Seven Days of Pleasure

By moc.liamg@wocoomrd

Published on Nov 21, 2020


This story is intended for reading by people who enjoy these stories, and is legal in your part of the world. You know whether you should be reading it or not, I'm not here to stop you.

The entire story is fiction, including all characters (though I wish they were real and I were a fly on the wall). They live in a world where pregnancy and diseases are not a real worry, but we don't - so be safe!

Please consider donating to help support the costs involved in running the Nifty Archive... after all, where would we be without them?

So, a quick note as to why it's been so long since the last update. First off, I'm sorry about that - writer's block is a bitch. But more than that... last year, one of my close friends died of a heart attack - at 41 - and one of the characters in this story is loosely based on him. As much as I love the kids in my story, it was incredibly difficult to come back to it, as I hope you can imagine. And then the pandemic hit... with how the world is these days, that didn't help things either.

I hope that you, dear reader, are keeping safe and living well during these dark times. Who knows how long this pandemic will last - but it's a reminder that we, as the human race, need to work together to get through tough times and overcome this fucking virus.

I think that my writer's block is finally behind me, and it's important to me that I can honour my late friend who meant so much to me. This story first started out as an idea of what it would look like through his eyes (as if he were a teenager still), but it's grown into so much more. I hope you've enjoyed it, and will continue to enjoy it through to the end, which I plan to have out to you in a reasonable amount of time.

This chapter is dedicated to Jon... I miss you, buddy.


Chapter 28 Cruise Day 7, Sea Day, late morning, immediately following Chapter 27 (teen, m/m/f, inc)

After the siblings and their friend had their fill at the buffet, Jon pulled out a Princess Patter to see what was going on that day.

"Well, let's see... There's a Classic Movie trivia... no, wait, that started five minutes ago... Line dancing in 20 minutes?" Both Mark and Megan scrunched up their nose at that suggestion. "Oh, thank God you guys don't want to do that, I did NOT want to go dancing with my two left feet," Jon continued. "Ooh, here's a good one, there's a scavenger hunt in half an hour. I think that sounds like fun, what do you guys think?" The siblings nodded their approval.

That decided, Jon and Megan started making googly eyes at each other again, and held hands at the table. Bemused, Mark grabbed the Patter and was idly reading what else was going on when one item jumped out at him. "Hey!" he said excitedly, startling the other two. "There's a belly flop competition at two, wanna check that out?"

"That sounds fun," Megan cooed. "Maybe you two can enter, haha!"

The boys looked at each other and shrugged. "Sure, why not... We can go get changed after the scavenger hunt," Mark said. Plans made, the three teens stood up, cleaned off their table and made their way down to the theater, where the scavenger hunt was set to begin in a few minutes.

Browsing through the onboard shops, looking through the ridiculously expensive souvenirs, Eric and Andrew bumped into Adam and Rachael doing the same. "$8 for a Princess keychain?" Andrew exclaimed.

"That's nothing, check this out. $25 for a stuffed bear," Adam chimed in. "I wonder if it gives blowjobs, at that price."

"It doesn't, from what I'm told," Eric responded from the other side of the display. "But for $25, I might," he added.

Leaving the shop empty-handed (instead of empty-walleted), the teens meandered aimlessly around, like teenagers are wont to do, just chatting about anything and everything. After picking up a soda each at a bar, they eventually wandered past a lounge with a cruise director inviting people in to try their hand at watercolor painting. Eric looked at the other three inquisitively. "Wanna try?" he asked.

Andrew shrugged. "I'm not very good at art, but sure, I'll give it a go."

Adam and Rachael also agreed, and the four entered the lounge and sat around a table. It wasn't a busy class, only four other passengers in the lounge, and they were welcomed with warm smiles all around.

"Hi, everyone, I'm Carla, from the Entertainment staff, how's everyone doing today?" the assistant cruise director announced as she stepped up onto the small stage. "Nice to see a decent turnout today - I usually only see two or three people at these things." She continued her welcoming patter as she walked around the assembled passengers, handing out a palette of paints, a brush, a cup of water and a piece of watercolor paper to each of them. "How many of you have painted before?" No hands went up. "Oh, a room full of virgins, are we?"

"I'm not sure I'd go that far," Andrew muttered, earning smiles from his tablemates.

Carla continued on. "I've got a few sample photos here that you can feel free to try and replicate, or you can try your hand at creating your own scene. You're in charge of the art, this is your world, you can create whatever you want. Nobody's judging, this is all for fun. And remember, we don't make mistakes here, we only have happy accidents."

Looking at the sample photographs, Andrew was rather taken with one of them, a picture of a tropical beach overlooking the ocean. Eric selected a photo of a bird in a tree, Rachael chose a forest scene. Adam, on the other hand, said he was just going to putter a bit and see what he came up with. And so, the painting began.

"Okay, so let's see what we've got here," Jon said, looking over the list of the scavenger hunt items. Once given the go, they would have twenty minutes to find all the items they could, then return to the theater to see which team was able to find the most. The winners would receive a prize - nobody knew what it was, but it sounded promising.

The three teens huddled around, reading over the list to see what they would have to find: a casino chip, an autograph from the ship's captain, a drink umbrella, some currency from one of the destinations they visited on the cruise, a recipe for the drink of the day, a napkin signed by one of the musicians around the ship, a spa brochure signed by a spa employee, a lipstick, an article of clothing with the Princess logo on it, a souvenir drink cup, a copy of a dinner menu, a seashell, a luggage tag, something purple, a deck of cards, and a newspaper.

"Okay. Do you guys still have all the paperwork that the cabin steward left in your room every night?" Jon whispered.

"Yeah, I think so. I've just been throwing it in a pile on the desk," Mark said. "Why?"

"On the first night, one of the papers was a welcome message from the captain, and he'd signed it. That'll count as his autograph - it doesn't say it has to be a fresh signature," Jon said with a smile. "Pedantic man for the win! I think the Patter also has drink recipes in it for the ones they're pushing each day."

"I've got a lipstick and a Princess hat," Megan offered.

"Great, so we can get all three of those from your cabin," Jon continued, getting excited. "I don't know where we're going to get a casino chip, though, we're too young to gamble."

"I think they sell casino chip keychains, though, we could get one of those!" Mark exclaimed, a little too loud. The next team over heard him and whispered about it. One of the members gave Mark a big thumbs up - he smiled and stuck his tongue out in response. "Fine, I'll get the keychain, since I just gave that idea away," he said.

"I'll run back to my cabin, I've got a souvenir cup and a luggage tag there," Jon offered. "And then I'll see if I can swipe a dinner menu from the dining room. Oh, and I'll grab some money, too... San Juan, St. Thomas and Key West are all American ports - I think that one's supposed to be a trick question."

"Okay, so I'll grab the stuff from our room and then I'll head over to the library, they had decks of cards in there with the games and puzzles," Megan said.

"Alright. I'll go up to the spa and ask for a brochure, get a drink umbrella and find a musician. Remember to be back here within twenty minutes, or it doesn't count!"

Plan in hand, the three teens spread out in different directions to retrieve the objects that they were responsible for, intent on winning this game.

The group of passengers in the art class started out intently focused on their own work, until one of the older ladies at another table piped up. "Ah, fuck! Errr... I mean... ah, fudge," she blushed, looking around at the others in the room. "Sorry!" The rest of the group laughed as Carla wandered over to help. The ice broken, pockets of conversation started to break out.

Andrew focused on his painting. He was mostly happy with how his palm tree was coming together, though he cursed at himself for making it a little too big for the paper. Taking a breath, he thought about it, and realized it didn't HAVE to look exactly like the photograph - nobody would know that it was different, so he could just adjust the perspective a bit to make it fit in.

"Don't overthink it," Eric whispered to him. "I can see the hamster wheel turning in your brain. Give the little guy a break, just enjoy it." Andrew smiled in response.

Rachael burst out laughing. "Look at this!" she exclaimed, showing the other teens her work. It was starting to look like a big green fluffy cloud. "I'm so bad at art, it's funny!"

Adam leaned over and planted a kiss on her cheek. "It's early still... you've got this," he said encouragingly. She giggled and went back to fluffing her cloud. Adam rubbed her leg, then went back his own work.

Mark and Megan returned to the theater with two minutes to spare, but Jon was nowhere to be found. Mark could feel the sweat of excitement slowly trickling down his neck as he watched the clock, willing Jon to appear before time was up. "Where the fuck is he?" Mark muttered to himself, and breathed a sigh of relief when their friend rushed in the door.

"Sorry, I almost fell down the stairs, I was rushing so much," Jon panted. As he dumped out the contents from his pockets, James, the assistant cruise director, announced that time was up. "Wow, I didn't realize I cut it that close," Jon added. The teens pooled the items that they gathered and counted - out of the list of sixteen items, they had retrieved all the items they had agreed on, except the dinner menu - the doors to the dining rooms had been locked. Jon had, however, found a seashell that his mother had picked up in one of the shops onboard. All told, all they had collected thirteen of the items. "I think we have a good chance at winning this, guys!" Jon exclaimed.

One team showed up with fourteen out of the sixteen items, which made everyone sad - but that all changed when they were disqualified by James because they returned three minutes late. "Alright, everyone, it's time to see who's going to win... let's get you all standing up, and let's hear a cheer for all the teams! Except the team who showed up late, no cheer for you!" he called, poking fun at the latecomers. "So, let's see... How many teams got five items or more?" All the teams cheered. "Eight items or more?" All the teams cheered again. "Ten items?" That knocked one of the teams out of contention.

"Eleven items?" Only four teams were left at this point. "Twelve?" Knocking out two of the teams, it was now down to only Jon, Mark and Megan and the other team that had overheard Mark's idea for the casino chip.

"How many did you guys get?" James called over to the teens.

"Thirteen!" Megan called back.

"And you guys?" he asked the other team.

"Thirteen as well!" their spokesperson called back.

"Thirteen out of sixteen - well, that's great!" James exclaimed. "Come on up here on stage, you guys, and let's verify all of your items!"

The three teens and the four members of the other team all joined James up on the stage, and looked out at the other teams - there was about 50 people sitting out in the theater, all looking at them.

"Okay, so let's go down the list here... did you get a casino chip?" Both teams produced a souvenir chip keychain as Mark had described, and got a point each. The teens were able to produce the captain's signature from the welcome letter, which the other team didn't have; but they countered back with a photograph of the dinner menu from the wall outside the dining room.

"Darn, I didn't think of that," Mark exlaimed. "I walked past it twice!"

Both teams were able to produce a drink umbrella, some American money - James congratulated them both for catching that three of the ports were American - and continued with a drink recipe, a signed napkin, a spa brochure, a lipstick, a souvenir cup, a luggage tag and a deck of cards. The teens also had a Princess hat, while the other team had a t-shirt.

Jon's mother's seashell put them up by one again, but the other team had a newspaper, which they didn't. All told, both teams had the thirteen items that they claimed to.

James was about to declare the game a tie, but then Jon shouted, "Wait!" which scared the crap out of everybody. "Sorry," he apologized with a grin. "I just realized, we actually have one more item."

Jon shocked the entire room by pulling down his shorts and dropping them by his ankles, showing off his bright purple underwear, which caused the room to go completely silent, then erupting in laughter and applause after a few seconds. He was blushing bright red by this point, and hastily pulled his shorts back up and took a bow.

"Oh... my..." James called, not expecting that, but was a professional as he slipped back into his banter. "That makes 14 items for - what's your team name?"

"The Purple Boxers!" Mark called out without hesitation, causing everyone to crack up.

"The winners of our scavenger hunt, with a whopping fourteen items - The Purple Boxers!" James exclaimed. "Bonus points to this guy for bringing out the big gun when it counted!" The crowd laughed heartily at the double entendre. "So for winning, you each get a medal - it's not chocolate, so don't eat it, but it's not worth much more than that... and as your prize... You each get your very own... priceless... can't-buy-them-anywhere... Princess logo pen!" The crowd went mild.

After the game wrapped up and everyone was making their way out of the theater, several other teams wandered by and congratulated them for their big win, with special recognition for Jon's unorthodox contribution. He thanked them all warmly, but all the pats on the back were nothing to him compared to the hug he got from his teammates as they left the theater, Jon in the middle, with his arms around the shoulders of his two friends.

"Jesus, Jon, who knew you had that in you!" Megan exclaimed.

"Not me, that's for sure... the Jon of a week ago would have had his head shaved rather than drop trou in public," he responded, still shaking with adrenaline. He leaned over and kissed Megan on the cheek, then surprised Mark by doing the same to him. "I'm the king of the world!" he exclaimed.

Eric's bird was taking shape quite nicely, he felt. He'd started off with the intention of painting a chickadee, but wanted more color in his painting, and switched to a bluebird. He was working on shading the bird's head a bit darker when Andrew looked over. "Wow, man, that's pretty," he quietly exclaimed.

"I'm glad you like it... I really like doing things that make you happy," Eric responded with a bashful smile. Andrew burst out laughing.

"That's hilarious... I was just thinking the same thing about you!" he indicated at his beach scene. He was slowly filling in the ocean, the deep shades of blue and green intermixing and creating wonderful new variations. The tree still looked a little wonky, he thought, but he was happy enough to stop fiddling with it. He leaned over and gave his boyfriend a quick peck on the cheek.

Rachael, on the other hand, was getting mildly frustrated at her green cloud of trees. "I think I used too much water, this is just turning into a mess," she said. Just then, Carla stopped by to check on their progress.

"Do you need a hand, hon?" she asked.

"Yes, please... I don't like how this is coming out. I don't know whether I should just start over or what," Rachael replied.

"We can fix that," Carla offered. From her back pocket, she whipped out a paper towel. "May I?" Rachael nodded. Within sixty seconds, Carla had dabbed at, wiped off and worked a little magic, and once she was done, the background of green had taken on the appearance of a backdrop of trees, the depth of which made it look like Rachael had spent hours working at it. She looked up at Carla, her mouth agape and eyes wide. "How did you do that?!"

"Well, I suspect you figured out what was wrong - sorry, not wrong, we don't make mistakes - but you get what I mean," Carla replied with a smile. "You'd made it a bit too wet, so the paint was getting all mixed up and turning to mud instead of trees. I just removed some of the paint and dried it out some, and with a little luck, it turned out all right." She looked up at the sample photo that Rachael was using as a guide. "I'd suggest letting that dry out a bit before coming back to it... why don't you start on the sky, and see about filling in some of the space up here?" she indicated on Rachael's canvas. "And once your trees dry some, I'll show you how you can add highlights to it to really make it pop."

Rachael thanked her profusely and cleaned her brush for working with the new colors and got back to work.

After swinging by Jon's cabin to grab his towel and trunks (and to drop off his Princess logo pen, the coveted prize from the scavenger hunt!), the girl led her two boys back to her cabin to get changed for the bellyflop competition.

Jon and Mark went into the main part of the cabin. Jon tossed his gear onto the couch while Megan went to the closet to grab her and her brother's swimsuits. By the time she rejoined them, the boys had kicked off her sandals and Mark was about to undo his belt before Megan stopped him.

"Hey, guys?" she interrupted. Both boys stopped and turned to face her. "Can I... would you... no, nevermind, it's stupid," she got all bashful.

"What?" Mark asked.

"No, like I said, it's stupid," she said, not meeting the gaze of either boy. "Go ahead and get changed, ignore me."

"What did you want, hon?" Jon asked, hating to see her feeling awkward about him. He knew all about feeling awkward around people - it sucked. "We won't laugh, I promise." Mark nodded his agreement, not that his sister saw it.

She sighed. "Okay, fine. I was going to ask... I was going to ask if I could watch you guys undress each other to get changed. There, are you happy? It's stupid."

"It's not stupid, sis," Mark replied. He caught Jon's eye, shrugged and nodded. Jon nodded back. "That's kinda hot, actually."

"Really?" she exclaimed. "You don't mind?"

"Nope," Jon said. "I can't say I've ever undressed another boy before, but then again, I've never undressed a girl either. And he's right, it sounds hot as fuck. Besides, we have to get undressed to change anyway." He indicated towards the couch. "Have a seat, m'lady... Best seat in the house, front row. And the show's about to start!"

After she settled in, the boys stood in front of her facing each other. Making eye contact, the boys smiled at each other, not knowing how to start. After a moment, Mark took charge. He stepped in closer, leaned in and returned the kiss on the cheek that Jon had given him earlier. He then grasped the hem of Jon's t-shirt and started to pull it up his torso slowly.

Megan bit her lip as she watched the garment inch up her lover's body. His tummy, which she had come to adore this week, slowly made an appearance, his belly button peeking out at her. Yes, he had a few extra pounds, but Megan loved him exactly the way he was, and his self-confidence had soared this week once she made him realize how she felt about him.

As his t-shirt continued its northward journey, she smiled almost imperceptably as his nipples came into view. She knew from experience that they were very sensitive, and was delighted to see that they were already erect with anticipation. She could feel her own nips harden as the scene unfolded before her. He pulled off his glasses and lifted his arms so that Mark could finish removing the garment entirely, leaving him topless in front of her.

For the first time that week, she got a good look at him without his glasses on - he looked startlingly different, as many people do without their glasses. His piercing green eyes locked on with her brother's brown ones, partly because that's about as far as he could see at the moment.

When he replaced his glasses, he looked over at Megan, smiled and blew her a kiss. He felt tingles as Mark made contact with his bare skin, first on his shoulders then sliding down his chest where they made a quick stop to gently pinch his stiff nipples, his gasp filling the deathly-silent room. They then continued down his sides, causing him to sharply inhale before reaching his beltline, at which point Mark leaned in and kissed him again, this time on the lips, before stepping back and awaiting his turn.

He didn't have to wait long before Jon stepped forward and undid the top button of his shirt, exposing a little more skin, which he then stroked gently with his index finger. A second button soon followed, then joined by a third, leaving Mark's shirt halfway undone, his smooth chest peeking out between the folds of cotton. Leaning in, Jon inhaled deeply, finding his friend's natural scent combined with the scent of his body wash intoxicating.

Megan, for her part, sat on the couch, silently, her attention raptly focused on the two most important boys in her life in front of her, half naked and getting more so by the minute. She sighed quietly as she felt her pussy starting to get wet.

As his friend undid the last two buttons, leaving his shirt undone and hanging, Mark's chest heaved in anticipation. Goosebumps raised as Jon's hands snaked inside the cotton, caressing his bare skin. A sharp intake of air announced when his sensitive nipples were awkwardly-yet-sensuously tweaked by his - friend? lover? both? It didn't matter, Jon was his everything at this moment.

Mark purred as Jon's roaming hands slowly slid up to his shoulders, gently coaxing the shirt to fall to the floor. Kicking it to one side, Jon then wrapped his arms around Mark and brought him in for a hug, their bare chests rubbing against each other. Both boys were sporting a tent downstairs, their pants each barely containing their manhoods as they tried to rip a hole through the fabric. Jon's cock was almost painfully hard inside its denim prison, pinned pointing down when nature wanted it to stand out proudly. He was incredibly turned on, his senses almost on overload by how sensual this encounter was - he had never anticipated having a relationship like this. Not just on the cruise, but life in general. He was in heaven.

Reluctantly, the boys broke their embrace and got back to the job at hand. Mark locked eyes with his friend as he reached out and unclasped Jon's belt before slowly - oh, so slowly - pulling it out one loop at a time until it came free entirely, then dropped it on the nearby bed.

Megan could hardly breathe she was so aroused.

Rachael was much happier with her painting now that the sky and undergrowth in the forest were in, and Carla was helping her add some highlights to the tree canopy that really made the scene come alive. "Wow, thanks, Carla, you really know what you're doing!" she exclaimed.

"No need to thank me - you did all the work! I just pointed you in the right direction," Carla replied. "And your seascape there, that's really well done too, young man!" she complimented Andrew, circling around behind him to admire his work.

"Thanks... this is my first try, as I'm sure you can tell," he said, before she cut him off.

"Don't sell yourself short. You've done a great job."

"You really think so? There's something weird about this palm tree."

"So? Nature isn't perfect. Trees grow weird in nature all the time. Here, take a step back and have another look."

Andrew stood up and took a few steps as Carla held the painting for him to see. "I guess... yeah, it's not too bad, I guess..."

"Stop second guessing yourself, man. That's awesome," Eric piped up.

Andrew shrugged and smiled. "Let me see yours?" Eric held his work up for him to see. Andrew was astounded - the painting was obviously painted by an amateur, but he'd captured the spriteliness of a bird in a tree perfectly, in his opinion, and didn't hesitate to let his boyfriend know. The two boys chattered excitedly as Carla looked on and smiled, then moved around behind Adam.

Taking a quick glance at his work, she locked eyes on Adam and quietly asked, "Does she know?" He smiled and shook his head.

"Does she know what?" Rachael asked, confused.

"May I?" Carla asked Adam, who nodded. She took his painting, took a few steps back, and with a flourish, turned it around for the room to see. All conversation stopped dead as everyone turned to see his work.

Rachael audibly gasped. Adam had painted a strikingly lifelike portrait of her leaning over the table painting her own picture, capturing the way the light from the window filtered through her hair and the soft kiss of the sun on her skin; the wrinkles of her shirt and the look of concentration on her face were so realistic it almost looked like a photograph. "How... what... wait... YOU did this?" He simply nodded and smiled sheepishly. "You didn't tell me you could paint!"

He shrugged. "It never came up," he responded.

Rachael knocked over her chair as she leaped to her feet and just about tackled Adam to the floor, hugging and kissing him maniacally. "I can't believe you painted me. May I keep it?"

"I wouldn't have it any other way," he said with a huge grin.

Mark and Jon were really getting into this. Undressing each other had started out as a favour to Megan, but it was turning into so much more - everyone in the cabin found the scene so erotic that the electricity was palpable.

Mark had stepped direcly behind Jon, his chest making full press contact with his friend's back. Reaching around, he gently ran his hands around Jon's torso before teasingly lowering his hands to his friend's pants. First came the button, and with a gentle pull of his jeans to each side, the zipper slowly descended, revealing the now-famous purple boxers to the teenage girl seated on the couch before them - the one who currently was struggling not to rip off her own clothes and plunge her hands into her sopping wet pussy. She'd asked for a show, and God damn it, she was getting one.

As the zip reached its destination at the bottom, it was plainly obvious to everyone just how hard Jon's cock was. Hell, they could probably feel it from next door - a disturbance in the force, if you will. Carefully, so as not to touch it and set it off, Mark lowered his friend's jeans just enough to allow his cotton-wrapped boner to spring free, eliciting a satisfied sigh from Jon now that his member was no longer trapped in its cage. Gravity took over and his pants were soon puddled around his ankles, and after kicking them off the rest of the way, he was left in his boxers, his cock pointing obscenely out at Megan. It was almost more than she could take - she was literally quivering with anticipation and excitement, the butterflies in her stomach doing some sort of mosh pit slam dancing.

Turning around and aiming his weapon back at Mark, Jon planted a deep, wet kiss on his friend's lips. After a few seconds of their tongues duelling, Jon reluctantly broke the kiss before moving to the side of Mark's neck and kissing his way down, past his shoulders, his lips caressing the clavicle, following the goose-flesh down to his friend's pectoral. He dragged his tongue down Mark's chest as he slowly lowered to his knees and leaned back, his friend's crotch now at eye level. Reaching out, he returned the favour of popping the button and slowly lowering the zipper, feeling the heat from his friend's crotch as another cotton-clad boner was introduced to the cabin.

Mark's pants fell to the ground, also obeying the law of gravity. As Jon leaned forward to help his friend remove them from his ankles, the overwhelming smell of hot teen cock, cleansing body wash and clean laundry overwhelmed Jon's senses and he couldn't help but inhale deeply, savouring the scent as if his life depended on it. He closed his eyes and just basked in it for a moment before returning to his senses, finished removing Mark's pants, stood once again and enveloped his friend in a bear hug once more, their dicks pressing into each other's body as their lips met for another kiss.

As their kiss ended, the boys made eye contact and almost as one, turned to face Megan. Each boy reached out a hand to her to help her to her feet. "Your turn," Jon whispered.

Rachael and Adam had bid their farewells and wandered off so that she could "thank him properly", as she put it, for the painting he had made for her. Andrew and Eric carried their own paintings as they wandered the ship. "You really think this is good?" Andrew asked for the seventh time.

"I do," Eric said. "I'm not sure what else I can say to make you believe me."

"I do believe you, I just don't believe in myself," Andrew replied. "All I can see is the mistakes I made and things that I wish I'd done differently."

"I think it's perfect as it is, and if you don't want it, I have an idea of what we can do that will make a real impression." Eric shared his idea with his boyfriend, who immediately agreed to then plan.

Megan stood between her two men, kissing one while the other gently pulled her hair to the side and kissed her neck, before turning around and the boys traded positions. Before too long, Jon reached out and caressed her tummy, causing her to moan into her brother's mouth. He gently tugged at the fabric of her tank top, coaxing it upwards, slowly exposing her taut belly to the room. As her shirt eased past her tits, she reluctantly broke the kiss with Mark and raised her arms so the garment could be removed completely, her ample breasts still contained in a flesh-coloured bra.

As Jon tossed her shirt onto the bed, she turned to face him once more and threw her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately as her brother started working on the clasp of her bra. Not being overly experienced with the mysteries of the garment, Mark struggled as so many teen boys have struggled with bras over the years. Eventually, she started giggling through the kiss as he kept fumbling with it, until finally she reached around her back and shooed Mark away, and as if by magic, popped the clasp as if it weren't there, then eased the straps off her shoulders and slid the garment down her arms before tossing it on the bed with the growing pile of clothes.

As her boobs came into view, Jon caught quite the eyeful and his cock stiffened even more, if that was even possible. He reached down and popped the button on her shorts, but before he could go any further, she grabbed his wrist and forced his hand down the front of her panties, where a shocking amount of heat and moisture greeted him. His palm grazed her magic button and that was enough to push her over the edge, the orgasm that had been building finally realized as fireworks exploded in her head. Mark caught her and leaned her body into his as she swooned, her legs turning to jelly as she came harder than she had all week, the tremors transferring from her body to his.

The three stayed in place, almost afraid to move and shatter the magic as her climax hit her like a Mack truck. Finally, she sighed contentedly with a goofy smile. Jon took his opportunity to pull both her soaked panties and shorts down at once, leaving the satisfied girl completely stark naked before him and her brother. She grabbed Jon's pool towel and spread it out on the couch before plonking herself down on it, her gash still dripping from her orgasm. But she wasn't done yet.

She grabbed both boys by the elastic on their underwear and pulled them to her until they were standing side by side in front of her. Without letting go, she practically ripped both of them down, releasing a pair of teenage cocks to bounce in her face. Both boys sighed with relief now that their manhoods were no longer inhibited by their clothing. Jon reached his arm around Mark, who did the same, and the boys pulled each other close, their bodies coming in full contact as Megan grasped a cock in each hand.

Eric and Andrew walked hand in hand towards the table on the pool deck where the three parents waited for them. "All right, boys, what's on your minds?" Eric's mum asked, the boys having called them and arranged another meeting.

"Well, uh, Mrs. Stevens," Andrew spoke up nervously. "I made something for you. It's not much, but... mmmmph..."

Eric silenced him by placing his hand over his boyfriend's mouth before he stuck his foot in once more. "And Mrs. Farriss, I've made something for you as well." Both of the boys' mums looked surprised. "We wanted to do something for each of you, as a thank you for the wonderful week that you've allowed us to spend together." He pulled up a couple chairs for him and Andrew to sit, joining their parents. Simultaneously, each of the boys passed their paintings over to his boyfriend's mother.

"Wow!" Andrew's mother exclaimed. "You painted this, Eric? It's amazing!" He nodded and blushed with the praise.

"And Andrew, this is stunning!" Eric's mum added. "You're a very talented young man." Andrew sighed in relief and thanked her for the compliment with a smile. "This is a perfect souvenir for this trip!" she continued.

"I'm going to frame this when I get home," Andrew's mother gushed. Eric's parents both nodded in agreement. "This will go perfectly in our dining room, I think," which caused Eric to beam at her.

"Our living room, I think," Mrs. Stevens replied. "The colours... simply amazing!"

The boys exchanged a look, knowing that Eric's idea was perfect. On top of making each of their mothers very happy, they now would have a permanent reminder of each other in their homes that they could gaze upon whenever they liked.

Knowing they would be as close to orgasm as she had been, she immediately jerked both her lover and her brother's dicks with purpose. They were surprisingly similar in size and girth, though Jon still had his foreskin while her brother did not. That didn't seem to matter, though, as both boys were overwhelmed by her gentle grasp on their respective penises, drawing each of them nearer to their own climaxes.

With the moans and gasps her brother was making, she was sure that he was going to cum first, so she was caught a little off-guard when Jon grunted and shot his cum with the force of a fire hose, splattering spunk all over her face and tits as his balls emptied themselves with haste. Focusing mainly on Jon for a moment, she milked his cock for all it was worth and was rewarded with one last glob that oozed out onto her hand before turning her attention back to her brother as Jon stood, spent, his dick starting to wilt in her hand.

Following the explosion from his left, Mark smiled at both of them before his sister focused her attention on him entirely. Meeting his gaze, she smiled seductively at him and leaned forward. Without breaking eye contact, she enveloped his cock with her mouth and swirled her tongue around the head of his hypersensitive cock. Sucking in his full length a few times, she could tell he was close when his breathing became ragged, and she backed off and ferociously jacked his dick, encouraging him to reach his climax.

And reach his climax he did, grunting as he came, spurting his semen all over his sister, mixing it with that of his friend all over her face and chest. Temporarily blinded, Mark's orgasm was so intense that he likely would have fallen over if Jon hadn't been there to support him. Jon could feel his friend's muscles tensing and releasing as he came, a feeling that he knew that he would not forget for the rest of his life. Eventually, the well ran dry, and Megan released the boys' cocks.

"Whoah," Jon exclaimed quietly.

"Yeah," Megan agreed.

Mark could only nod and moan.

The cabin door had barely closed before Eric had pinned Andrew against it and thrust his body against that of his boyfriend, his tongue mining for gold in his boyfriend's mouth. Responding in kind, Andrew wrapped his arms around Eric and the boys embraced until they were out of breath.

"Wow," Andrew exhaled.

"Wow indeed," Eric agreed.

Kicking off their shoes, both boys plunked themself down on the bed, fully clothed for a change, and simply cuddled with each other. "That was your best idea yet," Andrew whispered, "giving the paintings to our moms. I haven't seen my mom that happy in months."

"Mine too," Eric responded. "I told you your painting was great, but you didn't believe me," he continued, then gave Andrew a kiss on his forehead. The boys lay there for a few minutes, snuggling.

"I love you, Eric," Andrew said quietly, momentarily breaking the silence.

"I love you too, babe," Eric said. They continued to lie there until each of them slipped off into an early afternoon nap.

The three teens lay sprawled out naked throughout the cabin. Mark was stretched out on his bed; Jon took up residence on the floor and Megan lay spread-eagled on the couch. After a few minutes of quiet self-reflection, the teens took stock of the aftermath. Both boys were sweaty and finally regaining their breath, and Megan was covered in cum from both boys that was starting to cool off. The pool towel was pretty worse for wear, covered in spunk as well.

"Fuck, I need another shower," she gasped. Both boys agreed that they needed to shower as well, and agreed that she should go first as, well, she needed it most. She gingerly stood and grabbed the towel, looking for a somewhat dry corner to mop up some of the cum so it didn't fall on the carpet. Satisfied, she grabbed the towel and brought it into the bathroom to soak, leaving the two boys alone together. Mark was basking in the afterglow while Jon was starting to doze off, spent from his experience.

All the blood rushed from Mark's face when he heard the all too familiar click of the door lock opening.

"WAIT!" he shouted at the door, jarring Jon awake in the space of a heartbeat. "We're changing for the pool!"

"Uhm, okay! Sorry!" Mark's dad called before letting the door close.

"Jesus Christ, I'm going to die before this day is over," Mark muttered. He quickly grabbed his trunks and stepped into them as Jon did the same. Once they were decent, Mark opened the door and invited his father into the cabin.

"Sorry to have almost burst in on you like that," Mark's dad apologized. "I didn't think you'd be in the cabin." He sniffed the air for a moment and looked at his son inquisitively. "Is that... is that cum? Were you two..." Both boys blushed deeply. "Well, I guess that answers my question," he continued with a smile. "Where's Megan?"

"She's... ummm... at the pool already," Mark stammered. "She got changed first, then said she'd meet us up there."

"And you two got distracted?" his father was barely containing himself as the boys blushed further. "Don't worry about it, we've all done it with friends at your age. I'm just glad it was me and not your mother. She doesn't understand that boys will be boys as much as I do. Anyways, I came to leave these for you and your sister." He handed two passports to his son. "You'll need these to disembark tomorrow." He turned to leave the room. "I hope you boys had fun!" he exclaimed with a chuckle as he departed.

As soon as the door closed, Megan opened the bathroom door, white as a sheet. "Oh my God, that was close... I was just about to turn on the shower when I heard you shout, and then was about to come out to see what was going on when I heard his voice."

"Yeah... and now he thinks that Jon and I jerked off together," Mark replied. "Better than the alternative, I guess..."

"That's so true," Jon added.

"I'd better jump in the shower then run up to the pool before he goes looking for me up there!" Megan exclaimed, ducking back into the bathroom.

The boys looked at each other and sighed with relief.

Nothing gets the adrenaline pumping like getting caught, huh... If you want to drop me a note, is where you can reach me.

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Next: Chapter 29

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