Seven Days of Pleasure

By moc.liamg@wocoomrd

Published on Feb 16, 2020


This story is intended for reading by people who enjoy these stories, and is legal in your part of the world. You know whether you should be reading it or not, I'm not here to stop you.

The entire story is fiction, including all characters (though I wish they were real and I were a fly on the wall). They live in a world where pregnancy and diseases are not a real worry, but we don't - so be safe!

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Chapter 9 Cruise Day 3, Sea Day, evening - Formal Night (teen, m/m, m/f/f)

Formal night on a cruise is a real event, when everyone dresses to the nines and looks great. After dinner, Andrew and Rachel had said their goodbyes to their families and were out on the Promenade deck, just outide one of the lounges, getting some air. The door opened and Adam joined them.

"I thought that was y'all out here... Y'all're looking mighty fine, I must say," said Adam. He had dressed this evening in a navy suit with a light blue tie that brought out the blue in his eyes.

"You're not too bad yourself, hottie," said Rachel, whose red dress caught the dying rays of the sunset. The dress had a somewhat dramatically plunging neckline her cleavage was on display, to Adam's delight.

Andrew, on the other hand, looked down at his purple dress shirt and black tie and pants and shrugged. "I guess. I think I should have worn my suit jacket, but I forgot that at mom's cabin when I moved over to Eric's today."

"Did I hear my name?" Eric emerged from the dining room with Amy. "It's not nice to talk about people behind their back, you know," he said with a smile.

"I was just telling them that I moved in with you today," Andrew explained. "By the way, Amy, you look stunning." She was wearing an orange sequinned evening gown that hugged her figure in just the right places.

"Thank you, Andrew," Amy preened. "Go Longhorns!" When Rachel looked confused, she explained, "The Texas Longhorns are the football team at UT. They wear this shade of orange."

"Oh, gotcha. Hey, what do you guys think about taking some formal pictures, while we're all dressed up?" Rachel asked.

Everyone thought that was a splendid idea, and returned inside. As they walked along the deck, they saw a number of photograph locations, each with a different backdrop. They selected one with an elegant staircase and joined the line for photos.

When it was their turn, the photographer posed the five of them and took several shots. "Now just the ladies," he said, and a few more photos were snapped, followed by the boys. Unbenownst to the photographer, Eric's hand had cupped Andrew's ass in a few of the photos, making his smile wider and more genuine.

"Rachel, could I have a photo with y'all?" asked Adam. Rachel agreed and posed for a few more photos with Adam.

"You two look really good together, you know," said Amy, "you look like a couple already."

The two looked at each other and put their arms around each other. "That's how it feels, too," said Rachel.

"So, would you guys like to come back to my... uh, our cabin for a bit, before we hit the hot tub?" Eric invited.

The group agreed and moved towards an elevator.

Andrew and Eric wasted no time in shedding their ties and undoing the top button as they entered the cabin. Everyone piled in and found a spot to sit, either on the couch or on the bed.

"It seems strange, being around you guys and having clothes on," said Andrew. "It seems... almost wrong."

"Well, we can fix that, if you like," said Amy, turning and presenting her back to Andrew. "Unzip me." He reached over and eased the zipper on Amy's dress down, which dropped to the floor as she stood and wiggled a little. She reached behind her back and undid her bra, letting her ample tits spring free.

"It certainly doesn't take you long, does it?" joked Andrew, eliciting a laugh from the others.

"Hell no. Where I'm from, it's too damn hot to wear fancy clothes, so you kind of find the easiest way to get cool," she said, pulling off her panties and standing there in all her glory. "Your turn," she said, reaching forward and undoing the buttons on Andrew's shirt.

"Oh, ho!" Andrew exclaimed. "I wasn't expecting this kind of service!"

"Stand up so I can finish," Amy said with a smile, finishing unbuttoning his shirt and pulling it from his trousers. Andrew did as he was told, and moments later he was naked as well. "Wow, did a little homework, I see," she said, indicating towards his shaved crotch.

"We all did," he replied, smiling. He arranged his clothes neatly on the bed, then tapped Eric on the shoulder. "You're up, big guy."

Eric stood and faced Andrew, who sat where Eric had previously been. He reached up and unbuttoned Eric's shirt and pulled it out of his pants. Andrew's hands wandered over Eric's smooth chest as he gazed up into Eric's eyes, then with a smile, unbuckled Eric's belt and undid his pants. In one swoop, Eric's boxers and pants were around his ankles and he was left wearing nothing but socks and a smile.

Eric looked at Adam and gestured for him to get up. Without a word, he stood and removed his shoes. "Ready."

Eric stood behind him and reached up to remove his suit jacket. Once that was off, Eric then reached his arms around his body, as if his arms were Adam's. Leaving his shirt alone, Eric went directly for the pants, dropping them to the floor. Adam's boxers were next, and once the clothes were gone, Eric gave Adam's cock a few quick strokes, earning a gasp for his trouble. It didn't take long before Adam was completely erect.

Adam stood there with his cock standing proud, peeking out from under his dress shirt. He could feel Eric's dick poking him in the back of his thighs, and, thinking fast, he spread his legs a little and allowed Eric's dick to pop up in between them. He then closed his legs again, trapping Eric, who inhaled sharply at the feeling. "Get a room, you two!" shouted Amy with a laugh.

"We're in my room!" Eric said with a laugh. He then reached up and unbuttoned Adam's shirt, and when he was finished, Adam released his dick from between his legs and let the shirt fall to the floor.

Adam looked at Rachel, the last of the teens still fully clothed. She stood in front of the aroused boy and looked up into his eyes, where she saw a deep longing. Sensuously, his hands caressed her shoulders, and slowly moved around the back to where her zipper was. Slowly, the zipper came down, loosening the dress, which Adam then gently pulled off of her and let fall to the floor. Turning her around, he examined her bra, determined how the hooks worked, and unhooked the bra, releasing her round, firm tits.

Turning her around again, he dropped to his knees and cupped each of her breasts in one of his hands, gently tweaking her nipples. He leaned his head forward and gently licked one of her nipples, then the other, alternating until Rachel gasped as her nipples became hard. Slowly - oh, so slowly - he hooked a finger into each side of her panties by her hips and lowered his hands. Inch by inch, her pubic mound appeared to his hungry eyes, and finally, he was treated with a glimpse of her pussy. His cock throbbed as he finally removed her panties from over her feet, when he sat back on his heels and took in her natural beauty.

The other three teens applauded at the erotic performance of undressing Rachel. The three boys were all at full attention, and Amy was flushed a bit as she bit her lip. Adam simply blushed at the public attention.

"Wow, that was so erotic, watching you undress her like that," Andrew said. "She's your first girlfriend, you said? I'm not sure I believe you."

"No sir, that was definitely the first time. First time for real, I mean. I've been fantasizing about doing that for a few years now," Adam replied, cracking a smile.

"Did it live up to your expectations?" Rachel asked.

"No contest, this was much, much better," Adam replied.

The five teens sat, nude, in a comfortable silence, each lost in their own thoughts. Every now and again, someone would say something, a little conversation would ensue, and everyone would drift off back into the silence of their thoughts. Eric and Andrew sat side by side on the bed, Andrew's hand on Eric's thigh, who certainly didn't seem to mind. Adam was located between Amy and Rachel on the couch with his arms outstretched in either direction around both of the girls, who had leaned in to cuddle with him. Amy's right hand rested gently on his stomach, mere inches above his dick.

After a while, Andrew turned his head and looked into Eric's eyes, then moved his hand a few inches and grasped his lover's penis gently. He gave it a few strokes, causing Eric to inhale deeply and his eyes to roll back. This attracted the attention of the three teens on the couch, who watched in silence as Andrew went to work. Motionless they sat, the only movement caused by Adam's cock starting to plump up.

Andrew leaned over and placed his head in Eric's lap, and for the second time that day stuck out his tongue and tentatively tasted a penis. "Not bad," he thought, "definitely not unpleasant." A few days before, he'd had no intention of being in a relationship at all, let alone with another boy. But here he was, and he couldn't be happier. With the thought of himself giving pleasure to someone he cared deeply about, he slowly enveloped the head of Eric's member with his warm, wet mouth, and was rewarded with another deep inhale and a reassuring hand on his shoulder to let him know he was doing things right. Very right.

Andrew had several thoughts about having a dick in his mouth. First, it didn't smell or taste bad, which was nice. It was larger than he'd expected, and yet he was able to fit a fair bit of it into his mouth without gagging. Third, that describing a hard-on as "hard yet soft" really was true. And lastly, it felt... natural. Like he was meant to do this. And when he was treated to a drop of precum, he moaned at the flavour, which encouraged Eric to leak a little more.

After a few minutes of watching Andrew going down on Eric, Amy looked over at Rachel and indicated towards Adam's half-hard prick. Rachel nodded, and both girls slipped off the couch onto the floor on either side of him. They both leaned in and licked his member, and it didn't take long before he was at full mast. He watched enthralled as the two naked girls bathed him with their mouths before Amy leaned over and planted a long, wet kiss on Rachel's lips, their tongues dancing erotically before returning to pay attention to his now rock-hard dick. They took turns taking his cock into their mouths, and he was loving every second of it. Truth be told, so were they.

Adam lay back with his head leaning against the wall while Rachel took over being the primary blow-giver, as Amy moved away from the couch and slid her head inbetween Rachel's legs. Rachel gasped as she felt her hips being grabbed on either side and her sopping cunt being invaded by Amy's warm, wet tongue. Amy's face was instantly covered in Rachel's juices, and she couldn't be happier.

By this time, Andrew had his nose buried where, only hours before, Eric had a decent bush of pubic hair but was now shaved smooth. Eric couldn't believe how quickly Andrew had taken to having his dick in his mouth, but one thing he did know was that he wasn't going to last very long at this rate. He thought everything he could to put off the inevitable - baseball stats, algebra, recite the alphabet backwards - but it was all to no avail.

Andrew could feel Eric's dick getting even larger that it already was, and before he could figure out why, his mouth was flooded with spurt after spurt of semen. He struggled to keep up with the firehose in his mouth but despite his best efforts, cum leaked out of both sides of his mouth onto Eric's crotch, then pulled off suddenly into a coughing fit - some of Eric's seed had gone down the wrong tube and his body just wasn't having any of that.

"It was that bad, was it?" Eric whispered after Andrew's coughing had subsided.

"No, it was just... next time I inhale your cock, I'll try not to inhale the cum too," Andrew whispered back with a smile. "How did I do?"

"Well.... I think what caused your sudden outburst there tells you all you need to know about how well you did. Are you sure you haven't done that before today? Any secret boyfriends you haven't mentioned? Because that was fucking awesome."

"No, you're my first... my first everything, really," Andrew said, rearranging himself on the bed and leaning in to kiss his lover.

They were interrupted by a moan from the sofa and looked over at the other three teens. The atmosphere in the cabin was electric, with slurps, moans and gasps providing the soundtrack for the evening as Rachel was writhing uncontrollably as her own climax approached - every time Amy's skilled tongue flicked over her clit, Rachel shuddered again and moaned, which was driving Adam crazy every time his cock vibrated in her mouth. Finally, it became too much for the two of them, and as if it were orchestrated, the two teens came almost simultaneously. With a final grunt, Adam's cum boiled over as he filled Rachel's mouth, who was making squeaks and other odd noises of her own as she almost drowned Amy with grool.

When her orgasm subsided, Rachel lifted off of Adam's dick with a pop and swallowed his seed, then flopped over onto her back on the floor. Amy scootched up closer and leaned in to kiss Rachel again, who now tasted not only Adam's spunk but also her own. Amy also got to share in the special sauce, and to say that she liked it would be an understatement.

Apart from some heavy breathing, the teens were silent for a few minutes, just catching their breath. Finally, Adam was the first to speak. "Whoah." The other kids simply nodded in agreement.

After a few minutes, Eric noticed the time and said, "We'd better get moving... I don't know about you guys, but I need a shower before we go meet the others." Everyone agreed, and started getting dressed to go back to their own cabins. Andrew and Eric stayed as they were on the bed, waiting until everyone had left.

"That was awesome, Andrew. Thanks for that," murmured Eric, still basking in the afterglow. "Do you want me to return the favour?"

"Hold off for now, there's plenty of time later. But I will take you up on it eventually," Andrew replied with a smile. "I had a good teacher."

"Yes, you did," Eric said, starting to doze off. "Wake me up after you shower?"

Well, that was hot. If you want to drop me a note, is where you can reach me.

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Next: Chapter 10

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