Seven Days of Pleasure

By moc.liamg@wocoomrd

Published on Mar 11, 2020


This story is intended for reading by people who enjoy these stories, and is legal in your part of the world. You know whether you should be reading it or not, I'm not here to stop you.

The entire story is fiction, including all characters (though I wish they were real and I were a fly on the wall). They live in a world where pregnancy and diseases are not a real worry, but we don't - so be safe!

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Chapter 15 Cruise Day 4, Port Day (San Juan, Puerto Rico), after dinner (teen, m/f)

Mark, Megan, Amy and Jon were sitting in the hot tub when the others arrived, with the exception of Rachel.

"Where's Rachel?" asked Mark.

With a bemused look on his face, Adam replied, "Andrew broke her." After related the story of playing shuffleboard, the bet and the payoff, he added, "I think she almost bit my fingers off when I tried to muffle that scream," he said. "I'm can't believe nobody heard her, she made so much noise."

"You'll have to show me that skill sometime, Andrew," said Amy with a smile. Andrew waggled his eyebrows suggestively at her.

"She'll be here soon. She wanted a few minutes to compose herself. She definitely needed it," Adam said.

"So what did you guys get up to today?" Eric asked Mark.

"Well, Megan, Jon and I went on a trip to the rainforest, which was a lot of fun.... we took some photos that you guys should see."

"Oh yeah!" Megan leaped up, her tits jiggling, something that did not go unnoticed by Jon. "Let me grab my phone!"

The seven teens gathered around the phone at the edge of the hot tub. The first couple of photos of the ship from the pier were looked at with hmms and ahhs, until the photos from the tour bus came up. The first photo of Jon provided smiles and a "hey, you look good in this photo" from Amy, and then the second photo of Jon appeared.

"Whoa! What DID you guys get up to today?" Amy commented as she checked out the photo of Jon naked from virtually neck to knee. "By the way, you look good in THIS photo too!" she exclaimed, making Jon blush again.

They went through the rest of the photos, with various body parts exposed to the camera, until they got to the last photo, on the gondola.

"Holy shit! You grabbed your brother's cock!" exclaimed Eric.

"Well, when you see something you like, you have to go for it!" Megan said with a sheepish smile. "I thought it would make for a funny picture."

"It made for a fucking hot picture, that's what it did," Eric replied, shifting his hardening cock around.

"It certainly did," said Jon, smiling at Megan, who smiled back. "It was fun taking it, too."

When Rachel turned the corner by the hot tub, she found she was the last one to arrive. As she undressed, she was received by a round of applause. "I hear you put on quite the performance!" Amy called. Rachel just smiled and blushed as she stepped into the hot tub.

After she had been caught up on what Mark, Megan and Jon had gotten up to earlier, and having a similar reaction to Eric at the last photo, Adam started to tell the group about his morning with Rachel.

"Well, Rachel did this awesome strip tease for me, which really got my motor runnin', let me tell you," Adam said.

"And then Adam did one for me... let's just say that male strippers don't have anything to worry about yet," Rachel chimed in, playfully poking Adam in the ribs. "Truthfully, though, he tried, and that's enough for me."

"Then she climbed on top of me, downright ravaged me, and one thing led to another, and, well... yeah," Adam said. "It was awesome."

"It really was... I'll always remember it," she managed to get out before he leaned over and gave her a deep kiss on the lips.

"Well, since we're sharing," Andrew said, "Eric and I had our first time today too." The group turned to Andrew for the story.

He recounted how they'd gone ashore to get some lube and ran into his mother, and how awkward it was when she saw what he was carrying. Everyone groaned, then laughed. "Then we came back aboard and went back to the cabin..."

"And we made love, staring into each other's eyes. It was magical," Eric said, hamming it up like he was a Disney princess, eliciting another laugh from the group. "Really, though, I've never felt so in touch with anyone before. I love him."

Andrew blushed and smiled, then leaned over to kiss his lover. The long, deep, sensuous kiss provoked hoots and hollers from the group of teenagers, and eventually the two boys broke the kiss with a smile. "I'd have kept going," Andrew panted, "but I needed to breathe," and pretended to be out of breath.

"So how about you?" Eric asked Amy. "Do anything interesting?"

"Not as interesting as y'all, I'll say," Amy exclaimed. "All I did was watch a movie on the big screen over the pool."

Jon said, "So, once I got back from the rainforest, I read for a while, then went to the steakhouse restaurant for dinner with my parents for my birthday."

Andrew and Adam clapped him on the back, wishing him a happy birthday, and Amy gave him a hug.

"It's your birthday today, Jon?" Megan squealed. "Why didn't you say anything? I would have gotten you a gift."

"I didn't think to mention it, sorry," he said sheepishly. "Back home, it seems like nobody other than my family cares about birthdays. So I didn't think..."

"Well, that's silly," she said. "Come with me, I have an idea what I can give you."

The two teens got out of the hot tub, and Megan put on her bikini. Jon started to put on his trunks, and Megan stopped him. "Nuh huh... birthday boy in his birthday suit," she said, with a wicked smile.

"What, you want me to go naked?" Jon said, his face ashen. "Where are we going?"

"To my cabin, and yes, you're going to go naked. I'll make it worth your while," she purred. "Don't worry, I'll run interference for you. This will be so hot!"

Jon was unsure what to do. He felt a little uncomfortable with what Megan was suggesting, but he desperately wanted to be with her. Hemming and hawing, he figured it wasn't all that different to what they did in the rainforest, so he reluctantly agreed. "Okay, but you have to tell me if anyone's coming."

"I will, I promise," said Megan, as she led him away.

"Wow, I didn't think he had it in him," thought Amy. "That is so hot."

On the stairs, two decks down, Megan was looking around to see if anyone was in the hallway. "The coast is clear," she stage-whispered.

Jon tiptoed down the second flight of stairs, his stiff 6" cock pointing the way. He peered around the corner to verify for himself that nobody was around, then motioned for Megan to head to the next deck. "Why did I let her talk me into this?" he thought to himself, "but she was right, this is pretty damn hot." They only had five more decks to go, but three of them were the main public areas of the ship, and most likely to have people around.

Megan bounded down the next flight of stairs and checked the hallway again. "Clear!"

Pulled out of his thoughts, Jon again tiptoed down the stairs. He was almost to the next deck when Megan frantically whispered "Up! Up! Someone's coming!"

He raced back up one flight of stairs, his heart pounding in his ears. The thrill of being caught naked in public was exhilerating, and his hard-on was proof.

Jon heard the other guest pass the stairs and go into the elevator lobby, and moments later an elevator arrived. The guest entered the elevator, and once again the coast was clear. After Megan had given the all-clear, he went down the stairs again, and Megan went to check the next deck.

Back in the hot tub, the remaining teens had gotten onto the topic of past relationships. "So how about you, Amy? Any past significant others to speak of?" Andrew asked.

"Yeah... I dated this one guy last year that I met at some church function," she replied. "We went out for about four months or so. It would have gone on longer, but his mom forced him to break it off. We'd been hanging out in the rec room one night, one thing led to another and we had sex. About 5 minutes after we finished, his mom came downstairs and she could smell it... She was NOT pleased, to say the least. She was convinced that I had corrupted her sweet little angel, but the truth was, he'd made the first move two months earlier, so... Anyways, she didn't tell my parents, so I didn't get in trouble, but that was the last time I saw him, except for at the next church function. We made eye contact, and his mom saw that... she smacked him in the back of the head and dragged him off. I stopped going to church functions after that one."

"Wow, that's pretty crazy... Just imagine, if she'd come ten minutes sooner, she'd have caught you in the act. I can't imagine how embarassing that would be," said Rachel.

"Yeah, that would not have been a pretty sight," replied Amy. "So, Adam, how about you?"

"No, ma'am... Rachel is my first," he said, looking lovingly over at Rachel.

"He's my first too," Rachel added. "Eric?"

"Well, I've had a few girlfriends, but nothing ever happened. I only really dated them to cover being gay. One of them suspected it, and she was supportive of me, but eventually she wanted a more physical relationship that I couldn't give her, so we broke up amicably and she went and dated someone from the basketball team."

"So I'm your first?" asked Andrew.

"First physical relationship, yeah. And I couldn't have asked for a nicer guy." Eric put on a cheesy grin.

"Oh, hush, you," chided Andrew with a smile.

The next three decks went by without incident, but then they arrived at the promenade deck, by the theatre entrance. The night's shows had already finished up, but this deck was the most likely one where they'd run into someone. Jon's cock hadn't gone down one little bit - if anything, he was harder now than when they'd started this adventure. He wasn't the only one excited by this journey - Megan's nipples were so hard she was convinced she could cut glass with them, and a wet patch in her bikini bottoms had formed.

Megan scouted ahead and motioned that Jon should wait, because someone was coming. Just then, Jon heard someone coming down the stairs above him. In a panic, Jon raced down the stairs and dove into the first doorway he found, which was a women's restroom. Luckily for him, there was nobody in the restroom at that hour. Megan burst in the door and frantically whispered, "Hide! She's coming in here!" She hustled him into the first stall and locked the door as the outer door opened.

Putting a finger to her lips, needlessly warning Jon to be quiet, they heard the lady go into the next stall and lock the door. The stall was so small that the two teens were squished together and Jon's rigid penis was poking Megan in the ass. Every time she moved, Jon gasped quietly as the silky material of her bikini rubbed against the sensitive head of his exposed cock. She turned her head to glare at him for making noise, then realised what she was doing to him when she saw his eyes rolled back and his mouth open, and stopped moving.

After a minute or two, the lady in the next stall finished up, washed her hands and left. Megan opened the door to their stall to make more room, then turned to face Jon. "Oh my God, that was close."

"Too close," he agreed.

Megan gestured at Jon's cock and said, "You seem to be enjoying this."

He gestured at Megan's erect nipples and replied, "I'm not the only one."

She smiled, then stood on her tiptoes and kissed him. "Let's go, we're almost there."

Mark was telling the group about the two girls he had been with. "My first real girlfriend, or so I thought, was this girl in my 7th grade class. She dumped me after two weeks, after I wouldn't let her touch my dick at a campfire party. I didn't feel comfortable with the people around, and I told her that, but she wasn't used to rejection, and she got really upset. She screamed at me, called me a faggot - sorry, Andrew and Eric, her word - and stormed off. I hardly knew what hit me."

"It sounds like you're better off without her," said Adam. "Never stick your dick in crazy."

"Yeah, seriously... Turns out she was making the rounds of all the boys in 7th grade. Had a thing for jerking them off, then getting angry at them when they came on her hand. It makes no sense - I mean, what was she expecting to happen?"

"What a fucking psycho," Rachel said.

"No kidding. Anyways, my second girlfriend, we were a little more serious. We were together last year for about nine months, until I dumped her for cheating on me with one of my friends," Mark said. "We'd been having sex for about three months at that point, but apparently we weren't doing it enough to satisfy her. So she starts having sex with my friend on the side."

"Oh, no... how'd you find out?" Eric asked.

"I found a few condoms in her purse that were the really big ones, and those don't fit me. So, I got suspicious and asked around, and eventually someone told me they were fucking. I confronted my friend about it and he admitted to it, so I kicked them both to the curb."

"That sucks. What a shitty way to lose a friend," Andrew said. "I don't blame you for ending that. Anyone who would cheat with a friend's girlfriend doesn't deserve that friend." Eric and Adam nodded their agreement.

"Anyways, enough doom and gloom about my relationships gone wrong. Let's talk about something else," Mark said.

At long last, without being seen by anybody, Jon and Megan covered the last bit of distance to her cabin. "Oh, shit! I forgot the Medallion upstairs!" she exclaimed.

Jon sighed. "Are you serious?"

"No," she said with a laugh, and pulled the Medallion out from under her towel and let them into the room.

"You little minx," Jon said, as he closed the door behind him.

"You have no idea, sir. Come here and find out," she said. Jon crossed the room, then was gently pushed into a seated position on her bed. Megan reached behind her back and untied her bikini top and allowed it to drop to the floor, releasing her perky teenage tits into the open, right in front of his face.

His eyes alternated between looking at her breasts with their erect nipples and looking at her smiling face. "Like what you see?" she asked, and he nodded wordlessly. "Well, for your birthday, since I don't have a real gift for you, I'll try to give you something to remember."

Megan knelt down in front of him and gently removed his glasses and put them on the nightstand, then pushed him into a prone position, with his legs hanging off the side of the bed at the knees, his hard cock pointing at the ceiling. Wasting no time, she moved into position between his legs and grasped his dick gently. Jon gasped at the contact.

She slowly stuck out her tongue and licked his cock from the base right up to the tip, wiggling her tongue underneath the foreskin, causing him to twitch and moan. Repeating this procedure three or four times, his moans grew slightly louder each time, and a drop of precum came out of the slit. "Mmmm," Megan moaned as she lapped up the precum.

Taking the head of his cock into her mouth, she rolled back his foreskin with her lips as she went down on him. Starting slowly, and increasing in tempo, she bobbed on his cock, able to fit about half of his six inches in her mouth. She reached up her left hand and gently massaged his ball sack, feeling his walnut-sized balls moving around inside. He moaned in pleasure, never having imagined that a blowjob could feel this good.

With her other hand, she caressed his stomach, rubbing his barely-visible treasure trail, and slowly working her way up his torso to his left nipple. Gently she tweaked and pulled, making it as erect and hard as her own, then did the same with the other one. Jon turned his head from side to side as waves of pleasure crashed over his body, his breathing ragged.

Megan pulled her head back, his cock escaping her mouth with a pop. "Are you enjoying this?" she asked him.

He raised his head off the bed and looked down at her. "Uh huh," was all he could manage.

She released his scrotum and gently stroked his perieum. His dick spasmed in response and he crossed his eyes, his head dropping back down to the bed. With a smile, she went back to licking his member from base to tip, paying special attention to the sensitive glans, causing Jon to involuntarily bucked his hips. His cock gently slapped the side of Megan's face. "Hey!" she exclaimed.

"Sorry," he said, with a chuckle.

Megan enveloped his shaft with her mouth again, bobbing up and down, earning a louder moan for her troubles. Sensing that his climax was approaching, she pinched both his nipples with her hands and increased the tempo of sucking his cock.

Jon moaned almost constantly now, his hips bucking uncontrollably with her ministrations. She pulled back and grabbed his dick with both hands, jerking it up and down frantically as Jon thrashed on the bed. Pumping away, she could feel his body tense, and rope after rope of thick teenage cum erupted from the end of his cock, spraying up in the air, landing all over her hands and his body. It spewed out seemingly forever, gradually weakening in its fury to escape from his balls, until it started to dribble as his orgasm subsided.

He was covered in cum and sweat, and lay breathing heavily for a minute or two without moving. Megan licked the cum from her fingers, thinking to herself that it was actually quite good. Once her hands were clean, she scooped up one of the larger puddles from Jon's stomach. Jon raised his head and watched her put her cum-laden fingers in her mouth, which made his rapidly deflating cock twitch one more time.

"What does it taste like?" Jon asked. Without a word, she scooped up a puddle and offered her fingers to him. Hesitating momentarily, he reached his head forward and sucked her fingers into his mouth, tasting his seed for the first time. Salty and sweet at the same time, he thought. Not unpleasant.

"That was the best birthday present ever, Megan, thank you so much," Jon said as he finally caught his breath. "I'll remember that for a long time."

"So will I. I enjoyed that almost as much as you did," she said, standing and showing him her sopping wet bikini bottoms. "I think we both need showers right about now."

They took turns in the bathroom, washing away the evidence of Jon's birthday present. After her shower, Megan put on her spare swimsuit, while Jon was left to return to the hot tub in the nude. Emboldened by the post-orgasm afterglow, Jon strode confidently down the hallway to the elevator lobby and pressed the elevator call button.

"Are you sure? What if someone sees?"

"It's midnight, I'll take my chances," Jon said, stepping onto the elevator as the doors slid open. "Do you have any plans for tomorrow?"

"Not that I'm aware of, why, what did you have in mind?"

"I was wondering if you might like to, uhh, get together tomorrow. Like... to fool around some more."

"Jon, I would love to. I'm not sure I can get rid of Mark for a few hours, though," she said, giving Jon an opening to invite her brother.

"That's fine... I don't mind if he sticks around, that is, if you don't mind. If that doesn't sound too weird," replied Jon, "I know he's your brother and all..."

"I'm okay with that," she said. "I think after everything that's happened this week - especially this morning - it doesn't really bother me anymore at all."

Jon beamed. "Shall we say after lunch, then? I should probably hang around with my parents for a while, I've kind of been abandoning them."

"Sounds good to me," she agreed as the elevator reached the top deck and the doors slid open.

Everyone cheered as the two returned to the hot tub and climbed in. Before Jon could sit down, Eric motioned him over, then boosted himself to sit up on the side of the hot tub. "You haven't had your birthday spanking yet," he said, with a devious grin. He patted his leg for Jon to come lie over his knee, his cock standing at attention, so hard the others could see it wavering with each heartbeat.

Jon smiled and agreed, and laid himself over Eric's knee, presenting his ass up for his "punishment". "Not too hard, man. I know it's padded, but I still have to sit on it," he said, getting a laugh from the group.

"We'll see." Once Jon had settled in, Eric brought his hand down hard enough for the smack to be felt, but not so hard as to leave a mark. After the original smack, he rubbed his hand around on Jon's ass, as if he were rubbing lotion on a sunburn. "One," he said. He repeated this process fourteen more times, "plus one for luck". When Jon finally raised up off Eric's knee, his dick was erect again. Megan licked her lips as Jon and Eric lowered themselves into the water.

"Thanks, I think," said Jon with a smile.

"Anytime. No, really. Anytime," replied Eric, waggling his eyebrows suggestively. Andrew rolled his eyes.

"So tomorrow night is formal night again... What would you guys say to taking some group photos while we're all dressed up?" suggested Rachel.

"Sounds good to me. Maybe we should take some photos like Jon, Mark and Megan took, too," added Andrew, making the group laugh. "Seriously, though, those pictures were hot."

The group looked at each other and shrugged. "Sure, why not," said Adam on behalf of everyone.

"I would suggest everyone go commando tomorrow, then," said Mark. "It makes it much easier to whip it out."

Everyone agreed to this as well. "Okay, no underwear tomorrow night," said Amy. "Done."

One o'clock rolled around too soon, as it often does, and the kids started saying their goodbyes. Jon motioned to Amy to stick around for a minute. Once they were alone, Amy asked how his birthday present was.

"Mindblowing," he said. "She gave me the greatest blowjob I've ever had. Well, actually, she gave me the only blowjob I've ever had. But it was amazing!" Jon said, earning a laugh from Amy. "In addition to that, I asked her if she'd like to fool around tomorrow, and she said yes!"

"Awesome, dude! I'm glad you asked her, you would have been kicking yourself for the rest of your life if you hadn't," she said. "What about Mark? How did you work him into the conversation?"

"Actually, she brought him up. She said she wasn't sure if she could get him to leave for a few hours, so I said I didn't mind if he stayed," Jon said.

"And that didn't weird her out? Saying you didn't mind if her brother was there while you porked her?"

"Nope. She said something about being more comfortable with him after this week," Jon said. "Either way, he'll be there tomorrow. Also, I tasted some of my cum. It wasn't bad."

"Mmm, I love cum... why'd you do that?"

"Well, I figured, if I'm possibly going to try to get Mark to join in, I should see if I like the taste of cum. And I don't mind it."

"Great, man. I'm so proud of you... you've gained a lot of self-confidence, compared to the Jon we met at the beginning of this week. Congratulations," she said, giving him a hug.

"Thanks, Amy. You're a really good friend, you know."

"I know."

Chapter 15 done! This one really got me going... there's something exhilarating about public nudity and possibly getting caught. ;) If you want to drop me a note, is where you can reach me.

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Next: Chapter 16

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