Seven Days of Pleasure

By moc.liamg@wocoomrd

Published on Apr 15, 2020


This story is intended for reading by people who enjoy these stories, and is legal in your part of the world. You know whether you should be reading it or not, I'm not here to stop you.

The entire story is fiction, including all characters (though I wish they were real and I were a fly on the wall). They live in a world where pregnancy and diseases are not a real worry, but we don't - so be safe!

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Chapter 21 Cruise Day 5, Port Day (St. Thomas, USVI), night (teen, m/f, inc)

"Fuck, that was a long day," Mark said, kicking off his shoes as he and his sister returned to their cabin.

"It was," his sister replied, removing her sandals. "That butter sculpture was insane."

"Haha... yeah, who knew you could make a six foot mermaid out of butter and food coloring?"

"Well, now you know. Just don't try it at home, I don't think Mom would appreciate that too much. Can you unzip me?"

He obliged, and Megan let her dress slide down her body and stood there nude. Feeling cheeky, Mark grabbed her ass in both hands and massaged it. "Mmmm, that feels nice," she said.

Once he let go, she turned around and put her hands on his chest, gently rubbing his pecs until his nipples strained through his dress shirt. "Have I ever told you how nice you look when you're dressed up?" she said, smoothing his tie. She could see the front of his pants start to tent.

"I don't think you have," he replied, "and I believe that I haven't told you that either. Y'know, for my sister, you're pretty damn hot." He paused, laughed, then added, "Boy, I never thought I'd hear myself say that."

Megan smiled back. "Stand over there, by the couch. I'll be right back, I need to pee. And don't undress yourself - that's my job."

Mark's cock twitched at the thought of his sister undressing him. "Ok, I'll be here."

"You'd better be," she said as she disappeared into the bathroom.

Mark thought back to when his parents announced they were going on this vacation. It was a bit of a double-edged sword, he'd thought - a week with nice weather, girls in bikinis, beaches, cool surf... but he'd have to share a cabin with his little sister. She wasn't a bad kid, not by a long shot, they got along fine... sometimes. But he was a 15 year old boy, with certain needs that needed attending to, often several times a day. When was he supposed to do that? She'd be in his space 24 hours a day - the only respite he'd have was in the bathroom, but they had to share that too, like they did at home.

But in a strange turn of events, feelings had awakened in both of them that neither knew were there. They had spent a good portion of the week naked together with their new friends, and more than that, they had shared an interest in fooling around with each other. He knew that was taboo, but the heart wants what the heart wants, right? Besides, it was consentual on both sides, nobody was getting hurt. And as well as that, he and Jon had shared that kiss earlier tonight. He didn't realise he was bi-curious, either - such a week it had been.

Megan emerged from the bathroom, pulling Mark out of his thoughts. "No matter what, stand still until I tell you, k?" He nodded his agreement. Her perky tits pointed the way as she strutted the few feet that separated them, and when she reached him, she stood on her tiptoes and leaned in and gave him a kiss. He kissed her back - it was like a bolt of electricity had passed from her into him, and he knew that however wrong people thought it was, their relationship transcending that of brother and sister, that this was exactly what he wanted. And following that kiss, he knew it was what she wanted too.

Breaking off the kiss, she let her hands wander his torso, feeling the muscles hidden below the soft cotton. Reaching up, she gently pulled at his tie until the knot had slipped off, pulled it out from around his collar, and gently tied it around his head like a blindfold. Rubbing his pecs again, she re-awakened his nipples, tweaking them until they poked out.

She wrapped her arms around him and slowly pulled his shirt tails out of his pants until it was entirely untucked. One by one, she undid the buttons until the shirt hung loose, and then she stepped in and kissed his hairless chest, causing him to inhale sharply. Wrapping her arms around her brother, she laid her head against his bare chest, savouring the contact as she rubbed his back. She could hear his heartbeat as she held him close, and could smell his manly scent - a mixture of deodorant, a hint of sweat and fabric softener. Smiling faintly, she knew that from this point on, she would associate his scent with the feeling of being loved.

Reluctantly letting go, she reached up and slid Mark's shirt off his shoulders, letting it fall to the bed. Naked to the waist, he was the most attractive man to her in the world. His nipples strained to attract her attention, and she did not disappoint them. Mark inhaled sharply again and gasped as she leaned in and flicked her tongue over first one nipple, then the other. The front of his pants was developing a dark circle where his cock met the fabric. As she continued to pay attention to his buds, with one hand she started pulling on his belt. Once she had figured out how to undo it from the opposite side, she pulled it clean out of his pants, and flung it over her shoulder into the corner.

Pulling gently on his zipper until it was open as wide as it could go, she reached in and pulled her brother's cock out the opening. No matter how often she had seen him naked this week, this time it was different, special - this hard-on was for her, and her alone, she knew. A bead of precum appeared at the slit, so she scooped it up and rubbed it on her lips. Standing on her tiptoes and kissing him again, Mark could taste himself on her lips, which produced another drop, he was so turned on.

Finally, she popped the button on his trousers and let them fall to the floor, leaving him as naked as she was. Stepping in, she embraced him again, feeling his erection sandwiched between their bodies.

Rubbing his bare behind, she said, "I love you, Mark."

"I love you too, Megan," he replied.

This was going to be good.

Megan stood back, aimed, and took the photo. Her brother stood there by the bed, blindfolded, with his arms behind his back and his cock standing at attention. Megan was so aroused by this point that her juices were starting to run down her inner thighs, but the vision of her brother in this vulnerable position was too good not to stop for a moment and take a picture that she could revisit time and time again at home.

Quietly, she reached into the ice bucket and extracted a single cube and popped it in her mouth. Gripping the ice between her teeth, she stepped over to where her brother was standing and lightly brushed his right nipple with the ice, causing him to gasp again. His nipple reacted instantly, standing straight out hard as a pebble as she repeated the process with the other one. Groaning slightly, Mark brought his arms up to wrap them around his sister.

"Nuh huh! I told you to stand still!" she scolded him, pushing his arms behind his back again. Mark reluctantly went along with it, his cock straining for attention.

Megan held the ice cube on her tongue, lowered herself to her knees, and blew cool air onto her brother's cock, causing it to twitch wildly. Leaning in close, she kissed the head of his prick, letting the ice cube rub up against the sensitive glans. Mark's knees momentarily turned to jelly at the icy contact.

Spitting the ice cube into a glass, she turned her attention back to her brother. Savoring the moment, she slowly leaned in and licked his shaft from base to tip, then took the head into her mouth. As she swirled her tongue around it, she reached up and gently massaged his balls, and was rewarded with a moan. Easing more into her mouth, she moved her hands around his back and kneaded his bubble butt. After a few minutes of this, she reached up and gently pushed him backwards. He took the hint and sat down on the edge of the couch, her mouth never leaving his prick.

Mark moaned as his sister suckled on his hard dick, one hand massaging his balls and the other gently stroking his perineum. His skin was so sensitive it was electric, and the attention from his sister was so intense. His senses were so overloaded, all he could do was sit there, soaking it all in.

After a few minutes of the most amazing blowjob of his life, he felt his sister pull back. "Probably a good thing, too," he thought, "I was getting close to blowing my load." Soon, he felt something brush his lips, something warm.

"Stick out your tongue a little," he heard her whisper in his ear. Complying with the order, he was rewarded with a nipple brushing his tongue, which he hungrily began to lap at. Moving his head around, he licked around the nipple, enjoying how smooth and soft the skin of her breast was. Nibbling gently, he was rewarded with a quiet moan of pleasure.

Reluctantly, Megan pulled her boob away from her brother, who was obviously enjoying himself. She shifted to her left and allowed him to show the same respect to her other tit, and it was just as enjoyable for both of them as the first one. After a few minutes, she stepped back and took stock of the situation. Mark, still blindfolded, was sitting on the edge of the couch, his cock standing tall and proud, pointing at the ceiling, leaking so much precum it was dripping down his shaft. His face was flushed with the excitement of what was happening, and she could feel that she was flushed as well - she was more turned on than she could ever remember being. And she was about to do something about that.

Mark could feel his sister's weight settle in on the couch on either side of him, and then felt her sit on his legs, straddling his lap. He could feel her loosening the blindfold, and when she removed it, he was treated to the sight of her perky tits in his face. Tearing his gaze away, he looked up into her eyes, and they smiled at each other, knowing what was coming.

"Are you sure you want to do this? I mean, once we cross this barrier, there's no going back," Mark whispered in his sister's ear.

Megan leaned in and kissed him, their tongues dancing with one another. Breaking it off, she looked deep into his eyes and whispered back, "Mark, I have never wanted something more in my life than I want you at this very moment." He smiled in return.

With that, she moved forward, reached between her legs, grasped her brother's stiff prick and guided it towards her opening. Lowering herself slowly, they gasped in unison as she impaled herself upon him, inch by inch. Mark couldn't believe how tight and warm she was.

Lower and lower she went until their pelvis bones made contact with each other. Mark pulled her close and they began kissing in earnest, feeling complete as their two bodies became one. Her breasts pressed against his chest, her nipples stabbing at his skin. Her soft warm sex gently squeezed his with an involuntary spasm, causing Mark to moan into his sister's mouth.

Megan braced her hands on Mark's chest and raised her body up, extracting his cock from her inner sanctum before lowering again, and slowly the two began to find a rhythm, Mark raising his hips to meet her downward thrust, and soon the noises of hot sex and moaning teens filled the small cabin. His thick member stretched her open wide with each entry, and she couldn't remember ever feeling so full before. She vowed to remember this feeling for the rest of her life, the first time she and her brother made love - and she was certain it wouldn't be the last time, either.

Suddenly, Megan squealed and came. Mark's cock felt like it was in a vice. Her back went ramrod straight as her sex throbbed, milking her brother's cock, and it was all Mark could do not to cum right then. Juices from her pussy flooded out of her, streamed down his cock and dripped off his balls onto the carpet. After what felt like an eternity, her orgasm subsided, and they took a moment to breathe. In the 14 years they had lived together, they had never felt so close to one another, and both teens knew that things at home would be forever changed, that the new bond forged between them would last far beyond the end of the cruise. The love they shared for each other had now surpassed that of brother and sister.

Gradually resuming their thrusting, they resumed the groove they had found that pleased them both. Reaching up, Mark cupped his sister's tits in his hands, gently tweaking her nipples as they fucked. Megan panted, her head thrown back as she rode her brother's cock like a cowgirl, adrenaline coursing through her body.

Megan's hand slipped off her brother's slick chest, soaked with perspiration. The two siblings found themselves nose-to-nose again, and they burst out laughing. Mark kissed her again, his probing tongue meeting hers as their sweaty bodies made full contact, his cock still inside of his sister. His hands roamed over her back and eventually found themselves squeezing her ass. As he brushed a finger over her asshole, her back stiffened involuntarily and she moaned into his mouth. Rubbing her entrance gently, she writhed on top of him, and Mark made a mental note to investigate this later.

Resuming their lovemaking again, it wasn't long before Mark felt his orgasm building. His breathing became ragged as his hips thrust up repeatedly, ramming his prick into his sister again and again. With one last thrust, he grabbed her hips and held her steady as he unleashed the largest load of cum he had ever produced into his sister's waiting sex, which pushed her over the edge as well. Her body shook like a plucked string as the two siblings shared an orgasm, his cock throbbing as he spurted stream after stream of his hot seed. Her pussy milked him for all he was worth, squeezing out every last drop before they collapsed in a heap of sweaty flesh onto the couch. They lay there breathing heavily for a few minutes, basking in the afterglow of their shared climax.

"Wow," Mark said, catching his breath.

"Wow," Megan agreed.

They kissed each other gently as his cock slowly wilted inside of her. Eventually, he became soft enough that his dick popped out, bringing a puddle of semen and pussy juice with it, pooling in his pubic hair. With a wet slurpy noise as she peeled her body away from his, Megan slowly sat up and looked into her brother's eyes once again.

"I love you, Mark," she said.

"I love you too, sis," he replied. "I think we could both use a shower," he added, and with a twinkle in his eye, "want to see if we can both fit in there?"

I think I need a shower too. If you want to drop me a note, is where you can reach me.

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Next: Chapter 22

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