
By moc.loa@tuolcyhs

Published on May 31, 2004


SETH 3: Seth - The Rain, The Pickup and a New Best Buddy

The summer storms were predicted for the weekend, but the howling wind and driving rains came a bit early. Looking out from the large windows of the gym, Seth took a break from his arm workout and leaned against the window. He had been forced to park on the far side of the lot....a good 75yards from the entrance...when he arrived earlier this evening. He knew he'd have to make a run for it when he finished. A crack of lighting lit up the sky causing Seth to jump back from the window and coincidentally into the arms of the recently hired Personal Trainer with the funny name, Sascha.

Sascha was German and while his accent was very thick, his English was excellent. He was studying at the local university and had competed in the German Olympic Trials for a place on the track team for the decathlon. He was almost as tall as Seth and his build was a bit more sinewy and not as "built" as the musclegod Seth had become. He had been expected to snag a place on the team but had pulled both his hamstrings during the 100meter dash. His Olympic dreams crushed. At age 24, he wondered if he would be able to continue his training four years hence.

Catching Seth, Sascha commented on his perfect form he had seen during the night's lifting. Seth blushed at the compliment from the hot stud. Gripping a huge delt and monster gun, Sascha swallowed a large gulp having so much meat in his hands for one second. Seth innocently and subconsciously let his arms hang in a semiflexed pose at his sides. He knew most everyone wanted to have him flex when he blasted his arms as he did tonight and was ready, but Sascha shook his head. "There is a time and place for everything Seth. Thanks, but not tonight though your arms are truly awesome. But I was coming over to see how much longer you intended to workout here at the gym. The news alerts are predicting an awful storm and I thought being the manager on duty that I might shut down the gym a bit early if you do not mind." stated Sascha calmly.

"Well to tell you the truth, I should be heading home as my pickup has been acting up and I don't want to get stuck out on the highway somewhere in this weather...How about I do one more set of EZ curls and call it a night. I will just shower at home. Give me about another 10 minutes okay? That work for you do you say your name anyway, I know you are the new PT here and a German but I cannot get the hang of your name stud?" Seth continued, "You getting enough action, I mean business here at the gym Sash....I bet the women are going ape over a big good looking foreigner with a sexy accent...if you showed a bit more in your workout gear you would be getting tons of action I bet..." Seth poured on the jock camaraderie a bit much.

Sascha blushed now. He had just been told by the hottest guy in the gym with the most awesome biceps and torso: that he was a stud, he was big and good looking and that his accent was sexy. Best of all, he had not even seen him in his "workout" gear, but knew he could sell it if shown. Maybe this summer would not be a wasteland afterall.

Nodding he understood everything Seth had outlined, Sascha explained that he would prefer to work with the real serious bodybuilders and athletes. That the women who were members here and worked out during the day were not his cup of tea. He took gym time serious and found it much more rewarding seeing results and the muscles pumped.

Watching Seth's perfect form, Sascha could not help but focus on the ropes of veins as Seth did the curls. He lifted huge amounts of weight and always got the desired pump. As if he was faltering on last rep, Seth grunted and felt the burn before dropping the weights to the floor after the last curl. He loved it and loved it even more as he saw Sascha was mesmerized at the show. Dressed in a pair of snug black shorts and a golf shirt that said "staff," Sascha took a deep breath in admiration at the demonstration. Sascha was young, but Seth sensed he knew the score. Seth waited for him to ask if he would flex as they saw the last member rush out the door in the rain. Sascha waved at the member and turned to see that Seth was a few feet closer and that his black string tank top was matted to his chest. Both his nipples were erect and not covered. Glistening with perspiration, Seth smiled tentatively. Surely, the young German would want him to fucking flex his babies after an incredible workout. Seth moved his one hand to his mantit and flicked it. His left bicep bulged with that little bit of action.

Sascha stared knowing he wanted to savor this man's body, but realizing tonight was not to be. He gulped again and told Seth, "I wish I could right now do what is needed with you Seth...but I have responsibilities here at the gym. Perhaps some other time we can explore yes?" And he lifted his arm to Seth's right bicep and squeezed, not realizing Seth took that as a tease. Seth smiled hugely at the mistaken overture and then the lights went out...the electricity short circuited....the surrounding businesses all going black momentarily....while Seth continued his flow into a double bicep pose for a new fan.

Sascha leaped to the entrance and check-in counter with the Membership cards and cash register to find a flashlight. Seth stood firm in his favorite pose - never looking better as headlights of departing patrons' cars from the surrounding stores flashed through the large windows. You caught glimpses of a monstrous musclegod in a pose that rivaled the best of the pro bodybuilders...first you saw him, then you did not as the light show continued for a few minutes as the cars passed by. Seth loved the visual as he saw himself in the walled mirrors that were his indoctrination earlier that month to manly sex with Rick, his fellow firefighter. Back lit, Seth took on a whole new ballgame as his body was pumped in grand mass. He got himself a chubby from watching himself. He forgot that Sascha was in the same area on the gym floor.

Lowering his biceps, Seth grasped his cock and squeezed. That short posing session was so cool doing that with the car lights, he thought to himself oblivious that Sascha was only 20 feet from him His blue nylon shorts rode high as he let out his cock from the small swimmers jock he wore underneath and stroked it a bit. His hormones were heightened.

Turning around, he was stunned to see Sascha walking towards him with the flashlight on and pointing at his turgid cock. "You gotta lot of muscle Seth and does that one curl barbells too?" asked Sascha with a gentle smile.

"Can't say I have tried it yet. But I bet I could if I about yours Sash?" retorted Seth slightly embarrassed getting busted.

"Relax look good, I can only hope to someday be as built beautifully as that my Olympic dream is no more, I think I want to become a bodybuilder like you and Arnold..." Sascha commented. His black shorts were hard for Seth to see if there was growth around the crotch. Seth decided he would play this conquest a bit more slowly though there was no denying, the PT was quite the catch with his broad shoulders and sleek sinewy body. I would love to see him in a speedo he thought with those long legs and thin waist.

"Why don't we grab a bite to eat sometime and compare workout programs or you could come by and swim in my pool when I am in town..." said Seth as he took his right arm and placed it on Sascha's shoulder and guided him to the locker room to pick up his gear to head home. "I need a favor here Sash, I need you to show the light in the locker room so I can grab my bag and get out of here..."

Sascha bumped into Seth's crotch and torso and held still for a few seconds. Seth planned it that way. "Pretty impressive huh Sash...we'll have some good times this summer me and you, what do you say? And you have not even seen me at my best....tonight's arm workout....that was light, these biceps are fucking awesome.....everyone wants to touch them. Here let me show you, consider it an appetizer for when we do dinner together..." teased Seth as he lifted his right bicep and took the flashlight from Sascha's hand. He held it out from his flexed arm to highlight it and let Sash grab and caress it...then he moved it beneath the bulging mass of bicep and created a different lighting effect with some shadow. "They are art Sascha, they could be in a museum..."

Sascha nodded he understood. His left hand was still feeling The Muscle as his right hand grabbed his cock area and released his cock from his black shorts.

"No, save it stud....we will enjoy each other a lot more after tonight. You go lockup and I will see you soon....thanks for the attention," and with that Seth grabbed his gym bag and walked out of the locker room and to the door of the gym.

Pausing for a second and wearing nothing but his sneaks, his nylon shorts and a string tank top - Seth made a mad dash to his pickup 75yds away. Drenched to the bone, he hopped in and tried to turn over the engine. It took several turns of the key before the truck clicked in and began to move away from the lot. He thought to himself, I better get this tuned up this weekend if possible. This cannot be good stalling out and not turning over. He wondered if it was a belt. As he pulled out of the lot, the electricity came back on. He glanced in the mirror and saw the tall German personal trainer in the window staring out at his truck, he lifted his hand and gave the stud a thumbs up sign.

At the second traffic light on the highway, Seth stalled out. Fortunately, there were not many cars on the road and the few that were made their way around him. One car with four sorority sisters stopped by and begged him to flex which he did....they oooh and ahhed appreciation. He could not resist grabbing his crotch as they pulled away thinking, they were not worthy of this MuscleGod's attributes - any of them. After lifting the hood and jiggling a few belts and tapping a few other things, Seth roared off. Still sweating heavy from the workout and drenched from the heavy rain, his body shivered as he decided to grab a bite to eat at a Wendy's. He pulled into the next strip mall he saw and realized that there was a Vitamin Shop with a health drink bar inside across the lot. Turning away from the Wendy's he chugged his way over to the shop whose lights were still on.

Bouncing out of the pickup, Seth quickly ran to the door and entered. He looked incredibly sexy and did not realize just how so. His thick hair was matted down, his clothes clung to his body outlining every curve and bump and his crotch with still at half mast from the aborted encounter at the gym with Sascha. Like a dog just in from the rain, he stood and shook his body and hair flinging off the wetness.

The store manager looked up from the counter and chuckled at the sight. It was like a dream, a wet dream mind you, come true. There in all his glory was a MuscleGod - alone, pumped and glistening at his door. Zeek, the young twenty one year old college student, laid down the hand flexor that he squeezed religiously all night long to build his forearms. Seth walked to the side counter and the smiling youngster. Looking down at his name tag, Seth asked him "What kind of name is Zeek?"

Zeek did not stop smiling, he knew who this huge muscular guy was. Zeek had sometimes worked out at the gym down the highway but never ever had gone up to make his acquaintance. Zeek liked what he saw...a lot. Slipping off his stool, Zeek stood up and extended his hand. "Zeek is my nickname and it is an honor to meet you....every one is wondering when you are going to enter a bodybuilding competition with that huge body you built." Zeek's eyes wandered all over the incredibly huge mass before him. It was so full, the muscles' thickness and roundness astounded him. He could not keep his eyes on one specific muscle. Huge hanging mantits were usually his favorites on a bodybuilder, he had to thank his lucky stars tonight as the black string tank top left nothing to the imagination. Now basically thin spaghetti like strings, they straddled Seth's huge traps covering nothing of the front torso.

Zeek feasted on the aureoles before him. They were pointed but facing down to the floor, Seth's development was that huge. Seth saw the adoration and decided to have some fun with the short young buck. He bounced his left and then paused two seconds, then he had his right pec jiggle....Zeek gasped and looked up into Seth's eyes. Busted.

Scrambling to change the course of events, "Zeek is short for a lot of things but then again, I am kind of short at 5ft 4in myself." Seth shook his hand and reappraised the young buck. The kid was not a geek but quite developed. He would guess he carried about 180 lbs right now on his frame. But the development and definition he could easily see under the forest green polo shirt he wore with a wide open collar.

"You work out Zeek? You got some mass there yourself....and no I have not ever competed...maybe in the future, but I lift for myself....hey that's you behind the counter with the trophy and the title isn't it?" Seth asked as he pointed at the wall with several plaques and pictures of young muscle men. Each one with a trophy and standing in tiny posers. Zeek's was the largest photo though he was the shortest of the bodybuilders.

"Yup....won the regional a few months thing I ever did...met a lot of cool people but I did it for myself ....wanted to prove a lot of people wrong and prove to myself I could do it..." Zeek said as he looked down shyly embarrassed that he was revealing too much about himself so quickly.

"Well shit Zeek you should come workout with me sometime....I would love to curl you, I mean do some training with you if we can match up schedules....I came in tonight for some vitamins and do you guys make protein power shakes or something like a slushie with fruit and stuff... I am thirsty.....and your sign said Health Drink Bar....." said Seth as he cupped his cock lazily as if he did it all the time in public.

"We used to, but so few ever asked we put the machine in the back but I will go do you one if you want....not a problem...." Zeek blurted out eagerly while still staring at the MuscleGod who let his eyes dig deep into Zeek's soul.

"What time you closing?" asked Seth as he sauntered over to the magazine rack to see what bodybuilders were on the covers this month. Zeek disappeared towards the back with a significant strut in his step. His tight melon like ass was highlighted in the crisp white shorts he wore. From the back, Seth again adjusted his opinion of the short stud, his wide shoulders tapered down to a tiny waist and the dark green polo offset his spiked blonde hair that he had gelled. This Zeek was quite the looker and Seth sensed he was horny by the way he gazed at his body when he approached the counter.

Zeek came out from the backroom unobstructed for Seth to look at, focusing on Zeek's legs - he could see the short stud had phenomenal leg development. His legs were quite proportional and the white shorts left little breathing room for his package. Zeek's cock was lumpy Seth could see. He guessed at least 6inches and thick by the way Zeek tugged it when he thought Seth was over at the magazine rack. But Seth was looking at the aisle reflecto mirror that caught his hand's adjusting his erection. Six inches on that height looked enormous. The kid was a stud, a damn fine muscular stud who was legal. And interested.

"You know when the rain is supposed to stop Zeek? I am having trouble with my truck and don't want to get stranded on the know what I mean...?" asked Seth trying to make small talk while Zeek grabbed some ingredients from behind the counter before turning to head to the back room.

"Nope, I bet within the next 45 minutes it will stop...these freak storms have a way of not lasting long," said Zeek, "You want any particular flavor Seth, I can call you Seth right?"

Seth came over to the counter and said, "I just want it to taste is going to be good with you as part of the ingredients right, mixing the slushie I mean ....right Zeek? Hey, who looks better me or the guy on the cover of MuscleMag Zeek?" asked Seth to divert his slip up. Zeek looked from the ingredients to the magazine to Seth....he was getting mixed up. He knew what he just heard. There was no doubt about it, but how could he be read as gay. Seth did not read gay, shit he was The MuscleGod in these parts, every one wanted to be like him or bed him down or get a piece of him alone. And here he was in the store playing mind games with me thought Zeek.

Zeek was almost in a full scale panic. He had only fooled around with the one guy at the competition AFTER the contest was held back in a storage room at the high school. No one knew they had sucked each other off and Zeek had fucked him. Zeek did not think he read gay and did not want to get labeled. But the sponsor of the competition had come on strong and Zeek went with his instincts....just like he knew he would right now. He wanted to feel and touch this mammoth stud and make him feel good. He need to touch Seth's body.

Seth hopped up on the counter and spread his thunderous quads a bit. The jock pouch eased out past the nylon bulged. Placing his two huge arms on top of his thighs, Seth mumbled to Zeek who came over closer. "I asked you a question Zeek, who looks better - me or the guy on the cover? You did not answer...what do you need to give me an answer, you want me to pose or do you need to feel one of my muscles...which one do you want to feel Zeek...ask and you shall the good book says..." Seth was on a roll as he saw Zeek begin to hump his front into the counter nervously.

"The store is still technically open Seth, we could get caught doing something like this." said Zeek.

"Answer my question Zeek, which muscle do you want to want me to give you a most muscular or how about me doing a double bicep pose which is my favorite? What do you want....I could tell when I first came in here you wanted to touch my body Zeek. No harm us sharing our mutual addiction to muscle is there? Go ahead, place your hand on my thigh and work your way're a mantit man Zeek, you want to worship my pecs....let me get off this counter and come around back to you okay?" continued Seth as the conquest began.

Zeek was hard now and tenting his white shorts, he wanted to drop them and show Seth he had a body of beauty too. But Seth was around the counter too fast and tugging at his own pecs. The heavy laden plates of pecs were responding. Seth's juicy nipples were pounced upon by Zeek who could not resist. "There you go Zeek....make them feel good, I will watch the door while you nurse....easy stud...we have all night....let's get you out of those shorts shall we....yeah....nice ass Zeek, really nice ass you got...." said Seth as he yanked the crisp white shorts down the short stud's body. Seth ran his hand down the kid's back and inserted his fingers inside the 2xist white briefs backside kneading that tight ass. Zeek's cock mound in front fought to free itself from its confines.

Seth rubbed Zeek's cloth covered cock.....getting it harder while Zeek could not tear himself away from the magnificent pecs. He pampered and pleasured them and Seth found it hard not to just lay back and enjoy the attention. But he was a man on a mission, he wanted to suck this stud off and did not know why. Zeek's height and development triggered a reaction deep in Seth's lust. Staring at the photo of the bodybuilder above the counter, Seth cranked up his manipulation of the short guy's cock.

"I want to kiss you Zeek, give my chest a break will you....come up here and kiss me you little stud....yeah.... fuck yeah....lick up to my face....God you are good...." panted Seth. Shucking his briefs down Seth freed Zeek's thick cock which was throbbing now. A constant fountain of muscle spunk was seeping out of the short bodybuilder. Zeek's cock was coated and slippery.

Zeek's tongue bathed Seth's monstrous torso with love. Streaks of spit were left across the rounded pec development as he inched higher to Seth's mouth. Tilting his head back in pure enjoyment, Seth let out a gasp. He would have never guessed this young buck was that good and that he was at his disposal for fuck and suck. Tonight could not have worked out any better even with the storm. Grabbing Zeek's head as if it were a softball Seth decided to direct him over to his hairy pits so the kid could lap up his sweat. Seth's thunderous thigh became a humping post for the young title holder, Zeek loved sweat and the musky scent. Unknowingly, Seth had turned up the heat and was not quite prepared for the battle.

Sniffing and snorting, Zeek rampaged this new muscle arena, it gave him easier access to Seth's famous biceps and all the gymrats in the area knew about how much Seth loved attention directed there. Hugging Seth even closer to his own body, Zeek all but climbed onto the Musclegod letting his feet leave the floor. Seth "aahhed" and clenched Zeek even tighter as his mouth slid over the meat in his arm and around his huge delt. Seth had wanted so badly to suck this guy off, but did not think he was going to get the chance. Zeek was totally overwhelmed at this opportunity for muscleplay.

"You got to give me a break here Zeek, you really are getting me off....too fast. I want to make sure you enjoy this a bit and get off too...." gasped Seth as he fondled the thick cock of Zeek. Zeek looked down and told him he was fine. "This is like a dream come true for me Seth, to be able have this much muscle at my disposal....well Jesus fucking Christ!" yammered Zeek.

They both heard a honk outside and ducked. They laughed and giggled as they realized just how risky their actions were with the lights on and the sign in the door still advertising it was OPEN for BUSINESS.

Seth ran his fingers around the cut head of Zeek's cock while they were in the crouched position behind the counter and bent towards the young stud for a tender kiss. Zeek grabbed the back of Seth's head and pulled it closer with force. Seth broke it after dueling his tongue with the enthusiastic exercises Zeek tried in the locked embrace. "Easy pup....we've got all night...." said Seth.

"You may Seth, but I may never get another chance with someone as fucking awesome as you....I want you. But I think I better lock up and turn out the lights...okay?" said Zeek as he stood up shirtless and looked around the store to see if anyone was outside on the sidewalk. Seth stroked the young pup's thigh development and nuzzled his ball sack. "Oh fucker.....can you wait a bit longer....oh Jesus Christ that feels really good Seth....suck me you stud...oh fuck...I can't believe.....yeah ....mother....oh God..." shrieked Zeek as Seth devoured his thick cock. Zeek tried to grab onto the counter as Seth gave him the best head he ever dreamed possible. Zeek began to thrust his pelvis into the crouched MuscleGod's mouth who was merely toying with him. Taking only the first three inches in his mouth, Seth twirled his tongue around the meaty cock.

Seth released Zeek's cock and smiled. Looking up he was amazed at the lush layer of baby fat that covered the muscle pup's torso. "Offseason" came to mind as Seth smiled. So much potential he could see that would be shredded come competition time. It begged to be petted and Seth instinctually reached up and ran his hand down the barely rippled ab plate. Seth told him to get his briefs on and hurry lock the door. Zeek found his 2xist briefs and pulled them up. His cock lumpy in the tight white confinement got laid up to his side creating an obscene bulge on one so short. Seth patted it and mouthed the words "hurry back."

And with that, Zeek scooted to the front door dodging behind racks of fitness gear and shelves of supplements as if he was playing hide and seek. Quickly locking the door, Zeek turned out the lights and breathed a sigh of relief. Strutting back to the counter he found Seth gone. Looking around with a slight panic, Zeek called out and got no response. Zeek's heart dropped thinking the MuscleGod had left the building like Elvis. Grabbing his white shorts and the green polo from the counter, Zeek headed to the back office with the cash drawer.

His strut gone, Zeek turned into the back office and was surprised to see Seth laid back on the owner's futon still perfectly naked and displaying his awesome attributes. Waving his erect cock at the young titlest, Seth smiled seductively. "Come and get it just told me you don't have all night." Zeek dropped everything - his clothes, the cash drawer and bounded over to his new found idol. "Easy boy.....let's try a few new about....oh like them don't you ....they are all yours your magic...want me to bounce them a bit for like that don't you stud..." Seth took control and let Zeek back on his pecs to feast. Stroking himself with his right hand while Zeek fed, Seth raked the kid's lats with his left hand's fingernails. There was so much he wanted to try and do with this pup. Maybe he should just save it for another day he thought to himself.

"You having juicy nipples are something aren't they Zeek?" asked Seth. Zeek grunted a yes, never letting his warm mouth off the muscle tips. He worked them well. Seth began to swoon at the serious pec play. His muscle cum was signaling it was ready for a new home. Seth's balls were beginning to rise and he could feel the manly feeling he loved to get.

Yanking Zeek's head back, Seth lowered his mouth and frenched the pup. "I want to fuck you Zeek....I want to have you cumming uncontrollably while I fuck your ass tonight....your humpy ass is telling me you want me to fuck it. You want me to fuck you don't you want my cock in your manpussy don't're gonna be my little muscle bitch tonight aren't you Zeek...." panted Seth in between frenching the muscle pup who stroked his own cock. This was all Zeek ever wanted and dreamed about...a musclegod wanting him. He needed Seth in his ass. Feverishly, Zeek's hand stroked his reeling cock as the idea pulled is egg sized nuts high in his sack.

"Yeah I want you to fuck the living shit out me Seth...I can't help it, I want you to fuck me long and hard you gotta fuck me man..." Zeek wheezed into Seth's ear. Zeek then looked down at his thick cock and saw the first pearl of cum shoot out of his gaping pisshole. White jets of jism sprayed the side of Seth's huge muscular torso. Zeek came so fast he could not give a warning. His jism left large batches of white on Seth's mounds of muscle. Seth chuckled, he liked getting the kid off, he knew he would get him hard in a matter of minutes when he began to fuck him to Valhalla. Rubbing Zeek's cum into his skin, Seth took some onto his fingers and fed it to Zeek who hesitated at first till Seth told him it was pure protein. Pulling his fingers out of Zeek's mouth, Seth pinched the right nipple of Zeek who jumped and then smiled. Zeek bent down for a light kiss.

Picking him up in his arms, Seth told him they needed a rinse. While solid and compact with muscle, Zeek was like a deadlift for Seth who strode to the back door and kicked it open with the young pup in his arms. The rain was still coming down extremely hard as they stared out into the back parking lot with the trash compactors and only one car parked under the one lit street light....Zeek's cherry red Ford Mustang. "You game to get cleaned up pup?" asked Seth who kissed Zeek on the forehead. Zeek nodded yes, content as could be as he snuggled tighter into Seth.

"Here goes nothing!" said Seth as he walked out from the door about 7 feet into the pouring rain. Gently he lowered Zeek to the ground and let the young bodybuilding titlest stand up. Facing each other, the two studs hugged and kissed while being pelted with raindrops. Naked as the day they were born, their muscles bounced the drops off their bodies as they took turns rubbing and wiping the jism off each other. Grabbing Zeek's ass with his right hand, Seth's fingers soon penetrated Zeek's asscrack. Seth nodded to him and pointed over to the Mustang. "It's mine Seth. I bought it a few years ago when I began want to get in the back?" asked Zeek.

"Nope, you are going on the hood and I am going to take your cherry there" Striding over to the car, the MuscleGod and the musclepup reached around each other's waists. Zeek tilted his head against the huge bicep of Seth nervous but happy his dream was coming true. "Get up and spread your legs...get 'em up around my shoulders Zeek..." Guiding him, Seth positioned Zeek's ass to the edge of the hood. He smiled at Zeek and told him he was doing good. "You're gonna like this alot I can tell....I will try to go slow..." said Seth as his fingers began their teasing and massaging of Zeek's butthole. Zeek inhaled and held his breathe at the first knuckle. "It's gonna be good....relax now Zeek....breathe and push out pup....that's it...."

Zeek stared up at the hanging pecs that were attracting the rain pelting Seth's body like a magnet. The bullet hard nipples had so much water pouring off them, it almost looked like the rain water was being pumped out of Seth's mantits. Zeek wanted to reach out and play with them hoping to distract his discomfort. Seth was looking down as his musclecock as it slowly inched it's way into the tight asshole. The kid was a natural he thought. Zeek was inhaling it incrementally inch by inch....soon Seth's base hit bottom. He looked up and saw Zeek smiling weakly as the rain pounded onto his face. "You got me Zeek, all of me is our fun begins...feels good to me....shit you are tight, this is better than pussy gotta try it one of these days...but tonight you are my bitch...bitch..."

Zeek reached across the Mustang's hood as he braced himself for the thrusts that became faster and harder as Seth found his rhythm. Zeek stared at the MuscleGod's huge body hovering above him. With Seth's massive arms spread out over Zeek's body, hands pressed against the car's hood, Zeek soaked in the sight of the mass of muscles above him, bunching rhythmically as Seth fucked his pup. Seth was totally enjoying the fuck. The rain was getting heavier the faster he pumped. "I love this Zeek, you're one helluva fuck pup...." Zeek began to relax the harder Seth fucked. He felt a tingling in his soul. He had read about it, but never had experienced it. Seth was hitting his G spot...his prostate repeatedly. Seth was totally clueless, he was like a pile driver fucking the young musclepup. The tightness and friction had Seth on his tip toes as if he wanted more of himself inside Zeek.

Seth looked down at Zeek's body and saw his thick cock lengthening. He bent down and tried to lick it, but could not quite reach it yet. Zeek saw what Seth was attempting. He took his right hand and began to jerk himself off. His hard cock became like steel as he stroked himself. Tilting it towards Seth, Zeek offered his cock to him. Seth leaned down again and lapped at its head, the rain water adding its lubricating assistance.

"Suck me Seth, take all of me can have all of me MuscleGod..." Seth fucked furiously as Zeek encouraged him to take it all. Round and bound over like a bowling ball, the two muscle studs were in fuck heaven. Grasping at Seth's muscle tits with his fingertips, Zeek squeezed his legs around Seth's rain slicked torso. Seth was munching on Zeek's cock as he fucked him in and out. Snorting like a beast, Seth's pace increased. He knew he was going to cum soon....sliding the musclepup a bit further off the hood of the Mustang, Seth let him have only his upper back on the hood for support.

Coming off Zeek's cock, Seth bellowed, "You fucker you're mine Zeek, you're mine tonight you musclebitch....fuck I love this man, I love fucking you...Gotta cum together pal...gotta cum...oh fuck...its getting gotta cum with me Zeek....jerk yourself off with me...."

Zeek grasped his rock hard cock and stroked....he loved getting fucked by Seth. Seth lifted his own torso up and inhaled inflating his chest to monstrous proportions.....his cum moments away. The rain beat down on both muscled bodies with an intensity matching their oncoming orgasms. "I want to shoot Zeek....I gotta cum....."

Zeek began to shoot his second load that evening hitting Seth in the face with creamy splats with his first two eruptions. He watched them blend with the streaks of rain on Seth's face. "Fuck I go...." yelled Seth as he pulled out and unloaded over the wet abs of Zeek who rubbed it into his body....gobs of cum sliding off his body, down to the hood of the Mustang.

"Talk about a powerfuck! Come here you little muscle stud....that was fucking great," panted Seth as he lifted Zeek into a hug and kissed him. "We got to do it again real soon Zeek..."

They stood in a hug for another several minutes as sheets of rain rinsed them clean while their bodies heaved and came down from the high.

THE NEXT MORNING Jack Bolton was always considered the runt of the brothers in his family. Coming from the wrong side of the tracks in town, the Bolton brothers were unusually close if not down right incestuous you could say. All five of them were born within a span of eight years with Jack being smack dab in the middle: number three of the five. He was the only one NOT over 5ft 10in, missing that benchmark by just about two inches. He was also the black haired brother which caused untold snickering in the small town where the family lived. It was widely known that his father, a brooding brute with a blonde buzzcut and the town's deputy police chief, had been sent to a minimum security prison for corruption and solicitation the year before Jack was born. His wife had paid a price. Jack had paid a bigger one with his "dad."

While not as tall as his four brothers who loved him, Jack was by far the friendliest of the brothers and the best athlete in the family. An accomplished high school wrestler for three years running at 157lbs, Jack was All-County and All-State his senior year. He also was extremely good with his hands and attended Vo-Tech classes for automobile mechanics. Upon graduation from high school, he went to trade school and became a certified mechanic quickly thereafter.

Work was his passion when he was not lifting at the gym he built in his own home, a small fixer upper, at age 23. But he was still on the perceived wrong side of the tracks though his garage business was beginning to thrive for a variety of reasons. Good work done promptly and reasonably priced were just but two reasons why.

Jack maintained most of his cut definition he had during high school and added an inch to his biceps' measurements working out solo diligently over an eight month period.

He was damn proud, but not the least bit cocky about his hot little body. He was also constantly horny.

What he wanted was a buddy, a male sex buddy. Someone to work out with, someone to fool around with and perhaps even get close to. He had a craving for affection, something his "dad" never gave him nor his mother...once "dad" got released from prison. He knew he was gay early on, but tamped those feelings down hard all during high school. Jack had fooled around with his brothers, how could he not with five of them all within that close age range? In reality, his search for affection had gotten himself used too often though he did not understand nor know it. All the brothers would practice their moves on him before a big prom or after a fuckless date. His two older brothers even brought over some football buddies knowing Jack could be talked into blowing them if they were persistent enough in their asking.

While getting some serious head from the hot muscular wrestler with the thick black hair and the piercing blue eyes, the brothers and their friends would constantly refer to it as a "Lipps Party" as if speaking in code. Of all of Jack's attributes; his muscular frame, his dark handsome face with the intense eyes - it was his lips that everyone commented on. Thick and full, it seemed when not smiling and making a new friend, they were wrapped around cock.

No one ever thought it was queer to do these things and NO ONE ever believed stud wrestler, Jack Bolton, was a faggot. After the blowjobs and the eruptions of cum, the guys were always ready for a circle jerk or whatever. Jack eagerly participated with his unusually thick 7 inch cockrocket and pounded it to orgasm usually shooting the largest load. If they competed which they sometimes did - he also shot the farthest too. As much as he enjoyed sucking cock, he always wished someone would return the favor or at least would have touched his cock, however discreetly.

His one older brother had a close friend in high school who hung around the Bolton house quite a bit and went fishing with the brothers at the lake quite often. His name? Seth MacAllister and it had to be that same Seth MacAllister who had called to get an estimate on his pickup this morning at the garage. Seth, Jack recalled fondly, was one hot stud in high school.

His play in centerfield on the baseball team was legendary. Seth in his senior year had a batting average of .347 - still a state high school record, twelve years since his graduation. Jack hoped it was Seth and that he recalled his time at the Bolton family home and the brothers' fishing expeditions.

Pulling on his grease monkey coveralls to begin work, Jack tugged at his beercan like cock and smiled. Jack always ordered his coveralls one size too small to capitalize on his physique's assets. Specifically, he liked to flash his butt and show off his newly minted arm development to his customers. Thinking to himself, Jack began a slow manipulation of his cock. Seth would be a man worth fooling around with thought Jack as his slow strokes got the desired results. In his office behind the counter, Jack envisioned the Seth he remembered: One excellent set of arms - hell his older brother Gregg used to say Mark Maguire's forearms were pussies next to Seth's. Looking at his calendar on his desk, Jack saw that he had about 40 minutes before Seth MacAllister would be dropping by with his pickup.

Wondering if he should beat off now or after the estimate was done, Jack gave himself a few good squeezes. Better wait was the decision as he pulled his cock one last time. Jack loved going commando under the coveralls. He had gotten more head that way by businessmen whose rentals had broken down on the interstate or by local men who had heard the whispers over the net. He and his rig were bandied about by truckers far and wide as the thickest cock in these parts and that you almost wanted to see your transmission break down so that Jack Bolton would ride to your rescue.

Seth with his dog, Patton, in the passenger seat chugged their way onto the lot of the Bolton Garage and Detail Shop 30 minutes early. Patton stayed in the truck while Seth entered the small reception area as the sign in the glass door did say OPEN. A small set of bells jingled announcing his entrance, but no one appeared. Just behind the counter and register, off to the side - Seth saw a door with "OFFICE of the OWNER" cracked open. "Anyone here?" Seth asked in a loud voice. Walking towards the door, Seth stopped when he saw Jack Bolton quickly open it and pat down his coveralls trying to appear relaxed and calm. But the tenting in his groin left nothing to the imagination of Seth who was still on hyper-hormonal drive the past few weeks. The full moon, the encounter with his fellow firefighter Rick Chason, last night with that musclepup Zeek, and that cute blonde dude he saw at the swimming hole jacking off alone had him totally aware of all male sex clues, his gaydar that he fought to deny was working too well this morning.

They eyed each other, one very embarrassed at his condition - the other more than a bit interested in what he saw. After a brief uncomfortable pause, they warmed up and asked the polite questions about each other's families, parents, life and business. Jack while no brain surgeon, had the gift of gab and had Seth totally at ease and uninhibited very quickly. What he could not get Seth to do was stop looking at his crotchrocket however. Walking out to the pickup truck, Jack adjusted his beercan cock again. He hoped Seth would not see him do it, but Seth caught every manipulation of his hand as he pushed the cock down and then off to the side which did not help matters.

Patton took an instant liking to the mechanic who petted him vigorously behind the ears. The dog lapped at Jack's swollen cock area, bringing it further to life. "He likes you, not every stud gets that sort of loving from Patton here let me tell you..." said Seth trying to make light of his dog's actions. Jack was floored, but curious why Seth was not shying away and directing the conversation to other things. "You must be in a dry spell huh...if the wind and my dog can get that kind of rise out of you so quickly Jack." Seth just smiled thinking he was funny. He remembered that there were stories about Jack giving the football team blowjobs in high school and wondered if he was gay or was that all just rumor and part of growing up if true.

Jack's brother Gregg, once when asked by Seth, changed the subject quickly to other topics. Gregg knew Seth came from the good side of the town and did not want his new best buddy to think less of him nor his family. So Seth never was privileged to get some moist mouth around his cock when visiting or when fishing with the Boltons. But plenty of other friends of Gregg did. Gregg had admitted Jack's nickname was "Lipps" but did not elaborate to Seth.

Jack squatted down and looked around and under the pickup jotting a few notes, scribbled a few numbers for parts that he would need to order. Standing back up, he ripped the seam in his butt exposing his cute hairy ass - it was perfectly round and had a light covering of fine black hair. Seth's mouth gaped. He had not seen such a juicy little ass like that even at the gym. Jack sputtered and apologized. But Seth told him "shit happens" and tried to help him by pulling the right swatch of cloth over to the left. His thumb came into contact with that nice little butt.

"You aren't the slightest bit embarrassed are you Jack Bolton with this unveiling?" asked Seth who shoved his hand inside the ripped opening and rubbed the ass a bit. "Why don't we head inside to your office and see what I can do about this situation while you tally up my estimate?"

Jack gurgled as Seth's expert hand cupped his one buttcheek. Looking down the front of his coveralls, Jack saw a large wet spot was growing. He began to drip bubbles of precum at this turn of events.

"Better yet, I have an idea Seth you might like if I am reading you right and I think I am...why don't you pull this pickup inside the middle bay so I can jack it up and we can check your ball bearings out? You game big guy?" panted Jack. Seth, whose cock was now in Jack's hand, nodded.

"This come with my estimate I take it?" asked Seth as he tightened his grip on the flexed orb. Seth let his middle finger slip into the crack. He quickly tapped the rosebud to get a reaction. Jack nodded back to Seth's question and the persistent tap at his hole.

"Yes it does, but wait till you see what else Bolton's Garage and Detail Shop does for their best customers..." Jack said through clenched teeth playing the word game with the huge musclegod that came walking into his life this morning. Taking his hand off Seth's cock, Jack rubbed the lower lip of Seth who was now turned on by the sexual exchange. The finger of Jack slid into Seth's mouth. Seth sucked it gently and bobbed his mouth back and forth as if it were getting fucked by it.

"Let me get the truck inside and we can really go to town Jack," said Seth as he pulled back and opened the truck door. Jack quickly stepped back and ran to the garage to open the bay door so the truck could enter.

After unlatching the tailgate, Seth began to yank off his sweats. Jack pulled down a single mattress size chunk of foam rubber that was hooked to the garage wall and laid it flat in the bed of the pickup. "You do this often Jack or only with preferred customers?" inquired Seth as he fought with the zipper of his sweat jacket. With his sweat pants crumpled at his ankles you would think he looked ridiculous standing there. But all Jack saw were cuts in Seth's huge thighs, a cord of muscle wrapped around each of his kneecaps and a distinct bulge pulsing in the black cotton shorts Seth was wearing that morning. They were bunched high and gave little coverage to his pubic area.

Jack glowered at the Musclegod, hungry for a tasting. Licking his lips he nodded for Seth to come over to the truck. Trying to kick away his sweats from his ankles and feet, Seth's cock flopped around as he lowered his black cotton shorts. Finally naked, Seth walked over with his cock swinging freely between his muscled legs. "Looks like you have a hungry mouth Lipps..." smiled Seth. "Believe me, after last night I am ready for more hot lovin' and I think I have myself a choice partner here now don't I?"

Jack nodded with uncommon lust. Shucking his coveralls off his wide shoulders in one easy movement, Jack unveiled his own development. Seth was momentarily stunned. He did not quite expect to see such masculinity. And all covered in a light dusting of black curly hair, making Jack even more desirable in Seth's mind. This stud was hot, hotter than Seth could have imagined. His development and aura reeked of manliness. "I'm not some fembot Seth. I am all man. And a man who likes to suck cock....thus the name Lipps. I know how to turn most men inside out and upside down. Practice makes perfect and you may have heard whispers back in high school. Most guys I did came back for more....often. I knew what I was doing, looking back on those years - I needed to suck those jock's cocks. Shit, I could not get enough and got better and better the more I practiced. Just like wrestling moves....they could not get enough either. But you never came though. You were who I wanted to cum more than any of Gregg's friends. You were the ultimate prize in my mind in high school. Seeing you stride to catch a fly ball in centerfield with those huge legs and that speed. All wrapped up like a nice Christmas gift in those tight uniforms. Shit, I used to cream myself under the bleachers thinking of you Seth. But you never came to cum. Never. Not till today did you?" Jack hypnotically droned on while stroking his beercan cock. Never letting his eyes deviate from Seth who was still stationary looking at this butch muscular mechanic who was practically begging for his cock and muscle.

Seth shook his head 'no', admitting he never did come over to cum. "I would have liked to Jack and one time I even asked about the rumors I had heard, but Gregg said only that your nickname was Lipps and switched subjects....." Eager to get his cock in Jack's mouth, Seth stepped forward two more feet closer to Jack who did not let up on his own cock. "I want you to suck me off now though Jack. I want to fuck around with you so bad right now. Goddamn you have a fucking tight body and so sexy with that black carpet on your chest. Look at my crotch Jack, look how you got me all hard for yours," said Seth as he squeezed himself. "You want it bad don't you want my cock AND I think you want to play with my muscles too don't you ready for some hot lovin'?" asked Seth who began to pinch his own tits.

His mouth open and a slight drool seeping out off to the side, Jack nodded to the bed of the pickup and the foam mattress. Seth looked and hesitated a second. "You get up there first Jack, I want you on your back stud," ordered Seth. Jack released his cock and climbed in pausing to make sure Seth saw his musclehole and its black fleeced lining. "Stop right there Jack...." Seth bent forward and licked his crack lightly. Then rubbing his hand deep into the crack separating the muscular buttcheeks with his hands, Seth dove down and took a few long licks around the hole. It was clean and winked back at the attention. "Nice ass Jack, real nice ass.... But I will get to that later stud. Get on your back for me, "said Seth.

Flipping over quickly, Jack grabbed his thick cock to begin playing with it. "When you gonna let me have your meat Seth...I've been waiting a long time for you....don't tease me any longer..." panted Jack.

"Relax, I got all have customers coming or you want this customer to tell me Jack....all I had planned today was doing some lifting at the gym to get even bigger. Today is my chest day. People love my biceps but truth be told, my chest development is truly awesome and these huge mantits I have....well Christ Almighty Jack, I've had guys feast on them like newborns for hours on end. They are so big and round and hang face down. Want me to pop you a few poses and get you going? Want me to Jack...say the word....I know you want my cock, but you tell me if you want a show stud...I love posing and making guys happy when they get close up and personal...." Seth rambled as he stroked Jack's inner thighs and around his pubic area. He loved Jack's black silky hair. Leaning his huge torso down, Seth barely let his massive torso skim across the coat of hair. He went back and forth and in circles as their nipples and pecs brushed each other. Jack squealed like a musclepig while rubbing his cock across the lower abdominals of Seth who was braced on his forearms doing this adventure.

"God I love doing this, this is almost as good as getting head or fucking. Isn't it Jack....hey I got an idea you might like....why don't I do some suck me off while I do pushups Jack...every time I lower myself, you get my cock in your mouth and you can suck me off that way....I love doing pushups are gonna love this idea.... Here lay still just like that, now I am going to get over you and you have to support my upper shins just below my kneecaps. Yeah, like that....yeah I know I am a big guy Jack...get your mouth of my cock for a second...will you wait.....oh God you are good wait a fucking second...!"

gasped Seth.

Jack giggled like a starved child, he had finally gotten Seth's meat in his mouth. His own beercan like cock swayed and bolted up from his groin the deeper he sucked for those few seconds when Seth lowered himself. Dying to stroke himself off, he could not let his hands release the huge legs of Seth who began to do pushups over him in the bed of the truck. Seth was a crazy musclefucker he decided. He had never ever given any man a blowjob this way. Gazing up at the massive body above him, Jack kept his mouth and tongue ready for the next insertion. This was going to be better than he thought as Seth lowered and thrust and held his cock in Jack's mouth for close to 20 seconds, then the next time 30 seconds so Jack's tongue and suction could bathe his cockmeat.

Twisting his head to the right, he was amazed at Seth's biceps. They were full and sweating at the exertion. Jack thought, he must be at least 6ft 3in and easily 250lbs or more...he reminded himself to ask for measurements and weight later. Seth lowered his body and with Jack's face turned looking at the bicep's pump, his cock smacked Jack's cheek and left a large swatch of saliva on his freshly shaved cheek. "Hey Lipps...I am here for my party and want to cum....if you want my fucking arms just say so but right now I want to fuck your face some are doing real good down there and I am getting close but get your fucking talented mouth back on my cock now..." barked Seth who was truly enjoying this morning head. He was glad he had not jerked off like he usually did every morning to get himself going. Feeling his load roaming in his lower extremities, Seth began to do his reps faster not letting Jack come off his cock now as he did not extend his arms all the way back up.

Seth became like a fuck machine dipping and thrusting each time he lowered his muscles and cock down towards and into Jack.. Jack's own endurance was a match as his arms never wavered in the support of the MuscleGod. They were having fun and Seth began to laugh with desire. "I am fucking loving this Jack...your lips are the best....Goddamn you are great....fuck yeah....I can feel myself getting closer're gonna get a load like you have never had before in your fucking life pal....this is muscle juice I have....pure muscle cum is gonna be all for you Jack...all of it for is coming up my shaft you better get ready...." said Seth hoarsely.

Using every trick in his mouth and throat to maximize the blowjob, Jack's only wish was to shoot with Seth when he shot. Snorting like the fucking musclepig he was, Jack loved slurping on Seth's tool. It had been worth the wait and the bonus of so much muscle which he had yet to explore and grab and feel was even better. Trying to look down without letting Seth's cock slip out, Jack saw Seth's nuts bracket his cock base as if trying to lift his cum through the shaft. Seth's lower abdominal region was trimmed expertly. Only a small patch of hair graced the cock base area. And some tense popping veins as Seth surged to ecstasy at his own private Lipps Party.

"Oh my fucking God...I'm cumming are sooo fucking good...I'm cumming now, I am fucking cumming man...this is incredible...your mouth is the fucking best....God omigod....Jack! it fucker....." screamed Seth almost in pain but in deep deep pleasure. He had never ever had such good head.

Nine shots plastered Jack's throat, face and neck as Seth thrust and slammed his surging cock in and at Jack's mouth and face. Slowly Seth lowered his huge torso onto Jack almost smothering him under his pecs. Jack turned his face in the nick of time and belched cum from his mouth, the load being so thick and large.

Releasing his hands from Seth's upper shins, Jack shimmied to the side of the heaving MuscleGod and lightly ran his fingers around the still rock hard cock of Seth. Seth crunched over as his nerves on his cock twitched at the attention. "You fucker...that was incredible. Thanks a million....some estimate you could say I left a deposit huh!"

Staring at his new buddy, Jack rolled Seth onto his back switching places on the foam mattress. Climbing onto Seth, Jack slid his beercan cock between the valley of pecmeat. Leaking a steady stream of precum, Jack slowly fucked Seth's mantits.....grabbing onto them with his hands he pushed them close so they could grip his thick cock. Leaving a wet line of precum in the valley, Jack looked down at Seth who was smiling contently. "You like this don't you like me playing with your body. I want to shoot all over your enormous chest pal. Okay? I could become a slave to you and your body Seth....oh it comes....I feel it cumming," said Jack who thrust his cock faster and faster between the beefy tits. Gripping them tight in his hands Jack rammed his cock forward repeatedly faster and faster as the cum raced up his cock.

"Spray me Jack....shoot all over my fucking muscular chest...make it yours.....shoot on me now...." encouraged Seth who tried to flex his chest for Jack while laying on his back.

"Here I cum Seth.....oh God....oh fuck....fuck.....Gooooooddddddammmnnnn thiiissss is grreeeeattttt" gasped Jack as tons of man juice covered Seth's pecs and face....Jack had become a fuck cannon for Seth the MuscleGod.

To be continued. Thx

Any recommendations, suggestions, scenarios are welcomed. Pls visit my other serial on Nifty under Beginnings: LUKE OLSSON which also deals with bodybuilders, jocks and the love of muscle. Thanks.

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