Seth and His Special Friends

By akguy1775

Published on Sep 18, 2024


Welcome to the second installment! I love hearing feedback and I found it very encouraging when I wrote the first story, so please feel free to send me a message, positive or critical, even if you just copy and paste your first one from a few days ago. I was honestly not sure if I should continue at first, but you guys helped out a lot!

And if you feel so inclined, please donate to nifty and help new writers like me get a platform!

It was 10:30 on a Saturday morning, and rather than lazing on the couch at home watching TV in my pajamas, I was standing on the side of a road on a hillside forest 15 mile outside town wondering what the hell I was doing here. It was mid-November and I was freezing my ass off in 40 degree weather next to my car trying to save on some gas. A "special friend" was supposed to pick me up about half an hour ago, but now I was just stewing here. As each unfamiliar car passed by without stopping, I was fuming more and more until I spotted a familiar 2010 white compact Ford Ranger coming towards me. When it stopped I saw Justin Tomlinson gesture for me to get in.

"What the fuck took you so long!" I practically scream. Justin just brings a finger to his lips while gesturing with his other hand more frantically. God he has some nerve. I run around to the other side and get in.

"Sorry dude, there was a tree in the middle of the road a ways back and I had to take another route." He said with a chuckle while already bringing his free hand to rub my crotch. He was trying to blow it off with a laugh and some light fondling, I wasn't going to let him get away with just that.

"And why do you always have to take side roads! Its Saturday morning, the highway was practically empty!" I try to lower my voice, but it still comes across as a scream.

"Everyone uses the highway, only locals use these roads, and we are in another school district." He says in a matter of fact way while staring at the road drives forward, refusing to look me in the face. I start to see red, but I know neither logic nor intimidation will get through his DL logic.

I change my strategy a little bit, lust brought him here despite his fears, and so only lust will get through to him now. I bring down the tone of my voice to a level, but tense tone. "Don't pretend otherwise, you know I am pissed, but here is how you are going to make it better. The next off road trail you see, you are going to take your truck off just far enough till the cab is covered. Then you are going to suck my cock until I cum, and you will bury the evidence down your throat. After, we can go to whatever semi-discreet clearing you pick, but you make this up to me right now!"

"Fuck." Justin said under his breath practically moaning. In that moment, I overrode the illogical fear sector of his brain, and he pulled off at the first trail he saw. As soon as he cut the gas, he practically dived at my waist, flinging his seat belt out of the way so fast, I thought it might break the driver side window. After fumbling with my fly for a few seconds he got it open and began taking my cock in his mouth.

I normally hate car sex. I just want to relax and focus on my body and the boy I'm with, to make a wholesome experience for everyone. With car sex, I have to be constantly focused on what is going on around outside the vehicle without being able to hear much of anything outside just to avoid trouble. Justin makes me put up with a lot. Why does this bastard have to be so hot?

Justin is a senior and a running back on the school football team. He's 5'11' with short brown hair and buff, but not in the sketchy way some dudes get when they juice. He was confident, and gregarious, getting along with practically anyone in school. On the outside he was the stereotypical popular jock. However, and I didn't even realize it until after we started fucking, if you looked close, there were some obvious cracks in this persona he put on. First, he never dated, even though the hottest girls practically flung themselves after him. He just acted oblivious, and if they got assertive, he would just say he's too busy with sports and keeping up his grades to start anything. I'm also busy with both year round, but if you want it, you make time for extracurricular fun.

Next, if you pay close attention, he is perfectly groomed. His hair is short and brown like a million other high schoolers, but specifically textured and detailed at the front to give a swirly and photo ready look. Not an unkempt or flaky and over gelled look like most boys. Also, the girls won't see this, but he already has a detailed skincare routine, and the most glowing flawless skin as a result. Most boys won't do this till ageing scares them in their late 20's, but I've heard from his teammates it takes him almost an hour after practice finish his routine. Finally, if you watch him in the shower, he is hairless, top to bottom. Maybe this can be written off as natural, but now I know he carefully shaves his whole body at least once a week. Altogether, he looks less like a smelly teenager, and more like a gay sex god. Seriously, if you showed some random gay guy a naked picture of him and told them he was Bel Ami's newest model, they would buy it without a second thought. So even though he constantly pisses me off, I begrudgingly admit, that as a hookup, it's worth the work.

He set the tone for this relationship way back when he first approached me while I was a sophomore last February. It was towards the end of cross country skiing season, so I was in amazing shape. If you've never tried it, XC skiing it's as good, if not better than swimming for cardio and full body muscle training. I was at my hottest and most self-confident state of the year with defined abs and the closest you could naturally get to zero body fat.

Most of my peers were fawning over me, but Justin was a different story. At one point, I noticed he was stalking me for the better part of a week, and it was starting to get to me. He'd follow me in the hallway from a distance, was always around the corner when I left the bathroom, and was just out of sight in the parking lot after school while I left. Each time, he had this serious, tense look on his face. As an out gay guy getting followed by a jock like this, it was hard not to assume the worst. I'd heard stories of gay bashing, but it was so hard to believe with Justin. He was no jock bully, he was so friendly to everyone, but I still kept my guard up.

Finally, one Thursday, I had to take a chemistry exam during lunch I had missed for a XC Skiing meet the previous day. I had a good reputation with both my peers and teachers, and after he started the exam, Mr. Peterson asked me to watch the room while he left to help Mr. Morris move some classroom furniture around. Part of me wondered if there was a more carnal reason he needed to meet another instructor during lunch, but I have to remember, not every other person was always horny and plotting like me.

After about ten minutes I heard the side door close. In our school each science room was connected to the each other with a supply room in between. There I saw Justin, just standing ominously. I figured this was it, he was here to show me my place, and I shoot up out of my seat with my fists clenched. I wasn't going down without getting a few licks. But, he just stood there.

After a moment or two, I noticed his breathing and gaze were off. Rather than a controlled cadence, he was breathing quickly and loudly, like on the verge of hyperventilating. And his eyes were looking just over my shoulder, like he was trying to make eye contact, but just couldn't make it a few more inches over to my face.

"Justin, what are you doing here?" I say controlling my voice trying to hide my fear.

"Um, just give me a second dude" His voice tense, but not particularly threatening.

"Come on, if Mr. Peterson gets back he'll think you're helping me cheat or something."

Justin just laughs, and the distraction seems to relax him a little. "No way Mr. Peterson will think I'm helping anyone cheat after how I did last year." He finally completes eye contact with me, only to stiffen up again and get serious.

"So Seth, um, you're gay right?"

"Yeah, what's going on Justin?" I start to move closer, I don't really see him as a threat anymore.

"One of the guys on the team, he was at a party last weekend and he was talking to Andy Samuels' older brother..." Justin seems to totally relax as he mentions that last part, like what he is about to say is making him happy.

"Andy's brother says he picked him up from your house once and saw you guys kiss at the doorway."

"Oh yeah, me and Andy have been close since freshmen year, and you know he is gay too right?"

"Yeah," And suddenly Justin gets dead serious, in both expression and tone, "Are you two dating?"

Something about his whole situation makes me conclude it isn't about gay bashing anymore, I and walk over placing my hand on his shoulder. I open my mouth, about to merely say some platitudes about how me and Andy have a casual understanding, but suddenly I get a flash of brilliance and decide to test him a little,"Naw, Andy and I just like to have some fun together, I mean you and your teammates do the same with all the chicks that follow you guys, right?"

"Oh, well they do but I..." Justin catches himself and clams up.

I move my head at an angle reply with a high pitched innocent voice, "what's wrong Justin? Something else on your mind?" I lean in just inches from his face, and Justin starts to lean over to the point where I am convinced he is going to kiss me. But then, out of nowhere, Justin puts his palm on my chest and shoves me away lightly, but forcefully. I almost loose balance fall backward on my ass, but catch a table at the last minute. It takes everything in me to resist cursing at the top of my lungs, but I can tell deep down, Justin is getting close to something incredible.

He leaps forward, placing his hands on my shoulders, "Dude, I am so sorry, I just freaked out, are you OK?"

"Its fine Justin, but what is this all about?"

Justin pauses and looks away from my face at the corner of the room and very softly says, "What do you think about me?"

"As in?"

"Well, could you have some fun with me like Andy?" I figure this is the moment, and grab his head, forcing him to make eye contact again.

"You've been stalking me, sneak up on me, and almost shove me on the floor, is that supposed to impress me?" Justin's face shifts to a despondent look. I lean in close till I am whispering in his ear. "I know this is hard buddy, but what do you want from me?"

"I want to have fun with you too." He says quietly with almost a childish pout.

"And what do you mean by fun?" I say as I drag his right hand to my crotch. "Does it have to do with this?"

Justin just nods in approval. "Do you want to suck it?" Again Justin nods. I reach my hand towards his back, past his jeans and butt till the tips of my fingers rub his virgin hole.

"Do you want it back here?" Justin is silent. I am starting to have fun with this. "You won't talk, but it's so smooth back here, are you sure you weren't preparing for anything were you?"

Justin gasped. I had him, but sadly this was not the time to finish the deal, but I could at least make him commit.

"OK dude, I really want to trust you, but you have to prove it to me. Can you do that?" Again, he silently nods.

"Well, I'd like to do something more fun for the both of us, but I still have a chemistry test to take so we have to make this quick. Jack me off, and maybe we can arrange something more intimate later." Whatever reservations Justin had before this were immediately subdued by his lust, and he began to open my fly and release my cock.

"Damn." He said softly, before taking hold and stroking it up and down.

I have heard the phrase "a bad hand job" is redundant, because all hand jobs are bad. And this was no exception. But we were low on time and anything raunchier just opened us up more to risk of getting caught. Plus, Justin got me horny, and it was true I would never be able to focus on that exam until he took care of it, so I made due. At least twice I had to tell him to stop gripping so hard, and twice more he practically let go, so I had to tell him to grip harder, but the lead up to all this made me horny as hell, and in a few moments I came all over his pants.

"Oh my god, guess you will have to tell everyone you spilled something."

Justin just looked at his cum stained pants and laughed, "Yeah, but I eat a lot of yogurt for my diet, so that's believable."

I give him a long kiss before sending him off. After that we meet probably once a week for sex, but it was always labor some. Justin refused to meet at my brother's house since it was so close to school and someone could see his truck in the driveway. I don't risk getting caught at my parents' place, so car sex was the only option, but Justin insisted on meeting at a remote location first, and then he had to pick me up and drive to a third remote location. The cab in his truck just has a diver, middle, and passenger seat, so it was always cramped with a stick shift in between. It was really uncomfortable, Justin was really lucky he was such a good lay otherwise. He just always melted so fast in my hands. Having a buff hot dude look up at you with pleading eyes was so irresistible

Back to the present, Justin bobbed up and down my cock, moaning like a bitch. I didn't even have to guide him, as he preferred to spend a majority of the time balls deep, gagging every few seconds no matter how hard he trained to suppress it. About half way through I decided to get a little creative, and take control of the situation. During one of the moments where Justin was balls deep, having the time of his life, I grab his head and lift it off my dick until his mouth is just out of reach of my cock head.

"Think you can use my dick like you're personal toy you fucking cunt!" Justin gives me a slight whimper while staring at my cock, and then I see him stick out his tongue, until it begins to slither around the head. I yank his head up again, this time forcing him to make eye contact.

"What the hell man! Do you really think you can do whatever you want?"

"Sorry Seth," he pleads, with a trembling lip, "I want it so bad, let me back at it!"

It's hard to say no, his mouth feels so fucking good, and unlike most guys, he really knows how to keep his tongue in play for maximum action. "Alright, I'll let you back at it, but this time, I'm in control."

I lower his head back on my member, and begin to thrust like mad. Justin starts to moan, and I listen to the pitch of his voice change with each motion of my hips. Finally I start to feel close and let go. "Oh my god you little slut, I'm just about ready, get down to the base and be ready to make good on your error!" I shout as I can feel the cum make its ways out of my balls. "God fucking damn it!" I shout out as I shoot a few jets of my seed in his mouth.

I don't give him time to swallow before lifting his head up and making out. He swallowed some of my cum, but I can taste a little as we swap spit. After finishing, I start to get a little sleepy, but there is no way it's going to end with this. I shove Justin off and command him to drive. Without any objection, he starts the truck back up and gets back on the road.

I am in a much better mood after getting off once, but I still start to get irritated again with just how far Justin intends to drive. We head up the side road for another 15 minutes, before turning off onto a barely used dirt road, the trail bottomed out from four-wheelers. Justin takes another 20 minutes before we finally get to a clearing and he pulls off the trail and stops.

I bark out "Alright, you know the drill, get it set up."

Justin has a whole setup ready to go. The first few times we fucked, he insisted we stay in the cab. I agreed at first but it was camped and uncomfortable as hell. Then at one point, I was on the verge of a fantastic orgasm, buried dep in his ass, when I got a goddam Charlie horse in my calf, and practically had to fling myself out the door on my tail bone trying to get space to stretch out my leg. At that point I demanded a better deal, and to his credit, Justin figured it out.

In the bed of his truck, Justin keeps a large thin piece of plywood board to give us a flat space to fool around on, and behind the seat on the inside of the truck, he keeps a large padded duvet, almost as thick as a futon. That keeps us comfy, but he also wraps the board in butcher paper so no pesky splitters make their way thought fabric. It only takes him a minute or two to get everything tother and then he calls me out. He is sitting on the duvet, already naked while I vault over the side and stand on the truck bed. Justin starts to stand up.

"You better halt boy, a slut like to belong on his knees or on his back, not on his feet." Justin complies and lies back. I fish out some lube from my pocket and squirt some on my fingers. I get down next to him and bend over to whisper in his ear while my hand rubs the outside of his hole.

"Been a while buddy, have you been keeping this hole ready for me like I've asked?" and I begin to insert my ring finger just up to the knuckle.

Justin nods, "Every night, and this morning, I've been training with the dildo, just like you told me to."

"This morning? You didn't cum did you?" Justin just shakes his head no as I begin to slide in and out of his cunt.

"Good. Man this hole feels so nice and smooth, think it'll satisfy my dick?" Justin again nods as he begins to moan. I can tell he has been working on it as it takes no time at all to get three fingers in, and that is really all I have the patience for.

"So how do you want it big boy?"

"You on top, me on back, I want to see you please!" He starts to whine. Justin gets so damn bitchy as soon as we start.

"Ha, I can tell you want it, but sorry, that means we are going to start with you on your knees, I'm going to fuck you from behind.

Justin again whimpers, but takes his cue and gets up on his knees so his ass is facing me. Finally its time. I deposit plenty of lube on my cock and get behind him, rubbing up and down his crack or a moment or two, teasing him. Finally, I'm at my own limit, and begin to ease in. I know Justin likes it just a rough as Robbie, but while I am always happy to oblige my freshman pal, this senior is a different story. I instead ease it in a slow as possible. Its as hard on me as it is on Justin, his canal is so smooth and warm, I can feel each fold of the tunnel rub past my cock like a thousand hands, but this is a part of our routine. As much delayed gratification as possible.

I get all the way to my balls as I start to withdraw with the same torturously slow motion. Justin cries out, "Seth please, don't do this to me! I need it hard, come on man!" I let out a haughty laugh and speed up just a tiny, almost unnoticeable amount.

"Like that buddy, is that any better?"

"C'mon Seth please! It's so thick and hard, it's going to feel so good!" I have to agree with him there, but I continue at my slow pace for a few more minutes, while Justin continues to bitch and moan. "Harder Seth, I beg you, I've needed this for so long!"

"Didn't feel like it with how late you were!" I begin to struggle with my words, the pressure was starting to build despite my pace.

"I already blew you as an apology! I'm sorry please!" I can't take it anymore and I finally blow in his ass. The cum pours in as a cry out.

After a few slow breaths to help me get back to reality, I tell him, "Alright, you've been a good boy waiting so long, time for the real action." I flip him over and get into the missionary position he was begging for earlier. And this time I enter with force, and power. Just like he wants.

"Seth, yes, oh my god, you are doing it. Thank you so much. Jesus Christ, fucking hell!" Justin continues to shout this constant stream of disjointed sentences, I guess he's earned it. I pause a few times to prevent from blowing too quickly despite all the physical and visual stimulation. At one point I stop paying attention and hear Justin yelp. Dude snuck his hand down to his cock, and just jacked himself to completion.

"Well if you wanted to pleasure your dick that much, you should have told me! I can manage to get both ends stimulated." I flip him over so he is on his belly, and begin to pound him again, angling my thrusts so he rubs his dick up and down the duvet. This time, I stay on top of him best I can pressing him into the tuck bed with my body weight, and angle his head towards my lips for an intense make out session. We continue for a few more minutes at a merciless pace till finally I can't pause anymore when I feel it coming and I let me seed flow. I turn Justin over and see that the bastard managed to cum again on the duvet. We fuck one more time missionary style until I have my fourth orgasm of the day. It's no longer morning, and I need to get some lunch, but we still end with a little cuddling. Like I said last time, I really am not a dom, so I can't keep it up forever, no matter how much Justin helps.

The cuddling is great, and I love feeling wrapped in Justin's huge arms. This is the one time he gets a little dominant, as he spoons me while running his hands through my hair. I would normally be fine basking in the glow of aftersex for a few minutes, but today I have a mission to accomplish.

"Jesus Justin, that was so fucking hot. Have you found anyone else to give you some tail?" I say almost in a trance.

"Ahahaha, come on dude, no way I am going to find anyone as cool as you."

"But you know I am fucking Andy, by now you probably know a few other dudes I am banging, no way haven't you been checking them out." Justin just laughs and begins to pull away, reaching for his clothes, so I switch gears to get him back on my track and pull out my phone.

"Ever hear of Robbie Hamlin? He is this super-hot freshman soccer player." I quickly pull up an album I've been working on.

"Um, I don't really know the freshmen these days, I'm already a senior and we don't really fall in the same crowd."

"OK, that's true, but I know you go to all the sports games as a part of your school spirit bullshit, and just tell me you haven't noticed this JV soccer hottie!" I show Justin from my phone starting with a picture of Robbie in his soccer uniform smiling at the camera.

"Oh, yeah, that guy with the copper highlights, I think he is pretty good, what's up?" Before he can second guess my intentions and look to the side, I begin to scroll through album I made, pausing at each picture for a few seconds. Justin becomes entranced, and each photo is more revealing than the last. It starts with a few normal poses, then a few with Robbie in flirty poses, then a couple with him shirtless, showing off his developing but obvious abs and chest.

"So what do you think? He's a hot fucker right?"

"Yeah, damn. Are you two...I mean...Do you fuck him or anything?"

"Oh yeah, he may be the best lay out there. Probably the only guy I see more than once a week consistently. I was really hoping, and I know he would love this, if...maybe... you might join in?"

Justin paused for few seconds. "How?"

"OK," I replied quickly, "my brother leaves town this coming Friday for the whole weekend. He is letting me house sit and I know Robbie's parents will let him sleep over. Come on, it's like zero risk!"

"It's still close to school dude, c'mon, we have like 100 classmates in that neighborhood!"

"OK, I hear you and I have thought it out, there is an office park like 10 minutes away, it will be empty after dark, the parking lot is covered with trees and there is no gate. On a Friday after dark, there will be no cars there, you can just walk to the utility alleyway, and I'll leave the backdoor open for you!" It was a crazy, irrational plan, but it was the only way to meet Justin's irrational fears.

"Seth, those office buildings have cameras."

"For vandals and thieves!" I am really trying to control my voice, but that last statement almost qualifies as a shout. "As long as you get there after dark, and leave before morning, and avoid smashing any windows, no one will ever look at those cameras. Plus..." I pause swiping to the last photo on the album of Robbie I made for Justin. "You may get to see this portrait of a man." The last photo was the one I had took of Robbie just two days earlier. Him on my brother's guest bed. Tears in his face, lips in an open mouth smile, and with his tongue sticking out covered in my cum"

"Holy hell!" Justin shouted out, while reaching his hand towards his crotch. I gave him my phone, and he wasted no time freeing his cock and jacking off.

"My brother leaves Friday at 7 pm. Whether you show up or not, Robbie will be there by 8 pm. We won't fuck immediately, he really wants a sweet sensual evening at first, but I plan on having my cock in him by 10 pm. Now you could enhance the evening by showing up at the same time and spit roasting him with me, but if not, we will still have a great time without you."

As I finished the last sentence, Justin grunted, and ejaculated all over the front of the truck. Might have been the most powerful orgasm so far today. I think lust may triumphed over illogic yet again, but he didn't say anything. After handing me my phone back, he powered up the truck, got back the road, after a silent drive, he left me at my car.

I was feeling anxious about the whole thing but just an hour later, I received a text from Justin, "Send me the office park address. No promises."

Like I said in the beginning, any criticism, positive or critical is encouraged!

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