Seven Days of Pleasure

By moc.liamg@wocoomrd

Published on Mar 4, 2020


This story is intended for reading by people who enjoy these stories, and is legal in your part of the world. You know whether you should be reading it or not, I'm not here to stop you.

The entire story is fiction, including all characters (though I wish they were real and I were a fly on the wall). They live in a world where pregnancy and diseases are not a real worry, but we don't - so be safe!

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Chapter 13 Cruise Day 4, Port Day (San Juan, Puerto Rico), morning (teen, m/f)

Rachel was awakened by the sound of the phone ringing on the desk. Confused, she looked around and found that she had the cabin to herself. She groggily stumbled to the phone and looked at the call display: "KASIMER R". Recognizing Adam's last name, she woke up immediately and picked up the receiver. "Hello!"

"Hi, uh, Rachel?"

"Yeah, it's me."

"It's Adam." He paused. "Y'all already knew that, didn't you?"

She laughed. "Yes, Adam, the phone has call display. I knew it was you."

He laughed with her. "Sorry, sometimes I'm as dumb as a possum in a gum bush."

"Now what the fuck does that mean?" Rachel almost dropped the phone, she was laughing so much.

"It means... oh, what the heck, I have no idea what it means. My grandpa's always saying it. Anyways. Would you like to get some lunch and then hang out this afternoon? My parents went ashore without me today, so we have my cabin to ourselves..."

"Lunch? What time is it?"

"Oh, quarter past 11 or so. I know what you mean, though, these cabins without windows make it impossible to gauge time."

"Wow, yeah... I don't normally sleep in this late. Anyways, it looks like my parents are gone too, there's a note here," she said, reading her mother's flowery handwriting. 'Gone on a day tour, back for sailaway party. Love, Mom.' "I'm on my own today too by the looks of it. Sure, lunch sounds good. 15 minutes in the buffet?"

"It's a date."

Rachel jumped into the shower, dried off and did her hair in record time. Feeling a little naughty, she decided to forego any underwear and slipped into a tshirt and a skirt. "I wonder if Adam will like my outfit today," she said to the empty room, picked up her Medallion and left.

When she arrived at the buffet, Adam was nowhere in sight. Suddenly, she felt two arms wrapping around her and a kiss on the nape of her neck. "I hope to God that's you, Adam," she said, purring at the contact.

"Adam who?" replied the voice over her shoulder, followed by a quiet snicker.

"A-damn fool, that's who," she said, turning to look at him.

"Ouch," Adam said, "I'm going to remember that."

"Shut up, you." The two teens walked into the buffet and gathered their lunch. "What do you feel like today," she asked.

Adam patted his chest. "Ummm... I feel like a teenage boy today." He looked around to see if any one was looking, then grabbed his crotch. "A horny one, by the looks of it."

Rachel laughed and said, "When aren't you horny?"

"I'd say when I'm sleeping, but no, I'm horny then too. So... I don't think there's a valid answer to that question."

"Well, maybe we'll see what we can do about that," Rachel said, then picked up a breakfast sausage from her plate and licked it seductively.

"I like that plan," Adam replied.

After returning from their tour, Jon and his parents bid adieu to Mark and Megan and their parents, heading back onboard the ship. The siblings had wandered off from their parents around the port area, popping into the occasional store when something or other caught one of their eyes.

"Hey, Mark, have you noticed we haven't been fighting this week?" Megan asked.

"Yeah... Not since that first night in the hot tub."

"Why do you think? I mean, not that I'm complaining, but I haven't been annoyed with you at all this week. And you seem less irritable than usual. And that's odd, seeing as we're sharing a room, too."

"Hmmm," he pondered. "Well, I dunno, really. It might be this group of friends we've made. We're both so much more relaxed."

She thought about this for a moment. "Yeah, I guess you're right." She looked around to see if anyone was paying attention to them. "Plus, being naked with you has brought us closer together, I think. And at the risk of weirding you out, I've kind of enjoyed it."

Mark looked at his sister with wide eyes. "I thought I was the only one that felt that way," he said. "I didn't want to say anything in case you freaked out. What you did this morning, on the gondola... I really liked that. I mean, I REALLY liked it."

"It's such a relief to hear you say that," she said. She paused as another customer approached them, then pulled him further along the aisle. "I was so nervous that you would have gotten upset."

"It did catch me offguard - a lot - but it definitely didn't upset me. I almost need to go find a bathroom to deal with... this..." her brother whispered, indicating towards his crotch. "I'm still fucking hard as a rock."

"We should do something about that," she said with a conspiratorial grin.

After lunch, Rachel and Adam returned to his cabin and were flipping the channels on the tv looking for something worth watching. Shortly, he turned the tv off. "Dang, there really isn't much to watch on a cruise ship."

"I know something you could watch..." Rachel said, with a gleam in her eye.

Adam, oblivious, asked what it was.

She stood up from the couch, grabbed her phone and fiddled with it until some EDM music emitted from the speaker. Kicking off her sandals, she moved in front of him and started to sway to the music. Locking eyes with Adam, she slowly raised the hem of her tshirt to show off her bare midriff, then let it drop again. Adam was wide-eyed, and she could see movement in the front of his shorts as he sat on the couch. Dancing seductively, she turned in slow circles, teasingly raising her tshirt until the bottoms of her boobs were visible, and he could see she wasn't wearing a bra. The lump in his shorts grew larger still.

Slowly turning to face away from him, she completely removed her tshirt and covered her ample tits with her hands before turning back to face him. Teasingly, she jiggled her boobs, then let her nipples peek out from between her fingers. Slowly, she slid her hands out to her sides until she had completely uncovered her boobs, then bent forward and shook them in his face. A large grin appeared on Adam's face to match the large lump in his shorts.

Resuming her slow circling dance, she played with the waist of her skirt, lowering it slowly to show him some ass cleavage, showing him that she wasn't wearing any panties either. Raising her skirt back up to sit on her hips, she twirled around, causing the skirt to swing away from her body, giving Adam a front row seat to seeing her naked from the waist down. She stopped spinning suddenly and ripped the skirt down her legs and kicked it off. She stood in front of him, panting slightly, presenting her completely nude body for his approval. And approval she received.

"Fuck, Rachel, you're the hottest girl I've ever seen," Adam panted. "Do you have any idea just how scorching y'all are?"

"Oh, you're just saying that," she said, blushing slightly at the compliment.

"Hell, no, I'm not. I'd rather see you naked than anybody else," he said.

"Well, thank you," she said, She sat down beside him. "Your turn."

Adam started to raise his tshirt above his head, until she stopped him.

"Nuh huh... not like that. I danced for you, you dance for me."

"But I can't dance! I'll probably fall over!"

"No excuses! Dance, boy!"

Adam muttered to himself, smiling, and got up off the couch. "If I do something embarassing, you can't tell anyone."

"We'll see. Get to it."

Adam attempted to mimic the movements he'd seen Rachel do. Swaying awkwardly, without any sense of rhythm, he raised the hem of his tshirt to show off his hairless stomach, then lowered it again. She laughed as she recognized his moves, then cheered him on with a "WOOO!"

Turning around in a circle without any grace, Adam took off his tshirt and let it drop to the floor, then covered his nipples with his hands. He leaned forward and shook his chest like Rachel had for him, which elicited another laugh from her.

Uncovering his chest, he then turned his attention to removing his shoes, raising his left leg and crossing it over his right leg as he hopped up and down on his right foot. He barely managed to keep his balance as he removed his shoe, then his sock, then put his foot down and returned to turning in circles clumsily. He then tried to repeat the same actions to remove his right shoe and sock, but was unable to keep his balance this time and fell on the bed as he removed his sock. Rachel laughed heartily as this.

Unfazed, he got up again and bounced from foot to foot like a baseball shortstop while he played with the waistband of his shorts. He lowered his shorts far enough to show off the base of his cock, then let the waistband snap back to it's normal place and waggled his finger in Rachel's face, with a grin. Turning to face away from her, he undid the button and zipper on his shorts, let them drop to the floor and kicked them away, leaving him in his boxers which were hugging his muscular ass quite nicely.

He shook his ass in what he hoped was a sexy manner, then reached back and in one quick movement, pulled the back of his boxers down below his ass and twerked. Well, tried to twerk - it looked more like a duck shaking off water. Rachel by this time was almost hyperventilating with laughter. Adam hopped on one foot and turned around with his arms spread like an airplane, then firmly planted his feet shoulder-width apart.

"Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, yeah!" he shouted, straight out of the LMFAO song, replicating the wiggle dance from the video, causing his boxers with his rock-hard dick to bounce uncontrollably. He then ripped down boxers to his ankles, and repeated the motion now with his 6 1/2" cock freed from its confinements. Rachel's eyes followed Adam's dick as it bounced, almost spellbound, then he kicked his underwear off his ankle and they landed beside the bed. He quickly sat down beside Rachel on the couch, and the two cuddled in the nude as they laughed and laughed.

"I don't think you'll be winning any stripper contests anytime soon," she said, "but that was easily the best show I've seen all week."

They moved from the couch to the bed as they made out. Lying naked next to each other, staring deep into each other's eyes in the dim light shining from the open bathroom door, the teens' heightened state of arousal caused their skin to become ultrasensitive and the mood was positively electric every time they brushed a hand or arm against the other's body. Both teens could see where this was leading.

"I don't have a condom," said Adam.

"It's ok, I'm on the pill... and I'm a virgin, so I know I'm clean," Rachel replied.

"I'm a virgin too," Adam reminded her, "so I'm clean too."

"Mmmkay. Lie on your back," she said, and Adam rolled over.

Rachel climbed on top of Adam, his hot, rigid cock nestled up against her warm, wet cooch. She leaned down to kiss him, then whispered in his ear, "I love you."

"I love you too," murmured Adam.

She put her hands on his muscular chest, then raised her body off his. With one hand, she guided his penis to the opening of her dripping pussy. "I'm going to go slow, you're pretty big," she said quietly.

As she lowered herself slowly and the head of his uncut cock slipped inside her warm, wet opening, Adam gasped. He'd had no idea that the feeling of being inside her would be this intense. At the same time, Rachel let out a gasp herself, as her virgin cunt felt like it was being stretched to the size of a bowling ball. She'd experimented in the past with the handle of a hairbrush, but it was nowhere near the size of Adam's dick. But at least she'd broken her hymen then, and would not have to experience that agony now, during her first experience with a partner.

Once she had grown accustomed to the girth of his big rod, she slowly lowered herself another inch, then another. Both his cock and her cunt were electric with the new feelings for both of them and each tiny movement, each muscle spasm, each moment of being connected as one caused sparks to run up their spines. Each teen moaned as she continued to slowly lower herself onto his prick until she had taken every inch of his manhood, their pubic bones resting against each other. Rachel had never felt this full before, and Adam couldn't speak as his body adjusted to the feeling of having a tight, wet twat wrapped firmly around the entire length of his penis. Both teens were afraid to move, afraid that they would climax too soon and end the feeling they were experiencing.

After a minute or two of resting like this, Rachel whispered and asked Adam if he was ready. He said he was, and she began.

She slowly lifted off his cock until just the head remained inside her, and lowered herself just as slowly. Both kids twitched at the electricity running through their genitals. Once he was balls-deep into her again, she lifted herself and sank down once more, just as slow as the first time. She continued to repeat this motion, increasing the tempo until the two had a slow but decent rhythm going, her raising up, then lowering down as he raised his hips off the bed to meet her. Adam put both his hands on her tits, which were hanging freely above him, massaging them as the two teens fucked.

The sounds of sex filled the cabin, with a few moans and gasps thrown in for good measure. Soon, Rachel started panting as her climax approached. "Try not to scream, we don't know who's out in the hallway," Adam grunted as he continued to fuck Rachel, his new girlfriend, his new lover. Rachel nodded as best she could while bouncing on Adam's rod, her orgasm approaching quickly. Without warning, Rachel came down hard on Adam as her vaginal muscles contracted, and he could feel her cumming. This pushed the virgin boy over the edge, causing his own climax, his balls boiling over with hot cum. He could feel wad after wad shooting up the length of his cock, emptying his seed deep into her.

It felt like the biggest load he'd ever shot, he thought, as fireworks exploded in the room for both the teens. Rachel felt his hot cum splash deep inside her cunt, again and again. She shook violently as her orgasm caused her muscles to contract and relax repeatly, milking the semen from his cock. Rachel collapsed onto Adam's chest, and the two teens lay spent on the bed, trying to catch their breath. Adam could feel his cock soften, and after a minute or two, he felt himself pop out of her as his cock started to return to its normal flaccid state.

"Fuck, Adam, you're huge. And I love it," Rachel said, once she could speak.

"Rachel, you were so tight and warm... I've never felt anything like that before," Adam whispered. "Thank you for being my first. I'll remember this always."

"Me too. They say you remember your first time for the rest of your life... and you were awesome, Adam. I'm the one that should be thanking you," she whispered back.

The two teens lay there, holding each other, enjoying each other's closeness.

Another chapter in the can. If you want to drop me a note, is where you can reach me.

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Next: Chapter 14

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