Sex Bites

Published on Jul 19, 1997



D I S C L A I M E R ************************

If you're under 18 - GO DO YOUR HOMEWORK - YOU ARE BREAKING THE LAW HERE! If consensual sex between men turns you off - YOU'RE REALLY IN THE WRONG PLACE! If you're only into vanilla sex - THIS WILL DISSAPOINT YOU!


This story was not written by me. I merely received it and a number of others like it (or not) from a friend via e-mail. He did not write these stories either, and can't remember where they have all been collected from over the years. Unfortunately, over the years they have had their disclaimers and author details edited out, so the real author of this story is not known by me.

Some editing has been done to clean up rough spots and to make the continuity of the story clearer, and I've edited out a whole raft of spelling errors (though I've probably still missed some).

If you know who the authors of these stories are, let me know.

Raleigh Burke

PS For those of you who recognise the name, further parts of To Alex With Love will appear (finally!) very soon.


Story 1:

Master's Latest Toy.

Authoritarian (M/M/M Bondage)

. . . . The Master toyed with James all the way back to his house, leaving Rob slumped and pouting in the corner of the car, as he had been since the auction. He ran his hands over James' unwilling body, chuckling with glee when he felt the boy's trembling. His fingers carefully probed the boy's balls, and slid under James to examine his arse. James, on his knees before The Master, with his hands firmly bound behind his back, offered no protest - his silence was expected - but made no bones about the fact that this was far from what he desired.

The Master slid one finger into James's tight arsehole, watching the boy's gasp of outrage and pain with an amused smile. He pushed the long digit in further, and began moving the finger around, churning, caressing the walls of James's anal tract. James moved with the finger, involuntarily riding it as it probed him. His penis, already hardening, rose more at this invasion of his bowels. His mind screamed out at the invasion of his most private place, only to be shamed by the straining organ at his groin that showed how much he needed this. It stood up tall and firm, dripping, as James whimpered helplessly with unwanted desire.

The Master withdrew his finger from the warm channel, smearing the aromatic juices it had collected across the boy's lips, inserting it into the unresisting mouth, holding it there while his new boy did his duty and licked and sucked it clean.

He wrapped a long cloak around the boy as the car pulled up before the house. Muttering about not being wanted, Rob got out before the chauffeur could come around to open the door. He ran into the house, past the startled butler, and raced up the stairs without waiting for The Master and James. The butler bowed slightly. From his attitude, James thought, one would suppose that The Master brought home young men dressed as James was every night; perhaps he did.

The Master and James caught up with Rob in the upstairs living room, the boy sat in a soft chair and pouted as he watched them walk in.

"Rob, sweetie, pour us some drinks," The Master said as the came in. Rob said nothing, but went to do it. His lord and master may tolerate his sullenness, but he knew the punishment for failure to obey promptly. The Master took James by the arm and led him to the bedroom.

"I want you to lay face-down on the bed, and think of me." The Master pushed James onto the bed and stood there while the boy awkwardly lay on his face. The Master removed several pillows so the boy wouldn't suffocate, then left the room.

James could lay and think of nothing but The Master, and what might be in store for him. His eyes grew hot as he thought about John, his lover and former Master, and he blinked away his tears. He'd give anything to know what it was The Master held over John, to know how he had forced John to sell him, to be able to eradicate the dark cloud and go back to his secure life a slavery to a master to whom he had willingly submitted.

But he feared the days of ease were gone forever, for now he was owned by a man who's name was whispered in fear by slaves. Slaves who'd been used by him privately would go wide eyed with terror at the mention of his name. By a man who had lusted after his body and mind since John had first introduced him to this world eighteen months before.

He heard The Master's deep voice in the other room, raised in laughter. Rob whined something, and the deep voice became angry. James thought Rob was crazy, deliberately picking a fight with The Master. Then again, Rob probably knew The Master a little better. To the surprise of everyone, he'd certainly known him longer than anyone had thought he would be tolerated for. Their voices sounded louder. They were coming into the bedroom. Despite himself, James's legs quivered as a jolt of excitement shot through his body. His arse cheeks tightened, and his cock began to throb.

The Master knelt on the bed, his fingers deftly undoing the leather cuffs that held James's hands. He helped the boy turn around, and re-cuffed his hands so that they were now held in front of James. The Master then ordered James to lie on his back and stretch his arms up over his head. He attached James's hands to the headboard above him with a strange chain that snaked out of sight, and the boy shivered. He could still kick The Master, but without the use of his hands, he felt vulnerable.

The Master now ordered Rob to get him two more restraints from the oak cabinet in the corner of the room. Rob brought them, thick leather cuffs with trailing chain that seemed and ominous sign of what was to come, and then watched with envy and delight as The Master grasped James's right ankle and wrapped and buckled the first cuff. He then bought it up to the top outermost post of the headboard and tied it there, doing the same with the boy's left ankle and standing back to regard the boy with satisfaction. James now lay tied with his hands and feet on the same level approximately with his head. His arse and genitals were displayed and vulnerable. The Master sat on the bed and stroked James's body, his fingers lingering between the spread legs. James, though he knew it was no use, struggled anyway. His whole body was on fire now. His face was a bright red as he thought of how he must look, and feelings of lust swept over him. Never before had he been in such a submissive posi! tion with a man he didn't trust.

Rob brought, at The Master's command, a small bottle of oil, which The Master proceeded to rub over the accessible parts of James' body. It tingled and made James even more aware of the position he was in. Some of it trickled down between his arse cheeks. The Master rubbed it liberally into the boy's arse. James felt a burning sensation beginning, and soon his arsehole was throbbing. He began to move again, blushing, mortified, his tiny anal bud opening and closing in rhythm as he longed for someone to fill him. The oil was rubbed onto James's nipples, and into his balls. He gasped as the feeling in his arse intensified. The Master poured oil over his fingers, and inserted three of them into James's arsehole. The boy's sphincter muscles instantly closed over the fingers, drawing them deeper in. The Master laughed, and rose onto his knees above the boy.

Rob was ordered to kneel beside James and start jerking him off. He knelt and put his hand around James's hard shaft. He began sliding his hand up and down, while The Master poured oil over it from the bottle he still held in his other hand.

The Master now put the bottle down. As Rob stroked James's cock, The Master slowly withdrew his fingers. He put a thumb on either side of James's arsehole, and pulled it open. His huge cock-head probed the tender opening, and James tensed, holding his breath. He let out a loud cry as The Master's cock slid into his arse. Without pause, The Master drew it out again, then slammed it in again. James grunted as the cock slid home once more, and was abruptly withdrawn.

The Master rammed his cock in again, fucking James with abandon. His hands held the boy's thighs tightly, pinching and mauling, raising bruises under his fingers. His cock plunged in deep, battering against James' prostate, and making the boy's cock twitch and grow even harder under Rob's fingers.

"You slut," The Master breathed into James's ear, bending low over the boy's helplessly bound body. "You whore. Look at you. Lying in my bed, responding to my every gesture. You're a slut. You hate me but you want me!"

James closed his eyes and turned his head away. Rob's clever fingers moved rapidly along James's shaft, evoking lust in James's lions.

The Master delivered a stinging slap to James's face, making the boy turn and look at him in surprise. "Look at me when I talk to you, slut," The Master said, "oh, yes, what a slut. Come on, slut, grind your body against mine. I want to feel you."

James responded, his hips straining upwards as he tried to press his body up against The Master's. His sphincter muscle clenched tightly around the invading penis, squeezing for all its worth. Rob felt the cock between his fingers swell, and pulled harder.

James's breath hissed in and out of his nostrils as the waves of pleasure washed over his body. With a cry, he came, shooting cum up into the air, splashing it on The Master's belly and his own. His body dropped back, but The Master would not leave it alone. He urged the little tramp below him to "grind." "Oh, God, Oh God, Oh God," James began screaming as the sensations in his arse made him shoot cum into the air again. His body jerked and shuddered with the force of his ejaculation as his anal muscles held The Master in their tight grip.

The Master began groaning as the boy's arse ring squeezed him. His cock and balls were throbbing. He increased his strokes, driving deeper and harder into the super tight arse beneath him. Rob, still kneeling beside James, though no longer touching him, moved down a little, to kneel beside The Master. The Master had his eyes closed, his cock ramming savagely into James's body. Rob put a hand on The Master's arse and, receiving no admonishment, slid it down into the arse crack. He stroked it then, with a mischievous look, slid one finger into The Master's arsehole.

The Master's eyes flew open as, with a great roar, his cock throbbed and started pumping James' arse full of hot, creamy jism. Rob jammed his finger further up, and an even larger shot of cum sent a jolt of pleasure through The Master's body. The Master continued pumping into James even as his cock began to deflate. Rob quickly withdrew his finger and slid off the bed. The Master slowed down gradually and gently disengaged himself. He sat back on his haunches and regarded James with a warm smile. James did not smile back. He turned away again and would not look at The Master. The Master sighed and turned to Rob.

"You had better come here," he said, in an ominous voice. Trembling, Rob stood beside him.

"Bend over that chair," The Master told him, pointing to the soft single seater placed before the fireplace. Rob bent over its back, his hands grasping the arms. The Master rose and took his thick, black leather belt from the wardrobe. He took up a position to the left of Rob's body and raised the belt.

"Ow, ow, ow," howled Rob as the belt came down, three times. His arse tingled where the belt had landed on his rump. The Master looked down at the red welts raised by the belt and smiled. He lifted the belt and brought it down an additional three times, making Rob cry even louder.

"I'm sorry," cried Rob. "I thought it would give you pleasure."

"Hmph," grunted The Master, slashing the boy across the arse again. "It's not your place to bring me pleasure unless I tell you to." He dropped the belt and pulled the boy upright. Holding him close, he kissed him passionately, his fingers tight on the boy's arms, his tongue probing the sweet darkness of the boy's mouth. He broke off abruptly, pushing Rob away. Returning to the bed, he untied James and helped the young man massage some feeling back into his leges and arms.

James was grateful. His whole body had been going numb, trussed up and arse opened wide to be fucked in that position. He'd also hoped that The Master would be satisfied and send him away to the servants quarters where his room was sure to be. But The Master had no intention of letting James go anywhere for a long time. He wanted him again, if not right now. The boy would soon learn to sleep on the floor at the foot of his bed, but for now The Master needed to treat him gently. He wanted James to overcome his fear and loathing and want him. He didn't want to have to tie the boy up every single time he wanted to use his body.

Rob was still standing at the chair The Master had whipped him at. The Master held out his hand and Rob joined them on the bed. James moved over so that The Master could lie beside him, pulling Rob down on the other side. The Master lay turned away from James, caressing Rob gently until the boy's breathing turned to gentle snores. Then he covered him with the quilt that had slid to the floor, and turned to James.

James was still awake, staring at the roof. He did not move away when The Master rolled over to him, nor did he respond. The Master's fingers caressed James' body again, gently this time. He tenderly touched James's face, and turned it toward him so he could kiss the boy's mouth. James closed his eyes as The Master kissed him. He wanted to hate this man, be his body could not. It responded again to The Master's touch, but James worked very hard to hide it. The Master, no fool, knew that James was turned on by all that was done to him. He paid no attention to the boy's seeming indifference; continuing to lick and kiss and caress the boy.

James suddenly raised his arms and put them around The Master. He pressed his body into The Master's, returning his kisses with a passion that surprised them both. The Master took advantage of James's sudden turn-around. He rolled on top of the boy, his tongue driving deep into James' mouth, his fingers running rapidly up and down that sensuous body. James spread his legs of his own accord. His hand slid along The Master's body until it came to the older man's once again rock hard shaft. James gripped it, pulling it between his legs. He drew The Master down between his thighs, lifting his legs up and spreading them so as to give the other man easier access.

The Master grasped his hard shaft and aimed the bulbous head at James' arsehole. James let out a loud moan as he felt him bury the entire length in his anal tract in one long, hard, thrust. His arms and legs wrapped around The Master. He began to grind his pelvis up in time with The Master's penetrating thrusts down into his arse. The Master put both hands on James's arse, spreading the cheeks even further apart. His huge cock probed deep into James' sweet little boycunt, driving James wild with the burning sensations the friction of the huge shaft rubbing against his anal walls was causing.

Rob, brought awake again by the moans beside him, at a look from The Master, reached over with his hand and grasped James's turgid penis. He stroked along the length of it, his fingers alternating between soft, gentle strokes and rough, rapid, jerking motions. James groaned. His hips lifted with each of The Master's thrusts and his balls grew hard and heavy as the cum built up inside. His fingers wound themselves into The Master's hair and he pulled him down for a kiss. The Master kissed James tenderly, then pulled back and rammed his cock hard into the boy. James yelled aloud, and began pumping upwards furiously. Rob pulled harder on the prick in his hand, and was rewarded with a gusher of white, creamy cum. James gasped and shot another load as The Master ploughed him, burying his shaft to the hilt in the boy's rectum. Rob's fingers, meanwhile, were still busy, trying to provoke yet another jolt of jism to spurt over his hand.

The Master grunted and groaned as James's sphincter muscles spasmed around his cock, squeezing it tight. He was held an effective prisoner as the boy's tight little arsehole increased its grip, making it almost impossible to move. He glared down at James, but James's eyes were closed in ecstasy as he clung to The Master. Finally, he eased up, and The Master continued plunging his now throbbing shaft in and out of the boy's arse. He grunted as his cock and balls swelled, the sperm inside heating to boiling point.

The Master gave a loud cry and thrust forward as the jism spurted out of his cock into the sweet, warm receptacle of James's arse for the second time that evening. He fell onto the boy's body as his balls sent bolt after bolt of hot cum up into that tight little passage. Sweating, shaking, The Master lay on top of James, releasing every drop of cum as his body continued to move with the force of his ejaculation. At last he lifted his body from James', rolling over to lie on his side behind the boy. Rob lay on James's other side, his fingers still lightly grazing the shaft of James's penis. James gently removed the fingers, smiling apologetically at Rob. Rob shrugged and rolled over, presenting his back to The Master and James.

"Never mind," said The Master, throwing his arm across James and stroking his hand down Rob's back. James closed his eyes, breathing in the musky scent of sex as The Master snuggled closer, drifting off to sleep with the feel of The Master's semi-hard shaft nuzzling back into his crack.

The Master's eyes too, closed, and he drifted off, his cock kept warm in the arse crack of his sweet little boy as his hand gently continued moving along Rob's spine. Rob was already asleep.

The Master couldn't wait to try James out in the playroom tomorrow.

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