
By moc.loa@tuolcyhs

Published on May 12, 2004


SETH: MuscleGod in Middle America

Chapter 7 - Seth takes the Minister's son Camping

Seth really did not know why he agreed to take Ethan Langeron camping that weekend, probably to make his own mother happy he guessed. He really just wanted to go up and do some fishing with Patton his dog and get away from people for awhile. The past month had been demanding in the job and if he never saw people again, it would be too soon.

Ethan was a nice kid on the surface. Being the son of the minister at the church he and his family attended, Seth had watched the young buck grow up before his eyes. But he was still just a senior in high school and Seth had been out of that mindset for just about ten years.

Ethan on the other hand had been popping wood the entire week. It was like his crotch was divinely inspired not just by God, but because the school record and state Batting Champion record holder Mr Centerfield himself, Seth - the MuscleGod, had asked him to go fishing and camping in the mountains this spring weekend. Ethan played centerfield too when not pitching and was making a respectable run at Seth's longstanding Batting Average. But Ethan knew in his own mind, with just 8 games left and down by 9 points the chances were slim with him in the middle of a slump at the plate.

An extraordinarily handsome young man, Ethan at 18 years of age played the role of dutiful son. His father the minister was none the wiser of his exploits in town, in school and in church. His six foot frame had yet to fully fill out, but his long legs and strong midsection had provided him with a potent foundation to pitch the ball as well as swing the bat on the local high school baseball team. Ethan's blonde hair was thick and a bit longer than his father liked to acknowledge. Lean and defined was his upper body with not a trace of hair. His nipples were tiny dime size puppies that were extremely sensitive when toyed with, but Ethan had yet to find a master of this activity.

In fact, Ethan had yet to find a satisfying sexual partner. His father, he snickered on many occasion, would die if he knew how many times he had gotten head since his junior year began. Most all the cheerleaders from school, two female teachers and four congregation members had serviced him and his "Louisville slugger" he called Sluggo. Some handled it fine, but none really made his toes curl or his beauteous abs crunch when he gushed his seed into their mouths or onto their faces. He had to admit, that one college scout from State had done a real nice job, but he gagged and had gotten cum all over his good suit in the office there at school. They were just cleaning up when his Coach began knocking on the door. It was a close call and one Ethan did not want to repeat soon. That was till Seth, the MuscleGod, stopped by after a game one afternoon to talk to his old Coach and congratulate him on the team's run to the district tournament.

The Coach was not in when Seth wandered into the locker room, so he waited. But Ethan who was undressing down the aisle way saw the huge slab of beef walk into the locker room. Watching the massive stud look around the locker room as he stood at the Coach's office door, Ethan decided to become pro-active. He was after all the school Homecoming King and an ambassador of goodwill of sorts. This title and his ability to gab had gotten him more head than he cared to admit. He figured to himself, "Let's try one for the old home team..." as he strided up to the hunk in nothing but his compression shorts that magnified his jock and cup's bulge. His tight taut torso was still sweaty from the game. Trying to wipe away the beads of sweat from his lats and face, Ethan extended his hand to shake Seth's after drying them on his compression shorts. Cupping his crotch and adjusting his cup a bit as if to "freshen" it up while his hands were down there, Ethan smiled innocently at Seth.

Seth still coming to grips with his new found taste for dick honey stood there amazed at the uninhibited blonde six-footer. He stuck out his hand to shake and congratulated Ethan on his homerun and getting the win though he had been pulled in the 8th inning for a reliever.

Noticing that Seth was a bit ill at ease, Ethan suggested they go inside to wait for the Coach who was still outside talking to the local newspaper about the game.

Ethan also noticed that Seth's khaki shorts were beginning to move. Seth looked very appetizing to the hormonal high schooler who grabbed his cup/jock and pulled them from his body. "Just airing them out a bit after a big game. You know what I mean don't you Seth?" Ethan asked. Seth blushed at the provocative move by the young stud. Ethan continued on, "Did not see you at church this past Sunday Seth, on the road again with the job or did you just sleep in from a long night of clubbing and drinking?"

Seth sat down and adjusted his cock which was beginning to pulse with the sexual come-ons Ethan was tossing his way. Going commando this afternoon after work was not necessarily the wisest thing to have done. He was definitely picking up good vibes from this stud and truth be told, he would not mind sucking him off, BUT he was the minister's son for Christ's sake! Ethan moved closer to the desk and plopped his tight butt on it, close to Seth. "Coach may be awhile, wanna coke or something to drink till he gets here Seth? I could use something really wet after that game let me tell ya. I don't know what I need, a tall one like you Seth or a big thick juicy piece of meat in my mouth..."

"Did you just say that I thought you said Ethan? Are you coming on to me Ethan...are you really that stupid and careless?" asked Seth who was quite stunned at the blatant sexuality of his own minister's son. But after his own dreams and exploits the past few months, nothing really should have bamboozled him at this point. Seth had enjoyed too many encounters the past few months to become pious.

Putting his hand down his shorts, Ethan began to remove his cup. Coming at Seth verbally as if he heard nothing, Ethan figured he had nothing to lose with the gentle muscle giant. Out came the cup and it was placed right next to Seth. His nostrils caught a whiff of masculine sweat. Seth was fastidious and a neat freak 9xs out of 10, but being in the locker room had brought back too many unfulfilled desires for his team mates and one very special coach.

"Look Seth, everyone in town knows you have one of the fucking hottest bodies outside of Muscle Beach, California...if you don't know that everyone wants it, to touch it, to bed you down...well then you really are one stupid fuck. But I honestly don't think any of that escapes you...does it? Seth, just look at your crotch. The little bit I tossed your way sure got a reaction now didn't it MuscleGod? Just enough to let me know you are game for some fun...It's not hurting anyone is it? When you boil it down...I need head, you need to be worshipped, we both need to get off and in the end that's what it is all about now isn't you wanna play?" asked Ethan.

Ethan began to pull his cock after he lowered his shorts a bit. His cock was long and slender with a nice sized head. Not unusually thick, but quite long, at least 8 inches. Ethan stared down at his own cock and watched tiny bubbles of precum seep from his piss slot. "God I love to jerk off Seth, do you like to jerk off? I could do this all day long but usually I get anyone I want to suck me off...and today I have a feeling it is going to be your lucky day. I usually don't get this hard this quick, but looking at your fucking body are too hot Seth. I have never ever seen such muscle on one guy, not even in most muscle magazines!"

Seth was nailed to the chair, he did not know which end was up. Ethan was kind of tall. In Seth's mind, his lovers should all be 5ft 10in or under that. And while Ethan was well muscled, he was lean and defined not beefy and round. But he was tight and he had a nice cock. Seth freed his own cock by pulling up his khaki shorts and letting it seek some air. He was dripping now too. His cock was pulsing with lust. It told him to bend over and swab that dick with a good coating of spit and make this fucker earn his body. Seth looked at Ethan who was still staring at his own slender dick.

Ethan noticed the stare and smiled, "So you ready to service me Mr. Batting Champ? You ready to give some head to Sluggo here? I think I might like this a bit more if you took off your shirt and show me something mister? How's about it?"

Seth was pulling his shirt up and had his pecs all primed for some loving when the office door jiggled.

Quickly and smoothly, Ethan inserted his dick back into his shorts all ablaze. Seth tucked himself in and yanked his shorts down to cover his leaking cock and remained nailed to the chair.

"Hey Coach, look who stopped by...Mr. Batting Champ record holder himself, Seth MacAllister! He is looking good if not better than when he played for you Coach, don't you think?" babbled Ethan. "I wonder if he could still swing a bat as smoothly as he did when he was in high school with all that extra muscle he's put on? Just how big are your muscles Seth?" And with that, Ethan plopped his huge hands on Seth's delts and squeezed that sent a message - telling Seth to relax, all was fine and their day would cum real soon. Seth liked that squeezing of his delts. It told him, his body was still in demand - even by young arrogant punks like Ethan.

He and Ethan would get it on, no doubt about it. It was just a question of time and place. They both were speaking the same language. But Seth knew he had the upper hand as Ethan's grip never let go of his muscles and in fact roamed down to his 21 inch guns before departing his body to adjust himself as he turned away from the Coach.


Seth pulled up to Rev. Langeron's rancher and out bounded Ethan with his camping gear and fishing rod and tossed them in the back of Seth's pickup. Seth looked down at Ethan's feet which were covered in flip flops. In fact, all he had on was a white tank top and an oversized pair of hiking shorts that barely clung to his thin waist. Seth commented, "Aren' t you a bit too casual for the weekend Ethan? We are going to hike up the mountain before we break for camp tonight."

"I got my hiking boots in my bag Seth, ease up...I came prepared for a good weekend, did you? Bring your case of rain big guy?" giggled Ethan as he punched the huge right delt of Seth who was shifting gears to back up. Seth instinctively flexed and his bicep bulged at the friendly punch. Seth knew it would get a reaction. He did not however expect Ethan to fondle his huge gun with both hands and so delicately like he was placing fine china onto a shelf at a department store. Shaking his bicep loose from the young stud, Seth eyed his camping partner's shorts which had developed a puptent quite quickly. Seth thought silently, "This is going to be one strange weekend in a good way OR just one strange weekend...I am going to push it a bit from the start."

Tugging at his own shorts, Seth allowed some air to climb his inner quad. He was glad he had gotten in a noon workout before packing and picking up Ethan. He still had a pump and knew it gave him an edge through the his mind.

"You know what Ethan, you can be a real smartass for a minister's boy can't you?" blurted out Seth. " I was thinking of the Coach's office episode from about a month ago...and can I be real honest here Ethan? You want my body, you have a nice dick and you expect to have a really good time sexually this weekend don't you. You have no interest in camping or fishing with me one whit do you?"

"That about sums it up for me MuscleGod if you want to know the the truth. I figure I can get Sluggo taken care of by just about anyone back in Hooterville any time I want. But to have it taken care of by Seth, the that is something to sacrifice for....So I am giving him to you this weekend. Sluggo is all yours Seth, all weekend long. I can stay rock hard a real long time. Look at me now, look at me Seth....we are not even out of the city limits by 8 miles and it is hard. Of course, I did get to feel one of your awesome guns. It was fucking something. Maybe you can pose for me by campfire later tonight okay? Think about it, I know Sluggo would like to see that little show." responded Ethan.

"It is not going to be that way Ethan. For me to do a posing session or even to let you touch me are going to have to suck me off while I drive us to the State Forest. One of my friends at work was telling us at lunch last week how his girlfriend gets him all hot and bothered when he drives. First, she gets him worked up verbally with what she wants to do to him and then she teases him with her hands, then she kind of nips at his chest with licks and tweaks and then well eventually ....she goes down on him while they are driving on the highway. And I got to thinking to myself when I saw you come out of your house. That Ethan, he could do the same for me this afternoon. And then when you were feeling me up when you thought you were funny with that crack about rubbers....I figured, you know what Seth? He has to suck you off or just drive him back home and you go fishing like you want - alone."

Ethan turned in the pickup cab mortified at Seth's dialogue. There was no way he was going to suck Seth off this weekend. This weekend was all about Sluggo getting serviced by Seth - The MuscleGod and him playing with that body. It was not about him giving head to anyone.

Seth sneered at Ethan's paled look. "Ready to get busy Ethan? I will make it easy for you, give you some do me good, I will let you feel a flexed muscle as I drive. I know, I know it is going to be a bit uncomfortable in the cab with you bent over sucking me off or crouched down around the gear shaft getting to my shaft...but it can be done and I honestly think you are going to have a really good time sucking me off. I have not touched myself in about two days so my first load is going to be fucking huge. And Ethan, you get to feel me up all you want PROVIDED you do a good job."

"You've got to be kidding me Seth with this..." quaked Ethan.

"Nope, not really Ethan. That is what is going to happen or I am going to turnaround up here at the next gas station and take you home. How do you like them apples....get it? Apples, Adam and being a minister's son and everything..." chuckled Seth at his own little bit of wit.

Seth put his right arm up on the back of the cab seat as if he was in total control, and in fact he was. He knew he could get his blowjob a bit quicker if he dangled some candy to the kid. It was all psychology. Ethan's eyes and dick betrayed him. Seth knew Ethan wanted to suck his cock and play with his body a bit. He decided to make it easier for the senior baseball stud to swallow his pride before he swallowed his thick meat.

Turning to Ethan in the pickup's cab, Seth smiled. "I tell you what Ethan, why don't I show you a bit of muscle first to let you see what you get if you do a real good job on my cock?" Ethan nodded reluctantly but interested.

"You see I am wearing a white teeshirt similar to you but it is not a tank top and I don't have my abs hanging out like you...but if you pull my shirt from my pants, you are going to get a real eyeful of abs and some corded muscle....why don't you try doing that for me okay?" asked Seth calmly. Seth sucked in his abs waiting for Ethan to pull his shirt up and out, but Ethan's eyes were lasered onto Seth's huge pecs and his juicy aureoles that were poking out of the thin material. Seth looked down when he saw where Ethan's eyes were and had the monster mantits dance a bit for the high school stud who gasped at the performance.

Ethan's right hand began to reach over and up to touch, but Seth grabbed him and told him, "I told you to pull up my shirt and get a look at my abs Ethan. You will get to play with those later if you do well sucking me off. Now take care of my abs." Ethan choked back a groan that only made Seth smile even more confidently. He was glad he had spoken to his old pitching coach before the trip and looked forward to comparing notes after this weekend.

Seth lifted his ass off the seat and allowed Ethan to shimmy his shorts down past his knees to his ankles. Wearing only a small swimmers jock, Seth knew his thick meat was a visual treat laid up in the pouch. Ethan was mesmerized as Seth's huge quads and frame became unveiled while he drove. All of Seth was massive: his torso, his quads, his aureoles that were still covered and his thick muscular neck. Seth was a MuscleGod of the first order and he was sitting right next to him in the moving pickup.

"Good job pal, I told you my abs were something. Look at the recesses and definition in that six pack. Gets me hard, how about you? Now why don't you get down there Ethan and kind of get me all wet. I want my jock drenched with your spit and saliva pal. I kind of like that and knowing you are doing it makes it a bit more special to me...since you are following my footsteps in school and on the baseball team. There, that's not too difficult is it?" pattered Seth who rubbed Ethan's neck as he bent down and began lapping at Seth's jock covered crotch.

"You are doing really good there Ethan. Get it real nice and wet...see, my cock is growing for you thick meat likes your mouth a lot. I can feel it getting real thick for us pal. Keep it up...and I will let you suck my chest in about two miles Ethan...yeah..." Seth's voice was rapidly becoming hoarse. This kid was an expert and he had not even gotten the jock off yet. He was ravenous for cock and muscle.

Ethan was enjoying the game. He never thought he would be doing this, but glad he was. All he was expecting was to get his dick stalk taken care of and play with Seth's biceps and body a bit. He never in a million years thought he would get to suck off the MuscleGod. With some luck, he thought, wait till he sees my tail feather! Coming up for some air and a quick break, Ethan asked if he could take of his tank top and push his own shorts down.

"Sure, you do what you need to do as long as you suck me off good Ethan. How about you come up a bit and get my tee behind my head so you can pay some homage to this massive chest? Go ahead, I have one hand on the wheel..." Seth said. Ethan quickly got Seth's head through the opening and had the white tee behind his neck in no time. Ethan drooled as the pec meat was now his. Seth laughed softly at the drool dripping from his mouth. "Go ahead Ethan, you know you want them. But just do one first. Attaboy, lick me nice and lightly with just your tongue. I might just let you nurse there all weekend long if you do it well. Everybody loves my chest and biceps...I do too." Seth rolled his head back at the intense feelings Ethan was able to induce with his mouth on his body. This kid was going to be a real allstar!

Slurping nicely at Seth's huge juicy aureole, Ethan noticed it getting smaller and pointy as he worshipped it. Backing up from the mammoth slab of muscle, Seth let him eye it as the work of art it was. Ethan wanted more time with it. But Seth danced it for him again and told him to get back down on his cock for another 5 minutes.

"Can I free your cockmeat now Seth? Let me get that jock off your cock so I can really go to town and worship you?" asked Ethan reverently.

"Sure kid, why are doing well. Bet you never thought you would be having this much fun now did you?" Seth said as he let Ethan pull the elastic strap down his thunderous thighs. Ethan did not wait long once the cockmeat was free and clear. He devoured the thick meat and tried to inhale Seth whole in one fell swoop but failed.

"Your nipples aren't too bad themselves Ethan," said Seth as he rubbed Ethan's neck while he bobbed up and down on his cock. Seth reached around and flicked Ethan's left nipple and was stunned at the reaction. Ethan's whole body developed a coat of goosebumps at that slightest of touching that Seth's fingers had done.

Ethan's tongue swirled around Seth's glans as he pulled to come off the thick cock and howl. But Seth's arm strength kept him on his cock. Seth pressed down hard on Ethan's head and back as he shoved all his cock up into Ethan's mouth.

"What are you crazy man? All I did was tweak you left nip Ethan..." Seth said keeping an eye on the road. "Sensitive are we? Well that is good to know...maybe I can show you some tricks later this weekend....omigod...that is good...yeah Ethan, what are you doing...on yeah...just suck my head a bit...yeah baby, yeah...that's incredible baby..." moaned Seth who could feel the jism beginning to churn up his shaft.

Ethan now decided to level the playing field a bit. Taking of a few of his fingers from his right hand, he began to massage the base of Seth's pubic area right under his scrotum while continuing to suck off the MuscleGod. Working his fingers under the sac and rubbing that inner cockmuscle, Ethan slurped the top half of Seth's cock. Taking just three inches down his throat and getting it extremely wet, Ethan stroked the shaft with his left hand while doing his patented Hoover vacuum routine. He knew his favorite stud, his pitching coach, popped his loads very quickly when he went into "overdrive" as the coach called it. Ethan decided to see if Seth was as easy.

Seth pulled him off back off his cock by his thick blonde hair. "Easy there stud...I am not ready to feed you my cum...I want you up on my biceps now...take a break from my cock and show them some love...let me flex this right one for you...okay..." Seth hoarsely murmured. Bending his arm down towards Ethan who was still hovering over his crotch, Seth flexed his favorite muscle, his right bicep. Keeping his left hand on the steering wheel, Seth nodded to Ethan to get to work and told him, "It's all yours's all me some love..." The huge bicep pulsed with hardness as Ethan's face drew near.

Ethan's lips were red and puffy by now after working the thick meat Seth called his cock. But they were not tired and attacked in loving fashion the huge 21 inch right bicep Seth popped for him to worship. After a few kisses and long laps of his tongue around the crown, Ethan scooted back up on the seat and felt all of Seth's musculature. He worshipped all he could grab onto. Working first Seth's right pec and taking his hand rubbing the contours from pec to delt to neck and back out over the arm while the huge bicep kept flexed. Ethan's long slender dick swayed like a wand and seemed to want to grow longer and bigger itself. It was a wondrous experience for someone who loved muscles.

"Oh brother got me really going here pal...keep that up, I love it...I love all what you are doing to me and my muscles...that's it pal...lick that rock hard gun...fuck yeah...feel it, can you fucking feel how hard I made it...yeah baby...give me your hand, stroke me while you....omigod, that's good pits....lap it up baby....lick got to get back to my cock better make it quick...omigod you fucker you are sooooo damn suck me good....come on take it pal....take it all...yeah you fucker...." Seth was losing the battle with his load. He wanted desperately to hold out for another flex session, but Ethan working his bicep and upper chest was too much.

Ethan took his hands off Seth's cock and gave himself a few strokes. Seth was dying to get Ethan's mouth back on his cock. But Ethan kept stroking himself with his right hand and then slowly reached over and began stroking Seth as if they were one with his left hand.

"No Ethan...I want you on my cock now...I'm ready to shoot you little fucker..." Seth had his legs jammed rigid fighting off the surging spew that was cumming up his cock. "You got to get down on me pal..." Seth grabbed over Ethan's left hand with his own right hand and squeezed it hard to choke off the orgasm.

Ethan laughed at the turn of events. "I did well didn't I MuscleGod? Got you all hot and bothered and ready to shoot..."

"Listen Ethan, you want my muscles, you suck me off...I want to gush now so get your fucking mouth back on my cock and take the load or I swear to God, I will drive you back home and there will be no camping trip smartass..." panted Seth.

"How about if I get off too...that's allowed isn't it?" inquired Ethan who kept stroking his long slender dick and pointing it at Seth who looked at it with some interest.

Ethan lowered himself back onto Seth's cock and began his magic. Sucking like a piglet on a teat, Ethan knew it was going to take less than two minutes for Seth's load to come shooting out of his thick meat. Savoring the experience, Ethan released his own dick and reached up to the mantits again. Pinching them while Seth squirmed in his seat driving, Ethan began to hum on Seth's cock. Seth's body was sweating from the heat they had generated in the pickup. He loved it when someone loved his body and Ethan was getting off on his muscles. His adoration of his pecs and biceps were perfection.

Seth felt it. It was going to be a was fucking incredible as his cum raced up his cock. Slamming his gas pedal to the floor of the cab, Seth unleashed a cry of fuck as his load charged out of his pisshole into Ethan's mouth. Ethan was unprepared as more and more came shooting out..trying to back off from the assault, Seth held him firm with his right hand. Gripping Ethan's head, Seth kept his warm moist mouth on his engorged cockhead...all the while his creamy white load kept cumming out....more and more....

"Oh sweet Jesus...." gasped Seth as his cock twitched with delight at the intensity of the load. "Fucking incredible....thanks Ethan...."

Ethan sat back up and had cum seeping out of his mouth and around his cheeks where the overflow went. But he looked satiated as he kept stroking his own dick. Totally naked and looking like a slut, Ethan increased the stroking to a feverish pace. Reaching over to the right arm of Seth, Ethan tilted towards it and licked it. Seth flexed it with a smile on his face. "Can't get enough of my muscles can you Ethan? You like 'em too huh? They are my little miracles..."

Ethan smeared his mouth across the meat of the bicep leaving a coating of cum to dry.

"Go ahead, smear my cum on this baby...only protein...gonna make it bigger is my guess...that's nice, lick me just like that Ethan...want me to flex it really hard for you Ethan so you can get off and love it more?" asked Seth still in an afterglow of his own orgasm. He wanted Ethan to be glowing too.

Ethan could now feel his own load cumming. "Omigod Seth...I want to shoot...pull over pal, pull over....I want to shoot my seed on your chest....hurry you fucker, its gonna be a huge load....omigod you musclegod....hurry..." Ethan squeezed his lovestalk tightly to edge it.

Seth pulled off the road and slammed the pickup into park. Turning his massive torso towards Ethan, he flexed his chest and had his pecs burst forth towards Ethan who gazed with lust. Ropes of cum shot out over the huge slabs as Ethan draped them with his seed.

Eight shots came forth. Ethan aimed perfectly at the huge mantits, his wet seed felt warm to Seth who loved this finale. As the first load hit his bulbous pecs, Seth's cock began to harden. He grabbed his cock and began to stroke while Ethan gushed one rope of cum then another and yet another onto his flexed chest. Seth could not believe the feeling as the electrical jolt surged throughout his body. His legs quivered with anticipation as more cum drenched his torso.

Ethan finished and leaned into Seth who frenched him as they collapsed in exhaustion from their sexual frenzy. Forehead to forehead, the two studs tongues dueled with each other for several minutes. Seth took the initiative and gently hugged the ball player close, Ethan's cum was rubbed off as their bodies melded. "Thanks Ethan, that was a fucking fantastic way to start the camping trip..." said Seth.

Fifteen minutes later, they approached the State Forest and loaded up their backs with their gear. Patton followed the young men, sniffing tentatively at Seth's new friend, Ethan, who attempted to rub his head but Patton scooted away with his bright blue ball firmly in his jaws.

They set up camp quickly and woofed down some PBJs that Seth had made that afternoon. The small fire provided just enough warmth in the chilly spring air. Calling it a night, Seth suggested that they hit the sack early so they could finish hiking to the mountaintop lake early in the morning and be fishing by 9am. Ethan was a bit surprised by the turn of events. He had imagined them staying up all night talking sex, exploring each other's bodies more and comparing "box scores."

But Seth quickly stashed the foodstuffs into a sealed compartment. When he turned around, he saw that Ethan's naked butt was staring at him. The minister's son was stepping out of his hiking shorts and all he had on was his white tank top when he stood up.

Seth's eyes were like saucers as he saw the firm little butt had a fleece like lining in it's crack. All dark blonde and curly. Ethan knew his ass was prime and never failed to shake it when given the opportunity. In a lot of ways, it was his calling card for guys...a few jocks in school and studs in town could not not resist looking at his tight ass. It was not a bodybuilder's bubble butt but a small and rounded mass of firm muscle. It held up his pants at a 90 degree angle. It was not much larger than two cantaloupes you eat every morning thought Seth as he stared.

While his ass was tight, Ethan rarely let it get surrendered. Most guys whom he let suck him off were more enthralled with what the minister's son had upfront: Sluggo. Sluggo was the piece de resistance. Just like a real Louisville Slugger, Sluggo needed a firm grip and a lot of attention so that when it swung, it delivered.

Ethan loved teasing all who gave him service. He liked to flop it over their faces and pelt them on their cheeks with it. He would get down in his batter's stance and swing it past their tongues, guys especially that followed his career in high school died for it to get put back in their "bat rack" as Ethan taunted them about their throats before shooting a load of throat yogurt. Ethan's dick betrayed his interests too often however.

To Be Continued....

All comments, suggestions, recommendations, insights are welcome. Do not be fooled. The SETH: MuscleGod in Middle America is an evolving serial with different chapter placed when they are ready. There is a chapter 1 and subsequent intermediary chapters will be posted in due time. Thanks:

I can be found on Yahoo IM: shyclout2002 during most week nights after 9pm est.

Next: Chapter 3

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