Seven Days of Pleasure

By moc.liamg@wocoomrd

Published on Feb 12, 2020


This story is intended for reading by people who enjoy these stories, and is legal in your part of the world. You know whether you should be reading it or not, I'm not here to stop you.

The entire story is fiction, including all characters (though I wish they were real and I were a fly on the wall). They live in a world where pregnancy and diseases are not a real worry, but we don't - so be safe!

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Chapter 8 Cruise Day 3, Sea Day, afternoon - immediately following Chapter 7

Eric paced nervously in his cabin. He was waiting on Andrew's return - if he was going to return, that is. He'd left the spa with his mother and things looked serious between them as they walked off.

He had a feeling that Andrew was going to come out to his mother, and didn't know how she'd take it. He'd only met her twice, and didn't really have a feel for her yet. Still, if Andrew wanted to tell her about them, that was his right, and Eric wasn't going to do anything to stop them. All he could do is stress about it, and stress about it he did.

The phone rang, and Eric rushed over to answer it. "Hello?"

"Hey, Er, it's me," Andrew's voice replied.

Eric's face flushed with relief. "My God, I was worried about you... how's it going with your mom?"

"Oh, things are fine... we're having a long talk. I just didn't want you to worry about me - I'll be fine. I'm going to be here for a few hours, though, so you should probably find something to do," Andrew said.

"Okay. Take your time, make sure everyone's good, and I'll see you at some point," Eric said. He was still a little nervous, but Andrew had said everything was fine. He decided to take Andrew at his word.

"Sounds good. Talk to you later, babe."

Eric said his goodbyes and slowly hung up the phone. Andrew had called him babe, that must mean things are good with his mom. Releasing a huge sigh of relief, he could finally relax.

Now that he could breathe again, and was no longer wearing the carpet out with his pacing, he had some time to kill by himself. Trying to put Andrew out of his head for a bit, he decided to head up to the pool deck and catch some sun. For the third time that day, he stripped off until he was naked, then went to the cabinet where his swimsuits lived for the week.

He was about to grab a pair of board shorts when he saw his white Speedos, the uniform he wore on the swim team at school. Eric being Eric, his naughty streak was piqued and he decided to wear the skimpy outfit to see what kind of attention he could attract. And that's how he came to be dressed in a tiny lycra suit and dark sunglasses, a pool towel jauntily tossed over his shoulder, carrying a book, on his way up to the pool.

As he made his way up, Eric caught no less than ten pairs of eyes glued to his body, both male and female, young and old. He caught a glimpse of a fat, hairy guy in his mid-forties lick his lips when he rode up in the elevator with him, trying his best not to make it obvious that he was checking Eric out (but failing quite miserably). Eric made no sign that he'd seen it, but he loved the attention.

Once he arrived at the pool, he laid out his towel on a lounge chair, arranged himself on his back and opened his book. The skimpy suit didn't leave an awful lot to the imagination - his dick was clearly pointing to his left. After a few minutes pretending to read, he decided to kick it up a notch. He put down his book, stood and took off his sunglasses. He made a big show of stretching his arms and back, then jumped into the pool. After 5 minutes of swimming laps, he got out and returned to his lounger. Grabbing his towel, he started to dry his hair, knowing full well that the Speedo was hiding next to nothing now that it was wet. He could almost feel the gazes locked onto his cock, which was starting to plump up. He decided that he didn't want to be arrested for indecent exposure, and laid down again, half-covering himself with the towel.

A waiter came over a short time later carrying a drink on a tray. "Sir, a drink for you, courtesy of the gentleman by the bar. A virgin daiquiri."

Eric looked over to where the waiter was pointing and found Adam smiling and waving. "Thanks," he said to the waiter with a smile. The waiter smiled back, glanced down at Eric crotch, and winked. Eric laughed and smiled wider as Adam came to join him, who stripped off his shirt and sat on the next lounger, his own virgin daiquiri in hand.

"Eric, y'all're such an attention whore," Adam said with a smile as he shucked his sandals and lay back. "Are y'all aware you gave half the people out here a heart attack with that little stunt?"

"Haha, yeah. That was the point," Eric replied, smiling. Sipping his drink, he added, "Fuck, this is good, nice choice. Thanks."

"Welcome," Adam said. "You can get the next round."

"Done," Eric replied.

"So, yeah, mom, that's kinda how it happened," Andrew said. "I wasn't expecting to start a relationship on the cruise, and definitely not one with another boy." He had just come out to his mother, and it had gone much better than he had hoped. This was by far the hardest conversation he'd ever had with anyone, and it was going swimmingly.

Patricia Farriss put her hand on her son's arm. "Son, I'm so happy that you've found someone that you care about," she said. "I'd like to tell you something about your father that I never told you before."

"What's that?"

"Well, you were about five... no, six, at the time, and Laura had just been born, about two months earlier. It was the middle of the night, your father had gotten up with her to feed her, letting me get some sleep. Anyways, I woke up to go to the toilet, and when I came out, I went to find the two of them. I found them in front of the computer, where your father was cradling her, giving her the bottle, and he was watching some gay porn."

"Oh, wow...."

"So, naturally, I was quite surprised. I mean, I had no idea he was into that. Not that it bothered me - quite the opposite, I was kinda turned on" - Andrew shuddered internally at that visual - "and after we put her back to bed, he and I had a long conversation that night. He said that he loved us all dearly, but felt that he had been living a lie, that he was attracted to men. I was very supportive of him, and he said he felt better now that he no longer had to hide it from me. From that day forward, we had an open marriage - I let him have his same-sex relationships on the side. Eventually, though, he was in a relationship that became serious, and he wanted to move in with his boyfriend. So, as you know, we separated amicably. Not because I didn't love him anymore, but because I loved him so much that I wanted him to be truly happy. All of this happened before you kids were old enough to understand what was going on. The two of them moved to California a year or so later."

"So... is dad living with his boyfriend now? He's never mentioned anything about a boyfriend," Andrew asked.

"Yes. He asked me not to tell you kids, wanted to let you know on his own terms, but I felt now that you've come out to me, you deserve to know. Keep it to yourself, though, I mean, don't tell your sisters. He was waiting for all three of you to be old enough to understand before he told you."

"No problem... I won't say anything," Andrew said. "And I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell the girls about me, either, I'm not sure how open I want to be about this yet."

"It'll be our secret - and Eric's," she said. "Thank you for telling me. I hope that I don't have to say this, but I support you and I always will, unconditionally."

"I know, mom. That was never in any doubt," he said, as he stood and hugged his mother, tears of happiness in his eyes.

Eric and Adam climbed out of the pool, putting on a show again as Eric dried his hair for a second time, his dick plainly showing through his wet Speedos for anyone who cared to look - and again, there were more than a few takers. "Wanna come back to my cabin and hang out?" Eric asked.

"Sure. Where's Andrew?"

"He went to talk with his mom early this afternoon... I think he was coming out to her. When I spoke to him on the phone before I came to the pool, it sounded like it was going well."

"Great, good for him. I hope it all works out for him," Adam said.

When they arrived at Eric's cabin, they let themselves in and quickly shucked off their wet swimsuits and hung them to dry in the bathroom, then moved out onto the balcony in their birthday suits. Not long after, Andrew came in and saw the two naked boys on the balcony, then stripped off and joined them.

"Hey, guys, what's hanging? Besides the obvious, that is," Andrew greeted them as he leaned over to kiss Eric, then sat down.

"Hey! How'd it go with your mom? Did you...?" Eric asked.

"Oh, everything's great. Yeah, I came out to her. She was really cool about it, and apparently my father is gay too, which I didn't know," Andrew replied.

"Pardon me for being blunt, but how did y'all not know he was gay?" Adam asked.

"Well, my mom knew, but he didn't wanted to tell us kids until we were all old enough. Whenever my sisters and I went to visit him in California, his bedroom door was always closed, and there were no pictures around. I guess now, looking back, that seems like he's trying to hide something, but I never noticed before. I guess his partner just goes away for the time we're there."

"Aha. So, anyway, it looks like y'all have joined a new club without me, huh," Adam said, gesturing at the shaved pubes of the other two boys. "I feel overdressed here."

"Well, that could be remedied if you want," Eric offered. "I do believe I owe you something in return for that drink."

"Sure, why not," Adam said with a mischeivous smile. The three boys went into the bathroom to induct Adam into their club.

Just a short one this time. If you want to drop me a note, is where you can reach me.

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Next: Chapter 9

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