Seth from High School

By Tim P

Published on Apr 3, 2010


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All the usual disclaimers apply. This is a work of pure fiction and a fetid imagination. If it is illegal to read this where you live, don't read it. If you are under legal age where you live, don't read it.

This story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact between males, all minors. It is written for the entertainment of mature adults. Passing through Nifty's main page to get here is your way of saying it is legal for you to be reading it.

Seth from High School - Part III

I lean back into Seth as the hot water flows over us. He isn't much taller than me, only an inch or so, but it somehow feels natural this way. We've kissed some more and he's been running his hands through my blonde mane. Between a summer of chlorine from water polo and hours at the beach my naturally blonde hair is even blonder. Seth has also made fun of my Speedo tan. My Scandinavian heritage isn't known for its dark skin, but we do tan well so I am brown as a berry every place except where my Speedo covers the skin and there I am whiter than a Swedish winter.

On the way to Three Pickles Seth and I chat about our morning.

"Are we like boyfriends now Brad?"

"I don't know, how do you feel about it?" I am really good at answering questions with questions.

"Umm, I... umm, I'm...." And Seth is good at avoiding answering them.

"It's ok Seth, there isn't a right answer."

"Ok then, I don't think I'm ready for that yet. I'm still dealing with the feelings." He hangs his head a little and glances at me to see how I take it.

I smile while I drive, "that's great, because I don't think I'd ready for a boyfriend yet either."

"Really?" I think he is surprised, but happily so.

"Yeah, I mean at our age I think we are supposed to explore and figure out and enjoy before we get too serious. I mean, I think we can date and..... you know."

He does know because he is blushing and grinning ear to ear.

"Yeah, I like that 'you know' stuff. Can I ask you something Brad, was this your first time?"

"My first time, are you kidding... why I...." I've deepened my voice and I am really over doing it so Seth knows I am totally bullshitting.

"Yeah, my first time too," he grins back. "What do we do about school? I mean I want to hang out with and everything now and be friends, but do you think it'll be strange if we all of a sudden are best buds?"

"It might, so I think we need to go slow. We have AP English and AP US History together so I think we should start there, you know be study buddies. And then on weekends I'll invite you to hang with me and Sage and the guys from water polo and can invite me to hang with you and Chad and the guys from volleyball and it'll seem natural after awhile."

We pick up some sandwiches and chips from Three Pickles and throw them in our back packs with the bottles of water from my house and head off for More Mesa. Seth and I have moved off the gay topic and now are just talking like friends, about music, movies, sports and family. We park on Vieja and start the walk across the mesa to the path that leads down to the beach. As we approach the cliffs, there is someone on the edge looking down at the beach, where the naked, maybe gay, sunbathers are. He turns a little and the dog he has, a giant grey bullmastiff stiffens as it catches our scent. The dog rips out of his hand and charges us.

"Shit, what do we do?" Seth wants to know, we can't really run.

"I've got this, I read it in a book someplace."

I drop my backpack and drop to one knee, the giant dog focuses on me now. It gets closer and I can hear its deep breathing, it gets close and launches into me, its huge paws hitting my shoulders and knocking me back and buries its nose under my chin, the massive tongue deposits slobber all over me.

"Ugg," I shout, "Molly, you are going to drown me!"

I push Molly off and roll to my knees and hug her big, thick head.

"Seth, Molly, Molly Seth."

Seth has gone from horror to hilarity. He bends down and rubs Molly's head and she slobbers on him a little too just as her owner breathlessly arrives.

"Sorry about that Brad, once Molly smelled you she was off, hey Seth."

"Hey Justin," Seth nods.

"No worries, Justin, what umm, brings you here?"

Gee, I guess I know, you're gonna tell me Molly loves to run up here, but what you really mean is it is a chance for you to perv on the nudies on the beach from the cliff top.

"Molly just loves to run up here."


"What umm, brings you guys here?"

Oh wait, I guess I didn't think this one through. Should I say we aren't content to perv from the cliffs, we wanna perv up close? Yeah, maybe not.

"We are going to the beach, why don't you take Molly home and join us?"

"Down to the beach? Are you guys gonna... you know?"

"Yeah, we're gonna 'you know' and the view is much better down there than from the cliffs," I grin at Justin, who flushes so red I am afraid he might burst into flames.

"Ummm, I'm not sure... I gotta eat lunch and..." He is hemming and hawing, but something tells me he really wants to join us.

"C'mon Justin, it'll be a lot of fun, I've got an XL Italian Cold Cuts from Three Pickles, you can have half and we have lots of water."

"Yeah Justin, what else ya gonna do?" Seth jumps into the discussion.

"Ok, ok, I'll take Molly home and come back, how will I find you guys?"

"This is our first time, just look for two flagpoles," I grin.

We part and Justin says he'll be back in about twenty minutes. As he walks off Seth and I look at each other and I double pump my eyebrows at him in a "this could be fun" manner. Seth and I head down the beach, we don't know the exact protocol for walking down a nude beach, can we look at people? Not being sure we keep our eyes looking ahead and try not to notice the naked people, but truth be told we do notice them, most of the ones we see really ought to have on extra clothes, not be naked. I'm just saying. We find an open area, stake our spot and another moment of truth arrives. I look at Seth, he looks at me and we drop our bathing suits. Seth is blushing and my face feels hot so I guess I am too. It still feels like a wonderful dream that I don't want to wake up from. I can't believe three hours ago I was scared, lonely, total closet case Brad and now I have a cool gay friend and I kissed my first boy who is standing naked in front of me. I better stop thinking this way or Justin will find us by my flag pole. I am hoping I won't spring up from the memory of the moment.

Seth and I talk quietly about the people around us, are they gay, do they think we are gay, can penises get sunburn, all the important things. Justin finds us pretty easily I guess because the beach isn't that crowded. I examine Mr. Case, yes, that is his name, his parents, Lucy and Tom Case actually named their first born Justin, I think they were hippies at Berkeley, anyway, back to Justin; he pulls his shirt off and it is good. He is a junior like Seth and me and plays on the basketball team and also on the volleyball team with Seth.

He is 6'4" and has a curly mat of black hair, a dusting of fine black hair on his chest and a nice happy trail leading to his cock and a bush of black hair. I don't need to watch him drop his bathing suit, (but I am going to!) because I already know what his dick looks like, soft at least. It really isn't big, at least not what you'd expect from a guy 6'4", 180. His ass is a little hairy too, but in a kinda sexy way and totally different from me and Seth. I only have hair in two places on my body, on my head and just above Mr. Happy (that is what I call him, 'cuz when he's happy, I'm happy), nothing under my arms and nothing on my legs or arms. When we have our shaving parties for swimming, I do a lot of shaving.

Seth is a happy medium between Justin and me, he doesn't have any chest hair, but he does have these cute patches of hair under his arms, not manly like Justin more like a pit goatee and wispy brown hairs on his legs that are on his lower legs, but his butt is as smooth as a baby's behind. Not that I have been staring at it for the last 20 minutes or anything, but....

Justin spreads his towel on the other side of me so I am in between him and Seth, like the meat in a Seth and Justin sandwich. Yeah, I am ok with that too.

"You ready for some extra large Italian meat Justin?" Opps, did I really say that? Justin is looking flustered.

"Uh, yeah, I'm hungry, but any time is good."

I look at Seth who is rolling his eyes.

"Okay then...." I pull out the sandwich and chips, salt and vinegar kettle chips, hope Justin is ok with that and some waters. Seth pulls out his turkey and provolone and offers half to Justin.

"No thanks, half an extra large Italian is enough to satisfy me," he grins.

Did I just get double entendred back? We finish lunch and go to lie down and catch some rays and digest. Seth asks me to put lotion on his back and I don't even think about what I am doing until I notice Justin's dropped jaw. I am spreading lotion on Seth's ass and legs. I just grin and shrug at Justin who realizes he is staring and turns away. Before I can lie back down Justin speaks.

"Uh Brad, do you think you could put some lotion on me too? You know, skin cancer and all that."

I grin and grab the lotion bottle and start shaking it and making noises, you know, THOSE kind of noises. "Oh yes, oh God, yes" I say not too loud as I squirt the lotion on Justin's back, butt and legs. Seth is cracking up and Justin isn't too sure how to react, but he decides to go with the flow.

"Hey, I thought it was supposed to be warm, that is the coldest spunk ever!"

Wow, has he had spunk on his back before? I rub it in on his back and hope I don't leap to attention when I start rubbing his cute little hairy ass. I don't, but I will later as I replay this scene in my head.

We are lying down facing the water on our stomach and two hot guys, probably early thirties come walking by. They are naked and chatting, unconcerned as their junk rocks side to side. They just exude manhood, they are well built, hair on their chests and look like they could be stunt doubles for Josh Harnett and Ewan McGregor.

"Wow, do you think they are gay?" Justin says quietly, more to himself than anyone and quickly realizes he has said it out loud and his head snaps to look at me. The shock must show on my face.

"Are you gay Justin?" Damn, I really didn't mean to say that, it just came out. Now Justin looks panicked and like he is going to burst into tears.

"Don't you dare start crying, 'cuz I ain't gonna hug your naked ass in public to comfort you, Seth and I are cool with whatever, we can talk later. Now, how about them Dodgers."

I am not sure how much of the conversation Seth picked up, he is lying quietly on his towel. At least the Dodgers joke seems to get him to not cry and maybe relax a little, but he puts his head down and just tans. Ten minutes later Seth lifts his head and says, "let's hit the water." I slap Justin on his ass and tell him we are going in the ocean. He checks my expression, which is like 'come on' and he grins and pushes up and sprints to the water with Seth and I following. What a great view of Justin's muscular tush in action.

We hit the water and dive. Well SHIT this was a bad idea, the water is like 67 degrees, my penis and balls will soon return to their pre-puberty size. We splash around for a few minutes, splash each other and I think there is some subtle, mutual checking out going on. So standing in cold water with two hot guys, one who I know is gay and one who I am suddenly thinking might be; somehow being in public doesn't seem the place to be anymore.

"Dudes, this water is freaking freezing, sorry I am a pussy, but I am back in pool water now. Why don't we go back to my house and swim there."

Justin seems a little reluctant.

"Brad's parents are in Los Angeles for the weekend."

Justin coughs, "a pool could be nice."

I grin and say, "let's go boys."

We pack up our gear back in our back packs and put on bathing, just our bathing suits though, no shirts and headed to my house on Llano Ave. Justin drove his own car and followed me closely because I had to be sure he could get through when I opened the gate. It was no problem and we drove down the long drive as the gate closed behind, sealing us off from the world. My parent's house has a good bit of acreage and you can't see the house from the street, or the pool or tennis court. In fact once that gate is closed, no one can see the property at all as high banks and trees line the edges of the property.

We park out front and walk through the entry foyer, through the family room where we drop our back packs and out the sliding glass doors to the pool deck where I promptly shed my bathing suit again and do a naked flip into the pool. I grin and look back at Seth and Justin, who look at each other, shrug and similarly shed their suits and cannon ball into pool.

"Now, this is more like it," I say, "82 degrees in the pool a house full of food and no one around!"

We swim around, fool around and just have fun like we are ten again, not sixteen year olds. After awhile though even 82 degrees can start feeling cool and it is getting later anyway and the sun doesn't feel as warm as it did, so I climb out of the pool and grab a towel, Justin and Seth follow. We dry and wrap our towels around our waists and head into the family room. I grab drinks for us while Seth and Justin settle down. I sit on the couch where Justin is and Seth is in a chair across from us.

No one says anything for a bit and no one has made a move to get dressed again. The silence isn't exactly uncomfortable, but I wonder what is on everyone's mind. I know what is on mine.

"So are you gay Justin?"

Justin doesn't look like he is going to cry like he did at the beach, but he doesn't look too happy either and just when I am being to regret asking his face relaxes.

"Yeah, I am." He almost looks relieved now. "But you said you and Seth are cool? You won't tell anyone will you? School would be hell."

Seth speaks first, "school might or might not be hell, I'm not sure anymore, but yeah Brad and I are cool and no one is going to know, trust me."

"How long have you known Justin? Have you ever done anything?" Hey, I'm just asking!

"I guess I've known from 7th grade, but I didn't do anything until after the 8th grade. The day after 8th grade graduation I met a guy from online at the La Cumbre Plaza Starbuck's, he drove me back to his house and we fucked around."

Seth whistles low.

"Drove you back to his house?" I don't mean to sound incredulous, but I do. "How old was he?"

Justin shrugs his shoulders, "I dunno, 37, 38 something like that."

"Yikes!" I couldn't help myself again, "What did you guys do?"

"He sucked me off, I jacked him off, he sucked me off again and then drove me back to the Starbuck's. I wasn't totally happy, but I wasn't totally unhappy either. Yeah I felt a little dirty, but the sex was definitely fun."

As we question him Justin goes on to describe lots of encounters with guys in their 30's, 40's and even 50's that he has met online and this boy has done it all, fucked, been fucked, just everything and not always safe.

"So you like older guys better Justin? Like those guys at the beach?" I ask.

"No, I mean they were hot, but I'd rather meet young guys, but I'm scared, I don't want to be out until after college, if then. And I don't need boyfriend drama at school. Remember when Damien from drama broke up with his boyfriend in the hall last year. That was all the school talked about for a month. I don't need that."

Seth is laughing because it was a juicy, screaming cat fight detailing each other's inadequacies in bed, it was better than Housewife's of the OC. Something about Justin narrative is bugging me and then it hits me.

"Justin, how old were you when you kissed your first guy?"

Justin who has been calm, almost numb in telling us his story loses it now. He buries his head in his hands and starts to sob, somewhere in there I get that no one has kissed him yet. He's had all this sex, but no intimacy. I do the only compassionate thing I can think of, I slide over next to him on the couch.

And slap the back of his head. What kind of an idiot slaps a sobbing boy's head? Me I guess, but it does get him to stop sobbing and look at me to see what an idiot who slaps a sobbing boy's head looks like. When he does I take his face with both my hands and plant my lips on his. His lips are slightly salty from his tears and at first he doesn't respond, but when my tongue hits his lips he parts them shyly and lets me explore his mouth and he explores back. I break the kiss and look at Seth who is looking stunned or is it jealous, who knows, but I nod to him and he comes over to kiss Justin too and he is obviously trying to outdo me because he has one arm wrapped around Justin and one cupping his neck as he bends Justin back. As they break off Justin gasps for breath.

"Uh, are you guys gay?"

I shake my head no, "no Seth and I have this ministry we founded, the Saintly Brotherhood for Kissless Boys. We go around finding poor boys in need of kisses and deliver them from their misery."

Seth is giggling and Justin rolls his eyes, "how many poor unfortunates has the Saintly Brotherhood saved?"

"Technically you are our first, but we hope to expand our ministry nationwide someday," Seth responds, picking up quickly. Maybe the boy is quicker than I think.

"Are you guys boyfriends?"

I explain the story of what this week has been like and take Justin through the whole wild, crazy day.

When the day started I had no idea where it was heading, I didn't really know how Seth would react and then I didn't know how Justin would react when I kissed him, but now it looks like I have two friends at school that I can take this journey with and it might not be too bad of a journey after all.

Next: Chapter 4

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