Seven Days of Pleasure

By moc.liamg@wocoomrd

Published on May 30, 2020


This story is intended for reading by people who enjoy these stories, and is legal in your part of the world. You know whether you should be reading it or not, I'm not here to stop you.

The entire story is fiction, including all characters (though I wish they were real and I were a fly on the wall). They live in a world where pregnancy and diseases are not a real worry, but we don't - so be safe!

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Chapter 26 Cruise Day 6, Sea Day, later evening

"I just can't agree with you on that one. It's an abomination!" Eric exclaimed as he and Andrew climbed the stairs to the pool deck.

"You are so wrong," Andrew retorted. "Pineapple on pizza is delicious. It gives it a sour tang that just compliments ham so perfectly."

"You have GOT to be kidding me," his boyfriend sighed. "You're going to argue with a New Yorker about pizza? Fruit does not belong on pizza."

"What about mango?"


"Do you like peppers on your pizza?" Andrew was secretly enjoying pressing his lover's buttons on this supposedly-inconsequential-but-fight-to-the-death topic.

"Yeah, who doesn't?"

"Peppers are fruit, bud," he continued. "The seeds are on the inside. That makes it a fruit, like a tomato.... I suppose you're going to tell me tomato sauce doesn't belong on pizza either?"

Eric fell silent as they reached the correct deck, and just turned and glared at Andrew. "You're lucky I love you, kid. Them's fighting words."

"Well, let's ask everyone, then," Andrew replied as they opened the door and approached the hot tub. About half of the usual gang was there already, and as they approached, they could start to hear the conversation that was ongoing.

"It totally does not belong on pizza!" Rachel exclaimed. "It's an abomination!"

Once the great Pineapple On Pizza Debate had subsided for the evening and all the teens had arrived, except for Marco. They had all stripped down and congregated in the hot tub, and conversation had turned to something a little less controversial.

"Okay, so, who was the best Batman? Adam West, Michael Keaton, George Clooney, or Christian Bale?" Amy offered up.

"You're missing a few," Jon chimed in. "Val Kilmer, Ben Affleck and Robert Pattinson. And if you're counting animated ones, there's a whole bunch of those. Kevin Conroy, Will Arnett, Josh Hutcherson..."

"Shhh, buddy, your nerd is showing," Mark nudged him and stage-whispered to him, causing a laugh. "Besides, everyone knows there's only one answer to that - Christian Bale totally played the best Batman."

"I think we can agree on that," Jon offered. "Though Michael Keaton's was pretty good. The Gotham that he and Tim Burton built together was mmmrhphph..." His thought was cut short as Megan grabbed his head and kissed him to shut him up.

"I love you, boo, but let's not go down a rabbit hole..." she said with a smile and a shrug. Jon smiled back and kissed her again.

Out of nowhere, Marco hurried around the corner and ran up to the side of the hot tub. "Someone is coming..."

There wasn't time to react before a lone man strolled around the corner. He appeared to be in his early twenties, and going nowhere in a hurry. Adam took a quick glance over to the table and chairs not far away from the hot tub, where everyone's bathing suits were tossed without a care, and hoped the man didn't notice.

Seeing the group of teens in the hot tub, he smiled and waved. "Evening!" he called out.

"Hey there! Nice night for a stroll, huh?" Eric responded after an awkward pause.

"Sure is. Have a good night!" he called back as he continued on past the hot tub and continued his stroll along the open deck.

When he'd rounded the corner, a collective sigh of relief was released and nervous laughter surrounded the group. "That could have gone very differently," Megan commented.

"I was afraid he'd see all the swimsuits," Adam added. Everyone turned to look at the messy pile of clothing not far away. "It'd be pretty obvious we were all naked if he saw those."

"Possibly not a bad thing - he was kind of cute, after all," Eric chimed in with a big grin. "Maybe he could have joined us!" earning him a gentle smack on the back of the head from Andrew.

After Marco had shucked his trunks and joined the group, a comfortable silence fell upon the teens. Everyone seemed content lost in their own thoughts for a few minutes, when Rachel let out a big sigh. Everyone turned to look and she blushed a little. "Nothing, just breathing," she offered up.

After another silence, Eric broke the tranquility. "So, can anyone do anything weird?"

"What do you mean?" Megan asked.

"Well, for example," he continued, "I can armpit-fart the national anthem," causing everyone to laugh. Someone called out to him to prove it. In response, he hiked himself up and sat on the wall of the hot tub. He rubbed his hand under his arm to dry it off a bit, then to everyone's surprise - not sure "delight" would be the correct term - he stuck his hand in his armpit, and clear as day, everyone recognzied the first few notes. As the twilight's last gleaming passed, everyone burst out laughing.

"How... how... how in the hell did you learn to do that?" Amy asked, her sides splitting.

"Better question, WHY in the hell?" Adam added.

"When you're an only child, you have to learn to entertain yourself," Eric responded, sliding back down into the water. "Okay, who's next?"

After looking around at each other, Megan piped up. "I can write backwards in cursive, like, as if you were looking at it in a mirror. I learned to do that after doing a project on Leonardo da Vinci with my friend - he did that in his notebooks."

"I didn't know you could do that," Mark said.

"Brianna and I do it when we're passing notes back and forth in class, so nobody else can read it," she added with a smile.

"I used to do magic tricks when I was a kid, so I can roll a quarter on my knuckles," Adam offered. "Not overly useful."

"And armpit-farting is?" Andrew laughed.

Rachel gasped, drawing the attention of a few of her friends, then Marco spoke.

"I have... what you call it... photographic memory? It makes schoolwork very easy, as long as I comprehend. My friends hate arguing with me, because I tell them exactly what they said weeks before."

"That sounds awesome," Rachel exclaimed. "I'd never lose another argument again!" The group laughed. "What was the first thing I said to you when we met?"

He thought for a second. "You complimented me on my tan, and said there was nowhere around where you live to lay in the sun in the nude, and you couldn't do it in your back yard because your neighbors are all too nosy."

Rachel's mouth dropped open, remembering the conversation from a few nights prior. "That's incredible." He simply smiled and bowed his head.

"I'm the undisputed staring contest champion among my friends," Mark chimed in. "I've won staring contests with cats."

"It's true," Megan said, rolling her eyes dramatically. "I swear, the things boys do..." causing another round of laughter.

Another deep sigh from Rachel caught everyone's attention. Realizing she was being stared at, she coughed slightly and said, "Ummmm... I can juggle two grapes with my mouth... like, spit them in the air one at a time, catch them, rinse, repeat... Can't get much more useless than that."

"I dunno, you must be popular with the boys..." Amy said with a laugh. Rachel simply smiled in reponse.

"I can hum and whistle at the same time," Andrew offered. "It drives my sisters up the wall, so I do it to piss them off when they've been arguing for hours." He demonstrated his talent, making some sort of god-awful buzzing noise.

"Okay, okay, we get it... I can see how that would annoy them. Don't you usually get smacked when you do it?" Eric asked.


"Good, so I don't feel bad doing this, then," Eric replied before lightly smacking the back of his boyfriend's head. Andrew simply blew him a kiss as a response.

Rachel inhaled sharply, catching Megan's attention. After a moment, Megan's eyes opened wide and she raised her eyebrows at Rachel, who gave her a sly smile and a subtle nod. Megan gave her a knowing smile back.

"Mine's kind of disgusting," Amy said. "I'm almost too ashamed to say it out loud." The others goaded her on. "Oh, all right, all right... but I'm not demonstrating it!" She took a deep breath to gather her courage and continued. "Every time I sneeze, I let out a massive fart."

The teens roared with laughter.

"Hey, don't laugh! It sucks when I have a cold! I almost can't leave my room, it's so embarassing!" Her plea fell on deaf ears, just making the others laugh even harder. "They don't smell, but..." she finally cracked a smile of her own. "Glad to see that my infliction entertains you all!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, babe, but it's just so... hilarious!" Megan struggled to get out.

"Yeah, I know... it's hard to be mad about it," Amy replied. "It could have been worse, it could have been when I had an orgasm or something!"

"Thank goodness for that!" Marco chimed in with a wink and a smile.

"How about you, Jon? Have any talents that we don't know about?" Andrew asked.

He thought for a moment. "Not weird ones, no, not that I can think of. I can argue pedantically, but nobody ever likes that one," he said with a smile.

"There must be some hidden talent..." Andrew prodded.

"I guess... I'd say about the only thing I can do is sing," Jon replied. "I'm not in the choir or anything, I've always been afraid to do it in front of people, but my mom says I'm good at it. I'm convinced it's just a mom-thing."

"Would you... would you show us?" Megan asked. He blushed and looked all bashful, and her heart melted at the sight. "I mean, it's okay if you don't want to, but I don't think anyone here would make fun of you or anything." Smiles and nods all around offered support.

"Ummm... okay... I guess..." he stammered. He took a few deep breaths and cleared his throat a few times, gathering up his courage. He really wasn't expecting this to ever come up, but now here he was, the center of attention - the last place he wanted to be.

He was quiet for so long that Megan was sure that she'd pushed him into doing something he didn't want to do, and she was feeling awful about it, but then, quietly, he started.

"Birds flying high, you know how I feel Sun in the sky, you know how I feel Breeze driftin' on by, you know how I feel It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life for me And I'm feeling good... I'm feeling good."

Megan could not believe the sound coming out of her lover's mouth. She was familiar with the song, her mom was really into Michael Bublé. And it was as if Michael himself were in the hot tub with them.

After he finished, he sheepishly looked around at his friends to see every one of them, without fail, staring it him with their mouths agape. Blushing furiously, he looked from one to the next. "What? Was it that bad?"

"Ho. Ly. Fuck. Jon, you're amazing!" Andrew shouted. "Don't take this the wrong way, but I never would have expected that!"

Everyone else started speaking all at once, congratulating him, encouraging him, and cheering him. Megan just about leapt into his lap, threw her arms around him and squeezed like there was no tomorrow. Her breasts mashed into his chest as she planted a very deep, very intimate kiss on his lips. Breaking the kiss and pulling back slightly, she looked deep into his soul with tears in her eyes. "My God, Jon. Don't ever doubt yourself again!" she exclaimed as she gave him one last squeeze and took her seat once again.

As the clock approached 1, the teens started to wrap things up for the evening. Amy and Marco were the first to bid their adieus and head back to their respective cabins, followed not long after by Eric and Andrew.

After the boys rounded the corner, Megan immediately turned to Rachel. "Were you doing what I think you were doing all night?"

Rachel tipped her head back and roared with laughter. "Yup, certainly was. Adam has been fingering me for going on three hours now and I've cum like, I dunno, six or seven times now."

Adam grinned as the other boys jaws dropped.

"Adam and I were talking earlier about sexual fantasies," Rachel continued. "I helped him realize one of his this afternoon, and this was him helping me realize one of mine - repeatedly cumming, surrounded by people, without anyone around me knowing what was going on. I guess you caught me, but I think you were the only one." She leaned over and planted a wet, sloppy kiss on Adam's lips, then stood and stretched, yawning mightily. "I hate to cum and run," she said with a smile, "but I'm fucking exhausted after that!"

Rachel and Adam made their way out of the hot tub, Adam's cock at full mast to nobody's surprise. He gingerly stuffed it into his trunks as they got dressed, but it was still quite prominent. "I guess I'll have to deal with that when I get back to the cabin," he said with a smile. Once they were put together again, he and Rachel said their goodnights and headed off towards the elevator with their arms around each other.

After they left, Mark, Megan and Jon were the only three left. Megan leaned over once more to give Jon another kiss. Leaning back, she looked him dead in the eye and brought up his singing. "You're really special, you know. Not many people can sing like that. I know you're nervous, but you have no need to be - you have a beautiful voice. Thank you for sharing it with us tonight." Mark nodded in agreement.

Not knowing what to say, Jon started to protest, and she simply put a finger on his lips. "None of that," she continued. "Just accept the compliment and say thank you."

He kissed her finger. "Okay, then, thank you."

"It's not for us to tell you what to do, man," Mark contributed, "but you really should share your voice with others. That was beautiful. And I don't say shit like that lightly."

Jon blushed again and thanked Mark. "I'll think about it... I mean, up until now, I thought it was just my mom being my mom and saying I was good. But how you guys reacted tonight..." He paused, a tear forming in his eye.

Megan quickly stood and ushered him to his feet, then threw her arms around him once again, and after he reciprocated, Mark stepped in and hugged the two of them together. The three teens stayed in the embrace for a minute or two, until Megan shivered and commented that she was getting cold.

One by one, they exited the hot tub and started toweling off. After getting dressed in their swimsuits again, Mark and Megan wished him a good night and made their way back to their cabin as he departed for his own.

When they arrived, Mark unlocked the door and ushered his sister in, and almost before the cabin door had closed, she had shucked her suit one last time and darted into the bathroom for a pee. Smiling, he picked up her swimsuit from where she had tossed it and put it in the cupboard, then dropped his own and put it beside hers. Slipping on a pair of boxers, he awaited his turn, and when she emerged, he stepped into the cramped bathroom to release his own torrent and then brush his teeth. The bathroom was small enough that he probably could have done both at the same time, he thought to himself.

Heading back out into the cabin, he found his sister already in bed. He was about to lay down on his own bed, when she spoke up. "Mark?"


"Can we snuggle for a bit? I'm still feeling a bit cold and... well, I want to."

"Uhhh, sure," he said. He peeled back the covers and saw that she was still naked. He quickly dropped his boxers and kicked them onto his bed, then crawled into the twin bed beside her and pulled the covers up. In the tight quarters of the bed, it was impossible not to make full bodily contact, not that he wanted to. He put his arm over her body, and she shuffled around until his cock was nestled between her butt cheeks, at which point she sighed contentedly. With his free hand, he reached over and turned the cabin lights off, plunging the cabin into absolute darkness.



"I love you."

"I love you, too."

As they laid there, he could feel her breathing even out as she fell asleep, and it wasn't long before he himself slipped off into dreamland.

What's your weird talent? If you want to drop me a note, is where you can reach me.

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Next: Chapter 27

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