Seven Days of Pleasure

By moc.liamg@wocoomrd

Published on May 16, 2020


This story is intended for reading by people who enjoy these stories, and is legal in your part of the world. You know whether you should be reading it or not, I'm not here to stop you.

The entire story is fiction, including all characters (though I wish they were real and I were a fly on the wall). They live in a world where pregnancy and diseases are not a real worry, but we don't - so be safe!

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Chapter 24 Cruise Day 6, Port Day (St. Maarten), lunchtime (teen, m/m, m/f, inc)

Jon stood by the dining room door, wondering where the fuck Mark had gotten to. They had made plans to have lunch together, but Mark was nowhere to be found, and he was 20 minutes late. Jon was willing to give him another 10 minutes before giving up and having lunch by himself.

A pair of twenty-something girls smiled at him in greeting as they walked past him into the dining room. Feeling himself blushing a little, Jon returned the smile, and started in surprise when a voice whispered in his ear, "Are you two-timing my sister?"

Whipping around, he turned to face Mark, whose shit-eating grin broke the tension of the moment. Jon playfully punched him in the shoulder and laughed. "Where have you been? I've been here for 25 minutes - I was just about to give up on you."

"Well... sigh I have something to tell you... but first, let's sit down and order lunch."

The boys asked for a quiet table away from the main crowd, and the maitre d' obliged them by giving them a table by the window, the closest occupied table three tables away. "Ok, so what happened?" asked Jon.

Mark nervously looked around to make sure that nobody could hear them. With a great big sigh, he started his story. "Well... last night, after we left everyone, Megan and I... well... shit, this is difficult." He took a deep breath. "We, uh, kinda made out a bit."

"Wow... wow. Wow. Shit, really?" Jon leaned forward.

Mark's eyes bored a hole through the table, unable to meet his friend's gaze. If he could have crawled under the table without anybody noticing, he would have. "Yeah... it just kinda happened."

Jon sat and pondered for a moment. "That's awesome!"

Stunned, Mark's head jerked up, his eyes wide with surprise. "Really? You're not grossed out? Even though we're related?"

"Well, I have to admit I'm a little shocked, but no, not grossed out. I sometimes read incest stories on Nifty," Jon said quietly. He didn't think that he would have ever shared that fact with anyone, but there it was. "They, uhhhh... ummmm..." Jon blushed deeply.

"Yeah, I know what you mean," Mark interjected. "I just didn't think I'd ever live one." He paused for a moment, gathering his courage, and continued, "Well... the truth is, we did a little more than make out."

"You mean....?"

"Yeah, we went all the way," Mark said. "I mean, I didn't plan for this to happen, but..."

"Fuck, that is so hot." Jon squirmed in his seat, his dick rising to attention. He unconsciously readjusted his pants as he thought about his two friends together.

"I'm so glad you're cool about this," Mark said, visibly relieved. "I was so worried about telling someone that I'd planted my sister... I mean, it's not something that you hear every day."

"Well, not outside of the deep South, anyways," Jon said with a smile. At that moment, the waiter arrived. After ordering their food, the boys were left alone again.

"So, that doesn't really explain why you were late for lunch," Jon said.

"Yeah, that's true. So I was late for lunch, because Megan was jerking me off," Mark replied. "I know it's supposed to be 'bros before hos', but I'm not sure that applies when your cock is in someone's hand."

"That's fair," Jon agreed. The only personal experience he had with that was last night by the hot tub, and he had to agree - that was pretty fucking awesome.

"We didn't finish, though," Mark said. "My parents knocked at the door, scared the shit out of both of us. Apparently Megan had made plans to go ashore with them today, and when she didn't show up to meet them..."

"... they came looking for her," Jon finished. Mark nodded. "Man, I'm having such a hard time ... wrapping my head around all this... and I really mean, a HARD time," Jon said.

"You're not the only one. I've been hard almost constantly since last night, it seems. I might have to excuse myself to do something about that," Mark smiled.

After lunch, the boys wandered the ship, looking for something to do. Jon suggested going to afternoon trivia, but Mark wasn't too keen on the idea, saying that he only ever got one trivia question right a year, and he'd already used it up last month. Mark countered with mini-golf, but when they got to the course, it was overrun with families and there was a line of people waiting that neither boy was too eager to join. They settled on the arcade, which was completely devoid of other passengers.

After playing a few rounds of the racing game and a shoot-em-up, they came across an air hockey table. "Wanna go?" Jon asked.

"I dunno, man, this might be unfair to you," Mark replied cockily. "I'm pretty good at this."

"Oh, you are, are you... I think we'll have to see about that. I've played a game or two in my time."

"Well then, would you care to place a wager?" Mark offered.

"Sure, we can make it interesting. How about $20?"

"Not bad, but not what I had in mind. How about the loser jerks off the winner? Take care of that problem we were talking about at lunch? I've got the cabin to myself, after all."

Jon didn't even have to think about it. "Deal."

Mark dropped his token in the slot and the game was on.

The game started out easy, the boys falling into a good rhythm passing the puck back and forth, and soon the competitive side started to take over. Harder and harder the boys smacked the puck; faster and faster it flew across the table. Eventually, Mark made a mistake, and the puck bounced off his striker and into his goal. Jon cheered, and Mark said, "You really are good at this. I thought you were bullshitting me."

"Yeah, I play a lot at the bowling alley. I'm in a league, and after games my teammates and I play this a lot while I'm waiting for my mom to pick me up. You're not too bad either... this ought to be a good game."

"Well, let's see, shall we?" Mark replied, and put the puck down on the table again and started the next rally.

After 15 minutes, Mark was winning 6-5, with the match on the line. If Jon let one more goal in, he'd lose the match and the bet. Mark was doing his best not to get cocky and lose his concentration, but it was difficult. The reward of a handie was so tantalizingly close. The tension in the air was palpable.

Jon fired the puck off the side of the table at an angle with a tremendous amount of force. It bounced off the far end of the table, hit the back of Mark's striker and slid straight into the goal. The game was now tied at 6 goals apiece - the next goal earned the victor the prize. Both boys' dicks were so hard by this point they was starting to become uncomfortable trapped in their shorts.

"Fuck!" Mark exclaimed.

"Yeah, baby," Jon cried. "Game point!"

While Jon was doing his little happy dance, Mark reached down and fiddled with his crotch. With a mischievous grin, he unzipped his fly and pulled his rigid cock out. "Ready to become a lot more acquainted with Mr. Happy here?" Mark taunted.

"Trying to distract me, huh... well, two can play at that game," Jon replied, and did the same. In short order, the two boys stared each other down, their hard dicks waving around in the air, throbbing with each heartbeat. "Let's go, then, time to find out who's better."

"You're on," Mark replied.

For five minutes, each boy played their heart out, grunting and swearing with the effort. They were so tuned in to the game that they did not notice a pair of twelve year old girls come in to the arcade, gasping and giggling when they saw Jon and Mark with their dicks out. One girl pulled out her phone and took a video, and the boys still did not take note of their presence; in fact, when the girls left, still giggling, they were still none the wiser.

Each boy was determined to win - losing was not an option. The puck was collecing frequent flyer miles for the number of times it travelled up and down the table. Eventually, though, as in Highlander, there can be only one. With a misjudged flick of the wrist, a striker was out of position, the puck sailed past it, and one boy began to celebrate while the other simply hung his head in shame.

As they approached the cabin Mark shared with his sister, the two boys were reliving the glory of the final rally of their game.

"Man, that was intense... my heart is still pumping," Jon exclaimed.

"Me, too," Mark replied. "I thought that was going to go on forever! That was easily the best game of my life!" As they arrived at the correct door, the Medallion unlocked it with a beep. Opening it, he entered the cabin, Jon hot on his heels. By the time they reached the bed, Mark had shed his tshirt and shorts, and stood in only his boxers.

"Well, that didn't take long," Jon observed, unbuttoning his polo shirt. "You act like you've done that before."

"Yeah, when I get home from school, nobody else is home. I'm usually in my underwear by the time I get to the kitchen, sometimes less," Mark replied. "I hate my school uniform, it's so restricting. Especially the tie. Anyways, I get dressed again before Megan gets home, but now, after the cruise... maybe I won't..."

"That's hot," Jon said. "I wish I could do that, but my mom works from home, and I don't think she'd appreciate that too much."

"Hey, you never know..." Mark teased.

"Dude! That's my mom!" Jon stared at his friend. "Now, if Megan was MY sister, that's a different story."

The boys laughed. "Ok, then, let's get this show on the road. How do you want to do this?" Mark asked as he dropped his underwear, his throbbing cock exposed to the room.

"I think it'd be most comfortable for both of us if we laid on the bed, what do you think?" Jon replied, tossing his shirt onto the couch.

"Hey, you won fair and square, so we do this however you like it," Mark said. "Now, hurry up and get naked, I've got some work to do!"

Mark pulled down the covers from his bed while Jon finished undressing. Naked as jaybirds, the two boys climbed onto the bed. Jon's uncut dick bounced in sync with his heartbeat, which was racing with adrenaline at the prize he was about to receive for winning the match. The twin bed was a little small to contain the two boys, but neither complained at the forced closeness.

Jon lay on his back with his hands behind his head, his arms up out of the way. Mark laid on Jon's right, on his side, facing his friend. Tentatively, he reached out and traced his finger up the length of Jon's dick, touching another boy's penis for the first time. Mark could feel the heat radiating from Jon's body - it was incredible. He'd never been so physically close to another boy before.

Gripping it firmly yet gently, Mark wrapped his hand around Jon's member. Stroking it a few times, he was fascinated at how Jon's foreskin moved up and down, covering and uncovering the head of his penis - Mark had never experienced that before. After a few strokes, a bead of precum formed at Jon's slit and was quickly dispersed by Mark's hand.

Prior to this cruise, Mark had considered himself straight as an arrow. Now, he wasn't so sure - he'd shared a kiss with Jon yesterday when they were taking photos around the ship, he'd watched Jon fuck his sister and masturbated to it, and now here he was, starting to jerk his friend off to pay off the bet they'd had. His cock was harder than it had ever been, and it was straining for attention. Mark settled into a rhythm that had Jon breathing heavily within seconds.

Jon was clearly enjoying the attention. Small gasps and moans escaped from him as he lay there, eyes closed, giving himself completely to his friend that was stroking his cock.

Gently, Mark laid his head on Jon's chest, where he could hear his friend's heart beating rapidly with excitement. Opening his eyes momentarily to see what was going on, Jon reached down and laid his right arm around Mark's shoulders, both boys enjoying the close contact with each other.

Mark continued to jerk off his friend at a steady pace, his fingers barely reaching around the girth of Jon's meaty rod. From this new vantage point, he was able to see how Jon's foreskin retracted and recovered the head of his cock, still fascinated by how this extra bit of skin felt vastly different from his own circumsized prick.

Jon moaned with pleasure, and Mark had an idea that he figured his friend wouldn't complain about. He slowly stopped jerking Jon's cock and reluctantly let go.

Cocking one eye open when he felt movement on the bed, Jon peeked down at his friend who was respositioning himself. When he felt Mark's mouth envelop his cock, he groaned at the sensation, his eyes rolling back in his head.

Mark wasn't sure what to do with the dick in his mouth - he clearly hadn't thought this through. What he did feel, however, was strangely satisfied, as if his life had been missing this without him knowing. He thought back to blowjobs that he had received in the past, thought about what made him feel good, and what he lacked in experience, he made up for with enthusiasm.

He swirled his tonge around the head of Jon's cock, probing under the foreskin that he was so unfamiliar with. When Jon moaned, Mark took note of what he'd been doing so he could come back to do it again. It was a learning process for him, one that he was enjoying immensely.

The more he explored his friend's dick, the more comfortable he became with it. As is the case with many boys who become cocky after getting a little confident, he tried to go a little deeper and triggered his gag reflex, causing him to pull off of Jon completely and retch slightly. "Sorry," he said to Jon, who was staring at him wide-eyed. "Got a little carried away." Mark smiled and went back to work.

With a newfound respect, he went back to sucking on his friend's cock, which by this time was slick with saliva. Mark got into a rhythm that both boys enjoyed, half-sucking and half-jerking Jon's cock. Jon sighed contentedly as waves of pleasure washed over his body, and it wasn't too long before he felt a familiar tingling in his testicular region.

"Hey, bud, I'm... unggghhh... I'm going to cum soon," he whispered as he tapped his fingers on Mark's shoulder. Mark responded by jerking even faster, leaving the tip of Jon's cock in his mouth. Soon, he was rewarded with the first jet of hot splooge, quickly followed by a second, third and fourth spurt. Mark hadn't been sure exactly what to expect, never having tasted cum before, but was pleasantly surprised to find that it wasn't nasty - in fact, he rather liked the salty metallic taste. Slowly pulling off Jon's cock, he swallowed the load in his mouth and watched as a little more cum dribbled out of his friend, formed a slick teardrop and fell into the pubic hair below.

As Jon's orgasm subsided, he lay with his eyes closed, breathing hard, his head sunk deep in the pillow. It felt like fireworks had just gone off, and he was completely spent. His cock, still waving obscenely in the air, covered in spit, slowly started to deflate and before long, lay dormant, pointing to his left. Glistening, the only other evidence of sexual activity was a glob of cum in his pubes, which Mark reached out and gently smoothed into his skin.

"That was amazing," Jon breathed eventually. "Have you ever done that before?" he asked, his eyes still firmly closed.

Mark repositioned himself on the bed, bringing his head up in line with Jon's, laying on his side again, his own turgid cock pressing against Jon's thigh. "Nope, first time. I just thought back to what I liked, and tried to emulate that. Apparently it worked," he said, flexing his jaw after being open so wide for so long.

"Well, you're a natural," Jon mumbled.

The two boys were still laying on the bed together, snuggling naked. Mark flipped channels on the TV while Jon dozed, totally drained after his mindblowing orgasm. Hearing the door lock beep and disengage, Mark stiffened a little, then relaxed as he heard his sister say goodbye to their parents. As she entered the cabin, she came to an abrupt halt as she saw them naked on the bed together, her brother's cock stiff as a board.

"Well, then, what have you two gotten up to?" Megan asked with a smile.

"Oh, not much... Jon and I were just modeling our new swimsuits for each other," her brother replied with a smile.

Hearing his name, Jon grunted and his eyes flew open. "Oh, hey, Megan," he slurred groggily. "How was your day?" He then noticed his state of undress and smirked, but made no move to cover himself.

Megan sat on her bed, facing the boys. "Heh... okay, but really, what's going on?"

"I lost a bet, then I had to jerk him off," Mark said. "Then I went down on him."

Megan stared at her brother, mouth agape. "Really?"

Jon nodded emphatically. "He was really good at it, too. I mean, reeeeally good."

Mark smiled. "I thought back to blowjobs I've received, and what I liked, and it turns out that Jon likes the same things."

"That's hot, guys," Megan gushed, her face flushed with color. "I never would have thought you'd be into that, Mark."

"Well, before this week, I wouldn't have thought so either, but let's just say Jon wasn't the only one that enjoyed it," her brother replied.

"I can see that," Megan smirked, indicating towards Mark's erect cock.

"Wanna pick up where we left off, sis?" Mark asked as his sister's eyes grew wide. "Oh. Yeah. I... uh... I told him about what we did last night and earlier today."

Megan started to look a little sick. She alternated staring at the floor and glancing at Jon to see what his reaction would be.

"Don't worry, sis. He's cool with it," Mark said, nonchalantly. "I probably should have asked you first, but..."

"You're damn right you should have, Mark! Fuck!" Megan glared at her brother, with tears forming in her eyes. "What if he hadn't been cool with it? Our parents are on this cruise, too, if you forgot about that. If they ever found out..."

"I'd never say anything to anyone," Jon interrupted. "I wouldn't do that to you guys."

Megan sat down hard on the couch, shoulders slumped, and paused to breathe. Gathering her thoughts, she said, "I get that, Jon, I do," starting to calm down a little. "I know we can trust you. I guess I'm just freaked out that Mark told someone about us. It's not the type of thing that most people are okay with." She wiped away a tear that had cascaded down her cheek.

"No, Megan, no... I'd never do anything to hurt you," Jon added.

"I wouldn't have said anything if we couldn't trust him, sis," Mark reassured her. "If this got out, everyone would think that I forced myself on you. I want to keep it quiet just as much as you, if not more."

"Yeah, I guess that's true," Megan agreed. She took a deep breath and tried to relax. "I'm going to take a shower, I need a few minutes to think."

"Well, that went well," Jon sarcastically said to Mark, after she had entered the bathroom and shut the door.

Mark shrugged. "It went about as well as it could, I guess. I mean, I didn't want to hide the fact that I told you from her. It wouldn't be fair to either of you - her, because it affects her, and you, because you'd have to keep quiet and pretend."

"Yeah, I agree that she needed to know. And if you hadn't told her now, but let it slip later, that could ruin your relationship altogether," Jon said.


The boys lay on the bed in a somewhat uncomfortable silence. After a few minutes, Megan emerged from the bathroom, a towel wrapped around her body and another wrapping around her hair.

"Megan, I..." Mark started to speak, but was cut off by Megan, who put up her hand for silence. She stepped over to the couch and sat on the edge.

"Ok, so here's what I'm thinking. Mark, I'm upset that you told someone about us without talking to me about it first. It's got to stay between us, because if it gets out, somehow, it could ruin both our lives. I know that Jon isn't going to say anything, I trust him as much as I can trust anyone." She took a moment to breathe. "Jon, I'm sorry that you got in the middle of this, it's not fair to you, but I hope you can understand why I was upset about it."

Jon nodded silently.

"So all that said, Mark, I forgive you, but please, for the love of God, don't make a habit out of this. We can't afford the cost if it gets back to Mom and Dad."

"Megan, I'm sorry. It won't happen again."

"It had better not. Now, give me a hug, I think I deserve one after that bombshell," she said, standing and opening her arms.

Mark practically leapt off the bed and wrapped his arms around his sister. The two siblings rocked side to side in their embrace, everything right in their world again.

The three teens searched for something worth watching on the television. The boys sat side by side on the couch, while Megan laid stretched out naked on the bed. She had since shed her towels and was laying on one, the boys sitting on the other.

"Why is there never anything on tv on this ship?" Mark asked rhetorically, turning it off. "Hundreds of millions of dollars to build the thing and they can't even show anything decent."

"Probably can't afford it, after spending hundreds of millions of dollars to build the ship," offered Jon. The siblings smiled in response.

Megan laid back and took in the sight of the two boys on the couch. She found it incredibly hot how Jon had his hand on Mark's thigh, mere inches from her brother's cock. "So, tell me more about what happened between you two."

It wasn't long before both boys were hard as rock again as Mark relayed the story of the epic battle between good and evil that took place in the arcade. He started to recount the events that went on after they returned to the cabin, and before long, Jon grasped his cock and gently masturbated as the story continued. Megan's face flushed with excitement as she watched the action unfold before her, and slowly reached between her legs and began to finger herself gently. This did not go unnoticed by both boys, whose hardons resembled stone by this point, and in short order.

Jon's hand inched its way up his friend's thigh until he found Mark's cock standing proud, and without delay, started to jerk it in time with his own stroking. Mark struggled to continue the story, frequently stopping to gasp or moan. Megan played with herself on the couch, extremely turned on by the spectacle before her. With one hand, her fingers danced around her clit, and with the other, two fingers plunged in and out of her sopping wet cunt. After a few minutes, with one final thrust, Megan gasped as she came, electricity flowing through her body. Her juices flooded into her sex, soaking her hand and the towel that she was laying upon. After a good 30 seconds, she came back to reality and sighed contentedly.

"Guys?" she said, finally. "I really need to get fucked... right now."

Megan lay flat on her back with her legs in the air, spread wide as her brother crawled in between them. Jon stood to her right, his cock bouncing in time with his heartbeat. He reached down and helpfully guided Mark's cock, and was amazed at the heat that Megan's pussy was generating. He slid his friend's cock up and down her slit a few times, spreading her juices all over, before lining him up for penetration. As Jon withdrew his hand, Mark slowly inserted himself into his sister until he was in all the way, causing both him and his sister to moan in unison, causing all three teens to smile.

Megan reached up and grasped Jon's ass, gently pulling him towards her. Silently obeying, he was surprised when she lifted her head off the pillow and took the head of his cock into her mouth while her brother was balls deep in her. His eyes rolled back in his head when she stuck her tongue under his foreskin and swirled around the sensitive head, causing chills to shoot up and down his spine.

Mark begun to slowly thrust, his cock gliding effortlessly in and out of his sister's cunt, making deliciously wet noises with each thrust.

Jon stood there with his eyes closed, his toes curling with pleasure as Megan tickled his cock with her tongue, and was thrust back into reality when she removed her mouth without warning. Internally disappointed that she'd stopped, he was surprised when the sensations returned with not one, but two tongues. Opening his eyes and looking down, he was treated to the sight of both siblings licking at him, their tongues becoming intertwined as they half-kissed-each-other, half-sucked-Jon's-cock.

After a few minutes passed with double attention, Jon knew that at this rate, he wasn't going to last long. He relucantly extracted himself from the siblings, who continued to make out as Mark slowly fucked her. He stepped to the end of the bed and had an excellent view of Mark's ass as he slowly fucked his sister, his balls swinging back and forth, gently bumping into her ass when he thrust in. Jon watched with lust as Mark's asshole winked at him each time he pulled out.

Gathering courage, Jon shifted around to the other side of the bed, reached out and rubbed Mark's ass. Mark's back stiffened at the unexpected contact and sighed contentedly. "Mmmm, that feels nice, bud," Mark purred.

Emboldened, Jon continued to rub, slowly working his way down until he had grasped Mark's nut sack, gently tugging as Mark continued to plunge deep into his sister, and earning another sigh. Megan reached up and grabbed Jon's cock and gave it a few strokes as she smiled and winked at him.

Releasing Mark's jewels, Jon's hand slowly worked its way back up and lightly scratched at Mark's taint. Mark stopped thrusting and moaned with pleasure. He his head to face Jon, his eyes shut. "I don't know what you're doing back there, but keep doing it - that feels really, really good," Mark whispered.

Jon did not disappoint. As Mark resumed thrusting into his sister, Jon continued to rub his friend's perineum, and each time he pulled out, Jon's hand was right there to massage the sensitive area.

It wasn't long before Mark increased his tempo, and with one final thrust, he reared up and let loose his load deep into Megan's cunt. She could feel her brother throbbing inside her as spurt after spurt of hot cum was spilled into her. "Holy crap," she said, "that's a lot..." Jon snickered.

When Mark's crescendo receded, he pulled out of his sister and gave her one final kiss and whispered "thank you" in her ear.

"You too, that was great," she whispered back.

Mark stood up, his cock covered in cum and ladyjuices. Jon locked eyes with Mark, then glanced down at his dick. He got down on his knees and engulfed Mark with his mouth, cleaning him off completely. Jon found the frothy mixture of his friends' juices to be not entirely unpleasant.

Once Mark tapped him on the shoulder and pulled away because of sensitivity, Megan beckoned to Jon. "Your turn," she said.

Without hesitation, Jon crept into the space between her legs recently vacated by her brother. He lined up his throbbing cock and thrust into Megan, whose eyes rolled back as she felt full again. The two teens grunted and moaned as they fucked on the bed, Mark watching from the sidelines, his cock half-hard as he watched the scene unfold in front of him.

It wasn't long before Megan was grabbing Jon's back and digging her fingers into him as her orgasm approached. "I'm... almost... there..." she gasped, breathlessly. Without a word, Jon sped up and within thirty seconds, Megan cried out as she climaxed. Her pussy clamped down on Jon's cock, causing him to grunt and sending him over the edge as well. The world exploded in fireworks as the two teens shared an orgasm, the second of the afternoon for each of them.

As their simultaneous climax subsided, and she had stopped milking him for all he was worth, Jon withdrew his cock. Mark handed him a towel and he cleaned himself off, then offered it to Megan, who did the same.

The mood in the cabin had become incredibly mellow as the three teens all basked in the afterglow of powerful orgasms. Sprawled out on the couch and the bed, the three naked teens sliently enjoyed each others' company and one after the other, sighed incredibly contentedly.

Is it just me, or does it smell like sex in here? If you want to drop me a note, is where you can reach me.

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Next: Chapter 25

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