Seven Days of Pleasure

By moc.liamg@wocoomrd

Published on Jan 26, 2020


This story is intended for reading by people who enjoy these stories, and is legal in your part of the world. You know whether you should be reading it or not, I'm not here to stop you.

The entire story is fiction, including all characters (though I wish they were real and I were a fly on the wall). They live in a world where pregnancy and diseases are not a real worry, but we don't - so be safe!

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Chapter 3 Cruise Day 2, Port Day (Key West), morning (teen, m/f mast)

It took ages for Adam to fall asleep the night before. His mind was racing after everything that had happened in the hot tub, and after his parents had fallen asleep, he'd had to go into the bathroom and jerk off twice before his dick would go down enough for him to even consider falling asleep. It was about 3:00 by the time that he finally succumbed to the sandman, and even after that, he woke up with a raging hard-on the next morning.

At 8:30, he'd gotten his ass out of bed and was in the shower while he replayed everything that happened the previous night for the five hundredth time. It was by far the most exciting thing that had ever happened to him in his sixteen years. He'd gotten naked in front of seven other teenagers, he'd had his first lap dance, and Rachel had pretty much smothered him with her tits - and fuck, he almost came in the hot tub because of it.

He considered jerking off again now, but the shower stall was too tight - he'd never be able to do it in there without banging the wall, and the last thing he needed to do was advertise to his parents what was going on in the bathroom. So it was no surprise that he was rock hard after his shower. As he opened the shower curtain, he saw the mirror, where he took a moment to objectively examine his six foot two body.

His shoulders and arms were his best feature, he felt, but closely followed by his chest. Without being conceited about it, working on the farm had toned him up pretty well, and it showed. His chest featured two defined pecs, with a faint dusting of hair between them. His quarter-sized nipples were a healthy purple, darkly highlighted perfectly against the lightness of his skin, standing out proudly. A small tuft of hair adorned each armpit, hiding below his bulging biceps.

His body was well-defined, but not ripped - he'd seen bodybuilders and found that a bit over the top (and gross, frankly) and he was glad he wasn't built like that. Moving his gaze down, he was happy with his abs, and below his innie belly button was a treasure trail that lead down into a bush of pubic hair surrounding his uncircumsized cock. As Rachel had found out the night before, he had a somewhat large dick for his age - it was just over seven inches the last time he measured, and seemed pretty thick from what he could tell, but he didn't have a lot to go on for that. It was pointing straight out at the mirror, and that currently presented a problem.

"Go down, dick, I don't need you like this right now! I need to get dressed and you're making that impossible!" he mumbled to himself.

Rachel, too, was reflecting on what last night had brought. First the lap dance she'd given Adam, which was awesome - then making out with Amy.... that had affected her more than she'd expected. That orgasm was absolutely fucking mindblowing. Life-changing, even. She started sweating now just thinking about it.

"Adam... oh, Adam... such a pleasant boy, fun to be with... and from what I felt last night, he's pretty built, too," she thought to herself. Not like her last boyfriend - he'd been a smaller boy, shorter than her, and was self-conscious about that, bordering on small-man-angry. He'd always been paranoid about her looking at other (taller) boys, and that made for uncomfortable heated conversations when he thought he'd caught her looking, even when she hadn't been. Finally she'd had enough and ended the relationship. She shook her head now to put him out of her mind.

A knock on the bathroom door broke her out of her thoughts. "Rachel, honey, we're going ashore... are you sure you don't want to come?" her mother asked.

"No, thanks, mom... I think I'd like to hang around the ship today, look around, lounge by the pool, that kinda thing," she responded to her mother. "And I certainly do want to come, if it's anything like it was last night," she thought to herself.

"Alrighty. Have a good time... and don't rack up thousands of dollars on our shipboard account!"

"Haha, I won't, mom. Have fun. Bring me a keychain?"

"Okay, we will. Bye!"

And with that, her parents left, leaving Rachel alone for the day.

10:00 rolled around, and Rachel made her way to Horizon Court, the breakfast buffet. She found Adam waiting by the entrance looking the other way, came up behind him and slipped her arm around his waist. "Well hello there, sailor... looking for someone?"

Adam jumped, startled, and turned to look at Rachel. "Jesus, you scared the shit out of me there. How are you this morning?"

"Well, I was doing fine, but now I'm doing great, now that I'm with you," Rachel said flirtily.

Adam smiled and replied, "I feel the same way."

The pair entered the buffet and piled various delicious breakfast stuffs onto their plates, then found a quiet table away from the crowd (well, as best as you can do on a cruise ship) and sat down for breakfast. Now in a more private setting, they talked as they ate and learned a lot about each other.

She found out that his full name was Adam Thomas Kasimer; he was 16; that he worked on his family's farm outside Pecos, Texas with his parents; that he had two older brothers that were away at university; was staying in an inside cabin with his parents on a sofabed that didn't quite fit his 6'2" frame; and that this was his first cruise.

"So you're a cruise virgin, huh... how do you like it so far?"

"Haha, I'm a virgin all around, actually. Errr..." She raised her eyebrows when he said that. "Sorry, that was bit too much information. I shouldn't have said that."

"No, no, it's fine... I just wasn't expecting that over scrambled eggs and toast," Rachel said, smiling.

"Well, y'all will find that I say a lot of things out of the blue like that, but I'll try and keep an eye on that."

"Honestly, it's fine. It's actually rather cute that you just blurt out little nuggets like that," she said with a smile.

"Ha. Anyways, yeah, it's my first time and I'm having a blast so far. Especially last night... I never did get to thank you for that, by the way. That was absolutely amazing and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. I've been haaa.... nevermind."

She smiled at him again. "I enjoyed it just as much as you did, possibly more. You're really hot, has anyone ever told you that?"

"Can't say as they have. Apart from school, I don't get off the farm too much. Don't really have a lot of time for dating, and it's not exactly the type of thing your mom would say to you," Adam said with a grin.

"Haha, I would think not," Rachel said with a laugh.

"So, tell me more about you. I want to know everything."

He learned that Rachel Anne Givens was 16, born October 18, which was the same day as her older brother; she was from Atlanta, Georgia; and, like him, was sharing an inside cabin with her parents. She'd been on two previous cruises, but this was the first time on Princess.

"So... October 18... does that mean that you and your brother were Christmas presents?" Adam asked slyly.

"Eeew, I don't want to think about that!" Rachel laughed and punched his shoulder playfully. One of the ninja waiters popped out of nowhere and cleared up their plates, and after refreshing their drinks, the pair headed out of the buffet. "So, what would you like to do today, Adam?"

The two teens wandered aimlessly around the ship, enjoying each other's company. They took in the sights, played some shuffleboard up on deck, and after a while decided to go for a swim. They went down to deck 8, where Adam's stateroom was. Rachel suggested that he grab his trunks and change at her cabin, which was right near the pool. Adam agreed, ducked into his cabin and retrieved his trunks.

As they took the elevator to deck 14, Rachel reached over to Adam's head, pulled him down slightly and stood on her toes to give him a kiss. "I think I really like you, Mr. Kasimer."

"I really like y'all too, Ms. Givens," Adam said, before leaning down and giving her another kiss.

They strode down the hallway towards Rachel's cabin with their arms wrapped around each other. She could see an obvious lump in the front of Adam's shorts and put her hand on it, causing him to jump at the unexpected contact. "We'll have to do something about this before we go swimming, won't we?" she said with a smile, giving his hard cock a squeeze.

She opened the door and pushed him in, then put the "Privacy Please" placard on the door. Turning back to Adam, she gently pushed him backwards towards the sofa and sat him down. She pulled his tshirt over his head, exposing his muscular chest. "Wow, you really are built, aren't you?"

"I guess... It takes a fair bit to move the hay and all that. And now that my brothers are at school, it's just me and Dad and a couple of farm hands now, so I have to step up and do more work."

"Well, it's really working for you. And me." Rachel ran her hand over Adam's chest, playing with his little patch of hair, then spread out her fingers and rubbed his pecs, feeling the strength in the muscles below. "Now, I do believe that I said we needed to do something about this," Rachel said as she grabbed the lump in his shorts again, "and I do mean now."

And with that, she knelt in front of him, grabbed the sides of his shorts and boxers and tugged. Adam raised his ass off the sofa so she could pull his clothes right off. As she pulled farther, his hard cock sprang free from his boxers and she was able to see him in all his glory at last.

"Wow... you've got a big cock, just as I suspected last night! And uncircumsized, too. I've never seen one like that." Rachel attempted to wrap her small hand around Adam's dick, but couldn't because it was so thick - her thumb and fingers were unable to touch. "Wow. Just... wow."

Adam was in ecstacy. Not only was this the first time that he'd ever shown his dick to anyone, it was also the first time someone had ever touched it for him. He almost couldn't talk. "Oh, Jesus, Rachel... that feels so good..."

Rachel was fascinated with Adam's cock. It was so hard and yet so soft and silky at the same time. She stroked him a few times, watching his foreskin cover his cock head and retract repeatedly. Each time it retracted, she could see a puddle of precum forming at the tip. She touched it with her finger and was surprised at how warm and gooey it was, but not in an unpleasant way. She rubbed it around the head of his cock, making it shiny and slippery.

"Rachel... oh, yeah..." Adam could feel his ass cheeks clenching repeatedly of their own accord. His breathing was ragged and he threw his head back in ecstacy. "If you keep that up, I'm going to cum."

"Challenge accepted!" Rachel peeled off her tshirt and bra, exposing her tits to Adam. His cock throbbed in appreciation. "You like these, do ya?"

"Fuck, yeah..."

Picking up where she left off, she grabbed his dick in both hands and slowly jerked it up and down. Even using both hands, there were still a couple inches that her fingers didn't cover. His toes curled with each stroke, and after a few strokes, she moved her left hand to slowly massage his balls.

Adam was having trouble controlling himself. His hands were balled into fists, and his toes were trying to do the same. Rachel continued to slowly jerk his cock with one hand and massage his nuts with the other, gradually building speed.

Adam tried to prolong his orgasm by reciting football stats and doing math in his head, but to nobody's surprise, all the math in the world couldn't stop the inevitable and it became all too much for him to handle. "H.. H.. Here it comes!" he warned Rachel, who merely stroked faster. Adam could feel the hot cum boiling up from his balls and shooting down the length of his cock, which exploded all over her chest, and shot after shot of cum splashed out onto her tits. After 5 or 6 powerful spurts, the remainder of his cum dribbled out down onto her hands, his balls, and the sofa.

Out of breath, Adam looked into Rachel's eyes and said, "Oh... ohmygod... that... was amazing. Thank you so much."

"My pleasure... now, you sit there and rest, and I'm going to get cleaned up." She gestured at the mess he'd made all over her tits.

"Wow, I really did get it everywhere, didn't I?" Adam said weakly, with a huge smile on his face.

"Still are, on the couch. One sec, I'll get you a towel." Rachel stood up, peeled off her shorts and panties, looked at Adam between her legs and waved. She retrieved a facecloth from the bathroom, wet it and tossed it to Adam, who used it to clean up the cum from his body and the couch as best he could. "I'm just going to jump in the shower real quick to wash this off, then we can go swimming. Be right back, Adam."

When Rachel emerged, Adam had finished cleaning up and stood there, still naked, his penis now resting comfortably on his testicles, now they they weren't bursting. He strode over to Rachel and planted a big kiss on her. "Thanks for that... that was awesome."

"Anytime, Adam. I think we're going to have a great time this week."

Chapter three's in the books. ;) If you want to drop me a note, is where you can reach me.

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Next: Chapter 4

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