Several Notches In One Night

By ryan rizzler

Published on Nov 22, 2014



This story explicitly details sex between males. If you do not want to read about this, are under age in the region that you live in, or it is illegal for you to read this where you live, then read no further and leave. No part of this story may be re-published elsewhere, either electronically or in print, unless advance permission is given in writing by the author.

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This is a true account, but just like my other "sexcapades", I have changed everyone's name, to respect their privacy.

"Several Notches In One Night" by Ryan Rizzler

My friends Steve and Rob invited me to come visit for Halloween weekend. They said we would be going to both a Halloween party and the local bar. They also said they already had a Halloween costume for me. I just needed to bring a pair of old jean shorts that I didn't mind trashing, some sandals, and some tennis shoes...

I was intrigued, and I needed to get out of town and maybe get laid, so I agreed. The tiny little town my company has me in has no bar and no one to hook up with. I left work early on Friday, and headed out for their town, which is about a three and a half hour drive away. While still not huge, its at least big enough to have a gay bar in it.

When I got to their place, we had a drink and then I asked what my costume was. They pulled out a bag with several jars of this green body paint and said I was going as the Hulk! I told them I was flattered, but wasn't the type to go around in public all night with my shirt off. They talked me into it by reasoning that I would be more likely to get lucky if dressed like that. Of course they offered to help apply the paint...

These guys are a couple, and I have played with them before. Steve is mostly a bottom, and Rob is mostly a top, but when we have fooled around, they usually both end up bottoming for me, unless Steve just wants to get tag teamed by both of us. Even then, I sometimes end up topping Rob afterward, since I can give him the kind of major fucking Steve can't. I've also sometimes hooked with other guys while visiting them, and they've been cool with that.

When I stripped down to apply the paint, I left on my underwear on. I didn't want to fool around just yet, so I figured my not being naked would reduce the chances of something getting starting. I told them to leave a couple of inches of space between the paint and my underwear, so that we didn't get paint on them.

They put on some latex gloves and we all went to work painting me. Surprisingly, it took a little OVER AN HOUR to get me completely green, except for just above and below my underwear. We were all pretty silly by then and laughing our asses off by the time we were done. Once done, I had to just stand on newspapers in their kitchen until the paint dried while they went and changed into their costumes. Rob went Batman, but with a large dildo sticking out of the front of his costume. Steve was Robin, except that the butt was missing out of his little green shorts!

They threw me my ripped shorts, said to put on the sandals for the party and to bring the tennis shoes, in case the doorman at the bar wouldn't let me in wearing sandals. It was kind of chilly and I had only brought a nice jacket with me. So Rob loaned me and old jacket he didn't care about getting paint on. We also took some spare green paint, in case I needed some 'touch ups"!

We got to their friends' house, and there was a surprising number of gay people there, considering this wasn't exactly a metropolitan city. It was a mix of both gay and straight, singles and couples. As soon as we got inside, Rob laughed "Okay, give me the coat!", wanting to put me on the spot a bit.

I was a little embarrassed, but I said fuck it, and went for it. Several times, people asked me if the paint was going to be hard to wash off. One older gentleman ask if we had painted "everything" green. Everyone laughed, and then I said no, my underwear and the area underneath it were unpainted. Without missing a beat, he said "Good idea. Best not to risk staining the goods, if it doesn't wash off!" We all laughed again. It was a nice bunch of people, and I could tell a couple of guys were interested. But I didn't really see any potential victims there, so a little later, we headed out to the bar.

Once in the bar, we got a drink and then hit the dance floor. At one point while we were dancing, I looked over and this smoking hot guy was dancing near us in just cowboy boots, a loincloth, and one of those small masks that just covered his eyes. He had a hot little muscular body. When his friends would clown around and occasionally flip up the butt flap on his loincloth, I could also see he also had a pretty hot ass as well. One time the guy looked over at me, and gave my Hulk costume a thumbs up gesture. The next time I caught him looking at me, I gave his costume the thumbs up too.

When Rob, Steve and I came off the dance floor, they gave me the scoop on the guy. They said his name was Blane, he was the hottest guy in town by a mile, but he knew it, he had a major ego, and was also pretty much just a cock tease.

Later on, when we were walking around, we bumped into this Blane guy and his friends. He had removed his mask and he had a damn nice face, too.When Rob and Steve introduced us, the guy came off as having an attitude, and as totally uninterested. Sure, I thought he was hot, but it was no skin off my nose if I didn't score on him. If nothing else, I would be doing Steve and Rob later, back at their place.

At one point I joked that Blane and I were the only ones around there with the balls to come out in public dressed like we were. Rob laughed and said "No, you're only two guys in town who could pull it off!"

A little later a guy came up to Blane, and asked him to dance. Blane acted almost annoyed, but sighed "Okay, but just one song..." letting the guy know he really didn't want to. The other guy still seemed delighted, in spite of Blane's shitty attitude.

I guess when you are the hottest single guy in the only gay bar in town, you can get away with shit like that. Even though they knew what Blane's game was, everyone was still pretty much fawning over this guy. When Blane finished dancing, he bailed on the guy and came back over to us. He was acting bored and as if he expected someone to buy him a drink. Yeah, this Blane guy was pretty full of himself.

This wasn't my first encounter with a guy like this, so I sure as hell wasn't going to buy him anything. I also wasn't buying that he was bored hanging with us, since he had come all the way back over to where we were, after he'd finished dancing.

Rob went to buy us all a drink as Steve, Blane and I hung out and talked. It was mostly just Steve and I having a conversation and Blane continuing to act bored.

When Rob came back with our drinks, we did a toast, and I pretended to drink some of mine but didn't. Later I carried it to the bathroom and ditched it, wanting to keep a clear head. What I didn't know was that while I was in the bathroom, Steve and Rob mentioned casually to Blane that I was only in town for the weekend, and then I would be gone. When I came back from the bathroom, Blane had shed a little of the attitude and was a little friendlier, though at the time, I didn't know what caused the sudden change.

We all hung out a little longer, and later Steve went to get us another round. They all proceeded to drink theirs. When no one was looking, I swapped mine with an empty glass someone had left nearby.

As time passed, Blane got a little buzzed and actually started flirting with me. I didn't know if he really was interested or was still just being a tease and looking for an ego stroke. I usually try to shoot straight with people, but if I suspect someone is just cock teasing me with no intent of following through, I have one absolute rule: Don't give them even the slightest indication that you are interested. Maybe that's why I always do better at the gym, where its more like, "Hey, I think you're hot. You wanna go to my place and fuck?"

Anyway, I didn't flirt back or anything, because I knew that with a guy like Blane, the more you don't show them the attention they crave, the better of a shot you have later. My lack of interest did seem to be frustrating him a little. When we all went and danced, I could tell he was mulling things over as he checked me out, while pretending not to.

I knew "Mr. Cool" needed a way to go for it, but without blowing his all-important image by having his friends see it. When we all came off the dance floor later, I asked Rob privately if he minded if Blane came over.

Rob smiled slyly, "The pool heater has been on all day. Invite him over for a swim. He's been to our place for a pool party before, so he knows where we live..."

I figured coming over for a swim was a perfect excuse. If Rob, Steve and I left earlier, Blane wouldn't be risking his all important too-cool-for-you image by being seen leaving with us.

"Great," I said, "But would you mind asking him over, so I can basically keep ignoring him?"

"Sure, no problem!" Rob laughed. He knew I was using Blane's ego to my advantage.

A little later, Rob said "Blane, we're all going to take off and go for a swim back at our place. If you get bored, your welcome to come over and join us. You know where our place is, right?"

Blane just nodded, without saying anything, clearly trying to play it as cool as possible.

We took off, and on the way back, I asked what happened while I was in the bathroom. They said they told Blane I was just in town for the weekend, hoping that would prompt him to make a move.

"But don't get your hopes up," Steve added. "This is a small town, and he might be afraid we'd tell people he came over and you guys hooked up."

"You boys wouldn't do an awful thing like that, would you? " I said in mock surprise.

"Only if something really hot happened!" Steve replied, and we all laughed.

We got back to their place, and I jumped in the shower and started scrubbing like a madman. Luckily, the green body paint came off with soap and water and lots of scrubbing. But I was in there for a long time, working to get it off. Once I was paint free, I got out of the shower and dried off. As long as it had taken me, I figured that if this Blane guy wasn't already there by now, he probably wasn't coming. I threw on some swim trunks and walked down the hall to the den.

There sat Blane on the couch, having yet another drink while talking with Steve and Rob. He had showered and changed into a t-shirt and jeans. When he turned and saw me, i caught him staring at my chest for a moment. His was ego slipping a little...

Now the shoe was on the other foot, and I needed to be the one playing it cool. I just said "Hey...", as I barely nodded to him and then looked over at Rob and Steve and said "Let's hit the pool, guys!"

Everyone but Blane was already in a swimsuit. When Steve offered to get him a spare one, Blane just stood up, pulled off his t-shirt, unzipped his jeans and then pulled them off, revealing a pair of tighty whiteys. "I'll just wear these," he said, clearly enjoying that we were all staring at him and that he was the center of attention. The guy was definitely a big tease, but things were still going in the right direction.

We went out to the pool and swam for a while, and then hung out and talked. When Steve got out and made everyone yet another round of drinks, I thought to myself "How many rounds can these guys drink?" Blane seemed to be showing the affects of it more than anyone. Again, I pretended to take a sip from mine and then just set it down.

I was sitting on one of those loveseat/chairs that is built into the side of the pool, where you are sitting in the water, a little more than waist deep. Rob was standing in the shallow end. Steve was sitting on a deck chair beside the pool, and Blane was treading water in the middle of the pool. Though we were laughing and joking, we were all behaving ourselves, and not doing anything wild.

Then out of the blue, Blane just pulled off his underwear and held them up above his head, asking if we thought he could land them on the diving board from where he was. He was either making his move or turning the "tease" dial up a little more...

All three of us replied practically in unison that we didn't think he could. When he turned toward the diving board, I immediately checked out his seriously fine naked ass, and I thought to myself "We have a WINNAH!"

He tossed his wet underwear and it landed partially on the diving board and partially hanging off. It hung there for a few seconds before its own wet weight pulled it off the board and into the pool. We all laughed when it fell. Blane shrugged and then turned and swam over to me.

He grabbed the waistband of my suit and pulled the front partially down and grinned as he said, "Let's see if I have better luck with YOUR suit!" By making the first more, Blane had shown his ego had definitely dropped a few notches...

Since I was sitting, he had to struggle to get my suit off. I just looked at him with no expression and made no attempt to help him. I knew that not acting excited or like I even gave a shit would deprive him of the ego boost he was wanting, prompting him to do something even more desperate. I was counting on it.

He finally got my suit off, and turned again toward the diving board. As his right hand threw the suit, his left hand reached over and squeezed my cock. This time, he missed the board entirely.

We all laughed again, and he again shrugged.Then he turned back to me, with his hand still wrapped around my cock. Without a word, he submerged his head under the water and took my cock into his mouth, and began to suck me underwater!

As Blane sucked my cock, I looked over at Rob, who was still standing in the shallow end of the pool. Although Rob's jaw had dropped open, I couldn't tell if he approved of what was happening or not.

Blane shortly ran out of air and his head popped back up out of the water. Then without saying anything, he just crawled up onto my lap and started making out with me, while sliding back and forth, making my cock slide along his asscrack. A pretty obvious sign of what he was wanting... "You could've helped a little when I was trying to get your suit off..." he laughed. The tone of his voice told me had pretty much given up all of his bullshit pretense at this point. I just said "Yeah, I could have....But it was more fun to watch you struggle." I knew he wasn't going to protest my saying that. He had already gone too far now. I could now go ahead and start calling the shots.

I figured that any second now, Steve or Rob would tell us to take it to my bedroom, but I looked over Blane's shoulder at Rob again, and he was giving me the "thumbs up" as he got out of the pool. Then I heard a sound behind me. It was Steve dragging one of those giant double wide foam pools floats over to the edge of the pool right behind me.

Hell, they didn't want us to take it to my bedroom, they wanted to watch me nail this egotistical fucker!

Knowing what a conceited guy Blane was had pushed my buttons big time to own him and really take him down several more notches in front of my friends. "Okay, stand up," I simply said.

Blane stood up right in front of me. Since I was still sitting, his cock was right in front of my face. He pushed his hips forward a little, clearly expecting me to return the favor and now suck his cock.

Instead, I just said "Step up there," gesturing for him to step up out of the pool, and onto the walkway next to it. I knew he expected for me to then turn and start sucking him, but I just stood up and stepped out of the pool too.

"Get on your back..."I ordered, as I pointed to the giant pool float beside us. I knew Blane had been expecting some privacy, and he probably didn't want Rob and Steve to see him slutting out and out getting fucked.

"Uh...can you and I go someplace alone?" he asked, a little surprised. Blane had originally wanted to put on a show for me and my friends, and now that was exactly what I was about to do...It just wasn't going to be the "Let's all adore and worship the cute guy" show that Blane had planned on.

"Either here and now, or not at all..." I answered, sounding like I didn't care which way it went.

I thought Blane might protest a little more, but he was pretty horned up. He got onto the pool float on his back, even though I could tell he was embarrassed as hell that Rob and Steve were watching.

It was clear that Blane's enormous ego was quickly weakening, and I decided right there and then that the rest of his ego would be taken down before I was through. As I stood over him and looked down, all I said was "I need some lube and a condom..."

Steve and Rob practically ran into each other, as they both scrambled to get me what I needed.

When they gave them to me, I put the condom on, lubed up my cock, and then lubed up Blane's cock and just the opening to his hole. But I didn't finger him... I grabbed each ankle, lifted his legs and instead of fingering him, I began teasing the hell out of him with my cock by sliding it up and down his crack, and occasionally teasing the hole with the head, working him into even more of a frenzy.

A few minutes later, I knew Blane's ego had slipped a few more notches when he moaned, "Oh man, please fuck me!"

I started to just barely push the tip of my cock into his hole, acting like I was maybe going to just push on in.

"Wait, you need to finger me first!" Blane said in surprise.

"No fucking way, you little tease," I said, as I pulled out and again teased him by sliding my cock along his asscrack. "My cock is hungry. Take it now, or forget it."

Blane reached down, intending to finger himself.

I quickly put one of his ankles up on my shoulder and then pulled his hand away. Then grabbing his ankle again, I went back to sliding my cock up and down his crack, adding to his torment.

I could tell he was torn about what to do. But I also knew he was horned up enough that he was going to give in.

After a minute, he wrapped his hand around the shaft of my cock, and pointed the head towards his hole.

"Okay, but just go slow," he relented, embarrassed that he wanted my cock in his hole badly enough to give in. His ego had slipped a few more notches.

I knew that if Blane was as much of a tease as the guys had said, it might have been quite a while since he was last fucked. So I went in slowly, giving him plenty of time to adjust, as I inched into him.

As my cock slowly stretched his hole open and filled it, Blane's expression was a mixture of a little pain, and a lot of humiliation and lust. But lust was definitely winning out.

I knew my friends were enjoying seeing the town tease struggling to figure out just where he lost control of things, and how he ended up getting fucked while they watched.

When I was all the way in, I paused to let him catch his breath and adjust. After all, I didn't want to hurt the guy, just humiliate him in front of two guys from the bar where he served so much attitude! lol When I was through, it would be hard for him to see himself as better than anyone in that bar...

I slowly pulled back out, and then slowly push back in again, as Blane just stroked his cock and moaned in pleasure. All his bullshit and ego had now fallen by the wayside. He was now just a bottom, lost in being fucked and loving it.

It was time for me to turn up the dial a little. After he had relaxed a bit, I picked up speed a little, as well as increasing how deep I was going in, giving him a while to adjust before I slowly increasing a little more again.

Blane was getting more and more into it, and seemed to have totally forgotten there were two other guys watching.

I guess I had forgotten too, and suddenly realized Rob and Steve had shed their swimsuits, were standing just a few feet away. They were stroking and doing some poppers, as they watched me fuck Blane's hot little ass.

Seeing that they were enjoying the show, I decided to take it up another notch, and shred Blane's ego a little more too. I figured the poppers would to help to get him feeling sluttier, so he would go along with it.

"Guys, come over and share those with Blane," I said.

They could tell had a plan, and played along. Rob kneeled down on the float on one side of Blane and then Steve knelt down on the other side.

Rob had the popper bottle in his hand. I stopped fucking momentarily and said, "Okay Rob, give him some." I didn't know if Blane even did them or not. Rob shoved the bottle under Blane's nose and Blane instantly inhaled deeply.

Rob had already figured out what to do next without me telling him. As he pulled the bottle from under Blane's nose, Rob pushed his cock into Blane's mouth, as I resumed fucking.

With the poppers hitting him and my cock making his hole feel good again, Blane totally surrendered to his lust, and began to suck Rob's cock passionately, even moaning while he did it. He was in heaven.

Watching Blane now, it was hard to imagine that this was the same guy who'd had served so much ego and attitude earlier. He was more than compliant, he was loving every inch down his throat and every cockslam to his ass that he was getting.

By being just a tease all the time, Blane had built up a lot of pent up and repressed sexual desire. I had gotten him to yield to that desire, and now it was in total control, as Blane slutted out for us, not caring about his image, or his reputation.

After a few minutes, I said, "Okay, Steve, your turn..."

Rob handed Steve the poppers, Steve did a hit of them, and then scooted forward as Rob turned Blane's head toward Steve. Again I paused as the bottle was shoved under Blane's nose, and a moment later we were going at it again, this time with Blane sucking Steve's cock.

I was surprised that Steve got into it as much as he did, since he is mostly a bottom, but he seemed to love it, though he might have been wishing he was Blane!

After Blane had slurped on Steve's cock for a while, Rob said "My turn again," and then glanced at me, looking me in the eye. He was planning something.

When I said, "Okay, but I'm going to power fuck him first," I realized that Rob and I were now just talking to each other and calling the shots as we used Blane's holes, without even any input from Blane.

Steve pulled his cock out, and gave Blane another hit of poppers.

After he did, I scooted forward on the mat, as I rolled Blane up a bit until I was basically in a pushup position with my cock still up his ass, and his ass pointing upwards. I began fucking him again and quickly built up both my speed and depth until I was ramming him as hard and as deep as I possibly could. Blane moaned each time I buried in him, his gorgeous ass bouncing up and down as I did. After a few minutes, I could tell he would cum soon if I kept it up like that much longer.

I didn't want that to happen just yet, so I pulled out and scooted back a little, as I lowered Blane's hips and he was just laying on his back again. I was curious to see what Rob had in mind.

Rob fed Blane some more poppers and then did some himself. Then he handed the bottle to Steve, telling him "Keep us both flying!", as he got into the pushup position crossways just above Blane's handsome face.

Blane started to raise his head to suck Rob's cock.

"No Blane, just lay your head back down and open your mouth," I instructed, knowing what Rob was up to.

Blane complied.

Once Blane did, Rob lined up his cock, and drove it all the way down Blane's throat balls deep. Rob just paused like that, as Blane struggled not to gag. Then after a moment Rob raised his hips, slowly sliding his cock back out of Blane's mouth.

When Rob did, I could see Blane's face. He looked a little stunned at the cockslam his mouth had just received, and was just staring up at Rob's cock without showing any reaction.

Steve seized the moment, stepping in to give Blane another hit of poppers. Steve reached under Blane's head and lifted it just enough to keep the poppers from spilling, as he shoved the bottle under Blane's nose. Blane inhaled without ever taking his eyes off of Rob's cock.

Steve gave Rob another shot of poppers as well, and then stepped back, as Rob waited for some kind of sign from Blane that he wanted more of the same treatment.

I finally said "Blane, you KNOW you want it again like that! Open your mouth and take it!"

For a minute Blane didn't do anything. He was still hanging to that last little bit of ego.

I could tell he wanted Rob to slam his mouth again, but he also wanted to hang on to at least some shred of dignity. Things had already gone way farther than Blane had originally planned. Submissively opening his mouth to have it power fucked was pretty far down from being a guy with an attitude and an image to protect.

I slowly pushed my cock back into Blane's hole, and when I heard him moan happily while still staring at Rob's cock, I knew he was going to cave.

A moment later, Blane opened his mouth as wide as it would go.

"...About damn TIME!" Rob said, slamming his cock all the way down into Blane's mouth again. This time Rob not only left it all the way in again, he moved his hips from side to side, wallowing his cock around good in Blane's throat.

Though Blane was on the verge of gagging, he let out the kind of moan that told us he was deliriously happy.

I began to increase both my speed and force, until I was really ramming Blane's hole like before.

Over the next couple of minutes no one said anything as Rob continued to face fuck Blane, I pounded Blane's ass, and Steve knelt next to Blane, jerked himself off and kept them peppered up. Blane was in heaven from not only being the center of attention, but also from getting fucked in both his holes simultaneously, as he his jacked his cock furiously.

Everyone was getting close, and I figured that from everything he was taking from us, Blane would be the first one to cum.

Nope, it was Rob. I recognized from his moans that he was about there.

" Aww, FUCK!" Rob moaned as he quickly raised upright and pulled out of Blane's mouth, just seconds before he started firing onto Blane's face, just as he had planned to all along.

"All over...." Steve said, grabbing Blane's head and turning his face more towards Rob's cock. "...get it ALL OVER his face!" Steve repeated, as he held Blane's head in place, so that Blane's face got thoroughly covered.

Apparently Blane got off on it. Between that and the power fucking his hole was getting from me, it was all too much for poor Blane. He moaned that moan that tells you a guy is really close.

I was surprised that Steve suddenly moved down and started sucking Blane's cock. Blane continued jacking himself, but Steve's lips were tightly wrapped around the head and he sucked on it like crazy. When Blane moaned that he was starting to cum, I expected Steve to pull off of Blane's cock, but Steve didn't. He kept right on sucking, as Blane moaned even louder, firing and firing into Steve's mouth. I was surprised to see Steve do that, but that was nothing compared to what Steve did next.

As Blane finished cumming, I pulled out, pulled off my condom and started stroking my cock for all I was worth.

The second Blane was through cumming, Steve pulled off Blane's cock and moved back up and leaned in like he was going to kiss Blane. He stopped with his mouth just inches above Blane's mouth. Then Steve parted his lips and let Blane's cum slowly ooze out of his mouth and onto Blane's face!

As Steve did, it totally took Blane (and me) by surprise! Blane halfheartedly started to turn his head, but Rob reached down and held Blane's head in place, while Steve moved his own mouth around making sure that once again, Blane's face got thoroughly covered.

I was a bit stunned that Steve had done that. I had seen it done in movies, but never in person. But I was already so close, nothing was going to get in the way me getting off now.

As Steve pulled back from above Blane's face, Blane started to reach up and try to wipe some of the cum off his face.

"Leave it!" Steve and I said almost simultaneously, as Rob reached over and guided Blane's hand back from his face.

Steve had really gotten off on what he had do to Blane, and moments later, Steve moved in close and delivered another load to Blane's face.

This time, Blane actually leaned in a little to take it, signaling his surrender of that last little bit of ego.

I looked down at this formerly conceited arrogant guy who was now covered in cum, and still panting from the royal pounding I had just given him. I knew that he would never be able to serve attitude in his small town bar ever again. Mission accomplished.

Blane reached down and worked my balls, looking up at me as I shot all over him. As usual, I shot pretty far, hitting Blane on the stomach and chest.

He smiled at me and rubbed his hands all over his chest and abs, spreading my cum around.

"Okay that was hot!" Rob exclaimed.

"The hottest fucking thing to happen in THIS town in a while!" Steve added, handing Blane a towel.

But Blane was coming down from his orgasm high, and seemed more interested in getting all the cum off of his face than anything. I didn't blame him, he was covered!

"Yeah, great sex, guys..." I replied, wiping off my cock with a towel as I got up. Then without looking back, I added "Time to shower up!" as I walked back into the house. I went into my bathroom, locked the door, and jumped in the shower. I didn't know where Blane was going to clean up, but as nasty as he was now, it sure as hell wasn't going to shower with me.

Sure enough, a moment later, I heard someone try to open the bathroom door.

After I finished my shower, I came out into the den. Rob and Steve had already finished showering, and had been just waiting for Blane and I.

"You sure disappeared fast..." Rob grinned.

"Yeah, I did, didn't I?" I grinned back. "Guys, I need to buy you dinner tomorrow night, to pay you back for all those drinks. I hate to tell you this, but I ditched them all, wanting to keep a clear head."

Steve and Rob immediately started laughing.

"What?" I said, not in on their joke.

Rob finally told me "There was almost no alcohol in anyone's drink all night, except for Blane's....Even the drinks at the Bar!" he laughed.

"We'll then I still owe you dinner for helping me out!" I laughed back. "Where's our boy Blane?" I asked.

"Still showering in the other guest bathroom," Steve said.

I walked over to where Blane's jeans, t-shirt and shoes were still laying in front of the couch and picked them up.

"Could one of you do me a favor and go knock on the door and then lay these on the counter in the bathroom for him?" I asked.

I could tell Steve was intrigued and trying to figure out what I was up to, so I clued him in. "If he's not wrapped in a towel and already fully dressed when he comes out, its easier to show him to the door...OKAY?" I finally admitted, trying not to laugh.

"You evil bad man!' Steve laughed, approvingly.

Grinning, Rob got up and took Blane his clothes.

When Rob came back the three of us just talked about where we were going to go to dinner the next night and stuff like that.

When Blane came out fully dressed, Rob shot me a sideways glance.

As the four of us talked about nothing in particular for a little while, I could tell that Blane was trying to get a feel for whether or not he would be spending the night.

After a while, I yawned and stretched and said, "Well guys, I had a rough week at work and I am wiped out. I hate to be a party pooper, but I'm gonna go crash." Then I turned to Blane and stuck out my hand to shake his and said politely, "Blane is was great to meet you." As we shook hands, I smiled and added, "It was a lot of fun seeing you let go like that. I've never seen somebody with that much cum on their face before, but it looked like you were loving it as much as taking our cocks, so it was good to see you enjoying yourself."

I had said it in a very good natured matter-of-fact tone, like I was talking about some non-sexual mundane everyday topic.

As I released Blane's hand from our handshake, he looked a little stunned by my comment, but said something like "Um...Yeah it was, uh...good to meet you too...."

Then I turned and went to bed.


On Sunday afternoon, as I was driving back home, my cell phone rang. It was Rob, who was laughing.

"Hey, you know the thing with Blane the other night?" he asked.

"Yeah, that was hot! Why?" I asked.

"Well, I wasn't especially planning on telling anyone about it," he said, "But Steve told me he's already told a friend of his who is basically the town gossip. So by next weekend everyone at the bar will probably know all about it!" Rob laughed.

I chuckled and then we moved on to talking about other stuff for a few minutes. I thanked Rob again for being such a great host, and then he said he had to go.

I hung up, and as I drove along I thought about what hot a fuck Blane had ended up being. For better or worse, his "I'm-too-good-for-you" reputation around town was most now likely over.

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