Sex at the Swimming Hole


Published on Oct 4, 2016


(Note: This is a story of sexual encounters among teenage boys - all characters are minors. It is strictly fiction and fantasy. It involves sexual practices that are considered unsafe and is not an endorsement of these practices. Please comply with the laws where you live concerning such literature, and read it only if you can do so legally. If you are offended by this sort of material, please find other things that will not offend you. If you like this kind of material, please donate to Nifty to ensure that this free resource can continue.)

"I'm gonna take the advice you gave me about Jared," Eric said as we relaxed at the swimming hole. "If he wants a wrestling lesson, as you called it, I'll teach him whatever he wants to know. I think that hero worship should be rewarded. What do you think?"

"I think I'm a bad influence," I replied with a grin. "I've unleashed a monster."

"No, you just unleashed the real me," Eric replied, grinning back.

"Let's go take a dip," I suggested. "I'm getting hot in more ways than one."

As we stood up to go to the water, Jared came down the trail, whistling happily. His air of innocence along with his good looks and hard body made him the hottest fourteen-year-old around.

"Hi Jared," Eric said. "We're going for a swim. Wanna join us?"

"Sure!" he replied with a smile, dropping what he was carrying and pulling off his shorts.

As we splashed around in the water, Jared stayed close to Eric, taking the opportunity to do some playful groping. Then Eric groped back, and it turned into an impromptu wrestling session with lots of laughter.

Jared spread his blanket beside Eric's and tossed his shorts to one side, along with a plastic garbage bag with something heavy in it.

"What have you got in the bag?" I asked.

"Just something I thought might be useful later," Jared replied evasively.

Jared wanted to say something more, but he was struggling to do it.

"Spit it out," Eric said with a grin. "I can tell there's something on your mind."

"Could me and you have a wrestling match?" Jared asked.

"Sure," Eric replied. "Any kind in particular?"

Jared reached into his pack and pulled out a large squirt bottle.

"Could we try oil wrestling?" he asked Eric, looking longingly at Eric's nine-inch boner.

"Sounds hot!" Eric replied. "What are your rules?"

"Well, they're only ideas based on videos I've seen," Jared responded. "We start facing each other, both of us in the defensive starting position, and resume from that position after an escape. We shouldn't stand up because it would be too slick. Otherwise, anything goes. I brought a plastic drop cloth to use for the mat. Buddy can spray more oil on us to keep everything slippery."

"How is the winner determined?" Eric inquired.

"By penetrating his opponent all the way," Jared said with a grin. "Then the loser submits to being fucked by the winner."

"I like the way you think," Eric replied, grinning back. "You're on."

Eric and Jared liberally oiled themselves and each other, and moved into position.

Laughing, Jared quickly took Eric down, but couldn't keep him there. They would have to adjust their usual wrestling techniques to account for the oil.

Facing off again, Eric took Jared down onto his back. Lying across Jared's chest to hold him in place, Eric probed Jared's asshole with his finger. As Eric groped inside, Jared squirmed underneath, laughing and squealing with delight.

Eric allowed Jared to escape, and they faced each other again. This time, Jared forced Eric down on his back, wrists pinned over his head. Lying on top, Jared tried to insert his pole. Eric laughed as he slid out from under Jared and easily escaped.

They faced each other once more, both grinning ear to ear. Eric was playing a cat and mouse game, and they both loved it. They also knew how it was going to end, but they wanted to prolong the excitement and suspense.

As they wrestled for several minutes, I occasionally squirted more oil on them. The oil was an equalizer of sorts, but with experience and a thirty pound advantage, Eric was clearly in control. He played Jared like a hooked fish, conserving his own energy while forcing Jared to tire himself with his effort to overpower Eric.

Deciding that he had Jared under control, Eric wrestled him onto his stomach. Pinning Jared's hands behind his back and firmly holding him down, Eric positioned himself for rear entry.

"Want me to let you up again, kid?" Eric inquired.

"Oh, yeah!" Jared replied. "I can still take you if you give me another chance!"

"Well, maybe that's true," Eric said with a grin. "So I think I better pin you while I have the opportunity."

Jared twisted and turned trying to escape, but he was trapped. With a grunt of animal pleasure, Eric slowly slid his oiled boner into Jared's tight hole. Jared howled with pain.

Releasing Jared's hands, Eric grasped his shoulders and rested on his back.

"My pole is all the way in, so I win, right?" Eric said.

"Yeah, you win," Jared reluctantly agreed.

"So, are you ready to be fucked, kid?" Eric inquired.

"Yeah, I guess so," Jared conceded after a pause.

Jared grimaced with pain and clawed at the drop cloth as Eric began to pound him. He struggled, still hoping to escape, but it wasn't going to happen.

"Keep squirming, kid," Eric said with a smile. "It won't help you, but it turns me on!"

The cat continued to play with the mouse. Eric would tease Jared with seven inches of his pole for a while. Then, with a grin, he would drive it in all the way, causing Jared to yelp with pain and surprise.

As his ordeal continued, Jared struggled and gasped for breath. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead.

"Jesus, that thing's big!" he exclaimed.

"Want me to pull it out?" Eric inquired.

"No way!" Jared replied firmly.

"You're a gutsy little fucker, kid," Eric replied with a grin. "I like your attitude."

The friction of his oiled boner sliding around on the plastic, and Eric's pole sliding inside his asshole eventually worked their magic on Jared. With a cry of pleasure, he blasted a load onto the drop cloth.

Driving in his pole to its full depth, Eric flooded Jared with cum and collapsed on top of him.

"Did you like that, kid?" Eric inquired, kissing Jared on the neck and playfully running his fingers through Jared's blond hair.

"Fuck yeah!" Jared replied enthusiastically. "Can we do it again another time?"

"Any time you want to, fuck buddy," Eric replied.

Eric pulled out and leaned back. Jared rolled onto his back and looked up at Eric. There were tears in his eyes, but they weren't from the pain Eric had inflicted. Jared had formed a bond with Eric that he had been craving for weeks.

Eric stood up and pulled Jared to his feet.

"Let's go wash off some of this mess," he said.

Rinsing each other off produced another round of horseplay and laughter.

"We're both gonna need a long hot shower when we get home," Eric observed.

"Thanks for the fun time, Eric," Jared said with a grin, stuffing the oil wrestling equipment back into his bag.

"We both had fun, fuck buddy," Eric replied. "We'll do it again soon."

"I'm surprised at you taking advantage of a young kid like that," I said with a grin after Jared was gone. "He's barely fourteen years old."

"Look who's talking," Eric replied grinning back. "He was still thirteen when you stole his virginity. When it comes to taking advantage, you're the master. Actually, I think it was Jared who took advantage of me. I just gave him what he wanted, and now we're both happy."

(Jared smiled as he ran up the trail. Being fucked by Eric was the most fun he had ever had, except for the birthday present from his brother, of course. The oil had been a brilliant idea. Eric was so hot! Being Eric's fuck buddy would be the greatest thing ever.)

Next: Chapter 7

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