Seven Days of Pleasure

By moc.liamg@wocoomrd

Published on Apr 3, 2020


This story is intended for reading by people who enjoy these stories, and is legal in your part of the world. You know whether you should be reading it or not, I'm not here to stop you.

The entire story is fiction, including all characters (though I wish they were real and I were a fly on the wall). They live in a world where pregnancy and diseases are not a real worry, but we don't - so be safe!

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Chapter 19 Cruise Day 5, Port Day (St. Thomas, USVI), evening, formal night (teen, lots of teasing)


Amy swore as she tried again - and failed - to reach the zipper on the back of her dress. Her sister, putting her makeup on in the bathroom, called out and asked what was wrong. "Oh, just trying to reach my damn zipper," she called back. "Can you give me a hand?"

"Yeah, I'll be right out, let me just finish my face."

"K." Amy took the opportunity to kneel down on all fours and fish her nice sandals out from under her bed. After she retrieved her shoes, she sat back on her heels and was about to get up again when the entire front of her dress flopped down and sat on her waist.

Right at that moment, her sister emerged from the bathroom. Seeing Amy there, on her knees, her breasts fully exposed caused her to exclaim, "Well hello there!" Amy blushed and hurriedly pulled her dress back up.

"Why aren't you wearing a bra?"

"Well, it's... uhhhh... like this..."

Amy started to recount the week to her sister, starting with meeting the group of friends the first night in the hot tub, playing Truth or Dare and all of them ending up naked. As she continued on, her sister sat on the bed opposite her, obviously engrossed in the story. When Amy got to the part where she and Rachel tag-teamed Adam with a blowjob, her sister sat enthralled, gently biting her lip. Amy's dress had slipped down again and puddled itself into her lap. This time, she didn't bother covering up. The story continued until Amy had caught her sister up completely.

"Which brings us to tonight... and why I'm not wearing a bra. All eight of us decided that we'd take some pictures like Mark, Megan and Jon did, exposing ourselves around various parts of the ship. We felt it'd be easier if nobody wore any underwear, which explains why I'm naked under this dress," Amy blurted out. "I can't believe I just told you all that."

"I can't believe it either... it sounds like you've had quite the exciting week. I wish my week was that exciting!" Checking her watch, she jumped up, saying "We'd better get a move on if we want to make it to dinner, it's almost time. Stand up, I'll help you with your dress." Amy obliged and covered up her torso and turned around so her sister could reach the zipper. "I've got one question for you, Amy... who was that guy the other day that you were getting it on with? Was it one of your hot tub friends?"

"You saw that? Heh. That was Stephen, our room steward. He came in while I was in the bathroom and I seduced him into having sex with me," she said. Dreamily, she added, "I really needed that..."

"I bet. He was really fucking hot, I have to say. I didn't get a good look, but from what I saw, he's got a really fine ass!"

"That he does... he's pretty fine all over, actually," Amy replied, thinking back to his thick cock and how it had filled her to the brim. "We'd better go, or I'm going to have to dryclean this dress - I'm getting wet again!"

Adam stepped out of the shower, conscious that he was running late again, as usual. He caught a glimpse of his naked body in the mirror and surprised himself again - he wasn't accustomed to having no hair around his cock. "Don't have time to think about that now," he said to himself as his dick started to plump up a bit again. "Have to finish getting ready." He slapped on some deodorant as his mother knocked on the bathroom door and said they were going to dinner, that they didn't want to be late. "Okay, ma, I'll be along soon. Sorry I'm late." He heard the door close as his parents left.

He hurriedly dried off the rest of his body and practically leapt out of the bathroom to get dressed. He was startled to see his father putting on his watch. It was not clear who was more surprised at this point.

"That's, um, a good look for you, son," his father said with a smile, patting his son on the shoulder as he went past. "I see you take after your old man, big boy."


Adam's father just laughed as he exited the cabin, leaving his son standing there mortified, wondering what the hell just happened.

After a moment he snapped out of his trance, dug out some boxer briefs and got dressed in his suit. He put on his tie crookedly and ran out of the cabin in the direction of the dining room.

Dinner lasted for what seemed like an eternity for the eight teenagers, who were all looking forward to having fun taking some naughty pictures after dinner. At long last, the last plates were taken away, the last of the wine was drunk (not by them), and the evening meal wrapped up. One by one, the teens arrived at the pre-arranged meeting spot on the sports deck by the shuffeboard pitch.

"Shit, it feels like years since we last saw each other," exclaimed Eric.

"I'm so excited about this," Rachel said as she clung on to Adam's arm. "I almost couldn't finish dessert, I was so distracted. My parents wondered if I wasn't feeling well."

"Me too," Jon said, having just arrived in time to hear her say that. "My problem was that I almost couldn't stand up at the table after dessert - I had such a tent in my pants."

Megan reached over and gently patted Jon's crotch. "You still do," she said with a smile.

Finally, Amy and Andrew arrived and the eight were together. "So, where does everyone want to go?"

Adam piped up first. "Well, before we go, I have a story for y'all." He recounted his encounter with his father before dinner, and everyone had a good laugh. "I got so flustered that I forgot to go commando - I put on some underwear, so I need to go duck into a bathroom to fix that."

"No, you don't," Eric said with a twinkle in his eye. "Part of the fun this evening is that we're going to be exposing ourselves to take some pictures around the ship... how about we start now? Drop 'em, 'big boy'."

Adam smiled and blushed, then looked up and down the outer deck - the kids were by themselves. Without a word, he undid his belt and pants, and let them drop to the floor. Megan pulled a camera out of her purse and took his picture.

Rachel cooed as he pulled his underwear off and stood on the deck naked from the waist down, his stiffening prick poking out from between his shirt tails.

Rachel stood beside him and wrapped her hand around his cock, and the two posed for a photo. The others cheered as Megan snapped the photo, and Adam started to put his pants back on, without underwear this time.

"I don't think you'll be needing these," Eric said, scooping up Adam's underwear. He theatrically gave them a good sniff, then threw them overboard. [Author's note: Don't throw shit overboard. That's bad.]

"Hey!" Adam exclaimed. Everyone laughed, and he blushed a little.

"Shall we move on?" Andrew asked. Everyone agreed and they left the shuffleboard area in search of their next destination.

"Say cheese!"

Jon, Mark, Adam, Eric and Andrew were standing in front of the balcony railing overlooking the promenade. Anyone looking up would have seen five boys standing and posing. From the other side, however, it was a completely different story - each of the guys had their pants undone, their cock and balls pulled out, and were cupping the nuts of the boy to their left. Megan had suggested this pose, secretly so she could see her new lover Jon touching her brother's junk, and was incredibly turned on by the sight.

Once Megan had finished taking the photo and the boys had composed themselves, she made another suggestion that each of the teens should take turns selecting a location and idea for a photo. Everyone agreed, and decided that it was Andrew's turn next.

He thought for a minute, then led the group to the theater and entered at the back of the balcony. The lower floor was starting to fill up with show-goers, but the balcony was still deserted. "Ok, we should hurry and do this before people start coming in to sit. He selected a row of seats near the back and brought them all over.

"Let's do this... Adam, Rachel, Eric, Megan, Mark, Amy, Jon," he directed each of them to a seat as he said each of their names. "Guys, cocks out, get 'em nice and hard. Girls, pull the tops of your dresses down and show me your titties." Everyone smiled and did as they were told.

Once everyone was exposed to Andrew's liking, he took the photo and then looked at them with a panicked look. He could hear someone coming through the hallway at the back of the theater, and motioned for everyone to cover up quickly. Everyone except Jon noticed Andrew's hands flapping, as he had turned to Amy to say something.

When the person emerged through the doorway, all the teens were a little flustered but presentable, except for Jon, who was having trouble getting his pants done up with his cock standing up, hard as a rock. He covered his lap with his hands as the older couple arrived at their row, turning to say hello to the kids as they walked by. Jon's face was crimson with embarassment, but the older couple seemed not to notice. As they got settled in, his dick finally deflated enough for him to get his pants done up, and the group slipped out the back.

"Jesus, that was close," Jon said, breathing a huge sigh of relief. "I was afraid I was going to give that little old lady a heart attack."

"You're lucky you were down the far end," said Amy, laughing. "I doubt they could see that far. Can you imagine if you were seated closest?"

"It'd certainly be a show to remember," said Eric, eliciting a laugh from the group. "Ok, whose turn is it?"

Amy volunteered to go next, and led the gang to the sports deck. Looking over the railing, they could see people on the pool deck below, but the basketball court was empty. "Guys, can I do two photos? Same location." Everyone agreed, and she began to give out directions.

"Adam, Andrew, and Jon, you guys stand over there under the basketball net, about shoulder width apart, turn 45 degrees to the right, and drop your pants. Mark, I want you to stand right beside Jon, and you take your pants off too." The boys obliged and were soon standing as a group, naked from the waist down. "OK. Rachel, Eric, and Megan, you're going to get on your knees in front of them and suck their cocks for the camera. Megan, you can choose either Jon or Mark to suck, and grab the other guy's cock and jerk it. Oh, wait, I paired you with your brother... ummm... Rachel, you and Megan can switch places..."

"No, it's fine," Megan said, with a mischievous grin. "I don't mind."

Amy smiled just a little bit and shrugged. The two girls and Eric got into place. Megan positioned herself in front of Jon and grabbed her brother's cock as he gasped quietly.

When the teens were in place, Amy exclaimed, "Oh yeah, that's perfect!" and snapped the picture.

"I'll say," said Adam, who was enjoying the attention from Rachel. Everyone laughed.

"Ok, now for the second photo, switch positions - guys standing, you'll be on your knees giving oral to the others. Jon and Mark, you'll be sharing Megan, so get nice and cozy!"

Jon and Mark smiled at each other and got on their knees for the photo. Each of the boys put a hand on Megan's bum and stuck their tongues out as far as they could to try and lick Megan at the same time. As they jockeyed for position, several times their tongues touched each other and the boys smiled.

Again, once everyone was in position, Amy expressed her approval and took the photo. As the teens arranged their clothes and brushed off their knees, Jon and Mark didn't move and just looked at each other for a few moments. Then, as if they had the idea at the same time, they both leaned in and kissed each other, their tongues exploring each other's mouths. The others cheered and as the kiss broke off, the two boys smiled at each other and slowly stood. Megan bounced over and hugged them both at the same time with a huge grin on her face.

"I foresee a fun day tomorrow," she exclaimed.

"I want to try something a little riskier," Mark said. "That is, if you guys are game for it."

The group looked at each other and nodded. "What have you got in mind?" Andrew asked.

"I want to take a photo in the art gallery... with other people in it as well."

Rachel's jaw dropped a little, and Amy smiled mischievously. "How do you propose to do that?" she asked.

"Well, what I'm thinking is that we'll find a corner or something, and I'll stand in the corner with the camera. You all will pose like a group in a line, facing me, and when I give you the sign, the guys will undo their flies and pop out their cocks, and girls, pull down the top of your dresses in the front only, so people behind you don't know what's going on," he explained. "I'll take the picture, and then we'll scram, just in case, but I don't think anyone will see anything. All they'll see is some friends posing for a photo."

Nods all around, they headed down to the art gallery, where a fair number of other passengers were mingling, looking at the artwork. Mark scouted a location that would afford him a good view of other passengers when his friends were lined up, though it was not in a corner. He beckoned the group over to the side and explained his plan of moving the spot, and everyone agreed it would make a better photo. "Besides, the lighting's better here," Mark said.

He lined up the group, and when he was satisfied that nobody was paying attention to them, he gave them a nod. Cocks and boobs were exposed in short order, and Mark stepped left and right to find the best location to take the photo to catch the best view of the people behind the group. He noticed a boy a little older than himself looking amused. After Mark took the photo, he soon noticed why.

When he'd moved the group to the new location, he had noticed that it was better lit, but he hadn't taken note of where the lights actually were. There was one light that was perfectly placed so that it cast a shadow of Adam's erect cock sticking out of his pants. The boy had seen this.

Once the group had fixed their clothes and moved away, the boy came over to Mark.

"Excuse me," he said with a Spanish accent, "I noticed the photo of your friends that you just took. It was, well, a rather 'different' photo, yes?" he asked with a smile.

"You could say that," Mark said, guardedly.

"Do not worry, I will not tell anyone," the boy said. "I come to you because I saw it and I found it amusing and arousing. I want you to take one of me like that, por favor."

Mark was momentarily taken aback. "You want a photo with your cock out? Uh... sure!"

The boy handed Mark his phone and stood where the group was a minute before. Looking around to make sure the coast was clear, he turned to Mark, unzipped his fly, reached and pulled out his half-erect uncut cock. Mark was amazed that this boy who he had just met was so open about nudity, and made a mental note that he needed to visit Spain.

After a few squeezes and surreptitious strokes, the boy's cock stood at full attention, pointing at the ceiling, the head just peeking out from the foreskin. A drop of precum started to form, and Mark licked his lips.

Remembering why he was there, he brought the phone up and snapped a picture of the boy in all his glory. Mark found it extremely erotic to see this boy practically surrounded by people in the art gallery who had absolutely no clue what he was doing. Mark's cock strained against the fabric of his dress pants and he hoped nobody else noticed it.

After the photo was taken, the boy stuffed his throbbing prick back into his pants and came over to Mark to retrieve his phone. "Gracias, amigo. By the way, my name is Marco."

"Haha, really? I'm Mark. We've got the same name."

"Ha, yes, that is a coincidence. It is a pleasure to have met you. I shall let you rejoin your friends, I am sure they wonder where you are. And I must go take care of something as well," Marco said, indicating towards his crotch. "It is quite painful like this, inside my pantalons."

"It was a pleasure to meet you too. Perhaps I'll see you around the ship," Mark said. "Oh, hey, I have an idea... the group of us go up to the hot tub near the front of the ship every night and hang out, you should come by. We usually meet there around 11."

"This sounds like a good idea. Perhaps I will join you," Marco said. The boys shook hands and went their separate ways.

Mark caught up with the group by the elevators. "You are NOT going to believe what just happened!" he exclaimed. In an excited whisper, he told them about Marco and the photo, and the invitation he had extended to the hot tub that night.

"Wow, he sounds hot," Amy said. "I hope he comes."

"Me too!" added Eric. "He sounds yummier than Andrew!" This earned him a smack and a smile from his boyfriend. "Kidding!"

"Anyways," interrupted Rachel, "Mark, Eric's come up with an even riskier one than you."

"Right. So my suggestion, if you're ok with it, is we'll go to the front elevators - you know, the glass ones - and we'll ride from deck 2 up to the top deck, mooning all the way."

"Ha, sounds good to me," Mark said. "What do you guys think?"

"I'm a little nervous about it," said Megan. "People could see us this time."

"That's true," Andrew agreed, "but it's not like someone can recognize you from your ass."

"Maybe not you, but mine is legendary," Adam quipped.

Megan laughed. "Let's do it."

The group made their way to the front of the ship and decended to deck 2, the lowest deck.

"Everybody ready?" asked Eric.

"Yup," the group replied as one. While Eric held the doors open, the boys lowered their pants in the back and the girls raised their skirts. Eric stepped into the elevator and pressed the button for the top deck.

As the elevator rose into the open section of the ship, the teens giggled as they imagined the faces of anyone that happened to be looking at the elevator as they passed. Eric snapped the photo, and then the elevator started slowing to come to a stop at deck 7. Everyone frantically started pulling their dresses down and their pants up, except Adam, who wore a mischievous grin. His pants looked normal from the front, and so he decided to leave his bare behind exposed. When the door opened, a middle-aged man got on, nodded a hello to the teens and pressed the button for deck 12.

The elevator continued its journey with the teens struggling to keep their composure as Adam stood there with his bum hanging out while a stranger was standing in front of him.

When the elevator stopped on deck 12, the man stepped out, then half-turned. "Have a good night, everyone... and by the way, nice ass, kid," he said with a chuckle, and walked off.

With that, the kids couldn't keep it together as the doors closed and took them up to deck 14.

Nearing 10:00pm, Jon led the group to the stern of the ship for his photo.

"Ok, so I chose the back side of the ship for a reason... this photo is all about backsides," he said with a grin. "What I'd like is for everyone to line up against the railing over there, completely naked. Bend at the waist, facing away from the camera, with your legs spread about shoulder width apart."

"Mmmm, this one sounds sexy," Rachel commented.

"I think so too," Andrew added.

After making sure nobody was around, the teens undressed completely for the first time that evening. One by one, they assumed the position Jon requested, bent over at the waist and feet shoulder-width apart to best present their privates to the camera. When Megan and Mark bent over, Jon sighed happily and his already-hard cock got even harder. Watching porn at home, this was always one of his favorite views of women, but he didn't realise that guys could turn him on just as much like this.

Jon had a perfect view of three cunts and four cocks and ballsacks hanging down. He was almost speechless, he was so aroused by the seven asses arranged in front of him. A drop of precum formed at the tip of his dick and soaked into his pants, making a dark spot appear. He undressed as well, not wanting to stain his nice clothes.

After making minor changes to the teens assembled in front of him, he lined up the phone to take the picture and paused again.

"Hurry up!" Adam called with a laugh.

"Sorry!" Jon snapped the photo. "This is just so hot. I keep getting distracted."

"Take another one, just in case that one didn't turn out," Megan called, "I definitely want a good copy of this one." Jon obliged and snapped another photo.

Eric leapt up and jumped behind Andrew. "Take this one, while I'm riding my bucking bronco!" Everyone laughed, and Jon once again took the picture.

Once the laughter died down, Adam exclaimed, "My turn! Ok, I have to ask this... is anyone here religious?"

They looked around at one another, shrugged and shook their heads no. "Perfect. My picture is going to take place in the chapel."

The teens didn't bother dressing again to go to the chapel, as it was only one deck up by a flight of stairs. Carefully and quickly they crept through the elevator lobby carrying their formal clothes, none of them wearing a stitch of clothing. When they arrived at the chapel, Adam explained his plan.

"We're going to have a naked wedding," he said. "Megan and Jon will be the bride and groom, Rachel and Amy will be the bridesmaids, Mark and Andrew will be the groomsmen and Eric will be the priest." The kids nodded their approval. Adam looked around the chapel to see what he had to work with.

"Girls, you can hold those vases of flowers as bouquets, just be careful not to spill the water," he continued. "Eric, you can hold a Bible or something to look official."

"I dunno about that, Adam... I mean, I'm not religious, but that seems a little blasphemous, holding a Bible in a chapel while naked, pretending to be a priest." Eric said, concerned. "How about a hymn book?"

"That works, whatever you're comfortable with. Because, y'know, only pretending to be a priest while naked in a chapel is MUCH better," Adam said with a smile. "Ok, places, everyone."

Eric took his place at the front of the chapel, with Jon and Megan in front of him. The "bridesmaids" and "groomsmen" lined up in their appropriate spots, and Adam stood back to survey his handiwork. "Something's missing... hmmm... Aha!"

He rooted through each of the boys' piles of clothing and extracted the neckties for each of them. Handing a tie each to Jon, Mark and Andrew, they started to tie them around their necks. "What about me?" Eric asked.

"You'll be wearing a tie too, but I think you should wear yours around your neck, like a priest's stole," Adam replied.

"A what?"

"You know, that scarf-y thing they wear, hangs down..."

"Oh, right." Eric arranged his tie as Adam asked.


Adam stepped back again and surveyed the scene. Satisfied with what he saw, he took the picture.

Eric piped up, "You may now kiss the bride!"

Smiling at each other, Jon and Megan leaned in and kissed. Adam took another photo.

Checking his watch, Andrew said, "it's almost 11:00... Do you guys want to head over to the hot tub?"

"We probably should, I told Marco we'd be there," Mark said. "But Rachel hasn't done her photo yet."

"It's ok, I wanted to do mine by the hot tub anyways," Rachel chimed in.

"Alrighty, then... I guess we'd better get dressed and get going, then," Andrew said.

The teens put the chapel back the way they found it, got dressed and headed towards the front of the ship.

I think I now appreciate photography more... If you want to drop me a note, is where you can reach me.

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Next: Chapter 20

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