave makes him an Alpha Slave.

Alpha Masters live outside of any Family Group, often traveling from one group to the next. Alpha Slaves reside within a Family Group. There are possibly two or three times as many Alpha Slaves as Alpha Masters. Alpha Slaves are the keepers of any Family Group. Where there isn't an Alpha Slave, a Beta Slave is the keeper. Despite being Slaves, they wield some power within the group and are often very intelligent.

Every family group has at least one Omega Ð a troublesome, wayward vilkas that cannot achieve Master or Slave status. Each Family Group also consists of dominants (often called Sirs) and subordinates They generally have some issue that prevent them from becoming a Master or Slave, or simply a lack of capacity to become a Master or a Slave. There are very few subordinates. Either dominants or subordinates can make an effort to correct the trait that prevents them from being a Master or a Slave, though it is rare.

Masters all have darkness in them. Some are consumed by it, others are able to control it and use it only when they choose, or need to. They all have light within them as well, though it hasn't been actively embraced in a big way. Many ignore or reject it, a few choose to embrace it and use it. This is something that is changing for the better as the vilkai continue to exist and evolve.

Masters and Slaves have reparative qualities and can heal themselves, allowing them no limits to their activities. Any vilkas that a Master injures can be healed directly by that Master only. Masters and Slaves will heal fairly quickly. Dominants and subordinates also have reparative qualities, though they are not as powerful. They will heal in time, but only can heal quickly when the saliva of the Master that caused the damage is applied to the injury.

Vilkai are immortal and when tagged' by an Alpha Master they no longer age from that point. There is a way to kill them, though it is extremely rare. Their physical attributes vary, but not greatly. They are exclusively white and male. They are always in fit condition, are toned, thin or very slight. They are never buff' or excessively muscled, nor are they out of shape. They are always discovered by the time they are 35 and never before they are 13.

Their bodies are similar to human bodies, but are not at all the same. They have a brain and nervous system, as well as a skeleton. They bleed. They do not have internal organs like humans and their bodies have incredible capacity for extreme sexual activities. When viewed by a human on an x-ray or during a physical of some sort, doctors only see or feel the usual internal construction of a human. A trait designed so they remain unnoticed by humans. Vilkai do require food and nutrition, if for no other reason that to provide them with energy. It also ensures they blend in. They are fond of alcoholic beverages and, occasionally, drugs. They do not get sick, nor do they experience human problems such as dental issues. Some do have a need for minor vision correction. Outwardly they look human.

They have very boyish features and are masculine in either personality or appearance. A significant number of vilkai have feminine qualities. They may have feminine features or tendencies. Some embrace their feminine side though most disregard or fight it.

One trait that defines more than 90% of all vilkai is an abnormally large penis, usually no less than 8 inches at full maturity. They are often thick as well, though some are just simply long. The other 10% have smaller penises of about 5-6 inches and it is a trait some members find attractive. The largest known penis size is at least 18 inches. It is believed there are even larger ones. Vilkas penises may grow with status and they can control the size and thickness of their penises, often able to expand them to massive sizes. Their precum is a natural lubricant.

Vilkai live by five major tenets. The first is Sex. It is the most important. It is the lifeline of all vilkai. In fact, they need it to exist. Starving a vilkas of sex is the only way to kill him. It is a slow and painful death should that happen and it is extremely rare. All vilkai are attracted to one another in some way. When vilkai come together, either knowingly or not, sex is inevitable. Sex is a daily, even multiple times daily activity.

The second is Chaos. It exists in many forms and is a way to educate and train vilkai from many levels. It is frequently a test of some kind either in their life prior to discovering who they are, or once they know. It is something that helps determine status and placement.

The third is Love. Love is inherent in all vilkai, though isn't as embraced by many or understood. Those who conquer love become stronger and more powerful. It is another evolving quality in the vilkai.

The fourth is Control. This is essential in every Pack and Family Group. Every level has control over the next. Each vilkas in a Family Group has control over the next below them.

Finally there is Surrender. Every vilkas accepts that they surrender themselves to their kind and to whatever their placement is within their society. Everyone is surrendering to live out his destiny, whatever it is, since it is not likely to change, ever. It is unknown how their destiny is determined.

Alpha Masters and Alpha Slaves are often sent out in the world to search for other vilkai. Only Alpha Masters and Alpha Slaves can draw in other vilkai. Alpha Masters are the only ones that have the ability to clearly identify other vilkai. Other members often encounter one another and connect as friends without realizing what they are until an Alpha Master discovers them.

When an Alpha Master or other Master discovers another vilkas, they look to draw them in. It is done through some generally acceptable human social activity, such as a date or friendship. When Alpha Slaves or Slaves draw in others they usually do not realize they are doing so until it actually happens. They are only able to draw in Masters.

Vilkai realize who and what they are through an Initiation, which takes 24 hours and follows a specific process. An Alpha Master or other high level Master performs the Initiation, knowingly or not. It happens instinctively, as in when and Slave encounters other vilkai. The process consists of gaining his trust and acceptance, which is not difficult when two vilkai come together. None of this has to happen upon the first encounter.

Eventually the vilkai will engage in sexual activity. Three things must happen to complete the Initiation. They must happen within the 24 hour period from the first contact with one another.

There must be a kiss. A deep, passionate kiss. A kiss that sends shivers down one's spine. The type of kiss that causes someone to fall in love immediately, to know they have found their soul mate.

The second step is oral sex. Not simply a blow job but an aggressive face fucking of at least 15 minutes and must end in cumming down the throat of the submissive vilkas. It is the first time one realizes that they are significantly different. What seems impossible, perhaps a large penis being shoved down one's throat, happens in real time.

The third step is anal sex, a hard, passionate, power fucking lasting at least 30 minutes. In each case the submissive vilkas is able to easily accommodate the dominant partner. This is an especially intense part of the process, especially between higher-level vilkai. The dominant vilkas' cock, once inside of the submissive vilkas, expands, sometimes 2-3 times in size, and fills the submissive. The fucking takes place after the dominant reaches his maximum engorgement. It is powerful, intense, hard and fast. Both vilkai are often in a state of trance during this part of the process. The fucking can result in significant damage to the submissive. The dominant partner will eventually cum inside of the submissive. The inherent healing powers of the vilkas combined with the healing powers of the dominants cum, returns the body of the submissive back to a healthy state almost immediately. The dominant will lick any wounds he may have inflicted in order to heal them. The submissive must orally clean the cock of the dominant.

The second and third parts of the process could happen in any order, though the first must happen first. An Initiation only happens when it is the right time, they do not happen automatically for anyone.

Once this process is complete, the vilkai have bonded, usually as a Master and Slave. They are at least a dominant or subordinate. The process happens automatically between two vilkai when the time is appropriate. When Masters draw in and bond with Slaves, that considered a `tagging'. Once Masters know their status, they may tag other dominants or subordinates to attempt to turn them into a Master or Slave. When a Slave is tagged, his soul transfers to the Master and he is owned. While he is owned forever, a Master can release a Slave from service and return his soul for another Master to capture, when they find another match. Masters and Slaves may go years before finding their soul mate.

Masters have everything they need in life. A Slave in their Family Group usually provides their amenities. The Slaves are rewarded greatly for their service and for giving over their bodies and souls. Slaves are rewarded with money, power, celebrity, or some combination of the three. They become highly successful at whatever their passion is. At a minimum, Slaves hold real estate and have significant financial resources. This bounty usually occurs once a Master has tagged them. As Slaves move up in their hierarchy, their rewards greatly increase. There are some vilkai that are celebrities Ð there are a few Ð and they are almost always Slaves.

Joshua has been 26 since he went through his Initiation nearly 40 years ago. If he were human, he'd be 66 and not as handsome and sexy as he is today. It makes him one of the `oldest' known vilkas. His Initiation was through a 24 year old artist named Timothy that Joshua met in his former hometown of Savannah.

Unlike so many other vilkai, Joshua always had a sense of what he is; he just could never exactly figure it out. When he met Timothy, he quickly moved into his place as not only knowing what he was, but also as a Master. He bonded with Timothy and took him as his slave. He never needed to figure himself out. He was instantly an expert Master. He immediately established his place in the society, and a Family Group. It wouldn't be long before Joshua found his place in the Pack his family was a part of. He quickly found himself a Beta Master, and soon learned that he was the heir to Wagner, his Alpha Master.

Joshua didn't keep any slave for long. He was done with Timothy within six months. He cycled through many as time went on. He quickly became bored of them and passed their souls back to them to find a true soul mate. He had a special ability to find other vilkai. Despite the social nature of the vilkai, Joshua was more comfortable as a solitary figure. Were he not so powerful and in demand, he'd probably have ended up an Omega in a Family Group and not much more.

Joshua became an Alpha Master about 10 years after his Initiation. According to others, this was probably the quickest ascension of any Alpha Master. Wagner ceded his place to Joshua and became an Elder within a small Family Group in Savannah. Joshua chose to be a nomadic Alpha Master and set about visiting all of the Family Groups in his Pack.

When he found Alex, he found the one vilkas who was closest to being his true soul mate. Alex likely is Joshua's true soul mate, but when Joshua released him, that possibility ended. Alex was Joshua's longest, at 15 years, and most intense relationship. Alex is one of the most successful Slaves in the species and the wealthiest by far. This is due to his long-term commitment to Joshua and his unwavering dedication.

Joshua remains one of the most respected Masters among all of the vilkai. He is the most powerful of the other Alpha Masters. He in known throughout the world and is revered by vilkai everywhere. If ever there were a vilkas that was the very top of the species, it would likely be Joshua. Simply being associated with Joshua raises the profile of any vilkas. In contrast, within the human world in which Joshua moves, he is almost invisible. He keeps an extremely low profile. It is almost as if he doesn't exist at all.

Joshua is a very special being among the vilkai. As he passes his place on to his heir, Graham, he will also pass along a power and strength that no other vilkas will ever rise to.

Next: Chapter 6

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