Seven Days of Pleasure

By moc.liamg@wocoomrd

Published on Feb 24, 2020


This story is intended for reading by people who enjoy these stories, and is legal in your part of the world. You know whether you should be reading it or not, I'm not here to stop you.

The entire story is fiction, including all characters (though I wish they were real and I were a fly on the wall). They live in a world where pregnancy and diseases are not a real worry, but we don't - so be safe!

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Chapter 11 Cruise Day 3, Sea Day, evening

"Come on, man, you're so slow!" Eric prodded Andrew's ass cheek with his finger. "We're going to be late!"

"I can't find my swimming trunks! I must have left them in the other cabin," Andrew said, bent over at the waist with his bare ass in the air, his head buried in his backpack.

"Just wear a pool towel, then. You know you're not going to need them once we get there anyways. We're going to be laaaate..."

"What, go naked under a towel? Are you crazy? What if I get caught?"

"Yeah, I can just picture it now. Ship security is going to come up behind you, rip off the towel and put you ashore at the next port," Eric said, dripping in sarcasm.

"Well..." he considered for a moment. "Okay, fine. But you do it too, I don't want to be the only one!"

Eric sighed. "Fine. Whatever will make you faster," Eric said, kicking off his swimming trunks.

Both boys wrapped towels around themselves and left the cabin. As they emerged onto the pool deck, they ran into Andrew's mother.

"Mom! uh, Hi!" Andrew stammered. His cock shrivelled and did its best to climb back inside his body. He pulled the towel a little tighter around himself.

"Hi, Ms. Farriss! Great to see you again," Eric said with a shit-eating grin on his face. He saw how uncomfortable Andrew was and was relishing the moment.

"Oh, hi, dear. And Eric, nice to see you again... Andrew, why can't you be more like Eric? So polite. Anyway, how are you doing? Off to the pool, I see?"

"Yeah, we, uh, like to go for a nightly swim, and we're, uh, going now."

"Well, don't stay up too late. Have a good night, you two!"

"Thanks, Ms. Farriss, we won't be up too late. G'night!" Eric said, with a grin that would put Eddie Haskell to shame. (Leave It To Beaver. Look it up. ;) )

As they headed towards the hot tub, Andrew muttered to Eric, "The things I let you talk me into..."

Eric laughed maniacally as they rounded the corner to the hot tub, where Megan, Mark and Jon were already relaxing in the warmth of the water. He threw off the towel and ran the last ten feet and vaulted into the hot tub. Andrew climbed in after putting his towel on a nearby lounger.

"What's so funny?" asked Megan.

"Well, as you saw, somebody over here couldn't find his swimsuit, so I told him to come up with only a towel on. Being such a baby as he is - "

Andrew stuck out his tongue.

" - he made me do it too, which I did because I'm not a baby!" Eric continued, nudging Andrew in the ribs. "And we ran into his mom on the way here. I wonder what she'd have said if she knew there was only a thin layer of cotton between her and her baby boy's dick..." Eric sputtered out, still laughing.

"Dude!" was all Andrew could say, blushing.

After the other three teens arrived and settled in, conversation turned to the activities in Eric and Andrew's cabin earlier in the evening.

"Fuck, that's hot," Mark said. "I wish I was there to have witnessed it... and maybe gotten in on some of the action!" Megan and Jon nodded in agreement.

"So, what should we talk about tonight?" Eric asked. After a beat of nobody speaking up, he continued. "Okay... What was your most embarassing moment?" Met by silence, he went on. "Alright, I'll go first, then. It was last spring, kind of a cool-ish day. I was on my way home from school and I stopped in at the store to buy a candy bar, and they were featuring those double packs of Snickers. I bought one, had one of the bars, and decided that I would save the other one for later. I stuck it in my backpack, promptly forgot about it and went home. The next day, I'm at school, reach into my backpack to grab a textbook, and... I'm rooting around in the bottom," he mimed the action, "and felt something sticky. I pulled out my hand and it's covered in chocolate, which at that point, didn't look like chocolate."

The kids all laughed. "Oh, it gets worse," he continued. "The backpack slipped out of my other hand, falls over onto the floor, and the remnants of the Snickers plops out onto the floor. It looked just like a turd, and everybody laughed and laughed... kind of like you bastards are now!" he wrapped up with a big smile. "The teacher wouldn't even let me go to the bathroom to wash my hand! I had to wipe it off with notebook paper!"

Everyone roared with laughter, and when they settled, Megan piped up. "Mine was when my friends played a prank on me. A few months ago, I was invited out for a birthday party at Dave and Buster's for one of the girls in my class. The invitation said it was a costume party, which sounded like fun. I got all dressed up like Raggedy Ann, showed up for the party, and it turns out, it was only my invitation that said it was a costume party - everyone else was dressed normally."

"I remember that!" Mark exclaimed. "When you got home, you were piiiiiiiissed, but you wouldn't tell anyone why!"

"Yup, and now you know," his sister continued. "They got me good! I'm not upset about it anymore, but I will have my revenge... eventually..."

"Let me know, and I'll help," he offered.

"I might take you up on that. So... how about you, brother? What was your moment?"

"Let's see... okay, I've got one. It wasn't really a moment, but longer than that. At the beginning of the year, a new kid joined my school and I had, I think, homeroom and one class with him. So he sits next to me in homeroom, introduces himself on the first day, and we get to chatting. So Scott and I become friends, we chat every morning before the bell, talk about girls, hobbies, hanging out, what we do on the weekend, the whole bit. Scott and I are becoming pretty close. Then one day, he doesn't show up for homeroom, then the next day, then a third. I lean over to the guy who sits on the other side of him, and ask, 'Any idea what's going on with Scott?' And he looks me dead in the eye, and says, 'Do you mean Sean?' I'd apparently been calling him by the wrong name for a month and a half. To his face." The kids cracked up and Mark blushed a bit. "It could have been a lot worse, but I felt like such a dumbass."

"That's because you were a dumbass," Megan offered with a twinkle in her eye. Mark scowled back at her, then grinned.

Amy then stepped up to the plate. "Last summer, I came home from camp, and nobody was home when I got there. I dropped off my bags and found my cat napping on the chair in the front room in the sun. I picked her up and re-enacted the beginning of the Lion King - I held her above my head, showing her off to the neighbourhood, complete with the song... you know, the one when the monkey holds up Simba? That one." Everyone giggled. "I did that in front of the big window in the living room. The window that happened to be open, with my neighbours outside... I could hear them laughing, looked out the window, and there's the whole family of them - two parents, three kids - looking back at me," she continued. "The middle kid, who's my age, is practically dying laughing... he laughed so hard he fell over and sprained his wrist. But he didn't stop laughing!" Neither did the kids in the hot tub, who were kicking up a bit of a ruckus themselves.

"Mine's nothing special," Adam offered, when everyone had settled. "I was dozing off in class one day, the teacher called on me. 'Adam!' she called, and I sat up straight and replied, 'Yeah, mom?' I still haven't lived that one down yet, but at least it wasn't as bad as y'all's."

"This one time, I was in Spanish class, goofing around with my friends," Rachel said. "One of them said something so funny that we all cracked up, and I accidentally let go of the biggest fart in the history of mankind. It was so loud that the entire class went silent and just stared at me." The teens just stared at her with wide eyes, until Andrew made a "frrrrrrrt!" noise with his mouth, which set them all off again.

"For me, it would have been the time when the entire freshman class saw my ass," Andrew offered. "Me and a couple buddies were playing HORSE out behind the school one afternoon, y'know, with a basketball. Anyway, it comes to be my turn to make the shot, and this gaggle of freshmen happen to be walking by the court. I'm lining up my shot, get ready, and just as I dip down to jump, two of my friends grab my shorts from either side of me and whip them down - except they took my boxers with them. So there I am, flapping in the wind, showing these 12-year-olds my pasty white ass," he said to everyone's delight.

"Maybe we should recreate that on the way back to the cabin tonight!" Eric exclaimed.

"Do that at your own peril," Andrew retorted with a smile.

Everyone went silent for a bit after they stopped laughing. "I guess that leaves you, Jon," Rachel prodded. "Out with it!"

"Oh, geez... I'm blushing just thinking of it," Jon replied. And it was true, he was - even his ears were turning red. He took a deep breath and launched into his story. "So I was... man, I can't believe I'm telling you guys this. I was about 10 at the time, I guess, and we were on a field trip from school out to a farm out in rural Maryland, not too far from Baltimore. When we got there, I was really excited to see all the animals." He took another deep breath. "Being spring, there were a lot of baby animals around, and the farmer was taking us on a tour, telling us about each animal, what noises they made, what they were called, y'know, all the shit that you tell kids, right? So we're in the barn, and he's showing us the sheep and their lambs, baa! And the cows and their calves, mooo!" Then he leads us out the back, shows us the ducks and the ducklings, quack... Then we get over to where the horses are. Now, you need to understand, I used to really have a thing for horses when I was young. I was especially excited to see the horses. And when we got over there, there's the horses and their babies. I was totally losing my shit, I was so excited. I couldn't remember what foals were called, so I was jumping up and down, pointing at them, screaming 'Horse kittens! Horse kittens!'"

Nobody was able to breathe for several minutes.

As 1:00 rolled around, the kids started departing for "home" one by one. Jon paid particular attention to Megan as she climbed the steps out of the hot tub, the water glistening on her backside. Amy caught this and nudged him in the ribs, causing him to jump, startled, and smile at her.

Once he'd said his goodbyes, Jon strolled along the pool deck on the way to his cabin. He wasn't quite ready to go to sleep yet, so he sat down on a lounger and stretched his legs out, staring at the stars and wondering what secrets they held. He had long been a fan of Star Trek, and he favoured the ideals of Starfleet and how mankind had advanced into being a lot less capitalistic and a lot more compassionate than the world was today. He had been pondering life, the universe and everything for a few moments, when...


"Hey, Jon, how's it hanging?" Amy asked, giggling. "Just thought I'd drop in for a chat. Literally."

Jon smiled. "Things are good... just off on my own little planet here..."

"That's not what I asked. I asked how's it hanging."

"Oh. Umm... to the left, I guess?" he stammered, not sure what to say.

"That's better." Amy got out of his lap and fell into the chair beside him. "Anyways. Can we talk?"

"Sure, I'm not going anywhere," he replied. "What's on your mind?"

"Any movement on the Megan front?"

Jon shrugged. "I haven't spoken to her yet, but I did talk to Mark. I wanted to make sure he'd be okay if I fooled around with her."

"What'd he say?"

"He said he didn't have a problem with me talking to her, and said that he's pretty sure that she likes me too."

"So what's the problem, then?"

"No problem, I just haven't had chance. He did ask me for a favour, though. He... uh... maybe I shouldn't say anything, but, uh... he asked if he could watch," Jon said. His flaccid cock twitched to life as he remembered the conversation.

"Wow, that's really hot. What'd you say to that?"

"I told him I have no problem with that. And between you and me, I think he's kinda cute too."

"I like where this is going," she said. "You should see if you can get him involved instead of just watching, if you're into that."

"I don't know if I am, to be honest, I've never thought about it," he said. But his body was way ahead of him - his dick was getting hard just thinking about it.

"It looks like you're at least considering it," said Amy, noticing the tent being pitched in Jon's trunks, "and it looks like you're interested."

Jon blushed again as he followed Amy's gaze. "This thing has a mind of its own, I swear."

Amy stood up, wished him a good night, and headed off to her cabin. As she walked away, he heard her mutter "horse kittens!" and laughing maniacally. He chuckled to himself and shook his head, still having a hard time believing that he shared that story.

Andrew and Eric were in the hallway returning to their cabin, when Andrew reached over to Eric's towel and yanked it away, so Eric was bare-ass naked in the hallway. He turned to face Andrew, nonplussed, and yanked Andrew's towel away as well. The two naked boys burst out laughing.

"I bet you didn't expect to be naked in the middle of the hallway when you left for vacation," said Eric.

Just then, they heard the elevator announce its arrival on their floor. They scampered to their cabin, and managed to get in before they were spotted by whoever got off the elevator. Or so they thought.

"Dear, that WAS Eric and Andrew, wasn't it?" Eric's mother asked her husband.

"Yes, honey, it was."

"And they WERE both naked, weren't they?"

"Yes, honey, they were."

"The things boys do..."

I know this is the second plot-driven chapter in a row - the action will pick up again soon, I promise! If you want to drop me a note, is where you can reach me.

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Next: Chapter 12

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