Seven Days of Pleasure

By moc.liamg@wocoomrd

Published on Feb 26, 2020


This story is intended for reading by people who enjoy these stories, and is legal in your part of the world. You know whether you should be reading it or not, I'm not here to stop you.

The entire story is fiction, including all characters (though I wish they were real and I were a fly on the wall). They live in a world where pregnancy and diseases are not a real worry, but we don't - so be safe!

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Chapter 12 Cruise Day 4, Port Day (San Juan, Puerto Rico), morning (teen, m/m, m/m/f playing w/inc)

For the second time in as many days, Andrew woke before Eric again that morning. He was comforted to feel Eric's morning wood nestled snugly in his ass crack, with an arm draped artistically over his body. For the first time in his life, Andrew felt truly fulfilled in love.

"I could really get used to this," he thought to himself. He'd had girlfriends before, but never felt as close, as complete with them as he did with Eric. And certainly had never awakened with them, naked, sharing a bed! Andrew realised he was really falling for Eric, and he was pretty sure the feeling was mutual.

He could feel Eric's breath on his neck as his lover slept, and just laid there for a while, enjoying the feeling of being one. Eventually, though, nature called, and he gently extracted himself from Eric's embrace.

"I could really get used to THIS, too," Andrew thought as he stood in front of the toilet, where there were no sisters to wait for, no bickering to listen to - just the calm, silent world of the cabin that he now shared with his lover. After finishing his morning business, he stepped out onto the balcony and gazed out over San Juan, without feeling self-conscious about his nudity. He was ready to stand atop a mountain, proclaiming his love for Eric, so showing his dick to people who couldn't see him at this distance anyways was nothing.

When he stepped back into the bedroom, he found that Eric had thrown aside the covers in his sleep and now lay on his back, his cock standing proudly, pointing at the ceiling. He knew what he had to do. Admiring his naked lover's slumbering body had aroused the beast within.

Slowly and gingerly, he first sat on the bed and leaned over Eric's crotch. Inhaling deeply, he was intoxicated by his friend's natural scent, and without further hesitation, he gently grabbed hold of Eric's prick and enveloped it with his warm, wet mouth.

Andrew swirled his tongue around the head of the penis in his mouth, eliciting a whimper from the sleeping boy. Sucking gently, he started to bob his head up and down, easing more and more of Eric into his mouth with each stroke, until finally he found his nose pressed up against Eric's pubic bone. As he continued his ministrations, he could hear faint gasps coming from his friend, who still hadn't broken the plane between sleeping and wakefulness.

He continued sucking his lover's cock, until finally Eric awakened.

"What the.... ohhhhh..." Eric looked down to see Andrew peeking up at him, with his cock planted deep in his mouth. "I'm going to cum soon if you keep that up," he whispered raspily.

Andrew popped off of Eric's dick for a moment. "That's kind of the point," he said, waggling his eyebrows, and then took his member back into his mouth all at once. As promised, it wasn't long before Eric arched his back and a grunt escaped his lips and Andrew was rewarded by spurt after spurt of Eric's love nectar. This time, he was prepared for the torrent and managed to keep it all in his mouth, not letting a single drop escape. Once his climax subsided, Eric sat up and pulled his lover up to his face and planted a long, deep, wet kiss on his lips, where he was able to share in his own cum. hat to me that I couldn't help taking the opportunity when you presented yourself... I mean, it, presented itself."

As the afterglow faded, Eric leaped out of bed and bounded into the bathroom to deal with his full bladder, leaving Andrew lounging on the bed, feeling really pleased with himself. He smiled to himself - it was amazing how every boy was the same. Wake up with a hard-on, deal with it, then run to go pee. Like clockwork.

When Eric returned with a noticably less stiff penis, he found that Andrew had moved out onto the balcony and stepped out to join him. After a moment in comfortable silence, Andrew spoke. "Eric, I know this is moving kind of fast, but I think I'm falling in love with you."

"Me too, Andrew. I didn't want to bust out the 'L' word yet in case it freaked you out, but I'm pretty sure I'm falling in love with you, too."

At that moment, Eric's mother popped her head around the bulkhead with tears in her eyes. "Mom!" Eric exclaimed as both boys scrambled to cover their genitals.

"Boys... Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realise you weren't dressed... I'm sorry to intrude on your moment, but I had to say something, Eric. I'm so pleased that you've finally met a boy you care deeply about."

"Thanks, Mom, but... wait... what? You knew about me being gay?"

"Yes, dear, of course. A mother knows. And I'm so happy for you and Andrew here. All I ask is that you be safe with each other when you two... you know..."


"Sorry, dear, but it needed saying. Oh, and if you're going to go out in the hallway naked, you may want to make sure nobody's around," she said with a smile.

Andrew blushed. "You're not going to say anything to my mom, are you?"

"Of course not. Boys will be boys. Anyways. Have a good day, you two!" And with that, she disappeared back into her own cabin.

"Well, that was unexpected," Andrew observed.

"Tell me about it."

"Do you want to go ashore today and pick up some... supplies?" Andrew asked.

Eric raised an eyebrow. "Are you asking me what I think you're asking me?"


"Then yes, I would love to go ashore with you and pick up some 'supplies'. I imagine we should get showered and dressed first, though. Even though we would be a hit with everybody if we went like this."

Mark and Megan were waiting on the pier with their parents for their tour group to get started. It was only 8:30 in the morning, but it felt much warmer and humid - it was definitely going to be a scorcher today. They were booked on an excursion to the rainforest with their parents, and they weren't particularly looking forward to it.

"Why did we have to come on this stupid trip today? I wanted to sleep in," Megan groused quietly to Mark.

"Well, it IS supposed to be a family trip, and we should do at least a FEW family things while we're here. We can't spend ALL our time dreaming about Jon and horse kittens, now can we?" Mark replied with an evil smile.

"What!? How did you know!"

"You were dreaming last night, and you woke me up moaning his name."

Megan blanched. "I... I..."

"Just kidding! No, really, you weren't moaning his name, but when I looked over when I got up you had this big dopey grin on your face. I just put two and two together."

"Yeah, I really like him. To be honest, I can't wait to see him again. I really enjoy his company," she said.

"Well, here's your chance... he's right over there, coming this way," Mark said, gesturing off to Megan's left. Jon was approaching them with his parents.

"Ho, guys! I wasn't expecting to see you guys here," he said. "Are you going on the rainforest tour too?"

"You bet. Looking forward to it... now..." said Mark.

"Mom, Dad, this is Mark and Megan, two of the new friends I was telling you about."

"Pleased to meet you, kids. Jonathan won't stop talking about his new 'cadre' of friends," Jon's dad said.

Mark and Megan's parents turned around and introduced themselves to Jon's folks. "I suppose you kids would like to hang around together today?" their father asked.

"Well, if it's alright with you... sure!" Mark replied for the three teens.

"Sounds good to us... keep out of trouble," his dad said with a wink. "We'll just talk with Jon's parents and figure out ways to embarrass you all."

With that, the four adults turned and started conversing.

"Well, that was easy," Jon observed.

"Cadre, huh, Jon?" Mark teased.

"Hey, it's a good word!" Jon exclaimed. "I told you I'm a geek."

Megan put her arm around Jon's body and laughed. Jon stood up a little straighter with a big smile on his face.

Just then, the tour bus arrived and everyone piled on. As it turned out, Jon, Mark and Megan got to sit at the back of the bus, with the row of seats in front of them empty. They had their own little private area.

"Say, guys, can I take a picture of you two? I'd like to have some memories about this week that I can look back on," said Jon, pulling out his phone.

"Sure," said Mark. He and his sister posed for the picture and Jon snapped the photo. "Now, wait, there's one more photo you'll need if you want to remember this week accurately," Mark said.

With that, he looked around to make sure nobody was paying attention to them, then started undoing his zipper. He reached into his open fly and fished his cock out of the opening. Seeing what he was doing, Megan smiled and pulled up her shirt and bra, exposing her breasts to Jon. Blushing, with his ears turning red again in that adorable manner that Megan was quickly falling in love with, Jon took the picture and the siblings put their bits away.

"Ok, your turn," Megan said, bringing out her own phone. Jon posed and she took the photo. He turned back forward and was about to ask a question, when Megan said, "Hey, what about the other one?"

"What, you really want a picture of me like that? Would you prefer my cock or my tits?" Jon said with a laugh.

Megan thought for a moment, and replied with a devilish grin, "Both." Jon rolled his eyes, then pulled his zipper down and fished his dick out. Half hard, his foreskin enveloped the head of his shaft with just the tip of the head exposed to the camera. He lifted his shirt to expose his chest as well, then posed with a silly look on his face. "No, Jon, I want to look at this picture and remember you for you, not for a silly face," Megan said. Jon changed his expression and Megan took the photo.

Just then, Jon's mother turned around and called to the back of the bus, "Jonathan?"

Jon, pulling his shirt down quickly, but not able to do much about his cock sticking out of his shorts. He prayed that she wouldn't come back to where the kids were seated. He called back with his voice cracking, "Y.. Yes?"

"What's the name of this rainforest we're going to?"

"Oh, um, it's El Yunque," he called back.

"Thank you, dear!"

Megan and Mark were just about dying with silent laughter at this exchange. "Wow, I thought we were so busted," Mark said, catching his breath.

"We? I was the one with my junk flapping around! I just about had a heart attack," Jon exclaimed as he finished putting himself away and fixed his clothes. "That was kinda fun, though. We should take pictures like that all day. The thrill of getting caught was exhilerating!"

Mark and Megan agreed that it was definitely fun, and after a shared glance, decided to go along with Jon's idea. To make things easier, Megan reached behind her and undid her bra, and took it off completely. "This'll make it easier for me," she said, stashing the bra in her backpack. "This way I won't need to keep lifting it up all day."

Mark and Jon thought this was a smart idea, and taking turns watching out for intruding parents, first Jon and then Mark removed his shorts, took off their underwear and replaced their shorts. Now going commando, the boys handed their boxers to Megan to hide in her backpack. She then stood up and stowed it in the rack above Jon's head, and Mark caught him staring at his sister's midriff as her shirt raised when she stretched up her arms. He caught Jon's eye and smirked. Jon smiled back.

"Man, I hope I don't get my dick caught in the zipper," Mark said. The other two laughed.

Freshly showered and dressed, Andrew sat on the couch, flipping channels on the TV and not finding anything as he waited for Eric to finish up in the bathroom. When he finally emerged, still naked, Andrew took a moment to admire his lover's body. He couldn't get over how this perfect boy had practically fallen into his lap and was now stealing his heart. He turned off the television and said, "Eric, something your mom said... about when we... y'know..."

"Have sex?"

"Yeah. Have you ever done it with another guy?"

"No, you'll be my first, but I do have a dildo at home that I've practiced with," Eric said, slipping on a pair of tiger-stripe boxer briefs. Andrew's dick twitched at the sight - fuck, those were sexy.

"Really? Where'd you get that?"

"Well, when your parents give you a credit card, you can buy pretty much anything online. I ordered it last summer when I was the only one home to take delivery, and voila, one rubber penis."

"Wow. Just... wow. What's it like?"

"Well, if you go too fast at first, it hurts. Otherwise, it feels like you're taking a really big shit at first, and then it starts to feel really good. Like, REALLY good," Eric explained. "Why, are you... ready...?"

"Until this morning, I wasn't sure, but when I woke up this morning with your cock stuffed in my crack, it felt so good, so I figured... the next step in our relationship is buttfucking..."

"Well, yeah, I guess. We'll need to get some lube, though. I didn't bring any with me, and I doubt you did either."

"No, can't say it crossed my mind," Andrew said. "Remember, I wasn't even gay when this cruise started, haha."

"True!" Eric laughed. "I've corrupted you awfully quickly, haven't I?" He finished dressing by slipping on a tshirt that hugged his torso in all the right places.

"And I've loved every step of it," Andrew said. He stood and kissed Eric gently.

Making their way down to the gangway, the two boys tapped their Medallions to disembark the ship and walked into the duty free port area. "Excuse me," Andrew said to the lady at the information booth, "could you direct us to a pharmacy, please?"

Directions in hand, the pair set off in search of their pharmacy. As they got closer to the drug store, nerves began to take hold. "Have you ever bought this stuff before?" Andrew asked Eric.

"Not in a store, no... I got some with the dildo I ordered online, but I haven't finished the bottle yet."

"I'm getting a little nervous about this. I mean, how's it going to look, two boys buying sex lube?"

"Good point, but I wouldn't worry too much. I'm sure this isn't the first time that's happened, but if you feel better, we don't have to look like we're together in the store," Eric suggested.

"Yeah, that might be a good idea," Andrew replied, as they arrived at the front door.

"Am I getting the stuff or are you?" Eric asked.

"I'll get it, I guess," said Andrew. "You go left, I'll go right, and you can watch for when I leave, then you can come out after."

"Alright, sounds good."

The two teens stepped inside. Andrew found his way to the family planning section and looked at the variety of personal lubrications and was shocked at the selection. Water based, silicone based, oil based. Ones that made you tingle, ones that heat up. Ones that prolonged orgasm, ones that were flavoured. Andrew stood looking at them all for a few minutes and was starting to feel lost, until he found one he recognized the name of, Astroglide. Reading the bottle, it sounded like it would do the job just fine. He looked to his right to see the condom shelf, and wondered if he should pick some of them up as well. He started to look at the boxes when he heard his name being called. He looked up and was dismayed to see his mother and sisters at the opposite end of the aisle.

Not wanting to be found standing in the condom section, he started to quickly walk towards his family. Along the way, he realised he was holding the bottle of lube, but couldn't ditch it anywhere without his mother seeing, so he tried to hide it in his hands as best he could. "Hey there, guys... what's up?"

"Not much, just popped in to pick up some pads for your sister..."

"MOTHER!" his sister exclaimed, mortified.

"Oh, sorry, honey, but it's just a fact of life. Your brother's been through health class, he knows what menstruation is..."

"Oh, Em, Gee, mother! Why don't you just broadcast it a little louder? I'm sure the people two aisles over didn't hear you!"

Andrew tried to mentally block out the image that was forming in his head, but he wasn't quite quick enough. He shuddered slightly.

Andrew's youngest sister was trying to figure out what he had in his hands. "A... S... T... R... Andrew, what's Astro...."

"MOM! I'm sorry to run off on you like this, but, uh, I need to meet up with Eric, he's, uh, waiting for me... sorry..." he stammered as he tried to cut his sister off from finishing her question.

"But Andrew, what is..." she continued.

Andrew's mother glanced at the bottle in Andrew's hand, then quickly looked back up and locked eye contact with her son. "Quiet, dear. Andrew, honey, that's fine, you go meet up with Eric and we'll see you tonight for dinner." She looked at his youngest sister. "You go help your sister find the pads she needs."

"MOTHER!!!" from down the aisle.

"But mom, what's..."


"Fine." She ran down the aisle, pouting.

Andrew by this time was beet red with embarassment. He nodded to his mother and practically flew to another aisle to avoid her gaze. His mother, likewise, kept her eyes to the floor as she went to help her daughter.

As Andrew tried to calm down, Eric came up to him, holding his sides. "Oh my God, man, you have no idea how funny that was... I mean, I feel bad for you, but..." Eric almost fell over in fits. "What's Astro..." he said in a falsetto voice, mimicking Andrew's sister, which renewed his laughter. Andrew just glared.

"Let's get out of here," he said. "For laughing at me, you can pay for the damn stuff," and tossed the bottle at Eric, who fumbled it and managed to catch it square in the nuts. Now it was Andrew's turn to laugh, as the wind was knocked out of his friend. "That'll teach you," he said, picking the plastic bottle of lube up off the floor.

"Urrrrgh," was all Eric could manage, and stumbled towards the cash.

Andrew paid for the lube as hurriedly as he could, and the two fled the store before they ran into Andrew's family again.


Jon and Mark were standing in the middle of the rainforest, a little ways away from the main group, with their half-hard dicks standing out their open flies. Each had his arm around his friend, and waved at the camera. Megan took the photo, and the boys carefully zipped up again.

This was the third such photo they'd taken together so far in the rainforest. Every so often, they strayed back from the tour group a bit, and with their backs to the group, had been revealing a little more flesh than would normally be seen. In the first photo, Mark and Megan had posed beside a tree that was over 300 years old, with Mark's penis hanging out and Megan lifting her shirt to reveal her breasts. The second photo featured Jon and Megan with a monkey in the background, with his hard-on pointing at the sky and her leaning forward, cupping her tits. They had been very careful not to let any of the adults see what they were doing.

As part of the tour, the group climbed a tall set of stairs to the top of a large tree. A thick cable connected this tree to another deep in the rainforest, and a series of gondolas hung from the cable. The three kids were assigned to go in the same gondola by themselves. As they boarded, Mark came up with an idea.

"Guys... how about when we're halfway across, and nobody can see us, all three of us take a photo entirely naked with a timer?" Jon and Megan enthusiastically agreed to this idea.

As the gondola approached the midway point, Jon and Mark quickly undressed while Megan fiddled with her phone. Both boys were fully erect and almost trembling with excitement. Finally, Megan said "Got it!"

She quickly ripped off her tshirt and shorts and stood between the boys as naked as they were. With a twinkle in her eye, Megan grabbed both boy's cocks and broke into a huge toothy grin as the photo was taken.

"What the hell was that?" Mark exclaimed as Megan let go of his manhood.

"Oh, just making the photo special," she said with a smirk.

"I'll say!" chimed in Jon. "That's the first time anyone has ever touched me there."

"And hopefully not the last," Megan muttered to herself.

The three teens rushed to get dressed again as the gondola approached its destination. In their haste, the boys accidentally swapped shirts, so Jon was wearing Mark's and Mark was wearing Jon's. Jon immediately knew something was wrong, as his shirt was now a lot tighter than it was when they got onto the gondola. "Shit! Guys! Your shirts!" exclaimed Megan. "You're wearing the wrong shirts!"

"Damn... there's no time to fix it... we'll just have to play it cool," Mark said.

Jon said nothing, overwhelmed by the adrenaline he was feeling from the thrill of getting caught.

As the gondola pulled into the station, Jon's dad looked at the kids and smiled, then cocked his head to the side a bit and shrugged, as he couldn't see what was different. "Did you kids enjoy that?"

"Sure did, Mr. Mullins," Mark said, after Jon hesitated to say anything, still off in his own little world. "It was great, being above the trees and all that."

Behind him, Megan poked Jon in the ribs, breaking him out of his trance. "Yeah, dad, it was awesome."

The group walked down the stairs back to the rainforest floor, when it started to rain. Some of the ladies put the tour pamphlet over their heads, while some of the men took off their shirts and did the same with them. Mark seized the opportunity to pull his shirt off, motioned for Jon to do the same and swapped them back to their original owners. Megan sighed in relief.

Mark leaned over to his sister and whispered, "I wouldn't get too comfortable yet, sis... look down." She looked down to see her tshirt sticking to her tits, her nipples prominently poking out. It was plain to see she wasn't wearing a bra.

"Well, shit. Not much I can do about that," she said. Jon adjusted his cock in his shorts with a sheepish smile. Without underwear to hold him in place, you could definitely tell that his shorts were tenting, if you looked.

As they headed back towards the tour bus, Jon hung back a little and motioned to Mark to do the same. When they were alone, Jon asked Mark in a low voice, "Man, I have to ask you a question."

"What's up?"

"Are you as hard as I am right now? I can't believe she grabbed us both on the gondola." Jon licked his lips unconsciously as he thought about it.

"I totally wasn't expecting that," Mark said.

"Me neither, but holy shit I liked it," Jon added. "I nearly came when she did that."

"I liked it too," Mark said. "Anyways, we'd better catch up, or they're going to leave us behind!"

As they caught up with the group, Megan was quietly getting scolded by her mother. When she returned to be with the boys, Mark asked, "What was that all about?"

"Oh, she was just giving me shit about going out without a bra. She said everyone can see my boobs now that my shirt's wet. I told her that I washed my bra in the sink last night and it wasn't quite dry this morning, and I wasn't expecting it to be a problem. She bought that."

The boys had a good laugh about that. "I wonder what Dad would say if he knew I wasn't wearing underwear?" Mark said.

"Oh, knowing him, he'd probably tell you not to let your cock get caught in your zipper. It's so different for boys!" Megan exclaimed with a pout.

"I wonder what your mom would say if she knew you'd grabbed two horny boys' dicks in a gondola!" Jon almost keeled over laughing.

"Shush, you!" Megan punched Jon in the arm playfully.

"Especially since one of them was your brother's!" Mark added, almost dying with laughter.

Back aboard the tour bus, returning to the ship, Jon kept stealing glances at Megan's boobs whenever he got the chance, and repeatly had to adjust his cock in his shorts. Mark noticed the looks and the not-very-stealthy adjustments, but kept quiet. He smiled to himself.

Walking back to the ship, Andrew was finally seeing the funny aspect of the run-in with his mother.

"I swear, man, she saw the bottle of lube and knew exactly what it was. I think she saw me in front of the condoms, too," Andrew groaned. "I can just imagine the conversation that's going to come up about that."

"I don't think it'll be as bad as you're fearing," Eric said as he tried to comfort his friend. "You're 15, she must know that you're sexually mature and probably starting to become active."

"Yeah, that's real comforting. My mom knows that I'm a sex pervert now," Andrew said, laughing. "I'm not going to bring THAT up at the dinner table."

"Remember, it could be worse. Remember your sister and the... items... she needed..."

"That's true." Andrew sighed. "Oh well, we'll see what happens tonight, won't we!"

The boys tapped their Medallions as they re-boarded the ship. After the encounter with his mother, he didn't even bat an eye as he put the bag of lube on the conveyor belt to be x-rayed at the security checkpoint. As he picked it up from the far side of the machine, he made eye contact with the agent manning the x-ray machine, who winked at him and smiled. Andrew smirked and tipped his head.

"So, whaddya say, want to go try this stuff out?" Eric asked.

"More than you know," Andrew said.

The teens returned to the cabin, their diamond-hard cocks threatening to tear their shorts. They were both relieved that they hadn't run into anybody in the hallway or elevator - they both would have had a hard time concealing their arousal. Once inside, they both stripped nude in record time, tore the covers off the freshly made bed and laid down. Eric leaned over and planted a long, wet kiss on his lover's lips. "Since you woke me up so nicely this morning, why don't you go first?" Eric offered.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure. I've been looking forward to this day for two years now, and I'm glad that my first time will be with you."

"I've been looking forward to this day for... oh, two days now... and I'm also glad that my first time will be with you," Andrew countered. The two boys smiled. "So, how do we do this?"

"Well, we need to loosen up my hole first. Do that with your fingers first - start with one, then gradually add more. You'll know when," Eric said. "Lube me up first, then your finger. Once I'm loose enough, do your cock, and I think you can figure out what happens next." Eric turned onto his stomach with his ass in the air.

"Right." Andrew opened the bottle of Astroglide and squirted some onto his fingers. He reached over and gently started rubbing up and down Eric's ass crack, then after a moment, put the blob of Astroglide onto Eric's pucker. After adding more lube to his fingers, he gently started rubbing his lover's asshole.

"Mmm, that feels nice," Eric said. "You're a natural at this."

Andrew smiled as he worked the fingertip of his index finger into the tight sphincter. As Eric grew accustomed to the intruding digit, Andrew pushed farther in until his finger was all the way in. He slowly started to fuck Eric's ass with his index finger, eliciting a moan from the boy.

Andrew gently wiggled his finger around inside Eric's ass, and brushed up against a spongy mass. In an instant, Eric's spine became stiff and Eric emitted a loud gasp. "Jesus, what was that?" Andrew asked, amazed at the reaction.

"I think you touched my prostate. I've read that it's like a magic orgasm button," Eric said, once he came down from his instant high. Andrew touched the spongy tissue again and Eric stiffened again. "This is kinda fun, being able to control you like this," Andrew said with a chuckle. "Dance, puppet boy!"

"You have stiffen pant no idea how stiffen pant awesome that feels," Eric stammered as Andrew played with his prostate. "It's like having stiffen pant an orgasm without the cum."

"Awesome... you'll have to show me sometime," Andrew said. He eased a second finger into Eric's tight hole and finger fucked him again. Soon, he was able to add a third finger, and Eric finally told him he thought he was ready to change up the game.

"Ok, lube up your cock, and remember, go slow," Eric said, with his ass in the air. Andrew did as he was told, then took his position behind of Eric, aiming his six inches of rock hard cock at his lover's gaping asshole.

"Wait, this doesn't feel right," said Andrew. "I want to look at you as we do this."

Eric agreed, and turned over onto his back. He pulled his legs up into the air until his ass was facing Andrew. "Is this better?"

"Yeah, now I can look at you while we screw."

Andrew lined up his cock with Eric's asshole and gently pushed. The head popped in, and Eric drew in a sudden breath of air. "Wait a minute, I need to get used to this," he gasped. Andrew stayed where he was and looked down worriedly at his lover.

"Are you ok? Do you want me to pull out?" he asked.

"No, I'll be fine, just... wait... right... there..." Eric said, his eyes screwed shut and his teeth gritted as he tried to will the pain to subside. After a moment or two, his breathing eased and he relaxed. He opened his eyes and looked deep into his lover's soul. "Okay, fuck me. But start slow."

Andrew gently pushed forwards, slowly, burying his cock into his friend. Twice Eric winced and Andrew stopped, waiting until Eric gave him the all-clear again. After about five minutes, Andrew found his entire cock inside his friend, his shaved pubic bone touching Eric's balls. "Ok, I'm all the way in. How are you doing?"

"Doing good... it's starting to feel awesome," Eric said. "I'm ready if you are."

Without a word, Andrew re-set his hands on Eric's hips and slowly pulled out until just the head of his dick remained in his friend's ass, then reversed direction and pushed back in until he was all the way in again. Eric's eyes were closed and he had a blissful look on his face. Andrew smiled.

He slowly increased his tempo until they had a good rhythm going. Andrew gasped as waves of ecstacy washed over him, his cock experiencing feelings it had never felt before. Eric moaned almost constantly, enjoying every minute of the anal attention he was receiving.

Andrew paused for a moment as he was buried deep in Eric in order to move his hands. He grabbed hold of his lover's cock and gave it a few good strokes. Eric gasped at the unexpected touch. "Oh, fuck, that's good." Andrew resumed thrusting, pausing every minute or so to jack his friend's dick again.

"I'm not going to last much longer," said Andrew. "Do you want me to cum inside you?"

"I'll smack you if you don't," replied Eric. "Now get to it."

Andrew increased the tempo of his thrusting, slamming his dick deep into Eric's ass. As he grew closer to his climax, he sped up until finally he was pounding Eric's ass somewhat fiercely, causing Eric's cock to flop around like a salmon out of water. With one mighty final thrust, Andrew went balls deep in Eric and threw his head back in ecstacy, spurt after spurt of hot cum as his cock erupted deep inside of Eric. He came harder than he'd ever cum before, his muscles all clenched as one.

Eric could feel his ass being filled with Andrew's sperm, and with a grunt of his own, came without either he or Andrew touching his cock again. Eric sprayed his load all over his abs and chest, with a little getting in his hair and some on the pillow beside him. His ass clenched repeatedly, milking his lover's cock for everything he had.

Once the orgasms had finished and Eric released his cock, Andrew pulled out fell to the side, landing on the bed beside Eric. Both boys were breathing heavy, unable to speak, but they looked into each other's eyes, and they saw in each other a love that neither had ever imagined. In that one look, both boys knew that the other loved him with all his heart, and nothing could break that bond. They fell asleep like that, Eric on his back, Andrew on his front, each knowing that all was right in the world.

There's chapter twelve done. Hope that scratched the itch for you! If you want to drop me a note, is where you can reach me.

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