Seven Days of Pleasure

By moc.liamg@wocoomrd

Published on Apr 8, 2020


This story is intended for reading by people who enjoy these stories, and is legal in your part of the world. You know whether you should be reading it or not, I'm not here to stop you.

The entire story is fiction, including all characters (though I wish they were real and I were a fly on the wall). They live in a world where pregnancy and diseases are not a real worry, but we don't - so be safe!

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Chapter 20

Cruise Day 5, Port Day (St. Thomas, USVI), evening, formal night (immediately following Chapter 19) (teen, m/f, m/f, m mast, m/f/m)

Arriving at the hot tub just after 11, the teens found it empty as usual. "Y'know, we almost didn't need to get dressed for the trip," Mark said, undoing the buttons on his dress shirt.

"Yeah, but if we'd been naked, you just know that we'd run into a bus full of nuns or something," Andrew said. "And we've already been blasphemous enough for one night." He slipped off his shoes, quickly followed by his pants.

"A bus full of nuns, huh... at sea... is that some kind of Magic School Bus?" Eric jibed as his dress pants joined the pile of clothes.

"Shut up, you," Andrew said, climbing into the hot water and pressing the button to turn on the jets.

One by one, the other teens shed their clothing and got into the hot tub. The group fell into a comfortable conversation, and after about 15 minutes, a lone figure came around the corner. "You made it!" Mark called. "Glad to see you again, Marco."

"It is a pleasure to meet you all," Marco said, doffing his shirt and sandals, already wearing his swim trunks.

The group extended greetings and introductions to the new boy as he started to climb the stairs towards the tub.

"Uhh... Marco... there's something you need to know," Mark said as he stood, showing Marco that he was naked.

"Oh... you are all...?" Everyone nodded. "Thank goodness. I hate these things, I never use them at home," Marco said, relieved, as he undid the drawstring on his trunks. He swiftly dropped them to the floor and kicked them over to a lounge chair, then turned back towards the hot tub. Rachel and Eric couldn't tear their eyes away from his uncut olive-skinned cock, and Amy gasped quietly as it started to grow with all the attention focused on it.

"You like what you see, yes?" he asked Amy with a smile.

"Mmm, yeah..." she replied. "You're hot."

"Not as hot as you, florecita," he said as he kissed her hand, causing her to blush, then took a seat in the hot water.

Over the next half hour, the gang became fast friends with the newcomer, turning their group of eight into a group of nine. Marco told stories of growing up in Spain: playing football with his friends, spending lots of time outdoors, going on dates with señoritas and enjoying tapas at one of the many restaurants along the riverside. He told the group about how he and his amigos often went on canoe trips during the hot summer holidays, spending upwards of a week naked in the wilderness together. "I think sometimes I spend more time naked than I do with clothes on," he said.

"It shows," Rachel said. "Your tan is amazing. I wish I could have a tan like that, but there's nowhere around where I live to sunbathe nude. And my neighbors are all so nosy, I couldn't possibly do it in the backyard, either."

"Gracias. I have travelled to your country a few times, and the people seem - how you say - 'prude'? As if the naked human form was something to be ashamed of, no?"

"It's true, there are a lot of people like that," Andrew added. "Not everyone, mind you, but unfortunately the loudest ones are like that."

Just then, the public address system came on, making half of them jump in surprise. "Goooooood evening, ladies and gentlemen. This is Troy, your cruise director, reminding everyone about our world-famous midnight buffet this evening, starting in 15 minutes in the Michelangelo dining room on deck 5. Come on down and see what our amazing food services department has put together for you, from ice carvings to the stunning six foot tall butter sculpture. Once again, that's in the Michelangelo dining room, deck 5 midships, in 15 minutes time. We look forward to seeing you!"

"Did... did he say 'butter sculpture'?" Megan asked incredulously.

"I believe he did," replied Mark. "I think I need to see that. Are you interested?"

"Yeah, I think so," said his sister. "Did anyone want to join us?"

Eric and Andrew exchanged a look and a shrug. "Yeah, sure, we'll come," Eric replied.

The other five politely declined, opting instead to stay in the hot tub. "Oh, before you go, though," said Rachel, "I still need to have my picture taken." Turning to Marco, she asked if he would mind taking a photo of the eight of them.

"Of course, cuchura. I would be honored."

"Alright, thanks. If I could get everyone standing in front of the hot tub, I just want a group photo to remember everyone by, right where we all met," Rachel said.

"That's a great idea, Rach... I'm glad you thought of it," Adam said, giving her a hug.

The group arranged themselves in front of the hot tub with their arms around each other, a confident group of teenagers, comfortable in their nudity with each other.

"Say queso!" Marco called, and took a photo. Amy hurried over and looked at the photo, and declared that another one needed to be taken. "I couldn't take my eyes off Marco's dick, and I wasn't looking at the camera," she said, blushing slightly, as the group laughed. Lining up again, another photo was taken, and this time Amy declared it as acceptable. "Thanks, everyone, and thank you too, Marco. Can I take one of you?" He agreed, and she took his picture.

After a few minutes of air-drying, Mark, Megan, Eric and Andrew got dressed and said their goodbyes as they headed down to the buffet. Everyone else piled back into the hot tub and settled back in for more conversation.

Jon, Amy, Adam, Rachel and Marco were discussing their plans for the next day in port.

"I'm staying aboard," Jon said, "but I think my parents are going ashore. Megan, Mark and I have plans to hang out."

"I bet you'll get up to something," Amy said with a smile. "I think I'd like to go to a beach tomorrow. I haven't done much tanning this week, and if I go home as white as I came here, my friends will tease me."

"I, too, am going to a beach tomorrow," Marco said. "Would you like to go together?"

"That sounds great. I have to say, it'll be great to be seen with such a hottie in public," she answered.

"Ah, but it is I who will be with the hottie," he said with a smile, which Amy returned.

"My parents and I are going to the rainforest," Rachel offered. "I'm really looking forward to it - the photos on the website for the tour company shows lots of birds and butterflies. Oh, and snakes, too, but I'm not looking forward to them."

"Really? You seemed to like the snake I introduced you to the other day," Adam said with a smirk.

"What...? Oh!" Rachel blushed.

"Oh, honey..." Jon said with a smile at Rachel, quoting one of his favorite TV shows, 'How I Met Your Mother'.

"Oh, shut up," she responded, smiling back. "Normally I don't hang around with perverts like you guys - see how you've corrupted me!"

"Excuse me, I seem to recall you groping me in the hallway unprovoked," Adam said. "That was right before you met the snake."

"Ah, you caught me. See, I'm just like you perverts," Rachel agreed. "And that's how I like it." She slid over closer to Adam and cuddled up to him. He put his arm around her as the conversation turned to video games.

Tuning out the video game talk, which she had no interest in, Rachel thought back at all the fun she'd had this week. She'd made a great group of friends, who she was sure she would keep in touch with after the holiday was over. She'd had sex with one of the most attractive boys she'd ever laid eyes on, and was falling in love with him, and he felt the same way about her. She'd had a chance to let out her wild side all week, spending a few hours a night naked in the hot tub with her friends. She'd had her first same-sex experience and had an earthshattering orgasm, something past boyfriends had been unable to do for her. Not Adam, though, he was pretty fucking skilled in that department. All in all, this was a great week that she'd remember for a long, long time.

Jon was droning on about Skyrim something or other, and she wasn't really paying attention. Suddenly, she had a thought... a frisky thought. Underwater, she reached over with her hand and gently grabbed Adam's cock. He jumped at the unexpected contact, and as she gently squeezed his manhood, she could feel it start to stiffen. He looked down at her, and she met his gaze with a sly smirk on her lips. He sighed contentedly when she slowly started to stroke him, his prick rising to full mast. She continued the manual stimulation for a few minutes.

Eventually, Rachel noticed that everyone had fallen silent, and all eyes were on her. She smiled and shrugged in response.

"Are you enjoying yourself, Adam?" asked Marco. "That looks like fun."

Adam nodded silently and let the feelings wash over him as his lover slowly masturbated him.

"Hey, Marco... If you like, I can show you how fun it is," Amy offered. Marco leaned back and put his arms out to either side, offering his body to her. She slid over beside him and reached into his lap, wrapping her hand around his already-hard cock. "Mmmm," she cooed.

Jon wasn't sure which pair to watch, so he kept switching his gaze back and forth between the two. His cock was also hard as stone, his own hand wrapped around it.

After a few minutes of this, all three boys had big smiles on their faces. "C'mon, Adam, let's move over to a lounge chair," Rachel suggested. Wordlessly, Adam nodded and stood up, giving an eyeful to the other teens in the hot tub. His shaven crotch was as smooth as the day he was born, which made his big cock seem even larger. As Rachel stood, water ran down her chest, her tits protuding invitingly. Jon's dick twitched involuntarily and suddenly his mouth was dry.

"Let's all move out there," Amy said. "I don't know how long I can hold my breath, and I'd rather not find out tonight that I can't." Marco and Jon agreed, and soon all five teens had moved over to the railing where the lounge chairs were. Amy and Marco shared one lounger, while Adam and Rachel shared another. Jon pulled a chair into a position where he had a great view of both couples.

Without skipping a beat, Rachel and Amy resumed their attention to the boys' crotches. Rachel leaned in for a kiss from Adam as she stroked him, and Marco put a hand on Amy's boob and gave her nipple a tweak, eliciting a gasp from her. Jon leaned back in his chair, his hand wrapped around his prick, stroking himself at a good rhythm. He now understood how Mark felt the other day - watching people fool around was pretty fucking hot.

It wasn't long before Rachel started sliding down the lounger, and sucked one of Adam's nipples into her mouth, gently nibbling on it. After paying the same attention to his other nipple, she continued her southward journey and paused again at his navel, flicking her tongue into and around his innie. Adam moaned quietly, enjoying every second of her stimulation. Finally, she reached her destination, and gently wrapped her lips around Adam's hard prick, licking around the crown and under his foreskin, which drove him wild.

Hearing a gasp from his left, Jon turned his attention to the other pair, to find Amy in a similar position, with Marco's 8" baseball bat - err, cock - half-in her mouth, his eyes closed and a big smile on his face. He moaned quietly as Amy gently played with his balls, her head bobbing in his lap. Up and down she went, soft slurping noises escaped from her mouth. Marco gently put his hand on the back of her head as she went down on his hard cock. Jon gave his own cock a squeeze, and a big drop of precum formed at the tip, which he scooped it up with his finger and deposited it onto his tongue, savoring the salty flavor.

After a few minutes, Amy sat up, a long string of drool leading from the corner of her mouth to Marco's dick. Wiping it away, she stood up and positioned herself so her dripping twat lined up with Marco's rigid pole. Placing her hands on his chest, she slowly lowered herself, inch by inch, until his prick was entirely inside of her. The two teens gazed deeply into each other's eyes as their bodies became one. Tucking her legs under Marco's, she began fucking him slowly, grinding her pelvis against his, getting into a good rhythm. Marco sighed contentedly, and reached up and cupped Amy's ample bosoms in his large hands.

From his angle, Jon could see Amy's asshole winking at him as she raised and lowered herself, impaled on Marco's prick, as well as Marco's heavy ballsack glistening as Amy's juices overflowed from her pussy and ran down his shaft. Jon's cock was harder than he could remember it ever being, and he continued to slowly stroke it as the show unfolded before him. Looking over towards Adam and Rachel, he saw they had changed positions as well - Adam had his head buried between her legs, eating her out, as she gripped the armrests of the lounger, holding on so tight that her knuckles had turned white. She tossed her head back and forth with an ecstatic look on her face, eyes screwed shut tightly, moaning as Adam's tongue worked its magic.

Adam spread his legs in order to get more comfortable. From where he was sitting, Jon now had a great view of Adam's ass and nuts, which made him even harder, if that was possible. His began to stroke himself faster, knowing that he wasn't going to last much longer.

Suddenly, Rachel gasped loudly as she reached her climax, covering Adam's face with her juices. He kept licking at her as she came, causing her to shudder in ecstacy, moaning all the while. Jon looked around, worried that someone would hear her, but they were alone, which was a good thing. Five naked teens in the throes of sex on the open deck would require a lot of explaining. Adam continued to play with her clit with his tongue, and before long she had grabbed his head with both hands and was pushing him away. "Oh God, Adam, that was amazing," she panted, "but I'm so sensitive right now. I need a break."

The sound and smell of Rachel cumming was enough to push Marco over the edge. His throbbing cock exploded inside of Amy, which set her off into her orgasm as well. Marco's heavy balls emptied into her and combined with her sweet nectar into a frothy mixture of cum and grool that ran down his shaft and pooled under his ass on the lounger. As their respective orgasms subsided, Amy collapsed onto Marco, her breasts pressing into his heaving chest. Completely spent, the two of them were oblivious to the world around them and lay there, breathing heavily, enjoying the close contact.

By this time, Adam had extracted himself from between Rachel's legs and was sitting on the next lounger over, his cock still standing proud at attention. Rachel motioned for him to stand beside her, and she grasped his prick and gave it a few strokes. "Hey, Jon, you look lonely over there... come stand here on my other side," she called to him.

"Umm, are you sure?" Jon asked. He wasn't expecting that anyone remembered he was still there.

"Of course. Unless you'd rather not," she replied. "Get your ass over here."

Jon stood and let his cock point the way until he was standing on Rachel's left side, facing Adam. She grasped his cock as well, giving it a squeeze. The boys looked at each other with a smile on their faces as the girl between them stroked their cocks in unison. Rachel leaned over towards Adam and replaced her hand with her mouth, gave him a few good sucks, then did the same for Jon. She then began to stroke both boys in earnest, knowing that it wouldn't be long for either of them to blow their load. Before long, Jon reached out and put his hand on Adam's shoulder for support as he started to cum, spurting stream after stream of his thick white semen onto Rachel's chest as she continued to stroke him. Jon's orgasm set Adam off, and the two of them practically covered her torso in jizz, their seed intermingling on her skin. When the dribbles of cum finally stopped dripping from his manhood, Jon plopped down on a lounger, weak in the knees. Adam continued oozing semen a while longer, then followed suit and collapsed onto a lounger as well.

"Wow, that was intense," Jon said after catching his breath. "Look at what we did to you, haha... and we don't have any towels here." Rachel looked down at her body, which was covered in streaks and puddles of teenage cum.

"Not the first time today I've been covered in cum from multiple guys," she laughed.

Amy and Marco finally stirred. Getting a look at Rachel, Amy laughed. "Wow, you guys really did a number on her. Rach, just rub it in... it's good for the skin..." She stood up slowly, and Marco's deflating penis made a squishy popping noise as it slipped out of Amy. "Man, we really made a mess. All of us."

As everyone got up, they looked at the carnage they had left behind. Cum and grool had pooled on the loungers, and there were puddles on the deck in several places. "We can't leave it like this," Jon said, "it's not fair to the people who clean the decks." He wiped the remaining cum off his dick and licked his hand clean, provoking a smile from Amy, and put his pants on. He scurried off to the nearest public washroom and returned a few minutes later with a fair amount of paper towel. Wetting some of them in the hot tub, he handed them out to the rest of the teens, and they cleaned both the furniture and themselves as best they could, then got dressed.

"Thanks again, Rachel, that was amazing," Adam said.

"Yeah, everyone, thanks for the show," Jon added. "That was so hot. Especially the happy ending, Rach."

Marco and Amy nodded, then made arrangements to meet up the next morning to go to the beach, followed by Marco saying his goodnights and wandering off to his cabin. Amy slung her arm around Jon as the four of them walked off in the other direction, towards their own cabins.

"Have a good time, Jonny boy?"

"Oh yeah... I don't think I'll be forgetting that anytime soon."

"You'd better not," Rachel teased. "You and Adam nearly drowned me. At least I didn't get any in my hair."

Amy smiled and reflected on how much Jon had changed over the week, from a timid boy with little self-confidence into the man he was tonight. She couldn't help but feel proud for him.

Jon was thinking the same thing. He never in a million years expected the events of this week to happen, but was so grateful to have made some great friends. Looking ahead, he had plans to hang around with Mark and Megan the following day, and he wondered what trouble they would get into.

They're not the only ones that made a huge mess. If you want to drop me a note, is where you can reach me.

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Next: Chapter 21

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