Sex at the Swimming Hole


Published on Sep 30, 2016


(Note: This is a story of sexual encounters among teenage boys - all characters are minors. It is strictly fiction and fantasy. It involves sexual practices that are considered unsafe and is not an endorsement of these practices. Please comply with the laws where you live concerning such literature, and read it only if you can do so legally. If you are offended by this sort of material, please find other things that will not offend you. If you like this kind of material, please donate to Nifty to ensure that this free resource can continue.)

"Would you be willing to help me solve a bully problem?" I asked Eric.

I had cornered him outside the county pool as he was leaving for the day.

"Tell me more," he replied.

"It involves a number of guys, including Logan, Jared, and Ryan," I replied. "Do you remember how bullies ran in packs in grade school? This one is operating alone, and the bullying is psychological, not physical. The bully is Chad. He's using photos that he has taken, as well as other surveillance information, to try to coerce various guys into letting him fuck them. If he were to implement certain of his threats, it could have serious consequences. It seems that Chad is on a mission to fuck every guy he can. I can't say that I fault his goal, but his methodology isn't acceptable."

"How can I help?" he asked.

Eric and I had a lot of experience in dealing with bullies, but this kind of bullying was new and more sophisticated.

"I think we gotta confront him and put the fear of God into him," I said.

"You mentioned that he had propositioned you. We can lure him to a private meeting with you as bait. I can take it from there, supplemented by the same kind of creativity that we used in grade school."

"I'm in," Eric said without hesitation.

We did some general planning about what might happen and how to handle contingencies.

Eric set up a tryst with Chad at the swimming hole for a few days later. We were going to do this at night with a clear sky and a full moon.

Eric was casually leaning against a tree when Chad arrived.

"Hey, Eric," Chad greeted him. "I guess you decided that we could have a little fun."

"Yeah, I did," Eric replied with a grin. "I got to thinking about it and decided it could be interesting. I've got a blanket over here. Let's get on with it."

They stripped off their shorts and got ready. Chad was kneeling between Eric's legs preparing to have his fun when I stepped out of the shadows.

"I think there's gonna be a slight change of plans," I said.

Chad jumped up in surprise. He looked for his shorts, but they had conveniently disappeared. Being naked put him at a disadvantage.

"What do you mean?" he inquired belligerently.

"I mean we're gonna discuss the methods you use to get guys to let you fuck them," I replied. "That includes photography and other forms of spying."

"And how are you gonna stop me?" he sneered.

"Well, here is the first step," I replied.

The first punch landed hard in the middle of his gut. Before he had recovered from the shock and pain, the second landed on his jaw. Thrown backwards, he fell over Eric, who was conveniently behind him on hands and knees.

As Chad lay stunned on the ground, Eric and I stood over him. Eric handed me the cellphone that he had swiped from Chad's shorts. I slipped it into my pocket, and brought out the switchblade I had brought along as a visual aid.

"Now I'm gonna tell how it's gonna be," I informed him. "First of all, you'll get your phone back when it's nothing but an empty shell. Second, with the help of an anonymous friend who has the appropriate tools and technical expertise, and a dislike for assholes, your camera has been purged of all data, your computer has been wiped clean, and all of your online life has completely disappeared."

"A couple of memory sticks have also been trashed," I continued. "And should you by any rare chance still have any of the information you and I are discussing, you will not even think about using it. You will not employ these tactics ever again with any of our common acquaintances. If you do any of this, I guarantee I will fix you so you will never fuck again. Is that perfectly clear?"

Chad's eyes went from me to Eric.

"What he said goes for me too, word for word," Eric said.

"You can't do this," Chad shouted, "I'm gonna ..."

The switchblade snapped open and glistened in the moonlight.

"Yeah, just what are you gonna do?" I inquired. "Nothing. And in case you need more motivation, each person you have jerked around lately knows about all of the others. What you've been doing is no longer a secret kept in fear. They've formed a club where they meet to consider your future. Of course, none of them know about this meeting, because it never happened. They just know that their problem has been solved."

"Oh, and one more thing," I added as an afterthought. "Never show up at or near the swimming hole again. Anyone with knowledge of your schemes will beat the fucking shit out of you if you do. There might even be an accidental drowning. Now get your sorry ass out of here before I change my mind and cut your balls off right now."

"Can I have my shorts?" Chad whined.

"No," I replied. "Get the fuck out of here."

Chad left on a dead run without another word.

"Thanks for your help, Eric," I said. "I couldn't have done it without you."

"It was just like old times," Eric replied with a grin. "You and me against the world."

We hugged each other. The grade school bond was back in full force.

"I lied about one thing," I said. Turning towards the woods I continued, "Okay, you can come out now."

Logan and Jared came out of the trees.

"Thanks so much, guys," Logan said. "We didn't know what we were gonna do."

"We were happy to help you out," I replied. "And nobody except me knows the details about your situation. You can tell Eric as much or as little as you want to later."

Jared looked at Eric with awe and admiration. I connected the dots and grinned to myself.

"Thanks for having the confidence in me to tell me about your problem," I continued. "You probably should head for home now. You deserved to know for sure that your problem has been solved. Just remember that this encounter never happened."

Quietly and soberly, they started up the trail. Eric, still naked, put on his shorts.

"I won't tell you who did the rest of the dirty work, but you can probably figure it out for yourself," I said to Eric after they had gone. "It required someone with breaking and entering talents as well as the other skills that I mentioned."

"You don't need to verify it, but Ryan comes to mind," he said with a smile. "He qualifies on all fronts with the additional motivation of being involved."

I picked up Chad's shorts.

"I think I'll wear these to school from time to time as a reminder to Chad not to fuck up," I said with a smile.

"Here's one more thing to consider," I continued. "Did you notice how Jared was looking at you tonight?"

"I didn't," he replied. "I know him through wrestling. He'll be on the high school team this year. He's got a lot of potential as a wrestler, and he's a really great kid."

"Well he thinks you're great too," I responded with a grin. "A blind man could have seen that. It wouldn't surprise me if he sought you out for a wrestling lesson in the near future, if you get my drift."

"Thanks for the heads up," he replied. "I'll have to consider how to handle that."

"If I were you, I would teach him whatever he wants to know," I suggested with a grin. "I happen to know that he loves to take it in the ass."

"You get around, don't you?" he said with a smile.

"That's a subject for another day," I replied smiling back.

We stood in silence for a while.

"We make a great team," Eric observed.

"We do," I replied. "We always have."

(Jared lay in bed looking at the ceiling. Eric and Buddy were so cool. They were the kind of friends everyone needed. He hoped he could be a friend like that when it was necessary. In the meantime, he hoped he could get to know Eric better. Much better.)

Next: Chapter 6

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