Seven Days of Pleasure

By moc.liamg@wocoomrd

Published on Jan 19, 2020


This story is intended for reading by people who enjoy these stories, and is legal in your part of the world. You know whether you should be reading it or not, I'm not here to stop you.

The entire story is fiction, including all characters (though I wish they were real and I were a fly on the wall). They live in a world where pregnancy and diseases are not a real worry, but we don't - so be safe!

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Author's note: This is a rework of a story that I wrote in 2013 that I liked the premise of, but wasn't happy with the execution. There's a fair bit of new content in it, some of it has been reordered, some expanded, and some removed. If you read it before, I hope you'll consider having another go; if this is your first time, please enjoy!


Chapter 1 The Day Before Embarkation Day

Jon Mullins was practically quivering with excitement.

It was Friday, school was just wrapping up for the day, and in a few short hours, he'd be escaping the shitty weather from his home just outside Baltimore down to Florida, where he'd be boarding a ship for his first cruise ever. He wasn't 100% sure what to expect, but it would damn sure be better than algebra and snow, his current two bitter enemies.

"Out of the way, fatso!" he heard someone bellow from behind him. Instictively, he dove for the side of the hallway, out of the path of several members of the football team, to derisive laughter. He wasn't THAT fat, he often told himself - just big boned - that's what his mother kept telling him, anyway. Either way, it was enough to make him a target of the school's athletes and a fair number of other students, which could make school life somewhat miserable for him at times. Life as a fluffy kid wasn't exactly a treat, but there were others that had it worse. He mostly tried to fly under the radar, and mostly, it worked. He didn't really have a lot of friends, so he mostly kept to himself; really, there was only Michael that he was friendly with. His parents worried about him, as parents are wont to do, but tried to give him the space that he said he wanted. Truth be told, he was lonely, but didn't know how to express it.

After dumping most of his books in his locker, packing up his fucking algebra homework and bundling up for the cold, Jon made his way out to the bus stop, where Michael was waiting for him. After the usual greetings, Michael asked, "So, are you excited for your cruise?" as if that wasn't all that Jon could talk about for the past few weeks.

"Just a liiiiiittle," he responded with a smile. "If nothing else, it'll be nice not needing a coat just to, y'know, exist. I fucking hate this weather."

"I hear you," Michael replied, his breath steaming in the crisp air. "Not to mention it gets dark at like 5:00 now. It's dark when we go to school, it's dark not long after we get out..." he trailed off as the bus arrived. "Finally, some warmth..."

Boarding the bus, Michael pulled out his pass to show the driver and promptly dropped it on the floor. As he bent over, his jacket and shirt rode high and Jon was greeted by his friend's ass cheeks peeking out over the top of his jeans. Jon found himself wondering what it would like to be a "normal" size and have a skinny ass like his friend, to his surprise. He'd never thought of Michael that way, but...

"Don't get any ideas, perv," Michael said as he caught Jon looking at his behind. He smiled and gently punched Jon in the arm. Jon simply blushed and smiled as they walked to find a seat.

As usual, the bus driver had a lead foot and they were practically thrown into seats at the back at the bus. "Oh!" Michael exclaimed as he opened his backpack and started pawing through it. "I got you this." After a moment of rummaging, he pulled out a card and handed it to Jon. "Since you'll be gone for your birthday, I'll give this to you now."

Jon eagerly opened the card. It was one of those ones for children that had a button that said "I'm 5 today!", to which Michael had written in a 1 before with a Sharpie. Inside, Jon found a $25 gift card to their favorite restaurant. "It's not much," Michael added, "but I figured you'd like it."

"Thanks, man, I really appreciate it," Jon replied. "We'll go once I'm back, mmmkay?"

"You know it," his friend responded. "You'd better have some good stories for me from your vacation."

"Goddamnit, Megan! I told you to stay out of my room!" fifteen-year-old Mark Thompson exploded.

"I didn't go in there, fartface!" his sister screamed from her room on the other side of the bathroom they shared. She was just over a year younger and they got along about as well as oil and water.

"Then where the hell are my headphones, if you didn't take them?"

"I dunno, where did you leave them THIS TIME?" Megan retorted.

Mark took a second and looked around. He was so sick and tired of his stuff mysteriously migrating to his sister's room. This time, she'd gone too far, though... he'd saved up for those headphones for a while, and now she's gone and stolen them... this was the last straw. When he got his hands on her, he'd..... oh. There they were, sticking out from under his pillow... right where he'd used them last. Damnit.

Sheepishly, he crossed through their shared jack-and-jill bathroom and knocked on the doorframe of his sister's room. "Hey, Meg..."

"What?" she snapped in response.

"I just wanted to apologize for yelling at you. I found my headphones, and..."

"They were under your pillow again, weren't they?"

He was flabbergasted. "How did you know?"

"Because that's where they always are, dumbass," Megan retorted with a smile. "You fall asleep listening to music, where do you think they're going to end up?"

"Good point. Anyways, I'm sorry."

"Just do me a favour and look there first, next time, okay?"

Mark nodded. "I will, I promise. Look, can we talk for a sec?"

Megan stiffened a little at the question. Her brother usually only said stuff like that when something was wrong. "Uhhh, yeah, of course?" When he gestured towards her desk chair, she nodded and he joined her in the room. When both of them had sat down and were settled, he continued.

"So, we're going on the cruise tomorrow, and I know sharing a room might be a little tough. I just wanted to come to an agreement that we won't constantly be at each other's throats all week."

Megan gave him a side-eye glance as she tried to figure out what his angle was. "Oooookaaaaay....?"


"I dunno, you just seem a little... different. Usually at this point you'd want something, when you talk like that."

"Hmmm. That's fair, I guess. Well, this time, I don't mean anything extra by it. I just don't want to be fighting all the time, and it's not like we'll have anywhere to get away from each other. Plus, mom and dad spent a fair bit on this cruise and I don't want them to get mad at us for wrecking it for them. I can't imagine you want that either, because it's not just me they'll be mad it, it'll be both of us."

She thought for a minute. "Yeah, you're right. Okay, fine, I'll try not to piss you off, as long as you do the same."

"Deal. I'm going to pack, I'd suggest you do the same, avoid the nagging." He got up to leave, then turned towards her. Without a word, he reached over and messed up her hair, then quickly departed the room.

"Asshole," she called after him, smiling.

Andrew Farriss opened his front door to the sound of crying - again. He considered just closing it again and going for a walk, but he knew that it wouldn't change anything - someone would be crying when he returned. Might not be the same sister, but chances are, one of them would have had their life JUST RUINED again later on. That's generally how things worked around his place.

"Guys, what's the problem now?" he called out as he kicked the snow off his boots and stepped in. At fifteen years, old he was the oldest of the three kids and his mom often relied on him to be the referee until she got home from work. If only she knew how little weight that actually carried with his two younger sisters, he thought.

Laura, the younger of his sisters and the baby of the family, ran into the hallway, tears streaming down her face. "Shuh... shuh... she stole my cheese string!"

"Are there any more in the fridge?" he asked, dropping his backpack to the floor. This wasn't his first rodeo, sadly.

"I think so..."

"So go get another one?"

"Okay!" Tears gone, the nine year old bounded away to the kitchen to replenish her stocks of cheese.

"Emily?" He called for his other sister. Getting no response, he went looking for her, and found her planted in front of the television, as usual, glued to the screen of whatever drivel it was she was watching. "Em, you need to stop taking her stuff. I'm getting a little tired of this crap every time I come home."

"Whatever," was the response he received.

"I'm serious. Quit it or I'll tell mom and make her deal with you two."

"sigh Fiiine."

The problem dealt with for now (not really), he wandered off towards his room, muttering to himself. "I don't get paid enough for this shit." He wasn't really looking forward to next week. Yes, it was nice that he'd be getting away for a bit, but he was not looking forward to spending a week in a cabin the size of a postage stamp with his mother and his two sisters. What was it his mom had said? 180 square feet or something for four people? His sisters had trouble coexisting in a full-sized house. In a cabin with one bathroom... and as a teenage boy with... needs... he wasn't going to have any privacy at all for the whole fucking week. He was not looking forward to that.

Speaking of which, when he arrived at his bedroom, he shut the door behind him and decided to rub one out before he started his chores. He quickly shed his button-up school uniform shirt and hung it up, then unbuttoned his pants and dropped them to the floor. As he bent over to pick them up, Laura burst into his room like a hurricane.

"Andrew, Andrew.... can I... I want to... why are you in your underwear?"

Blushing slightly, with his boxer-clad ass towards his sister, he sprang upright. "Laur, what have we discussed about closed doors?"

Unfazed, his sister replied, "Sorry... I just wanted to go over to Kristen's house to play for a bit."

"Fine. Be back for dinner," he replied.

"Thanks! Byeeeee!" And as quickly as she had burst in, she was gone again, leaving the door wide open.

"For fuck's sake," he thought to himself. "That could have been worse, I suppose... if she'd come in just two minutes later... yeah, next week is gonna suck."

Rachel dropped her knapsack onto her bed and let out a mighty sigh. It was finally time.

Tossing her car keys into a small bowl on her dresser, she then strode towards her bathroom, shedding clothes along the way until finally she was nude. Standing in front of the mirror, she took a moment to appraise her body - she'd been working hard at getting those last five pounds off before the cruise, and she was happy with what she saw. Her sixteen-year-old breasts were firm and perky, her stomach taut and overall she was pretty fucking hot, if she said so herself.

"Now to get rid of the last of that," she thought, looking at her carefully trimmed bush of pubic hair. When she was done, she wanted it to be smooth as a baby's behind. Not that she was expecting anything to happen on the cruise, but you can never be too careful...

Now that school was a thing of the past (well, for a week), she practically leaped into the shower. Adjusting it to the right temperature, she sighed with pleasure again and got to work.

A few minutes later, she twisted the handle and stopped the water. Emerging from the tub, the water dripping off her now-hairless form, she first wrapped her hair in a towel and then wrapped herself in a bath sheet. She rubbed her fingers across her mound, checking her handiwork - not even a whisper of stubble, just as she'd wanted it.

Letting her mind wander, it wasn't long before her hand started making its way south on its own accord, closer and closer to the promised land. She didn't notice the large towel slowly working its way off her shoulders, falling off her bit by bit. It was only when she received a knock on her bedroom door that she snapped out of it and realized she was almost completely exposed, standing in the middle of her bedroom, basically playing with herself.

"Rachel, honey, it's time to get packed - do you need help?" her mother asked as she started to open the door.

"MOTHER! I'm naked!" Rachel called out in a panic, frantically trying to cover herself with the towel. Luckily for her, her mother stopped upon hearing her exclamation and closed the door again.

"Okay, I'll leave you be. Let me know if you change your mind," her mother called through the door. Her footsteps could be heard treading lightly down the hall, and Rachel could breathe a sigh of relief.

"That was close," she thought. She threw on some workout clothes, pulled her suitcase out of the closet and got to work.

Adam Kasimer pulled the tractor into the shed out behind the farmhouse and parked it, the sun getting lower and lower in the sky. He had just finished the day's chores - well, the week's chores, really, as he wouldn't be here next week. No, next week, he'd be on a cruise ship sipping cold drinks and not having to worry about taking care of the cows or the back forty. That would be Jose's problem, their farm hand who was covering for him. He looked forward to getting away for a bit.

Stepping out of the barn, he stripped off his shirt and ran his hands through his sweaty mop of hair. He didn't have a lick of fat on his sixteen-year-old frame, but he'd never worked out a day in his life - he didn't need to. He did his body bulding by working hard on his family's farm, and it showed.

At school, where he lived in west Texas, he often had girls eyeing him when they thought he couldn't see them. He knew he looked good, but he wasn't smug or conceited about it. He treated everyone the same - with respect and friendliness, and it served him well. He was well-liked by everyone, and that was just fine with him.

Absent-mindedly, he rubbed his hand over his bare stomach, feeling his abs. He wondered what next week was going to bring for him - he'd never been on a boat before, let alone a massive one with the population of a small town. He hoped he wouldn't get seasick - that wouldn't make for a great vacation. He'd had a quick glance over the brochure his mom had showed him, but hadn't read it thoroughly - he thought it would be more fun to just explore and hope for the best. He did wonder if he'd meet any friends, though.

As the sun started to set, he started to head in toward the house to have a quick shower before dinner, and then he had some packing to do.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is an announcement for those booked on United Flight 523 to Chicago O'Hare. Thank you for your patience with the delays on this flight. The flight crew has finally arrived and we will start boarding in 15 minutes. That's United Flight 523 at gate A26, we will start boarding in approximately 15 minutes."

Amy Greene rolled her eyes and hoped that this was for real. She, her parents and her sister had been sitting in those God-awful uncomfortable seats for over 4 hours now, as her flight to first Chicago, then on to Fort Lauderdale, had been delayed three times already. "Why can't they just stick to a fucking schedule," she thought to herself.

"I'll believe it when I see it, too," a voice said from a seat opposite, startling her. It was the cute boy around her age, sixteen, that she'd been eyeing every now and again - apparently he'd noticed her eyeroll.

As her heart fluttered, she smiled at him. He really did have nice eyes. "Saw that, did you?" she said. "I'm just a little impatient to get where I'm going."

"Don't I know it. Where are you off to?"

"Fort Lauderdale... my family and I are going on a cruise tomorrow, assuming we ever get there," she replied. "You?"

"Montreal, going to visit some family," he replied. "I wish I was going on that cruise with you, though."

The two teens chatted, getting to know each other a bit, until it came time to board the plane. As the boarding group before hers was called, she started packing up her belongings and took one last long look at the boy before saying her goodbye. He really was cute - lanky, but not overly tall - just her type, really. She suddenly found herself wishing he WAS coming on the cruise with her.

"Well, I guess I'll see you in Chicago," she said with a little wave.

"Not if I see you first," he replied with a smile.

Fifteen-year-old Eric Stevens sat out on his penthouse suite balcony in the hotel, overlooking Port Everglades, where he and his parents would be boarding the Crown Princess in the morning. They had flown in earlier that evening from Manhattan to Fort Lauderdale on his father's private jet, escaping New York ahead of the snowstorm that was expected to hit in the next day or so. His parents had checked in to the hotel, then gone downstairs to the restaurant for a late dinner - he had decided to stay in the room, having eaten before they'd left the city.

Eric wasn't like other kids from well-off families - he was a down-to-Earth, caring boy who didn't let his parents' bank balance go to his head. Did he want for anything? No, not really, but he didn't flaunt it over others, either. He was a well-liked kid who would give you the shirt off his back, if you needed it.

He didn't have any siblings, and his parents worked a lot - A LOT. His father was the President of a successful business that he had started, and his mother was in charge of the company's finance department. He was an only child - "my little angel", his mother called him, which usually caused him to cringe - and a lot of the time it was just him and James, the butler, at their Manhattan home. Officially, James was the butler, but in reality he was around more to be a caretaker for Eric. That's not to say that his parents didn't love him - quite the opposite - but there was a certain distance between them. Eric was lonely, overall. See, he had a secret - he was in the closet about his sexuality. He didn't have many close friends, and definitely none that he felt comfortable confiding in, and so in the vault his secret stayed.

Sitting out on the balcony in the near darkness, overlooking the port, he was looking forward to the cruise tomorrow. On past cruises, he'd managed to make a friend or two for the week, and he was hoping for the same this trip. Cruise friendships were the best, in his eyes - he could be himself, and what happens on Princess, stays on Princess. That's how the saying goes, right?

Finishing off his Coke, he gazed out at the port one last time before heading inside.

None of the eight teens had any idea what the next week was going to bring them... but all of them were eager to find out.

Now that the introductions are out of the way, we can get down to the story at hand. :) If you want to drop me a note, is where you can reach me.

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Next: Chapter 2

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