Seven Days of Pleasure

By moc.liamg@wocoomrd

Published on Jun 6, 2020


This story is intended for reading by people who enjoy these stories, and is legal in your part of the world. You know whether you should be reading it or not, I'm not here to stop you.

The entire story is fiction, including all characters (though I wish they were real and I were a fly on the wall). They live in a world where pregnancy and diseases are not a real worry, but we don't - so be safe!

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Chapter 27 Cruise Day 7, Sea Day, morning

Andrew woke up, once again, with the comfortable feeling of his lover's morning wood nestled snugly in his butt crack. "I don't want to go back to waking up alone," he thought to himself with a wistful smile.

He spent a few minutes reflecting on his week until a familiar urge in his bladder forced him to carefully extricate himself from the various arms, legs and genetalia that were wrapped around (or nestled snugly in) him, trying not to wake Eric as he padded off to the bathroom.

After he peed, he did a quick pit-sniff and was apalled at how he smelled - not surprising, really, but still, something that needed to be dealt with immediately. So, into the shower he went, and a few minutes later, when he emerged from the bathroom, sparkling clean and fresh as a daisy, he found Eric sitting up in bed, idly stroking his dick that was still pointing at the ceiling.

"Morning, love," Eric said. "Have a good shower?"

"Yeah, it was quite nice. I'm going to miss being able to shower without being rushed."

"I can imagine. Now, don't get too comfortable... people to do, places to see, y'know," Eric replied. "My mom invited us to breakfast and asked if you wouldn't mind inviting your mom as well."

"Hmmm... okay, I'll give her a call," Andrew said, meandering over to the phone on the desk. He picked it up and dialed the extension for his mom's room. "Hey, Em, let me talk to mom." He paused, listening to his sister. "No, you may not ask what it's about, just get her." More nattering. "Em. Get. Mom. Now."

Eric couldn't help but smile, listening to this half of the conversation. Not having any siblings of his own, he hadn't had a war of words exactly like that, but it was really funny to hear his boyfriend going through it. And then he had an idea.

Mischievously, he quietly got out of bed and crept across the room to where Andrew was standing with his back to him, waiting for his mother to come to the phone (assuming his sister had finally given in and called her over). He gently wrapped his arms around Andrew, who jumped slightly at the sudden contact, his bare chest against Andrew's slightly damp back. For his part, Andrew leaned into the embrace slightly, enjoying the close contact once again. And then Eric could hear his boyfriend's mother pick up the phone and say hello... it was time to enact his evil plan. He reached around and gently pulled on the towel until it fell from around Andrew's waist, leaving him naked once again talking to his mother.

"Hi, Mom," Andrew said, throwing a bit of stinkeye at his lover. "How are yoooooohooooohoooooou?" he squawked as Eric gently grasped his penis and pulled on it. "No, nothing's wrong, Eric's just... uhhh... trying to drop ice cubes down my back," he said, trying to wave him off. "Anyways. Mr. and Mrs. Stevens were wooohoohoondering if you would join us for breeeeeeeeakfast," he managed to get out as Eric continued to grope him mercilessly, giggling quietly. "Okay, we'll meet you at the dining room in twenty miiiiihiiiinutes." He hung up the phone, then turned and kissed Eric, their now erect dicks smacking into each other. "You're such an asshole," he whispered.

"I know," Eric replied with a smile, "but you love me." Giving his lover's cock one more tug, he scooted off to the bathroom to shower.

Andrew smiled and shook his head as he watched his lover's bubble butt bounce across the cabin before digging out a pair of sky blue boxers and getting ready for the Meeting of the Parents, Part II.

Mark was startled awake by a knock on the door. Snapping to full consciousness, his heart started racing - he was in bed, still naked, pressed up against his equally naked sister, his erect dick... well, you can imagine the scene. If that was their parents and they came in, he and his sister's collective goose was cooked - they were able to get into the cabin with a tap of their Medallion.

He quickly flipped on the light and was temporarily blinded by the light of a thousand suns. Practically leaping out of bed, he spotted the boxers he had shucked off last night laying by the other bed, and he put them on as quickly as possible as another knock came at the door. Fearing that he had mere seconds, he mussed up the other bed and ran to the door and threw it open only to find Jon standing there.

"Jesus Christ, Jon, you gave me a heart attack," he exclaimed. Just then, a couple teenage girls happened to walk past their door, and he got more than a passing glance from both of them as they checked him out in his underwear, still sporting half a stiffy, then heard them giggle as they continued on their way. Blushing slightly, he invited his friend into the cabin and shut the door before he gave away any more free shows. He ducked into the bathroom as Jon walked into the main bedroom area.

"Woke you up, did I?" Jon said as Megan sat up and peered at him blearily. "Sorry about that - I figured you'd be up by 10:30."

"No, it's fine... just... yeah. Give me a minute to regain some semblance of consciousness," she replied. Throwing back the covers, she revealed her nude body to him as she stood up and headed towards the bathroom.

"Uhh... Mark's in there..."

"Fuck. Maaaaaark, hurrryyyyy uuuup, I have to peeeee..." Jon found it incredible cute - and somewhat sexy - seeing his sort-of-girlfriend doing the urgent-pee-pee-dance waiting on her brother to vacate the facilties. After what seemed like an eternity (to her), he finally emerged and she just about bowled him over as she darted in. Both boys laughed as they heard a long "aaaaahhhhhhhhh" before Mark shut the door and joined his friend in the main room.

"So, why did I give you a heart attack?" Jon asked.

"Well, uhh, we were kinda sleeping... together in the same bed... naked... I thought you were our parents. And they can get in the cabin when they want to."

"Oh. OH! Yeah, that would be bad," Jon agreed. "Sorry about that. I'll call first next time."

"Unfortunately there probably won't be a next time, bud... it's the last day of the cruise," Mark replied, looking a bit sad.

"Ah, fuck, yeah, it is," Jon said with a sigh. He'd totally forgotten that he was losing his friends tomorrow. He tried to put on a brave face, but Mark saw right through it. He strode over and gave his friend a hug.

"Don't worry, we'll stay in touch. There's always Discord or Zoom or something like that. Plus, Baltimore isn't that far from Philly, it's only like an hour and a half by train. We'll figure something out."

"Hmm, that's true," Jon replied. He hadn't considered that. "That would be kinda awesome if we were able to get together after the cruise."

"Six kinds of awesome!" Megan exclaimed as she bounded out of the bathroom and "threw her arms around the two boys. Now, can we talk about getting some food?"

Andrew waited by the door of the dining room, reading the menu for the evening's meal when his mother approached him from behind. "See anything you like?" she asked.

"The pork chop sounds nice," he replied, "but it's a tossup between that and the prime rib." He turned to face her and gave her a quick hug.

"Any idea what they wanted to talk to me about? You haven't been a little shit, have you?"

He smiled. "No, I've behaved myself properly. Well, above minimum expectations, anyway. I do have an idea what it's about, but I'll leave it to them to explain," Andrew replied, and led his mother to the table where Eric and his parents were waiting patiently, discussing their breakfast options.

"Patricia! It's lovely to see you again," Eric's father said as he rose to shake her hand.

"Likewise, Gary. Thank you for inviting me to breakfast, it's not often I get time with adults these days," shooting a quick glance at her son. "This one and his sisters keep me pretty occupied. Speaking of, he hasn't been misbehaving this week, I hope?"

"Andrew? Oh, heavens, no, he's been a perfect gentleman," Anne, Eric's mother, responded. "He's been a good influence on Eric all week, and they both seem so happy."

Andrew's mother's jaw dropped open in mock surprise. "Where is my son and what have you done with him?" she jokingly demanded of Andrew. "I'm glad to hear that. He's generally a good boy, but boys will be boys, as I'm sure you know."

Almost as proof of what his mother had just said, Andrew's hand had surreptitiously relocated itself onto Eric's bare knee under the table. As the adults continued with their small talk, it gradually found its way closer and closer to the hem of Eric's shorts, which were currently in the process of having a tent pitched in them.

"So, Pat, we invited you to breakfast to discuss a few things with you," Eric's father said, changing the subject. "I'm sure you've heard by now that our boys have developed a bit of a special bond."

"That's a fucking understatement," Andrew thought, his little finger creeping under the hem of Eric's shorts towards its goal.

"Yes, he and I had a discussion earlier this week about this new relationship," his mother agreed. "I will admit, it took me a bit by surprise, but I couldn't be happier for the boys. They both seem to be a good influence on each other... Eric's manners are impeccable, by the way." Eric blushed - seemingly at the compliment, but equally due to the intruding fingers that had reached his boxers and were wiggling their way up his left leg and about to touch his ball sack. "I hope he's rubbed off on Andrew some, it wouldn't be a bad thing."

"Oh, I've rubbed off on him a few times this week," Eric thought, a little smile coming to his lips. Just then, the ninja waiter materialized out of nowhere and greeted them all and took their breakfast orders before vanishing in a puff of smoke. Or at least, that's how it seemed.

"Did Andrew happen to mention what we spoke to him about the other day?" Eric's father inquired.

"No... When I asked, he said he felt it was better if I heard it from you."

"Ah. So, Anne and I own a somewhat sizable textile company, and as I mentioned the other day, she and I both work a fair bit. More so than is fair to Eric, if I'm honest, because he feels the brunt of that, so we try and do things for him when we can." Pat nodded, and he continued. "One of the perks of being a CEO is you get a private jet that is at your disposal - or the disposal of your family. So I'd like to extend an open invitation to you and Andrew - if he ever wants to come to New York for a visit, he's more than welcome, and we'll send the jet for him - if you're okay with that, of course."

"Wow... that's.... wow..." Andrew's mother stammered. When she woke up that morning, this was perhaps the last conversation she'd ever expected to have. She took a breath and looked over to her son. "I don't know what you did to ingratiate yourself to these nice people, but boy, you've got them fooled," she said with a smile. "Is this something you'd be interested in?"

"Uh, yeah!" Andrew exclaimed. "Who wouldn't want to have a chance to go and see their... uhm..."

"Boyfriend?" Eric offered, his voice squeaking a bit, probably due to the finger that was gently playing with his left nut, which was the main reason that his cock was threaten to rip through his zipper.

Andrew smiled. "Yes, boyfriend... sorry, it's still a bit new to me to say I have a boyfriend," he somehow managed to say with a straight face with his hand up said boyfriend's shorts.

"Don't get your hopes up just yet, mister," she said, turning her attention back to Eric's parents. "We could probably work something out in terms of paying his way, but -"

"Nonsense," Gary interrupted. "We didn't make the offer to make money off of it. The company covers the bill. Don't worry about that. Besides, we've got a manufacturing plant in Grand Rapids, so I'm flying in and out of there pretty frequently as it is. It's no trouble to bring Andrew back with me, then return him home again."

"You don't feel like he'd be a burden?" Pat asked.

"Not at all. And they obviously make each other very happy. Just look at them."

Hearing that, Andrew quickly withdrew his hand from his lover's pants just in time as all the parents' eyes turned to look at the two "angelic" boys seated with them at the table. He smiled at Eric, who returned it instantly.

Internally, Andrew's stomach felt like it was full of butterflies - this was a huge moment, the moment when his mother got to decide if his relationship with Eric could continue past the cruise. His first thought was to plead with his mom, but from experience he knew that possibly could work against him, so instead he kept quiet and just made eye contact with her.

"Well.... I guess if it's okay with you, Gary, Anne, then I guess it's okay with me. But - BUT - the same rules apply as the cruise - if you misbehave or step out of line, you lose that privilege. Do you hear me, mister?"

Andrew could barely contain his excitement. "Yes, ma'am, of course! Thank you!" he exploded, then turned to Eric's parents. "And thank you very much as well. You're so very generous!"

Eric grabbed his boyfriend's hand and held it in his, squeezing it in a vice as he was practically quivering with excitement. Within a split second of making eye contact with Andrew, they had a telepathic conversation that consisted mostly of yelling and squealing in celebration.

"And here's the food!" added Eric's mum as their waiter returned with a small army of assistants to place their breakfasts in front of them.

Mark emerged from the bathroom, freshly showered, a towel tossed jauntily across his shoulder but otherwise still naked. As he came out into the bedroom, he found his (naked) sister and (clothed) friend laying on the bed, making out like it was the only thing keeping them alive. "Geez, get a room, you two," he said with a smile, tossing the towel onto the couch. "Bathroom's all yours, sis."

Reluctantly disentangling themselves from each other, Megan leaned in and give Jon one more sesnsual kiss as he caressed her breast. "I'll be back soon, don't worry, love," she cooed in his ear. He smiled and nodded, then tweaked her nipple playfully before she turned to bound off for her turn in the shower. Mark swatted her behind on the way past for good measure, causing her to stop and stick her tongue out at him before closing the door.

"Now, where were you..." Mark said with a shit-eating grin, replacing his sister on the bed beside Jon. He'd initially intended it as a joke, but as the boys gazed into each other's eyes, the sexual tension built and built until they gave in and shared a kiss just as passionate as Megan and Jon had shared just moments ago. And then another, followed by a third.

And that's when the unthinkable happened. Another knock at the door.

The boys leapt up as if shocked by a cattle prod. Jon straightened his clothes while Mark, still stark naked, frantically looked around for something - anything - to cover up with. "Jon! Toss me that towel!" he hissed as another knock came at the door, followed by the telltale click of the lock disengaging.

Jon flung the towel at him and sat on the couch as the door swung open - he couldn't be sure, but he was pretty sure that the towel was still in the air when the door first opened. Mark had just barely managed to tie it around his waist as his parents walked in to the bedroom area.

"Oh, hey, mom, dad," he greeted his parents, scarily calm as close as he'd been to getting caught, quite literally, bare-ass naked. "This is Jon, our friend that we were telling you about."

Even though he was quivering inside, Jon swallowed hard, stood up and shook their hands. He hoped they didn't notice how clammy his hands were.

"So, umm, Mark... why are you dressed in a towel," his mother asked, "in front of a guest?"

"I just got out of the shower, mom," he replied, "and he was here when I came out. Megan's in there now, we were going to get some breakfast after she's done."

"Oh, well, we were going to see if you guys were up and wanted food, but by all means, spend the last day with your friend," his mom replied. "Just remember that you guys need to be packed up and have the suitcases out in the hallway before bed tonight, and don't forget to put the tags on" - indicating the green tags splayed out on the desk - "and keep out some clothes for tomorrow... I don't know that they'd let you keep the towel you're wearing now," she continued with an amused look on her face. Turning to the other teen in the room, she added, "Nice to have met you, Jon," and the adults departed to enjoy their last day at sea.

"Jesus Christ," Mark exclaimed, finally exhaling. "Two heart attacks in one morning, that has to be a record, right?"

After they had stuffed themselves with bacon, Eggs Benedict, bacon, scrambled eggs, bacon, fried eggs, bacon, bacon and bacon, the conversation turned back to work once more.

"So, Pat, there was a second reason we wanted to talk to you this morning," Gary said. "I received notice last week that one of my senior office assistants there in Grand Rapids is retiring next month. Andrew happened to hear me talking about that with Anne, and mentioned that you're in that line of work...?"

"Why, yes, I'm an executive assistant at my company, working for one of our district managers. I pretty much run his work life... I wonder how he's gotten along this week!" she said with a laugh. "I imagine I'll have a big mess to clean up when I get back."

"I don't doubt that - I have no idea where we'd be without our assistants. They really keep the show running, a lot more than executives would like to admit," Gary agreed. "So, I was wondering... would you be interested in a talk about taking over for my retiring assistant?"

If she'd been rocked before, with the offer of the use of the jet, she was absolutely floored now. "Are... are you serious?"

"Absolutely. At our company, we're like family - so who better than 'family' to replace her?"

"Well... I'm flattered, honestly. I guess it couldn't hurt to at least have a chat about it."

"Wonderful!" Turning to the teenagers, he continued. "Did you boys want to run off? I imagine the next part of our conversation isn't going to be overly interesting to you."

"Thank you, sir," Andrew said as the boys stood, placing their napkins neatly on the table.

"Such gentlemen!" Anne exclaimed once again. "I told you they were a good influence on each other!" Everyone smiled.

As he passed by his mother's chair, Andrew leaned over and hugged her from behind, whispering a heartfelt "thanks, mom" in her ear as he did so. She turned her head to the side and gave him a quick peck on the cheek and ruffled his hair.

As the boys left the restaurant, it was all they could do to walk calmly out before jumping up and down outside the dining room door. Both boys started talking at once, excited beyond words that they would be able to see each other in the weeks and months beyond the cruise.

"So, yeah, I met your parents," Jon said as Megan slipped into a pair of pink panties with little hearts on it.

"Really? Just now, when I was in the shower?"

"Yeah, they came barging in and were incredibly close to catching your brother and me on the bed. As it was, they almost saw him with a hard-on."

"Excuse me, a big hard-on," Mark said, sticking his head out around the corner from where he was finishing up getting dressed.

"Oh, don't flatter yourself, hon," Megan said over her shoulder. He put on a mock sad face and popped back around the corner. "What do you want to do today?" she asked, turning her attention back to their friend.

"Well, I could sit here and look at this aaaallllll day," Jon replied with a smile as he watched Megan get dressed.

"Funny. Seriously, any ideas?" she said, hooking up her bra. Jon didn't reply as he watched her adjust the restrictive clothing, moving things around until she was comfortable. "Uhhh, hello, my eyes are up here?" she added with a smile.

"Right, but I can see your eyes anytime... your boobs, on the other hand..." Jon answered cheekily.

"Boy, you really have grown a lot braver this week... Saturday Jon wouldn't have said that in a million years!" she responded. She grabbed his head and stuck his face in her cleavage, then shook her chest, saying "I'm sooooo proud of you!"

The teens agreed on getting some food at the buffet, and then playing it by ear. All three of them tried to put out of their mind that all of this would be coming to an end tomorrow, and just tried to live in the moment.

I know, I know... I'm a tease. Sorry! Check back next time, same Bat-time, same Bat-channel! If you want to drop me a note, is where you can reach me.

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Next: Chapter 28

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