Sex at 25

Published on Feb 10, 1997



Disclaimer: The following is a mostly factual account of my first sexual experience. It contains descriptions of consentual sexual activity between adult males. There are a few author's embellishments for the sake of spicing up the story line. The vast majority of the story comes from my own written account of the event shortly after it happened. Other parts were added by my partner from what he remembered of the evening. The names of the people involved have been changed to preserve our anonymity.

If male / male sex between consenting adults offends you, then you are really in the wrong newsgroup and probably should not continue to read. If passionate sex between men interests you, read on.


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Who the hell could that be, I thought as I fumbled for the telephone shaking the sleep from my head from a mid-Saturday afternoon nap.

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"Damn. Where the hell is the phone?" I have come to believe that cordless phones inevitably betray their usefulness and portability by somehow secreting themselves in locations where you know that only a top secret government agency knows where they are. I think they are the same group that hides the other sock in the dryer. Looking under a couple of magazines that I had been reading earlier, I found the phone.

Already irritated that my blissful slumber had been disturbed, I was praying that it was not a telemarketer, because if it was, I was going to rip them a new asshole. "Hello", I managed to mutter, hoping I still didn't sound like I just woke up.



"Hey! It's Ian."

"Hi, Ian."

"Did I wake you up?"

"Yeah, but that's OK. I really wasn't that tired. I just didn't have anything to do today."

"Really? Wow!" Ian said in feigned surprise. He continued his kidding, "That's unusual! I can hardly ever get in touch with you on the weekend because you are always off somewhere doing something."

"Very funny, dickhead."

"Aren't Michael and Erica there?", he asked about my roommate and his girlfriend. It was actually through Michael, that I met Ian.

"They went to Buffalo to see Erica's parents. They left last night and are going to make it a long weekend. They won't be back until late Monday." I enjoyed the fact, that I would have the apartment to myself for the weekend. Although Michael and I are best friends, it would be nice to have some time to myself. Absence truly makes the heart grow fonder.

However, to Ian, it did not make any difference that they had gone for the weekend. It was perfunctory that he come over and hang out for the weekend. Ever since we knew each other, we hung out together on the weekends. Michael, Erica, Ian and I would do everything together that our small town had to offer, which really was not all that much, but it was tolerable only because of good friendships.

"What are you doing tonight?" Ian asked, already knowing the answer.

"I don't know. I don't have anything planned. Why?" I knew the answer already, but it just facilitates our conversation on the phone. Ian and I never could talk over the phone. It usually wound up being a quick series of short questions and answers. However, put us together in the same room, you can not get us to shut up.

Ian continued what was basically our scripted conversation, "Well, I figured that we could go out to the bar, have a few beers, and see who is hanging out tonight."

"OK. You twisted my arm. When are you coming over?"

"I just need to change and then I'll be over. So, I guess I will see you in about half an hour."


"See ya later."


It had become common for just Ian and me to go out anymore. Michael and Erica sort of dropped out of our group when Erica decided that it was time that Michael was reined in, i.e. she wanted to control what Michael did and be the center of his attention - something that was lacking when we went out as a group. Every time Ian and I would go out, I hoped that he would have had too much to drink and we would wind up having sex. That is difficult when one person is frigid (me) and the other is straight (Ian). I knew it was a long shot, but I figured that it was going to be the only we would every hook up.

I guess I need to give you a brief background history on me and Ian, so that you will understand our friendship. I came to grips with my homosexuality pretty much the same way as everybody else. Over the course of several years, there was denial, then quiet acceptance, then coming out. Michael was instrumental in helping me through this difficult stage. I only ever came out to a few people. Michael and Erica being two of them. Although I did not try to hide my sexuality from people, I did not go around with a neon sign on my head flashing "Queer here".

Michael introduced me to Ian when we first became roommates. Ian and I really hit it off. We had a lot in common, most notably, sarcastic wit and a love of football. Over the course of several months, Ian visited with increasing frequency, but it was always for group events. We would never meet when Michael and Erica were not around.

I began to develop a crush on Ian. Ian was an average looking guy, not a model, but someone you would be ashamed of having on your arm either. He also had an engaging personality and a great sense of humor, which was the real reason why I liked him.

I noticed how frequently he and Michael talked about sex and some of their more unique sexual trysts. Naturally, Ian was curious about all of the chicks that I had bagged. I had not yet told Ian about being gay, and I was hesitant about tipping him off, because I did not want to risk what had become a wonderful friendship. I lied and said that I had never really done anything wild and had only ever slept with two women. In fact, I was still a virgin, but I figured that by saying that I was inexperienced would cause him to avoid asking me about my sex life, and I could keep my homosexuality a secret.

Several months later, it was just Ian and I in my apartment, and we were talking and the subject turned to sex. I had been deliberating for several weeks about whether the time was right to tell Ian about my being gay. I figured that he was open minded and would not have a problem with it. This conversation was the perfect time to breech the subject. I told Ian flat out that I was gay. Ian looked at me and said, "I know," and smiled. He told me, that he assumed that I was gay, although until I told him, he did not know for sure. Since then, Ian and I had frequently talked about gay issues and how I felt on certain topics in the news. I really enjoyed our talks, partly because I felt uncomfortable talking to Michael about homosexual subjects, but also it gave me a sense of bonding with Ian.

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I got up from the couch when I heard the knocks on the back door. Not that I had to. Ian let himself in.

"Hey!" he muttered as he walked in, and immediately busied himself with taking off his jacket and dusting the snow that had begun to fall outside, off of his hair.

"Hey! Thanks for knocking.", I said with a smirk, already getting in the first jab. Much of our conversations were based on either making fun of, or picking on the other person. We never meant any of it, usually we were saying the exact opposite of what we believed.

"Fuck you. You knew it was me, and besides, I wasn't sure if you would be able to pry your ass of the couch. You have probably been there all day."

"Ouch. The truth hurts. How was the drive over?"

"The snow is really beginning to pile up fast now, but the roads aren't too bad yet." Ian sighed as he had came into the living room and sat down on the couch next to me. "I guess I will have to crash here tonight." A smile appeared on his face. We both knew that he would be spending the night. He always did when we went out drinking. That way he would not have to drive home late at night, and he would not have to bother driving back to hang out the next day.

At about 8:00, we decided to got out to our usual neighborhood bar. The one where everyone knew our name. The bar was rather quiet for a Saturday night. Only a few regulars were there. The snow storm must have convinced them to stay home. One of the waitresses whom I knew very well came over and said that the bar was closing early. It was just as well. Ian and I had both recently quit smoking and being in a bar and drinking beer only made us want to light up. We paid our tab and slowly made the four block walk home in the falling snow. Occasionally we lobbed a lightly packed snowball at each other.

We got to the apartment, crashed on the couch, and turned the television on. As usual, there was nothing on but cheesy B-movies. After a couple of minutes of channel surfing, Ian found one that at least had some skin.

"God. I shouldn't be watching this. I haven't had sex in almost a year. I can't believe that it has been that long." Ian groaned.

I knew this was a rather sensitive subject for Ian, because it had come up frequently lately. I tired to reassure him that it was not his fault and that he would soon find a new girlfriend. "Ian, you're a good looking guy, and everyone likes you. It is just a matter of timing and finding the right person at the right time." Ian to me was rather good looking, not striking, but good looking. He was about 6'5" and 180 pounds. He had straight brown hair and gorgeous hazel eyes with wonderfully shaped, dark eyebrows. While he was not going to be modeling anytime soon, he was a fair catch for just about anyone.

"Yeah. I guess, but it's depressing sometimes. I miss the feeling of sleeping next to someone and the closeness that you feel during and after sex."

I gave him a puzzled look, hoping that it would elicit laughter and lighten his somber mood. (When I came out to him, I told him that I was a virgin, and had never tried to have sex with anyone. I was, in fact, quite proud to the point of bragging, of my chastity.) Ian knew that I did not fully understand what he was talking about, because I never let anyone get close to me, physically or emotionally, let alone have sex. Keeping myself emotionally and physically distant from people was my way of protecting myself from being hurt by either ignorant, bigoted breeders or a potential lover.

"You know what I mean." Ian said almost pleading with me to understand his heartache.

I did understand and my heart ached from seeing Ian suffering. I wanted to help, but what could I do? I wanted to change the subject, but I couldn't think of anything. Just then, the movie on television flashed to a sex scene where the woman had just started to go down on a guy.

Ian moaned, "God, I miss that! I haven't gotten good head in years."

I sensed an opportunity to talk about sex with him. Although it was incredibly unlikely that I could entice him to have sex with me as a result of our conversation, for me I could at least imagine. I am admittedly rather cold and unemotional to the point where it has actually decreased my interest in sex, but tonight I was feeling a bit randy. I was going to have Ian teach me how to give head!

"What is so great about oral sex?" I said, hoping he would take the bait and allow me to move the conversation down a different path.

"What?!" Ian asked incredulously.

"You know that I've never had anyone give me a blowjob, so I'm wondering, what's so great about it . My only sexual experience has been my hand, which, by the way, is pretty good."

Ian sat back and gave me a what-planet-are-you-from look. "Well," he started, "just imagine something warm, soft and wet moving around you dick, pulling on it lightly. That is kind of what it is like."

"Sounds just like whacking off." I said to be difficult, but also to get him to describe it in more, and hopefully, personal detail.

"No, it is totally different. Image sucking on your finger and lightly running your tongue around it. Now image how that would feel around your dick."

I had to admit, that was a good explanation, but I could not let him stop. I had to get him to talk about his own dick. I asked "What do you like women to do to you? I mean, there's more to giving head than just putting your mouth over a cock." I involuntarily looked down at his crotch. I did it more for emphasis than out of lust. Ian noticed my glance, but also realized my intent.

Ian breathed heavily, kind of like when a parent has to keep explaining 'why' to a young child. "The head and area below it are the most sensitive areas." As he explained, his hands dropped down to crotch level, and he unconsciously gesticulated at an imaginary penis between his legs as he talked. "It's when those areas are licked and sucked, that you really enjoy fellatio. Also, when they throat your entire cock, while running their tongue down the underside of your dick, it feels fucking incredible."

"It must, because it looks like your are reminiscing," I said as I looked down at his visibly stiff dick and tipped my head in a pointing motion. Ian was noticeably embarrassed and began to sit in a different position and cover his erection. "Don't be embarrassed. I've got a stiffy too. See!" I stretched my legs out show the tent in my pants. "But mine's not nearly as big as yours." I figured a little self-deprecation would put him at ease again.

I know it sounds strange for a frigid virgin to be flaunting himself in a 'sexual' manner, but I frequently did things like this. I was once 50 pounds overweight. Through hard work and dieting, I got myself into great shape. I am not in model form, but I have an attractive, fit body, and I am quite proud of it. I am not embarrassed to be seen naked. I actually get a heap thrill out of it, because it is more embarrassing to the person who sees me than it is to me. I also had no real problem with the fact that I basically had an average sized penis. I did not view myself as a sexual being, and therefore I was not concerned with the size of my "tool".

"You've got a nice sized dick. What are you talking about?" Ian's comment surprised me. But he wasn't finished. "You've got to be about six or seven inches. That's almost the same as mine."

"Almost? How big are you?" There was no sense of subtlety in my question, and Ian noticed it.

He put his legs up on the coffee table, obviously feeling a little more comfortable with the situation, and laid back in a position similar to mine. Since he was at a slight angle from me across the room, I got a great profile of his hard dick pressing out from his crotch. He ran his hands from his waist down the tops of his thighs, making his thick erection even more visible. "I'm a solid eight inches." he said with a big smile.

"Whoa!" I muttered.

Ian just laughed. He knew that he had succeeded in getting under my skin. It was rare for anyone to get the better of me or be able to manipulate me like this, but Ian knew he had gotten me horny, and I was indeed a bit 'bothered'.

"Ian, you have got to stop that. If you aren't careful, I won't be responsible for what happens to it," pointing at his dick, and surprisingly, I really meant it. I wanted him so badly at this point, but I realized that unless I made the first move, it was unlikely that I would ever have an opportunity like this again.

Ian did not realize the earnestness of my comment or else he probably would not have continued. "If you have the balls to get up and come over here, then I will let you do what ever you want." Ian seemed sure that my usual aversion to sexual activity would prevent me from doing so.

I figured however, what the hell. I got up walked over to Ian, and placed my hand firmly on his erection. Ian, at first, tensed up and grabbed my hand.

"You said I could."

Ian was unsure.

I was scared. Maybe I went to far and misread the circumstances of a situation that had gotten out of hand, but I had to be sure. "If you don't like it, I'll stop."

That seemed to be enough to convince Ian to let go of my hand and give in. "OK, but go slow. I'm not really comfortable with this."

I wanted to remember this and make it special, because it was going to be my first time. I always wanted my first to teach me how to make love, so I said, "I'm not really comfortable with this either. You forget, I haven't ever done anything like this before. I want to do this right and make sure that it is good for you, too, so I want you to tell me what to do." As I spoke, I looked into his eyes nervously.

Ian sensed my anxiety, and a look of compassion came across his face. He leaned forward and gave me a brief kiss on the lips, startling me. "Not here. Let's go into your bedroom." Whereby he got up, grabbed my hand and guided me into my bedroom.

As soon as we got into my room, Ian turned around and grabbed me by the waist and pulled me towards him. My incredibly hard cock was pressed into his own raging boner. I tensed up. I was never comfortable being close to anyone, let alone touching someone so intimately. Ian whispered, "Relax," as he began to kiss me. The softness of his voice as well as his warm breath melted away some of my inhibitions, and I moved my hands to the back of his hips and down to his tight buns. A moan of approval came from deep within his throat. We continued to kiss, however I was a bit awkward at first. Everything would be a first for me. I let him control the situation and imitated what he did. Our hands were squeezing each other's ass and pressing us tightly together. We were both ready.

Ian again made the first move. He peeled off his shirt revealing his moderately hairy chest and lightly rippled stomach. He was not overly muscled, but he was certainly not skin and bones like many tall men. He whispered to me. "Take my pants off." As much as I wanted to get to what was hidden underneath, I took it slow. I rubbed his bulging crotch, giving it a light squeeze every so often. Moving my hand to the top of his pants, I slipped my fingers under the waistband of his boxers and rubbed the furriness of his lower abdomen.

"Mmmm" Ian moaned.

I unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down, being careful not to pull down his boxers with them. His hard dick was pushing strongly against the fabric of his undershorts., which were barely able to conceal his enormous penis. I began to kiss his cock up and down through the fabric. Ian put his hand on the back of my head, pressing my face into his crotch. I mouthed the outline of his cock a few times, then gripping his boxers in my teeth, pulled them down until they at his knees.

There, presented to me for the first time, was his cock. I will always remember that moment; the combination of situation, sights, and smells. I muttered quietly, "Oh my God. It's incredible. It's so beautiful." Immediately, I kissed the tip as if I were kissing Ian on the lips. His cock jerked lightly. I kissed it again and again, moving around the head of his dick.

"Oh, that's good" Ian whispered. "Now lick it."

I slid my hands up his thighs to the base of his cock in order to stabilize his bouncing, jerking member; one hand pressed into the thick mesh of curly brown hair, the other cupping his long balls. I wet the tip of his cock with a big lick, then took the entire head in, running my tongue along the underside. I concentrated on the tip, taking in only two or three inches, leaving the remaining five inches untouched.

Ian placed both hands on my shoulders and pushed me away from him.

"Let me lay down on the bed."

He turned and took the two steps to get to the bed. It gave me a chance to see his ass for the first time. I was surprised at just how sexy Ian was. This fellow whom I had a crush on more for his charming, boyish looks and disarming personality, was in reality a stud. I never noticed!

"Mmm, Mmm, Mmm! You have an incredibly sexy ass. I could squeeze it all day." I lustily commented, as he climbed onto the bed on all fours before rolling over onto his back.

Ian chuckled and asked knowingly "D'ya think so?"

"God! Yeah!"

Smiling, Ian rubbed his stomach and moved his hands down to his stiff cock. He grabbed it and gave it a few strokes. "If you're good, maybe I'll let you. But first, you have got to finish what you've started here."

Taking that as a cue to join him on the bed, I walked over to him and crawled between his legs. I grabbed his dick in one hand and slid the other underneath his right buttcheek. I gave it a squeeze, enjoying its smoothness. I took his cock in my mouth and began my ministrations on it again, this time however, I began to take more and more into my mouth. I had about five inches in my mouth when I began to feel my gag reflex kick in. I slowed down and concentrated on controlling my urge to gag, and getting his cock down my throat. I guess my bout with bolemia a few years back taught me something, because soon I was flossing my teeth with the hair at the base of his cock.

Ian was moaning a series of "Ahhs!" and "Ohs!". I moved up and down the full length of his cock trying to keep pressure on the underside while creating some suction. I was hoping to have Ian tell me if I was doing it right, but I guess the fact that he could not, was approval enough. After about five minutes of nearly constant throating of his cock, my jaw was beginning to hurt and my throat was getting sore. Fortunately for me, Ian was close to exploding.

"You'd better stop. I'm gonna cum."

"Mmmhmm", I mumbled and continued to suck his cock. I figured what the hell, why not finish the job and redoubled my efforts.

Ian began to tense up. His breathing became erratic, and then it happened. His cock grew even bigger and then exploded in my throat. I tried not to gag while enjoying the sensation of his orgasm, so I had to suck only on the top of his cock.

Ian pulled my mouth off of his dick and pulled me up to his face. Panting heavily, he gasped, "Wow. That was incredible. That was probably one of the best blow jobs I have ever had."

I smiled at the comment and asked blushingly "Really?" I was both flattered and relieved that I had done so well my first time.

"Yeah. If I didn't know better, I'd have said that you've done this before. You've got a real talent."

"I just wanted you to enjoy it, so I tried to imagine what I would like someone to do to me and did it to you."

"I guess it's true about men giving the best head, because they know what they like."

"I guess so." I said smiling and looking into his eyes.

Ian looked up at me and gave me a long kiss. "Time for me to repay the favor."

As much as I wanted Ian to give me a blow job, I was not sure if I could let him. It is ironic that I was virgin and I had just sucked off this handsome hunk, yet I was not sure if I felt comfortable having Ian do the same to me. I had built up such an unobtainable idea of how my first time would play out, that I feared that it would not be what I imagined. I decided, that I would at least try. Ian proceeded to slowly undress me, first taking off my T-shirt and then peeling off my pants and boxers at the same time. There I was, lying naked on my back in my bed about to lose my virginity to the man I so often fantasized about, but I was scared stiff. Pardon the pun, but I was actually having problems with getting an erection.

I decided to call the whole thing off. I did not want to ruin this experience. "Ian," I said, "I can't do this. I'm too nervous. I'm sorry."

"Why are you nervous?"

"I've never done anything like this. I haven't ever even let a man touch me, let alone have sex with me. I'm sort of scared that I won't be able to do it right." At this point, tears were welling up in my eyes. I wanted this man more than anything else, but my fear was holding me back.

A caring smile crept across Ian's face as he crawled up the bed and laid beside and looked directly into my eyes. He knew this was my first time, and in a way, it was his first time too, at least with another man.

"Look, we don't have to do this, but some time you're going to have to have sex and if you don't work through your anxiety, it will only become more difficult later. If it makes you feel better, I haven't done this before either." He chuckled deep within his throat.

I smiled. "I know, but it's just that I am just not very comfortable being touched. I mean, I want you to. I want to feel your body next to mine, but I'm just doing too many new things at once."

Ian looked at me with a pained expression, wanting to help me but not quite sure how. Instinctively, he put his hand on my chest and began to rub it. Almost as quickly, he removed it, realizing that he was doing just what I said made me uncomfortable.

"Sorry" Ian muttered almost as if he hurt me.

"It's OK."

"Listen. Why don't you roll over, and I'll give you a massage. Maybe you can relax and feel more comfortable with something non-sexual."


As I look back on this, it really shows how much Ian cared for me as a friend, and how he wanted me to enjoy my first sexual experience. I appreciate it even more so, because he was ostensibly a straight man doing something that made him feel uncomfortable, but he did it to help me.

I rolled over, turning away from him as I did, and shimmied down the bed a little, so that I could extend my arms above my head. Ian got up on his knees and then straddled me at the waist.

"Let me know if you want to stop. Tell me what you like, too. You are in control of this entire situation."


Ian placed his soft, warm hands just below my shoulder blades and lightly moved them up to the tops of my shoulders. I shuddered and tensed up.

"You all right?"

"Yeah. I guess I just wasn't quite ready. Keep on doing what your doing. It feels good."

With that, Ian began to rub and massage the whole of my back, kneading my tense muscles into submission. He ran the palms of his hands slowly and softly up the center of my back while his fingers stroked my sides. I was beginning to really relax and enjoy the attention he was giving me, when he said that he was going to sit down on top of me.

"Oh man! That feels great." I felt his smooth warm ass rest on mine, only to be followed by his soft balls and dick. I could feel the bristly hairs around his cock and balls tickle my butt. "Rub your ass on mine. That feels incredible."

"Like this." Ian asked.

"Yeah. Just like that."

Apparently, this felt good to Ian too, because I could feel him starting to get an erection. Ian leaned forward, pressing his penis into my back and slowly gyrated his hips.

"Are you ready to flip over?" he breathed into my ear. His warm breath on my neck sent shudders own my back.

"Yeah. I think I'm ready now." Without ever noticing it, I had gotten hard during his massage.

Ian climbed off me and grabbed me by the waist and rolled me over.

Softly, he whispered, "Spread your legs."

As I did, he crawled in between them. He began to caress the insides of both thighs and letting his hands rub up and over the top of my hips, all the while he neither touched my dick nor my balls. He moved them next around my lightly haired chest and stomach. Ian then got onto his hands and knees and climbed up to my face.

Once again, he asked, "Are you sure you're ready?"

"Mmmhmm" I said and nodded.

Ian smiled and bent down and kissed me ever so softly. It was just a peck, but then he kissed me again. This time longer and with more passion. His tongue entered my mouth and danced along my teeth and then, brushed against my tongue. I gasped suddenly as a wave of pleasure flooded through my body. I had never kissed anyone before Ian, but I have seen enough movies and people in love, to instinctively know a good kiss. He was a great kisser. It was something that I definitely liked and wanted to do more of in the future

Ian broke off our kiss and smiled. He then kissed my chin and proceeded to work his way down my neck and chest until he got to just above my dick, which was now literally throbbing. Ian began to kiss and lick the head, much in the same way I did to him. He grabbed the base of my cock and tried to hold it up perpendicular to my body, but I was so hard, that the tendons would only let him bring it to a 45 degree angle. He licked the head again, and then stuck almost my entire dick in his mouth. That was probably not the best idea. Because it felt so good, I reflexively tried to shove the rest down his throat. Ian gagged and withdrew my dick from his mouth.

"Relax. I can't take all of your dick yet."

"Sorry," I panted.

This time he only took a couple of inches at a time until he had worked most of my dick into his mouth. Ian had only been working on my cock for about one minute, before I was ready to blow.

"Ian, be careful. I'm going to going to cum."

He increased his sucking and moved up and down my dick faster.

"Oh my God! Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Oh shit!" I shouted as I erupted in Ian's mouth. As my orgasm died down, I managed to pant out " Wow! Are you sure you've never done this before either? That was fantastic!"

"Glad to be of help." Ian chuckled, as he crawled back up to the top of the bed. He laid next to me so that his body was leaning heavily on my side and his penis was pressing on my hip.

"Thanks. I don't think that I would have enjoyed my first time as much if it wasn't with you. I just wish I could have lasted longer. I guess I was still a little anxious."

"Don't worry about it. I did the same thing the first time I had sex."

As Ian and I lay next to each other in my bed, basking in the afterglow, I began to think about what had just happened.

"Why did you have sex with me?" I asked in a tone more of, why would he want to have sex with me, rather than why did he want to have sex with a man.

Ian exhaled heavily, and repositioned himself on his side and propped his head up on hand. "A couple of reasons, I guess. First, I was really horny. I haven't had sex in about a year. But also I was curious about gay sex. Since you're gay and we're good friends, I figured who better to try it with."

"Yeah, but that doesn't explain why you wanted to have gay sex."

"I really don't know why. I have always been attracted to the male body, but I like women too. I never had the chance or overwhelming desire to try it with a man despite my curiosity, until now."

"What do you think of it now? I mean, are we going to do this again, or is this something that we are just supposed to forget ever happened?"

"Of course not. I wanted to do this as much as you. I don't know if we will do this again, but I enjoyed what we did. I feel very comfortable with you. Maybe, we can try this again sometime. For now, I want to take a shower and clean up." With that, Ian broke off our conversation and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. He began to climb over me, his large flaccid dick pendulating between his legs.

"Mind if I joined you in the shower?" I figured if we were never going to have sex again, I would at least prolong this time.

"Sure." Ian get up from the bed and turned to go to the bathroom. As he walked, his tight, little ass moved up and down. I knew I had to have it.

I got up and followed him to the shower. As he reached in to turn the shower on, I reached around his waist and pulled his ass back to me, pressing my erection into the cleft of his ass.

"Mmmm. I'm gonna have to try your ass on for size sometime."

"We'll see," was his only response.

Not exactly the most encouraging comment. I hoped that was not his way of brushing me off. He tested the shower's temperature until it was warm enough, and then disengaged himself from my grip in order to get into the shower. Ian drew back the curtain, stepped into the stall and immediately got under the showerhead.

"Ahhh. This is just what I needed." echoed from the shower along with the first sounds of water splashing onto the tiled floor. "Aren't you coming in? I need someone to wash my back."

I did not need any more hints. I quickly jumped into the shower and stood in front of him.

As I climbed into the shower, Ian had his head tilted back with his hands running over his hair as the water splashed onto his head and down his back. He looked like a god in that position. The warm water brought out what remained of his dark summer tan and made the thin line of dark, black hair down the center on his stomach accentuate his slim, muscular physique. His cock although soft, appeared darker and his balls hung low in their soft sack.

He wiped the water from his eyes and face and looked right at me, almost through me. "Come here."

I moved closer to him. He put his hands on my ass, pulling me to him and pressed his lips firmly into mine. He then slid both hands up my sides and to the sides of my face. Ian's tongue entered my mouth and immediately began to dance with my own while the spray from the shower ran down our faces.

Ian dropped one hand from my face and slid it down my back to my ass, pressing us together again. I broke our kiss to concentrate on experiencing his large erect cock rubbing against my stomach. I moved my hands, which had already found their way to his slender waist, around to his butt and squeezed his fantastically hard ass. I could have died a happy man right then.

We continued to kiss and enjoy the feel of each other's bodies like this for several minutes until Ian broke away from me and reached for the soap. He began lathering up my chest and rubbing his hands all over me but avoided touching my dick and balls. I grabbed my dick and started to stroke it.

"Don't do that. Concentrate on what I'm doing. That way this will last longer." Ian chided me. I figured that he was the expert, so I stopped.

"One of the best parts of sex is foreplay. Remember how you liked it when I was massaging your back? It creates the anticipation of sex, which when you finally have sex, makes it so much the better. Just relax, close your eyes and feel my hands on your body."

"Duh! I know what foreplay is, I just didn't think I needed it yet." I still did as he told me, and ironically, my penis got soft, while remaining incredibly horny. I tilted my head back, and I felt his soft hand and the cool, smooth soap rubbing over my chest and stomach. He turned me around and did the same thing to my back as he did to my front. He made sure to run the soap and his hands between my asscheeks several times.

Ian got up and handed me the soap. He asked me to do the same thing to him. I washed his chest and legs rather quickly and started to wash his back. I washed his back much more slowly and concentrated on his ass. He had a great butt. Small, round and firm. I could just eat it up. After I finished, I decided to go in and get a closer look. I put down the soap and used both hands to massage his asscheeks. I parted them slightly and got my first look at his asshole. His beautiful brown eye was nestled in a sparse tuft of short, black hair. When I blew lightly on it, it winked and Ian moaned. Ian pushed his ass back toward my face, giving me an even better look at his tight asshole. I moved in and gave it a quick lick, unsure how it would taste, or more correctly if I would taste something. Ian again let out a moan.

"Do that again" he commanded.

I ran my tongue up his crevice again this time adding a little more pressure. His asshole involuntarily clenched from the stimulation. I continued to lick Ian's ass until he suggested that we get out of the shower and go back into my bedroom where we could resume in more comfortable surroundings.

We dried each other off and walked into my room, where he turned me around and started to kiss me again. God, he was a great kisser. Ian had the most beautiful, soft, full lips. They were a deep red, tempered by a dusting of brown and purple. Ian would start with a soft peck, then another, then he would begin a full kiss. His tongue would slip past my lips, brushing them slightly, then his tongue would find mine and gently begin to caress it.

"Lay down on the bed", he commanded.

I did as he said, not quite sure of what he planned next. I laid on my back and Ian laid down on top of me. Our dicks were pressed together. Ian began to slowly gyrate his hips rubbing our cocks together. He was replaying our previous sex session, but this time was different. Ian kissed me again on each lip, lightly biting my lower lip. He then moved down to my chest. He kissed and licked my nipples, something that I did not know at the time a man could enjoy. I thought that was a woman's province. Next, Ian moved down to my hips and kissed all around my dick but never once touching it. Thankfully, he finally kissed it, gave it a quick lick, and then slid the head into his mouth. Ian tongued the head of my dick, occasionally taking about three quarters of my dick into his mouth in one thrust. The whole time he was giving me head, he was rubbing my stomach and chest, enhancing the erotic ache I felt in my gut. I was getting really close to cumming, and Ian sensed it. Well, he may have been tipped off by me yelling out "Oh God" and bucking my hips every couple of seconds. Ian stopped, climbed back up to my face, and gave me a long kiss.

"Now it's your turn." he said flashing a mischievous smile before rolling onto his back.

I moved down to Ian's cock. He was only semi-hard but still four or five inches long. His estimate was right. When he was hard, he had to be a good eight inches long and about two inches thick. To be honest, I was quite surprised by his size. He never seemed to have much of a bulge in his pants and he was thin, so I did not expect to see an instrument of such proportions on him. It was a pleasant surprise.

I licked the head of his cock. It lacked any taste because of our recent shower, but it was even warmer than before and smelled faintly of soap. I took the head of his dick into my mouth analyzing the feel of it. It was surprisingly soft for something that could also feel so hard to the touch. I may have gotten about five or six inches in my mouth before I had to stop. I was having difficulty controlling my gag reflex this time around. I decided to concentrate on what I could easily fit in my mouth. Ian soon said he was about to cum and reached for his dick.

"Jake, stop. I'm getting close."

I was not sure what he had in mind to do next, but I decided to take the initiative. "Roll over onto your stomach. I'm gonna give your asshole a good tonguing."

"Oh fuck yeah!" he said with surprising enthusiasm. "That was awesome when you did that in the shower." Ian rolled over with unusual exuberance and let out the childish giggle that was his trademark.

Ian spread his legs wide and laid his hands at his side. I moved my hands up the back of his hairy thighs and over the firm globes of his asscheeks. Each one was just the perfect size to fit in my hands. I leaned in and parted his buns slightly. I saw the new object of my desire - his tight, virgin asshole. I could smell its faintly musky odor mixed with that of soap. I quickly ran my tongue around the outside of his asshole, then once right over the top of it.

"Ahhh!!" Ian exhaled into his pillow. "Keep doing that!"

I repeated the same pattern, sometimes adjusting speed and direction. Ian had at some point begun to grind his hips into the bed, making it a little more difficult to keep my tongue on his hole, so I pried his cheeks apart further. Ian's gyration got worse.

"Oh God! That's even better." With that, he grabbed hold of each asscheek and spread his ass as widely as possible. I began to lick around the edge and then to stick my tongue into his anus as far as it would reach.

"Agggggghhhh!" Ian let out a guttural groan while pressing his cock into the bed. "Jake, you'd better quit. I can't take much more. Besides, you have got to try it. Man, if you were able to suck my cock and lick my ass at the same time, I'd ask you to marry me."

I laughed, partly because what he said was funny, but also because I did want us to have a future together, so I deflected the comment through laughter. "What makes you think I want you?"

"Because I've got this." Ian chuckled as he pointed to his dick and began stroking it lightly. "Now lay down, and let me at your ass."

I crawled over to the other side of the bed and laid down.

"Mmmm. Look at that tight little ass." Ian said as he grabbed my butt and gave a strong squeeze.

For some odd reason, I never liked the way my ass looked. I have been told by people that I've got a nice ass, but I always thought it was a bit flat. I guess it is OK, but I wish it were one of those perfect asses that you see on models or swimmers.

Ian started by licking around the crack of my ass while kneading my buns. He then spread my ass and blew his warm breath heavily onto my asshole. As he did, I felt my entire body relax. Next he blew harder making his breath feel cooler and making my asshole clench up. He repeated this again and then let the tip of his tongue dance along the top of my asshole. I knew Ian like to perform cunnilingus on his girlfriends, and he said he was good, but I had no idea!

"Oh! Man that is incredible! Stick your tongue in deeper." I stuttered between irregular breaths.

Ian complied and sent my into even greater frenzy.

"Deeper!" I commanded, but Ian stopped.

"There's only one way I can get deeper. I think it's time, that to put something else in there."

I smiled and said, "If you're ready, then fuck yeah!" I was ready to try everything about sex.

Neither of us knew exactly what to do, other than the rudimentary knowledge that someone gets a dick up their ass. We had seen men screw women's asses in pornos and I had fingered myself while masturbating, but that was all. We also knew that it could be very painful if done incorrectly, so we had to continue talking each other through each new sexual experience. Looking back at it, I guess it was a perfect example of the blind leading the blind.

"Do you have any Vaseline or baby oil?" Ian asked me.

I rather embarrassingly reached under my bed and produced a jar of petroleum jelly. "I use it only for medicinal purposes, I swear!" laughing as I said it.

Ian laughed and glibly commented, "Seeing how empty it is, you must be a walking MASH unit." He took it from me and popped off the top. "Ready?"

"Ready as I'll every be."

Ian rubbed my asscheeks, kneading them. Then, he put a bit of Vaseline on his finger. "Spread you ass open for me, so that I can lube you up a bit."

I reached around and parted my ass for him. He took his greased up finger and ran it across my asshole and then slowly inserted a finger.

"Ohhhh." I moaned. I could feel his finger hitting those same spots that I did when I fingered myself.

Ian asked "Are you all right? It doesn't hurt, does it?"

"I'm fine. It feels incredible."

Upon that encouragement, Ian began to twist his finger in and out of my ass hole, each time pushing it in as far as it could go and then taking it completely out of my ass. He inserted a different finger to grease it up, and then slowly inserted it along with the other one that he had previously been using to work on my hole.

"How's that?" he asked.

"Great." was my only response. I was concentrating too much on the new sensation in my ass to talk much.

Ian slowly moved his fingers in and out of my ass. I loved it. When I did it to myself, I could not get nearly as deep as he was getting. Ian pulled all of his fingers out, then added a little more Vaseline to my asshole and inserted both fingers, plus a new friend. Ian had added a third finger and my asshole did not hurt at all. It felt just a little uncomfortable. It was being stretched further than it was accustomed to with my own playing.

"Are you ready for the real thing?" Ian asked.

"If you don't stick your dick in me soon, I'm gonna have to do it for you."

Ian laughed and withdrew his fingers from my ass. He positioned himself over me and lined up the tip of his penis with my anus. Before he began to push it in, he gave me one final caveat. "I'll stop anytime you want, if you don't like it or it hurts too much." I was not about to quit now. It took me twenty-five years to get this far.

Ian pressed the tip of his dick into my asshole and slowly began to push. I braced myself as I felt the head stretch my sphincter and pop through.

"Ahhh.", I moaned.

Ian, thinking that he may have hurt me, stopped pushing. "Are you all right? I'm not going too fast am I?"

"No. It really doesn't hurt that much. It feels pretty good, actually. Keep going. Just go slowly like you were."

Ian kept pushing until I felt his warm, smooth balls rest on my ass. "Oh my God! Your ass is so hot. I'm gonna cum just keeping it buried all of the way in your ass.

"Keep your dick right there. I need to get used to all of you inside of me. You aren't exactly small." His dick felt better than any garden vegetable ever could. The warmth and depth to which his dick had sunk were indescribable.

"Let me know when you're ready," he whispered into my ear, his warm breath sent a rush of goosebumps down my back. Ian began to nibble on the top of my ear while moving his hips against my ass in a circular motion, causing his dick to rub all the right places inside me.

After waiting about a minute, I told Ian it was OK to start fucking me. He started to fuck me in long slow strokes. He would withdraw his dick until it was almost completely out of my ass, then shoved it all of the way in. I was biting on my pillow because of the stabs of pleasure that he was causing to flood my body. Whether Ian knew it or not, he was doing a number on my prostate.

Ian pulled out of me. "Can you get on your hands and knees?" he asked.

As I pulled my legs underneath me, Ian thrust two fingers into my ass and began twisting them around. The sudden unexpected stimulation caused me to momentarily fall forward onto my elbows. I propped myself back up onto my hands and begged Ian to put his cock back in me.

"Ian, stick your fucking dick back in my ass."

Ian laughed, "God, you've only been fucked once, and you are already a slut. Spread your legs a little more, and I'll do it."

I quickly complied and was rewarded by him running the head of his fat cock up and down my ass crack and then in one push, he stuffed me with more of his cock than had been in there before.

"Oh, fuck! Oh man that feels good! Ah!" I gasped. "Yeah! Keep fucking me like that! Unngghh!"

He was happy to do so because it felt just as good to him as it did to me. He pulled completely out and then lined up his dick and my asshole and gave one quick push shoving it to the hilt. I gasped. He repeated this for about a minute until he felt that he was too quickly coming to an orgasm and then shortened the length of his thrusts.

I wanted to watch Ian fuck me and watch him cum inside of me. "Ian, can we change positions? I want to watch you fuck me."

"No problem."

We extricated ourselves, and I rolled onto my back and raised my legs into the air. He lifted them onto his shoulders while sticking his cock back in my now well stretched hole.

"Go slow. I want this to last." I panted.

Ian leaned forward and kissed me. His kisses were slow and soft. His thrusts were slow and hard.

My body and mind were soon again in chaos. I was overwhelmed by what my senses were telling me. What happened next was incredible. I have never heard of this happening to another man to this day. I was close to cumming, but I thought that if I kept my hands off my cock, then I would be all right. Instead, I started to rub my stomach and pressed down on my abs, as if I were trying to feel his cock fucking me through my gut. I began to feel a warm fuzziness in my stomach that quickly enveloped me before I had a chance to tell Ian what was happening. Not only did I begin to cum, but I began to convulse. It started in my stomach and continued until my entire body shook. My head bent back, as I gasped for air, while cumming an incredible amount of force. I then blacked out for a few seconds. This was more than an incredible orgasm. This was transcendence. My entire body tingled. When I regained my senses somewhat, I found Ian looking at me calling out my name. He had stopped fucking me.

"Jake! Jake! Are you all right?" Ian sounded almost panicked.

"Fuck yeah!" I managed to get out between pants.

"Shit! I was afraid that you were having a seizure, or I did something wrong and really hurt you."

"I think that I just had the world's most powerful orgasm. Check to make sure my balls are still in my sack. I think I may have shot them out."

A smile and a chuckle crept across his face. "God, you had me scared for a moment."

"You know, I didn't say you could stop fucking me." I said with a smile, then continued, "You're fucking incredible or I guess, more correctly, an incredible fuck."

"No problem. Just warn me next time you do that again." Ian started his slow, deep thrusting again. He continued this for a couple of minutes until he came close to cumming, then he sped up his thrusts.

"Fuck, I'm gonna cum. Ahhh! Fuck!" Ian groaned as he slammed into me, withdrawing slightly only to slam back into me again and emptied his load of cum in my ass. Ian pulled his deflating cock out of me and lowered my legs. It was a relief to have the pressure off of my back.

Ian crawled forward and collapsed on top of me. He gave me a few, heavy-breathed kisses and then rested his head on my shoulder. Still slightly dazed from my orgasm, I wrapped my arms around him, as if holding on to him would be able to bring me back to reality. We lay there in a tangled mess for about ten minutes, having finally caught our breaths. Ian rolled off of me in a slow painful movement and laid next to me on the bed. My cum had glued the hair on our stomachs together.

Ian ran his fingers through his hair and then rested his palm on his forehead and muttered "Wow!" in disbelief.

I let out a little laugh. "Yeah! Wow! I can not believe that I waited so long before having sex! Of course, I lucked out. I got to have sex with you. You are an absolutely incredible fuck! I can't believe you haven't gotten laid for a year."

"Thanks. I don't know why I haven't gotten any either. I mean in all modesty, I know I'm good, but tonight, I was even better than usual. I haven't ever felt anything like your ass. I think I now know why you gay guys like to fuck all of the time."

"Us gay guys? You mother fucker! You're one of us now." I laughed. "I recruited you. I'm type of homosexual that Christian Coalition warns people about." I was disturbed by the fact that he did not perceive himself as gay, despite what had just transpired.

"Fuck you! I recruited you. You couldn't even go through with getting a blowjob." Ian laughed, feeling very satisfied with his sexual allure and prowess.

"Well, since your teaching me all this gay stuff, and everything so far tonight has been quid pro quo, I think maybe I should try your ass on for size."

"Ha! I don't think I would even notice your dick up my ass."

"OK, smartass. Let just see. Roll over." I gave him a nudge as I jumped up onto my knees. I grabbed him by the waist and started to flip him over when he completed the job for me and rolled onto his stomach and spread his legs wide for me to crawl between.

I put a dollop of Vaseline on my finger and applied it to his asshole. I slowly slipped my finger into his tight virgin asshole. As it sank in as far as it could go, I began to twist it trying to press on his prostate.

"Ahh! Yeah! Right there!" Ian groaned.

I added a second finger to his hot hole. I loved his asshole as much as his cock and the rest of his ass. I could not wait to fuck him, but I had to hold on until he was ready to accommodate my dick. My dick was not as thick as his and about an inch shorter, so I figured two fingers would be enough to loosen him up.

"Are you ready?"


"Get on your hands and knees. I want you to control the speed that my dick goes in. I don't want to hurt you."

I rubbed some Vaseline on my dick and waited for Ian to get into position. When he did, I slipped in behind him. I ran my cock up and down his ass crack a few times and placed it at his hole.

"Whenever you're ready, you can start."

"OK." Ian nodded. He held his breath and slowly pushed back on my cock. He pushed too hard, too quickly. "Ow!" he complained and pulled himself off of what little he had of my dick in his ass.

"You all right?"

"MmmHmm. Give me a minute."

I rubbed his hole with the cockhead, hoping that it would soothe the pain.

"OK, I'm ready." Ian reassured me after about thirty seconds.

I lined my dick up with his asshole again and Ian started to push back. He leaned back slower this time. Soon the head of my cock had popped through his sphincter when he stopped to get used to the pain. I rubbed his back and his asscheeks hoping to give him some comfort to his pain.

Ian took a deep breath and held it and pressed more of my dick into his ass. My dick was being enveloped by his tight asshole. Thank goodness that I had cum several times earlier, because I would have cum instantly. Ian stopped occasionally to get used to the size of my dick stretching his ass. Finally, he had all six plus inches of it in.

Upon arriving at the base of my cock, his grunted, "This is fucking incredible. It hurts like a bitch getting it in, but once you get used to it, oh man!"

I began to grind my hips against his ass. Ian moaned and started to lean forward and then back. I decided it was now time for me to take control from him. I began to fuck him in slow short strokes and then increased the length of my thrusts until it forced Ian to bury his face into the pillow to muffle his moans. Ian was really into me fucking him! As I thrust in, he moved back to meet me. Ian grabbed onto his dick and started beating furiously. After a few minutes, I was getting close to cumming for the third time this evening. I reached around and put my hand on the hand that was stroking his dick. I stroked his dick with him a few times while planting a few kisses in the middle of his back.

"Ian, I want to see if we can cum together. You know what happened to me when you were fucking me. I'm getting kind of close. Are you?"

"Yeah. I'm real close." he panted. I redoubled my thrusting and in about thirty seconds Ian started to cum. "Ahhh! Fuck! Shit! Oh God! Mmmm!"

Ian's ass began to grip my cock as he came. The muscles of his anus were trying to rip the semen from my balls and brought me quickly to the edge of an orgasm. I felt that old feeling rising in my balls.

"Oh fuck! I'm cumming."

I slammed into his ass a shot my load into his gut. As I came, I grabbed onto his hips for dear life. My head jerking up and down uncontrollably in orgasmic pleasure. When I regained some control of myself, I laid down on his back and forced him down to the bed. I slipped my softening dick out of his ass and slid myself off onto one side. I kissed his shoulder with a few times and rested my head on his shoulder.

"God! I could get used to this," was all I could say.

Ian laughed and mumbled his acquiescence.

We lay in this position for a few minutes until Ian rolled out from underneath me and laid on his side facing me. He looked into my eyes and then kissed. We kissed for a short while, when he stopped and said "Let's go clean each other up."

We took a long hot shower and washed all traces of our evening of sexual pleasures from our bodies. Later that night, Ian and I lay in bed together and talked about what happened, what it meant to our friendship, and what Michael would say.

Ian decided that he was not ready to commit himself to a gay relationship especially since he was still attracted to women, but he did confess that he did have some feelings for me, and he would like to have sex with me again in the future. We mutually decided that we would not tell anyone about our evening together unless we decided that we wanted to get together as a couple. It would be less complicated that way.


It has now been a year since Ian and I had sex. The first few months afterward were somewhat awkward. We admitted to each other on several occasions that we wanted to get together, but circumstances would not permit us to do so without revealing what we were doing. As summer rolled around, we finally had sex again and on a semi-regular basis. For my birthday in September, Michael and Erica were out of town for the weekend because of a friend's wedding, so Ian decided to take me out and celebrate at our favorite bar. There he asked me if I wanted to go steady with him. I told him that I did and we left the bar and went home and fucked for six hours straight. The next weekend we told Michael and Erica about our relationship. They thought it was great. They said that we were a perfect match and we were a natural couple. Ian and I are planning to get a place together soon and hopefully things will continue to get better and better.

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