Sex Chaos Love

By Alex Ryder

Published on Aug 2, 2023


This story is a fantasy. It is intended for you to suspend your disbelief and just enjoy the ride. There are all sorts of things happening from very realistic to completely imaginary. It's a wild ride and I think it's fun, but it is not for everyone. There's plenty of sex, but I also like to set the story up and describe situations, people, background, anything that I think helps the story. Stick with it; I think you'll enjoy the journey.

If you don't like or are offended by taboo subjects like kink, bdsm, incest, underage sex, violence, rape, or any other weirdness - move on. This story is completely fictional. Any resemblance by name or description to anyone dead or alive is totally coincidental. If you are not of legal age or if this content is not legal in your area, please do not read this.

I hope you enjoy the story and I welcome constructive advice and criticism. I also love a good compliment too. :) If you have comments, please email me at

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Sex, Chaos, Love

Chapter 4 Ð Meeting Joshua

By the time he was 30, Alex was tired of working for others, he had to be in business for himself. He knew that was the only way to build any kind of wealth. Alex worked hard on building a political consulting business. He'd been struggling for a while working small campaigns for low fees, but he kept at it. His good personality, good looks and exceptional talents allowed him to develop strong, lasting professional relationships. Those relationships are what helped him build a business Ð and his reputation.

Ten years ago, Alex won an insurance claim when he fell off of a balcony and sued the homeowner. Instead of taking the $250,000 and spending it, he used some to start his business and put the rest away buying into the IPO's of tech companies. He remained disciplined and left the money alone. In fact, he had it put into a trust that he doesn't even see what is there. He figured some of these investments had to go big, even if a few of them were losers.

It was one of those strong relationships, a contact from a local tax issue campaign, that hooked him up with a client in Denver. The client was running in a long shot campaign for Congress and needed an exceptional political strategist. That would be Alex.

The Denver client would turn out to be a huge success. Alex ran a successful campaign and got the woman elected to congress. Not only did she win, she won big. It was a major upset of a 32-year incumbent. Alex was going to get noticed for this. The trip to Denver was a big break. He attributed his success to his skills and hard work Ð which is accurate, but there was another reason things turned out so well.

While in Denver to meet that new client, Alex was in his hotel surfing online. He was looking for Denver boys to hook up with. There was lots of interest. One boy in particular stood out, a boy with pinkish blonde hair, who was stunningly hot. A boy whose photo and profile had Alex hooked. Alex and this mesmerizing boy chatted a bit and then exchanged phone numbers. They talked for a while. Alex melted listening to the sound of his voice. They couldn't meet up that night, as the boy had other plans. So, they went out the following night. Conveniently it was after Alex had his meetings, something he couldn't afford to screw up.

Alex showed up at the bar he was directed to. As soon as he walked in, it was like the boy had an aura around him. Alex saw him immediately and practically ran over. "Hi, Joshua! I'm Alex." "Hey! Great to see you Alex!" Joshua was fucking hot. His presence was something Alex could feel. He was really fucking hot.

"Cool, I like the name Joshua." Alex nervously said. He realized that was a dorky thing to say, but it didn't seem to matter to Joshua.

They got closer to the bar and Joshua ordered drinks for them. Alex was a little surprised since he didn't actually tell Joshua what he wanted, but that didn't matter, Joshua turned and handed him a drink. It was a Sazerac, something he's never had before. Alex was usually a Manhattan kind of guy. Impressed by the fancy cocktail, Alex smiled widely and took a sip.

They had two more Sazeracs (these are very boozy drinks) each while they had fascinating conversation and then Joshua stood up and said, "It's time to go." "Where are we going?" "Don't worry, tonight's on me. Just trust me." Alex didn't have to be told twice, this seemingly perfect boy was taking control of the night. This did not bother Alex at all.

They got into Joshua's car and continued to talk as they drove off to his apartment. "Welcome to my home" Joshua announced. Alex figured this is the part where we go fuck. At least he was hoping it was. Joshua poured them another Sazerac then and they sat on the couch. They talked and had more drinks. Alex was turned on by smart conversation and this was not a disappointment. Joshua was able to talk about politics, history, movies, pretty much anything. He was very intelligent. They talked for about two more hours.

Alex was pleasantly surprised by this little conversation session, as it meant he got to spend more time with Joshua. Maybe it was the alcohol, but Alex was quickly falling love with Joshua.

"OK, time for the next stop!" Joshua announced as he jumped up from the couch.

More talking, more driving. Soon, they arrive at a club. They go in and it's a hopping place. They get two bottles of water and chill at a drag show for a while. They eventually wander to a little hallway. It was lit up with a dim white light. You could see, but not very clearly. Joshua found a spot for him and Alex to sit together. This time, they sat close to one another. It was the first time they weren't talking or drinking. Joshua was looking around either to see what was next or find someone. Alex just sat quietly feeling the buzz of booze and love. Joshua put his hand on Alex's knee. Alex felt a warm, fuzzy feeling flow from the spot Joshua touched all through his body. Alex savored that for a moment and then returned the touch to Joshua's leg.

Joshua turned and leaned in and kissed Alex on his lips. Alex looked into Joshua's eyes and leaned into him and they kissed pretty passionately for what felt like hours, even though it was just a few minutes. They pulled away from the kiss. Alex said to Joshua, "that was amazing." "Good, there's more to come." Then Joshua grabbed Alex's hand and jumped up, "come on, there's more to do!"

Joshua walked Alex through the hallway to another part of the bar where they met up with Spencer. Spencer and Joshua greet each other and then they all just walked away. Alex didn't say a word as they got hand stamps and left the club. They walked over to an extended cab pick up and Alex was told to get in the back while Joshua jumped into the passenger seat.

"These are some of the best I've had yet. Really fucking amazing. You two are in for a treat." Spencer told them as he handed two pills to Joshua and Joshua handed him $50. "Oh, this is my best friend Alex." Joshua casually says to Spencer. "Cool to meet you man, Joshua is the fucking best, isn't he?"

Alex was confused but liked the best friend remark. "Oh yeah, he's awesome." "Thanks man, I'll reward you for this." Joshua said as he signaled for us to get out of the truck. "Reward him?" Alex thought to himself. "Hmm, I wonder what that's all about."

Alex and Joshua went back into the club, Joshua holding Alex's hand the whole time. They went to the bar, Joshua got two Red Bulls and they wandered back to that hallway. Amazingly the same spot where they were sitting was available again. They sat down again and Joshua turned to Alex and kissed him again, this time even more intense than the last kiss. Alex didn't need anything else to happen. He was completely hooked. After the kiss, Joshua handed Alex one of the pills.

"Have you ever had ecstasy?" "Yeah, sure but not for a while." "Well this is 100 times better. You'll never be the same. In a good way. At least I think so. I know so."

It was an odd pitch in Alex's mind and even though this had `danger Will Robinson' written all over it, he was all in. Joshua held his pill up and directed me to do the same. "Here's to two lives forever intertwined." And with that, Joshua tapped his pill against Alex's and popped it in his mouth followed by a swig of Red Bull. Alex did the same. "That was an interesting toast," Alex thought to himself. They sat quietly for a little while.

It didn't take long for the effect of whatever they took to take hold. They kissed some more in that spot. Actually, they kissed a lot. People were enjoying watching the two hot boys kiss. This is something that Alex normally would not have liked, but in this moment, he didn't care, he was kissing the most perfect boy he'd ever encountered.

Finally, Joshua grabbed Alex's hand and whisked him away to the dance floor. The music, the lights, Joshua's touch, and pretty much everything felt the best it had ever felt. This was nothing like ecstasy; it really was 100 times better, whatever it was. They danced for literally hours, only walking away to get water. They touched a lot, but it was never particularly sexual. Joshua led the way the whole time. There was lots of kissing. Lots of kissing. Joshua guided Alex to his neck and Alex kissed him there. Joshua would run his hands over Alex's face and let Alex lick them and suck on his fingers. Joshua never said a word the whole time. Alex said more than once, "you are so fucking awesome, I love you!" but the music was so loud Joshua really didn't hear him. Or did he? He just smiled back at him. Finally, Joshua grabbed Alex's hand they were on the move again.

Joshua led Alex through the club and out to the car. Alex felt like he was floating, but was also incredibly aware of everything that was going on. It's like he was high as can be, yet still completely sober. Joshua rolled down the windows, turned off the radio and they drove away. They drove home in silence, holding hands the whole way. Joshua actually didn't drive them to his place; he went to Alex's hotel instead. Alex just looked at Joshua and smiled. Maybe he was finally going to take the next step with this perfect boy. The most perfect boy.

Joshua and Alex arrived at Alex's hotel room. At this point, it was after 6 am. It was beginning to get light out. Joshua and Alex were in each others arms within seconds of walking into the room, making out at an intense pace. Joshua wanted the room to be dark. "Go pull the shades and turn off anything that gives off light." It seemed sort of like an order, rather than a request from someone that Alex had been having such a nice time with. No matter, Alex did as he was told.

Joshua had to catch himself. "Not yet. You have to take this slowly. You can't scare him off. This is the one." Joshua talked himself down from being super aggressive. He needed to keep the evening in the same mood it had already been. He could tell that he had Alex hooked, which is exactly what he wanted. Joshua had been looking for a certain someone for a long time. He felt he had found exactly what he was looking for in Alex. There really wasn't much Joshua could do to mess this up, in fact, there was nothing that would change the course of what was about to happen. For now, it was time to complete the lure and give Alex the best sex of his life.

Alex closed the shades and the room was pitch dark. This disappointed Alex a little since he really wanted to look at the beauty that was Joshua. Out of the darkness, Joshua declared, "hmm, we do need a little bit of light. I love the look on your face when you look at me." Alex swooned over comment. It was like Joshua had feelings for him too.

Out of nowhere, a light appeared near the bed. Joshua had grabbed the desk lamp and brought it over. He shined it up toward the ceiling. It was just bright enough and it created a perfect light for a romantic romp. Joshua hopped onto the bed and lay down. He gestured to Alex and patted the bed next to him. Alex climbed into the bed next to Joshua and immediately cuddled up to him, pulling him as tightly as he could to him. Joshua put his arms around Alex. Then looked down at him and started to kiss his head. It didn't take long before the two boys were making out with that intensity they had come to know that night.

The kissing finally led to much more sexual touching. Joshua had his hands all over Alex. He began to remove Alex's shirt, then took off his own. Joshua had several incredible, artistic tattoos. They further enhanced his perfectly toned, thin body.

As the kissing continued, Alex went to run his hand down to Joshua's crotch, but Joshua pulled it away quickly. "Nuh uh, not yet. Patience my friend." Alex went on kissing as Joshua felt him anyway he wanted to. Alex didn't mind. It seemed by this time that the high Alex was feeling had more to do with being in bed with Joshua than whatever they took earlier. They were both warm and sweaty.

"Do you want me to turn on the AC?" Alex asked. "Nope. It's better like this."

Eventually, Joshua would have Alex completely naked, while Joshua only had his shoes and shirt off. Alex noticed that even Joshua's feet were sexy to him. They were very sweaty and salty from a long night of dancing. It was intoxicating to Alex. As Alex leaned into Joshua more and more, Joshua kept himself in a position that prevented Alex from being able to feel below Joshua's belt. Alex wondered if something was wrong, if Joshua was hiding something. As it turns out, he sort of was. But nothing was wrong.

Joshua paused the action. "Alex, I am so into you right now. I want you in a big way. I can tell how badly you want me." Alex looked into Joshua's eyes and said, "I don't think you can imagine how badly I want you." "Oh, yes. Yes I do know."

What would have seemed an arrogant response went right over Alex who was, at this point, madly in love with Joshua. "I need to run to the bathroom. Would you do me a favor?" "Of course, anything. Anything you want." This felt eerily familiar, but it was too late to change direction. "Anything. That's what I like to hear." Joshua cooed as he looked into Alex's eyes.

"I want you to kneel right there on the floor at the foot of the bed. Like you would if you were going to pray, but facing away from the bed." It seemed an odd request, but Alex was willing to do anything for him. "When I come out, I think you're going to be very surprised. Maybe even scared. Whatever your first reaction is, please don't hold back." Alex, still feeling in love, also now felt a little awkward. He thought to himself, "What am I going to see? Is he a girl? Is he deformed? What is up here?"

Joshua disappeared into the bathroom. Alex got off the bed and went to the foot of the bed where Joshua wanted him and knelt like he was in prayer. He decided then and there that no matter what came out of that bathroom, he was still going to be in love with him. Lots of things ran through Alex's mind and he kept trying to focus on the fact that he had met the most perfect boy in the world and he had to be with him. Little did Alex realize that this was already decided for him and no matter what, he was committed.

Joshua stood there in the dark, in the bathroom. Joshua didn't need light. He could see under any circumstances as clearly as a regular person could see in broad daylight. Joshua was not a normal person. In fact, Joshua was not a person at all, as Alex was about to find out. Alex would find not out the full extent of what was happening for a while yet, but this was going to be extraordinary. Joshua removed the rest of his clothes and prepared himself for this moment. "I am the Alpha Master and Alex belongs to me." He opened the door and stepped out.

The door opened and Joshua stepped out into the dimly lit room. Despite the darkness, it seemed to Alex as if there was a glow around Joshua as he walked toward him. As Joshua got closer, Alex was astounded by what he saw. Not only was a fully naked Joshua one of the most beautiful, sexy, amazing things he had ever seen, there was something very special.

"Wow" Alex said aloud. In his head he thought, "that is the biggest cock I've ever seen." And it was. Joshua was gifted with a gigantic cock, possibly the biggest there is. It was at least 15 inches long. There was a large head that connected to a shaft that was cut and about 6 inches around at the top. As you moved down the shaft, his cock was increasingly thicker, at the thickest point it was 8 inches around and then tapered down to about 7 inches around as it got to the base. And, unlike many extra large guys, Joshua's cock could get hard, extremely hard. His balls were also large; they hung low and were each the size of an apricot. As Joshua walked toward Alex, his cock was at its hardest and sticking straight out. His balls slowly swung back and forth. Joshua stood in front of Alex and instinctively; Alex bowed to him, which caught him by surprise.

"Very good Alex. That is exactly what I wanted you to do. Now, look up at me, look directly into my eyes."

Alex did as he was told and looked into the eyes of the boy he loved. As he did, Joshua rubbed the head of his cock onto Alex's face, leaving a trail of thick precum as he did. Slowly, he rubbed the head on Alex's lips and as anyone would, Alex opened his mouth. Joshua slid the head of his monster into Alex's mouth and slid it in as far as it would go, which was not much at all before Alex began to choke. Joshua pulled away, "don't worry, you are made for this, it will happen. For now, just lick it, kiss it, worship it."

Alex did as he was told and worshipped the spectacular, massive cock before him. He slowly licked and sucked on the head, drinking in the precum that was gently pouring from it. He held the middle of it with his hands, gliding them up and down over the shaft. Alex moved his tongue down just under the head and slowly licked around there. He then moved to the shaft and gently kissed and licked around the shaft and continued down. Alex worked slowly and carefully, kissing nearly every inch of the massive tool. It took a long time for him to work his way down to the base. The quiet moans and sighs of Joshua seemed to indicate his satisfaction. Alex occasionally looked up at Joshua and saw that he was looking down at him and smiling. He had no idea how he could take this cock orally or anally.

Joshua slowly pulled his cock out of Alex's mouth and motioned Alex to get on the bed. "Lie on your back and raise your legs." Alex obediently did just as Joshua asked. Joshua looked down at Alex and took his ankles in his hands. He laid his giant cock onto Alex and slowly rubbed it on him. Alex felt the weight of this massive appendage gliding over him, knowing that it would soon be inside him. As he looked at it there on his belly, he could see just about how far into him it would go. He was at once fearful and hopeful. Alex wasn't too worried about the thickness. He's been fisted and had huge toys in him, never a real boys cock as big as this.

Joshua's precum was oozing at a rapid rate. He took the precum in his hands and slid it along his cock. He applied more to Alex's hole. Joshua moved the head of his cock to Alex's asshole and teased it with his head. Alex felt his body tense slightly. Usually there would be some sort of foreplay, a few fingers or something to loosen things up. It didn't appear this was Joshua's plan. He was right.

Joshua pushed the head of his monster into Alex's hole and then held it there. Alex felt a wince of pain from the initial entry, but that eased. Joshua locked eyes with Alex and then in one big powerful thrust, rammed every bit of his thick, hard 15 plus inches into him. Once he was completely inside, Joshua let out what sounded like a howl as he tightened his grip on Alex's legs and arched his back ensuring that every bit of him was inside of Alex.

Joshua held his position as he felt the rush through his body taking Alex with force and power. Alex also let out a loud moan as he felt his body explode with pain from the force of this giant cock ripping not only his asshole wide open, but tearing apart his insides as well. Alex began to feel incredible warmth throughout his entire body and felt as if the monster cock was getting even bigger inside of him Ð which it was. Alex could do nothing but lie there believing that he was being destroyed, when actually his Alpha Master, Joshua, was consuming him. Joshua was claiming Alex's soul.

Joshua eased his grip on Alex's legs and began to slowly pull his cock back. He pulled out about halfway and then thrust himself back into Alex. He did this several more times, pulling back a little bit more each time and thrusting a little bit harder each time. Alex felt as if his body was no longer his, that it was under the control of Joshua. This night had gone in a way that Alex could never have imagined based on the innocent connection they had made earlier.

Joshua began to pick up the pace of his thrusts, moving faster and faster as he power fucked his new acquisition. He fucked him faster and harder than Alex had ever been before. The pain gave way to absolute pleasure, as Alex became more and more a part of Joshua. At this point Joshua was fucking Alex at such a frantic pace. Sweat poured off of Joshua down his face and perfect body. Alex was also lying in a pool of his own sweat as this mystery boy destroyed him.

This power fucking went on for more than 30 minutes and Alex became so weak, he could barely keep his legs up and he could barely see or even breathe. Joshua finally made one last hard thrust and let out another growl as he came inside of his prey. Alex felt the warm, powerful stream of cum filling his body. It felt as is Joshua's cum was being forced through a fire hose. Alex had no idea how this was physically happening to him. His body was absorbing the unreal amount of liquid being forced into him. There was no way this was real. But it was.

Joshua held his cock inside of Alex and collapsed on top of him, their two sweaty bodies connecting. Alex could feel Joshua's cock shrink from it's hardened state and it felt as if the space that was once occupied by this giant cock was now filled with cum.

Joshua pulled his cock out of Alex and just stood over him at the edge of the bed. The air was filled with the stench of sweat and cum. Cum was dripping from Alex's destroyed ass onto the sheets and the floor. Joshua's cock was filthy with cum from the brutal fucking. Without missing a beat, Alex leaned up and began licking his Master's cock. It was instinctual now. He didn't need to be told; he just knew that was what he was supposed to do.

Alex licked the mess off of Joshua's cock and then took the head into his mouth. He slowly attempted to work the giant cock into his mouth. Joshua held the back of Alex's head, encouraging him to take the cock deeper. Alex kept working at the monster and fell into a trance as his mouth continued to swallow the giant member. His mouth stretched open to handle the thickness and he continued to take more and more of Joshua into his mouth, eventually consuming it all.

Joshua held Alex's head over his massive cock as Alex came out of his trance and began to choke and gag. Drool and spit were oozing from the sides of his mouth as he grasped for air. Snot and mucous coming out of his nose and tears streaming down his face. Joshua slowly pulled back and began a slow but steady rhythm of fucking Alex's face. He looked down at his prey, clearly suffering and uncomfortable, and smiled. "I told you, you were made for this." He said as he continued his assault on Alex's throat. Alex felt the same powerful energy flowing through his body as he was face fucked. Joshua kept his rhythm going for more than 15 minutes until he finally made one last thrust and shot another load of cum into his slave.

Joshua pulled his cock out of Alex's mouth and it finally softened. Alex was exhausted from the intense ass and face fucking he had just received and tried to slide up the bed to a more comfortable position.

"We're not done yet," barked Joshua as he walked toward the bathroom. "I will summon you in a moment. Come to me on all fours when I call for you."

Alex's head was spinning. He wondered what could possibly be next. Then he heard Joshua call for him, so he mustered up enough energy to crawl to the bathroom. The hotel bathroom had a large walk in shower with a glass wall and no door. Joshua was standing in the back of the shower behind the glass wall. Joshua motioned to Alex to come into the shower.

"Lie down on your back with your head just below me."

Alex did as he was told and laid down on his back and he found himself staring up at the powerful boy he had become enslaved by. Soon, Alex felt the warmth of Joshua's piss spraying over his body. After a minute or two, Joshua then stepped over Alex and squatted down over him. He lowered his ass directly over Alex's face.

"Worship my ass. I want your tongue deep in my hole," Joshua commanded. Alex spread his Master's ass apart and began licking and sucking at his asshole. As he did so, he could hear his Master moan with pleasure. Alex liked and sucked and enjoyed this beautiful asshole before him. He continued to lick his Master's hole until Joshua stood up.

Joshua turned to look down at his slave. "That was very good, slave, now you can stand up and face me." Alex obeyed and stood in front of his Master. Joshua grabbed his head and pulled Alex in for a kiss. A deep passionate kiss. Joshua was showing his slave his appreciation. He pulled away from the kiss and said, "OK, you're Initiation is complete, you've exceptionally well. That's enough for now. Let's get showered up and get to bed. We need some rest."

Joshua had achieved his goal. He claimed the one that he had been searching for. His new slave. His new acquisition. Alex knew that his life had changed forever in that moment and that he himself had been changed. They both passed out and would continue this later on.

Thank you for reading and please let me know what you think.

Next: Chapter 5

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