
By moc.loa@tuolcyhs

Published on Apr 26, 2004


SETH: MuscleGod in Middle America

2: Seth meets Rick

The clanging of the weights brought a smile to the soft gentle voiced behemoth as he walked past the front desk. It had been a full week since he had been allowed to do any kind of lifting since he busted up his ankle at the fire. While not seriously hurt, Seth did have to wear one of those plastic mobile casts that kept him out of the gym, his favorite haunt when not at his small farm outside of town. He was eager to pump some major iron as he looked at the few lifters who were in this Saturday morning.

Heading into the locker room with his bag, Seth heard his name called out. It was his fellow volunteer firefighter, Rick Chason, who noted that Seth's limp and hobbling were barely noticeable. Seth nodded and mumbled he would be out in a few after he changed into his workout gear. Seth thought he was scared of Rick, but did not know exactly why. It was really just nerves as Seth got all confused when Rick was near. The constant dreams Seth had been enjoying in the early mornings only added to his confusion. Rick was cool and amusing around the firehouse. Seth's dog, Patton, considered him his second "human father" as Rick tossed the ball with him whenever he visited the firehouse on weekends with Seth.

Seth stripped down and noticed he had not lost any major definition with the week away from the gym as he turned to the mirrored wall in the locker room. He reminded himself to purchase a full size body mirror for his own bedroom at the farm so he could pose and admire himself alone as he pulled up his large jock. Adjusting his manhood, Seth gave himself a good squeeze recalling this morning's session in bed. He loved to wake up and pump out a fresh load of fresh cum before hitting the shower and heading to breakfast and the office during the work week. On weekends he edged himself longer and teased his hole with his fingers - never ever going inside but making his rosebud pucker for his finger's attention. "Someday Seth...somebody worthy will get it..." he thought to himself.

This Saturday morning he gushed an extra creamy white load that puddled onto his pecs. Rubbing the load into his large slabs of beef, Seth felt a surge of power like a jolt of electricity run though his entire body as his fingertips tweaked his large nipples. It was quick, but noticeable and did not last more than two seconds. It energized him in his mind as he jumped from his king size bed and got ready to lift at the gym. He noted a quickened pace in his step and an increased horniness, like he could shoot another 7 shot gusher of cum across the room.

"Maybe I should aim for my pecs all the time," he thought. Smiling Seth decided he had liked the energy that flowed through his massive body.

Still looking in the locker room mirror, Seth let go of his cock and saw that it bulged obscenely in the now seemingly small white jockstrap. Pulling up his blue nylon shorts, Seth smiled at his reflection. "You are one hot young man, Seth MacAllister," he said quietly to himself and reached for the shirt that he pulled over his torso as he headed out of the locker room.

Doing some needed stretches, Seth saw that Rick was working his arms over in the corner. Rick smiled when he looked over at Seth who was staring at him. Seth's arms were huge and actually much larger than Rick's. But right then, Rick's looked awfully appetizing to Seth. He knew he wanted to go over and touch them, squeeze them and feel them up so bad. But he did not know how to make that happen so he stood there and stared, as if bolted to the floor.

Seth loved to flex his own arms for guys and gals at the gym. He was asked repeatedly by most everyone to flex after he worked them hard during the week. "His babies" as he called them were pushing 22 inches now. He thought nothing of it to let them cop a feel after a heavy arm workout...his arms he knew were his calling card. He actually loved doing it as much as his fellow gym rats loved feeling "his babies." Truth be told, Seth loved his entire body and could have easily competed in a national NPC competition if he wanted but he never was inclined to enter. He believed he and his body were meant for other special duties. On the days he concentrated on his legs, he loved his quads and calves. On the days he concentrated on his chest and delts, he loved those muscles. Getting a massage after a gut busting session at the gym was his special reward to himself twice a month. The masseuse, of course, had no idea why Seth insisted on having his feet be the beginning and the end of each massage. Seth became totally aroused when his legs, specifically his lower legs and feet were worked over by strong hands, rubbing out all the tension in his massively muscled body.

This morning with that energy jolt still going through his veins Seth knew something was different inside of him. A layer of inhibitions had been stripped from his mental armor.

Rick's arms were covered in sweat and Seth for a change did not shy away from his dark side as he referred to it. He wandered over slowly to see them up close and was inclined to ask if he could cop a feel of those pumped biceps. Walking over to Rick, Seth mumbled a "Thanks again." Rick had been the firefighter who had pulled him out of the house when his leg went through the staircase. It was not a close call in hindsight, but you never knew with a fire. Rick grunted out a "No problem Seth...let's say you owe me one...when you are ready..." as he continued curling the barbell and watching himself in the mirror. Rick wanted to get as big as Seth and was sorely tempted to put the move on this big guy but he sensed his unease around him.

"I'll give him some time, I can tell he is interested in me for several reasons...he is just bashful," Rick thought silently to himself. "Maybe ask him to be my lifting partner?"

After dropping the barbell, Rick extended his right arm and watched the pump in his thick bicep pulsate. Shaking his arm loose a bit, Rick pretended Seth was like any other lifter there that morning. Just another guy, NOT the guy he pulled from the burning house, NOT the guy who was his fellow volunteer firefighter, NOT the guy he secretly wanted to suck his brains out this morning, BUT just a guy there lifting. Rick had tried this similar modus operandi in his last town and at his last gym. It worked then and he had no doubt he would score again soon. Maybe not this morning with Seth, but soon.

Rick turned full frontal to the mirror and saw that Seth was wide eyed and still staring at him like a lost boy. Having the cast on his one leg made his innocence even more appealing to Rick.

"Need a spotter Seth? I can do you if you want to wait a few minutes.." and then Rick drew up his right bicep and flexed it. It was really improving and sculpted. Rick's own hardness began to show as he loved the male bicep - it was The Muscle. He envied Seth's huge guns. He wanted to play and worship them so bad, but had not set a course of action to secure that right yet. He did get to feel Seth's quickly when he first came to town and worked at this gym but that was before he joined the firehouse and got to know Seth better. He had never gotten close to those huge freaks since.

Rick knew his guns were not Seth's size...not yet. Seth's were so round and hard and fucking huge, they truly were prime beef: USDA approved! And Seth's guns were usually the topic of conversation among the other lifters at the gym when he worked them, but this morning Seth was not working his guns and Seth was right next to him with a boner. You could actually see a nice clear outline of Seth's boner in his blue nylon shorts.

Rick knew he was making progress in his conquest of Seth, but this was at a speed faster than light. He was flattered the big guy was showing some interest back. Rick decided to press his luck a bit and let the chips fall where they may. "What are you going to be working out this morning Seth? Your guns, your chest....I see your legs or should I say ONE LEG looks like it has been pumped already..." joshed Rick. Seth froze and turned crimson. He was floored that Rick would say such a thing out loud and in a public area. He cupped himself and tried to adjust his hard cock to no avail.

"Don't worry about it Seth...happens to a lot in gyms or haven't you noticed? Muscle has that effect on a lot of us guys. Enjoy the moment or are you here to enjoy my moment and my progress with my bis...they are getting good aren't they?" continued Rick as he turned and continued to admire his flexed bicep in the mirror. "Almost as big as your huge mothers...Gotta hand it to you Seth, you are a stud. Your arms are phenomenal pal. They get me going sometimes in the best way possible. When we are at the firehouse doing drills or washing the trucks, it takes everything I have not to stop and pull you to the back room and rape you Seth..." Rick softened his volume and stepped closer to Seth as he lowered his arm. "And when I pulled you out of the staircase at the were kind of out of it, coming in and out of consciousness...I got myself a real good feel of your arms pal. Even in a moment of distress...I just could not resist them. Thank God they are as huge as they are, gave me something to pull on and leverage you out you big lug!"

Seth felt himself get nudged in the side by this hot slick musclejock. Seth's cock was beginning to leak and a small wet spot darkened the blue nylon shorts. Seth did not care this morning, he was flattered at the attention and he wanted to finally cross the bridge and touch another musclehound like himself. Rick was built really nice for his height. Everything about him reeked of sex. Seth could not believe he played on both teams. If what Rick was saying and implying was true, Seth could be one lucky sonuvabitch with him.

"So you are going to do me Rick....I need a lifting partner and a spotter and truth be told, I need a few other things too," said Seth quietly in his gentle voice.

"Sure I will do you Seth...and I will spot you this morning too. But let me be clear. I do not really like to lift with just anyone on a regular basis. If you are here when I am here, GREAT...BUT I want to ask you one favor. And it has to happen if we are going to develop and be working out together...okay? Would you flex for me right now, just give me a shot of your biceps, both of them. I want to see your double bicep shot for myself right here and now. You can keep your shirt on, you don't even have to pump them for me. All I want is for you to give me a double bicep pose...right for me alone...And then I want you to feel my arms, right here on the floor as I flex for you...." Rick hoarsely whispered.

His own lust betraying his control. "It is just something I wanted to do with you, for you since I moved to town and met you at the firehouse...." Rick finished by rolling the barbell with his foot back and forth on the floor. "You game big guy, you want to push it and see what happens? I think it would be so fucking hot....the two hottest most muscular studs right here posing for each other."

Seth looked around shaking his head slowly, " mean right now, could we do it in the locker room away from everyone...aren't you worried about what these guys might say? It is kind of gay don't you think?"

"That's my best offer Seth...take it or leave it...I think you want it and I know you need it, look at you - leaking that cocksnot from your cock missile..." Rick murmured as he reached over and caressed Seth's boner through the nylon material. Seth choked out a sigh. Fortunately for him, most of the lifters were engrossed in their own routines and did not see what Rick was doing with his throbbing cock. Seth's huge back and lats shielded most of Rick's hand and arm action.

"Okay, I will do it but we gotta make it quick Rick...we could do it longer in the locker room or somewhere else..." said Seth whose eyes were glazing over at the workout Rick was applying to his rock hard cock.

"Don't worry Seth...that is going to happen too. And don't worry, I am not even asking you to remove your shirt. I don't want to start a riot....just get 'em up and flex for me you Big!" Rick said sternly.

Seth stared at Rick. He had gotten a command and his mind was making adjustments. Quietly, Seth said " know I have never done something like this before Rick don't you?" He continued to look around the gym hoping no one would notice Rick jerking him off through his nylon shorts....the wet spot was now the size of an Eisenhower silver dollar and growing.

"You are liking my hand action aren't you Seth? You like it that a hot guy like me is into you. I am into you soooo bad," said Rick as he leaned into the big behemoth. "...I have been wanting to get you alone over to my house and work your body over for the past few months...just waiting for the right time. I would never have guessed this morning was my and your lucky day." Rick's hand stopped stroking Seth and began to squeeze his cock girth as if to feel the pulsing blood flow through Seth's second favorite muscle after his huge arms. Each squeeze brought Seth to new heights of sexual tension. Small pearl drops of cum climbed to his pisshole and seeped out. Seth felt he almost had to stand on his toes as if trying to stop the eruption of muscle juice he was sure to come. He loved this feeling and loved the fact that someone other than he was touching his cock and using his muscles.

"Alright, you got me Rick...just a quick double bicep flex is all you wanted and I can keep my shirt on right?" panted Seth close to cumming.

"Yup. We'll see how you like it...posing for me here. And then I will flex for you and you get to feel my progress okay?" responded Rick staring straight into Seth's eyes. No more than 8 inches apart, the stare left no doubt of who was in command.

"Let's see 'em Seth. Get 'em up for me..." Rick spit out revelling in his power.

Seth looked shyly again around the gym before asking one last time, "You sure we can't do it in the locker room? Or I can come over to your house right after I work out this morning and pose for you, even do more than my arms Rick? I would be awesome then, all pumped from a good workout..."

"Nope, right now," said Rick crisply.

"I promise I will work them extra hard and get them pumped if you let me do them with no one around Rick, " offered Seth still hoping he could avoid the intimate public display between them.

"Nope, but if you want to make sure you give me your best double bicep pose - why don't you do a few curls, I know you really want to do that for me don't you Seth?" Seth nodded he would, his arms were his favorite body part and he never ever wanted them just posed. He wanted them to shine and impress when on display.

Quickly bending over, Seth grabbed ahold of the 80lb barbell that was on the floor and blasted out a quick set of 15 reps. Rick just stood and watched, his back to the other lifters, his eyes burrowing down on Seth, he watched as Seth did a second set and then a third set to get the best pump he could for him. Rick's own dick was now grossly tenting his tight red bike shorts he wore to workout. Rick kicked a smaller barbell on the floor to get Seth's attention. Seth looked up and saw Rick press his thumb and pointer finger into his shorts outlining his hugeness. Seth could see what effect he was having on Rick. This morning's energy jolt spread from his massive pecs down to his own groin. They were in synch.

Seth looked up and smiled involuntarily. He knew it. Rick did want him as badly as he wanted to feel Rick. Rick murmured, "See how you got me going stud. Not many guys can get this rise out of me so quick like you do those babies for me pal. I want them the best you can get them and I can't hold out much longer. Do me two more sets and let's see you pose MuscleGod, let's see you flex for me with all you got..." Rick continued to outline his thick tube, its growth was now bordering obscene as the material caught every curve and pulse of his surging cock. Up and down he went along his clothed thick tube with his fingers as it grew out to his hip.

Seth was almost ready to put on the show. His own cock continued to leak cocksnot, but he honestly did not care. He has crossed the bridge and wanted to get Rick off while feeling him up. If posing for him in the gym was a needed step, he would do it. He need to touch and suck another gym rat so bad he could not hold out much longer. Seth wanted Rick, he wanted to surrender to his dark side this morning. He could not believe his luck with Rick here, buff and pumped asking him to show his arms - his favorite muscle, the muscle everyone wanted to touch on him.

Standing up, Seth smiled with full confidence, " ready Rick? You ready for my show like you want? Here they are - shirt on as you said!" Up and flexed Seth's huge guns went. Popping with pure power, the biceps display caught everyone in the gym's attention. A quiet descended on the gym floor for a good 20 seconds as all heads turned to Seth. Seth exulted inside as he always did, he loved being the center of attention and knew his arms drew stares no matter if they were pumped or not. Turning his upper body slightly to his left and then to his right, Seth held his pose long so everyone on the gym floor could see the majesty of his muscularity. Rick stared and smiled at the massive display. His cock was wet inside his tight red shorts. Not cumming, but drooling a steady stream of precum and leaving a huge wet spot you could not ignore.

"Fantastic MuscleGod, you Seth are something....words do not do you justice...fucking awesome and you know it don't you like doing this for me, don't you! Tell me you like posing for me Seth!" Rick said lustfully but clearly.

"I wanted to do this for you Rick. I really did...I like sharing my body and my muscles for people...flexing for you is a pleasure. It gets me hard." said Seth as he lowered his arms.

"Seth, I did not tell you to stop. Get your right bicep up right now..." instructed Rick. Seth followed the order.

Seth was willing to do anything right now for Rick. He had a very appreciative audience of one and wanted nothing more than to please Rick. "Now feel your right peak with your left hand for me Seth. Feels hard doesn't a hard cock, like the cock in my shorts Seth" whispered Rick as he watched Seth grab and feel his right flexed bicep. Seth looked intently at his flexed bicep and then back to the huge red spot of precum that he knew his body had made in Rick's shorts. Rick's cock was growing more huge as Rick worked it feverishly.

Rick walked over to Seth and rubbed his surging cock across Seth's rippled quad. Seth whimpered a quiet, " Fuck yeah...." as a large moist spot was left on his quad. Another electrical jolt went into Seth's system it felt like to him. He felt even more powerful than before.

"Okay, drop it down. Now my turn to treat you Seth as I will get more of you later at my place if you are interested...that is, " said Rick who was breathing heavily at this intense interaction between them.

"I am, " responded Seth who was enjoying the electrical surge flowing through his entire body. His brain was now registering Cum equals Power, Cum is MuscleJuice. He wanted more. On his chest or even finally sucking Rick off and taking a load down his throat. He had never had to give a blow job before, he did not even know if he knew how to give one. Everyone always wanted to touch and suck him off. And he was fine with that, he loved that, he enjoyed nothing more than a talented warm wet mouth surrounding his cock and sucking him off. This morning was going to his best ever he thought.

Rick still glistening with sweat from his own workout ripped off his wife beater and inhaled. Grabbing the loaded bar, he did a quick set of 20 for a slight pump to edge his muscles. Seth sat on the bench and eyed Rick's bare torso that was covered in perspiration. He smiled when he saw the light hair covering Rick had on his ab area that tapered down into his shorts. That was sexy. He liked his own hairless look and felt blessed he did not have to shave or trim too much. But Rick's black curly treasure trail intrigued him as it was something he did not have and yet Rick's vascularity was damn impressive.

"Get ready MuscleGod, I want you to follow my instructions the rest of the way. We are going to do a quick show for ourselves here in front of everyone else. And none will be the wiser...okay? You ready? You going to follow my commands Seth?" Rick hoarsely asked as his arousal was taking a toll on him. Seth kept saying "Yes" to every short question asked by Rick.

Rick said, "Here we go...grab my cock pal, just feel it before I pose...Great, that feels so good Seth...feels good to you doesn't it?" Rick knew all his previous conquests became infatuated with his huge cock, Seth too was easily becoming in love with his cock as he gripped it tight and squeezed. Rick asked him quietly to appreciate all of his offerings and this stopped Seth from squeezing the huge cock.

Rick nodded to his tiny erect nipples and symmetrical lats and torso development. Seth's eyes followed Rick's eyes and he understood. He reached up and gently felt each muscle group. Rick's cock bolted in his shorts, Seth had seen it try to punch its way through the silky shorts when he touched the tiny erect nipples.

Rick inhaled and flexed shirtless. Both arms while smaller than Seth's were beautifully contoured and round and hard from the morning workout.

"Come here and kiss my right bicep Seth..." Rick barked, "...oh God that feels so good Seth...lap at it for me pal..." Seth did as commanded while his right hand dove into his own blue nylon shorts.

"Come here and now lick around the crown for me, get me harder know you want to do that for me...I can see it in your eyes pal..." Rick was loving the control and the response.

"Do me, come on, these are for you Seth...Feel me up - no one is looking right now. Kiss my biceps...both of them. Now kiss me right on the lips...come on...." Rick was going for broke.

Seth kept his own cock well attended as he did all that Rick asked and commanded.

NEXT: Off to the locker room and Rick's home for Seth and Rick

All criticisms, suggestions, insights are welcome for this new serial on Muscle Worship. Just write me:

Next: Chapter 2

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