Seven Days of Pleasure

By moc.liamg@wocoomrd

Published on Jan 22, 2020


This story is intended for reading by people who enjoy these stories, and is legal in your part of the world. You know whether you should be reading it or not, I'm not here to stop you.

The entire story is fiction, including all characters (though I wish they were real and I were a fly on the wall). They live in a world where pregnancy and diseases are not a real worry, but we don't - so be safe!

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Chapter 2 Cruise Day 1, Embarkation Day (teen, truth or dare, f/f)

As the taxi drew nearer to the port, it was like that scene in Jurassic Park when they first saw the herd of brachiosaurus - a quick peek over the buildings, a fleeting glimpse between the palm trees - and then there she was, in all her glory, standing tall above all around her - the Crown Princess cruise ship. Towering above the terminal, her immaculate steel and glass exterior shone in the sun, inviting and alluring.

When their cab pulled over to the terminal building, Jon and his parents were greeted by a big burly man who whisked away their suitcases and directed them towards the check-in area. After a quick and painless checking in process, each of them were issued Medallions, which would act as their door keys and payment system for the next week. Not five minutes after that, they were invited aboard the ship and Jon was given free reign to explore the ship.

Like many people his age, the pool seemed like a great place to start his vacation. He made a quick detour to the cabin that he and his parents would be sharing for the next week - not huge, but it would do the job, he supposed. His bed would be a foldout from the sofa, which looked comfortable enough. After rummaging through his backpack, he located his swim trunks and pulled them out. Kicking off his sandals, he practically ripped off his pants and underwear and dove into his suit and then headed up to the Lido deck.

As the glass elevator arrived at the correct deck, he was amazed to find not one but two giant pools. A handful of other guests had discovered the pools as well, which gave him a moment of pause. Being on the fluffier size, he had always been a little shy about taking off his shirt in front of other people. At school, in PE class, he was often teased about having boobs, and naturally, it had given him a bit of a complex about it. But looking around, there were people of all shapes, sizes and colours, and nobody seemed to care a whole lot. Still, though, once he picked up a big blue and white pool towel and selected a deck chair, he removed his glasses and quickly doffed his shirt, then wasted no time getting in the pool. No need to tempt fate, after all.

The Florida sun beating down on him felt absolutely wonderful. It was only February, but it had felt like this winter had gone on for years already back home. He could feel the stress and tension melting out of his shoulders, and the snow and algebra were already being banished from his thoughts.

After half an hour of alternating between swimming and floating around the pool, it was beginning to get a little crowded as more people boarded the ship and had the same idea he'd had. Looking around, he discovered the thing that many larger cruisers discover - no matter how big you think you are, you will almost always find someone who's bigger. Even so, old habits die hard, so after getting out of the pool and scurrying over to his deck chair, he covered up quickly with his towel. Drying off quickly, he breathed a sigh of relief once he had his shirt on once again.

He slipped on his sandals again and swapped out his wet towel for a dry one, then decided to go exploring. Walking along the open deck, he came across a pizzaria, and discovered he was rather peckish. He got a piece of pepperoni pizza, then found a seat at an empty table. Before long, a pretty young female waiter appeared from nowhere and asked if he would like a soft drink; his parents had sprung for an unlimited soda package for him, so he took advantage of that and asked for a Coke. In a heartbeat, she disappeared and reappeared with his drink, and gave him a smile and a wink as she placed it next to him on the table.

This week was going to be interesting, he thought.

After his snack, Jon continued his exploration of the ship. He had continued his trek around to the front of the ship when he came across a quiet area with a few deck chairs and a hot tub, which currently contained a couple of kids around his age. A thousand thoughts flashed through his head at that moment, ranging from "should I talk to them" to "what if they make fun of me"... but he made the conscious decision that having some friends this week would be better than not having any, and really - if it didn't go well, he'd never see these people again after this week, right? And so he gathered up all of his courage and walked over to the side of the jacuzzi.

"Hi there... do you mind if I join you?"

The two kids turned to face him. He could see that it was a boy and girl, both roughly his age, and there was a frosty tension between them that could almost be seen. "Sure, come on in, if you can stand the two of us arguing. I'm Mark, and this is my sister, Megan."

"I'm Jon, pleased to meet you. Did you guys need a few minutes to clear things up? I don't want to be in the way or anything."

Megan laughed and said, "No, that's all right, Jon, come on in. If you waited until we were finished, you'd be out there all week."

"Well, if you put it that way..." Jon smiled and put his towel on a nearby deck chair and removed his glasses. He froze for a second, realized he hadn't thought this through - now he had to make the decision whether to take his shirt off in front of these strangers. Taking a deep breath and hoping for the best, he popped it off and braced for the comments - which didn't come. Exhaling finally, he dropped his shirt beside his towel, put his glasses back on and joined the other two in the pleasantly hot water.

Over the next half hour, they chatted and discovered that they had a fair bit in common. Megan and Jon were both 14, though his birthday was coming up soon; Mark and Jon were both baseball fans - the Orioles for Jon and the Phillies for Mark; and all three of them read a fair bit and that they had some authors in common as their favorites. Mark and Megan had even stopped bickering for a while. They were well on their way to becoming fast friends. And after a while, during a lull in the conversation, Jon wondered to himself why he was so nervous to meet these kids in the first place.

Just then, they heard footsteps coming around the corner. Another boy appeared and sidled up to the hot tub. "Hey, guys, how's it going? How's the water?" He introduced himself as Andrew, and said he'd be back shortly, after he changed into swim trunks. True to his word, he was back in five minutes and joined the others in the hot tub.

"Man, I've been dying for some sort of warmth for months. We've had a stupid amount of snow up in Michigan," Andrew exclaimed.

"Don't I know it," said Mark. "I've been shovelling snow in Philly for money this year, and I've got so many customers I can hardly keep up with it."

While Mark and Andrew went down a rabbit hole discussing the finer points of Star Wars minutiae, Jon and Megan shared a look, rolled their eyes and smiled at each other. It occurred to Jon that he had never felt this comfortable with a girl before... ever. The warmth he felt from within almost was greater than the warmth from the water.

As the afternoon wore on, every once in a while, another guest or two would wander by, but it was surprisingly low traffic. At some point, they were joined by two more people in their age group, Amy and Eric, who wandered in a few minutes apart from each other. The six of them sat in that hot tub and talked and laughed, and laughed and talked, and it felt like they'd known each other for years.

As 5:00 rolled around and the announcement was made for the sail-away party, it became time for some of them to head out to meet up with their families to get ready for dinner. They agreed to meet back here at the hot tub for 10pm.

"You'll be coming, right, Jon?" Megan asked him quietly as they dried off.

"Wouldn't miss it," he replied.

She smiled at him and gave him a little wave as she scurried off to catch up with her brother, who had started to head in.

Jon found it hard to believe, but he couldn't deny that he felt a bit of a spark there with Megan. And even apart from that, he felt like he finally fit in with a group of friends. This week was DEFINITELY going to be interesting.

A few minutes before 10:00 that night, Eric was walking along the hallway on his floor, dressed in his swimsuit and flip flops and carrying a towel, when a door opened a few cabins in front of him. "Oh, hey, Amy! How was dinner? You're just down the hall from me!"

She turned to greet him and together they started to walk towards their new hangout spot. "So, Eric, where are you from?"

"My parents and I live in Manhattan near the Park. It's pretty nice, I guess."

"Ooh, New York City? I've always dreamed of going there. Austin's nice, but New York is, like, where my heart lies, if you'll forgive the cheesiness."

"I like it, I suppose. Mom and Dad work a lot, so I spend a lot of time alone. Sometimes I like that, but sometimes it's lonely, too. I'm an only child, so it's just me and the butler at home most of the time."

"Ooh, a butler, how fancy," she thought to herself. "They must be pretty well off..."

As if reading her mind, Eric smiled and said, "Yeah, my parents own their own company and make a ton of money. I try not to let it go to my head, though."

Blushing slightly, she smiled back. "I wasn't going to say anything!"

"I know. It's not something I hide, I just don't make a big deal of it, either. There are some kids in my school that throw their parents' money around like it's nothing. They're assholes, but other kids kiss their asses... it's pretty disgusting, really. I don't want to be like them."

"Well, I know I've only known you for a few hours, but I can tell you're not an asshole," she said.

By this time they reached the hot tub, where Mark, Megan and Jon were situated with a boy they hadn't met yet. "Who's not an asshole?" Mark asked.

"Eric," replied Amy.

"Are you sure?" Mark asked, an impish grin on his face.

"Oh, I can be," Eric laughed, and spashed Mark.

"So you can! Anyways, guys, this is Adam. Adam, this is Eric, the asshole, and Amy. I don't THINK she's an asshole, but we'll have to see," Mark said. Amy swatted him gently upside the head as he laughed.

"Howdy, y'all," Adam drawled.

"Dang, there's some Texas if I've ever heard it," Amy called out. "I'm from Austin, where are you from?"

"Just outside Pecos," he replied with a smile.

"Well, howdy yourself, then, cowboy," Amy said as she removed her tshirt, exposing the top half of her swimsuit. Her shorts quickly followed, tossed casually in the pile of everyone's clothes on the lounger, and she and Eric joined the others in the hot tub.

"I have to say, I'm glad we found each other on this cruise, especially this early into it. I've been on other cruises where there was nobody else my age... it makes for such a boring time," said Eric. "So thanks, everyone."

Everyone agreed with the sentiment, nobody more so than Jon. He wished that he could bring everyone home with him at the end of the week.

"Okay, who started the party without me?" Andrew asked as he rounded the corner with another girl. "Everyone, this is Rachel. Her family sits at the same table as mine at dinner." Andrew kicked off his sandals and peeled off his t-shirt, and thought he caught a bit of a look from Eric. He filed that away for later reflection, then plonked himself into the jacuzzi with aplomb.

Everyone introduced themselves to Rachel, who, already in her swimsuit, got into the hot tub with a little more finesse than her dinnermate. Talk was lively, up to four conversations at once at times, as the group of teens got to know each other better. Jon was discussing Magic The Gathering with Andrew when Eric got everyone's attention and asked the age-old question with a twinkle in his eye: "Guys, guys... who's up for a game of truth or dare?"

Jon stiffened at the question. He'd never played himself, but he'd heard enough stories to know that it usually ended up with embarassing questions and at least one person naked. He thought about it for a moment. "Fuck it, when are you going to get this chance again? Certainly not at home," he thought to himself. "Besides, they've been okay with you so far..."

"I'm in," Jon squeaked, his voice cracking. Everyone turned to look at him, smiled and laughed. He looked mortified for a second, then smiled at the sound that he'd made - they were laughing with him, not at him. It helped that Amy reached out her hand underwater and squeezed his for reassurance.

Mark shot a quick glance to his sister, who shrugged and smiled. "Up to you," she mouthed. He smiled back and nodded.

One by one, they all agreed to play. Eric continued. "So, a few ground rules? What's said and what happens here stays between us, and everyone gets asked before someone gets asked a second time. Fair?" Nods all around.

Rachel asked who should go first.

"Well, since you asked, you should propose the first challenge," Mark suggested. The game was on.

"Ummm.... okay. Let's see.... Adam. Truth or dare?"

"I'll go with... truth."

"Okay, I'll start off with an easy one. When's your birthday?"

"July 16th... I'm a Cancer," Adam replied.

"Oooh, me too!" Megan exclaimed. "Well, I mean, I'm a Cancer. July 3rd."

"Good to know. I'll have to remember that," Adam said with a smile and a wink. "Okay... Jon... truth or dare?"

Adrenaline released into Jon's bloodstream and he felt more awake than he ever had before. "Truth."

"Do y'all have a girlfriend, and how far have you gone with her?" Adam asked.

"Oooh, getting serious quickly!" Megan giggled.

"I, uh... I don't have a girlfriend, and, umm, well, I never have," Jon stammered. "I'm kinda shy, y'know, because of, uh, this," gesturing at his midsection.

"Oh, that's bullshit, Jon. You're really cute, y'know," Megan said, blushing slightly as she realised that she'd just told Jon that she found him cute. "And everyone has things about their body they don't like." The others echoed similar sentiments.

Jon could feel his face turning red, even to the tips of his ears. Looking down, he scrunched up his nose and pushed his glasses up. "Well, um, thanks. No girl has ever, um, said anything like that to me before."

"Well, they should. They would be lucky to have you," she continued. Amy reached over and squeezed his hand again, nodding her agreement.

"Okay, Jon, your turn to ask someone. Who's it going to be?" Mark prompted.

Jon looked around the hot tub. "Alright. Andrew, truth or dare?"


"Same question I was asked," Jon said. "Sorry, I've never played this before and I don't know what to ask."

"No problem. Okay, so girlfriend... I had a girlfriend during the summer. Her name was Kate, and we were kissing one night out behind the shed in her backyard, and she let me feel her boobs. The light went on out the back of her house, and we panicked, so that's about as far as we went," Andrew said. "It was nice... she was so soft, and I... wasn't..."

The group had a good laugh at that, and then Andrew decided to kick it up a notch. "Eric, truth or dare?"


"What's your deepest, darkest secret that you've never told anyone?" Andrew asked.

"Well... okay, since we said it would stay between us, I'm gay," Eric said, almost defiantly. "I hope that doesn't freak anyone out."

"Of course not! Oh, honey, gay or straight, white or black, Beatles or Elvis, we like you for you!" Amy exclaimed, and everyone was quick to join in with their support. "As long as you're a Beatles guy, anyway."

Eric breathed a sigh of relief. "Thanks, guys, that was harder than I expected. I honestly haven't come out to anyone yet, so thank you for saying that. It's... it's liberating to get that off my chest." Then he locked eyes with Amy and, with an impish grin, said, "And it's Elvis forever!"

"Oh, fine... you can stay, I guess. For now." she replied with an impish grin of her own.

"Okay... Hmmm. Rachel. Truth or dare?"

Feeling brave, she asked for a dare. "Let's get this game going!"

"Okay.... I dare you to give Adam a lap dance!"

"Okay! I can think of worse things!" Rachel blurted out, provoking a laugh from the group.

Standing up, she moved over and stood in front of Adam, then started swaying to music only she could hear. Her pert breasts, mostly concealed behind the thin lycra of her bikini top, gently moved with the motion, which did not go unnoticed by Adam. As she slowly danced, she raised her arms above her head and began playing with her hair, slowly turning around to face away from him.

Bending over slightly, her ass now pointed towards his face, she slowly began to sway her hips from side to side, and then to Adam's surprised, she reached behind and rearranged her bikini bottoms to sit directly between the cheeks of her ass, making it look like a g-string.

Even though he was sitting to the side, Jon felt his cock go hard in an instant. This was the most erotic thing he had ever seen.

Adam's eyes, wide open at this point with surprise and lust, had a giant grin on his face. As the dance progressed, she continued turning around so she was facing him again, stepped closer, and to everyone's surprise, knelt on the seat of the hot tub straddling Adam, one knee on either side of his hips. She lowered herself until she was sitting in his lap and ground her hips into him. "Oooh, he's pretty hard... and it's big, too!" she cooed. The teens laughed and cheered.

As she ground into his lap, Rachel took one more step that surprised everyone as she reached behind her back and undid the bow of her bikini top, and seconds later she pulled it off, her tits on full display to everyone, but nobody more so than a very, very erect Adam.

"Okay, okay, that's enough, you two, no cumming in the hot tub," warned Eric, "unless you want to clean it up!"

With a sly smile, Rachel blew a kiss to Adam and stood up. For his part, Adam sat up straighter and was rather obvious about adjusting his dick in his swim trunks, and he wasn't the only one - Andrew and Jon also had some adjustment issues that needed addressing. Even Eric was a little fidgety.

Rachel started to put her top back on, until Eric stopped her. "Nuh huh, Rachel. Truth or Dare rules state that whatever clothing comes off, stays off until the end of the game!"

"Fine," she said, putting on a fake pout as she smiled. She wrung the water out of her top and tossed it towards a lounge chair, then settled back into her seat, the bubbly water covering her chest.

After the group had had a moment to digest what had just transpired, it was the next turn of the game. "Mark, truth or dare?"

"Jesus, I don't know what I'll have to do to follow that, but I'll take a dare."

"Oh, it's a simple one. Strip naked, get out of the hot tub, walk over to the railing, and back. Oh, and you have to face the hot tub the entire time, and you can't cover yourself up," Rachel offered.

"Aw, man... my sister's here... but... but... fuck. Fine. You," Mark looked at Megan, "keep your eyes closed." The group laughed.

"Please, it's not like I haven't seen it before," Megan said, haughtily. "It's nothing to write home about."

"Say what now? When?" Mark asked, incredulously.

"Well, one night when you came home after soccer practice, my friend Brianna was over. You went in to shower in the shared bathroom, and, well, you didn't close the door properly... and she was curious..."

He raised an eyebrow. "She?"

"Okay, well... We. We were curious," she admitted sheepishly.

"Well then. Did you at least like what you saw?" Mark asked with a grin.

"It was all Brianna would talk about for days," Megan said. The group had a good laugh.

He stood and made a production of slowly undoing the drawstring on his trunks. "Stand up on the seat!" Amy called, and he complied. He slowly inched he trunks down bit by bit until his pubic hair began to come into view. Taking a deep breath, he pulled out the front to free his penis from the fabric, and let them drop into the water. His six inch cock stood proud, pointing at the sky, paying tribute to the show that Rachel had put on.

Reaching under the water, he pulled his trunks off and stood, naked as the day he was born, in front of six people he had met earlier that day... and his sister. Never in a million years would he ever had expected this turn of events, but here he was. And like everyone in that hot tub, he was horny and the rules go out the window when you're horny.

Gasps and cheers rang out from the group as Mark exposed himself. But not a sound was heard from Megan - she was speechless. She had only had a glimpse of him that evening, and hadn't gotten a good look at his boyhood. That certainly was not the case now, and... well, putting it bluntly, she liked what she saw.

Eric was seated between Mark and the hot tub stairs. Feeling emboldened by the group's reaction, Eric improvised - rather than stepping down, he instead grinned and stepped over Eric, his ass literally inches from Eric's face. As he turned to climb the steps, Eric reached up and gave a good natured slap on the ass and they smiled at each other.

Stepping down onto the deck, he turned to face the hot tub and put his arms out to the sides. Walking backwards carefully, he slowly moved the twenty feet to the railing. Cat calls and whistles from the hot tub encouraged him on his journey, and when he reached the railing, he struck a few poses as the teens cracked up laughing. After a few seconds, he did a runway walk back to the hot tub, turned, posed, turned back again, and took a bow. His rock hard cock hadn't gone down in the slightest, and still was reaching for the stars.

Golf claps rewarded his return and he wrung out his shorts and tossed them towards the lounge chair over by Rachel's bathing suit, then rejoined the troupe in the hot tub. He and Jon shared a fist bump as he returned to his seat, and the teens chattered away excitedly.

Mark's back stiffened as he heard footsteps coming around the bend, wondering if he was about to be caught naked in a hot tub in public, but it turned out to be a couple his parents' age, who exchanged greetings with the group and carried on their way without stopping. As they continued on, he visibly relaxed and exchanged another look with his sister, who could plainly read the relief on her brother's face.

"I can't believe they didn't notice the swimsuits over there!" Andrew exclaimed.

Once everyone had settled, Mark asked Amy if she would prefer a truth or dare, to which she accepted a dare.

"Okay... I dare you to make out with Rachel... naked."

"With pleasure," she replied. "Eric's not the only one that isn't straight... I'm bi," she said with a smile. She winked at Rachel, who smiled in return.

"Should I be naked too?" asked Rachel.

Considering for a second, Mark nodded. "Sure, why not. You're halfway there anyways."

"Bah. Fine," Rachel said, with another pouty smile. "This is fun."

Rachel stood and peeled her bikini bottoms off, revealing her shaved mound to everyone as Amy pulled first one strap off her shoulder, followed closely by the other. A little wiggling here and there, and shortly two more bathing suits were flung over to the de facto lycra storage facility, and the two girls stood facing each other, their bodies glistening in the moonlight.

Amy reached out and gently pulled Rachel towards her, who stepped in for a full-body embrace without complaint. Amy leaned in to give Rachel a quick peck first on one corner of her lips, then the other, then leaned back to gaze into Rachel's eyes. Returning to kiss her new friend directly on the lips, she teased with three quick short ones, then returned for a longer, more sensual kiss. Amy's tongue gently probed at Rachel's lips, which opened slightly to welcome the embrace.

A hush fell over the group as they watched this passionate embrace between the two girls unfold before them. They knew they were witnessing something special. More than one teenage boy's hand was rubbing his cock at the passionate display.

Amy's hand slowly moved down from behind Rachel's head and made its way to her left breast, cupping it, then gently tweaked the nipple, making it erect. Moving further south, Amy softly rubbed her fingertips across Rachel's taut stomach, inching lower and lower, caressing the skin along the way, causing goosebumps as their tongues flicked back and forth, both girls fully invested in this make-out session.

Amy's hand continued on its journey down Rachel's body and slowly, ever so slowly, reached it's goal. Rewarded with an involuntary moan from Rachel as her finger gently circled Rachel's clit, both girls were now breathing hard, their breasts heaving as they mashed together as two became one.

Andrew and Jon had been struggling to sit still, their cocks both trapped painfully within their swimming trunks. Almost on cue, but without a word or even a glance, both boys gave up trying to find a comfortable position for their genitals and simply eased off their trunks. Seeing this, Eric wriggled out of his trunks as well.

Amy, who was still rubbing circles around Rachel's clit, gently made contact with the little nub, which caused Rachel to suddenly break off the kiss and gasp loudly, her eyes closed, her mouth wide open and an expression of pure ecstacy on her face. It didn't take long until Rachel's body tensed up as the first wave of her orgasm washed over her. Increasing pressure, Amy's fingers gently rubbed at Rachel's clit as she shook violently, moaning and gasping for breath.

After Rachel finished cumming and returned to Earth, Amy kissed her one more time and then smiled. When Rachel opened her eyes, Amy looked deeply into her soul and asked if she'd enjoyed that. "Oh my God, I've never cum that hard before," Rachel gasped.

"Glad you liked it. There's more where that came from, if you like," offered Amy with a flirtateous smile.

The group of teens sat in silence for a few minutes. "So, since most of us are naked, what would you say to an agreement?" asked Andrew. "Whenever we're in this hot tub, we'll all be naked, all week long. What do you think?"

"I think that's a great idea, Andrew. I get the feeling we're probably going to wind up that way anyways. How about you guys?" said Eric.

For the first time in his life, without hesitation about overthinking the consequences, Jon agreed.

"I have to admit, I'm a little nervous about being naked in front of my brother, guys," said Megan, "even if he is a bit of a showoff in front of me."

"Heh... well, Megan, since you told me about you and Brianna that night, I guess I should come clean too... I've seen you naked too. I know about the skinny dips you and Brianna have when it's dark and Mom and Dad are asleep. I've spied on you guys a few times," Mark admitted.

"You fink! Well, I guess I can't be too mad, seeing as I did the same thing," Megan exclaimed.

"So we're all agreed? Naked in the hot tub?" asked Eric. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Great! Now, I guess it's time for us to head in, it's almost 1:00. I don't know about you guys but I'd rather not have my mom come looking for me when I'm dressed like this with you guys," said Andrew.

Everyone piled out of the hot tub and started toweling off. The six naked teens, plus Megan and Adam, felt as comfortable with each other as if they'd known each other for ten years, not ten hours. They all felt a special bond with each other that they knew was more than just friendship - they were now more than just friends. They were partners in crime together.

"What's everyone up to tomorrow?" asked Mark.

Six of them said they were going ashore with their families, but Adam and Rachel said they were planning on staying aboard the ship. "Would you like to get together tomorrow to hang out?" asked Rachel.

Adam thought that was a grand idea, and they decided to meet in the buffet for breakfast at 10am. Everyone else decided that they'd meet up at the hot tub after dinner again.

"See y'all tomorrow!"

Well, that's the end of Chapter 2. I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did. ;) If you want to drop me a note, is where you can reach me.

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Next: Chapter 3

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