Seven Days of Pleasure

By moc.liamg@wocoomrd

Published on Dec 6, 2020


This story is intended for reading by people who enjoy these stories, and is legal in your part of the world. You know whether you should be reading it or not, I'm not here to stop you.

The entire story is fiction, including all characters (though I wish they were real and I were a fly on the wall). They live in a world where pregnancy and diseases are not a real worry, but we don't - so be safe!

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Chapter 30

Cruise Day 7, Sea Day, later in the evening, immediately following Chapter 29 (teen, f/f)

Eric took inventory of the room as the teens chatted excitedly amongst themselves. Rachel, naked as the day she was born, sat sideways on Adam, her recently-cum cunt still dripping into his lap. Adam, who was still wearing Amy's swimsuit that left nothing to the imagination - his big uncut cock obviously pointing left and relatively hard - unconsciously stroked Rachel's stomach, her bare skin sprouting goosebumps where his fingers caressed. To their left were Amy and Marco - Amy in Adam's trunks, her tits proudly exposed to the room, and Marco in his own swimsuit. Beside them, Jon, Mark and Megan were splayed across the couch, all nude. That left him and Andrew on the bed, stretched out on their stomachs, both of them naked. All in all, the fun they'd had tonight so far was spectacular, and it was only about to get better. The first round of the game had been teasing them mercilessly, and only Rachel had gotten any relief so far. The sexual tension in the room was palpable.

Eric grabbed the notepaper off the desk and scribbled down a new set of instructions, tearing each one off separately and dropping it into a glass. Unbenownced to the others, there were only three tasks this time. He returned all of the names to the other glass and informed the group he was ready.

"Same rules as round one - whatever you drew, you do. Everyone on board with that?" They all agreed.

"Then let's begin."

Eric drew a name to start the second round. "Up first, we've got... Megan."

Megan stood up, giving her brother and Jon another fine look at her pussy from behind. She reached into the first glass and drew Amy's name, and then turned to the task glass. Noticing there weren't too many entries, she looked at Eric, who smiled and made a shushing motion. Returning the smile, she pulled out her task and read aloud, "You and your partner will make each other cum orally."

Amy cheered. "Sweet! I thought you'd never ask!"

"Be gentle," Megan said, "I've only eaten pussy once before." Her brother raised his eyebrows. "What?" she asked, mock-innocently. "I'll tell you later."

Megan and Amy moved to the middle of the room and gently embraced each other, their breasts pushing into each other. Amy tilted her head and leaned in, kissing Megan gently on the corner of her mouth. Megan returned the kiss, and before long their tongues were dancing with each other. Megan's hands roamed over Amy's back, their making out heating up. Reaching the waistband of Adam's trunks that Amy still had on, Megan slid in down the back and grabbed a globe of flesh in each hand. Amy gasped quietly.

Megan slowly started working the trunks down over Amy's hips. Once the waistband passed the widest part of her body, they fell to the ground, leaving Amy as naked as Megan. She gently kicked them over to the side.

Andrew and Eric crept off the bed, not taking their eyes off the girls in front of them. Before long, the two girls had sat down on the bed on the towels left behind by the boys. Amy reached up and cupped Megan's tit with her hand, and slowly broke the kiss. Smiling, she leaned back and looked Megan in the eye. "Mmm, I enjoyed that," she said, "but not as much as I'm going to enjoy this."

Amy massaged Megan's breast before slowly lowering her head and taking the sensitive nipple into her mouth. Megan gasped and arched her back at the intimate contact, pressing her tit firmly into Amy's face. After a minute or two, Amy continued her journey south to the promised land. Gently, she pushed Megan back until she was laying on the bed with her ass near the edge, then knelt on the floor and nudged Megan's legs apart.

Mark and Jon had an amazing view of Megan's pussy from where they were sitting. Jon could hear Mark's ragged breathing and figured that his own must be a little irregular too. Both boys were hard as stone watching their lover being pleasured by Amy. Jon slowly reached his hand over and placed it on Mark's thigh, causing his friend's back, among other things, to stiffen. They quickly glanced at each other, and Mark mimicked the action and put his hand on Jon's thigh, inches from his rock-hard cock.

Moving into position, Amy gazed upon her prize. The smell of Megan's arousal was such a turn-on for her, and she could feel the heat coming from her sex. Taking a deep whiff of the heady aroma, she leaned in and got down to work.

Megan gasped as her partner's experienced tongue parted her labia and immediately searched out her clit. Once she'd found her target, Amy continued to play with it while her new lover writhed with pleasure. Little mewling sounds escaped from Megan as Amy hungrily went to work on her sex. While her brother and Jon were pretty good at eating her out, Amy took it to a whole new level.

Within a minute, Megan was covered in sweat as she writhed around on the bed. It was as if Amy knew exactly where and how she wanted to be touched before she did. Megan gasped quietly again and again, conscious of Eric's parents next door. It was obvious to everyone in the room that Megan wasn't going to last too long before cumming, she was so aroused.

By this time, Jon and Mark had their hands on each other's cocks, gently squeezing as they watched Mark's sister clearly enjoying herself. Noticing this, Andrew nudged Eric and indicated that he look over at their friends. They shared a smile before turning back to the action in front of them.

Sensing that Megan was getting close to the edge, Amy pulled back from the pussy in front of her and took a breath. Shocked at the sudden loss of stimuli, Megan arched her back and wordlessly begged Amy to return. After a few seconds, Amy returned to work with butterfly kisses up and down Megan's thighs, causing her to shiver with antici....

.... pation.

After what seemed like hours to Megan, who was almost crawling up the walls by now in search of release, Amy dove in with great abandon and plunged her tongue in and out of her dripping cunt. Megan didn't stand a chance, and within seconds, cried out in ecstacy as the levee broke and her juices flowed like a river. Amy was ready and lapped up her reward eagerly, tasting Megan's essense for the first time, barely able to keep up.

Suddenly a knock came from the adjoining door. "Eric? Is everything alright in there?" his mother asked.

"Uhh... Yeah, Mom, everything's fine!" Eric called, wide eyed, his voice cracking with panic.

"What was that noise just now?"

"Just... ummm... watching tv, Mom, sorry!"

"Ok... Could you turn it down a bit, dear?"

"We will!"

After a minute or two, just to make sure that there wouldn't be any intrusions from his parents, Eric slowly looked at each of the group in turn, his panic subsiding. "K, guys, from now on, if you're a loud cummer, use a pillow!"

They all laughed and nodded in agreement.

"If I didn't know better, I'd swear that was a girl having one hell of an orgasm," Eric's mom said "to his dad. "But why would he have a girl in his room?"

"No idea, dear," her husband replied, absent-mindedly reading his book, only half-listening.

Once Megan had had a chance to recover, she motioned to Amy to hop up on the bed and straddle her face. She knew that this would give her brother and Jon a good show from where they were sitting, and she definitely wasn't wrong. Once Amy was in position, the two boys would have a perfect view not only of her pussy, which was still leaking, but also up her body, where they'd be able to see her licking Amy's cunt, framed on either side by her tits. Even though the boys had gone soft when interrupted by Eric's mom, it wasn't long before both knobs perked up again.

Mark's mind raced as he thought about what Megan had said about this being the second time she'd eaten pussy. As far as he knew, it hadn't been on this cruise, so it must have been somebody back at home. Which of her friends, he wondered - was it Brianna, the one who she had spied on him with when he was in the shower? Or maybe Stacey, her best friend with the huge tits that he'd always admired? Or maybe Jordana, Mark thought he'd caught her staring at his sister a few times in a more-than-just-a-friend way. Either way, he looked forward to having that conversation with his sister later. As for now, he stayed in the moment and was so focused on the show in front of him that he jumped slightly when Jon took hold of his cock again and rubbed its head with his thumb.

Excited and a little nervous, Megan watched as Amy crawled up onto the bed and swung her leg over Megan's body, stradding her chest. When her ass made contact with Megan's tits, Amy could feel her pebble-like nipples poking into her. Smiling down at Megan, she reached behind her and gently rubbed Megan's tits, eliciting a smile from Megan, making her feel more at ease.

As she'd told Mark, this was the second time she'd given head to a girl, but the first time with an audience. The first time was that evening with Brianna when they'd spied on Mark in the shower - seeing Mark strip down out of his soccer uniform, and then naked as he showered had made them both incredibly horny. Megan had never felt such butterflies in her stomach as when he'd rubbed soap all over his dick, stiffening up, and then as he masturbated and came on the shower door. After he'd finished up in the bathroom and had gone back into his own room, the girls had moved downstairs into the rec room in the basement, where they were spending the night together. Brianna gushed about how hot Mark was and how wet it had made her. She confessed that she'd had a crush on Mark, and how awesome it was that she had gotten a chance to see him jerk off.

This had led into a conversation about which boys in their school they thought were hot, who they thought had the biggest dick, and who they'd like to get naked with. Brianna was a little bit more experienced than Megan - she'd given head to one of the football players, and he'd eaten her out, before they broke up a week later. Megan said that she'd never done anything like that, and that nobody had even seen her naked since she was a baby. Brianna was surprised by this, and said that there was nothing better in the world than having your pussy eaten out, and after a moment's hesitation, offered to show Megan first-hand, and let her return the favour, if she wanted to. One thing led to another, as it usually does, and soon both girls were naked, and Megan discovered that - as Brianna said - having your cunt licked was pretty awesome, and doing the licking wasn't so bad either.

Snapping back into reality, Amy's pussy was so close to her face that Megan could smell her natural scent, and it turned her on, making her stomach feel all tingly again. When she was ready to get started, Megan reached up and grabbed Amy's ass, pulling her close. then lifted her head and made Amy purr as she explored each fold and curve of Amy's snatch with her tongue, enjoying every second of it almost as much as her lover was.

Amy gently bit her lip and threw back her head as the sensation washed over her. It had been a while since she'd been eaten out by a girl - guys were pretty good at it, but a girl really knew what worked and what didn't, more so than a guy ever could. She moaned quietly, mindful of noise that might attract the attention of Eric's mom again, and held on tight for the ride she was about to have.

She involuntarily bucked around as Megan flicked her tongue over her clit. Gasping quietly, she reached down and ran her fingers through Megan's hair, encouraging her that what she was doing was working. Megan reached up and caressed the shapely body perched above her, as her mouth continued its worship of her lover's most intimate parts. When the roaming hands reached Amy's tits, she emitted a most satisfied "ahhhhh" as her willing flesh was gently kneaded.

Both Megan's brother and lover were leaking precum, obviously enjoying what they were seeing. Megan's cunt had been winking at them this entire time, and it was definitely having an effect on both of them. They'd had to let go of each other's cocks for fear of cumming, which would have been anticlimactic for the evening. Both boys were hard as diamond, almost to the point of being painfully so, as the show continued to unfold before them.

Amy rocked her hips forward and back as Megan's tongue continued to explore her intimately, the two of them unconsciously syncronizing their movements to maximize Amy's pleasure. The room was filled with quiet moans and gasps, proving to the others that Amy was absolutely in heaven.

All of a sudden, Amy's hand shot out towards Andrew and she shook it at him, as if demanding something. "Puh... puh... pillow... nuh.. now, huh... huh.. hurry..." He leapt to his feet and thrust a pillow into her hand, just in time for her to smash it into her face to quiet the groan as she came. Her big breasts heaved as she inhaled and exhaled sharply, and Megan's face was quickly covered in Amy's juices as she struggled to keep up with the flood.

Not long after, to her own surprise, and without touching herself at all, Megan's gasped into Amy's nether regions as her own cunt gushed again as she came. The two girls twitching and shuddering on the bed in unison would have looked almost comical if it weren't for the smell of sex in the room and the sexual tension that you could cut with a knife.

When the dust settled, Amy dismounted and collapsed on the bed beside Megan. Both girls panted, catching their breath, laying there enjoying the afterglow. When she could function again, Amy leaned over and gave Megan a long, passionate kiss, their tongues intertwining and letting each girl taste her own sex. Eventually, they separated and smiled at each other, happy in the satisfaction of knowing they'd given each other a special gift.

"Wow," Rachel said for everyone.

Wow indeed. If you want to drop me a note, is where you can reach me.

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Next: Chapter 31

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