Seven Days of Pleasure

By moc.liamg@wocoomrd

Published on Dec 21, 2020


This story is intended for reading by people who enjoy these stories, and is legal in your part of the world. You know whether you should be reading it or not, I'm not here to stop you.

The entire story is fiction, including all characters (though I wish they were real and I were a fly on the wall). They live in a world where pregnancy and diseases are not a real worry, but we don't - so be safe!

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Chapter 32 Cruise Day 7, Sea Day, later in the evening, immediately following Chapter 31 (teen, m/m/m/m)

After the other teens had cleared the playing field, Andrew stepped into the middle of the group. He reached into the name jar and drew Eric, and of the task jar, he pulled out the remaining paper and read it to himself. The more he read, the bigger the smile on his face got, until Amy called out and asked what it said.

"It says, 'First, you and your partner have to draw out another name each,'" he said. Reaching in, he pulled out Jon's name, and Eric drew Mark. Turning back to the task paper, he continued. "'This is a game of follow the leader. The first name you drew is your partner, and the people you drew must mimic everything you and your partner do.'" Looking at Mark and Jon, he thought to himself, this is going to be interesting.

The four boys stood in the middle of the group, Andrew and Jon on one side, Eric and Mark on the other, the two pairs facing each other, four hard dicks pointing every which way. Andrew started by stepping in close to Eric, where they wrapped their arms around each other and started kissing. Mark and Jon exchanged a glance and a shrug, and followed suit, their tongues dancing while their cocks mashed into each other, spreading precum all over their partner's crotch. After a minute or two, Andrew and Eric broke their embrace, and stood back watching Mark and Jon continue for another minute or so until they came up for air and noticed that all eyes were on them. Smiling, Jon asked what was next.

Andrew sat on the edge of the bed, and indicated to Jon that he should join him, which he did. He beckoned Eric over and had him stand in front of him, and likewise, Mark did the same in front of Jon. From this vantage point, Jon could see a large bead of precum had formed again at the tip of Mark's cock, and he reached up, swiped it away with a finger and popped it into his mouth. "Hey now," Andrew cautioned and grinned, "don't get too far ahead of me..."

With that, Andrew reached up and ran his hands over Eric's chest, enjoying the sensation of his lover's smooth skin under his fingers. Eric gasped as Andrew massaged his pecs, gently kneading the muscles before moving on. When Andrew rubbed his back and up to his shoulder blades, he could feel his knees go a little weak, and then Andrew gently pulled him in closer.

Following suit, Jon allowed his hands to explore Mark's body, and was greeted with a light dusting of chest hair that Jon found quite sexy as it tickled his palms. When Jon brushed his nipples, Mark inhaled sharply and could feel them tighten until they were hard as pebbles. Everywhere Jon's soft hands went on Mark's torso left a tingly sensation on his skin that drove him wild. Mark's cock throbbed in time with his racing heartbeat, bouncing visibly to the spectators.

Megan found herself getting turned on again watching Jon sensually touch her brother's skin and wished that she was there beside him.

Andrew leaned in and stuck his tongue into Eric's belly button, exploring the small cavity, which Eric found ticklish. Jon tried to do the same with Mark, but Mark's umbilical knot was flat with the surface of his stomach, so instead Jon ran the tip of his tongue in circles around it, then gently blew on the wet skin to make it cool. Goosebumps leapt up in the trails of Jon's handiwork.

Slowly inching lower, Andrew came to his lover's cock and enveloped it with his mouth, causing Eric to gasp. Reaching up and gently scratching Eric's taint, Andrew gradually took more and more cock in his mouth until he found his nose poking into Eric's pubic bone. Sucking gently as he backed off, Andrew felt Eric's hand on his shoulder, gently squeezing to express his pleasure.

Similarly, when Jon tasted Mark's cock for the first time, he knew that both of them were close to the edge - it was obvious by just how hard Mark was. When Jon flicked his tongue over Mark's slit, he was rewarded with yet another drop of precum spreading over his tongue, providing the salty metallic taste that Jon had come to love. His hands still roamed over Mark's body, and when they touched his ass, Mark's back stiffened involuntarily and he bucked his hips forward, forcing more of his member into Jon's mouth.

Megan's pussy was tingling again, watching her boyfriend - by this point, she guessed she could call Jon that - with her brother's cock in his mouth. She'd never really taken any interest in gay porn or anything before, but there was certainly something undeniable about how hot she found the scene before her. Unconsciously she started rubbing her clit while Jon continued working on her brother.

Mark's eyes were rolled back in his head as Jon continued to suck his cock. Not as experienced as Andrew, Jon could fit only about half of his friend's dick in his mouth without gagging, but Mark didn't care - he was enjoying this blowjob as much as any he'd ever received, and more than some. Getting sucked off by his sister was leading the pack, but this was definitely a close second.

Andrew slowly bobbed his head as Eric ran his fingers through his hair. It wasn't clear who was enjoying this blowjob more - the giver or the receiver, as both boys were hard as a rock. Before long, Andrew felt the cock in his mouth swell as his partner's orgasm approached.

Much to Eric's surprise, Andrew suddenly released him from his mouth and leaned back, pulling Jon with him, causing a quiet 'pop' when Mark's member left his mouth. Jon looked at Andrew, questioning why he'd stopped him.

"You'll see..." Andrew whispered. "Ready?" Jon, slightly befuddled, nodded.

Andrew opened his mouth wide, stuck out his tongue and madly jerked Eric's cock for all he was worth. Once he figured out what Andrew had planned, Jon grasped Mark with both hands and followed suit, jerking him off vigorously. He closed his eyes and steeled himself for the torrent that was about to be unleashed.

"Unggggh!" Eric came first, his cock exploding, emptying his balls all over Andrew's face. Five, six, seven spurts exploded out of him, gradually weakening until only dribs and drabs were milked out over Andrew's hand. A good portion of Andrew's face was covered in cum - some dripping down off his eyebrows onto his cheeks, some streaked across his nose, and still more creeping down towards his chin. A few squirts had made it into his mouth, where he greedily slurped them up and savoured the flavour of Eric's load.

Mark couldn't hold on much longer either. With the enthusiastic handjob he was receiving, his eyes rolled back in his head and his toes curled up, followed by a grunt that signaled his climax. Jon hadn't planned ahead and hadn't removed his glasses, and within seconds they were splattered with jizz, which kept coming with seemingly no end in sight. From his perspective, Mark had never cum so hard or so much before, and he'd shot it all over Jon - some in his hair, a fair bit on his face, some flew over his shoulder and some landed on his hairless chest. His knees went weak and he leaned on Jon's shoulder for support as his orgasm wound down, the last few excretions oozing out onto Jon's hands.

Everyone was quiet after seeing that display. After a full thirty seconds of silence, Adam cleared his throat and croaked, "Did y'all enjoy that?"

"Uh huh," Mark panted, out of breath.

"Could someone get me a wet facecloth, please, I think my eyes are glued shut," Andrew asked. A few seconds later, someone - he wasn't sure who - pressed a wet cloth into his hand, and he started cleaning up Eric's mess from his face. Once he'd gotten the majority of it off, he looked at Jon, who was similarly cleaning the cum off himself. "How'd you like that?" Andrew asked in a low voice.

Jon turned to face him, looking through semen-splattered glasses. "That was fun! Though I still can't really see," he said, removing his glasses and holding them up to the light to investigate the mess on them, then gingerly wiping the evidence from them.

When the two had cleaned themselves off sufficiently, Eric looked at Mark and asked if he was ready for the other half of Follow the Leader. Mark nodded, then rubbed his hands together in anticipation. Eric pulled Andrew up off the bed, then crawled up on the bed on all fours.

When Jon saw this, he put his hand on Mark's chest, preventing him from moving, and looked at his friend. In a low voice, he asked, "Man, are you ok with this?"

Mark thought for a second, then nodded. "Jon, over this past week, I've grown really close to you. I know we made this agreement we made with everyone to 'do what we drew', but beyond that, you're like my best friend, and I wouldn't do this with anyone but you. But to answer your question, yes, I'm good with this. I want you to." Jon smiled sheepishly, and Mark continued. "As long as you take it easy on me, I'll be ok. I trust you, and I know you won't hurt me intentionally." He leaned in and gave Jon a quick peck. "Now let's get this under way!"

Mark crawled up on the bed beside Eric and assumed the same position. >From behind, it was an obscene visual, the boys' assholes peeking out with their cocks and balls hanging down below. Once again, Megan on the couch had the best seat in the house, and her cunt tingled once again, seeing her brother in such a vulnerable position.

Andrew produced the, uhhh, "well-loved" tube of Astroglide, opened it and squirted a generous amount into his palm, then handed the bottle to Jon. Dipping a finger into the puddle of jelly, he picked up a decent amount of it and moved towards Eric's ass. When his finger made contact with his lover's hole, Eric yelped and bitched about the cold gel. "Suck it up, buttercup," Andrew retorted with a smile.

Jon tentatively followed suit and poured some gel into his own hand, then slowly reached out towards his friend's ass presented before him. He'd always had a bit of an aversion to touching his own ass, let alone someone else's - thinking of it solely as an exit for certain bodily solids. After a moment, he took a breath and gathered himself - after watching Andrew and Eric, nothing horrible happened, no giant shit monster appeared, and by the looks of it, Eric seemed to be enjoying it. As his finger made contact with the hot skin of his friend's most private place, Mark's back stiffened at the contact and he inhaled sharply.

"Are you ok?" Jon whispered to Mark.

"Yeah, fine, just... nobody's touched my ass before," Mark said. "Keep going, that feels nice. But Eric's right - that shit IS cold."

Relieved, Jon was a little more bold in how he touched him now. Each time he brushed Mark's asshole with his finger, he was rewarded with a quiet gasp and a little wink from Mark's brown eye. After a minute or two of the cat and mouse play, Mark moaned and told Jon, "Man, that feels awesome... Can you... can you put your finger in? Go slow, though."

Looking over at Andrew, Jon could see that he was already gently inserting two fingers into Eric's ass, and by the movements that Eric was making, it was quite obvious that he was enjoying it. Gaining confidence, Jon lubed up his index finger and gently began to push at Mark's pucker, and slowly - so slowly - his digit disappeared into the orafice before him.

Mark knelt there on his hands and knees with his eyes closed, fully immersed in the experience of being penetrated by his friend's finger. This time last week, he never would have envisioned this happening to him at all, let alone in front of an audience, but things had changed and now here he was, his ass in the air with Jon invading his holiest of holies. Taking a moment to breathe, he had to admit to himself that this felt awesome. Soon, he could feel the bulk of Jon's hand nestled between his cheeks, which meant that the entire length of his finger was now inside him. But the real intensity started when Jon started to pull his finger out - the sensation of it exiting his ass left him wanting more, and when Jon pushed back in, he gasped audibly and moaned a little in pleasure.

Likewise, Eric was obviously enjoying the attention that his butt was receiving. He pushed back against Andrew's hand each time, and between the two of them, they developed a rhythm that involved Eric almost fucking himself with Andrew's fingers. As they rocked back and forth, Eric was getting more and more turned on, and it wasn't long before his cock started to get hard again.

Mark was getting into the groove of things, having a grand old time, when Jon pulled out completely. Mark felt lost, empty even, longing for the intimacy that had been stolen from him. He was about to turn and look to see what was going on when Jon's finger returned, this time bringing a friend. Fresh lube had been applied and the two fingers, while a tight squeeze, slipped in without too much trouble and once again, Mark experienced the warm, full feeling that he was longing for.

Behind him, Jon's cock throbbed as his heart pounded as he thought about how Mark must be feeling right now - he seemed to really be enjoying the new sensations they were sharing. "Pity we didn't try this earlier in the week," Jon thought to himself. "This seems like a lot of fun."

Both Andrew and Jon continued finger fucking their partners, and before long were plunging three fingers into their partners. Once Eric and Mark had gotten accustomed to being stretched, Andrew leaned over to Jon. "K... so, put lots of lube on his hole, and spread it around... then a bunch on your cock, too." Jon followed his instructions, and spread the slippery gel around on his member. "K, good... now take a step forward... grab his hips, and line up with your target..." Nervously, Jon grabbed his dick and aimed towards Mark's hole. Applying gentle pressure, both boys gasped when Mark's sphincter allowed the head of his lover's cock to pop in.

"Just give me a minute," Mark whispered, new sensations flooding through his body. He felt like he was taking the biggest shit of his life.

Beside them, Andrew had penetrated Eric with a little less drama, as Eric was more accustomed to it. Eric sighed with satisfaction as he was penetrated, the feeling of his partner's rod in his ass being one of his favorite things. While he was on cloud nine, he looked over at Mark and found his friend to be sweating profusely and breathing heavily. "You'll be ok," Eric whispered, "it's like this the first time. It gets better after a few minutes. I promise."

"If I last that long..." Mark grunted in reply.

"Try pushing like you're taking a dump, it'll help," Eric added.

Mark nodded and followed directions, as counter-intuitive as it sounded. Pushing was normally to get stuff out of his ass, not to let stuff in. But he tried, and true to Eric's word, his ass stopped complaining as much. Instead, he just felt... well, he wasn't sure what he felt yet, but it didn't hurt nearly as much anymore. After a short breather, he gave Jon a nod, who doublechecked that Mark wanted him to continue. Still worried about hurting him, Jon very slowly started to push himself in little by little, pausing ever few seconds to give his friend a chance to get used to it. And surprisingly, sooner than either of them had expected, Jon was balls-deep into Mark.

Mark had the feeling of being full. It wasn't unpleasant or painful, just... different. It was a very odd sensation, something he'd never felt before, being plugged like that. When he felt Jon's pubes ticking his crack and his balls touching his own, he was surprised to find that he'd received everything Jon had to offer, and it didn't hurt too badly. Turning his head, he let out a deep breath and gave Jon a smile and a nod to let him know that he was ok.

When Megan saw this, a wave of relief crashed over her. She was afraid that Jon would accidentally hurt her brother, but the smile-and-nod meant that everything was going to be alright. She released a breath that she didn't realize she was holding, and now that worry wasn't casting a shadow over her mind, she could get back to enjoying the show unfolding in front of her.

Jon sighed too, partly with relief and partly because this felt fucking amazing. Mark's ass was very tight and very warm, and the heat generated between the two boys made for a very comfortable experience.

Now that Jon and Mark were situated and comfortable, Andrew turned his attention back to Eric and began to fuck his ass with slow, deliberate thrusts. The two boys were familiar enough with each other by now, having spent the week together, that Andrew knew exactly how Eric liked to be fucked, and he didn't deny his partner the pleasure now. Gradually the pace increased as Eric gasped and panted in ecstacy.

Jon, on the other hand, was taking things slow. He drew his hips back, reversing direction with just the head of his cock still inside his partner, then slowly thrusting in once more. He was still nervous about hurting Mark until he heard a pleasurable moan, which made him smile and feel more at ease. Gradually, Jon began to increase the speed of his thrusts, and soon their balls were swinging like a pendulum, occasionally bumping into each other. "I guess this is finally gay, our balls have touched," Mark gasped. Jon playfully swatted Mark on a cheek and continued his grinding.

Mark was in heaven. He never knew just how sensitive his ass was until now nor how awesome having a cock in his ass could feel. The sensations provided by Jon were incredible - each time Jon pulled out, he felt so empty... but it wasn't long until he was full again. Jon's member was in him so deep that Mark imagined he could feel his stomach being poked.

Megan was so invested in what was going on in front of her that she was startled to feel a hand on her thigh. Looking to see who it belonged to, she made eye contact with Amy, who winked at her. "You enjoy the show, I'll take care of this," she whispered. Megan simply smiled and spread her legs wider apart to allow better access to her sopping wet cunt.

Andrew was going to town on Eric's ass, slamming his hips into his lover and filling him with his thick rod. Eric was loving every second of it, evident by the semi that was quickly becoming a hardon between his legs. Before long, Eric was hard as a rock again, his dick bouncing all over the place as Andrew's energetic thrusts shook Eric's world.

Jon wasn't going quite as hard, because he could feel his orgasm approaching and he didn't want this feeling to end. When he'd fucked Megan yesterday, her cunt had been wrapped around him so tight, but somehow, Mark was even tighter, and at the rate they were going, he wasn't going to last much longer. He finally understood the jokes people told about doing math or thinking of baseball statistics during sex to prolong it. So, he tried it, and as his mind wandered, he slowed his thrusts.

"Something wrong?" Andrew whispered to him. Snapping back to reality, Jon whispered back and told him that he didn't want to cum yet but he was getting close. "Oh... ok, I gotcha. Pull out for a sec."

Andrew did just that, with Jon following suit. "Up you get," Andrew said, swatting Eric's ass. "You're going on top."

Both Eric and Mark stood, allowing Jon and Andrew to lay down on their backs, their rigid cocks pointing at the ceiling. Mark took a moment to glance at his sister, and was surprised to see her with several of Amy's fingers stuffed inside her. His cock twitched in appreciation, and then turned his attention back to his... friend? boyfriend? By this point, Mark guessed he could call Jon his boyfriend.

Straddling Jon's hips, Mark instinctively reached back and grasped Jon's cock and aimed it towards his asshole. Gently, he lowered himself down, until he could go down no further. This new position offered a different feeling of fullness, not quite the same, but pretty fucking good, he thought. Looking at Eric, who had started to rock his hips back and forth, he started to mimic the movement and was rewarded with a moan from Jon - he guessed he was doing something right.

Getting into a rhythm, Mark closed his eyes and let the ecstacy wash over him. Before long, he felt Jon's hands make contact with his chest, rubbing his pecs. His back stiffened as Jon gently tweaked his nipple, and then suddenly OHMYGODWHATWASTHAT? Jon's dick touched something inside of him that had never been touched before - it was absolutely electric and his cock shot up from half hard to full mast in half a second.

"Found your prostate, did ya?" Eric said with a smile. "Isn't that awesome?"

"Ohmygodyes", Mark gasped. "Ihadnoidea..."

Eric smiled, then turned his attention back to Andrew, who laid there with his hands behind his head, eyes closed with a smile on his face. Eric leaned down and planted a kiss upon his lips, then continued to ride his lover's cock.

Mark thought he had been enjoying himself before, but now... this was a whole new ball game. Being on top, this gave the control over to him to dictate the pace, and dictate it he did. Now that the initial pain of having his ass invaded had passed, he was really enjoying himself, and became almost aggressive in how he bucked up and down on Jon's cock. His hard prick bounced all over the place each time he slammed himself down on Jon's hips.

Megan had never seen her brother so raw, so animalistic before. Amy was matching him thrust for thrust with her hand in Megan's sopping cooch that it was almost like she and Mark were sharing the same feeling at the exact same time. She quietly mewled as her third orgasm of the night approached.

It wasn't long until Jon felt his climax approaching - fast. He dropped his hands to Mark's hips and held on, and thrust upwards with his own. Once, twice, three times - and with that, he came like a freight train, hard and fast. Fireworks exploded inside his head as his cock coated his lover's insides with his seed.

Mark could feel Jon's prick spasming inside him and he could swear that he could feel each spurt of hot cum inside of him. He threw his head back, overcome with the sensations and on pure instinct grabbed his own dick and stroked it like a madman. Before long, he was shooting his own load all over Jon's torso, and being the third time he'd cum that day, it was a much smaller load, but he still managed to make a respectable mess. His sphincter contracted with each spurt of sticky cum, effectively milking Jon for all he was worth.

As the two of them caught their breath, they made eye contact and smiled at each other. "Jesus, Mark, how many times are you going to cum all over me today?" Jon whispered, high in the afterglow of one of the most powerful orgasms he'd ever had.

Before Mark could answer, he was interrupted by Megan behind him, squeaking as she came for the third time that evening. Amy's fingers, now having completed their task, were stuck as Megan's cunt clamped down and held them in place.

Andrew grunted beside them as he came, his mighty firehose filling his boyfriend's rectum with cum. All rational thought left his mind, leaving him only with the animalistic need to get his rocks off, and get them off he did indeed. His throbbing sex went on for what seemed like forever, pumping spurt after spurt of his seed into his lover, until finally the tidal wave retreated, leaving him and Eric in a sweaty heap of teenage boy.

"No matter how many times they had sex, this feeling will never get old," he thought to himself. This week had introduced him to so many new, wonderful things life had to offer - sex, sure, but more importantly, love. He loved the boy beneath him with all of his heart, and nothing could ever tear them apart.

Except needing to pee. And he needed to pee.

Once the rest of the teens had made themselves presentable - well, about as presentable as they could, given the conditions - Eric and Andrew were left alone in their cabin that absolutely reeked of sex. "We definitely need to leave the door open for a while," Eric whispered to his lover, who agreed wholeheartedly.

The two boys stepped out onto the balcony, still in the nude, and sat down on the lounge chairs and silently reflected upon the evening's activities. Both of them had had a ridiculous amount of fun with their friends, and hey, the fantastic sex didn't hurt either.

Without a word, Eric reached out his hand and Andrew placed his inside of it, their fingers interlacing as if they were meant to fit together always.

Because they were.

I'd follow that leader ANYWHERE... If you want to drop me a note, is where you can reach me.

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Next: Chapter 33

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