Seven Days of Pleasure

By moc.liamg@wocoomrd

Published on Mar 18, 2020


This story is intended for reading by people who enjoy these stories, and is legal in your part of the world. You know whether you should be reading it or not, I'm not here to stop you.

The entire story is fiction, including all characters (though I wish they were real and I were a fly on the wall). They live in a world where pregnancy and diseases are not a real worry, but we don't - so be safe!

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Chapter 16 Cruise Day 5, Port Day (St. Thomas, USVI), morning (teen, m/m)

"Jesus Christ... did you store that stuff in the fridge or something? It's fucking freezing!" Eric exclaimed as his lover applied a generous helping of lube to his asshole.

"Pipe down, you. You know darn well it came out of the drawer, not the fridge," Andrew retorted. "This was your idea, remember?"

"Yeah, well, I wasn't expecting it to be so cold," Eric replied. He laid on his stomach with his ass in the air, his erection pressed uncomfortably between his body and the bed. He changed position so he was on all fours, which simultaneously relieved the pressure and gave Andrew better access to his most private parts.

Applying a little pressure against Eric's rosebud, Andrew's finger slipped in without too much of a problem. "I'm getting to be an expert at this!" he thought to himself and smiled. Gradually he worked in a second, then a third finger, and once Eric had loosened up enough, he positioned himself behind his lover. "Ready?" he asked.

"Yup, go for it," Eric responded, then closed his eyes as he felt his hole stretch around the invading member. Inch by inch, he felt more and more full until he felt a fiery ball sack resting against his own. The pleasure center in his brain was going fucking nuts - and for good reason. His boyfriend was balls-deep in him for the third day in a row, and he was loving every second of it.

Starting slow, and gradually increasing speed, Andrew began to fuck his lover's ass with long, deep thrusts. He still hadn't completely wrapped his head around just how amazing this felt - not just having his dick in a warm, welcoming hole, but the feeling of having sex with someone he loved completely. He'd only known Eric for four days, but it felt like a lifetime, and he knew the feeling was mutual. It was ridiculous how attached they had become to one another, but the proof is in the pudding, and there they were.

They had just gotten into a good rhythm when they were startled by a knock on the door from the adjoining cabin. "Boys?" Eric's mother called through the door. "It's time to start getting ready, we have that tour today, don't forget."

Panicking, Andrew withdrew in one fell swoop and looked at the door, certain it was about to open and Eric's parents were about to come in to find their little boy getting railed from behind. Eric looked at him with amusement. "The door's locked, dumbass, she can't come in," he said quietly with a laugh. "Okay, mom, we're up," he called, louder. "We'll meet you in the buffet."

"Alright, dear, don't be long," came the reply through the [locked] door.

"I guess we'll have to pick that up later," Eric whispered, looking at Andrew's new deflated cock. "You'll be back, I hope," he said, addressing his lover's dick.

"Jesus, that scared the shit out of me," Andrew stammered.

"You don't say!" Eric exclaimed. He rolled off the bed and walked towards the bathroom. "I'm showering first!"

Once they'd showered and dressed, the boys went upstairs and loaded up on all the healthy options available in the Horizon Court buffet. Just kidding. They piled bacon and eggs, sausage, croissants and all sorts of other deliciousness on their plates, then went and found Eric's parents at a table for four. Conversation was light, but every time Eric's mother looked at him, Andrew was convinced that she knew what they'd been up to. Mothers always know. But even if she knew, she didn't seem to care, which eventually put him at ease. Once breakfast was finished, they headed downstairs to the theater to meet up with their tour group for the day.

Sitting in the back seat of the tour bus, as the guide droned on about the traditions and legends of the local people, Andrew's mind began to wander. He recalled the events of the first night of the cruise, when his now-boyfriend started the whole ball rolling by suggesting a game of Truth or Dare. That one event sparked everything else that had happened this week - making an inseparable group of awesome friends, moving cabins away from his sisters - best idea ever! - and, most importantly, falling in love with the boy that started it all. This time last week, he thought he was perfectly straight, but Eric ignited something in him that he'd never considered before, and he was immensely grateful for it. It felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders that he didn't even know was there.

He was lost in his own little world when he was rudely yanked back into reality when he felt a hand snake its way into his crotch. He tried to play it cool, but he couldn't stop his eyes from opening wide when Eric's hand squeezed his cock. Giving Eric a side-eye glance, he saw a now-familiar mischievous grin on his face, and knew that this tour was about to get a lot more interesting.

Andrew leaned back in his seat to give Eric better access, his dick beginning to inflate from the unexpected attention it was now receiving. The guide was now banging on about the local crops grown there on St. Thomas, but he couldn't care less if his life depended on it. He was focused solely on Eric, who was now in the process of unzipping his shorts, reaching in and feeling the cotton that stood between his cock and its freedom.

Just then, the driver started slowing down and pulled off to the side of the road as the guide explained they were at their first stop of the tour, the St. Thomas Reformed Church, established in 1660 by Dutch traders and many other interesting facts that neither boy was paying attention to. "Fuck, interrupted again," he whispered to Eric. "And now I have to go into a church with a fucking hard-on."

Eric snickered and gave his lover's cock one last squeeze before getting up and filing out of the bus with the other tourists, leaving Andrew, to try and do up his shorts - around his erect cock - without anybody noticing. Thankfully, by the time everyone else had exited the bus and things were back where they belonged, his dick had wilted and was well on its way back to its flaccid state. He was the last one off the bus and had to jog to catch up to Eric and his parents as they climbed the few steps to enter the church.

After a short tour of the church - they didn't build them very big in 1660, apparently - the boys had re-taken their seats in the back of the bus, and Eric had his hand back inside Andrew's shorts even before the last person had re-boarded. Picking up where he left off, Eric squeezed and milked his boyfriend's dick, occasionally rubbing his balls with a finger. Andrew was having a hard time keeping a straight face while he was being fondled, but nobody seemed to have noticed yet.

The tour guide was asking his passengers what they thought the primary industries on the island were when Eric suddenly grabbed Andrew's nuts and squeezed, causing Andrew to squeak out loud. "Yes, sir? What do you think?" the guide called to him at the back, thinking he was volunteering.

"Uhhhhh...." he sat up ramrod straight, convinced they'd been caught. "Ummmm... tourism?" he replied, the first thing that had popped into his head. Eric just smiled and continued to grope his crotch.

"Very good, sir! Yes, that's our largest industry," the guide congratulated him. Eric's mother turned around in her seat and gave him an approving nod. It was all he could do to not give away what her son was doing to him at that precise moment, but he managed to pull it off. When she turned back to face forward again, he slumped in his seat and exhaled the breath he didn't realize he'd been holding.

Thankfully, the guide's attention was directed to another passenger as they discussed the two million tourists that visited the island each year. Eric became even more daring as he reached into Andrew's boxers and pulled his dick out the fly, which now stood flying proudly through the zipper. If Eric's parents turned around now, they'd certainly get an eyeful.

It was all he could do to not moan out loud as Eric continued to distract him from the tour, alternating stroking his dick ferociously and then stopping to rub his thumb over the sensitive glans. He managed to keep silent, but only just - fear is a great motivator. Andrew could feel his climax building, but so could Eric - who stopped suddenly as he brought his lover to the edge and then backed off. Just then, almost as if he'd been watching the boys, the guide announced they were at the second stop on the tour, the world famous Mountain Top, where the banana daiquiri was invented. Once again, Eric bounded off, leaving Andrew to deal with struggling to stuff his dick back into his shorts. He had just finished zipping up, still half hard, when Eric's father appeared in the aisle, encouraging him to "Hurry up, pokey!" with a smile.

The view from the deck at the back of the gift shop/bar was stunning. Overlooking Magen's Bay and other islands in the Virgin Islands chain, the Mountain Top was perfectly situated to take in the incredible vista below. But, as is common with many of the Caribbean islands, the weather can turn quickly - and turn quickly it did. Within five minutes of arriving at the lookout, an angry looking cloud had crept in out of nowhere, and shortly, rain started and sent the tourists scrambling back into the gift shop to keep dry. Within two minutes, it was as if a firehose had been turned against the windows, it was raining so hard.

Andrew took his time wandering up and down the aisles, looking at the various souvenirs that were conveniently available for purchase - it was almost like the proprietors of the Mountain Top knew what they were doing when they set up shop there. After a short while, Eric sidled up to him and offered him a drink. "Can I interest you in sharing a daiquiri?"

"How the hell did you get that? You're only 15!" Andrew exclaimed.

"It's a virgin one, dumbass, there's no rum in it. Here, try it. It's great - it's banana. I.... liiiiike bananas," Eric said, waggling his eyebrows. "Especially yours."

Andrew smiled despite himself and tasted the frozen drink. Eric was right, it was pretty damn good. The boys wandered among the aisles, looking at the various wares and sipping away at the daiquiri until it had faded to a memory. In a corner of the store, they came across a table that advertised jewellery made from volcanic rock, a jet-black stone that had been formed by a volcano erupting thousands of years prior, that had been carved by a local artisan into shapes of animals and then hung on necklaces made of leather. Both boys were fascinated with the detail in the carvings and decided to purchase one for each other. After perusing the selection individually, each boy had selected a necklace and purchased it, then put it in his pocket to present to his boyfriend later.

Ten minutes after the heavens had opened up, the sun was shining again and the tour was ready to move on. Everybody was ushered towards the bus to move on to their next stop, and Andrew's torture began again.

The air was much less humid now that Mother Nature had had her way with the island, and Eric was determined to have his way with Andrew as well. The bus had barely started moving before Andrew's cock had been extricated from his clothes once more, and within thirty seconds was as hard as it could get with Eric's skilled hand wrapped around it.

His cock fit into Eric's hand so well, it was as if it had been specially crafted for it by a different type of local artisan. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes, allowing the sensations to wash over him completely as his boyfriend manipulated his member. It got to the point where it felt so good that he didn't care if anyone saw them - the only thing that mattered was that his lover was giving him the best handie of his life. The world around him had disappeared - it was just him and Eric now.

He could feel his climax approaching once more, and his breathing became ragged.

And then it stopped.

His eyes flew open and he looked pleadingly at Eric, who had another one of those patented shit-eating grins on his face. "Just kidding!" he whispered.

Looking around to make sure nobody was watching, Eric quickly leaned over and grabbed Andrew's cock by the base and wrapped his lips around the head. After flicking the slit a few times with his tongue, Eric started rapidly jerking his lover's dick, and within seconds, he was gifted a mouthful of spunk, spurt after spurt of Andrew's steaming hot cum. Eric almost couldn't keep up with it all, as Andrew was dumping the biggest load of his life, it felt like. He'd been edging for a while and the buildup was noticable. Breathing heavily, Andrew's eyes rolled back in his head (so hard you could almost hear it) and he lost himself in his ecstacy.

After the last few dribbled of cum were eagerly sucked up by Eric, he disengaged and sat up straight, swallowing the evidence of what he'd done to his boyfriend. Andrew slumped down in his seat, leaning against the window, completely drained as if he'd run a marathon (with less nipple chafing). His dick slowly deflated until it was draped tidily over his hairless nut sack, the dragon sleeping once again. He sat like this, junk flapping in the breeze, as the bus moved on to the next stop on the tour, Blackbeard's Castle. It was only when Eric nudged him after the bus had stopped that he realized that he needed to get dressed again, which he did before disembarking to visit the castle.

Eric was waiting for him at the door of the bus. The boys leaned in and gave each other a long, sloppy, wet kiss, and he could taste his seed in his lover's mouth, which turned him on a bit. "Thanks, man, that was awesome," he whispered to his lover. Eric simply smiled and nodded.

Once the tour had completed and they had returned to the ship, the boys made their way back up to their cabin. After a quick pee, they stepped out on the balcony and looked out at the island in silence.

After a few minutes of simply enjoying each other's company, Andrew turned to Eric. "I want to go first." He pulled the necklace he had purchased out of his pocked and showed it to his boyfriend - it was a turtle. "I chose this turle for you, because it represents what you did for me - you brought me out of my shell. Before this week, I could have sworn I was straight. My only experience had been with a girl, and although I didn't know it at the time, looking back on it, it didn't feel right to me. You opened my eyes and gave me the opportunity to be myself - the guy that I didn't know that I was. I know it's only been a few days, but you mean the world to me. I love you, Eric Stevens, and I want the world to know it."

Eric's blue eyes had tears welling up, and mere nanoseconds after he said those last three words, Eric's arms were wrapped around his boyfriend's torso in a powerful bear hug. After what seemed like a very pleasant eternity, Eric released him and stepped back. "I luh.... urgh..." he croaked and cleared his throat. "I love you too, Andrew Farriss," he said, then turned around to allow Andrew to put the necklace on him. He then turned and gave his boyfriend another hug and a long, passionate kiss.

Once he had regained his composure, Eric cleared his throat again. "Okay, my turn." Pulling out his purchase, he showed his lover an eagle pendant. "I chose this eagle because of what you do to me. Every time I look at you, my heart soars. I don't know how I managed before I met you, but since we did, every single day has been very special to me, because I wake up next to you." As he secured the necklace around Andrew's neck, he started humming, and then singing quietly. "Did you ever know that you're my hero... you are the wind beneath my wings..."

"Jesus, man, keep your day job," Andrew joked through his teary smile. Drawn in for another hug, both boys got a little teary on each other's shoulders. "Let's go lie down, I want to cuddle with you forever."

"That sounds... perfect."

Okay, okay, so maybe it's a little sappy... but this chapter really made my heart warm up. (And like the Grinch's, it grew two sizes. I should probably get that checked out.) If you want to drop me a note, is where you can reach me.

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Next: Chapter 17

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