Sex Chaos Love

By Alex Ryder

Published on Aug 2, 2023


This story is a fantasy. It is intended for you to suspend your disbelief and just enjoy the ride. There are all sorts of things happening from very realistic to completely imaginary. It's a wild ride and I think it's fun, but it is not for everyone. There's plenty of sex, but I also like to set the story up and describe situations, people, background, anything that I think helps the story. Stick with it; I think you'll enjoy the journey.

If you don't like or are offended by taboo subjects like kink, bdsm, incest, underage sex, violence, rape, or any other weirdness - move on. This story is completely fictional. Any resemblance by name or description to anyone dead or alive is totally coincidental. If you are not of legal age or if this content is not legal in your area, please do not read this.

I hope you enjoy the story and I welcome constructive advice and criticism. I also love a good compliment too. :) If you have comments, please email me at

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Sex, Chaos, Love

Chapter 1 Ð Meeting Graham

Once again, Alex was traveling for work. His work as one of the top political consultants in the country frequently brought him to Washington, DC. At 50, Alex was as successful as one could be. He is tremendously wealthy and could easily give up working for the rest of his life and still not be able to spend his fortune. He earned much of it from his work, but he was also a smart investor and bought stock in many of the biggest tech giants and made a killing in the market. He's worth billions. He keeps a relatively low profile, despite being in demand for what he does. His sharp political savvy has caused upsets in congressional races all over the country. He's earned the right to turn down any project he doesn't want.

A good-looking guy, Alex has no trouble getting attention when he wants it. About six feet tall, thin and toned, he's in great shape for a guy his age. You'd never know he was 50 to look at him. He is often mistaken for someone in their 30's. One colleague joked that he stopped aging at 30, which actually isn't too far from the truth. His dark brown, slightly wavy hair has a little grey on the temples, which makes him even more handsome. He had a pretty confident demeanor. He was known for being very direct, sometimes to a fault. He expected things to be done right. He was known for being a strong personality, though he encouraged ideas from others as well as legitimate criticism. There is a huge difference in his personal and his professional life.

Alex has had one major relationship in his life, with Joshua. It began 20 years ago and included a 10 year, very serious, Master/slave period that lasted ten years. That ended five years ago, though Joshua is permanent part of Alex's life. There were a few steady relations before Joshua and there have been none since. That doesn't mean he doesn't have his share of fun. In fact, he never passes up the opportunity to have sex.

Alex loves younger guys. Boys actually. He frequently hooks up with 18-25 year old boys. Occasionally there are older boys, but never really anyone over 30, with the occasional extraordinary exception. He really has an attraction to boys in the 13-17 range, though he rarely acts on it for fear of the very negative consequences from doing so. Though its not like he never acts on it if he can get away with it. When he was younger and not as well known, he did partake in an occasional fling with a boy, if he could find a discrete one.

It was Thursday morning. The alarm went off and both Alex and his latest trick woke up. The boy he found last night on Grindr was an average looking jockish blonde haired boy, Riley. Riley wasn't very bright, which disappointed Alex since he liked to talk to boys as well as get fucked by them. At least Riley didn't disappoint in that department. He was tall and strong and took command of things as soon as he arrived, throwing Alex on the bed and forcing his cock into Alex's mouth immediately.

Riley wasn't big, but he knew what to do. He face fucked Alex, forcing him to choke and gag as drool and mucus dripped off of Alex's face and down his chin. Alex loved getting face fucked. Riley didn't say much. Once he blasted a load of cum all over Alex's face, he just flipped Alex over, pulled off his pants and bent him over. Alex willingly complied.

Riley went to town slamming his cock into Alex with not even a slight attempt at being gentle and no regard for whether or not it hurt Alex. He grabbed Alex's hips and pounded him hard. He went for a long time, probably because he had just cum. Riley reached down and grabbed Alex's hair and pulled his head up while he fucked him. Alex's face was still coated in cum and the mess from gagging on Riley's cock. Riley reached around and put Alex into a chokehold while he pounded away. He eventually came again after what seemed like an hour, though Alex was sure it was closer to 20 minutes, filling his hole with his creamy jock cum.

"Damn man, you can really take it," Riley said, pretty much speaking for the first time. "Absolutely, that was great. I love a good hard fucking," Alex responded. They both cleaned off and curled up in bed. At least he was a cuddler. The big spoon.

When they woke up, Riley asked if he could fuck Alex again. Alex really didn't have much time to get to his first appointment, but he really wanted it again. "As long as you can be quick about it and do it in the shower, we're good. I set the wrong alarm, so I'm already behind schedule."

Riley just gave Alex a slightly dumbfounded look, as if he had no concept of alarms of getting somewhere on time. He nodded and they went to the bathroom to shower. Riley gave Alex another quick pounding in the shower. When it came time for him to cum, Alex wanted to swallow it. Riley pulled out, pushed Alex down and blasted a big shot of cum into his mouth. This really made Alex happy. He loved cum and was pleased to have the taste of it in his mouth as he started his day. Alex stood up, kissed Riley and told him he had to go.

"Call me later if you want to hook up again," Alex yelled to the boy as he was dressing. "Later man," Riley shouted back as he walked out the door.

Alex dashed out of the hotel and started the short walk to his first appointment. He was rushing, which he hated to do, because he didn't set his alarm properly and couldn't resist one more fuck. Along the way, Alex would often walk by a park where a lot of homeless folks lived. It was almost like a tent city. The cops must have left them alone since they were fairly contained and probably kept to themselves. Most of the time Alex paid little mind to the homeless men. Occasionally he'd drop off leftovers from a lunch or dinner. Sometimes, when he thought about it, Alex would order extra food and bring it there. He never really noticed anyone of significance when he stopped by the park, especially any cute boys.

On this day that he was in such a hurry, he spotted a very cute boy. Alex slowed down to be sure he was seeing what he thought he was seeing. The boy glanced back and smiled. Alex was torn Ð should he stop and say something and end up late to this fairly important appointment, or does he smile and move along.

Suddenly it clicked for Alex, "I'm Alex fucking Ryder! These people need me more than I need them. They can wait an extra 15 minutes." Alex walked over to the park. A bench and a hedge separated the boy and Alex.

"Hey there handsome," the boy said, "you're in an awful hurry." "Yes, I am. I didn't plan well this morning. I don't really have time to chat, but I felt like I needed to stop and say hi." The boy laughed, "well don't just say hi, how about helping me get breakfast?" "Um, sure," Alex said a little taken aback, but quickly realizing what he was dealing with, "uh, here you go," Alex said as he handed the boy $20. "Wow, I can buy my friends breakfast too! Cool, thanks!" said the boy, clearly excited.

Alex just stood there after handing the boy the money. He couldn't take his eyes off of him. He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a business card, "Uh, here's my card." Again, the boy laughed and said sarcastically, "sure thing man, I'll call your office and make an appointment for our next meeting." Some of the other homeless folks were watching this exchange. Alex felt a little silly now. "OK, I gotta run, sorryÉdo whatever with the card," Alex said sheepishly as he dashed off. "

"BYE ALEX!!" the boy yelled, further embarrassing Alex, "I'M GRAHAM!"

Alex felt a weirdly warm, happy feeling rush over him. He smiled and kept walking. Graham looked down at the card and smiled himself.

"I think I just made a friend."

Graham turned and walked back to his tent. He sat down on the ground looking at the card he'd just been handed. For some reason, he was a little captivated by the whole exchange with this handsome mystery man rushing by. Usually, Graham just smiled cutely, said something nice, grabbed the cash and moved on. For some strange reason, this felt different.

"Whatcha got there, buddy?" Graham's friend Bando asked. "Oh, a, a business card," Graham replied softly. "And what the fuck do we do with that? Did you get anything useful from that guy? Or does that card get us unlimited McMuffins?" Bando barked. "No, no, he gave me 20 bucks." "Well fuck! All three of us can eat good with that!" said a very excited Bando. Graham, still looking at the card, shook himself out of whatever he was feeling and replied, "Yeppers! Let's go! ISAAC! We're going to McDonald's!"

Graham turned 15 just a few weeks ago. He's been living on the streets of DC for close to three years. He never expected to be homeless this long. Actually, he never expected to be homeless at all.

As a young boy, Graham always felt he was gay. He never felt different' or anything like that. He knew what it was, he was gay. He grew up in Iowa, the only child of two deeply religious fundamentalist Christian parents. His father was a minister in the local evangelical church. His mother a devout servant to the Lord'. Graham's parents were always pushing their faith onto him. He played along, but never felt comfortable. The older he got, the more he hated it.

Not knowing who he could turn to, Graham went to the library and got on one of the computers. He wasn't allowed to have one of his own for whatever weird reasons his parents decided. He looked up places he could call or go to, someone he might send an email to or chat with. Finding nothing at the time, he signed off and went home. He usually took the longest possible route, so he could avoid being around his mother too long.

Graham did not expect what he came home to - two very angry parents. There was a lot of yelling. It all sounded like noise to Graham. He only remembers the last thing his father said in that moment; "I am shocked by this blatant insult to the Lord Jesus Christ! Don't you know this is an abomination against God?" His father didn't give Graham a chance to even try to answer the question. He really didn't care what Graham had to say. His mother waived a piece of paper at him, eventually letting him take it. It was a report from the library. Apparently, the library tracks what people do on the computers and Graham's searches caught the attention of the clerk behind the counter, who was a follower of his father's church. She printed it off and brought it to his parents. Graham was sent to his room.

The next day, Graham's father told him to get dressed and they were leaving immediately. This made Graham nervous. His father pushed him toward the car and demanded he get in. They rode in the car for about an hour in silence. Eventually, they pulled up to a place called `The Camp of God's Grace'. His father pulled in, got out of the car and went into the office. When he came back out, there were two other men with him. They took Graham by the hand and took him toward the building. "Where am I father? What is going on? What's happening to me?" A tearful Graham called back. "They're going to fix you, son. Get the devil out of you!" Graham was being committed to a gay conversion camp.

After two of the worst weeks of his life, Graham was sent home. He felt no different than he did when he was sent there. He knew he was still gay. Nothing changed, despite the drastic measures taken to `cure' him. The camp counselors told his parents that Graham wasn't curable and that they feared the worst for him, that he'd soon die of AIDS. Graham's mother sat in the kitchen crying. Graham's father handed him a bag and told him to take it and leave. "You are not my son. You are dead to me. May God have mercy on you, boy." Graham burst into tears. "How could you do this to me?" His father just turned and walked away. He looked back for a moment, "if you are still here when I come back into this room, I will have you taken away. Go." Graham, still crying, looked at his mother. She just looked back at him, expressionless, and pointed to the door. Graham walked out. Never to return.

Alex had a long, exhausting day of meetings, a lunch, a dinner and lots of being `on'. It was after 8 pm, a nearly 12 hour day, he just wanted to get back to the hotel and have a cocktail and crash. He wasn't even interested in a hook up, that meant he was really worn down, a rare occurrence, as Alex usually had boundless energy.

Alex got into the car he hired and told the driver to get him back to the hotel. As he was driving back, Graham slowly entered his mind again, as he had several times that day. Even though it was out of the way, and he was tired, Alex told the driver to drop him at a location just about a block away from the park.

"Are you sure, Sir? There's nothing going on over there and the homeless are all over that area and can be trouble sometimes." "I'll be fine, just drop me off, thank you."

Alex got out of the car and got his bearings. He walked toward the park and as he got closer, he feltÉbutterflies? He was actually nervous. Would he see the boy again? Would the boy even want to see him again? What would he even do if he saw the boy again? Alex approached the park and dashed past it quickly. "Well, that was pointless," he said to himself. "It's a kid Alex, you have nothing to be nervous about. You just left dinner with the fucking Speaker of the House! This is just a homeless kid."

After convincing himself, Alex walked more slowly by the park. "Hey, Graham!" a voice yelled, "there's that guy again!" Alex stopped dead in his tracks, surprised at being announced to the entire park and also concerned who else might see what was going on. A bunch of the guys there, standing around a fire, looked up to see what was up. Graham poked his head out of a tent.

"Good eye, Isaac!" Graham shouted back to his friend. "Hey handsome!" Graham shouted to Alex.

Instead of standing in the safety of the park, behind the hedges and benches, Graham jumped over the hedge and sat down on the bench. He patted his hand on the bench to signal Alex to come and sit. Alex walked over and sat down at the opposite end of the bench.

"I don't bite, you know," Graham said coyly. "Yes, I'm sure you don't. I'm still not sure what I'm doing here."

Alex knew exactly why he was there, to meet Graham. He had no other reason to be even in that part of the city at this hour. It was all about Graham, this ridiculously adorable boy with dark rimmed glasses, long hair, the cutest smile and a little bit of attitude.

"You're here to buy me dinner, that's why you're here." "Well, I, uh, justÉum," Alex stammered, "had dinner? I can buy you dinner. Give you cash."

Graham was unconvinced by the shy display from Alex.

"You can have a drink while I eat. We can't go anyplace too nice, I'm not exactly dressed for it, but I know where we can go."

Alex sighed, he knew he was snagged. "OK, take me where you want to go."

Most of the guys in the park had gone back to whatever they were doing, except the two other boys. They were smiling and giving Graham a thumbs up, thinking he had scored a good trick. For all Alex knew, he was being taken to a dark area to be rolled. Graham seemed too sweet for that, but he sure as hell was slick Ð and a bit of a smart aleck. This further endeared him to the boy.


Please let me know your thoughts Ð

Next: Chapter 2

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